Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Nov 1928, p. 12

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FOR SALE--1 pure bred lshorthorn bull, six months old. Fit for ser- vice. Apply to Geo. Snider, Craig- hurst or phone 90i5r5. 43-48p FOR SALE--Pure bred brown gob- blers, price $10.00 each; also Leghorn cockerels, price $2.00 each. H. Bran- don, Oro Station. RR. 48b APARTMENT TO RENT - Modern conveniences: Bothwel1 s Block, A1- landale. Apply R. R. Bothwell, gro- cer. 41tfb SEVEN-ROOMED HOUSE to let with all conveniences. Apply Mrs. R. B. Johnston, 12 Eccles St. 8. Telephone 579W. 47tfb u HAPPY THOUGHT STEEL RANGE Inn cola nlnn small hnnnnn with car- SHRO'P'SI-I"IR:E'S FOR SALE -- A number of ram lambs and one year- ling, all government graded and stamped (XXX). The best grade. Addison McKenzie, Thornton P.O. Ivy-Thornton Telephone. 45-50p FOR SAIJE--Three `black Perc-heron horses we1g h1ng'from fifteen to six- teen hundred pounds: an eight- year-old dark brown driving mare: one good rubber`--tired top buggy. Apply W. D. Co-chrane. Allandale, R.R. N0. 2. ' 44-.4913 HOUSE TO RENT-7-roomed brick, on Ellen St., an conveniences, oak floors. Apply G. W. Atkinson, 54 Blake St. Phone 308.1. 48p sauna nnnnnnnn III: `"3151:-[AM NURSERY c'57"' 48-51p TORONTO 2. ONTARIO F'LAT-5 rooms, private entrance, central, corner Elizabeth and Maple Ave. Apply Jr V. Brett, 100 Peel St. P.O. Box 971. Phone 885. V 48p WARM, FURNISHED ROOMS to rent, all conveniences. central. Board op- tional; also garage to rent. 76 Mul- rzaster St. Phone 490. 46-51p To LET-Very, central house or 8 rooms and all conveniences, on paved street, very warm, moderate rental, also garden and garage. Vacant now. Apply 55 Ma_.ry St. 48p Fl UUU'l`\ll'\E IVMUTICEVI 7 We own and operate a. modern. well- equlpped Nursery and supply our customers with the beat in quality and~va.riety. Sell hardy. Canad1a.n~ grown Nursery Stock and `you win be successful. our agency is valu- able. Established 85 years. Salesman in Simcoo County durlnp Fan and VW!nter months to sen Fruit Trees, Flowering Shrubs. etc Good pay. Exclusive territory Whole or part time anzement. A RIIILAIEDE IBQEBV uvz STOCK]-`OR SALE 'FnoH-:n'rv won SALE PROPERTY TO LET :19 (;'Wp'art ti-1:19 aniremm A 600-ACRE RSERY \IIvn nn Anannin n Iuinnunuu In nu-tnvr vvannn WANTED NOW Dxuau 43-48p| ._.__, ..._....... LOST--White gold bar pin set with small diamond and ruby on either side. Reward. Mrs. W. 0. Little, 47 Map- in A no Ah "Jul" 481) l `FARM FOR S-A'.bE-'1`wo hundred acres, lot 44, con. 1, Medonte, rich % loam, good for any kind of grain: ` good dairy and stock -farm in high * state of cultivation; some standing timber. '.l`here,ls one barn 86x60 on r `stone foundation, cement oors. hay ' barn 32152, one hay and implement `, barn 32:52, frame house and garage, ' two creeks, good well and water in ` house; %, mile from C.~P.R. station and elevator, 534 mile from village of Craighurst, school and church, on the County Road. Possession 1st . of April. 1929. Apply Robt. A. Craig. Box 291, Barrie, Ontario. Telephone 5'5. . 