Regular to $25.00 ` f Your choice of 43 Ladies and Misses 1 winter coats, fur trimmed, all sizes and icloths. Sa1e- . . . . . . . . . . . . $6.95 COMFORTERS All 15% off SATINS _'rI-II nn,m: Ixmmn ow-w wuc v uwvvwwu '9A:r ,,i_Zi_5j0',.I:"-.-5<;_Hf. DOWN I Pillow Cotton I PRINTS 19c yd. !...1..J-1.. .-A31.-u-I Khan; cnqt-I11 uni-,, such as is done in private business.- There was money being lost by lack fl, nn..nrInole1nv\ as Fl-uiv-Inc `union ni- 4-aowl-U W39 uavuwy pacusg IUBII ll] JG VII of co-ordination as things were at present. He would not go so far as to advocate the city manager idea, al- though it would be better to have one man at the head of affairs, re- sponsible to council, in charge, with the possible exception of the auditor. Ratherdid he favor a director of pub- no services, such as is now in vogue _in Quebec City. Mr. Brittain earlier in his address referred to the competition which is arising among municipalities in the struggle for industries and said a municipality must nowadays be wide awake and alive to its opportunities if it was to benefit. Most essential was efficient, business-like muncipe 9.! government. That `municipality which can offer equal service at less cost is the one which will benefit nnnnlv ll `nun gnlnl. NHIBA no.1-.u_-..-... --_ Iuunv ID was yuv vuuuu WLLI 96118110 mostg he said. The ratepayers can . I`II` G1 I Special Group, all new} small pattern Prints- --Sa1e . . . . . . 19 yd. BARRIE, ONT. 0.AT HATS `IT A Inn`: Iv 95.65: Slightly soiled English reg. $1 yd; to clear . . 59 yd. Silk and Wool Hose. Special $1. Sale 89c pr. Silk and W001 and Pure Wool Hose. $1.39 pr. 1 lot` iihed Silk Hose, reg. $2 for . . $1.39 pr. To $1.75 Pure Silk Hose. Several shades. -Sa1e 2 pm. for $1.50 $1.75 Pure Silk Hose, also Chiffon. $1.-39 pr. Purewthread Silk Hose. -Sa1e . . . . $1.39 pr. 12~5-)-'a;d's mLir;en Towelling to 30 yd. o - o I 0 c ydo Service weight pure thread Silk Hose. -Sa1e . . . . `$1.85 pr. 1 lot odd Wool Toques. ---Sale . . . . . . 25c ea. 1 lot odd Wool Toques tr; clear . . . . . . . . 15c THRIFT SPECIALS IN THE HOSIERY DEPARTMENT BITEX HOSE '"`3'3'-'-`T i SUPER 5'!-'9 KAYSER I IIJEVVV 995 59-1 42 in. Circular, good qua1ity.--Sale 35 yd. control the situation by applying` sound business principles. The rate- payers do not at present seem to rea- lize they have a direct monetary in- terest in the corporation's business, for the reason that under public own- ership there is no accuracy of mea- sure of efficiency of service. Under private ownership he sees at first hard vuaunfll-u dn `him iniano-I AI-main-n: 9' `Speaker warned his hearers that public control and ownership had not yet reached perfection. There were still.many private detective agencies, privately built .sidewa1ks, private parks and playgrounds` and hundreds or thousands of humans being educat- ed in private institutions which gave most efficient service and were not dependent on public taxation.