u/A x;v:a.4 A Special ...._.../-sod`: V -`saw ;u nun; uuu vunvun. .'| yum.-.J beautiful I1SSO.rtment:. values up to $32.30. Special Many Other Values that space does not permit to mention are await- ing inspection. Avail yourself of these Great Savings. SPECIAL! SPECIAL! BOYS EXTRA WELL MADE BLUE SERGE SUITS with 2 pairs of long pants. Sizes up to 36. Reg. $12.00 value. Spevcial . . . . $7.50 \ BIG SPECIALS IN CHILDREN'S HATS CHILDREN'S HATS in felt and velvet. A variety of styles, the most 1.,.,...+:c..1..--...;...,...;. .-..,1..,.- ...- LA (`-1 :"r\ c~..-..:..1 on- 5.. Q1 9: MEN S FLANNELETTE WORK SHIRTS, double yoke, well made, 1 ..... ,....I _ A . _ _ _. ' n._..-:,.1 "IE- ` SPECIAL! SPECIAL! FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY HEMSTITCHED PILLOW CASES, good size. Special . . . . 15c ea. HEMSTITCHED SHEETS, extra large size. Reg. $32.00. Special 98c solo by Miss Lillian Thompson. I ; whose `great-grandfather, John . . Thompson, was the first person to ! w.hom Mr. Mary spoke upon his . I arrival at Thornton. 52 years ago: ""7 mixed quartette consisting of Miss- LV-_ : es Annie Patton and Genevieve 3Jan1ieson, Chas. Henry and Neville eph 9 Jamieson _who sang `The Old Rug- ged Cross, accompanied by Mervyn her Corbett; also community singing. __(_k_A Miss Juanita Jamieson gave an elo- _ ;s; cutionary number in her usual good ng_ 1 style. The chair was occupied by A. l E. Morrison, P.V\ .P. of Thornton -or._ I Division. 1115 H 111 U1`: \.'UuIp1CLt'u. I -The above _articulars are believ-l ed t_o be correct but any intending purchaser must verify them for himself. 1'3-.. c.-..A.1.-_ .'..c-____--L:_,, _ JJAJIISCJJJ For further information as to terms, price. etc., apply to THE STERLING TIRUST CORP. l Avniniofnnnra 1`) TIn~ C16 1-.n.' bE."IoZW, E.I.'-}4M ;J.L:u >JJ.J`JJ.\.1J1AV\J .Lu:\UDJ. LULIVF. | Administrators, 12 King St., E. 40-42b Toronto, Ont. ` MESSRS. BOYS & BOYS, Barrie T. VV. VV. EVANS, Bradford. 3 LU Lu: cuuple LU1 an 1'1:quu'o:u1euLs. There is also a good implement shed and poultry house, about two Iacres of orchard, good kitchen gar- | den With abundance of small fruits. l Inn..+n.-W. nnv-nn A9 4?:-.11 ..-L..\..L -1`.-..... ucu wuu a.uu11uauL`c UL 51112111 11`u1[S. Fourteen acres of fall wheat sown [on fallow ground, fifteen acres of `clover seeding and the fall plough- ` ing will be completed. I .'T`hn nhnnn .ov-+nu1rn~:~ nun 1-\n13nwv I to be ample for all requirements. auu Lin-: Luiiiact: is pi ;:1L'L1L'uuy new. There are two frame barns, one 46x32 on a brick foundation, fitted with stabling for cattle and hog pens, the Water supply is inside the building; the other barn is 36x60 on! a cement foundation. stabling is steel equipment and the water sup- ply is inside. The water is supplied from wells by windmill and is said Thorn in l:11cn n n-nn.-1 ;v\r\r\1t\v-unr\v16I VALUABLE FARM LANDS] I FOR SALE '~ 1 UL L'Ul|..|\1L.lUll. The premises are unusually well built `upon. the dwelling is of brick construction, eight rooms, splendid dry cellar; the heating is by hot air` and the furnace is practically new. 'T`hovn arc: fnrn fvarnn Horne nun The Adminstrators of the Estate `of the late James A. Downey offer for sale that very desirable farm, supposed to contain in or about 109 acres and being composed of the No1'th_I-lalf of Lot Number One, in lthe 13th Concession of the Township I of Tecumseth. mu.-.. ._ -.._ -4: n..- ..--._L .a-_:,,_u,., | UL 1 CL |.llllDCLllc This is one of the most desirable farms in the County of Simcoe, be- ling situate about 1 mile from the thriving town of Alliston and con- venient to good markets, shipping facities, churches, public and high schools and on a good road. The soil is loamy, easily worked, very productijve and in a splendid state of cultivation. 71`!-., K . . A ....:..n.. _.._ ..._____._11_- ___1'| !The undersigned has received in- | structions from \ --11-`:-yr.