43-48p CUE: Under and by virtue of the Powers of Sale contained in a. certain mort- gage which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction at the premises hereinafter described, in the Village of Hillsdale on Friday, December 14, 1928, at one o'clock p.m., the follow- ing property: V V`l'|1no'n T.nf'. Mn 0 nn Han nnrfh eh-In 1115 pxupcruy; Village Lot No. 9 on the north side of Gloucester Road and on the east side of Agnes Street in the said Vil- lage of I-Iillsdale as shown on regis- tered plan number 203. n HM: nah-1 nrnnnrhu in uni:-I fn kn UCLUU. guau. LIUHLIJCII UO. On the said property is said to be a comfortable dwelling house in good repair. The nvnhnvhr 111111 kn nffovnrl ?nv cola DUIJJCUII DU Kl: ICECJ. VU uxu. Terms: Ten per cent. of the pur- chase money at the time of the sale and the balance within thirty days thereafter. 'I7|II1nI-`Ann haul-3nII1nwn urn` kn Chan:-In FARM, 200 acres, for sale, with first nlnnn I-mllallnau Annlv in riwnnlv '1` A property will be offered for sale subject to a. reserve bid. "T`nvnnc' Ton hnv nnnf AP {-1111 run-_ IILLUL Ulibl DUI. Further particulars will be made known at the time of sale and in the meantime may be learned upon appli- catidn to the undersigned. hnfnd nit `Ravi-in fhlu 14th nv nf UUAJIUIJ. IJU IILIU ULIUUIIEIEIIUU. Dated at Barrie this 14th day of November, 1928. ` V 4'7-49b BOYS & BOYS, Barrie, Ont. Solicitors r the Mortgagee: STRAYED onto lot 36. con. 2, Vespra, about September, one red heifer. Own- er may have same by proving owner- ship and paying expenses. Rex H. Watson, Dalston. 48-50b _!'cBIWM, `UV HUFUB, SUI` DIIU, WIUII LIISII class uildings. Apply. to dwner; '1`. A. Sawyer. Len-oy, -Ont. 48-53x Valuable Property situate in the vi!- lage of Hillsdale, in the Township of Medonte, in `the County of Sim- 1308. TAXI USED CARS ucx nX r"1"1r",'"i'.-op.-:.:.. 3arri939}*'in.2.1!9a!=9.'v BOWLING Accon;modation for Ladioi Oen the following: 1928 DUIRANT 4 Sport Coupe, cannot be told from new, same guarantee as new car. TWO 1927 ISTAIR HALF- 'DON TRUIC`K'S, in splendid condition and` guaranteed. 1 00'? -`l'\iTITP\7'l3 f\T .'l7`*'I" ("`.(`| A ("TI LOST--Lady's mink choker, about four weeks ago in I.0.0.F. Temple or on Collier St. to Mulcaster to Dunlop to Berczy. Finder please tele- phone 838W. Reward. ' 48p PURE PORK SAUSAGE FRESH FISH DAILY Game and Vegetables in Season ' Lila I `\J.|.lJ V J.\r\.IJ.JlJ & \J'\JI1.Ll1.l.` in extra nice shape, small mileage, slip covers and other extras. . 1927 STAR SEDAN, new tires and in exceptionally good condition throughout, and guaranteed. 1927 ESSEX SUPER SIX- COMOH, in splendid condi- tion. motor just overhauled. THREE 1923 STAR TOUR- INGS. E 1928 McLAUGHLI`N-BUICK MASTER `SIX SPORT TOURING. 1925 STAJR SPECIAL SE- DAN, disc wheels, looks and runs splendidly. OVERLAND LIGHT FBUR .l.1'`l\Ai\Y .___.. .R-_. ...-.'-.`I.. .._1_ 1' U151} lJ\J'Dj`DluU BU?II UH For ton chassis with Ruckes. tell axle; good tires, and re- painted, `Your present can as part payment.- Terms arranged' to suit purchaser. 11 Dunlop St. : Phone 51 UUIIULDIUII auu guaxauuccu. _1927=CHEVB,OLE`T COACH. -__A._.- _..-- _`I_-..- ....-_`l`l \I V IIJLUJJZILVIJ L'll.\I&L In J` \I II I) SEDAN, snap for quick sale. man 1 1/. _wm mmrmz DIUIJIIJLV9 BUG}! JUL` HUIUR Sco REO 1%.-TON TRUCK, closed cab, good tifes; the price is right. FORD BUIS-~Sido seats on 13.... L-.. -1.......... ...2J.`l. `D....1-..- ' 43 EIixQS;ii 3'2:-Hon. 273 . PHONE 156 Open Day and Night ALL TRAINS MET C. I-IAWKINS, Prop. W lull DUI o Office. opzu no A...1a 1-.u.' 3I___ , An` M. J. BRENNAN Dodge Deluxe T A jjj Barrie Meat Market Best Quality Meats For Good, Heulfhy Indoor Recreation . HAROLD rm. I-`ARMS FOR` SALE -E':F~?9!eD MORTGAGE SALE Wholesale and Retail Butcher T: NEAT. TIDY GIRL, no laundry work. adults, good wages. Phone 184. 