[ THE + BARRIE`. + EXAMINER The C111?-- ltd .151 UJ95\a\-`IJCI JJClCUuAj- Mr. Frank Craig. An Of ficer, Mr. H. Morren. Collier St. Dramatic Club -...-uu-vu THE PR9!ViME Will Hoig Tl:e-i1_'vA_1;I:t:aTl COLLIER STREET EWTEFP PHURCH ;..r;_;,;a; i>;;;, lI3__ I'.'__, MEAT SUi_ I1i`-1"I'i' .1*"i91.75 Eil?" L).|Jl.l1JfL\ILJ].'l1\r]JJJJ "-" By Sir Arthur Sullivan. 111' 1-1-7 1' A .1-uwv-no 'BELEAGUE:RED--Q 'D-- CV:_. A-.A_1-._,, n_,11-,,, Battveryless Sets from an -um . nnn- Atimission: :L1;I;`L;, ___..- .T1___-__, , JJKJLJIJIIJJL 1` from Bavarian Islands. Ross Block, Bgrrie 50 crtrs. i);c.-iu. `Q UGUL DU 100%. I | Others on the toast list were W. A.i .Boys, K.C., M.P., J. H. Mitchell, M.P. [1P., Alliston; Mayor Mccuaig, Barrie;l ' Earl Rowe, M.P., Edgar Jamieson, ex- ' M.P.P., Mayor Gooden of Midland, lvwilliam Wood of Bradford, dean of -5 ex-Wardens, George Sinclair, an ex-; :|mayor of Orillia. Councillor Michael` lAsselin of Tiny led in the singing of Allouette and Jock Jones, in Highland '!costume, made a big hit with two Lauder numbers. . I L County Councillors and their friends from all parts of the county last night . attended the semi-annual Warden s 5 banquet, held in the American Hotel. ` J. T. Simpson and D. H. Coleman were the toastmasters. The customary pre-' sentation of a watch to the retiring Warden, E. J. Lambert, was made by J. F. Hambly following an address by [J. J. McKnight. David Williams, edi-I i tor of the Collingwood Bulletin, gave ;an interesting talk on the history of the press of Simcoe County, dating back to 1834. IN`-I-`nun l\v\ `kn L.-.....L `l:..L ...-._- 111 n `PRESENTED WITH WATCH AT WARDEN S BANQUET MOI-IAWK muc RADIO STORE EY TH E LAW); `wma CLIVEBPOOK Gsoncs BANCPOIIT Ma... ,..".2::.";','=:5.m... u EVELYN BPENT - LADDY SEMON v (ZQ anIr.'zou7z1Qidzne A ;H ECTOR J'URNBl._JLL, vsoouctlou FIN`, ' This picture played throughout the States at $2.00 prices by the title UNDERWORLD. The lm that critic and public alike have acclaimed as being in a class by itself! A tale of aborig'in::l men and their_mates - living on the out. of life. Dramatic - Dynamic ---- Something; new in picture(!;;n1! LOVE! ACTION! FUN! Dix makes love to the beautiful trans-Atlantic girl yer. Rrth Eh?-er. Dix gets into more fixes in a second than he can get out of in an hour. LAUGHIS, LOVE, THRILLS! See Ruth Elder soar through the sky. 11: up um ...- an --;~.-- -u MON. - TUES. -. _._.-- DEC. 3 -- 4 . Lay on, Ma.cDuff -- Also M.G.M. News Hearts that pound faster than the gloved sts . . . . A knock- out punch in every reel. . . .Latest Cody and Pringle laugh riot. THURSDAY, DEC. 6TH (ONE DAY ONLY) TONIGHT -- FRIDAY -- SATURDAY__ v-'-v-- -v-- _..-_.._ .3150 up to $367 Battery Sets from $100 up, complete Cash or Easy Terms oP1_-:}v_Ev_Ez11v_cs_ _- E`o. 4?Fi6TAlK COMEDY - THE BEST M1 s.N _ AILEEN SECTION 2 PAGES 9 TO 10 D0.( I.0j0Z0{0` I Han: ii;1.Iu;f.L}a iuaa. demonstrated in your home. _l_12 St., Barrie MON., TUES., WED. - DEC. 3 - - 5 Pmzggyyglsgnlwg NQYl_:`.L . REGULAR PR1 . -4- A.a.r--at --1 2"1 3 "1 L . DEVORE COMEDY-COMPANlONATE SERVICE . "Z V Also Paramount News-Lettr. _ CQMlNG-CARRY ON SERGEANT THURSDAY - FRlD_AX - sATm_m_Y JEVENILE COMEDY - WILD CAT WIIILIS" AL_S9 FELIX -5 _``.THE SMOKE ASCREAM% (_`,_apil__c)i}`1`%. Ihealre 1 -133 A KRIII I K lIIII`l\l\ I" mnumTuIa}... 2I3bL."