Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Nov 1928, p. 16

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;!`Four;1undred" Hihboy Unquestionably the finest Radios ofered today. Why buy an inferior set when the price for one of the sets above mentioned is no more? For Your Car This Winter RATES REASONBLE team-Heated Storage AUTHORIZED DEALERS FOR GENERAL ELECTRIC RADIOLAS SPARTAN EQUASONNE MERCURY SUPER TEN Thursday, November 29, mt 139 Dunlap St. 4-lb. tin . 3 pkgs. . 3 pkgs. 40-oz. jar . 3 tins 5.11;. Lox Pneumoma and nu Tnront anu Lung troubles. Sold everywhere under money-refunded guarantee. _ W. K. Buckley. Limited. E 142 Mutual St.. Toronto 2 T. _.._ >z. 39c 89 lb. box 40: I pkgs. 13: . 1 lb. 47: . 1 lb. 59:! . . . . . . 976 . . . . $3.99 1 pair 69 , .\ . $1.00 tm 10 39:: 216 230 3 At the first sign of a II Gold, buy "Buckley's". The rst dose does two things- relieve: the cough instantly and delights the taste. Dierent from :1) other remgdies for Coughs. Colds. Bronchitis. Prevents "F'lu'k Pneumonia and all Throat an Luna h-nnhhu: Rnld nvprvwhern SPEClAL-WOMEN S cosTuM?sLxPs, lverylbest quality b{o5E1-T cloth, all colors, excgptional value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V. . . . . $1.15 ALSO DIMITY SLIPS, all colors at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 SPECIAL ! ' SPECIAL ! BIG SPECIALS IN LADIB DRESSES LADIES AND MISSES DRESSES in flat crepe, satin-faced crepe, etc., also `PARTY DRESSES, the season s newest styles and cre- ations, re ular values up to $15.00 and.$18.00-A special pur- chase ena les us to offer them at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8.50 each Select yours now as these cannot be duplicated again at these prices. Don t miss to see these beautiful dresses and avail yourself of these extraordinary savings. A smallll geposit will hold any dress until ca e or. WOMEN S AND MISSES FLANNEL DRESSES, good weight, fancy ` made, some in 2-piece effect, others fancy in embroidered; a big variety to choose from, a host of different shades and colors, sizes 16-42, worth up to $7.50-Special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.95 MISSES DRESSES in annel and wool crepe, nicely made, warm and dressy, sizes 6-14 in lot, values up to $4.50---special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.98 to $2.49 D" I311 J H lX'l'U_R,l I .1. Acu like a flash- l Iulnglulpprovuu The cold weather is here. Arcade Better Values in Clothing and Footwear for the family offer you the be st opportunity to supply your winter needs at great savings. l-leavy Underwear, Rubbers, Footwear, Clothing-you can secure them at the Arcade Store at prices that will appeal to you. bad in a Ibaosraph That is why you can t go wrong In Highboy Iu.mv- in choosing either of the "' W` '"""' wonderful Rogers '- Batteryless " ""*" ` Radios illustrated and described in this announcement. Highboy or Lowby--it is just a question of taste. Both models have all the distinctive mw 1929 features. The only difference (apart from the Cabinets) is thd the Highboy has a newly-developed type of Cone Speaker--whereas the Lowboy is equipped with the Rogers Symphony Speaker. ' . We invite you to come in End inspect both of these new Rogers-Battery- less M_odels. They are prized many `dollars under any other electric sets of equal quality and we er liberal terms to any responsible family. 75c and 40c Iv-anpvvnuvpvw nu-..-_., ._ ,__ duce u 30 - Prlu caice..........