Oct." 15--.Les31eBobson held a- suc- cessful sale of farm stock and im- plements on Thursday when ideal weather brought out -a. good erowd. Rev. P. M. and Mrs. Pea.- cock were guests at Andrew Mill- -_er s, Sunday, and called on other friends to recall many happy as- sociations of the past. "I`hn. nnnp-r-no-afinn n1 +h;. TTnifn .'I'HE BARBIE EXAMINER Buy Advertised Things ORO STATION `In T I`! A-.....-..: an -C`.`.9"". f` `.-.'- _5'.*.5".TYJ,3.t`Y . 'f3.3"3.RI _E .T" 1-sL_ CIIGTBOII. Take notice further that a list of the said lands is being published in the Ontario Gazette inits issues of September 15th. 22nd and 29th, and October 6th, 1928, and that said list is .posted up in my office, cop- ies of which may be had on appli- cation. , -l'|n6AA 45$ Enngln `Rh: Tpl-n `nun A C8.1'.lOI1. . Dated at Barfie this 10th September, 19_ 28. A. W. SMEITH. 37-4`9b Treasurer Town of Bu-rte V day or Notice is hereby giveu that the list of lands now 1ia'b1e to be sold for arrears of taxes in the County of :Simcoe, has been prepared and is being published in an advertise- ment in the `Ontario Gazette, upon the lvlth, 18th and 25th days of Au; gust, 1928, and the 1st day of Sep- tember, 19208. 1'1.`-.8,.~ 4-. an-`:5 1.`:-at AF `In-`An An LCl1l'U\'.7J.', .L U 00. Copies of said list of lands or advertisement can `be seen in my office or will be mailed upon mak- ing application for same. `In default of payment of taxes as shown on said list, on or `beore Tuesday, the 13th day of November, 1928, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon, I shall at that time in the Council Cham-ber, Court House, Barrie, On- tario, proceed to sell lby public auc- tion the said lands to pay such ar- rears, together with rt-he charges thereon. 313-451) T\ `LT II`|.f\.`I',`E\)l'A'KY LIIUIKUUH. 0h'D"tUU D. H. IOOLEMAN, Treasurer, County of Simcoe Treasurezfs Office, Court House, Barrie, 0n't., the 7th day of August, 1928. TREASURER S% SALE of` L_ANDS VlL'LUU U1. Cl VVl1l.'.l.'d..llI. LIUIII LUU 111.5)` or of the Town of Barrie, in the Province of Ontario, under his hand. with the seal of the Corporation of the said Town attached thereto, bearing date the tenth day of Sep- tember A.D. 1928, and to me direct- ed, for the collection of arrears of taxes on the under-mentioned lands. That unless sooner paid, I shall, on the nineteenth day of December A.D. 1928, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon, in the Council Chamber, Municixial Building, in the said Town of Barrie, in the County of Simcoe and Province of Ontario. proceed to sell by public auction the said lands or so much thereof as may be sufficient to dis- charge such arrears and` charges thereon. rnnl... ....u..- a....a-1...... nuns .. 11-4. A. For. AI3RAR$.9F TAXES -w- ..__:-_-:- :_ _---__--o In the County of .SiIncoe, to wit: NO.'I`l}CE IS HEREBY GIVEN by virtue of a warrant from the May- nr nf Hun "I".nu7n nf `Raw-1-In In fhn Oct. 16-Mrs. Jas. Graham"of Vandorf is visiting her daughter, Mrs. R. P-Iowright. Y1-.A..\.- .....1 L:.. .1.......LL,.._ -...,.1 LL ICIIUD 1lClU .)CBLC1\;|(l_\. Mr. Seitz of Allandale Y.M.C.A. gava an interesting address at the Sunday School Rally last Sunday afternoon. Basing his talk on the LJLlllLlCl_y d.L IJ(I.D. JJCIUUCI 3- \Vith ideal weather large congregations attended the United church anniversary services last Sunday. Rev. MCL. Smith of Pene- tang delivered very helpful serm- ons. 