Avaaua 1 \ friends at week. IiI.IIlJ-___.._ V`)'V;`1'luamson 4Russell of Parry sound is the guest or his cousin, Mrs. W. H. Rance. up)..- up_____I Lu- ;u, 1 Mise Mary`Strath has been engag- ed as teacher in the school at Roblin, Lennox County. `Mrh-.3 Iamad-ta- 159111. ..c vur....o......I vvvnn Winson Ellis is spending the holi- days with friends in Meaford. Vance Rintoul enjoyed part of the holidays with Port McNicoli friends. i Dick Robbins enjoyed a visit with friends in Toronto over the week-end. `Mr. and Mrs. E. Thompson spent New Year's with friends in Midland. Norman Stanley of Beaverton re- newed acquaintance in town last Innnlr gili%iiii%ili$} ELMVALE NEWS imw&wimim&w&wim Village Trustees Decline Edna -4. II--- uncut gv ` Vasey Montgomery y for a. few d 7M1ss 'La.ui'a Asaph has returned to Brampton after spending Christmas -with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Asaph, Bayeld St. `Ill : and 1\Ifw-a `LT Dnlynn n6` I2"InauvnIn| y visited days last A. L. Duncan, aged 77, of South-_ ampton. Ens, has crossed the Atlantic 140 times. _ - . V The Presbyterian Sunday School held their entertainment and Christ- mas tree on Christmas eve. The can- tata. When Santa Forgot the Smiths. was well given and brought out the real Christmas spirit. Tllr and `IA :-5 1 `D--- .....A Onnmlln A9 Lcau \.uu1uIuuao ByLl.'1l.:. Mr. and Mrs. J. Rose and family of Milton spent the holiday at Ans`-18 M0` Cua.1g s. "`nn-An Y l1_..1___. -__ .1 A_..-IA fth, vuuag a. Misses K. Graham and Annie Mc- Cuaig of Toronto spent Christmas at H. McCua1g's. Ifnnd-nun 12711...-` -...1 ;~_...1-.. BAIOL. A5. stave uuaa 0- Masters Wilmer and Gordon Row- ell of Barrie are spending the 1101!- days with their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. _Geo. Crawford. `J? I IlI\4IH Services at Guthrie Presbyterian church will be in the afternoon for the coming year, changing Sunday, Jan. 6. Service at 2.30, Sunday School at 1.30. H11..- 1-_--I.--L-__2_,, .. n-I...-.1 ALI-LIJIJULV, LUL VLIU pdbb WCCL. There is still a lot of the flu in the district, but it is hoped the worst is over. ` A _.._-A_.I____ ,n An _... . ,,q__ -0--- Uvulu A meeting of the Bible study class is being held in church, Friday even- ing. `lJ'nvu-up `Ta... 17.... .A.- -11 v;;vv no anuanu: LU]. U115 LVUW 150:1. Jas. Brown and Miss C. Brown are` spending the New Year holidays with- Fred Brown. ' ` | 11.1---- 1 u -. _- ul ,,,L 1--...- in ulna. -. Miss Helen Blackstock of Toronto spent New Year's at her home in Owen St. 11.5.... ......:I 11.... 7-_...-_. -__.I 1:1-..` a.Auu .|.u.\IVVLA- ' Misses M. and F`. Hubbert have | been staying with their brother, B. Hubbert, for the past week. 'T`hm-n -la cl--I11 n 'In+ ..a 51... u in HM: - --rr I do not Ztlink in the circumstances I should make any order as to the costs of the appeal. Tf AF I\I\IClVl'\ c..1I....._ A.-|._.|. ;.1.- _.4 uvuvu ua. unac ayycal. It, of course, follows that the der cancelling appellant's drlver s eqse should be set aside. MERCURY AT FEING POINT `FOR CHRISTMAS ` CCTZZI Jan. 1-M1ss R. Campbell of Tor- onto is home for the New Year. Tna Dwawvun .....I 12.1.. on 1-|.......... go-A V...-.u vuuva The burden is on the prosecution to convince the Court beyond 9. rea- sonable doubt that the accused is guil- ty of the offence charged and I am not so convinced in this case. The evidence required in a case of this kind should be stronger than that re- quired in a civil action. The evidence herein might be 15ufficient to support a verdict for either party in an action for damages. `r .