Qll |WfK,::t?3?E`:;; QIIAKER OATS g Plain or Chocolaf with Almonds and =Raisin's" M'IiiN"5 `Buy a pouud of Rideau Hall Coee packed in the vacuum tin, and dis- cover what a difference there" is be- tween vacuum packed and bulk coffee or that in the old style tins. CHOCOLATE (Collingwood Messenger) Loyal `True IBlue No Surrend- er. 18. held their regular meet- ing in Maple `Leaf "Hall on October 9. Much pleasure was added to the occasion by the arrival of several visitors from `Barrie and New Low-' ell Lodges. `WJM. `Sis. McMillan received the visitors and extended a hearty welcome` on behalf of No Surrender. Sis. `Mrs. Bowman, D. D.G.M.. of '-South Simcoe and Sis. Mrs. 1Mc`Intosh, WV.`M.. of United Allies, |Barrie, were invited` to the platform and after the business part of the meeting was over Mrs. Bowman spoke briefly of her work and was much impressed with the way the work was carried on here. Mrs. McIntosh also spoke and ex- tended the local Lodge a hearty in- vitation to visit their Lodge. Oth- ers who spoke `were Messrs. .Wil- liams. Holden. Lee, all of"Barrie; also `Mr. Nolan of New Lowell, who extendveldl an invitation to visit with their Lodge. A1__._ 1.1-- _`l___!_-.. 4.0 11-, `I .3- I ECLLLD llld.\.l'U C VCLJ GUIU Lcyxy. On Friday the pupils of the pub- lic school here presented `Miss F. Ferris with a beautiful boudoir lamp and: bade good-bye to a very kind and understanding teacher. The Candraian Girls in Trainingfwof which fMiss Ferris is leader, gave her a dainty `Italian lace-trimmed towel." Miss Freda Ferris left Sat- urday for her home at Barrie, fol- lowed: by the best wishes from her many friends here. 'BARRIE LODGE L. T. B. V " VlSlTS COLLNGWOOD Lclittsh LU ulauy -`.|:4Aa.1uuI.::1 Lcaucra. On Friday evening, Sept. 28, Mrs. A. `Maxwell entertained fty- two ladies at her home here, when a miscellaneous shower was given in honor of 'Miss Freda Ferris, whose marriage takes place in Bar- rie on |Octber 20, to Mr. `S. Mc- Donald of Callander. The house was prettily `decorated with white streamers and large `white bells and owers. Little Misses Dorothy Darling and Edith M-cNally pre- sented the bride-to-be with a large decorated basket overowing with gifts. `The evening was pleasantly spent in music, recitations, etc., after which refreshments were served. 'On !Wed'nesJd`ay evening, Sept. 26, a party was held at the Sunbeam |B`ungalow at which a- bout 75 people were present, when Miss {Freda Ferris, who has `been a member` of the public school teaching staff here for the past six years, was presented with a beautiful silver. tea service as an appreciation of her services as a teacher and citizen. Although tak- en completely by surprise, Miss Ferris mad-e a very able reply. nan 1:`-n:Iln1v +1\n v\11v\1'1a A` `Jan I111 "The following items from the Callander correspondence of the .North Bay Nugget will be of_ in- terest to many.Examiner readers: n .'n`1n:t-1'01! t\11n'n:v'|(I Qnnf 9R lull LIIICLL J-JULl"Cc After the clcsing of the Lodge Best for co_ol mornings Cook: in 2*]: to 5 minutes ROWNTRE ES Try MOTORING at once-Plain\ or Milk, you ll likeL it. WON IN WOMEN'S WC SHOWN AT ELN StI`3.'DeI'I'1ES uuu Laayucnxicc, .v...... E. 