Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Nov 1928, p. 8

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Study the situation carefully--t yourself--- do not be carried away by sentiment, for when sentiment interferes with business-- busi-` ness suffers. Hydro in Barrie is bigger than any of its employees. IT`. 50 ,, ............. .. For the last four or five years the Hydro Engineers have fre- quently intimated that Barrie, owing to its increasing importance, required the services of a more competent superintendent. They had no criticism of Mr. Hare as a mechanic, but felt that many of his ideas regarding management and policy did not agree with theirs and advised a change in the management. While I personally at reed with their views and so informed Mr. Hare during discus- s ons had from time to time, I nevertheless desired to retain his ser- vices if possible and on more than one occasion took that stand with the result that he was continued in office but with diminishing con- fidence in his ability to satisfactorily perform the duties of the office. I .-.1 Inlvnu annu I-n nnooaa A37 tho nan:-In nun`-I-are up`-nk Inri {tn FHA I propose to shortly give some of the retsons which prompted the dismissal of Mr. Hare as superintendent with the history of what led up to such action. until 1'1!!!` I\IIIO Au :III\ uynllun UIIAI-A Cami.-`an.-a 1-Onuvn can TO THE ELECTORS OF THE TOWN OF BARRIE: Ladies and Gentlemen :T RE AD T HE P ACTS With the full cognizance, recommendation and approval of the Hydro Electric Commission of Ontario the local hydro commission recently made a change in the chief administrative executive for the good of Hydro in Barrie. This action is now being attacked by friends whom the removed oflicialhas interested in his behalf. _ The electors of Barriewill decide on December 3 whether a com- mission of three elected representatives shall continue to safeguard an investment of over $400,000, or whether this important work shall be delegated to an official who has been found inefficient and insubordinate. That is the real issue which faces the electors. Wlll A COMMISSIBN E OBITS EMPLOYEE ADMINISTEHHYDREO AF EARS IN BARBIE? necessary m we Interest`. 01 tne system as u. wuuw. _ In view of this, and! the number of years Mr. Hare has been in our employ, this lcommission would! appreciate very much if your Commission could see its way clear to place him elsewhere, and if possible recommend a suitable successor as lsuperintenld-en-t of our ulna}-,c .IUlL-HO JVUVIIIIIIVAIW 6! uulvuuny uuvvu-auv. wu Ipliuzvivanouavvlnu-Iva-Ir V. v-. lants. _ D If you `will therefore 'be good enough to take steps by advertis- ing or recommending some one to ll our requirements, at a maxi- mum salary of $2400.00 per annum. to start on, we will be much obli ed. 3 Yours truly, ' [III 1 \ `I III Wlllifrl .fII_ _ I_____ _ .- rs-----, '---., .__`.--_,,- H dro Electric {Power Commission, lToronto. . W. Pope, Eeq., `Secretary. e ~ Dear lSir:--Iconiditions havinm . reached a point that this Com- mission consider that a change in t e management of the local ~I-I dro System here is necessary, would request your assistance in ma ing the change. `The -`Commission feel that their policy has not been carried out by fsuperinrtendent !Hare, as we see it, to meet our re- quirements, therefore we feel that an immediate change is absolutely necessary in the interest of the system as a whole. Tn dam mf n : wnwl -H-m. nnmhnr nf vaam Mr. `I-Iare has been in SINC1-AIRM and KEPT BARRIF. in the F OREF RONT of Hydro "--m:nnzn x D0_N T TAM_.PER WIT_H .g._1>p_L_1gg_\[H1g1 HAS PUT `Barrie, 'Ont., `September 27th, 1928. -_.-__.L- After this I asked Mr.Hare to call and he did so, and in the presence of `Commissioner Jackson I told him the Commission had decided to make a change and asked for his resignation to -be effec- tive on December 1st. To this he agreed but did not hand in his resig- nation, as promised. Some time after the letter of September 27th was forwarded, -Mr. Mccuaig called me on the telephone and in- formed me that some citizens had spoken to him regarding Mr. Hare s dismissal and he was now opposed to same. 0,, A1,- _-.