-..... ..a 4.1.... ...:._.1.., LL : um 5 us uunsnuauou I am of the opinion that the ap- peal should succeed and the convic- tion should be set aside and the money paid for fine and costs and deposited as security for costs of appeal he re- turned to the appellant. 7-1,, Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Sometimes in collision cases de- ductions are made from the condi- tion and place the cars are found in after the collision. These facts are no doubt helpful at times but do not appear to me to be very much so in this case. l'I'II_ _ gv5oun vuuv- vvvnnt Mr. and Mrs. L. Laver of Maple Aapent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. -`H111, Sanford St. `Elna. "Fla .... can IN-Ann. -0 CV|____- 1485!: wccn J-L-IV a-aAu.uuLlEl' repc that Guthrie Chittick had been cessful in his appeal against a. viction made by the Orillia pa magistrate. Following is Judge ` mer s finding in funi- This is an AD 1 from a convic made by the Po ce Magistrate or iilia. against the above named ap lant for having on the 26th day October, 1927, driven a `motor ver ___u_u.. 1.3m!-urn. u Iunv * *-- "gig-l\I kiggl is re;.i1vy"i;1mthe nature trial and all the witnesses aj sonally in Court upon the -._. .....L `-uI\*l'I!'\l` kit fhn l'I\v\n`1 REAsONs =1 -`OR GRANTING\ APPEAL or c. CHITTIGK .--::__ 111151 GEGLLLQU yanv an-uvv th a on a public highway dangerous to the publiz As the procedure in kind really in the m .,,s_1 _..A ..I`l I-1:: nvifnnnx Mi-iappy New Year `to all. 22 23 24 25 26 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20. n1 .'I'l-IE BARRIE EXAMINER HOLL_1_f__ ....1-\ on nag \IOA nun: ', 1 1* public. 9-Avg, nvvn ~v., .yvunua_y. Miss Gladys Marlin of Buffalo. N.Y., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Marlin, Clapperton St. `Km and Ilun fliiknut `ED G1.-`Ann AC 10 12 24 32 32 V conviction ...L- -1 ru._ reported \nnv\ (In u.. v nv vnvsc e Or- d appel- 1 day of 1' vehicle manner BULK` police : Na- 17$- luulguung. The patient left, but returned a week later. Well. how are you feeling?" asked the doctor. Worse if anything. was the reply. Ah, but did you follow my advice and drink hot water an hour before breakfast?" The thing fworiyfotzx to do, said the doctor to 8. patient, "is to drink hot` water an hour before breakfast, every morning." Ink- nod-Cnnf luff, hut rnhirnnrl a us-nu. tvnuvnaaan, vauyyun avg; -.4 . Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert P. Sladen of [Toronto spent New Year day with Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Charles. Ito. A-up-I lun G `If `lknnun 1-sncn Innu "I did"my `best, air. but I couldn't} = .__. - AI-nfo?_lc s Market F` was Mbc__$?thcI`s`JA1rI_ I Messina Lemons Mealed Cottage Rolls lb. 23c Mealed Back Bacon lb. 29c CAl.:lf0RlfJ_IA i1_~us;v1-:L coon ORANGES BRITISH COLUMBIA A DELICIOUS LARGE SIZE-DOZ. "P and G" `rm; WHITE NAPTHA SUGAR Miss Margaret King, R7. 7(:7h17eister. N.` `Y.. was home for the Christmas holi-I days. `I11 I` IT-in-IA AI Yllnnntnu. ..n-..nu.A .. I APRIL PACK. doz. 39c WEEK-`END SPECIAL SODXRWKFERS 2 for 25 MacLAREN S JELLIES 5 [or 25 "10 Bars 39 Buy 1 lb. Arnold's Red Label Tea and get--3 lbs. Fine Granulated Sugar for 10. A BIT TOO LONG CHOICE TENDER 52 3:: :j THICK RIB ROAST . . . . . . . lb. 24c RUMP ROAST . . . . . . . . . . . . lb. 25c BEEF BRISKET . . . . . . . . . . Ib. 15c` BEEF CUTTINGS . . .. . . . . . . lb. 19 Fresh Legs Pork lb. 25c FRESH SHOULDER PORK . lb.4'9c FRESH BUTTS PORK . . . . . lb. 24c may ca. E. E. Kidd of Kingston renewed ac- quaintance in town during the holi- days. CIYAIO-an Ilillnnn 4.0 "f'|.n.....4-A -cu... -nit`. . on av:15n\.IAIr|Iu|Jl l\lV\I VII` 1 I Delmonte Asparagus Tips, square tin Heinz Pork and Beans, medium . . . 