23 Dun- dnnnlrl Rt - 48p IV l'IO.IO'II Phone 420 II! A 'I"I'II 3.. OA1.DWEI;L-A_1:'ti1;'vR<'!yal Victoria Hospital, Barrie, 'ruesda.y,vNov. 2'1, loan 4- 1:. .....a it... 1 II n..1A_ -.I.uao.'uu _1u.l.'. auu mm. 1.1. 1". unnu- well, Dunlop st., Barrie, a son (Wil- , llam Kenneth). CRAWFORD--At the Royal Victoria Hospital, Barrie, Monday, Nov. 26, 1928, to Mr. and Mrs. Js. Craw- ford, Minesing, a daughter. CALDER-On Friday, November 23, 1928. to Mr. and Mrs.`George Cal- der, 193 Blake St., Barrie, a son. GUEST--On Saturday, Nov. 24, 1928. to Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Guest, Fern- dale, a son. . PERRY-At the Royal Victoria Hos - pltal, Barrie, Monday, Nov. 26, 1928, to Mr. and Mrs. Russell Perry, 84 John St., Barrie, a son. POOLE--At the Royal Victoria Hospit- al, Barrie, Saturday, Nov. 24, 1928, to Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Poole, 67 Vic- toria St., Barrie, a son. S'1`RACHAN-At the Royal Victoria Hospital, Barrie, on Tuesday, Nov. 20, 1928, to Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Strachan, 13 Penetang St., Barrie, adaughter. ` ..v. . -r.-vq. mlsseji: Wife and Family. \J'lL'\aD\JJ.V*Lll IUVLLI5 LILCLILULJ UL LVLl'. Fred Carson who passed away Nov. 22, 1927. Gone to be with those other living whom we call dead." -sadly missed by Husband, 48p Daughter and Sons. COLGAN-In loving memory of Mrs. `Pnhf. ("!n'lcrnn mhn Hana vfznr-1 {thin \J\Jl-l\J'3J.VjJ-ll JUVIILE lull.CLl1Ul.y UL LVLl'u Robt. Colgan, who departed this life Nov. 30, 1927. November brings sad memories. Of a loved one gone to rest, Who will always be remembered By the ones who loved you best. Days of sadness still come o er`us, Tears in silence often flow, Memory keeps you ever near us, Though it is one year ago. Anl. 1"r..._I....._1 -...1 1\_.-_.I-A.____ GRAHAM-In loving memory of our dear mother, Barbara Graham, who passed away Nov. 27, 1926. Today recalls the memory of our dear mother gone to rest. In ever loving memory. An.. 171.--.-- 1--.. -u-u__...n__ :- YOU CAN EARN $10 to $25 a week in your spare time at home writing show cards. No canvassing or solicit- ing. We instruct you and supply you with work. Write today. The Menhen- itt Co. Ltd.. 45 Dominion Building. Tnnnnfn KNAPP-In loving memory of Wm. I .Tnhn Wnann uvhn um: no`l`lnr1 1-n rncf I l\LVl.'t.l'I.'*.l.Ll 1UV1L1 1ll.l.Tl1LU1_y U1 VVIIL John Knapp, who was called to rest Nov. 27, 1918. God is good, He gives us strength To bear our heavy cross. He is the only one who knows How bitter is our loss. We miss you at a thousand turns Along life's weary way For life is not the same to us Since you were called away. An.. c1...:1-....a.......1 I.-. 1113:- -___I I-.1__.-.n_- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Andross and family and Mrs. Viola Woods wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to their friends and neighbors, also C.G.I.T. girls for the many acts 'of kindness during the ill- ness and death of Mrs. Woods little son, Ronald. 48p MAYES--On Tuesday, November 27, 1928, at the residence of her son- in-law, Gerald Finlayson, 2453 Queen St. E., Toronto, Letitia Bro- ley Mayes, beloved wife of Levi May- es, in her 61st year. WRIGHT-At Stroud, Wednesday, Nov. 28, 1928, Mary Jane Martin, widow of the late Wm. Wright, in her 73rd year. Interment at Stroud on Sunday, Dec. 2, at 2 p.m. CARSON-In loving memory of Mrs. Wrnrl nrgnn nyhn he cant! amour 'l\Tnu Eia" ---..