%cn.I 11 5c, Adults s. GIORGIANNI Phones 1320 and 1161 Buy Advertised! Things Wlohawk Lyric non ALSOP AT THE wunmzm on Pacic `Coast or any Station, im cones | an E- `.Drun:.eE_Pincudutibn Of K Phase _ That H Ida .. ` and Bnthnllm O Ki` `cowed` ' anaomaua `nix f z "Dam Byik Beauti- ulmtd ptv-{ted H1':Gru1tiea, And Eventually nu Hi: _f`8la-uu'A' mm ' - W was naumrrr. bonnw mm, nvn sou-menu, nussnu..uMpsoN, _ O WBLBY BARRY. RBTA RAB. EVELYN QDIBC I SlMCOl:'. S FINE SHOWING AT ROYAL WINTER mu: uyynu wcnaldvavvow vvv v--w ---u In potatoes, foxes, swine, Here- fords, Shorthorns, Ayrshires, Clydesdales, thoroughbred: and some other classes, 'Simcoe entries were in the money and in many cases well up to the top. Among the winners were John Hunter & Sons, Allandale, B. B. Warnica. of Painswick, R. L. Richardson of Barrie, G. G. Gibson of Anten Mills, C. W., Henry of Thornton, Carscadden & `Son of Bradford, E. Crawford and T. R. Crawford of Oro Station and A. E. and S. Dyment`. F`nu4-inn-n nova!-inn'In1vIn A4 1\A min- DIHIUUE HIEUO 8 BPICHHII-SI auuvuug. W. L. Hamilton of gcollingwood was the outstanding winner in the apple exhibitors at the show. L_L____ 3 _ _ . _ -....._- `B--g- uy wen u. Further particulars of the win- nings will be given next week. Not only in stock judging, but also on-its exhibits the County of Simcoe made a splendid showing. T T. TJ'ovvn"I+n-n A Ar'.n1!'I0mnnI` WARDEN SUGGESTS MORE PAY FOR THE COUNTY TREASURER outside the discussion or the summer property assessment and the road sup- visors, both of which are reported in this issue, there was little of interest before the County Council during the first three days of its session this nrnnlr weex. Warden Lambert, in his opening re- marks, recommended an increase in salary for the County Treasurer. He considered $2100 q te inadequate for such a capable of! 19.1 handling over a million dollars every year. week. TIT. u D Imlhll - -.M-ug_..IM-lhutlulv. TIIUUUU To Life $7 TU Novel .' MALI -l_!EG[.{LAi2 PRICES, 10 - 25 61113 Sl'VlCe I1'O111(1` I16 De 1'8-e.|.eC l3e(1. Doug. Smith, the opposing can- di-dsate, was then called upon. Doug. is -also a leader in boys work. holding office as `Chief Ranger three times and is now mentor of a strong group of ,'Trail Rangers. Although it ,is his first nomina- tion for parliament he proved him- self quite capable of taking hold of the situation. TT-J.__ A-.. 1.-.... 3..-..- 1n _.._-_._ Voting, for boys from 12 years to 2'1 years, -will be on December 1st. Barrie polling booth in store recently vacated by Mr. Jarvis, voting 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Allandale booth, vacant store in R. R. Both. we1l s Block, voting 1 p.m. to 6 ment. `Supper was served at 6:30 with Central C.'G.I.T. /groups serving in a most competent manner. After supper everyone enjoyed a hearty sing-song led: by C. J. Seitz, who knows how to use his peppy song sheets, of Allandale Y.M.C.A. San- dy 'Coutts,- ex-member of Boys Parliament, started off the speech- es with the chairman's address. Mr. `Seitz then read` a copy of a winning oration on Canada's Fu- ture impressing upon those pre- sent their d'uty to Our Country. Nixon `Cole, returning officer for the district, asked for the co-oper- ation of all in an endeavor to have every eligible voter between the ages of 12 and: 21 at the polls-on December 1st for arecord vote. x7-:1 -nu--:n_.:.1- ...