4 Aylmer Pork and Beans, 2 : . . . . . . . Clark : Fork and Beans, 3'3 . . . . . . . Crossed Fish Sardines . . . . . . . . . . . Fry : Cocoa, 1/2 lb. tin . . . . . . . . . . Icing Sugar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brown Sugar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aylmer Choice Peas No. 4 . . . . . . . . Aylmer Choice Corn . . . . . . . . . . . . V Aylmer Golden Bantam Com . . . . . Aylmer Choice Tomatoes, 21/2'3 . . . 4 EGGS EVERY EGG GUARANTEED -NOTE OUR REGULAR PRlCES-__| ON NATIONALLY KNOWl`{.PRODUCTS_ '_1__w:Af1' SEEAE L Apples roz. 3 9C OLD CITY STRAWBERRY wR1sI!E s SOAP -sin -4: 1\E;jor.and Mrs. Lawson and Miss: Audrey are at Judge W1smer's for the vacation. (I! `I IV...\-- J IIYAII-.._..lII_ -..A- s1z1=. ' Are you willing `to swear that you .know more than half of them?" de- The prosecuting counsel had en- countered a rather difficult witness. At length, exasperated by the man's evasive answers, he asked him whe- ther he was acquainted with any of Ivkn -luuno Yes; sir, replied the witness, more than half of them. ' . ..2h1 ,2 . ..2h ,3 : . . . ..t . . . ..t . . ..3ll: .. 21b )4 . ..2ti1 . . ..2ti1 tCom . . . . ..i5 kep it up more than ten minutes at a _stretch. SPANISH FINE GRANULATED 'rrE'I-:E:r'H 'so'A1>_ 3 Bars_19c `V VIC Ulvlno W. J. Gray of Walkerville was among old friends in Barrie over the week-end. Ill..- I:I..lIL|.. r1....I-.. -1.` 'I1....I-.. 721-11.. ms-5: ONIONS 3 lbs. 1 7c The standard of quality in thousands of homes. Car- nation Butter is a fancy Creamery Butter that comes to us from the very finest Creameries. it has a creamy, mellow f1avor---as rich and as pure as good butter can be. If it fails to give you the fullest satis- faction, we will refund your money. I-:1EEI!9_Y "CARNATION" WELL INFORMED BEST CREAMERY BUTTER Iggfnoz. 29 " FILLETS 27 doz. A lh.22c TRY A POUND THIS WEEK-END Cottage Brand Creamery--lb. 43cv `V7 UUlI`\.vI-I\dn Miss Edith Cooke of Burks Falls visited for a few days this week with -Mrs. Jack Vair. `Run an...) `Kg... 7 7-..-.. -8 Il-._I- H o 1 union! jaw ...tinl9c .tinl5c 23c 3 lbs. 23c 2 lbs. 11c 2 tins 27c 2 tins 25c . 15c '2 :53; E232 rt`:-oi lb. 43 PASTEURIZED 10 lbs. 59c VTAKE ADVANTAGE OI`-`(THIS LOW PRICE AND LAY IN A FEW wmaxs SUPPLY. A new club for women organized in London requires that candidates for membership be able to smoke 9. pipe properly. 178-.n.l..l.. 'rr..11..._.. A _.--_ .11 $1..` manded the man of law. The other thought quickly. If it comes to that, he replied. I m willing to swear that I know more than all of `em put together." ya. vyvn. I-J . Virginia Keliman, 2-year-old New York child, who early showed 0 die- like for milk, has eaten more than fifooo bananas and little e1u_1n her ei .avs vnavv ;\.n. IMAM Axvstuayau Miss Wainwright of Toronto is the guest of Miss Helen Ross. A 'LY|IwI'nkIn AC Fl`nnnv.6-A ecu... -AA-L. FINEST COOKED WHITEFISH lb. 21c SUPREME SMOKED "SUN!-1GHT" 10 Bars 53 HERRIEGS lb. 13c %BRO0MS WINTER CANGHT 'l}JLLIBEE For a1fEaEnEe?i?.g_ THINLY: sLic1-:D Miss Edna. Aiaph is visiting friends! at Cookstown. 1 unwn I'1nI-I-wpnll -1 III.I..._..A.-__ _._-... 