~ Jwavh nu-V vac--vs. I-GIVIUU ;_8x Sadly missed by Wife gnd Family HOLMES_-In loving memory of our dear husband and father, William John Holmes, who passed away Dec. 1st, 1927. We watched you suffer day by day. It caused us bitter grief To see you slowly pass away And could not give relie An._ (1__1'I_- ._-l..__.! I--- `I'll- __, .1 vs- _.__n.._ B_a_l'rig_ R_al _E.sta_te_ (_)ffice WAN"l`!E D -- Ambitious. lnd'uStr10uS -xnnunn 4n `I'\fY`I'\,f]III"r\ nn nnnnlv Ithe Mrs. lVIa,5-' Creswigxe, Sec y.-Ere;-s." Clapperton St., Five Points, Barrie Tourist Information Bureau, Georgian Bay and Lake Simcoe shore lots, Trav- el Service, Fire, Plate Glass, Accident Insurance. 48b vs7i`t``3"o'1f3e`sig H. LEVIT, Barrie, Tel. 384 WANTED: all kinds of RAW F URS A coo;-u-oounnmun cs-n-up-nun`.-u cu . up-x W.A. Jenkins&Son 1-.1.' bE.'7sB7v', E..".'-iiuu HIGEIEST 1>1Ic'E_s_f>Am l'lT_:L- -.. _L-..- `L-_..- __'l`l:_.. `CARD or THANKS THI IAIIRII IXAIINIR IN MEMORIAM UGOESSORS T0, fl,-`DArt1"l17 A. Gnu WAN"l`iisl.) Ammuuus, lllu`uau`4uu-3 person to introduce and supply ithe demand for Rawieigh household- products in Barrie and nearby 10- oations. Make sales of $150 to $600 a month or more. Rnwleigh Methods get business everywhere. No selling experience required, We supply products. Sales and Advertising Lit- erutu-re and Service Methods, every- thing you need. Profits increase every month. Lowest prices; best values; most complete service. W. '1`. Rmvieigh 1Co., Dept. CN-222, Montreal, Que. 44-49p v--- y..- "D- ' --:Husband and I Daughters COAL com: woon -Fro1:n her Family. 1 T K4 >14 K4 L LOCAL NEWS . &*m&m&m&mm&&m ---Salvation Army ladies sale of work, Tuesday, Dec. 18th. 48b -Piano for sale cheap. Terms to responsible party Phone 122. b -Used radios from $10.00 up. The Electric Shop, phone 122. 48b .P. C. Lloyd has bought the un- dertaking business of -E. J. Byrne. --We sell Government and Pro- vincial bonds.-Gordon `Steven- son. 48b -aNote our lucky telephone number, 3`7'7. Barrie Real Estate Office. 48b --Salvation Army Christmas Tree and Concert, Dec. 20th. Keep this date open. 48b -Sa1vatio,n- Army Rummage Sale at the `Citadel, Saturday, Dec. 1st, 9.30 a.m. 48b -Let us look after your Fire and Auto Insurance.-Gor-d:on Stevenson. 48b The lW.*C.T.U. will hold their regular meeting in the Library Hall, Monday, Dec. 3 at 3 p.m. - Al-nuosnnu "I"-.. ovum` I-nnvnnvnnlln DUII, 1 IIUDUELGLJIIUL, LU UVVC11 DJ --Anthracite coal that s bright and clean in buckwheat, pea, nut, stove and egg sizes. Black Beauty cannel, three vein Pocahontas and hard andsoft wood and hardwood flooring pieces. We have fuel for every purpose. "Try us. The Sar- jeant Co. Limited. 48b -Ira Partridlge wishes to an- nounce that he has been appoint- ed representative for the Fuller Brush Company for Barrie and will call_ on you in the near fu- ture, and will be pleased to make any replacements, readjustments, Christmas gift suggestions. etc., wanted, before regular call, by ap- pointment, phone 902 ring 4. 48p __Vn11 nan -mohair +1\O+1D91(11 1~nn'F nan, Luunuuy, ucc. 0 an a pan. ---Afternoon Tea and homemade baking, Trinity Parish Aid Ba- zaar, 2 p.m., Friday, November 30. 47-48b --`Consider an ocean trip. Ber- muda, Panama, Mediterranean. just right for winter. Barrie Real Estate Office. - 48b --Don t forget the Girls Club Bazaar. Wednesday evening. Dec. 5. in Burton Ave. United Sundav School. Allandale. 