-_.!- -t!-_ -.. f\..L..1.\-.. bUulyIC|.uu vvnu nu. aauu...-V. w on November 2nd as follows: a .u -v. \ HR1H/NV ' " `H'.':ii."- IIA'noH~E~R. On. November 14th~.I received a letter from the Hydro Com- mission as follows: * ............... ...... ..- ....- ..-.. -,,---_ .- _,___-, . A special meeting was held in the Mayor s office on October 26th and motions were -passed to dispense with Mr. Hare s services on December 1st, and engage Mr. Hatcher, and I was instructed to carry the motion into effect. The Mayor dissented to both motions. --_1 .._r.s-- _--..,. ..........I .. In... .Lln..a an,-I an-onrrnnnnnfc Pun light ball} Luv euvuuu ausu wllurwyu . .... ......_... ..-.,.,--.--.. A formal notice was served on --r. sHare arid i1ir'e-n7'ei'i1ents completed with Mr. l-latcher and I received his letter of acceptance - \1A__-...I._.. A-4 an C;-\11Auvn to his position with the 'Commission,_ having in View what had trans- pired, an-d he said, no he had notand had said nothing to us. KY_L 1--__.__- 1_--,_.I _,_,-_ Fl` Not having heard from Toronto, I telephoned and they told me they had a man in `view and would send him up and Mr. Hatcher sub- sequently called and we discussed his engagement and '1 promised to let him have definite word later on. ` u--V--an -av enlvvnn -r I up vvanudwvbaulvll auu \oUlll1JCIlDCIhlUllu We feel thatjltgr. Hatoher is the best man- that could be obtained at the present time for the position. of `.Superintenid'ent at `Barrie and we are `quite satised` that he will give absolute satisfaction to the local Commission, and to the consumers. 1-17. _1_. 1.-, 1 .1 ' upuu `mu: aycuxnx rcquesb 01: an OI me me-moers OI me 1oca1 *uomm1s- sion. `The delegation was informed`, however, that we did not like to see Mr. fHare removed! in `a summary manner and` thought that he should be given some considieration and compensation. . :1 _ . `H7- 3..-! A-1...; III- 'I _f-L'.'I.-._ :_ L1, - 1-,_., ,, _ ,, . 1 1 1 1 . , v._ - ,1 A delegation which advised us -that they represented! the --Board of 'Traide in Barrie, called: at this office recently. was advised that the |Commission s Engineers had felt for some time past that Mr. Hare was hardly suitable for the important position of |Superinten- dent of the Barrie `System, and that !Barrie could! better be served by a new appointee, and that we had recommended an ap ointment upon the special request of all of the me-mbers of the loca Commis- d -turns :OI:I\|D\nAI`AJ: L ..... `Ann LLAL ....44 .11.? ..-L 111'.` L- `av uuuuuuuuuuuu .u Onthe other hand! Mr. (Hare has given some #22 years of faithful service to the municipality. and! has become crippleidv and physically incapacitated while performing such service; consequentIy\ we feel that a certain amount of consideration is due him in bringing about changed: conditions. A _I_1---_L_',,, 1,: I 1,: 1. .1 . .1 . 1 .1 uvn 1 avvw. v--qannqu-aavan, uhnu UV UIIU UUllDI.llllC1'o e also feel that `Mr. Hare ought to be laced in some position, if possible, _and` although we cannot consistently recommend Mr. uuu DU VJ-GVV UV yvuu. uvvvuvavuo `Mr. 'Hatcher, as you are well aware. was recommended to the local Commission upon receipt of a request over the -signature of the two 4Commissioners and the `Mayor, and having recommenided Mr. Hatcher, the Icommission felt that :it was only fair that all of the details in connection with -the controversy in Barrie should be in Mr. Hatcher s `possession, and, therefore, he was called into this office and advised that the Commission was informed` that certain opposition existed in the municipality in connection with his appointment and Mr. `Hare s dismissal which might create embarrassment should the personnel of the `Commission change at the next election. This in- formation was given to Mr. Hatcher so that he mi ht be in a posi- tion to make his choice of his own accord, and not e leaving a cer- tainty for an uncertainty. should conditions change in Barrie as the result of the coming municipal elections. - __ ALL |II'__ 11-_,,, __ . .2, ,1 ;1_-:_ 1,-__!