$325.X Phone 82. FOR THE 1 GOLD WEATH ER See our Stock of Slightly Used Battery Sets Prices from $25.90 to $150.00 - 3%` I61 " msr in the elcr-rst in proven performance--first in value, is only true of one electric radio -- the Rogers- Batteryless. Over three years ago (and that is a long time in the radio industry) Rogers blazed; the trail for all the elec- tric sets that are on the market now. Even the word battery- less was coined by Rogers to describe this Canadian inven- tion-the rst radio in the world to operate successfully without batteries! Today there are more Rogers-Batteryless Radios sold _tt_1an_all other electric sets com- Christmas is coming! Come in and choose one of these new Rogers- Batteryless models now, make a small deposit, and instruct us to deliver it just before the big day. Mrs. RSS1; Hiiriiiiiier is visiting frignds in Thornbury. `llna-av-(Ha nnanf. tho umnlnnn I1` ICIIQB Ill '1. uuruuury 0 H. Bogardla spent the week-end witih 113 son in Buffalo. lknnwln nun: nrifh frlnnrla in Deuloe? this year as the result of a hnjtb jcmand for a Roger: Highbop M 0&1. Automatic Volt- age Controkers Output Filter and Phouograpl `Plug-in Jack. Genuine Walnut Iabinet. Price camlet.....................I250.00 WWII H13 3011 In DULLRSIU. J. R. McBride was with friends in North Bay over Sunday. Mr: .1 'r.nr:nn,r nnnnt A few dnvn norm nay over uuuuuy. Mrs. J. LeGea.r spent 9. few days with friends in Toronto this week. __ ___L LL A ._,__I_ "Ivan on ovaouu non ova vnnvv you Mrs. W. A. Spearn spent -t1i"e";t.:ek- gn with Miss Helen O'Connor of Co- a 0 Rev. Dr. Armstrong and wire or Toronto visited his niece, Mrs. G. E. Goulter, this week. nnm moot "I"nnm-Inv Dan 4. at R UOUIPCF, EH13 WEEK. S.O.E. meet Tuesday, Dec. 4. at 8 p.m. in the Trainmenfs Hall. Election of officers will be held and refresh- ments served. `. _ , ,1 -; o _--__--L.I__- 'n.. The Brotherhood oi. Locomotive En- gineers at their regular meeting Sun- day, Nov. 25, passed the following re- solution: 'I`he.t this body go on record as being opposed to the discher e or John Here as superintendent o the W. 8: L. Dept. without 9. fair and im- rnnwhai hanwlna ll - IJU Us WM "0 X L] `J partial hearing." `j`-%'-'-5"'?`_"-"3. Cblligr and Bayfield Sta`. FACTS ABOUT IIICII Am furnished Combinasbl ,. ;- .__--..J` Wild Geese was a prize novel written by Martha Ostenso. The auth- or_received $13,500 as the winner for the best first novel by an American author. Ran in serial form first in the Pictorial Review. Was published in book form and had a phenomenal sale. Has been translated into nine foreign languages. Estimated that more than 3,000,000 have read this great novel. Has been picturized for the screen by Tiffany-Stahl Produc- tions. Belle Bennett plays the part 01" Amelia Gare in the film version of Wild Geese. Was adapted for the screen by A. P. Younger, one of Am- erica's leading scenario and continuity writers. Tiffany-Stahl has made a screen epic of this great novel. Capi- tol, Monday, Tuesday and Wednes- day. - 48x -A FEW EXAMPLES or ARCADE PRICES ARE LISTED BELOW:- "Four Hundred Lowboy A development of the famous Rogers 200A Model. Single Tan- ing K nob operatesellluminated Drum Dial. Automatic Voltage Control, Rogers Output Fter, .1 nu-nu, _ !__ I__l. rvvwv Qhvovvv vw-`... Phonagraph "Plug-in Jud. Rogers Symphony Speaker in a genuine Walnut cabinet by My!- calm. Price complete $2 60.00 WVILD amass" THE ARCADE ARCADE BEAUTY_PAR__LOR zxm SPECIAL! WOMEN S AND MISSES COATS in extra good quality broad- cloth, fur-trimmed, colors include wine, green, blue, etc., sizes 16 19 only, reg. $18.50; 15 only toclear at . . . . . . . . . . . . $9.95 each Come early and save being disappointed as they will be goingwfast at that price. . ' . . SPEC'IAL-FLANELLET'I`E NIGHTGOWNS, large make, all sizes, embroidered yokes, Reg. up to $1.95-Specia1 . . . . . . . . . . . . 