` Mayor who thanked speaker on behalf of the Club, good- naturedly took issue with hi1_n on oer-, yII'UW \I"IJGI9I`l.I LIV CW U LILDU I results in his dividend cheaue. ' xizif 's'm1'i' 55%- terns, fast colors. Fhrift Sale 19 yd. 1 odd lot Ladies , Misses and Child- ren s wool and flannel dresses-To clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $1.98 Broadcloth Smacks Good quality broadcloth, several col- ors, sizes to -42. Thrift Sale . $1.49 ea. Odd lot Ladies and Misses pure wool flannel middies. Red, navy, copen-To clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $1.49 FRILLED CURTAINS 1 lot to clear 200/" off Silk and Wool and Pure wool Hose? Sale 79 pr. 72 IN. SHEETING Fine Heavy" Quality, Bleached -- Real spe- cial 21/; yds. for $1.00 Boys and girls A11 Wool black Hose. Real quality, sizes 8% to 10. K Reg. $1.19 for 75 pr. F LANNEL MIDDIES iklbt Misses Fine Silk and Wool Hose, reg. to _98c. Sale . . . . 75 pr. Misses Silk and Wool Hose. Sizes 6 to 9%, reg. 50c to 89. -Sa1e .. .. 15% off Pure Vthread Silk Hose. Sale . . . . . . . . 95 pr. 1 broken. lot black .Chamoisette Gloves. To clear . . . . . . . . 25 pr. Pure {hurield Silk Hose, full fashioned $1.39 pr. Chamoisette Gloves, all shades. Our 59c special. -Sa1e . . . . . . 50c pr. 1 odd lot children s Wool Gloves, all shad- es. T 0 clear . . 25 pr. 36 IN. FINE COTTON Bleached or factory. --Specia1 . . . . 15 yd. MERCURY J DRESSES h TRUT-S!l`.fK SALE STARTS 9.30 FRIDAY MORNING :1 Special Group of the Season s Finest Dresses, in all sizes, all latest styles and shades in Satin Crepes, Georg- ettes, Flat Crepes, Etc.-Thrift Sale . . . . . . . . All Dresses Not Specially Advertised, 10% Off. 1 Lot Jersey and Velveteen Dresses, may styles- Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Lot Misses and Ladies Taffeta Evening Gowns- Sale __-_ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $8_75 _1 Lot Children s Taeta Party Frocks . . . . . . . . `tam issues. He pointed to the public- spiritedness of Barrie s citizens and asked if the fire department, under private control, could be conducted for $1200 a year, as it was at present. His Worship also pointed to Aid. Cra- ven s sacrifice in the administration of the relief department. - "u':E.' :i;u?;i{;&"imt Mr. Cra- ven was not a. committee chairman but in reality a department head working without salary. - ` Mayor Mccuaig - commended the idea of inviting such speakers as Mr, Brittain as being educative and help- ful. His Worship referred to an_ edi- torial in a newspaper (The Examin- er) suggesting that the County Coun- cil could, with benefit to` itself, sub- stitute this idea for the time-wom Warden s banquet. r - Exammer`C1aseifie&s bring prompt emits. ` IIl\I"II HI` I 1 lot Draperies, Madras, Nets, Chintz, etc. $1 yd. -Sa1e . . . . . 39 yd. DRESSES ~ THRIFT SPECIALS IN UNDERWEAR, KNIT-WEAR, ETC. EORSELETTES, $2.00 ,- _-.-1::.__ .-:..1_ i='z``c}';`1?t,`;?aE1;T3&iiE inner belt, 32 to 38. CORSELETTES, 89 Fine quality, good style. Sizes 30-32-34. CORSETS 98c Low bust, light boning, gizes 22 to 30. . A Odvlins I:1'::rr`1r()_."