'The choir gave several special numbers which added very effect- ively to the services. It was pleas- ing to see so many friends from a. distance present. an "\'nnr'Io1r Avvnninm r\11rv1Av~f\I1a uxacauuc pl CDCUL. On "Monday evening numerous friends of Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Slessor met at the home of the la":- ter s parents and presented them with a -miscellaneous shower. The evening was spent playing games and a few contests were held after which 'little Jean and Earl Lauder. dressed as bride and groom, enter- ed with a -wagon piled with pre- sents. A1-1 extend their heartiest wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Slessor for their future happiness. A113. J.\.. f'1U\\ 1 1~LlLn .VIr. Patton and his daughter and .\Irs. H. Roe of Toronto called on fziends here yesterday. \/In Qnh-r; n1 Ad`!-an.-'lq1n 'V.\Il :(" A V` CCXX Mr.` and Mrs. Currie and Mr. and `Mrs. VV. Lauder of Toronto spent Sunday at Jas. Lauder s. TT7r1n {Flo-:1 Itrnnfhnn 1:-snnnn 1. CLLLCL EULA 3. Walter McLean, who has been ac- cepted on the T.P.F. in Toronto, left on `Tuesday. A11 wish him every success. \/I ...-o T\nvIv:un AB 13.\..L.-.... -.:..:J....`l _..lL1. } EUUUCBD. Mrs. Irwin of Beeton visited with her mother, Mrs. Barnhardt, last wek. ~ur._ ...._-1 an-.... n.___._:- _._.~u qr._ _._.1 53 uuutuau-:. Mrs. %S. Henson spent the week- end at Elmira and Niagara. Mr, wand MFG "I" Dnnrrnnn and Mrs. Ford has returned to Barrie after spending a few days at Geo. Patterson's. T`I.`.-.15.... \)I'..`I' A-.. ...I.- 1--.. L__._ __ DULC- Mr. and `Mrs. fEa1~1 Conn and fam- ily of Elnwale spent `Sundayat A. Hadden \s. \/r.. ......a mt..- .111.-- 1r-1n..,-1.-.... Advanced Six Sedan .uuu'LuLut-:1.'s auu Uult-:1` Lmenus. Mr. and Mrs.` W. G. Ross and Jack spent Sunday at Jno. Forgle s, Sunnidale. IA -an `G -I_`l n...n.-... ...___4. `L- _--I_ cuu (LL '.l`4lllL.lL"d. HJIU. LV121ga.ra.. Mr. and Mrs. `T. Bowman and Mrs. H. Oliver went to Icoldwater on Monday to attend the funeral of the Ilate Mr. McLeod. Oct. 1 family s cottage. \;1'v- I31 uuuuasc. 111-. and Mrs. Burr, Mrs. Spence and son David were week-end vis- itors at Mrs. Lazen'by s. W1` and Mru TI Dnhov-Mann nf-' ILULD C-L LVLL3. .IJd.L!7llUy 3. Mr. and Mrs. K. Robertson of Newmarket visited Mrs. VVm. Rob ertson on .\Ionda_v. `~ If (`var-xno A63 f*A-1-nL-..... ..-.._ A CL LDUII U11 .V.l.UlHJ.'(l_\'. ' M. Groat of Cookstown was a visitor at J. VVhan s on Sunday. Mr anti 7\/I've TTnr1nv-nvnn and a.uu uau E1. VC1'_Y p.lCE1S'c1IlL Lune. After spending the summer with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John VVhan, Walter Ralph returned to his home in Buffalo last Week. T .`\II'nvnu1nn.11 has a n n u 1 and II annn Llla LIUHAC Lil .lDul.L(1lU ldl. WEEK. J. -Marshall has secured a. good position in `Toronto, his family mov- ing their furniture this week, in- tending to make` that city their home. . 9 uuu'a._y GI. `JILUG/LUL Us "Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brown of Sunnida-1e spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Buie. II`. no`: If..- FEM...