'McQuarrie, D. E-Iocken. Canne grapes and pears, D. I-Iocken, Jos. `Locke. Preserved peaches and plums, D. Hocken, Fred Richard- son. Preserved citron and apple, Mrs. McKnight, `Mrs. A. Roebuck. One quart mincem-eat, Fred Rich- ardson, Dorothy `Sheppard. Sweet pickles, Fred Richardson, Mrs. E. McQuarrie. `Sour pickles, Fred Rich- ardson, Mrs. E. McQuarrie. `Specials --By S. L. Anderson `for best loaf of homemade `bread, white, Mrs. H. Thurlow; by S. L. Anderson, one dozen homemade buns, D. Hocken; by 'Robt. Simpson `:Co., best display homemade baking, D. I-Iocken. Floral Antirrhinums, Fred Huse, `Mrs.- Jo.hn Elrick. Asters, onexzariety and color, J. Clement, Fred Richard- son. Asters, display, `Mrs. McKnight, Emma Foster. Dahlias, S. L. An- derson, Mrs. John .Elrick. Gladioli, collection, `S. `L. Anderson, E. V. Babcock. Marigold collection, Mrs. Jas. -McGinnis. S. L. Anderson.. Pansies, Mrs. McKnight, Fred Huse. Sweet peas, one rvariety and color, Mrs. McKnight. `Sweet peas, display, Mrs; `McQuarrie, Mrs. 'McKnig'ht. Stocks, C. M. `Turner, VV. J. Clem- ent. Zinnias, F. A. Stephenson, `Mrs. McKnight. Annuals, 'Mrs. John El- rick, IE. V. `Banbcock. Perennials, C. M. `Turner, `S. `L. Anderson. Table basket. Fred `Huse, Mrs. John El-_ rick. Vase bouquet, Mrs. Fred Drys- dale, Mrs. McKnight. F1oral`design, \V. J. Clement, !Mrs. Chas. 'Thur- low. Bridal bouquet. XV. J. Clement, C. E. Copeland. Begonias, WV. J. Cle- ment. `Fern, lBoston, `Mrs. F. Drys- dale. `Fern, Asparagus, A. `Spring, Geraniums, double, \V. J. Clement, Mrs. McKnight. Fuschias, XV. J. Olement. -Single house plant in bloom. W. J. lclement, Emma Foster. Display of house plants, Mrs. F. Drysdale. =:nnA And-Q A very successft held on October 9, ` chell, assisted by "Mrs. Cunningham. 4 members at her hon at To11en'd3a1. Mrs. `I 1' f\___..L_ ----.. Cu bOVV1nan, a1S0 O1 |Da1`1.'u:, plupuacu a toast to the ladies of iCo11ing- wood Lodge for their splendid banquet and hearty welcome, which was responded to by Mrs. Holden of tBarrie. ~ prizes for the best article made out of a flour sack. In the guess- ing contest iMrs. Geo. Hill receiv- ed the prize for most -correct an- swers. Mrs. Jack very kindly dem- onstrated the making of tailored pockets and button holes. Miss Margaret Rayner, accompanied by Miss E. Dobson gave a charming solo, The District `Director, Mrs. R. -H. King, gave a report of the district meeting held! on Sept. 28 by the presidents of `South Sim- coe, Mrs. A. Wice outlining plans for year s work. The committee in charge of luncheon were Mes- dames iMcLaughlin, Jack, Mustard, Shepherd and Hill. , _L3_. _. ___!'I'I 1.