-a srwrao nun The following: Team horses: binder; seed drill; Deering mower; Deering sulky rake; disc harrow; wagon; 2-furrow plvov; cutter; `single plo-W, No. 21; buggy; Frost & \Vood cultivator, nearly new; set sleighs; De Lava-I cream separator; fanning-mill: set double harness; set single harness: cook stove; orga.n; also forks, chains, dowbletrees and many other articles. I All ...:11 1..- ....1,: ---:6-1..-..J. .--_______ Having just recently installed the latest Glover Model H Continuous Flow Purifying System in our Dry Cleaning Plant, we are able tomake your gar- ments beautifully clean `with the aid of this modern equipment, the newest and best obtainable. A Trial Solicited. Satisfaction. Guaranteed Goods called for and delivered. Prices reasonable. W. FIR T `l9l?o,?:$l::.::,.*=.: I ULAICL at LALJC-3. I All will be sold without reserve! as propnietor has sold his farm. Terms of sa1e-All sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount '9 months credit will be given to rparties funnishing approved joint Inotes. 6% per annum off for cash lon credit sums. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Mcconkey, Auctioneer `Au/nos nail] IJKIJ4 At Lot 19, Con. 5, Vespra (MILL ROAD, 2 mi?es North of BARRIE) to sell by public auction on lI)I'|I'\lIlWt'Il\ A11 4\1~I-In an . -nyp-srnv so--Juana FARM STOCK &. IMPLEMENTS SUPERIOR CORN FLAKES . . . . . . . QUAKER CORN F LAKES . . . . . . . . . SNOWFLAKE AMMONIA . . . . . . . . . VI-TONE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SINGAPORE PINEAPPLE-SIiced . . PALM OLIVE SI-IAVING CREAM an BARTON PEAS--No. 4 Size . . . . . . PEANUT BUTTER--Toy Pail . . . . . TREE RIPE PEAARS . . . . .`. . . . . . . . . H. HORNE'S CUSTARDI POWDERS- KING OSCAR SARDINES . . . . . . . . PEARL `SOAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WANT,ED-Any Quantity No. 1 Ha: 'Phone 185 ,1: ` BARRIE People sCo-Operative Store VREDPATH CRANULATED SUGAR . -VJ yawn. uuuuavnn \7v17:bNEsDAir, OCT. 34 'l"l-.n n`l`Ip.uv8-..-... _`_AUCTl()_N___SALE 3 A15... - --.-. - QUALITY -l- SERVICE -- w1=.aK_.1%~:%%1%)%s1>:ac1zs.1.s-ocr.19. 20 Rliiiilliiii 132E{iLga_Y` .41; ft New5 Hand Picked 10 lbs. (Cash and` Carry) * . . . . . . . .,3 pkgs. for ` . . . . . . . 3 pkgs. for . . . . . . . 2 pkgs. for u.Ll wcu-ulcu JIAVVBS. I The above are all good breedy: stock and in good condition. All` will be sold without reserve. Terms of Sale :--12 months cred-' it will `be given to parties furnish- lingwapproved joint notes. 6 per cent. per annum off for cash. Sale at 1 p.m. 42-43b` 117 A mr ,..r1 nxn-r-nxr Herefords. 4 Hereford Steers, rising 1 yr. old, 4 Spring Calves, Duriham. 5 Calves. 4 weeks old. 17 wellibred Ewes ;-x :.c J..u:11Bl'b'. uurnams 3.110` I TL- n'l..-.... ._-.- _.n , 1 I - I .Lu Q-_y1..-utu f1t`Lllb'l'S, Uurnams ` Herefords. 14 Yearling Heifers. Durhams \ FTQV-A-Fnv-rip i JXs"."6iJ"T`fs .at Lot 13, Con. 3, Yespra. '1-n EDT` kt? Du11\1:n A u u n L ... __- _-v- -w, 7 --. up I vvrlsnv [to sell by Public A,uction on --ms`---` 1-- -: E The following: {Ayrshire Cow. with calf at foot !B1ack 'Cow, `due by date of sale. I Black Cow. with calf at foot. Spotted Cow. with calf at foot. `Red Cow. due in December. I 12 2-yr.-old Heifers, Durhams and? HA1-ofnra The .undersigned has received instructions from LLLILJ LDJHLKLI-.LJ.LI 1. LJ .I.\.AV 1' J. \J`L\yl'J _" Parlor` suite, piano, odd rocking clock in mahogany case, Victrola',- parlor tables, oil paintings, Water` colors, rug, etc., quarter-cut oak` extension tables, antique sideboard, quarter-cut oak dining chairs, oak; sideboard, fancy china, cutlery. gclassware. linoleum and rugs, 3 bedroom suiges, rugs, etc. Above is all extra good furniture. Quebec heater and cook stove combined, cook stove, kitchen tables. chairs, kitchen utensils and many other` articles. F` A-ll will `be sold Without reserve. Terms of Sale-Al~l sums of" $15 and under, cash: over that a.moun`C 6 months credit will he {.,'ive~.n to` parties furnishing: approved joint notes. Sale at 1 p.m. 42-4313 XV. A. .