` -t'V...... -._.I 1-... LLGUUUII `So Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McELa-chern intend moving this `week to their new home in `Toronto. Mr. a.nd.Mrs. MeEachern will be very much miss- led in t_own. \ `\/fr nnrT'~T\'I-1: KIVn:a `Tffncr an-Ir` Inna OPPOSITE P. 0., xcu xu t._uwu. V Mr. ancTvMrs. `King and fam- ily of Toronto are visiting with Mr. McGruthers and other friends. \/fr van.-1 \/Tug` TX? (1 `Dan. n-A ` VIDLLUL at. 0. VV 110.115 UH cuuuay. Mr. and Mrs. Underwood and two sons of Toronto were the guests of Mrs. H. Whan on Sun- day. nnifn r: ~n11rv:'|-\nv- Pwnnn known (:6. u.a._y. Quite a number from -here at- tended Cookstown fair last Week and had a very pleasant time. Affcnv annnhwcr fhn any-nv-nan nrlrk Oct. .1`5-.-`i1:_.if1E; Petch at Toronto -spent the week-end with her parents. . `Mr and MFG Ink-n -`Ruin hang ma- LICK `p6l'Ll L3. `Mr. and Mrs. John Buie have re- - turned` home after a. coupl ' of gmnths with their sons at Madison, ask. at. ....._1 1:-.. -rs 1r-15..-1.-.._. ..._-._. Ino Mr. -and Mrs. D. McEachern spent Sunday at Meaford. '7\/Tr and Mn: llnvtinn `Ru-nu-rn AP %i_n_A_rrear`for- Town of Barrie SALE OF LANDS 1:5--Mrs. James VVhan and spent the week-end at their D 35`-!-E FWARI. (I an-_ :- Twin Ignition mr Bijur .....z Houciaie Ilia`: (`Anna-Ac'nn ADA- 1`.-o..l.'.-.l ung}. I uI-3..3`.- I -..'-_..'3- `lg... Alggglggn WIINESING .575`???-3 F935 BARRIE FUEL & sumv co, J.G.SCO'lT \ .LEWlS UL'ULl1Ul'l1'UUL.l 'G.LAu. pcapcn I Sunday visitors here included M123 and Mrs. .\IcDona`1d, Mr. and .\Irs.: Robinson and child of Toronto, at` W. J. Armstrong's; Air, and I\I1`s.i story The Christ of the Andes? he made a strong appeal for world. brotherhood and peace. ! ` Qnnon u4aH-nra horn innlnrin \T1` Barr.i-?V!!9!i%As gS!!I2p!y Co. Against the uncertain r temperatures of Autumn IMPORTANT r1:A'1*UnEs..Jro orjnzn 0.11% Has THEM 11.1. Twin-Ignition motor Aluminum alloy pistons Biiur central` ed _ Longer Wh1bl3l A 12 Air. ft, ark (Iuvar Smut) chassis lubr cation onpieca sglgg plugs E type ,9 New double drop 1-ame cl ck. ` fenders . . I 0 I ctr. \ -High compression Torsional `vibration e C 0 ` , Clear vision from , damper Exterior metalware pillar posts d '11 d L . - . H3303: fbggrbegsveioy W1'5d'335i"3*9dn8 chrome plated "ow: Nash Special Design (`*' 1"-W.` N,`l "'"'""'3 7-bearing crankshaft nickel i_ A _ ` 5100! 334.1931 Salon Bodies A . (bellow cran pm) Short turning !'8dlIl3_ bumper! 0'ice and Yards, Victoria St. and Railway. ' D--.l-..-.. D.-- nu _ n__L___ 4 These Fall days the thermometer runs up and down in a few hours. There is real need for fuel which will keep pace with it .-a fuel that will give a quick hot fire, or a moderate one, exactly as desired. Hamilton By-Product Coke is that fuel. Scientifically prepared for house heating, correct in size and density-a tremendously important feature, because coke that lacks density too porous) is very hard to con- trol. ' Naturally, Hamilton By-Product Coke is entirely satisfactory for use during Winter months, also. It creates no cli1il fumes or soot-burning down to a fine feathery ash. And by burning Hamilton By-Product Coke you make a very desirable saving of 35c on every dollar spent for fuel-fill up your bins, NOW. :;_i;MIL'ro1~I,:/,6? Umce and Xards,Victoria