48b At the Royal Winter Fair last week Allan Corrigan of Alliston was seventh in a list of 96 in the inter-county judging competition. rs , BI `I --....,- iv-.--ya `,.-v.o---B -v---rv-----_ -4Pea, nut, stove and egg`, Sol- vay sold only by the Sarjeant Co. Limited. If you re like a lot of other folk you ll certainly like this splendid coke. 48b --A mass meeting of boys will be held at the B.'C.I.. Wednesday evening, Dec. 5. at 8 o clock for the nurnose of electing officers for the Athletic Clujg. __f, ....._'I...... JUl' LIIC 11.`-H1C'l4lU XJLUU. Two rinks of Barrie curlers played a game with the Lakeview Club. Toronto. Monday night. H. M. Lay s rink was beaten 2 to 16. while W. H. Kennedy won 16-3. ~-Pla_V. Eyes of Love, will be 9.`iven on Dec. 7. by O.E.`S. of Stroud, in Churghill Hall under auspices of L.O.B.A. Admission. adults 35'c, children 25c. 48b -Is your radio sick? Call the radio doctor at the Electric Shop. Phone 122. Sets repaired and re- modelled. Batteries charged and rental batteries supplied. 48b Fire Chief IShrubsole complains that he was greatly hampered in ghting the re which destroyed the `B. & =B. warehouse of the C. N.R. by lack of pressure at the start. m1_- ....11 2..-... n..:11:- D......1....J-A-.. _.___..___..___.__..___...._____...._ WANTED-Do11 carriage in good con- dition. Phone 156. 481) Le.l'I1UUI1. --A thousand and one things of beauty and worth, tastefully and carefully selected, on sale at ex- tremely reasonable prices. The Art Shoppe, Bayeld and Collier Sts. corner. 48b ' Rabbit fanciers met in the P01- ice Court Chambers Tuesday night to arrange for the exhibit at the forthcoming poultry show. Both Angoras and Chinchillas are to be shown in increased numbers. 11--- LL- `n._1_-- 1. -.. 'L..4.'I.. SIIUWH U1 .lIlUI't2'd.bt!'U` HUHLUISLD. -For the Baby - for both Christmas and other days. a wealth of useful, beautiful and. needed re- quisites, reasonably priced. The Art Shoppe, corner Bayeld and Collier Sts. 48b -Under auspices of Y..`P.L., the Innisl `Chapter `No. 162 Order Eastern `Star, will present a play, Eyes of Love in- Cookstown Town Hall. Dec. '6, at 8 o'clock. Adlmission 35c. 4813 --Come in and see the arrival of Christmas goods at the Mary Payne `Shop, such as handker- chiefs, crepe and silk knit lingerie. gloves, hosiery..novelties. Goods all boxed for Christmas gifts. 48b 13:. {Jan 11r1\r\ :3 1nn11-inn au. UUAULN LUI Llllllbhlllab sLLDDo `771.! --For the friend who is leaving town or for one who formerly liv- ed in Barrie, what more appropri- ate gift than one o-f our frame-d oil colored photographs of some of our famed beauty spots.` Jack- son, Photographer, 16 Owen `St. Ava}-11-yuan-n nnn-11 4-r|o+,c }\1I;rI-11+ blaa.1'L. The call from Orillia Presbyter- ians to Rev. J. H. Mclnnis of New Liskeard will be dealt with at a special meeting of Presbytery in St. Andrew s `Church on Friday af- ternoon. A L` _ _ _ _ _.._1 __..1 -..... :.`I..:......... .4` pUl.Hl:lHC.l1la, p11U1u-: Uua 1.1115 --.t. 10y -You can repair that leaky roof better now than later, so why not get at it`? We have Asphalt Smooth and Slate roofings and shingles. also cedar. shingles and galvanized corrugated iron in stock. Fresh Portland cement, hydrated lime and hard Wall plasters on hand. Why delay? Phone 88. The Sar- jeant Co. Limited. 