98c Children Like lt- So Will You ' Buckley'I". 3 first dose doea_tw_vo t.hin_gs- Book your appointmenf for your Christmas Permanent Wave now. Phone 349. . Near The Five Points; Barrie Ald. Craven Tells of a Year s Work Among Town s Poor My Job is the most important of all," said Ald. W. J. Craven, chairman of - the Indigent Committee. I look after the widows, orphans and child- ren. I visited every family, went into their homes and know all about it. No- body froze or starved to death. I paid. 208 bills for wood and fuel and had 44 families on my hands for nine months. 110-111.. 1...! Lu! ........ A-4:?! nun` nan"! ' JIIVII U515. The fuel bill was $457 and provi- sions $163.78. The latter was dealt out sparingly," the indigent chairman explained. Unfortunately there had been three deaths among the forty- four families during the nine months. Mr. Craven said he had five child- ren to look after in one of the forty- four families. They had to be bona fide citizens before they were given relief. Some who were not had been given railway tickets and sent back from whence they came. ` `TOWN OF BARRIE ' AN ADVANCE POLL; Why it cost the fire and police de- partment $116 to feed tramps at the lock-up this year. Compare this with my $163 which it cost to feed my 44 families," the chairman said. Now let us go over to the hospital. That's` where the overdraft is. It cost $600! or $700 more for the greater numberl or indigents over there this year than last and we have no say in the met-I L-.. Maurice .MacLaren- was present at the semi-annual meeting of the Royal `Canadian Yacht Club in the King Edward Hotel, Toronto, last Saturday afternoon when the priz- es for the season were distributed and received the Club s silver medallion for general prociency in sailing. I For Railway Employees and Commercial Travellers will be held at the _ Y.M.C.A. ' Building, Allandale, on Nov. 29th, 30th, Dec. Int, 1928 From 9 o'clock in the forenoon until 5 o'clock .in the afternoon _ _--1. .1--- DUI . I m in the field again. I ha e liv- ed in three towns in my life an have been in the council in every town. Ward V is in the best shape it ever was. I backed up theroad maintainer. It is as far ahead or teams as the bin- der is ahead of the cradle. An Aliandale citizen paid $25 and costs in -`Saturday s police court for failure to file federal in- .......... tau sud-n1w\n MUNICIPAL 1-:LEc'r1oNs [1915 U U UIUDIX J11 UIIC `IL UCLIIVULL of each day. 48b A.W. SMITH, Town Clerk. TH! IARRII A IXAIIIIR Nov. 30 `to Dec. 7 inclusive Lorie Watch Week GUESSING CONTEST CONDITIONS of CONTEST This Lovely Lorie Watch will be wound every evening at 6` pm. during Lorie Watch Week. `N In! In: nrnnn fnr fhn Inui- yllllo $KIILI` I-l\llI\I' VVQUUL5 WV 99530 It will be wound for the last time on Thursday evening at 6 p.m. We estimate the watch will stop sometime during Sat- nlullnu mar pmzz: - 4 beautiful Lorie Wrist Watch. SECOND PRIZE - A lovely strand of Deltah Pearls with 141: gold clasp in a. handsome Jewel case. THIRD PRIZE - A valuable piece or Jeelery. Call for free Ballot Your Guess May Win Jeweller: Allandale noun}- Contest 'is.open to all without obligation. Your guess may win one or three handsome valuable -_l_-- SUI-|l'|I J-UL &GIl&lAL\v vv come tax returns. What Time Will the LORIE WATCH STOE? W. B. WEBB. 3 Valuable Prizes: :$%%i$%%&i&%&i: g: OBITUARY ig &wmm&&a&m&&mmmm W. L. PATTERSON | Following a. brief illness, the deathl occurred on Saturday, Nov. 24, of Wm.