1.- FRESH CAUGHT Good Serviceable lb. 48 33c HAM FISH Plain Handle 5-STRING Page Nlnl itldo N IUU ALVA AIUIIIU LICLC Philip Love was with `his sons in Toronto for the holidays. ' I/Nan `XYninn1r`n-hf AC Tnunutn in tin; 9-cu-1 vq anacuu LLUIULI Lvua-3. I Ed. Huxtable of Toronto was with friends in town for the holiday. E rM1ss Roberta. Malineeoyfi Oriliie. was: with friends here for New Year's. Geo. Spanis of Bowmhvllle visited with hlgs father here for the holidays. 31;; us Walter Wilson of Toronto his sister, Mrs. Eastman, -Years. Ill.__ V7-1-.. v\I--I.__L__1_ _n pr vvvnuvuvvaau I Gren Caldwell of Edmonton was in town yesterday. ; I anon mu-z., -n..m........ .._....a. -u-_..i yv u on J vuvva uni ` I Miss Elsie `Robinson s pent New `Year's at her home here. lihliln 1..-... _.-_ -__n_\. u_.1_ _-,,, 1" III III 3 PERSONAL g == , An, all-elecirlc ship of 9,000 tons, which may be operated by one man, was recently completed in Philadel- Mrs. Edith Rowe, Organist Miss M. Sinclair, Choirleader TUESDAY AFTERNOON Mr. Hale will be at home to the women or the church and congre- gation from 3 to 5 o c1gck. ` Sunday, January 6, 1928 11 A.M.-TI-IE AMBITION OF A GREAT SOUL. . 12.15 PM.--COMMUNION. '1 P.M.-What Do YOU Say? ----:-- billuny. uau......, -, 11 A.M.--LIFE'S WARFXRE." Children's Talk: The Magic Crys- ..v-I 9' ORDER OF MEETINGS: Lord s Day Breaking of Bread 11 am. Acts 20-7 Sunday school and Bible Reading 8 pm. 2 Tim. 3-15. Acts 1'7-11 Gospel Meeting 7 pm. Romans 1-16 All seats free. No collections Monday; Jan. 7, qt 8 pm. \ THE YOUNG PEOPLE'S LEAGUE} \ Burton Ave. United Church A L LA N D A L E Pastor: Rev. Geo. E. Coulter Ohoirmaster: F. J. D. Norman 11 ALLANDALE Presbyterian Church Rev. J. 3. Thomson, Minister was Ellen Dobsoh. Choirleader M1as?Anah Bailey, Organist I-Iii; uu-u now. Mr. and Mrs. H. Baker of Elmvale and Miss Milligan of Tottenham were aha guests of Mrs. W. 0. Walls for -New Year's. `nu..- 11-..}-.. V-\-..A.-.:.1...- --_.I 1"..." Thursday. January 3, 1929 T GBEPEL HALL 37 MARY STREET, BARBIE imm$muamuiiwim Sunday, January 6. 1928 1 A.M.-THE` PASTOR. 3 P.M.---SABBATI~I SCHOOL. 7 P.M.--Rev. R. B. Stephenson of Stratford. ` I31 IJKII Anna- -_- , CLAPPERTON STREET Rev. Arthur Hale, Pastor. Sunday. January 6, 1928 .,.. -.u-an-u 1I1ADuqADm. W. M.--DESIRE AND DUTY. Anthems by the Choir. - VD Lava: -~_ ALL WELCOME Meeting Wednesday 8 p.m. Anfc 13.13 35135 V7 cuuvu Acts 16-13 was with 2 for New \ vuann, vnnnu vvvvnnq Miss Freda West has returned to -London after spending a week at her `home on Dunlop St. ` Joseph Coady of Detroit. Mich.. is spending a. week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Coady. Mrs. J. N. Bradford and son, Jack, of North Bay, visited her mother, Mrs. Grey, Peel St., recently. Ihsu (lino-Inns llnulln n0 `Dn-'n1n \Y `Y I Arthur McLean was honored by he- ing selected a member of the Cabinet, without portfolio. at the Boys Par- liament which has been in session in Toronto during the past week. R. Wesnell of Ottawa and Mr. and- _ Mrs. F. `G. Hutchings and two child- ren, Constance and Kenneth, of To- ` ronto have returned home after spend- ,ing the Christmas holidays at the {home of Mrs. Caroline Lowe. L an. 4.1. a.r AL Thurs:la; :. Jan. 10-Cl5.pperton St. Baptist Church. Speaker: Rev. Geo. IE. Coulter. _ --.__._____-- -L II __ ___ cu. Wednesday, Jan. 9-St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. Speaker: Rev. A. E. Baker. v_., {A 4-uu-__.