- Domestic Scjonce Homemade bread, white,`-I. J. Car- ruthers, ~Mrs. Chas. `Thurlow, D. `Hocken. Homemade 'bread. `brown, D. II-Iocken, Mrs. Chas. Thurow, Dorothy Sheppard. Homemade bread, fruit. D. Sheppard, D. Hocken, Mrs. H. Thurlow. Homemade bread, nut, Fred -Richardson. Mrs. C. Thurlow. Jos. Locke. Light fruit cake, Mrs. E. 'McQuarrie. Emma Foster, M. Rowatt. `Meat loaf, Mrs. H. Thurlow, J-os. Locke, `Rowatt. Baking pow- der and baking soda biscuits, M. Rowatt, Jos. ILocke. Plain and fancy rolls or buns, D. Hocken, Fred {Rich- ardson. Pies, one apple, one custard, Mrs. `E. `A. Copeland, `Mrs. H. Thur- low; one cranberry, one pumpkin, Mrs. McKnight, D. Hocken; one lemon, one raisin, Mrs. E. `McQuar- rie, `Mrs. E A. Copeland. Ginger cake, Dorothy Sheppard, Fred `Rich- ardson. Angel cake, Mrs. A. A. Cameron, D. I-Iocken. Jelly roll, Mrs. E. A. Copeland, -`Fred Richardson, Jam` cake, Fred Richardson, `Jos. Locke. Chocolate layer cake, Mrs. Chas. Thurlow, Fred Richardson. Two varieties plaincookles, Fred Richardson, Jos. Locke. Jam cook- ies, D. Hocken, Mrs. E. 'McQuarrie. Tarts, Mrs. E. |McQuarrie, Fred Richardson. Display o`f baking, Mrs. Chas. Thurlow, Dorothy Sheppard. Apple and grape jelly, Mrs A. `Roe- buck, J os. `Locke. Berry and currant jelly, 'Fred.*Richardson, Mrs. A. LA. Cameron. Vegetable marmalade, D. Hocken, .\-Irs. -E. `Mc'Quarrie. `Native fruit marmalade, D Hocken, Mrs. A. Roebuck. Canned corn and toma- toes, Fred Richardson, Mrs. E. Mc- Quarrie. ICannedbeans and `peas, Mrs. E. ~McQuarrie, Mrs. A. A. Cam- eron. `Canned rhubarb and cherries, Fred Richardson, D. Hocken. Canned strawberries and raspberries, Mrs. 1:: mr,.n..m~.~1n 11 l.T-Tnr-ken. Canned Scene, Canadian, from nature, F. M. Bailey, `Mrs. Chas. Thurlow. Landscape, Icanadian, F. M. Bailey. Fruits, from object, '.VI1`s. C. Thur- low, F. M. Bailey. Inanimate objects, F. M. Bailey. Landscape from na- the visitors and members were taken tovthe dining` hall where up- wards of seventy-ve sat down to well laden tables. Rev. A. `R. Hol- den of Barrie proposed the toast to The King which was responded to by Mr. `Smith of Barrie. John Bowman, also of lBarrie, proposed - L-__A. J... 4.1.- 1nA:m_- n ;{".n'lHno'- ..-,, ....... .. ...... The Nove-m`ber meeting will be in the form of a social evening to entertain the husbands and fami- lies and will be held in the Orange Hall on November .3. .l. UL1Uu.'\.uu. _ Quantz Inna 'Fr\~w Guuu PAINSWICK W. I. successful meeting was ctovber when Mrs. Mit- isted her daughter, Iingham. entertained the at home on the shore ial. `Brown and Miss 5 won rst and second : 3....-. ....n1r Tn -LLA nv-11naL~_ Fine Arts DGLIX. 11: (LAC 5u\..au Irs. 'ack 5 Vner, son I;-4-w~in+ xT\-won!-n~n Mfr: IVE it \;u`cu'uuu5 a. elidx n-P `Qr\11`-Is` `Q:\`\1_ ture, F. M. Bailey. Scene, Canadian. Mrs H. 