--....1 .....4... DU uy $11153 uun-:uU uuwc. -Mac. McLean, the rst candi- date to speak, in his forceful and intelligent manner outlined his platform for the coming election. Mac. has a record: in boys work and leadership which comes only of hard work and sincere ideals. He stressed the point that his past term as M.B.'P., has given him a greater insight into the work and promising another year of effici- ent service should` he be re-elected. n-.-.. a..`.u.1. 1.1.- .... -2-.. _-__ l TORONTO PASTOR FOR CLAPPERTON ST. CHURCH l After a. short`vacancy, caused by the resignation of Rev. E. J. When, the pastorate of the Bap- tist Church,_ Clapperton .St., is to be lled on Dec. 16. `The new minister is `Rev. Arthur Hale of Olivet Baptist -Church, Toronto. He preachecl in Barrie a few weeks lago and was unanimously called. in onnn11nn.nrnnn+ nu? +kn on- The junior voters of the elec- toral district of Barrie and Allan- d-ale turned out some ninety strong at a conclave held last Tuesday ev- ening in the `Central United Church. The speakers were Doug- las Smith and Arthur McLean, candidates for membership in the 8th Ontario Tuxis Boys Parlia- ment. :...._-. uvvnn QAIVIYAI` 11+ R `Rn EU GNU was LIIICIIIIIIIULI-D1 UCL1UUo His announcement of the ac- ceptance of the call was made to his people in Toronto at the morn-* ingservice on `Sunday last and at a congregational meeting follow- ing the service his decision was reluctantly accepted. JJUUUHIUCK Lb LU]. `l.C\iUL\.| vuuwe Neil Mc*Bride moved a vote of thanks to the C. G. I. T. groups who so willingly offered their service. This .was responded to by Miss Lorene Lowe. Mlnn TM'nlT.nn1n 4-lu: G10:-+ nnnrh- THAT C C TY Tuesday. Dec. 4--Ha.rvey J. Beeton, lot 2, con. 12, Vespra-ra.rm stock and implements. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Mcconkey, Auct. 4'7-48x Thursday, Dec. 6--Geo. Money, lot 20, con. 2. Sunnida1e--fa.rm stock and implements. Sale at 1 p.m. W, A. Mcconkey, Auct. 48x Friday, Dec '7--Mrs. A. Shaughnessy, west half lot 1, con. 8, Vespre.--farm' propert . stock, and implements. , sale a 1 p.m. W. A. Mcconkey. Saturday, Dec. 8-At Marrin s Yards, Barrie, 21 high class dairy cows. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Mcconkey. Wednesday, December". 12-`-'W. Hun- ter, lot 15, con. 10. Essa, will hold a credit sale of farm stock, imple- ments and household effects. Sale at 12.30. H. A. Grose, Auct. 48-49x M. P. CANDIDATES SPEAK T0 BOYS Art. McLeari', Doug. Smith, Appeal for Votes, Dec. 1st. CRED}T SALE - I\_ . 71'- -.--. BARRIE, CANADA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1928. Gifts to Rev. I. s. Shorttl and Mrs. Shortt by St. Andrew s. LECIHIUIIDUII. Two presentations featured the pro- gram. On behalf of the Ladies Aid. Mrs. McMartin presented to Mr. Shortt a richly bound copy of Whittier`s poems and Mrs. A. Singer handed to Mrs. Shortt a beautiful bouquet of mums. Speaking for the men of the congregation. Judge Ross expressed in very appreciative words the high esteem in which Mr. Shortt is held by his people and Mr. Gallie presented to the minister a handsome arm chair. 1'... u.