___.L,__ (ML 13% Some friend would `appreciate receiving a copy of The Examiner. IIIELLUOU DUIADLE. UK 051!) [Jill-(IOU. Paramount is presenting Chang" at the Capitol Thursday, Friday and Sat- urday. _It was produced by two intre- pid camera adventurers. Merian C. Cooper and Ernest `B. Schoedsack. Don't miss it! 1:: \,` - we 4 venues. 6Il\J|J\a pl vubllv vvuau &V6I u CWIAIA lMrs. W. G. Ross and two sons, Leigh- ton and Jack, of Stayner; Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Craven and daughter Kathleen and son Hugh of Jackson- ville, Florida. T ` nan. uusavnlnl-lbs). `What, they demand, `is really the best show in town? `With all due respect to the drama. as we used to say, the answer I find myself compell- ed to give is `Chang. There is more genuine drama concentrated in ten minutes of this astounding motion pic- ture than you will find in as many hours among the entertainments else- where. The heroic, unending struggle of primitive man for survival against the elemental might and terror of the jungle, the incomparably beautiful spring of the tiger, the cataclysmic stampede of hundreds of wild ele- phants that leave whole villages_ matchwood in their wake-these are the materials of what, for once. may truly be called,_a screen epic in the highest sense_ of the phrase. Dnunvnnutnf -In v\ununv\C-Ivan ""|l)V\tI" of ` Mr. end71v'Irs."viI. .}. _re.yen, 131 ,Bradford St., spent a very happy Christmas when they had a reunion of their family, the first in a number lof years. Those present were Mr. and YUTI-c \XYvf'1 Dana and {mun lII\V\B `I ;-dnlnh nvorybln} `.;;..;.'.m.{ .5 ties. semeesj ,;v.|.L. uuu AVA-5|). uauu nunaun \.IL|u4L nun. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Moore are leav- ing on Jan. 10 for California. accom- panied by Mrs. Moore's brother. llfvv and 'l\'vvc (`av-kin AF f`,Hnfr\n CIILLIJ JVLL Du CLIVUI I! \ll G B81 daughter of Windsor have returned home after spending _a. few holidays `with the latters parents, Mr. and Mrs. iJas. Marlin. - A..I.I...-.. I-_I| ___- ____ I,_,._____I I,__ I__ NEW YORK CRITIC CALLS I CHANG TRUE EPIC FILM] Now and again anonymous voices ; honor this department by telephoning `to ask its opinion or advice on the current amusements," said George Goldsmith, dramatic editor of The New York Herald-Tribune, recently. He continues: . ll (`f7L..L 1 LL... _I-..--._.! (X- .4--II-- LL- holidays with her parent, Mr.` and Mrs. W. D. Paddison, Victoria St. rsuvucun s NIUIIAU DJ 1! vvv Ada] (Edwons) Solo: God s Promises (Eversoles) Miss Sadie Bremner l 7 P.M. Night Scenes from Scripture III-THE NIGHT WRESTLER - :Anthem: Day is Dying in the Yiinal-H I A oval`-An;-\ ` rsluuauaanu era; as -rgoqna nu. UM West (Ambrose; Solo: (Selected) Miss Doris Turner 11 A.M._-TIiE MINISTER The Ddctrlnal Basis of the .United Church of Canada ARTICLE I-GOD. (Anthem: Some Sweet Day I IVA Inna Sunday, January 6, 1928 \ 11 A.M. The Old Year and the New 7 P.M. At the First . -The Beginning The first in a series of addresses on Great Lessons. in Simple Texts. COLLIER STREET United Church ofcumla Rev. J. Johnstone Black, B.A., B.D. IKIv|{cIrnsI ST. AN DREW S Presbyterian Church Rev. J. S. Shortt, M.A., Minister Edmund Hardy, Mus. Bac.. F.'1`.O.M. Organist and Cholrmaster as: Miss Marian Partridge and How-I ell Parjgridge have returned to Victoria Univerity after spending the holi- days at their home. `'`run kfnnin `I3.-.Aa'HnA..