'Thur1o\v, -F. `M. Bailey. Flowers, F. M. Bailey. Animal study, F. `M. Bailey. Still life, `F. M. Bailey. Pastels, F. M. `Bailey. Crayons, `light and shade, F. `M. Bailey. Pencil drawing, architectural, M Bailey, Mrs. G. A. Chisholm. Poster designs, agricultural, -F. M. Bailey, Mrs. G. A. Chisholm. Pen and ink, F. .\I. Bailey. Basket Weaving, Emma Foster, Mrs. F. Drysdale. Amateur photography, Emma `Foster, Mrs. `F. Drysdale. Hand painted china, real- istic design, Mrs. G. A. Chisholm. Conventional- design, Mrs. G. A. Chisholm. Five o'clock tea set, Mrs. G. 'Ritchie. -Cake or sandwich plate M. 'Rowatt, `Mrs. G. A. Chisholm. Single piece decorative art, Mrs. G. A. Chisholm. Single piece fine art work, Mrs. G. A.'Chishol.m. Ladies Work Domestic-Quilt, pieced cotton, Mrs. H. 'ThurloW, Ida Marceele. Quilt, white, fancy -quilting, -Leona Chisholm. `Mrs. ilchas. -Thur-low. Comforter, homemade, Mrs. \Vn1. Cumming, Jr., Mrs. I-I.Thur1o\v. Bed- spread, fancy, White, Mrs. Thos. Mc- {"-txnr K/I've: PQV Qmith Rngnrcand .4-nnaaaw .-. wsavwn -Fancy-|Crochet rilet, Louise "B. Fisher, `Mrs. VV._.'A., `Gi-ll. Crochet lace, Mrs. L. Calder, `Mrs. Wm. Cum- ming, 'Jr. Knitted lace, `Louise B. Fisher, Mrs. L. Calder. 'Tatting, Mildred Lai-dlaw, Mrs. R. Humph- ries. Embroidered hardanger. Louise B. Fisher, 'C. M. `Turner. Embroider- ed eyelet, `C. M. `Turner, Mrs. G. A. Chisholm. `Embroidered solid white, `Mrs. WV. `J. `Thompson, `C. M. Turner. Embroideredpapplique, `Mrs. W. J. Thompson, Louise B. (Fisher. Emb. Russian cross, F. M. Ba-iley, Louise B. Fisher. Emb. French knot and loop stitch, Mi-ldred Laidlaw, `Mrs. L. -Calder. -Em'b. Roman cut, Luella Esplr, Mrs. Drysdale. Emb. mod- ern conventional, F. M. Bailey, Mrs. R. Humphries. Buffet set, Mrs. Wm. Cumming, Jr. Mrs. Chas. Thurlow. Emb. runner, white, Louise EB. Fish- er, Mildred Laldlaw. Icentre -piece, "C. M. `Turner, Mrs. L. -Calder. Pair table ends, emb., C. M. Turner, Le- ona.Ch1sholm. Pair table ovals, `Mrs. M . Train. Mrs. R. Humphries. Set plate mats, Mrs. R. Humphries, Mil- dred -Laidlalw. `Set table mats, Mrs. F. Drysdale, Mrs. (R. `Humphries. Table napkins, C. M. `Turner. `Ser- viettes, Mrs. F. Drysdale. Mrs. Ray Smith. `Tea. cloth, white, Mrs. F.- Drysdale, Mrs. L. Calder. `Tea. cloth, emb., Mrs. `M. Train, Louise B. Fish- , er, Luncheon set. white, Mrs. A. D. Simon, Mrs. A. Robertson. Luncheon set colors, Jean L. `Cameron, Mrs. R. Humphries. Service tray, Mrs. L. Calder, Mrs`. IF. Drysdale. Tea. cosy, C. M`. Turner, Mrs. G. A. Chisholm. TH! IAIII EXAMINER 35 Pr $.11, ';V1.l'b. VLv.l1-21:. J. u.uL'Lu rv. Mr., 2.) , Ray Smith. Bedspread, A NI :-a Xvm Ilrqhsnn WLHLC, .u.L 5. Luua. uLL.- ay Mrs. XVm. Graham, . Cotton sheet, Mrs. H. . A. Irish. Man s work- . A. A. |Cameron, Mrs. 1'.V1...-.....\.1.\-op. I-q1t\l\Q'\1.V'It'Y so 'LzK.1I1lCL\)11, 5Vl.LD- nnelette sleeping L. Copeland, Mrs. WVOrki 0 apron, m, Mrs A. Irish - ..:L-A.-`I `RA ...-w `R/T UULUCL . `Mar- I rm .1 -< JAPAN TEA > Pillow emb., Mrs. W. J. } slips, Thompson,'C. .