48b ---Get a choice seat on the fty- yard line for the greatest football game ever put on the screen. The action, drama and realism of the clash of youth against youth will lift you to uncontrollable heights of emotion. `But back of it all is that something you can't see that sends you` home saying, It's a great picture. The_ Drop Kick -ICa1tol_, Thurs., Fr1., Sat. 48): `I ..4- t"ns..n:'|1.J.. 'l...u'J- -Special at Canci11a s Fruit Store: Florida oranges, juicy and sweet, 1argesize, reg. 60c,_ for 45c doz.; Valencia oranges, juicy and sweet, 3 doz. for 50; grapefruit, regular 3 for 2-5c, special, 4 for 26; `grapes. 2 lbs. for 25: cel- eryhearts from Bradford Marsh, 3 and 4 for 25c; spinach, 2 lbs. for 2'5c. Phone 1'30 for quality and service, 28 Elizabeth St. - 48p lAUCTlON SALE Holstein cow, 4 yrs., calf at foot. Pure bred Holstein cow, 6 yrs. old, calf at foot. Holstein cow, 5 yrs., calf at foot. Holstein cow, `5 yrs., due by sale. Holstein cow, 5 yrs., due Dec. 14. Holstein heifer, 3 yrs., calf at foot. Holstein heifer, 2 yrs., due by sale. Ayrshire cow, 6 yrs., calfat foot. Ayrshire cow, 6 yrs., due by sale. Ayrshire cow,. 4 yrs., calf at foot. Ayrshire cow, 7 yrs., due Dec. 17." Ayrshire cow, 5 yrs.,'due Dec. 16. 2 registered Ayrshire heifers, 2 vvcun 1,111: ':'I "gunk of 21 High Class Dairy Cows The undersigned will sell by Public Auction at MARRIN S YARDS, BARRIE, ON I-"LJVVLJ VV ALV LJLILJ amu uuuz bJ|\Il.l-L1: I{i{.5'l1C:>`t prices paid. H. Levlt. Phone 33-1. 45-50p ISATURDAY, DEC. su. l.'5l.BlaI:l.'I:u 'I.yl.'bIuJ.w ucu.c1.o, 5: yrs. old, due in March. Ayrshire heifer, 3 yrs., due in Dec. Ayrshire heifer, 3 yr:-.., due by sale The People : Candidate Who Practices Economy with Eiciency Re-Elect Alderman W. J. CRAVEN DO you WANT TO MAKE $5,000? GOO D JUDGMENT L. FRANK HILL Your Vote and Influence are respectfully solicited for the re-election of Charles W. Lowe AS ALDERMAN FOR WARD IV. WANTED~-Dressed poultry, all kinds. at the market every Saturday. top prices paid. Thos. Blain. 46-51b g2? Barrie - Ward Five AS FIRST DEPUTY REEVE of the Town of Barrie for 1929 Your Vote and Influence are Requested for the re-election of Let s get acquainted by marking your ballot for Your Vote and Influence are requested for the election of AS 2ND DEPUTY REEVE of the Town of Barrie for 1929 V. E. KNIGHT for SECOND DEPUTY-REEVE for 1929 With the Compliments of the coming season. I THANK YOU! L R. ROGERS iF YOU DO YOU HAVE TO USE COMI<`(`>R l`AMBMLE ROOM. with board, all ('ul1\'1'1H('ll('(.`S, 201 Elizabeth St. Phone JMSJ. 45-50p ._.__.._........_. F IRSTGDEPUTY-REEVE USE `GOOD JUDGMENT AND VOTE FOR THE FOLLOWING: FOR 1929 IVCWKILU le Ave. Jersey cow, 5 yrs., calf at foot. Durham cow, 6 yrs., calf at foot. Durham cow, 7 yrs., due Dec. 19. Durham cow, 5 yrs., dxue Dec. 12.` Durham cow, 6 yrs., due Dec. 15. The above are all good, big, choice young cows and heavy milk- ers. Anyone wanting cows will do well to attend this sale. A 11 01 Terms of Sa1e--6 months credit will be given `to parties furnishing approved joint notes. 6% per an- num off for cash. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. McCONKEY, Acfionurv v-.. -' _---vn.u vnnnu Dasha All will be sold without reserve. YOUR VOTE AND INFLU- ENCE ARE SOLICITED TO ELECT FRANK R. JOHNSON Alderman for Ward V lhnndsy. Novapbc 39. IOII -:-:.-: EFFICIENCY BRACELET LOST--Flexible bracelet of brilliants and emeralds, between Ross and Dunlop Streets, on or about Saturday. Nov. 17. ~Reward. Finder kindly return to Examiner Office. 