~ A4` A`un4\`A I\ Union service V;Ic;i:x:1o;s>:iay, Jan. ' 9. at 8 o'clock. Speaker; Rev. A. E. Baker. A WEEK or PRAYER is being held at the following churches: Tuesday, Jan. 8-Collier St. United nksumnln ;.uu.;oua,y, uau. u'-uuuu:L Du. uxuwu church. Wednesday, Jan: 9-St. Andrew's Presbyterian church. Thursday, Jan. 10-C1apperton St. Baptist church. Sunday, January 6, 1928 11 A.M.-REV. MR. STEVENSON 7 P.M.---REV. MR. COULTER V I vvunuve . `All services commence at 8 pm. S.S. AND BIBLE CLASS AT 3. (Elizabeth Strse ` REV. A. E. BAKER, MINISTER Miss J. Bryson, Cho1rlea.der. Mrs. Richardson, Organist. United Church of Cangda WEEK OF PRAYER Home W11Soii-A.R.C.O. Organist and Chou-leader. uuJu uuv v n a w n n ; nvnnnvo Miss Neola. Paddison of Akron. 0.. -nas returned home after spending the can-m%.;c.;u.1E;i' Sunday, January 6, 1928 WEEK7 OF PRAYER 1 WINTER HAS ARRIVED Real winter weather arrived to start on` 1929. The mercury dropped to 2 below zero on Wednesday and the snow fall this week` has been over six inches. Yesterday morning the bay wa.s'ca1m and "stea.ming and the ska.ters'ha.d visions of a fine sheet of glare ice in a. couple or days. A high wind rose during the day and rough water prevented the formation or ice, the restglt being that the bay is still open today. Last year it was frozen over on Dec. 24. rnucuvvuuu IJIIll3IIllllB lanluvnuullnununnu The annual Christmas entertain- ment of the Allenwood Sunday School was held on Thursday evening, Dec. 20. Supper was served in the base- ment and when all were well satis- ed a program was put on by the children assisted by a group of the young people putting on the play "The Young Country Schoolma rm. `All the parts were well done and everyone enjoyed the evening. But the end was not yet. Hardly had the program con- cluded when Santa Claus appeared and with the aid of some helpers dis- tributed a very generous supply of toys and candy to the children of the Sunday School approving of their regular attendance and the way they helped their mothers at home; Only Two Councillors The annual nominations for Flos ' Tp., held in the Parish Hall, Monday afternoon, created very little stir, there } being not much discussion. All the old council are in the field for the reeve- > ships and while four were named for councillors, but two, Richard Green- . law and Geo. McGinnis, qualified. (Consequently it will be necessary to hold a new nomination to get a third councillor. Those nominated were: For Reeve, Jos. Drysdale and W. F. ` Downey. Deputy-reeve, W. F. Downey, |Marshall Langman, Albert Toner, Ed- win Train. For Councillors, Richard Greenlaw, George McGinnis, John Houden, Sim. Cotton. Dies of Heart Attack A sudden heart attack caused the ` death of John J. Kennedy, aged '74, at the home of his sister, Mrs. D. Ken- ` ney, 487 Manning Ave., Toronto, on ' Jan. 1st. He had gone to Toronto two months ago 0 a visit. Deceased was 1 born and edu ted in Rockton, Bever- ley township, near Hamilton, but spent the greater part of his life in Elmvale. He was a stonemason by trade, but had been retired for the past seven years. Mr. Kennedy was a member of the Knights of Columbus. A daugh- ter, Mrs. F. Nichols of Windsor, his sister, Mrs. Kenney, and two bro- thers, David of Hamilton and Mar- ten of Phelpston, survive. Coronation Lodge Officers At a well attended meeting of the officers and members of Coronation Lodge, No. 466 AF. & A.M., held on Thursday evening, Dec. 27, W. Bro. A. L. Fleming in a most able manner installed W. Bro. C. W. Ritchie in the Master's chair, and invested the offi- cers with the collar and badge of of- ce. Following are the olcers for the ensuing twelve months: Wor. Master, C. W. Ritchie; I.P.M., Dr. D. Corcor- an; S.W., C. A. 1-Iisey; J.W., Dr. D. C. Harvie; Chaplain, W. D. Cotton: Treasurer, R. M. Black; Secretary, F`. `C. Bishop; S.D.,.P. J. Gray; J.D., G. R. Lane; D. of C., H. Baker; S.S., R. , A. Cooper; J.S.,,A.. Train; I.G., G. L. 3 Usher; Tyler, Jas.