_.-- -__--_.-::.1._'.1 -.. Lvuuov Va. -nanny Uvlnnqnqa cu... .... - - . V - V y - . V . . ... In connection with 'Mr.rHare. we feel that having committed an act of insu'bor;iination he virtually forced` the situation upon the local Commission. 1 u an .99 1 0 man A a 1.1 A 1 Barrie `Light, Water & .G$.s `-Commission, Barrie, Ontario. g Attention: Mr. J. H. -Bennett, Chairman.` "5 ~ L- --`I._.-_..1_.`l...- ...... LVI AVCGHWIUHZ 'J.VLl'o do 11.. 'DcIuL::uu, 'uuau unuu. Dear Sir:-aBeg to acknowledge receipt of yours of the 30th ultimo, notifying me of appointment to your Icommission. In reply wish to othank you for same, and tender you my acceptance, duties 4.- ...... .. an iT\nnm-v-.1-ms 1e+ 1-mvf, I W131} 130 Iunaxus you J.UL DGIIIU, auu ac: to `commence On DeCmber 1st next. `.7... A.` Mr. J. H. |Bennett, Ichairman, Public "Utilities Commission, `Barrie, |0n. nvvu ll _ ,__ _____ ITUUHU uuuuca '\.JUuuu1.:aLvu, ua.s;nc, '\IAA`va LDear ISir:-'Wit-'h reference to the matter of replacing `Superin- tendlent Hare by Mr. vHatcher as Isuperintendent of the `Public Utili- ties, there are certain conditions `which we desire to comment upon, and to draw to your attention. ,,,_~n -,_-__.- _____. ..-..-....-.,......1....m L. 4.1.. THE IARRII EXAMINER 300 Beech Avenue, Toronto, `Ontario, `November 2nd-, 1928. c u .........u.... go: slkllo Yours very "tr111)ly,`t'I November 14, 1928. "y u'u1 H. :R.y- IIAT~cH~E~R. bun ov vv-on |Jbu~nn\AAll D. _May I say in conclusion that I have interested myself in the municipal affairs of the town for over thirty years and have served in every capacity in the gift of the ratepayers and for the last ten years have served on the Light and Water Commission, most of that time as Chairman and I naturally have a fairly thorough knowledge of the operations of the plant in which $250,000.00 is invested.- We have succeeded in reducing the total debt to 316 000.00 and the rates have also been reduced from time to time and should it be the wish of the ratepayers to have me continue my efforts to do what I can to further the good showing mentioned '1 will be prepared to carry on. . I may also add that I am prepared to do what I can to secure a satisfactory situation for Mr,Hare and am also prepared to favour- ably consider an honorarium for his past services but in this connec- tion I can only speak for myself for the Commission consists of three members and whatever is to be done will have to be agreed to bv Commissioner Jackson and the Mayor. T\a+nr'I of Para-in Haic OKI-la An" Ac M---.._-.1__,, ..._`,. us.-..vv-raven; , ...... -. 7. lt was decided to install an under r ' caster Street east and Mr. Hare was natu%al)l1;II]C1i)lz?CI`f3tcieni1n fcrj the work, the idea being to get rid of the poles. When the wt completed the poles were still standing and we found that i any authority, he had strung wires along the front of Ur: Shoe Factory. Since then we have had complaints from the pany and at anytime they can compelus to go tothe expense ing the wires down and erecting them elsewhere, and the sire: are still standing: `Hair I .0017 con nA.qA1....3.._. LI,_I I I .......... vv ulna ynaul. auu aupClVlbC HS Operatlon and 3.t_OnC Of OUT CLISSIOIIS he had to admit that he hadn t been there for a month. 4. On the occasion of the fire at the gas works, I called Mr. Hare and asked if he knew of the fire and told him he should go 5. On different occasions I found fault with him for leaving large sums of cash at the plant instead of 'banking the same on the date of receipt and pointed out he was taking unnecessary risks. 6. Complaints have frequently been made to me as Chairman by consumers regarding voltage, lack of power, etc., and when I re~ quested them to telephone the superintendent I was informed that they could get no satisfaction from him and his indifference and lack of attention to the complaints of consumers has frequently caused unnecessary trouble. 7 `urns r`An:a-I.