\Ic~Conke_v, Auct. chairs arm chairs, grzrndfat-l`1er s` _ CHILDREN S SWEATERS in coat and wind-breaker style, of shades, 100 per cent; pure wool. Sizes up to 6 years . . BIG GIRLS AND BOYS SIZES, a genuine bargair} at . . F annulus : swung` ---vv_v-.- ._-_.__ Of High-class Household Furniture; Farm Stock and Implements. UZILUY, O SLUVCS VVILH UIUUU-C15 . IBBPLEM-EN`TS. ET'C.- Delivery wagon, farm Wagon, nearly new? 3-drum vstee-1 roller, 3`-section ha!`-' row, spring-tooth cultivator, team` corn cultivator, single plow, gang p]0w.seed-d1'11I. scuffler. strawberry` scuffler, power cutti'n'g-'box, pu1per,.- set spring-t`-ooth hearrows, beam har-' vester, 2000 lb. scale, DeLava1 new cream separator. 6-h.p. eIctric m`o- tor, 2 sets sleighs, Star touring car, cider mill, spray tank, 27 cords of sawed and split a\V0Od, a quantity of glazed sash, 200 lights of glass` 1`)xn1R in 01-n Fnrlzc rT`nuuT'-nfv-one . ` l` The undersigned has received in-' 1 sgructions from UL gxaatu 3:; 12x16 in., z chains, etc. `l.'_'l'(\TTBlIV`L1 : LII AVl\.l|J AT |NGLENO.C')'l`(F"ARM (KNOWN AS LOUNT S CASTLE? SUNNIDALE ROAD, BARRIE Mc')iil)`IA.\(-,:`6(_:f"`i`s`)t1:` uzuus, CLU. HOUSEH!O.IJD_ FURNITURE --' )n...`|,-\...- ~.ub.-. C\IPI\Af\ A1: .aA..`I....4-at -.-._..._..J _ _-- ,__ v_, the fo-llowirng: HORSES AND H.A.R`.\"ESS--'On.' .._..... 1.--- 1.-_..,... -yonn 11..." f\r\t5`4\ nan`. Important Auction Sale I LII;-.L,Al-u-n I-lnnlenhnlrl :IlI`I\:+llf . - 1.15:0 IUI` `(ii'll.e'tt'e Razor for . . . . . . . . . . per tin, LHLJICD DlLl\ I"\KLJ VV \l\lL.4 A|\JuA.., wnuu. uvu vv wlbnny, u; est shades, sold everywhere at 93c. Speciaf . . . . . . . . . . (3HlL'DF_{EN S HEAVY WOOL WORSTED HOSE, extra good qual- _ n___-:..1 `in. nu -t_<)sVe71V1717),;713u}7371i7c Ailction on -. A -11 45 Cattle and` "s;1L&a&: Wi. ViV7"t1{' r\11t\vvv:4|r\r\ol AUCTION SALE Thursday, October 18, 1928 V-- ;.\/L \alDlIo p.r}i. "" W. A. iMc`CONKEY, Auct. _$f MiJsij1i_J_ .A. _...A4. large 1 :11): . . . . . . . . 2 fo; . . . 20 bars for 75 icked APPLES 139 Dunlap St. BULBS `AT .\"IcC0nke_v, SEX-S11, .I.UU 1J` ,Hl.S UL l`5l'd.-3: ) also forks, d'~ouE)`1etrees, i"c i2$'$1".:-J 2 tins for 1-lb. pkgu, . 2 tins for J 59c ' 29c 35c 1 0c 1 9c 29 19c 29c 75c 60 25c . SPECIAL IN LADIES HATS GENUINE VALUES ARE OFFERED IN LADIES HATS FELT HATS in the season s most up-to-the-Tinute styles and shapes, well made. Special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' $1.79 VELVET HATS, newest in. Reg. up to $5.00. Special . . . . . . $2.25 27c 15c L LADIES SILK AND WOOL HOSE, extra good weight, all the new- - _-1.l . _ _ . u . . . ..`L.;\... at f\:"n Cv-\A:\t\:I'I1 QED`. _-n LADIES FALL WEIGHT UNDERWEAR, vests andbloomers 39i::ea\. LADIES EXTRA HEAVY UNDERWEAR, fleece-lined, best grade. S cial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 garment pe SAME IN CHILDREN S SIZES. in heavy fleece-lined vests and bloomers. Special . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39c SUGCESJSJORS TO W. GRA-OEY & SON For F all Planting COAL ` COKE WOOD jzj THEE T E ii T-TH T T H v T SEASONABLE MERCHANDISE AT REAsoNAELE PRICES HAS ALWAYS BEEN THE SLOGAN OF `THE ARCADE `STORES. RIGHT IN THE HEART OF`THE SEASON YOU CAN SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS FOR THE FAMILY AT THEARCADE STORE AT PRICES THAT wnu. APPEAL To YOU. oun MOTTO SATISFACTION GUARANTEED . ---j+-w1LL ASSURE YOU or H1c;HEsT QUALITY MERCHANDISE. -_____ ' ' DIES I LADIES COATS ,' I oxur-run I-IIrIIl"\ A II\1'\I"lW1`7I"A `'5 1`... 1:..A,-I LAAL Ag...` I A I\II`{`7 I\f\ A 'I`I` sPE<;1ALg _ EXCEPTIONAL QUALITY ' AT REGULAR `PRICE {Cleaning Equipment I-`ALL VVEAR; AVALUES 3 onrruzuw 1;, >I0I0I0I0X0I0X0I0I0I0I0I0I1l0i MRS. HUGH FINLAYSON Mrs. Ada Watson Finlayson, wid- ow out Hugh Fin'1a.ys'on, who was for some time employed as editor of The Barrie Saturday Morning, died in Toronto General I-Ioslpital yes- terday. Interment will be made in Barrie Union Cemetery on Friday afternoon. , I nau uveu suwe: 1`cU1'u'u._y, .LJaU. Deceased was the son` of Thomas Sewrey and was in his 72nd year. Born -in Vespra, he followed his father on the homestead on Con. 4. and farmed there for 33vears. After leaving the farm he lived at Cundles and later at 11 Grove St. with his sister, Mrs. Martha Bishop. He\was also a brother of Mrs. Jais. Snead. Elizabeth -St., Thos. Sewrey, Mc- Donald St., and Jos. Sewrey, Tor- ont"o. ` .m1.... :......