Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Nov 1928, p. 3

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THE BARRIE EXAMINER Extra; L_p:1'&;1.95 Capable of weighing 150,000 pounds, a monster scale recently installed is so sensitive that it will record weight differences as small as one-tenth of a pound. WHEN YOU BUYA WESTINGHOUSE YOU OWN THE WORLDS MOST ADVANCED RADWI: : ) ` ` if A<\ \.. S. STRANSMAN J. G. KEENAN vafil FLANNELE:I`Tl_.7. BLANKETS nan. 6-lube Balteryless Compad $175.00 Complete `Wide Baiteryless Consoh 3285 Complele `Inll CUBA Iv D Ullllv uaau n ...D.. .. clipped. Councillor Allan of Innisl was in accord with the motion but thought three-fths `majority suf- ficient. We nd the supervisor has been going along `doing work without authority from the coun- cil. This sort of thing cannot be allowed to go on. While the coun- cils appoint these officials, the atti- tude of the Department seems to encourage them to disregard` the council. He said the engineer comes into Innisl and calls out the road superintendent to go over the roads without even consulting the reeves. I" uuuu n:r\ou l"nu'H-nu 'Dan+nh nn OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, BARRIE Let us prove Westinghouse" superiority by a demonstration in your home. MEN S STORM RUBBERS Rolled Edge Ac 4\- D 50 MEN'S OVERCOATS To clear at $12.95 These goods are not infected with the usugl weak_nes_s LADIES RUBBERS Special-75c pr. 1001 pairs large size A4 Juan ___.-.. jw-gv Spe- ial-$l.25 pr. AUTHORIZED WESTINGHOUSE DEALERS For Batteryless, Battery and the Full Line of Radiola Models __- -.-_=v vu- p2Eia1_$1.99 (Continued from page 1) township councils try to work in harmony with the Dept. In our township, the overseer said to me that he dIiid*n t have to take orders from the reeve," said Councillor Glover of N ottawasaga, and added`, When an official gets that cgclcy it's time his wings were man on the ground. John Manello, 13, of Newark rescu- ed his five brothers from the second story of their burning home, dropping them one by one into the arms of a assured of buying brand new, fresh Quality guaranteed by the name "W/estinghouse"--Pioneers in Radio. Come in and hear this wonderful instrument, and judge its merits for yourself. We will gladly give you a demonstration. Two doors west Bank of Toronto Full 6-tube power using the new Westinghouse A.C. Radiotrons- UXZ26, LJYZZ7, UX 171A. Distant stations brought in with ease and clarity. True-to-life tone quality, as created in the studio. No distor- tion on high or low notes. If it s in the air a Westinghouse will get it. Offered in both compact and console models at prices so moderate they set a new standard of radio value. thl Op ti-I e&:t0fe nu We-simghmlse MEN'S PENMAN S WOOL F LEECE UNDERWEAR All sizes. Extra Special--79c gar. MEN S 100% HEAVY RIBBED uND_ERw_EA1_2 All sizes V;-.S;;:ial-$1.25 gar. EEK FULL rowan T0 FIRE ROADS SUPER_ll[l'_ENDl':`.NT 7..-. on-.5. You can enjoy the world's finest and highest paid en- tertainment the year `round with a WestinghouseBattery- less Radio, at less cost for current than the price of a single B Battery. A Your ifghffncier will show 5 saving of nearly 80% under the operating cost for batteries and battery charging. `/ .1 GHRLS GOLOSHES Special-$1.95 pr. GIRLS RUBBERS Sizes 6 to 101/2 Special-65c During the last six years the Ala- bama Farm Bureau Federation has done a cooperative marketing and buying business for its members ag- gregating $66,000,000. Page Trdo LISTEN IN MONDAY NIGHTS Thundqy. November 29. .1928 `Firestone FlREST:Q!