-.4 LA 3--1- 'DGJ/AP \ Hare to the position of Superintendent and Manager in any municipality similar in size to Barrie, due to his` pecu- liarities; still, on the other hand, we -feel that the least the Barrie Commission could* do would be to grant him a pension for at least one year, say $100.00 per month for twelve `months, at the end of which period the matter could be given further consideration, depending: iipon hoW_:Mr. `Hare was situated with respect to earning` his future ivmg. . As `Barrie is one of the most important municipalities on _the Georgian `Bay System, and as it has been so well and: ably served . by its present Commission for a number -of years past, the consumers can only continue to be satisfactorily served` by havin an executive officer working in harmony 'with the Commission, an we have ac- cordingly made our recommendation of Mr. Hatchet for the position . I Yours truly, I F. A. -G4A1BY, Ch` f ' - . V T. 'r`._ .FAaT\/l`.Ii`.?.Q le Engineer Lu n|a._y U . "i5'e"c1% 1"3Z?i7i2"%`nE"6th day or November, 4923 _, y.u.uyu Au unalsc U1 t theV}")-owie-s. work \V.1S 1 without ' Underhilis the _Con1_- rnmnpinc +n n'r\ LAM.` ....i-.._-- MARK A THOUGHTFUL, EARNEST BALLOT VOTE INTHE BEST INTERESTS or BARRIE .... ......, nul 111.) nauuu: LU _VlSlI U16 its operation and at_one dis- rim indifferfnce and onsumers underground system from Mul- LS naturally placed in charge of f the nnles whpn mm ..m,:, ..... Thursday, November 29, 192i A/nu J. H. BENNETT `ns?or piIiil street poles nvw-cw -win`, (|Sd.) J of. YB".E)NlN-ETT, Ichairman. (`sd.) .1`. F. JIAJOKISON, Icommissioner. ('Sd.) '-D. F. MGCUAIG, Mayor. During the delay which followed, Mr. `Hare called at the office to discuss plant matters and I asked him if he had given consideration me OITICB Dangmg Inc uuur auci uuu. _ I did nothing for a few days, thinking Mr. Hare would realize he had "made a mistake and would communicate with us, but nothing further was heard from him. Mr. Jackson and I consulted with the `Mayor regarding the in- cldent mentioned and the necessity for makin a change, and it was decided in Mr. McCuaig s office to write the ydro =Commission and I was asked to draft the letter. I did so and submitted it to the Mayor to read it over and he, Commissioner Jackson and I signed it and I forwarded it to the Secretary of the Commission in Toronto. The fol- lowing is a copy of the letter: `- - - - - - I A-.1, `Ann IHGHL auu au GIuuI;uuI;uu; u: buy ywuu. My desire in this connection was rudely interrupted about the middle of September last when Mr. Hare called at my office to discuss some matters appertaining to the lant. We were discussing the sug- gestion made by the Engineers to ncrease the service char e on con- sumers of 2000 watts and over, 30 per month net; and mention- ed, as I had at our September meeting, that I had not seen the letter of the Engineers containing this suggestion and had only seen a letter which mentioned increasing the charge on all consumers operating stoves with three wires. Mr. Hare contradicted me and lnaturally per- sisted in my contention, and in the end he told me, in the presence of Commissioner Jackson, that I was a damn liar and shook his fist in my face. I resented his conduct and told him I would not put up with it. Mr. Jackson remonstrated and told him to be careful and not lose his head. After some further conversation, Mr. l-lare told us, we could go to hell and he did not give a damn what we did, and left the office banging the door after him. 1 AH ..,.+t.:....~ Fnr 0 FA; riavc +hini(ino' Mr. Hare would realize uusuuu Ill ulo GUIIILJ Lu canal woven; neuanu Luv uuuvu us 1. I will later refer to some of the many matters which led to the disagreement and dissatisfaction in consequence of which a change had eventually to be made. Prior to this, and on more than one occasion I spoke to the En- gineers about finding a suitable position for Mr. l-iare in some other plant where his mechanical skill and practical knowledge could be fully utilized but where he would not be charged with the manage- ment and superintendence of the_ plant. Mv rlncrrp in this mnnectinn was rudelv interrupted about the

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