-.....1 -non- 1.51:1 una+nv-Anv MRS. J. J. BROWN Barrie lost its oldest n-autive res`!- dent early Sunday morning, Oct. 14, 1928, when Mrs. Jane E. Brown, widow of the late J. J . Brown, pass- ed away. For severall years, Mrs. Brown- had been very trail in `body and confined to her room most 017' the time, but up -till her death was mentally alert and keenly interest-I ed in what was-taking place from day to day._ Her sufferings were borne with great patience and chris- tian resignatlon. , w-\oo'I.-incr rs? `Mfr: RFHWH Q} . SOLOMON SEWREY Solomon: Sewrey, a former resi- dent of Barrie and `V-espra, died on Oct. 14, 1928, in Toronto, where he had lived since February, 1926. `IN A A A n nnA tuna +.'|-ma envy AP "'I"'hnrrna= -Don t miss. the_great Zane Grey story, Llghtnmg, at the Cap1to1 Theatre Thurs., Fri., Sat., this.week. 42x OHIO. `The funeral was held yesterday afternoon from the home of Mrs. Bishop tvo Barrie Union Cemetery. Rev. A. E. Baker offirciatedr and six I-Io'ok brothers acted as pallbearers. nan reslgnauon. Speaking of Mrs. Brown at the morn-.in`g service in St. Andrew's Cuhurch. Rev. J. `S. Shortt said: A saint of Go-d has passed from our church and t-own. Her long life was fruitful in charity and helpfulness. Although of recent years she had borne the burden of `bodily 1n'.f1r-m- ity, her spirit was ever free. She manifested in high degree courage, Death of Mrs. John Lennox A deep gloom was casctxover the entire cfommuni-ty by _tihe`death of Mrs. John Lennon: at her home in Painswick on Saturday evening, Oct. 13. Although in delicate health. ' death came very unexpectedly. De- ceased. whose maiden name was `Agnes Josephine Lowrie, was born and spent her girlhood days at Ivy. After her ., marriage to John Lennox they resided at. Minesing _for 21 years, coming to Painswick . 23 years ago. Mrs. Lennox, who was in her 70th year, Was a member of the Anglican church and always very active in all church work, es- pecially the Women's Auxiliary. Be- ing of a very sociable and kindly disposition-, she. will be greatly `xmissed in the community, but most especially in- her home `and family circle by her sorrowing husband, two daughters and four sons: Mrs. John Cook, Painswick;`I-Iarry, In- dtian Head. Isa-sk.; Dalton and D'Arcy or Painswick; Mrs. Ernest C'h'an't1er` 0: Toronto and Lyle of Sioux Looukout; also two sisters and one brbther. Mrs.Mac'Coubrey of Bracebridge: Mrs. Speers of Cali- fornia. and Rlobent Lowrie oi.'.Essa. The funeral to`St. Paul's Church and cemetery on Ocotber 17, was - largiely attended, service conducted ` --by Rev. A. D. 1.'Cousins assisted by 4 a variety . . $1.39 . . $1.65 11.1 J'$.lld.1lu'cl.lU. Mrs. Swan was a kind friend and neig1h`bor and will be'm1ssed by all who knew her. -- 1161111 a.L uuule `U11 L116 Ld.1'l.l.l. y The funeral Was held on Satur- day afternoon. After a short ser- vlce at -the house at two o'clock the cortege then proceeded to St. Jlohn"s Church and cemetery. The Rev. Falkner took the service and spoke very feelingly of Mrs. Swan. The pallbearers were four sons-ln- law: George Colgan, Wm. Looker. Walter Bu :-t*ch, Jack Richardson and two cousins,_ Herbert Clute and Wilfred, Clute of Wyevale. The flowers included tributes from L.O. B.A., Allandale, and L.A. to B. of R.T., Allandale. `fun Bun... .-..._ .. 1-.-__: D._.I_..x -_..'I 111111 '\.zLuLC. Six chi1-dr en survive, viz., Mrs. G. Colgan. Craighurst; Mrs. W. Look- er, Allandialez W. -Crampton, Smith s Fails; Mrs. J. C:-ar4np Ca.r1eton Place; Joseph and` W1]- liam at home on the farm. ,| "|`1a f`11v\Avo`l nvnn 'kn`lA .nv\ Q1-ubnv-_ Death of Mrs. Mary A. Swan The death occurred on Thursday. Oct. 11, 1928, of Mary Ann Clute, widow of the late W. Joshua Swan, 2nd line, F1-os. She was always a very active woman and had `at-, tended to her `household duties on VVednesda_v. On Thursday m'orndng she had risen early and had just seated herself. for her breakfast about 7.15 o'clock when she Was seized by a stroke. She was assist- ed to bed by her son and Dr. Kearns summoned from Phe-lpston, but -she passed away about eleven. Mrs. Swan was born in C'ampbe11ford,77 years ago, the daughter of Benja- min Clute. 