}eg. to S8 to clear . $2.95 lJI\l`\n-amp n v v Fancy pink, medium length, all sizes. in-lhlnul \IIr\a 1 lot ladies fine Vests, plain and silk stripe, long, short or no sleeves. vnay-no Iona`- Ladies fine winter weight, sleeveless vests. A real quality. Imported Motor Ro'bes-Sa1e . . . ..$3.50 4 only Cotton Comforters-Sa1e . . $5.69 T or$2.0~ Ha V Embroidered Boudoir 0.1;. Q1 Q3 Children's Bloomers in black, sand and white `to 69c-_--Sa1e . . . . 45 Fin:a"mc;11'21m'y. .4 r 1 knit vests, all wanted shades BRASSIERES, 49 __2 1, ...,..l:... `CORSETS, $29 4.1 12...... M......,. D... SILK V!-ESTS 98; ."*?.5T.5,39. yzsys 59 $14.95 All Cushions Forms-C-rS;e . . . . 15% off 1 Lot Bath Mats-Sa1e . . . . ..20% off 1 lot Cushion Covers, R'unners, Centres, i etc.-Sa1e . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 14% off All Motor Robes-Sa1e . . . . . . 10% off :1 lot English Bath Towels . . . . 20% off i All Wash Goods-Sa1e . . . . . . 15% off All Printed Silks--Sale . . . . . . 15% off A11-Coatings-_'-Sa1e . . . . . . . . . . 1/3 off * De1naps-Sa1e . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49c pkg. Infants Rubber Pants . . . . 25c pr. To 45c Chi1d s Rubber Aprons . . . . 25c A11`Do1ls to clear . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c ea. All Hand Bags--+Sale . . . . . . ..l0% off All Gloves (not specials) . . . . 10% off All Writing Papetries . . . . . . . . 10% off Cna C.-.,.,.:..1.~ 2.. I/...:LL:._ -_ 11 IN EVERY DEPARTMENT White Flannelette Yard wide, dandy qual- ity-5 yda. for $1.00! -land Sloves Nriting See Specials in Knitting Wools IVIII-ll` V1 I-I111` exce`;-)'t specials 10% off l\\ II 14:11` except specials 10% off Cbildren s Overalls Fine knit pure wool, all shades. 2 to 7 years. reg. $2.50.---Sale $1.89 % Children's Sweaters ` To match above pullov- ers, sizes 2 to 7. -Sa1e . . . . . . . $1.89 sizE}3'77 p~{1:c;:a/7301 To $5.50-Sa1e $4.69 Mrs. G. C. Robey of Washington recently gave birth to her fourth pair Of in SRVPYI vnav-o IU y`, JluJU` nauu laluulusuulvu I-J uuuu u Cushions-Sa1e . . . . . . . . . . .. $1.89 Large English Bath Towels . . . . 75 pr. To $1.00 large Turkish Towels .89 ea. Large Striped English Towels . $1.00 pl`. 45 in. White Table Oilcloth-Sale 35 yd. Face C1oths-Sa1e . . . . . . . . . . 4 for 30 To $1.00 fine Linen Towels . . . . 69 ea. To $1.50 Kimona Cloths for . . 95 yd. $1.25 Pure Linen Tab1ing-Sa1e 95 yd. To 75 Wrapperettes--Sa1e .-.` . . 39 yd. All Cretonnes-Sale . . . . . . . . 10% off All Shirtings-Sale . . . . . . . . . . 10% off All_ Linens, Sets, etc. . . . . . . 10% off All Cotton Bed Spreads . . . . . . 15% off Children's Sweaters All wool coats and pull- overs. Sizes ~to 32. -Sale . . . . . . . $2.75 Thunday, January 17, 192. LADIES BLOOMERS AND DRAWERS Reg. to $1.75. $1.19 JUMBO KNIT ` SWEATERS 10% off ALL s1u< UANDERYVEAR `An ALL WINTER UINDERWEAR -can ALL KNIT ..TER" ,"E .`.R `An `$21; 1'6 '23:?` SUITS 42 in. Pillow Slips A good quality. 50 pr. Pun `Pour COTTON BAT?" A 10 oz. fine uality, clean. Reg. 45c or 39 TEA 'rovgELL1;v_c . ?`.l+'-,`K9."