`{E'1({M-DIPPED mu-:s Our many customers and friends willtbe happy to learn that we have added a new line of merchandise t to our stock. This new merchandlse consists of a large assortment of `1j L Q L___ _ stock. This merchandise RUBBER GOOD_S RQR MEN'S, WOMEN_ S AND CHILDREN S WEAR From The BARRIE BARGAIN HOUS Comes NEWS of GOOD CHEE A ? Hear something new---surprising-different E -35 piece orchestru-internaonally known 7 . ' . ooloista-male octette-the latest and bent in radio entertainment. Sponsored by the makers of OUR CHRISTMAS STOCK IS HERE ALSO We have decorated our store for the early shoppers and you will find thousands of gifts displayed to your advant- age at extra special prices. EVERY ARTICLE IN OUR LADIES READY-TO- WEAR DEPT. ON FIRST AND SECOND FLOORS WILL BE REDUCED TO ASTONISHING PRICES. 4-BUCK_LE M_EN S OVERSHOES A- A.. OVER THE RED NETWORK-41 STATIONS _ , L ` ' U " We wish to stress the point that our goods are brand new, having just reached us from the factory. infe that rubber goods left from previous seasons are bound to get. By buying your rubber footwear from us you will be assure: merchandise which will surely last you twice as long as others will. JUST COME AND LOOK THE STOCK OVER. YOU WILL NOT LOSE BY DOING THAT. 8.00 P.M. EASTERN TIME Starting December 3rd The Voice of MOST MILES PER DOLLAR iieiback - All size} Special--$1.95 if i MEN'S RUBBERS Rolled edge, all sizes Special-99c pr. r_vIE1~I's_ovE!w-s "sT,;Zi1:$'2. 5}." Our assortment in this line will be uo to date in style and sizes and will be guaranteed, as all goods bought at the BARRIE HOUSE are sold on a guarantee basis. We've had the best time playing postman, exclaimed the small hope-i ml or the family. We gave a. letter to every lady in the block. But where did you get the letters. dear? Oh we found 'em in your trunk in the attic all tied ~up wlth a blue rib- ban."-`Clipped. :.u1u, .I._y1`Cl.', VV BUD, Wray. ` Nays--Archer, Carlton, C1;n- ningham, Fenton. Hambly, H111, Kiernan-, Nolan, C. E. Stephens. I $5550 Allan, Asselin, Bates, Bell, D. Brown, I. K. Brown, Buchanan, Crawford, Creswicke, Denney, Doran, Downey, Doyle, Drennan, Drinkwater, Drysdale, Ford, Glov- er, Gratrix, Holmes. Jebb, John- ston, Knight, Lacroix, Luck, Mc- Knight, Mc`Leod, Patterson, S ith, Spicher, T. Stephens, Templeihan, Tom, Tyrer, Webb, Wray. I NaV+Arn1wnr (`.3-M14-an (`II-I uuu m:ua.uu;uu1._'_y. A vote being called for, the mo. tion was carried on the following division. Yeas: A1-|_ ` , 10 1-: . by .- _ wan uau uuaurca bu uxmuge omen. It has come to pretty pass, saiidi Councillor iDrysd`ale of Flos, if we cannot re a man who is not satisfactozjy." A vnf-n "\n;1\nI no11nA `Au Av`-A um- work was done, but the men had] put in honest labor. If I had heldl up the overseer s payroll they would have jumped on me with both feet. I"...-_.-3`I.`I-_. 1'_LL -. HI.___._. 1!, UUDLI J-CCU- Councillor Jebb of Tecumseth pointed out that it takes years to educate a road supervisor and it was bad business to change often. `T+ kn: RAYHA +n nv-ad-+u Vanna 7! cov uauuAwg WU nuyyvwvp \7V1ll continue To be silent. -Arka.nsas Gazette; In the; _twalk1n:; movies The drama. we suppose. XXII nnnl-{nun Buy Advertised Things INIFSTINGUISHABLE PLAYING POSTMAN BOXS r_11~_:Avy_ o_\_na1gcoA'rs 's'i2e.'2'E{o' 3I4,}1i Z3iJJ.' Special-$7.50 - 'Si-z'es_'to 10 Special-65c - 75 pr. - YOUTHS RUBBERS Special-72c pr. B0__YS RUBQERS ` 0159: The outcome of the discussion was, that the matter, on motion of Councillors Bell and Jebb, was re- ferred to the Legislation Commit- uucy nave no rexunu nalf the tax, they will `be getting scarcely any net revenue from these proper- ties. --.,.