63-. -L.'1:l.J A _ _ . . _ _ .2... In sweetness, aheerfulness and won-l derful patience an-d Was keen1y,a.- live to various interests, particularly those -of `her church which she dearly loved. Further reference was made at the `funeral by Mr. Shortt and by Rev. Neil Campbell who' had known Mrs. Brown for 35 years! -- c.` ,. ,.__A Pun Slxtun Mrs. Brown, a daughter of `Alex- ander and Catharine Campbell, na- tives of Islay, Scotland, was born 88 years ago in Barrie. Her father ` was a carpenter and helped in the construction ofmany of the earlier houses of the town. His `house was on the `lot where the gas Works now stands. When Mrs. Brown was quite` young, her parents moved to the land now occupied by W. M. Campbell, north of Guthrie. There she grew up and got her primary education in the pioneer school. A course in Barrie Grammar School followed and in due time she quali- fied for teacher. After following this profession for two years, she married the late J. J. Brown. In 1868 they moved to Barrie where Mr. Brown in 1870 established the Well- known grain, seed and grocery busi- ness now carried on by his sons. From girlrhood `Mrs. Brown was a member of the Presbyterian Church and its wel-fare was always very close to her heart. She was the old- est memlber o.f St. Andrew s"Churc'h. In missions she was deeply inter- ested, being a life mem-ber of the Women's Missionary Society. She was of an exceedingly kind and gra- cious nature, charitable and thoughtfull for others. .'LTov- 'F\11a.`ho1-u nv-annnhen haw in Vt L)lUVV1l UL K11 11110.: i The funeralewa-s .held on- Tues- ,day afternoon from her late resi- n denvce, 20 Louisa St., to Barrie Un- I ion Cemetery. Her minister, Rev. J. S. Shortt. took the services and was ass-is'ted by Rev. Neil ~Camp:b_e-11 and Rev. \Vm. Hi`pk*in. The pallbearers were S-heriff MacLaren, Fred Marr. Alex. (Campbell, Alex. Muir, Wendell Graham and Geo. Pank ('Toron,to). Besides the large number from Barrie and Oro, there were present Miss Mary \Voods. Mis-s Ruby Boyce, \Vm. Campbell. Toron-to; Mr. and Mrs. Fisher, Nottawasaga; Dr. Gilc-'ln`ist, Orillia; Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Darroch, Collingwood. I LIIULIEIIIIJLLIIJ. LUL \J`LLl`C}'Bu [Her husband predeceased her in June, 1923. The family are: Miss Margaret, at home; Alex. C, and George C.. of Barrie and Dr. John V. Brown of Orilllia. 1 I VIVLA 0 . . n A `ah Qvvr\.1~ 1-..`IA A... V1"uA.-. vs: 395.3}. CRAIGHURST "A! .5W"? no --Ina nansnasuv-:5: JUST ARRIVED-A shipment of Ladies Fall Weight Dresses in serge and flannel, priced at special Arcade prices. - LADIES FLANNEL DRESSES, wellmade. Agreat variety of shades, all sizes, 16-42. Reg. $5.00. Special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.95 < n..auu:.a' LUAID , OUR STOCK OF LADIES COATS is now complete. A selection of Ladies Coats in all the season s latest styles and trimmings, as\op- possum, thibetines, sables, etc., a coat to suit every taste and pocket, priced . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $13.50 up oval `rv--as MEN'S ovelzcos in blues, g'r37s' 21:33 'r`a`{7?1's',"best of workman- ship; extra good weight, plush-lined; to appreciate these values you have to see these coats. Special . . . . . . . . . . . . $12.00 to $17.50 THE ARCADE What is more charming than a pot of blooms at Christmas time? Now is the time to plant for Christmas blooming - Hyacinths, Daodils, Tulips, etc. Also a full line of Bulb Bowls, Glasses, etc. Rev. A. R. Holden of A Iandale and Rev. F. V. Albbott of I y. Rev. Dr. Cbusins took for his text Psa. 116: 1'5. Precdvouns in ;the sight of th Lord is the death o-f ihis saints. Th Ap-allfbearers` were John Cook, Ernest Chantler, Chas. Parker, Wm. Scott, Lennox' Black and Oswald Black. Many beautiful flonal tributes b-ore their allen-t messages of respect and loving sympathy from personal friends and also from the following organizatdons: St. Paul's W.A.; Painswick W.