-wan 1\II u Gknvff coir! `ha vac First Deputy-Reeve V. E. Knight announced at the outset that he would again be a candidate for office and started in to give an account of his record as chairman of the Board of Works. He defended the purchase of the new truck and road maintainer, stating that more miles of. road, at less cost, had been taken care of in 1928 than ever before. He also thought the town had never enjoyed as good. roads as this year, despite the exces-' sive rains. Upkeep of roads in Barrie] this year, he said, had cost less than} $209 a mile, which would put county and provincial figures far in the shade. Ac r\I 'Dn1v'F{o`rI Q9 navy-Inn `In .- PRESBYTERIANS HONOR MINISTER Members and adherents of St. An- drew s Church had a very happy con- gregational gathering last Thursday night at which their minister, Rev. J. S. Shortt, and Mrs. Shortt were the guests. Ever since Mr. Shortt was hon- ored with the position of moderator of the Synod of Toronto and Kingston, it had been planned to have such a gethering to show honor to their min- ister, but owing to conflicting engage- ments it was not convenient to hold it at an earlier date. - A1nl! f`r\I-Iu'av\ nvnnidnrl nvu-I Pkg-r-a tune 1111. Short addresses of a very happy and congratulatory nature were made by Rev. J. B. Thomson of Allandale and Rev. Neil Campbell, the latter an ex- moderator of Synod. Both testified to the splendid work Mr. Shortt had done for the Church. Mr. Thomson recalled that when he came from Scotland ten years ago Mr. Shortt was one of the first men to greet him in Synod at Edmonton. fl`!-up. nnnan-nd-nl-Inna foal-11v-or! l-HA rw-n- _ only human and appreciated not only B0 one Iruuiswr a. uzurubuuic In ux uuau. In reply, Mr. Shortt said he was the honor conferred upon him by synod but even more the evidences he had received or his congregation s esteem and respect. One of the great- est satisfactions of his life was to feel the fine fellowship and goodwill existing between them. Such consid- eration and kindness inspired a min- ister to his best work and he bespoke their continued cooperation that the highest results might be achieved. On behalf of Mrs. Shortt and himself, he extended very` warm thanks. Dnfunehmnnfc nmrn cat-var} and affnr `lav VLLAUALHJ LAB nu. yo Ana: All 0115 DLLGUC. "MRS for Bayfield St. paving, Mr. Knight said that ultimately a perm- anent road would have to be laid and inasmuch as it was now a provincial highway, advantage should be taken .of the govenment s policy paying 50 per cent. of the cost before the offer was withdrawn. I-I-II__ _`_._.-J._- _.--___ L-1,1 1 Vvrau vvauaausawtlu i The deputy-reeve told his hearers: that Barrie had a million dollars in-' vested in its roads, sidewalks and sew-I ers and was only spending one per-_I cent. in maintenance. It was not` enough and such a policy would not be tolerated by a private corporation} for a moment. He deplored the lack of equipment last spring in taking care of emergencies caused by floods and storms. He advocated the continuance of work on Sophia St., Gunn St. cul- vert, permanent roads for Bayfield and Collier and the diversion of traf- fic along the latter to relieve con- gestion of Dunlop St. All these things, he said, would eventually have to be undertaken, while most imperative works was the Mary St.` sewer and the cleaning of the septic tanks in Ward 6, something which had already been too long delayed and which might any time cause much annoyance, in- convenience and expense. Mr. Knight's practical address was a plea that more money be put at the disposal of the Board of Works. The present allot- ment, he said, was entirely insuffi- nlnni-, I & UIIU Ill tations, with 8 11-- n III U10 1111 CUal'11U.l UUIUC. Alex. Cowan presided and there wasl a short program of music contributed by Misses Muriel and Mary Thompson, Miss Chalmers, L. Singer and Emory T.'l'l'l1 Board of Works Being Hampered By Lack of Funds AAAVLLV, clent. 