_'"'" THRIFT SPECIALS IN THE STAPLE DEPARTMENT Shop Early-.New Thriil Specials Plaad on Sale `Every Day..We Have What We Adverlise..Sh0p Mien `THRIFT SPECIALS I *:'NT5_ `DWTFRK . COATS 1 piece-`Bleached Tab- ling. Dice pattern. -Sa1e . . . . . 55 yd. 19vgood patte'r1-1s-H-`-3 6 } in s. wide -Sa1e 24 yd. ELETAIN NETS, ETC. '1 odd lot curtain mater- ials to clear . ; 25 yd. Engliih Flannelette Fine Imported Cloth, white and stripe 24c yd. Heavy Engliah Fletfe White and"striped. Real quality . . . 5 . 3 29 yd. 27 in. English F lette 1 piece on1y.-Thrift Sale . . . . . . . . 14 yd. SHEETINGS 1 lot 72 in. and 81 in., bleached to 75c.. --Sa1e . . . . . . 59 yd. 5 1;1. --Sa1e . . ._ . 34 pkg. Eng1is1`1mC`:i`t;1r:;.`x'r-1s and Chambrays. Reg. 39c. -Sa1e . . . . . 29 yd. . legitimate needs. As 9. result all the people had to suffer on account or the ward syste . - __ ...n__._. .u..-I......... I115 uiusu. Gnu gvvvasuug uuu uvvuuuuu even before they had time to pro- perly crystallize was the tear that he was A going to -offend someone by voting `this way or that and thus an- tagonize votes. on the same reasoning a three-year term, he said, would give an alderman at least twoyears of ac- tive tunctlo,ninq..At present the av.- erase municipal eouyncil-was swapping WARD SYSTEM 15 CQIPEMNED vsav vvwou Ugwvvo-In Do banks or railways discharge their boards or directors every year?" asked speaker in advocating a three- year term to assure a continuity oi membership and policy. As it was now, he opined, an alderman spent -"a third of the year getting the lay otthe land, 9. third fishing and the other Hum`: unnntllna his fauna: in nrnnm-n. 15119, E vuuu Lsuuoug uuu vuv vnuu third mending his fences in prepara- t1on`-i.'or the election. Uppermost in his mind and governing his decisions ......... Lgonhn H-mu had time in nrn; 7 Comfprter Chintz <-:HE!r=s+=..9I.-9?? TQBLING .',.'."T-?A'.T"_`T`T F_ Fine quality heavy whiteflette, -medium, ` large and O.S., long sleeves . .A$1.19 4 styles assorted patterns, French prints. ` -16 .to 20-Sale . . . . . . . . . .-. . $1.98 1 lot fine quality houe and porch dress-' es, `gingham, etc., `reg. to $1.98--'. c-va :1 no .._ (Continued from page 1) another ward, helped his neighbor out at the council board. Very often no words were passed. A wink was as good as a nod. and in this manner 9. civic debt was built up beyond all .F1an'3919** <`-.<.>.W9 $1-.19 WE HAVE WHAT WE ADVERTISE New House Dresses HOUSE DRESSES in I jjll Special 89'c.. 'S'a-1-c;-63 ` Many shades. Fast dye. Reg. $1. Sale 59 yd. DRESS FLANNELS Pure W00]. 28 shades. Reg. to 98c Sale 75 yd 1 lot Pufe W661 Serges. .Severa1 shades to $1.50 yd.-Sa1e . . $1.19 yd. 1 lot navy` and colored Pure Wood Serges. -Sale . . . . . . 95c yd. _ n1;mw~x'n: THRIFT SPECIALS IN THE DRESS GOODS and SILK DEPT. :7 Shades i}{c 1uLin{gl black to $1.75. 98 yd. CREPE-DE-CHINE Pure Silk, many shades. -Sa1e . . . . $1.29 yd. _....---...4...-. ..4 ENGLISH TWEEDS :1-\Ann1 Q01! Qn1n RD. Putt; -S-iilz, `1'1.e`a.7y-.&ua1- ity, many sha-des. Thrift Special . . . . $2.09 yd. A Fezi-1`.c;'Ja-11`it;'.