St. and Railway. % Boadway, Prop. Chas. Graham, Supt. Trade Name Registered MADE IN HAMILTON, ONTARIO. IN COKE OVENS OWNED AND OPERATED BY CANADIANS 711:0 in on The Hamilton By-Product Program ` every Friday night from CKGW Toronto. and `nanny TLIICQIJIIII D1:pIL` `anion LI....JlJ.... III! III` I III; IIIIIIUIIIIUII lJy"l IIKIICCK I IUUYCJII` and Thursday nigh! from CKOC Hamilton. SOLD BY DEALERS EVERYWHERE ' Cl Sure % Safguari La nuumu-Iypu opus - v Houdaille and Loveioy shock absorbers (exclusive Nasb muntlvll) Salon -37.1:-~ LB `i Elmer Graham, two daughters and 1. son of Alliston at Walter Downey s; !.\Ir. and .\Irs. Russell Downey and .1 family of A-lliston at Carman Dow- .5 ney s; Mr. and Airs. Rex Chappel 1 and infant and Mr. and Mrs. Howie .\ of Toronto at Jos. Chappe1 s. tr ow -yrww-.--or--vn-v Not only does our building material come up to speci- cations, but the prices and terms are sure to meet with your approval. As soon as your architect nishes your plans and specications get your gures for the building materials you will require and we guarantee you satis- faction in every particular. You will like our prompt service. Sd]-or Phone lqi-3.1-1-ts tin-J -Holidny| 313 Up to Specications ATAL no.1.` AA..- A..- L..11..I.... LEWIS & co. You will have true-to-life tone reproduction-ease of bringing in distant stations--economy of opera- tion with full 6-tube powei--year round reception- selectivity--volut/ne-and the knowledge that you have an instrument which embodies the latest im- provements in Radio. 9 _ when you own a Vvestinghouse Radio Re- ceiver. Sensitive--powerful-i-perfect tone quality. No need to fear comparison with any other set in the world. - Y CU will be conscious of pride of ownership A. MOFFATT, Plumber and Healer EOPLE everywhere are recogniz- ` ing, in the new Nash "400," the only car at moderate price, with all the luxury and renement heretofore furnished by very expensive motor cars. . ~ There is nothing to compare with t performance of the new "400 Twin Ignition motor-the year's outstand- ing development in power, speed, smoothnessand economy. Phone 531 Weslin house Cone Spa $39.50 Sixztubce Cotrjpact Model H. PALNIER High Compzson Motor Ccntnliul Cltauis lubricatiba Hytlnulic Absorbers J. G. KEENAN Twrj-1 T The zmace NA5 HL"4Q0" ')Iz/;/N451! Offlzr. sous. AGENT FOR HECLA FURNACES % - BARRIE : 112 For Batteryless, Battery and the full line of Radiola Models, $82.50 to $395.00. Come_ in and let us give you a demonstration to-day. AUTHORIZED WESTINGHOUSE DEALERS Compact Model $82.50 BARRIE Biinr central` wheelbnsu C8500 V31 - ecu-`C ` I-tnnsna cunnoalinno . _3II_- _..-.. . Cl i ion from metalvfvare ;?1'1a' sposts ch plated over na:::': ~:::.%:;cs':.2~*=- All "400" Advanced Six models, more- over, are equipped with the world's finest system of ` centralized chassis lubrication-Bxjiar. V And their longer wheelbases, double drop frames, rubber insulated bodies and costly -Houdaille hydraulic shock absorbers, provide travel smoothness `and relaxation heretofore aorded only by very big, very expensive cars; Growing circulation is the best evidence of the quality of Exam- iner service. week and report a. very nne um:-. Best wishes to Miss Lucy'Ayr.es who was united in marriage to