116 exbcuucu Vt:1_y wauu uuauna. Refreshments were served and after an hour of social intercourse the gath- ering dispersed with ``Auld Lang Syne. INSURANCE ` AND BONDS GORDON STEVENSON MEMBERS STANDARD STOCK AND MINING EXCHANGE Phones 1005 - 1010 Don t Forget MINING STOCKS and_ get clearer and better radxo reception. The new sets whch we sell are the re- sults of the combined `ener- gies of a. highly skilled engin. eering staff. WE SELL EVERY KIND OE KIELY & SMITH REPRESENTING Damages amounting to $2,500} with costs. were awarded Duncan! Johnson. Minesing farmer, form-' erly of Mara township, for injur-R iies received; when he was struck by a car d-riven by Walter Ross,i ,also of Mara, in an accident on the v `highway north: of Orillia on Octo- ber\8, 1927. The case was heard by Justic Mc*EVoy` at the adjourn-5 ed sittings of the Assize Court last I Friday. 1` HA I Johnson. a man of 70 years.. was com-ingrhome from a thresh-' ing and was alighting from an au- to in front of the house of a farin- er named Byers when struck by :Ross. going in the same `direction. {Johnson received terrible head in-` Ijuries and was in hospital a long .time. Doctors and nurses bills `amounted to $774. ~ 1 . 1 . The annual Commencement Ex- 3 ercises for Barrie -Collegiate In-I stitute will be held at the school on * Friday, Dec. 7, at 8 p.m. Carterl scholarships, Andrew Hay prizes. St. Joseph s College scholarship and graduation diplomas will be presented. r1-___L_.__ 77- 1 r- v-4v.- yum- Constance Hinds will give the I valedictory, and there will be short i speeches, music and a short play. No admission fee. ____-. --_.. -- Y . { His Lorduship found that Ross `had not exercised ordinary care. When he saw a car stop in front of him he should have assumed someone was going to alight and slowed down. He said a pedes- trian had every right to get out of an auto on the traffic side of the road and the fact that Ross had_ 18 feet of roadway to pass was in ' itself evidence of carelessness. ; _-..-__ .__.-.--., V- v...-v-y.....,..\.,....- , Evidence of a doctor was that Johnson would never be the same. ` Since the accident he suffers dizzy I spells and his memory has failed badly. He said he remembered nothing from the time he stepped ' off the running board onto the. roadway. I Next Hamlin -u Cigiar Store lB.c.1. COMMENCEMENT I FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2% AWARD FARMER _ $2500 DAMAGES |Minesing Man, Run Down? By Auto, Permanently Injured. on'Fue'sZ1a},' wiliiconsist 0; the following selections to be given by the `Choir: (3) `7c'.z{io1~{r '1C4EiA7 OLD VIRGINIA- Solos, Duets, Quartettes and Readings by other members of the Choir, also the famous t\1IIu I Ah-II 3- g.- -v---v-- Madan1'c>-i.s;-e-I-Ive Rose-- Miss Leila Hunter. Ze11ie--Her Housekeeper Mrs. H. G. Robertson. Mere BIanche--A neighbor 'Mrs. Thos. Sinclair. TL .. I1..- ii) (2) (By, F;;I;czi; eo_p13:a;)- under the direction of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Wilson LL16 \JllLCj- Mr. `Clifford Graham. Jacque_' Lereoux- IA -u I3u....`|- (V...-. 2... Tune ' in uA.-a.x-..-