48p STRAYED from lot 14, con. 3, Ves- pra. about Sept. 1st, one white and one red yearling steers, with piece out of bottom of right ear. Finder please notify James A. Coutts, Midhurst. Phone 601r21. 47-48b -$&www$wm&ww&& ADLET COLUMN * &&ma&&ww&&i*&* - WANTED -- Young woman desires `1nIIOhlItRI"I Dhnnn 14R'7 Wl1LV11b1J zuuus hous`ework. Phone 1487. E-(_).WL WANTED also deer skins. 1r:..I-,,.. .1..:,..... nip! `L7 Tnulf Dhrnnn ROOMS. with or without board. cen- tral location. all modern conveniences; also pm`ap,'e 101' rent. Apply 29 McDon- old St`... phone 934M. 48p STRAYED~-0nto the premises of the undersigned, June 30, one yearling steer. roan. Owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses. Apply Jos. H. Emms, Oro Station. 48p FURS ALTERED and repaired. Over I-Iurlburt's Shoe Store. Miss M. Mc- Arthur. - 87tfb LIDVVLLV D 111.41.! DUUEJ 1.11151. Dl!a'DVJ.\Ja local and long distance. night andday. 25 cent service. George Irwin. Phone 198. , 39tfb One cent a word, cash, each inser- tion. (minimum charge, A26c), six Insertions for the price or tour. 100 extra when charged: also 100 extra -when replies are directed to The Examiner votrlce. ' Luna, guuu nu donald St. Z11T WANTED---Experienced farm hand, single; must be good mllker; yearly engagement and good wages, Apply Jas. J. Orok..M1dhurst. Telephone An'h~R 4..49b U 55: 603r5. I ;;ONY SADDLE AND CUTTER want- ed. Apply to Chas. Lowe, at Lowe's Fu1'n11.ux'c store. 48b TO REN'I`~A small apartment suit- able for light housekeeping. rent rea- mmable. Apply to 59 Park St., or tele- nhnnn 07113 4Rn r:----:- KEYS LOST near market. several keys. Finder please return to Exam- iner Office. Reward. T 48b TIRE CHAIN LOST, in Barrie or Al- landale, Nov. 28, tire chain 32-4. T. Hamilton, phone 1229. 48b EXPERIENCED NURSE. Practical. Apply Mrs. M. Vollickg Graighurst, Ont. . 44-49p IRWIN'S ALL BLUE TAXI SERVICE `Ina-nus` ruin:-' In-an Alafnnnn nlnlnlv nun! Any: Miss Winnie Smith of _Barr1e would like the public to know that it was not she who was arrested in Toronto Q week or so ago. 48p P-* GIRL OR MAN WANTED. with ex- rience In shoe store. Apply Barrie argaln House. 48b nU11'cuJu:. npp` phone 9711. WASHING DONE at 20 Ross St. 481) ,1-;6S'1`--Grey Opossum collar on Small St. Finder kindly return to 34' Small Cf rut nhnnn 14')\U ARV) Db. .l.`u.1uU.I. 1uu.Lu_y 11:14 St. or phone 1420W. '8-TRAYED onto lot 22, con. 8. Innis- fll about Aug. 20, 1 red heifer. Owner may have same by paying expenses and proving ownership. Harry Webb, Stroud. . 46-48p "Paco ' Vwqlvo - puncuuc nu Duu Bargain moms Anugoann AGENTS WANTED LOST AND FOUNlIf i MISCELLANEOUS HIT-ZTLP. wmmn WANTEE BRING THE YOUNGSTERS to 38 Small St .to fit them with mitts and stockings. We keep them in stock or but to order. Anything in hosiery. nice stock or yarn to choose from or knit yarn you furnish. Footing specialty. J. Platt Rose. . \_ 48-519 }}llU|lU IU 48-49b Juuuas. 1Mtfb UClC' 48p u.lIP' 48b J Nil` 48;) DH. CD 48b `lllill 48p TO LET-5 and 7-roamed apartment, all conveniences, central. Telephone 1343. 43p 44tfb TO RENT--Four comfortable rooms: conveniences. Apply 36 Tlffin St., Al- landale. 48p WANTED-La.dy or good reference would like position as companion housekeeper with 1'a.mily of two. for the winter. Apply to Box K" Examiner l'\~Pfl no 4711 FURNISHED HOUSE TO RENT. Clapperton St., all conveniences. Tele- phone 12. 