-1.; Bayview Chapter `0.-E.-S., Barrie. Church ofthe Mes- siah SJS. class, Toronto. usuvvu. auu suuu Lune. The community atlarge feels sorry for the passing away of I. T. Lernnox and Mrs. Robrt. Lennox, both form- er Ivy residents. `In: binhor Tcgnngul-4 in anal.` An 81' 1V) I'eSlQ61'1T.S. Mrs. Richard Jennertt is again on the sick list but is improving. BUIIJIIEU LIIC L'1lt'_y HJCB ylt-.`1uu1`5. Mrs. Harry B-anting s condition shows a- gratifying improvement. Mr and \/Tr: Inhnu TW-Lvvinu vnnfnrnl BULL Il.Cl.|l1I'.7ULo Quite a number from here took in Cookstown fair and report a. large crowd and good time. '1`?-In Anna!-nnn.1'+u n+1av-nu: #An1a an-nwiv Ucuau. UL LIIC ELUUIII. Adjourning to the Ci-rawing-room the party joined inbold-time songs' and other music was enjoyed. An address was read by their son Bert, on,` behalf of the fami`1y. Jack Ban-ting, the oldest grand- child, presented the gifts; a beauti- bul bible to his grandmother, and a` pair of gold cuff links to his grand- father. The happy couple were the recipuienlts of many `beautiful and useful gits from friends. - (From an*o'ther_gcorrespondent) Potato picking is now in progress. Potatoes are giving their owners a surprise the way they are yielding. Mr: T-Iarrv F!-qnr1'nor .c mnnnifinn BHUWB a'51'a.L1L_y111;5 HH[Jl'UVBXIlt'I1l.. Mr. and Mrs. John Davis motored 3 to` Gravenhurst in their new Buick on Sunday. "\/fr: TK7a-111rrm Fnnrn 'l`.nv-.nn.4-n annnf U11 sauuuay. Mrs. Wailwim from Toronto spent ` the Week with Mr. and Mrs. Thomp- son Jenneut. Auto- .. .........1..-.... c..,...... 1.-.... a.-...I- .2... A Wire came from the VVest onl Saturday morning saying that I. T. Lennox, a former resident of this place. had passed to the Great Be-l yond. Mr.`Lennox spent some weeks here this summer visiting friends.` Ivy extends sympathy to the be- reaved. Fortieth Wedding Anniversary The family of Mr. and Mrs. S. MC-Quay sprang a surprise on them, ' last \\'ednesda`vening it being the! fortieth anniversary of their wed-3 ding. Their datighter. Mrs. W . Banting. invited her parents over for` tea. When they arrived, their child- ren, grandchildren and about forty guests were there to receive the bride and groom of 40 years ago.' The house was prettily decorated With wedding bells and flowers. All Went to the dining room. which was also decorated with bells and pink and white streamers. Th_e taibles were laden with good things to eat. The bride and groom were seated with the bridesmaid and grooms-. man of 40 years ago on either side] : After every one had partaken of the. ` good things, the bride cut the three-I story wedding cake which was then` distributed. R. McKinley proposed the toast to the bride and groom and Norman Coxworth replied on behalf of the groom. AR"innv~ni`hn- fn fho Ru-nnvino-_v-nnrn [USED FRIEND S PERMIT, | TO SERVE MONTH S TERM Ingredients include Milk, Malt Extract and highest qualities of Sugar and Shortening. ` MADE IN SIZE SUITABLE FOR SANDWICHES AND TOASTING ' Order from Driver or Phone 26 or 56 Delivery on Every Street Every Day Not having $105, Albert Stun- I den, convicted for B.L.C.A. in pol- ice court Tuesday, is spending 30 days in jail. Roy McCall. he says. gave him his permit and money while passing through Aurora last Saturday with instructions to get him a bottle of liquor. He did so and immediately pulled the cork. He was found drunk by the police near John and Innis-l streets, where his car became stalled. Mag- istrate, Jeffs ordered McCa1l s per- mit cancelled. Two other charges were not pressed, owing to lack of evidence. Stunden has been working on a farm near Aurora. Mrs. J. Lennox and hef cousin. Mr. Morren of Barrie, visited friends here one day last week. .