~E. Black. ' Allenwood "Christmas Entertainment 1 I-I-u__ . _ _ . --I lII...l..L....... .u.l-....b;.I..n -......,. ` Recent holiday visitors at the home of Chas. Lennox were Mr. and Mrs. John Gilchrist of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Lennox and Lambert of Utopia, Misses Norene and Ivey Bro- Alma and Leslie6f Toronto and Jas. and Miss Mary Miller of Mt. St. Louis. Hurt by Fall on Sidewalk While on her way to church on Sunday morning Mrs. E. Montgomery had the misfortune to slip on the sidewalk and injured one hip which will conne her to her bed for a few I lley of Egbert, Lambert Lennox and weeks ugovnsu nu. uvuuayil WIIJLI LJCI. puxcxwa. Miss Betty Cooper has returned to her home In Belleville after spending a month with her brother, R. A. Coop- F1` nouns, -JvrA_AAvL\a nav- Mlss Theresa. Green of Sharon, Penn" was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Jack Vair, this week: "`o<- `I.....I.. `IV_..L I`-.. ..-J....._._.1 L- Wlvlr. Carrington of Victoria College. Toronto, occupied the pulpit of St. John's United Church on Sunday ev- ening. 123--....` \...u.:.... -.a-u-__ _._ uh . ' vvvv no OVA. 58- I'll \I\l\J!I\iInn Thomas Shanahan is spending a few weeks with his daughters in Tor- onto and Niagara Falls. 1` 1 \A`A....l..-... 1...... ....A......__.! 4.- 1.1.. v a n v o v A A Au.a_u AAAVULAUL, 1.7150. (1. LJIUWLI. Miss Helen" Adams, who is attend- ing business college at Collingwood, spent the holidays with her parents.` 'Ml'Iuu' `Raff-Ir finnnnw has nA+n-and L- . At the nomination of trustees for the police village of Elmvale, Monday evening, the retiring members were renominated. These, are W. A. Mal- colm, W. J. McGuire and Harry Wade. These gentlemen have so far declined to accept re-election, but a week is allowed in which to reach a final de- cision. 45:3 luau AavAAu2:Ju- Grant Mahoney has sold his chop- ping mill to Wallace Clute who takes `possession this Week. `II. anon` `II... !!I IN 1-u_I.-_ _.._1 `Au... vnnvv Gil-l\ bituanttil J-`Gala. J. L. Morrison has returned to his home at Lougheed. Alta... after visit- ling his mother who is 111. l'l'!I.-....... 15--...- -...1 A 1-_1_'_a .__ `.-.3 gnaw aAuvAav5 "luv to Add Thomas Brown and c. `Cole "or An- ten Mills were holiday visitors with the formerfs mother, Mrs. A. Brown. `All... 'I_!AI....~ A.I-___ _.L- 1.. _LL_.. .1 auuaasavn vvuu U. o Miss Bertha. Ellis of Meaford was the guest of Miss Helen\Adams dur- ing the holidays. flwnn Ilnlnn-spun Inns and`! LI. ..l.A- yvuuuuunvaa V1110 VVGCA Mr. and Mrs. F`. C: Bishop and Miss Mary Johnston enjoyed New Year's with friends in Barrie. an-.. .._.1 IR__ v-1... In_-..-.. .1 .11. vv nun as Avuun M]. an: L LC. Mr. and Mrs. John Cooper of Belle- ville spent New Year's at the home of their son, R. A. Cooper. I Thnnnna u`A|\v\n`a\nnn `In -.n-.....ll...... A -fiussauu VJ vLLu. LV&\.ILIL\o u uauussub - Mr. and Mrs. Carbin of Clinton spent the holidays with the latter's` parents. Mr: and Mrs. F. H. Hur1burt.' `-1.... v______ A..._._I_ 1.-.. _._L.._.____I 1.-