-S.`;.>e-c-:ia,1 buy. Several shades. Cn1n Q1 no ....I Sev`era1'sha\cl`es. --Sa1e . . . . $1.49 yd. Mnssguna SATINS 22 _Velvfteen CANTON CREPE ..nn1 .....n1!L.. Osman: ms` , Utbo, 1960 Lu wan/v . $1.39ea. horses crossing a stream, consldred poor business under any conditions. ` _--,1_ L- _____ A _.____`_`,._ V5.15. (needs be very, very`p_ub1ic- spirited or very thick-skinned to stand for public office these days, Mr. Brit- tain said amid laughter. "'1-Iowever,vI have the greatest admiration for those who do. Those who do not have neith- er the nerve nor the public spirited- ness. They have no right to stand back and criticize or pokefun. s 116 W W 559$! In 5555 \1\III\LJ UIULIQ COB was only one of ,the fruits of yearly elections. ` . `Imus uttnin dlvidn nun-rlninnl arm. J Vii Ly VIFV Iuuuu. Mr. Britta._in divided_ municipal gov- ernment into two heads. overhead and 9.ctsual" and urged _the placing or responsibility "on departmental` heads.` Speaker ine}f;n `V alderman . who was elected for 29 consecutive years and made the boast that he had never offended anyone. He had side- stepped the contentious questions with great agility and if things became too hot -he was sick. This condition, he. _-.l.I _.-.. nu.`-. nu... A0 `Inn I-squib: AI 553955 7 ` A'11'E{{siuons com in stock 8 on? {Sale .. 200/,, off Sale The Woman of Economy, who shops for values, need gono further, when she sees the values we present in our January Sale. Every necessity for the Home r_educed-_to effect GREAT SAVINGS. You're bound to find just what you're looking for at prices far lower than you'll find elsewhere-Also you know the high standard of quality of goods purchased` here. ' COME EARLY! COME OFTENI! BRING YOUR FRIENDS! u`I 336.5 -322 7 :2: LADIES .5C')ATS - Every One the Very Latest Style - Nicely Fur Trimmed ANY com`, Reg. to $27.50-Thrift Sale . . I . $19.50 ANY COAT, Reg. to $34.50-j`hrift Sale . . $25.59 `ANY com`, Reg. to $44.50-Thrift Sale . . . . $3159 BLACK COATS to $25.00-Thrift Sale . . . . % All Children : and Misses Coats-Thrift Sale Off SALE STARTS 9.30A.M. FRIDAY WOOL BLANKELTS All 10% off { cpsugous 8. W. MOORE CREPE SATINS Black, navy, wine, al- mond, maroon glace, etc. Sale .. $2.49 yd. Pure Wool French, many patterns. 89 yd. TAFFETAS Many shades. --Sale $1.69 yd. and $1.25 yd. 1n black only. Real spe- cial. Sale . . . . 98 yd. Silk & Wool Georgette Several shades. Special. o o o o yd: SILK VELVET Black only - limited quantity. Sale $3.19 yd. EVERY LADIES , MISSES AND CHILDREN'S COAT MUST BE CLEARED .- EVERY CQAT Rgp A can k. -__-. _- . ..... 1."- 17---. I ..J.-..L CL..1,~. in `PIE; W831`. `s7`e'ra1 shades.-Sa1e $1.19 yd. 1 lot Narrow Satins. .--Sale . . . . . . 50c yd. All Winter Coatings. Sale 1/3 off. DUCHESSE SATIN lhl..0'l: _A1rr9Ys DELAITNI-Zisf On Sale 9.32 _aturday ` rut\nrI-uw I\ (luv: 13 on'1y'I:a_dEe;? \7Vi-n'tEr"C;a-t; o_ Elear. A 4 lot ladies hat's't'o'yZ37oo-sa1e $1.49} -All other ladies hats . . . . . . . ., 1/; off This GREAT THRIFT SALE Begins 9.30 0 clock Friday, January l8Ih. Ends Salu