Mr. Gilbert Wiley In Barrie on Sat- urday, Oct. 13._ Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ayres and son George and daugh- ter Alice attended the wedding. Barn Struck by Lightning, Burned V n!orh1-nnvva NXIAFA nrnnqnri 196:? Dir" OEIWIGK U] I-lglluullyg Iaurlluu Neighbors were aroused last Thursday, Oct. 11. about 1 a.m. `by a bright li-ght shining in their bed- room windows which awakened many sleepers. On arising to find what caused the brightness they saw A-lex. McI;ee's barn in the field next the" station in a mass of flam- es, and sparks blowing directly to- ward the station. Much excitement was aroused amongst the people for fear of the station catching fire also. The barn being full of hay. with a little lean-to shed beside it which had his binder housed for the winter, was totally destroyed. It is supposed that the fire was caus- ed from the terrific electrical storm which began early in the evening and did not end until after the damage was done about 2 a.m. Only a few drops of rain accompanied the night of lightning and rum- bles of thunder. It was remarked that it was the worst lightning seen here in years. It just seemed to light up the whole heavens. Insur- ance on Mr. McKee's barn was only around $200 which would not com- mence to cover the loss on barn, let alone all the hay and the binder. All sympathize with Mr. McKee in `hi: Inaa :31; :3! Au`. his loss. name 10!` we slx-montn tel"II1. Harvey McLean and Misses/Vera McLean` and Nina McLean.spgnt Sunday with Ed-gar friends. Anrlvnno Nfr-{(99 ,.Tr,' ha: rnhn"n- nuuuuy WILLI J:JLL`5CU.` .LJ.'lBl.1\.l. Arthur McKee,.Jr.,' has return- ed home trom Saskatchewan. Flnifn n nnrnhnn Pvvnnn haw.` nf!'nnr':- CG. nuune .I.l.'U1u Daanauutxcwau. Quite a number from here attend- ed the {owl supper at Midhurst last week and report a. very fine time. `nnar mlnhna tn `Mica T.nnv'Avrm: 11111 ' . Harold Tracy, Ray Tracy and Ben Knapp are attending n.'ght school in Barie for the six-month term. unwvvlsur ]'n`T.Aon one-I \/f{amAn/`Tar-o IVIHI Ijurnuvj X I in 9 -?u I Oct. 1'5-lI-"I. Alfordhas improved- %is property by putting up a. small am. 1YnuAI;I Tnnnvr `Dow Tnunvv no-u Dan Phone 730 TP"'"E9"?`$Tf`_"9, 118 Dunlap St. (8951) A j-- `ml=f{evw`r..u~=.\`/}'r. Schnider of `Beton oc- cupied Jthe pulpit here on Sunday while Rev. G. IG. -Mc|Cormick con- ducted anniversary services at `Thompsonville. `Mfr: A `TE "A/l'rn~r-ianv'1.!a -In !\/I'h-`flown! LIEU.` \IlUU.l}'J ll!'..`1'C. Mr.- and Mrs. -Wes. Uncles of Le- froy spent Sunday with Elmer Uncles. `Alan `I `I ll :-u.Aud-lawn.` e.-snub II `nit! Ll llUlI7Bo Mrs. J. J. Mo-Arthur spent a. few V `days with her- mother, Mrs. Mc- Cuaig. 1'-Tana}-1` rnnrfnr Ia :1-|inn!nor nrhnoi I-Ieri). Crawford is shipping wheat. Victor Ross s-hipped two. cars of stock, AMonday. ' Congratulations `to `T. Knupp and Sons on `their winnings with their horses at Cookstown Faitytaking '3 rsts. ' 3/r.. ......a \r.... -c4........ 11...; ......a .1:\._...:` aunday. October 18, 1928 ` `i`&?;f TA f`.`*1T&orrison~ is in mama attending the funeral of `Thomas MdC'lerchie. ` I'|'Lau..- ---11 -1..- A LAALR ..1..... _._-J..!._.. ".u i`\`f1`<:xfew;:r:il `be a beef ring meeting on Friday, .