- .. .... .... I _--- _ V _ ..V-`, --. _--_ Mr. "Ilurner and Miss E. Speers euttended the teachers convention in Toronto last Week. ---- *-~-- *~~~-.; *-- ~-~"~ v Rally Day was observed in the Presbyterian church last Sunday. The service of song was conductcd by the children. \/Ira T-T `Rvanf-inc` -Ia innnrnvincr ` 1.1 ACUUB LU]. Cl \VCC!\. Mrs. G. H. Speers had a successful operation on her nose in Barrie last Saturday. .1 an -- I ;>?;I`oronto ca-lled on friends here, Monday. K/rune r`]aor17 nf Ancrna 1'1: 1v~7efn(`r LLJCUUB IICIC, AVJ.Ul1ul_) o Mrs. Cleary of Angus is visiting `her son, \Vi1]iam. `Ufn;- Thucvun Tnnnn4d- -n#~+Ar'l VT`nu 1151 SUN. VV 1u1a.u1. Miss Lorna Jennett visited Tor- onto friends on Sunday. A nnvnhnv Fr-rm-n horn fnnlz {rm Han UHLU L1 JCIJUD U11 DUULACLJ . A-number from here took in the Holly anniversary on Sunday. -r-u_.u1 1\___ _____, .1___,,_._,~u ;I.., auun zy. _ ,. John Sharpe of Toronto cahed on iends here, lionday. ' Mr. and Mrs. O. Bates visited the former s mother in Surmidale last Sunday. \/In crh \Tvva D T-T Tonnn++ P119/3 Cleaner, Presser and Dyer I ouuua._y o v Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Jennett are spending a few days fvith their son in Weston. \lI'..~ Q `Kp.f\u`n`. 3.. -"61.. V'l`A...A..t-A 111 VV CDLUJJ. Mrs. S. McQuay is with Toronto friends for a Week. '\A ...- IV `[1 E . q A A an LAJ n ~ . . A A . ....c..1 MENjs'9y1:RcoAT S l.CIAL ._ LIIC Lllllul Clio ` Mrs. H. Bantmg is improving M slowly. Tnlrnn Qkov-no n?V'T`nI~nn1>n nr.\'l`nr1 nn `I'll! Iqlnll QXAIIIER '.-A955 P335555, mDJath of l. T. Lennox 2111. (.118 CIUSE 0]. [De _H1ee'1'.]Ilg. Thankgivin-g envelopes are being sent out to the women of the con- gregation. Reminiscences by Mr. Marv The Thorn-ton Division of Sons of `Temperance held an open meeting in their hall 1ast,.Wednesd~ay night. The main feature of the program was an address_ by Fred Marr of Barrie. Mr. Marr told that he had come to Thornton 512 years ago last May and had. joined this Division the following October. His address was reminiscent of events which took place during his residence in and around Thornton. He paid feel- ing tribute to many of the old resi- dents of the commgnity Who have since passed on. In the course of .his remarks he told many mirth- provoking anecdotes. at which Mr. Marr is a master hand; at other -times the audience was deeply `mov- ed by the relation of` incidents of pathos and almost tragedy. Brief addresses were also given by Rev. F. V Abbott and Rev. R. B. Beynon. [11: D91 nirrnhnru inn1nRnR 9 niav-an | V. Musical numbers included a piano \JU U. 1-1111 3 Addressed 1)y Mrs. Sinton Trinity VV.M.S. held their October `meeting in the basement on 'ed- nesday last. The devotional leaflet. God`s Possessions" was taken by Miss Doane. The remainder of the devotional period was given over to Mrs. `Sinton of China. Mrs. Sinton `spoke very feeling-ly of her friend, I Miss Smith. who was with Mrs. Sin- `ton when she last visited Thorn- ton VV.M.S. twenty years ago -and who had been called to the Great `Beyond ten ye'a.rs ago. She based her remarks on the words Fret Not. People who` are fretting cannot be bright, helpful chris- tians. She emphasized the import- ance of t-he prayer life in the W..\I. S. .-and urged the members to pray for the missionaries. At the c-lose of her address Hudson T'a_v-lo-r s fa- vorite hymn I Am Resting was sung. A social .ha`i'f hour was spent alt the close of the meeting. I"1nqn1za'i\7in.o- an-n.vn1n.nna av-o `lumino- Brown & Co. L .ux. zxuuunu 3 runs: Cj-5(ll.1Ull, Recent visitors include: Mrs. Powley and Harry and Master Cyril Fockler of Toronto. at Mrs. NY. A. Ja:mieson s: Mrs. \Ve`ns:er, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Booth and Ted \V'ebster of Toronto at Fred VVeb- .ster s; Jas. Martin and Miss Ruth and Miss Gertrude Goddard of .Hi1Isda1e at David `Clarke- s; Mrs. |Northcott, Mrs. VVebs.ter and Dor- 'een, .Mrs. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Simpkins, Mr. and Mrs. Stamp and Mr. and Mrs. Allen of Toronto at _ Geo. Hi1I s. | A.l.l_-__...l L.. I]... 02.1.... E THORNTON '5 2 31!] .:..n.I...:..I..I..I..I..I..:..I..:..:...m-l` 1Jcllt.`ULb 1l\"1C lab VVCCA. 311'. -and Mrs. H. .\I._ "Thompson and LiI`1ian attended the anniversary services in Utopia on Sunday. 1 pair TI, Y-T Aarne AF Anv-.*n*:Il N `In `K N `In W; `In `In `In `I `in `in wt. ~`N `Q; 11 J. Alulupouu \ UL? . ` At St. Jude's A.Y.P.A. meeting on] .\I0nday night. Rev. F V. Abbott! gave a very in-terestink-.}a1k on his life as a missionary in eace River District. Alberta. It rnay be of in- terest to some to know that Her- man Trelle of \Vem:bIey, A1ta., fam- ous for his prize grain at Chicago Live Stock Show, was a member of Mr. Abbiott s congregation, `Dononf xvo{`n\-9 {nn`.n.r1A- `Ina I V\ i-1-1. Gilrie was taken to the R.V'.j Hospital last week. 3 J. A. Lennox, George and Joseph` spent Sunday in Brampton. \`| v-u~f`.nrr1n~n nF 129v-vi.-. xricifo haw` Ltlbl. IV Cl`.l\ Mrs. Oampbell attended the fun- eml of her uncle, .VIr. Hales, in A1- liston last Vvednesday. `Dow 17 T`. Doxvnnn \/Tr-a Duxvnnn (llI\| LJILIILIII SCI VIC? (ll 1) U L'.lUL'l\- F. XV. Dobson o.f Ailandale, dele- gate to the General Council of the United Church, gave 21 very inter- esting and inspiring account of the council in Trinity Church on Sun- day m01*nin_.*. In the evening Rev. Air. Snajd of Bee-ton occupied Llwl pulpit. Rev. S. G. .\IcC01'mick wrsl L-nnductine; annive1`sary services in Thompsonville. A? Cf Tnn : AVDA rvsoofinrr nn DIJCUL Duuuay $11 J_ L'(lllllJL\J$1- ` .\,Irs.\Gordon of Barrie visited sister. M.-;. W 1). Henry, last wet-k.; W/fnc f`11h*n{n(r1n-urn n? Tnvnnfn aL } -TJBLCI, `LIL 3. VV .Ll. .11. Miss Cunningham of Toronto *3 jvisiting her auntt, Mrs. C. Cunning- ` ham. 1"]--. 13 T T\ Q1..u..A~A.. at 'F.\v| C111), lab-L V'Vl'l`l \- ' I AM A PRACTICAL TAILOR AND READY TO ATTEND TO REPAIRS ON ALL CLOTHES. .l1(l.ll1. Rev. R. J. D. Simpson of Tor- onrzo visited his mother one day last '.v:-ek. `\.`l'...n fV.nu.-.~\-1nn'1`l 1-.4-+1-.v.A,~.1 $1., inn DC; \Jk'C'D 111 lJ`LU1J1t1 U11 CLlUuc1_\'. i Rev. XV. H. Adams of A11!`-)I`5l spent a few hcurs in Thornton ms: [week renaxving old acquaintance. 'T`v-v\~'|fxv `/T1:a3t'\n {`vvr-1n X17341` v-woof bl.'lIUUllll(1LI'JD. ' Mrs. W. J. Cunningham and her mo little sons Jeff and Ralph are! moving to -Barrie. `Their many! friends in Thornton and community, regret their departure but hope they, may enjoy their new home. | I'wv\1>u nv\n1rcn-any-wv \-\n\" Qnnrinuv I i LAACAL JJCVV Jlutllto nua._y cu_;u_y Trinity anniversary next Sunday. Rev. J. J. Black of Barrie will con- duct the services at 11 and 7 o clock. Special music by the choir assist- ed by Ne-ville Jamieson, Miss Milli- gancand Miss Irene McMaster. (`B51/-1-on : 'r\4)1' W11 kn nkcnlvvvna. 1'v\ 5a.u, -V1L.`.D LLCIIC 4VJ_\.'4VJ.(1.D|.C1. _ Children s Day will be observed in] St. Jude`s Church on Sunday after-| noo-n. Oct. 21. A full attendance of parents and children is requested ` both at Sunday School at 2 o clock and church service at 3 o'clock. ` `[3 11 `IN:-\`|r\.v~z\..~ A6? A 11.`.-. .-1n1.-. 1..1... I JIDLUJJ 161-3|. WV V:\,lllCD|..ld._yo 1 Rev. E. D. Beynon, Mrs. Beynon. and children of Detroit visited their parents nere last week. '\h~ -on:-1 \1`|'1r-4: L7 \1' 'I"hn1-nnann HVCA 1C1l".'V Ulu Cl\.L1LA(|.lll.cl11'..".`- Trinity Mission Circle will mee on \-Vednesday evening, Oct. 24, at the home of Miss Genevieve Jamie- 'Ul.l - Mrs. Clifton and Mrs. J. A. Cor- bett attended Presbyteria-1 \V.M.S. sectional meeting in Alliston on Tuesday afternoon. 1o=4' rnmnanoham Kuhn 1.0:. 1-mam J. LAC'BU(1_)' (ILLCL IIUUJI. Jeff Cunningham, who has been attending Mount Pleasant school and who is moving to Barrie, was presented with a beautiful ring and an appropriate address by his young] schoolmates. \.1'..n 117 T IVuuv\~1u.-ml-.nna n.-`A `la;-u-. iFg3 Zn .fZ5i. s{uc`a`a1".7f`.`. 7.` .....`. . ..".". '.'`7` SAME IN EXTRA HEAVY WEIGHT, extra large in body and sleeve. 01:. Coin/\:n1 W.A.Jenkins&Son