--a V- --.-- ---v - -v_. _v.. . `Councillor Hamiaiy, If efders are exceeded by the overseer, hold up his payroll. ' n(`.nnnn-Inna nnnnaw TIT; Lana ay, 11: scuu. Councillor Spicher pointed out that every municipality is concern- led because of the loss in county Ilevy, through such a reduction, as the loss would have to be made up in other ways. Getting roads f6 summer plac- es is a problem, said Deputy- Reeve `Crawford of Oro. If these people `get away with a fty per cent. reduction, where do we get o at? He urged immediate ac- tion to have the law changed. T DOVIPIEA` 4L:_.`|- 1. _.__, _ .. .....vs. 9156 Law uuaugeu. I cannot think it was the orig- inal" intention to have this section apply to summer resorts," remark- ed Reeve Scott of 'Creemore. If they have to refund half the thev 'w1"l'| `ha a-.=++.'.:.... -......--1- ~-~-- 1. auuu G LU'U'uUU1Ullo Reeve Cunningham of Alliston was the only one to favor the re- duction. These people pay on land that in` nine cases out of ten is no good for agriculture. If we overtax them we will drive them away, he said. nnI1nn:T`nu .6.--`AL-.. _-!_.L-!| auxc bu auauu Mu At the last equalization, said Reeve Spicher of Sunniidale, our township was shoved away up on account of the summer resort pro- perty. Sunnidale has had to put .up a school for this area and has [heavy expenditures for roads, which are hard to build at Wasaga Beach. He pointed out that the county levy would lose heavily ov- er such a reduction. 13..-..- rI.-__:_.__1__..- ,4 Ann - ' uuo ucw ucvcxupulellb. Councillor Gratrix of Tay said it would mean a heavy loss to his township and he doubted if the rest of the ratepayers would be able to stand it. ((A4. 1.1.. 1-_L _..___1,-__.-, u DUIVO LLUIII U111`: DUVV1lD1ll}}o ' I If we are to get assessment for only six months it would hardly pay to send the assessor into these places, many of which are hard to get at,_ remarked Reeve Johnston of Orillia `Township. His council were guring on spending some $3,000 on roaids to some of these . roperties this year but they would l ave to reconsider in the light of this new development. | f`.nmm-mm. r1....+..:.. -4: rm... ....:.1 IUUDIJ LIIIIIGILCT-lo I It s a far-reaching matter, said Reeve Allan of Innisl, and we should` try to get it settled. In the meantime it raises the whole question of what treatment sum- mer property owners should re- ceive from the townships." T; in nun I-A an- n aaaa annual -9.... (Contin-ued from page 1) with the judgment, but was simply seeking to have this state of affairs rectied. The section complained of affected a large amount of pro- petty and if relief was not given by the Legislature taxes would have to be refunded and the - nances of the municipalities ser- iously impaired. T4-,3 n ': n M u A nn1a:o\nn and-J-nu A !5o% REDUCTION IN ASSESSMENT SUMMER HOMES My [I53 klylkllh Councillor Denney, We have had cases where unauthorized BARRIE BARGAIN HOUSE Opposite Post Office MEN S 1-BUCKLE OVERSHOES All sige_s._ But who will do a1'1 these things? 1 I can t and neibher can you. Perhaps you, reader,Ahave a bet- ter solution. Let s hear it! tee to which were added `Council- lors Allan, Creswicke, Templeman, McKnight and` Gratrix. IIUUUI. 