-Oct. '19. All members are requested to be present. &n` ulnnani Oct. 16--J. C. Arnold and Mr.L Morris attended the Icookstow-n Fair. $1.... `In ... 'l1_A.. ..._.....L .. 0-_. 5--.... :\li1"s. Mac Elson spent a. few days with her husband at Erie. If-on `E-`A: Ava A8 I-nu-4~-. `D4.-- -.1- VVILKI ILUIE l.lLl5Ud1lU. ill. .I"Jl.'LUo Mrs. Fred Day of Shanty Bay vis- ited her brother, Bert Graham. 'Ml'{aa '`.3-In mi? AP Danni- tuil-n.-I ILUU. 1161' Ul'ULIlBl',` DEFL Ltfdl. Miss Edith Day of Barrie visited her home here. `II ... .._.I `ll'.._ mar: `l'T....`I-.- -1 `I A UIUIILU auu 'L/lU\V X] 11.11}: A. T. Moore was well enough to be out to church on Sunday evening. pot, A "Dx1o'h_F1i1nhvie+ on:-1 Porn- 0 Ill. 5L5- Mr. and Mrs. Sanm Forte and IF:-ed March of Stouffville and {C. Law- rence Arnold of Regina were vis- itors at lE1mcroft Farm during the week. - 13.... \II'.. G..1.....!A.-.... A0 fI'1.;..L.-.._ A. Oct. 15--Mrs. A. Pam is away at Hilton spending a week or so with her sister, Mrs. Hemstreet. RI ...-. 'I`l'Y.-... Al-` 'C14-.4.-....1 ....A.-`A. ..-.A.. UULU UVCL ouuuay. `Those who have threshed their buckwheat report about half a crop. .Dnfofnncs own fnvinkn 'I7nI`I7 1-\r.\r`1u I (: WHEN YOU BUY A WESTINGHOUSE YOU OWN THE WORLD'S MOST ADVANCED RADIO : Lul l|1lJ3 clllu IIIHHECID i:ll.C Vlily 1111C- Mrs. G. W. Caldwell is in the vi]- lage again after sonie months in Toronto and -Crown Hil-1. A '11 '1\II';-`nan vvvnnq uu.-.11 nun...-..L J.-. C uub LU Ullul U11 U11 muuuzty CVCIlLll5- Rev. A. `Pugh-Gilchrist and fam- ily spent a day at Henry G'i1christ`s -lately. pu.cu. Mrs. IRoy Gough has been con- ned to her bed with near pneu- monia but is able to `be around again. A nnnnhnv Fr-nrrn hnvn offnnn.-1 can- ouxnuay. Mr. and Mrs. Icantelou. Miss Lake and `friend of `Toronto were Week- end guests of `friends here. qor-xna in 1-ha TTY1;f't3r` nhnnnh nnvf >3uuua._y (LL J.U- IJU- St. `James Church service in the evening at. the usual hour, the Rev. R. `Faulkner in -charge. ouuuuy \V'l|,Ll 47113. l1\.U.)` 1. (LL Llltlta George Simpson, Prof. J. G. -Hume and Mrs. -Pemberton were in Tor- onto over Sunday. "I`In.-xon -nrlnn haw- fkwnnkn +1nnh- lJL:IL7l\VV LICCLL I-CIJLIIL (IUUUL IICIIL CL UL U1}- Potatoes are touched very badly gwith rot around `Shanty Bay but 2 turnips and mangels are very fine. ` 1\/Tr: (1 TX) 'f`a1r1urn'H {a in 1-kn vi1_ LUVV ll J.`Cl.I.L U11 J.'L1\.l(1_)u `The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Johnson, born on Friday night, died on Sunday, Oct. 14. Deep sympathy is felt for the parents. Road is Dangerous `The ~1arge steam shovel is in op- eration on 'Brennan s Hill, having excavated to an estimated depth of fifteen feet already. Consequently it makes the road very narrow for cars. As a result a `Ford car went over the side on Friday evening. The car `was `badly wrecked and it is reported two of `the occupants were taken to `Barrie Hospital while the third was able to proceed on his Way. `This is a very dangerous place to travel at present especially at night and for travellers not ac- quainted with the condition of the hill. LICK C" Miss .