48b STORE TO RENT in Bothwell's Block, Allandale. Rent reasonable. Apply R; R. Bothwell, grocer. . 41tfb AFRICAN GEESE, both sex, $4 each. Bred direct from Royal and Ottawa winners. Our stock is` exceptionally good. N. L. Chantler & Son, Bradford, Ont. ` 47-52p COTTAGE FOR RENT at Ferndale. Apply W. J. Crawford, Barrie, Ont. R.R. 2. 4813 HOUSE TO RENT on Elizabeth St., brick, six rooms, electric light. Apply phone 611r3 1. 48b FOR SALE--2 choice bronze gobblers, hatched 1927. Apply Wm. T. Nixon, Allandale, RR. 2. Phone Stroud 20r 33. V - 48b HOUSE TO LET, modern convenienc- es, rent moderate. Apply 49 Charlotte St. 48p 7-ROOM BRICK HOUSE, all conven- `lnnmac anrnn and frnx 1-.1-nae War l'V\lLI$V.l 131.11.!-\JL\ .l.'.l.\.lUDJ, till UULIVULIF iences, garden and fruit trees. For rent immediately. Phone 305J. 46-51b LADY'B LONG MUSKRAT COAT size . 38. in good condition. Apply to 56 nlllnr Hf. , `b STRAYED from lot 25, con. 12. In- nlsfil, three cattle, slit in ear. H. B. Armstrong, Allandale, R.R. 1, or phone 21r32. Stroud. . 4'1-48b 00. `II 'UU . Collier St. Moosn: 1-IEAD'tor sale. mountembest ` in Barrie, tour toot spread; 137 001- not st. V - 48-49b Eon SALE--Electric tlor lamp. as: 1...... mm! nlI Inmn mar hmn rubber LONDON BUSINESS FOR. SALE. Ex- ceptional opportunity to buy brick store and modern dwelling with groc- ery business in London. Sydney Smythe, Market Lane, London. 48p PA'S"1`UiRE FARM IFOIR SALE, 4'5 acres, southwest -part of lot 22. con. 1. Ora; never-raiding creek and sev- eral acres of Ibusnh. Apply to Mary A. Keat. Rm. 1, Barrie. `Phone 9031'- 3. 44-4913 10 PIGS, 8 weeks old. also 6 store pigs. Apply to Harry Lynn, Thornton, Ont. 48p .. FOR SALE--Ch1nchil1a rabbits from pedigreed stock. Prices reasonable. Phone 1405. 48p FOUR-YEAR-OLD CLYDE MARE, for sale, bay, weight; about 1400 lbs. Apply at Examiner Office. 48p 30 YOUNG TOULOUSE GEESE for sale." `suitable for breeding. Apply_ to Garfield Wlngrove, Barrie, RR. 2, or phone 606r12. 48p FOR SALE---2 Shorthorn bulls, red and roan, 13 and 12 months old, one from imported dam. John Allan Ross. Oro Station, RR. 2. 47-4813 LOST--Lady's sand-colored purse in Barrie, Saturday evening; valued as keepsake. Finder kindly leave with Harris, florist. 48p HOUSE T0 RENT on Innisl St. Ap- ply 56 Brook St. 45tfb STORES TO RENT, corner Maple Ave. and Elizabeth St. Apply J. V. Brett, 100 Peel St. P.O. Box 971. Telephone 885. 48p HOUSE TO RENT-196 Dunlop St. All conveniences, hardwood floors. Ap- ply 37 McDonald St. or telephone 627. ~ . 47-52b FOR BALE--One shed. 20x35. suitable for Implement house or open shed. Apply R. W. Jennett, R.R. 1, Barrie,` Ont. _ 48p 3151'! X 'L'11UUU1 1 D 1 any rvnuuuu tor sale. also small henpen with cor-T ml. Apply 16 Charles 81;. Telephone 20M. 48b FUN. BA.La.I:i--.I:uecu'Ic 1106.11` sump, aw. brass coal on lamp, 82; boy's. rubber boots. size 1, $1.25; 9.11 in good condi- Hnn `I19 Wnrnlnv Rt, 481`) cow, mm L, w..ac; an won. 113 Worsley S . BIRPCPK HOUSE FOR SALE on Blake .St.; 9.11 conveniences, garage; also lots for sale in east end of town. John Magill, `Blake St. 43-48p . FOR SALE--Slx-roamed solid brick house. one-piece bathroomzw good _locat1on, facing Queen's Park; dou- ble lot with t-mragelfor two -cars. `Apply Albert Alexander, 44 Small Qt Rnrvla _ 4.48n Apply xu Ln: t., Barrie. WU. 4 Toronto.

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