` L. Patterson of 166 High Park Ave.,~ Toronto. The deceased, who was born at Glenlogie on the banks of the- St. Lawrence, near Kingston, Ont., in! .1858, and educated at L Assomption} College, Montreal, had been a resident of Toronto since 1876, except for the few years he resided in Barrie on the propertynow occupied by Major Wads- worth. He was formerly in the tea, business with John W. Cowan and| later president of the Central Electric Company, retiring in 1904. Surviving are his wife, three sons, John, bar- rister of Cleveland, Ohio; Ronald W., and Professor Gordon C. of the Tor- onto University, and one daughter, Miss Marion Louise, at home. vs: Elizabeth Justina Murphy, she being the youngest daughter of the late Mr. , and Mrs. Miles Murphy of Barrie. Born ! in Sunnidale, near Stayner, she came Mrs. Ke11eher`s maiden name was. as a child to Barrie and lived here. luntil 18 years ago when she married and went to reside in Toronto. She was a member of the League of the Sacred Heart and of the Christian Mothers. Surviving her are her hus- band, three daughters and two sons; three sisters, Mrs. Jos. Seadon of Stavely, A1ta., Mrs. E. `J. Moran of Toronto, Mrs. John Moran of Craig- hurst; three brothers, Peter J. of Perth, John F. of Barrie and Ed. in British Columbia. Miss Hannah Munro, who had been in delicate health for some time, died` in the R.V. Hospital, Saturday night, Nov. 24, 1928. She came of one of the pioneer families of Vespra, being a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Munro. Born 68 years ago, she lived V practically all her life in that town- ship. She was of a quiet, unobtrusive nature, an earnest christian and a |faithfu1 member of the Presbyterian church. Mrs. Isabel Pratt of Barrie is a sister and there are four brothers, John of Edmonton, Robert of Killam, Alta., George of Thornton and Lot of Vespra. A _ _ . . _ _ ._-I L_-I_ ..1_-_ _-_ ru-u___.__1___I . v_`._-. The funeral took place on Tuesday. afternoon from the residence of Lot Munro to Barrie Union Cemetery. Her minister, Rev. J. S. Shortt. conducted the services. The pallbearers were George, Arthur and Fred Smith and Ward Webb (cousins), Robert Pratt and George Munro (nephews). I --.--...- `F V... _________-- After an illness of three or four years, Mrs. Joseph Kelleher died in St. Joseph's Hospital, Toronto, Nov. 22, 1928, the immediate cause of her death being pneumonia. Her body was laid to rest in Mount Hope Ceme- tery, Toronto, on Saturday, after mass in St. Paul s Church. There were many spiritual offerings from friends and a spray from the Consumers Gas C3,, by whom her husband is employ- e . I -- u. q . -q , , _,_, _,,,_ I As a result of a motor accident! I which occurred near Beaverton on` Wednesday, Nov. 14, the death took place in the Memorial Hospital, Oril- lia. last Thursday of John A. Mc- Lucas, native of Mitchell's Square, well known in Hawkestone, Oro town- ship and throughout this section of Simcoe County. A fractured skull was the cause of death. The iate Mr. Mc- Lucas was born in Oro Jwnship, for- ty-two years ago, and 5 mt the greater part f llolis life there. Rog song: years past e ad been engage in e rea Svsittate business, atlwhich he hafd met h a considerab e measure 0 suc- cess. He was well known and highly respected by his neighbors in the Oro ' district and by his business associates elsewhere. He is survived by a sister at Ha-wkestone, Mrs. Robert Walker, and by two brothers, Alex. and Ernest, and another sister, Elizabeth, at home. The funeral was held fom his late resi- dence, Mitchell Square, on Saturday, to the Knox church cemetery, Rev. Neil Campbell of Barrie officiating. The large attendance at his funeral indicated the esteem in which the de- ceased was held. to ,_:_, -n,, 0- 0-.$mith &.<.?0-...E3..