\IacKz1_v of Elmvale is `the guest of her sister, Mrs. Jas. :Rix. Jas. Rix continues to wear a happy smile. A young -son came to stay Oct. '6. ' M Mrs. Vernon `Caldwell and small daughter are home from R. V. Hos- pital. \/I've Ipnxr -rinncrh kn: honn nnn- cI.5u.Au. A number from here attended an- niversary services at Iidgar on Sunday. `In orx \/I'v-a Ir`-)nfn1nn \/Time T.oLvn `.759 /?aa4"o/ %% 36://.59 % Proud/o Own CIILI SLICDLB UL Ll ACIILAB LICLC. Service in the United church next Sunday at 10.30. 'Qf 'T-nrnne l"hnv'r-PI carving {rm fhn LICK BLDLCL, `V115. ILCIIIDLLCCL. Mrs. VVice of .'Stroud spent over Sunday with Mrs. Roy Partridge. I`_nrnva-n Qhrnnenn 'DvnP T {I .T-Ynvn.. --w y.-. __-- Oct 15-Miss Hazel YChappe1I, R. N.. spent a few days at her home here . \l..... \l'.`.T. __. .-.0 `l'.`i.....-...I.. 1.... LI... Oct. `15-Edwin Richardson of Er- indale _was home over"Sunday. Mica {\1~rr\Q 1,Qnvf`nn= nf "'I`nu-nnt-n u1ucuc_wcta l.lUlllK`.` UVCI ouuuay. Miss Orma `Scythes of `Toronto was home over the week-end. A T l\lf;-nun \/I'....- C4p...4-1..-... ..._.1 Wclb LIULLIC U\'Ul' LHC \VCC'l\"I'.'1lU.. A. L. `Moran. Mrs. Scythe-s and Miss Orma Scythes attended Cooks- town Fair on `Friday. `Thn {nFon+ r'lnnrr1nrnn rd-` 1/I'n nu.-1 (IL KJICLILUI, 4I.V_Y QHU. .DClALCl'. Miss S. VV'aid of Galt is spending a `few weeks with her nephew, V . J. Jones. | c aciuxuua. _ Sunday visitors included: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brown, Ivy, -`at W. J. Miller's; `Miss .-Bella Mil-ler, Barrie. .Mr. and Mrs. `H. Thompson and Lil- lian. Thornton, and Mr`. and Mrs. Wilfred 1\Iatton and VVdllis 'Smith, Ivy. at J. H. `Bel~1 s; Mr. and Mrs. I. `McMaster, Grenfel and Wes. Stoneham, Barrie, at J. Dobson s; Mrs. Smith, Mr. and, Mrs. McGee. Miss Smith. Mrs. Ray Smith, -Mid- land, with .M. M. and `Richard Bell: Mrs.-Hy. Donovan, Miss ~Stratford and Mrs. Dennis, Toronto, at Edwin Smith s. Gifts to Mr. and Mrs. .L. Dobson On Monday evening a very large gathering of friends and neighbors met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. -Ellis to say "farewell to Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Dobson and to give them a leather club bag and an el- ectic iron "and electric toaster in remembrance of the many happy times spent together. Rev. J. A. Ross, chairman, by his witty.re- marks, carried off at trying situation, `as a score or more of neighbors were called to express appreciation of the kind, thoughtful and neigh- borly life the Dobson s had always lived in the community; voicing also personal regret that they were going away and wishing. them good luck and kind friends in St. Cath- mines where they will reside for the present. `Mr. and Mrs. Dobson replied, thanking the many friends who had gathered for the occasion and expressing sincere regret at severing life-long t`ies with folks of this community. (`Too late for last week) Mr. and Mrs. "W. `Carruthers and two daughters spent Sunday with VV. J. Jones. A `Dndnk Inn.-:1 nlnunnlq A N u - - A `ha r\1I\l`I\/l I VVa do dU11CBo Both local churches were closed on Sunday and numbers of people attended the anniversary services at Grenfel, Ivy and Baxter. Mica Q TXTIQL-1 AF (1aH- in anus-1r=Hncr UUUIGLLULNS UL LHC 1113!.- The congregation _of the'U;1ited church held very successful anni- versary services on Sunday when Rev. P. M. fPecock of Toronto, a former pastor, delivered impressive sermons. $1:-gain-o `v3;-c'&:\u:- 3u.n1u-AA}. `I ... Am: THE worun