31511 Rulgudg Beat the smartness out of the smart aleck driver; "I"h1on1n `Jan `\I\t\+1nlIlIl\10 A-un:19n-n kn nsuul uuc uaxa LU]. u;hy ycara; 'Convin-ce the speeder that he is not in such a hurry after all; .q+n1\ nn 4|-RA u1nx'n A~n~:\rn-r- a -unnu- uuu Ill auuu a uullgy a.J.l.U1' uu; Step on the slow dr1ver s rear bumper to speed h1m up so as not to impede traffic; 14`.n11-in 4-1-in Ann `HA-1n} J-u:1vnn 4~. nn-`Q me reevgs. Counclllor Carlton, Beeton, Do you know of a case where dismis- sal was asked and refused by the Dept? I`.-.-_ `:11-.. Amman van n,] nu uuycuc uauiu, Equip the one-light driver s car with three lights instead of two; Arm` ';I`l+ no-I-111to`I'I11 nnn-n4-1. anvnn VVLUII ULILCC IIEILIJD IIIDDCGU. UL LWU, And just naturally pound some common ordinary horse-sense into the boner-headed dm-iver s head, even if we have to use a sledge- hammer. .n.-L .__L- __311 J- _1.1 L'I_-__, l",',,_, n U GlFU& U1'lVC1'; _ `lfhrow the bootlegger driver be- hindJ the bars for fty years; lr`.nI'\'Ir;1I:nn +1-in av-\nn4-In-an 4-1nnI- Ln :1- W the road hog into a botton`1- less ditch; ' `Thank I-Inn -|nnu.p.3n-a:.'L`_n. _`1..2_-_.. ICBD U1 DUI]. Teach zche non-signaling driver motor sign language; IRm9+ GJVI-oivflnnu A11` A-c J-Ln Interesting gures, eh? Well, what can we do about it? Answer is: NOTHING! until We- Eliminate the drunken driver; Abolish the under-age driver; `Get rid of the beat-the-train driver. `I"I--.. LL- .._-.11._..!__L_ -1, II ,- MEN_:S _ M@CKlNA_\_?V_ COATS (President Greer College of Electrical and Automo-tive Trades, ' Chicago, Ill.) ! The automobile is mightier than: the machine gun, according to g-i ures compiled by two safety people in a western service station. The total number of American sol- diers killed in the war from all causes was 77,118. The total number wound-ed was 221,059. But the total number of people killed in automobile accidents in; the United States since the war adds up to 106,218, while the total number i-njured by motor cars is 450,000. T..J-........J.:...... A ____ .. .1_o 117-11 MOTOR CAR MIGHTIER THAN MACHINE GUN it A. Tebo is giving 1;)1-1'1V:;._dV1'1_t`i-ues at: the C.N.R. station on the first of De- cember and is going to spend the mn- ` ter in Toronto. pm" . - CounAc111or Denney,_ Yes. and the request was unammous. n.-__--_-11-.. 111-..- r1-1'I:............1 H1 'v\.v-II. ' We are certainly having rea`. winter, weather for this season of the year.l A [mod start for a Canadian winter. ! -.v.n nu... a.\.uvuv Man. | \ Mr. Fawcett has resumed his duties as teacher at the school. I I Quite a number from here took in the fat stock show at Toronto. Mr and Mrs. Pxmer McLean of '?\.I`- onto spent Sunday with Wm. Jack. 'l\Ky-an Conn A4` `nr `Ann L....... -..l_~.u____ : vuvv uyuuv uuuuaq VVIIILI vvux. 0211.15. I Mrs. Sage of H05 has been vfsiting he-r bxmher, A. Krlrpatrick, the pa -vevl. I-Iv- -_._ ___.L-1__I__ L,,,; . Wedding bells are ringing lotidly. Mrs. Samuel Coulter is recovering` from her recent fall. I duties; __ A.-- ..I_ __. m$mww&w&&&mm&[ g&%&mm&mmmmmw&J ALL WOOL F LANNEL double width, 54 ins. wide all colours--Special 89c yd.` LADIES GOLOSHES Extra Special-$1.98 pr. I E;:t;a heavy,`:a-Ii vsizveg. Specia1--$6.95 BY ERWIN GREER .... ....,..--.. ....- ..--_.--------. Councillor Tom, Collingwood, I visited a township council recent- ly and found the road. overseer trying to run the whole show. ___.. -211--- ffY-___L1__ I11 ) __._1-._..

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