`aI.!f"i<=| Vvvvnauvu nu... --...-..- Deceased was on his way to Bea- verton when the fatal accident hap- pened. In turning a sharp corner his steering wheel failed to respond, the car going into the ditch. He was ta- ken to Orillia. Hospital, examination showing he was suffering from se- vere injuries about the face, his nose, cheek bones and both jaws were brok- en and his head generally badly bat- tered; there were also some broken w-us _he was preparing to show last week 0. --~-" it - U il I Mr. McLsi:la;.1s lliadt tiot 011:1}; beenasucce rea esa man, u 110 Dunlap St. : : Phone 491 had made quite a. name for himself with his fine horses, some of which at the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto. He was one of the officials of the 01-0 Agricultural Society and an in- 1'93` than ne-halt of the voters in About 35 tons of coins are nannies! defatigable worker in the interests or the United States Went to the Dolls in each day at the Federal Reserve - that organization. ,/ ' the presidential election or 1924.. of New York. Bu` 4 MISS HANNAH MUNRO MRS. JOS. KELLEHER JOHN A. McLUCAS WOMEN S LOW CUT OVERSHOES in a variety of shades, fancy made, the season s newest, in fawn, grey, black, beige , etc., all sizes 3-7 in each line, priced: Black . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.19 pr. Colors, as fawn, grey, etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $2.29 pr. MISSES OVERSHOES, in 3-buckle or the fancy low cut overshoe, with velvet or fancy embroidered cuff, sizes 11 to 2 . . . . $1.98 pr. CHILDREN S OVERSHOES, warmly lined, best makes, every pair guaranteed, sizes up to 101/,3, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.79 pr. MEN! We offer you great values in Men s Heavy Rubbers, also in Men s Leather Top Rubbers, in Snagproof bottoms and best oil- tanned tops. Every pair guaranteed. MEN S 6-EYLET HIGH WORK RUBBERS, extra reinforced, sizes 6to H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $2.49 up MEN S LEATHER-TOP RUBBERS, in 9, 12 and 15 in. top $4.00 up BOYS OVERSHOES in 1, 2 and 3.buckle . . . . $1.45 to $1.98 pr. MEN S 1-BUCKLE OVERSHOES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.89 pr. MEN S 2 and 3-BUCKLE OVERSHOES . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.49 pr. P601219T$.,C0-Onerittivstore QUALITY --;?- SERVICE -- Week-End Specials, Fri. and Sat. Nov. 30-Dec. 1 GRAENULATED SUGAR (`Cash and Carry) . . . . . . 10 lbs. 58 SHREDDED COOOANUT, Extra Quality . . . . . . .. 1 lb. 21 CANNED PEAIS, Bi~ More vBranvd, No 2 n JAM--Apple and Raspberry, . . . . . . . . . .. ERUITOi :1-EIJLY PoV{rDER' The;*Ele_g:lrig_ [1op II'I"Lll'\l)l'7 I\ 'l\l7`AI' Note these Special Prices for December only: Radiola 18, with speaker . $198.50, cofnplete` Radiola 51, Console . . . . . . . . $283.00, complete Radiola 60, Console, speaker . . $333 .00, complete Spartan Table Model . . . . . . . . $243.00, complete Spartan Console . . . . . . . . . .. $322.30, complete Kipp Mercury Super 10 . . . $275.00, complete Buy a Christmas Present for the Whole Family. Get Your Order in Early. Phone 122. MA"IOH*E`S--iPinetree Brand MA:RlMALAJDE, Shiri"s . . . . . . . . SALMON, Fancy Red Cohoe, 1 lb. BUTTER GRfEMAAM SODAS . . . . . . HANDY AMMONIA . . . . . . . . . . . COFFEE, Freshly Ground, Special Blend . . . BLAICK TEA, Extra Quality. Reg. 65c . . . . . . SHIRTS---Men s Heavy Work Shirt . . . . . . . . MEN"S KNITTED COATS, Extra Quality . . . . SILK ANLD WOOL HOSE, Ladies . . . . . . . . . . KWFI1`I'IVI :T\YN`I'\ f\Y7`I'.1fY\ A Y 1' IN i7riiri~j15'ov1iZ1L"?}$iIfE{, ia 'p'a}' Phone 185 rm sigma

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