\I. '.l`urner.Pillow slips other work, Leona Chisholm, Mrs. XV. A. Gill. Guest towels, emb., in- itial, Louise B. Fisher, Mrs. Chas. Thurlow, Hand `towels, emb., 5C. -M. Turner, Leona !Chisholm. Pair tow- els, other work, Mrs. XV. A. Gill, `Ida .\Iarceele. `Bath towel and face cloth, Mrs. F. `Drysdale, -Mrs. R. Hum- phries. Dresser runner and pin top, C. M. `Turner, Mrs. Chas. Thurlow. Vanity set, `Mrs Chas `Thurlow, Lu- el~la Espler. Laundry bag, Mildred Laidlaw, Mrs. A. Roebuck. Boudoir Curtains, Mrs. XV. A. Gill, Mrs. G. A. Chisholm. Night robe. emb., Mrs. XV. J. Thompson. C. M. Turner. Night robe, other work, Mrs. L. Calder, `Mrs. IF. Drysdale. Costume slip, Leona `Chisholm, Mrs. A. D. Simon. Camisole, Ida .\Iarcee'le, Mrs. A. 'D. Simon. Bloomers, Louise B. Fisher, Mrs. R. Humphries. Negli- gee jacket. `Mrs. R. Humphries, Mrs. A. Irish. Boudoir slippers, C. M. Turner, `Catherine E. Owen. Knitted bed socks, .\Irs. Fred `Richardson, C. M. Turner. Fancy work bag, Lou- ise IB. Fisher, Mrs. Chas. T.hurlow. Fancy wrist bag, Mrs.` A. J). `Simon, Mrs. A. `Robertson. Fancy handker- chiefs, Mrs. A. Robertson, Mrs. L. Calder. `Baby's short d1'ess,7.\Irs. 3!. Train, Mrs. A."Robertson. Jacket, Louise -B. Fisher, `Catherine E. Ow- en.. `Bonnet, "Mrs. `A. ~Irish, Catherine E. -Owe . VVool overa-lls, Louise B. Fisher \Irs. `M. `Train. Slip-on play apron Leona `Chisholm, Luella Es- pler. Lomper suit, -Lue-lla Espler, Mrs. A. `D. `Simon. Layette, Mrs. A. D. Simon Mrs. G. A. `Chisholm. Centre -piece, einb., Mrs. F. Drys- dale. Mrs. A. Robertson. Centre piece. other work, Mrs. L. Calder, Mrs. A. Roebuck. Table runner, emsb., Mrs. M. '1`rain, Luella Espler. Table runner, other work, Ida .\Iar- ceele, Luella Espler. Sofa pil-low, emb., `Mrs. F. Drysdale, Luella Esp- ler. Sofa pillow, other work, Mrs. W. J. 'Thompson, Mrs. A. Roebuck. Single piece White embroidery, Lu- ella Espler, Mrs. G. A. Chisholm. Single piece colored embroidery, Mrs. R. Humphries, Mrs. A. Irish. Collection amateur work, Mrs. A. Robertson, Mrs. W . J. Thompson. Collection fancy work, Mrs. M. Train, Mrs. Chas. Thurlow. 1-- I .:.;u.aan, .vq....a. Vang. --_...---... Specia-ls-Best planned menu, Jean Hick1ing,"C. M. Turner. Parade of house dresses, 1). 'Hocken. `Plan of kitchen, -Mrs. .A.. Chis-holm, Mrs. F. Drysdale. `One dozen articles of sewing, Elmvale VVomen s Institute. School Children Map of Great Britain and 'Ireland, Jean Adams, Douglas Lilley. Map of Ontario, Margaret Tripp. Map of Simcoe, Olive Clute, Ross Ritchie. Drawing, Helen Bell. Verse, Maple Leaf, -pupi-ls `I and II readers, Owen Smith. Valentine Banting. Verse, Maple Leaf, pupils VIII and IV read- ers, `Helen MacLean, Molly Colum- bus. .Composition, second classes, Lloyd Robbins. Norman Bobbins. Composition, third classes, Mary Currie, Geo. IBeardsall. Continuation classes, three drawings, Margaret Tripp, Ina 'McQuarrie. ` rr1_v_n_3L -3 _-n:I 121-..--- .....:l in`.- Rideaualj % :7 COFFEE .-.. ;yy, ---.~ -.-- ....-__- _. Exhibit of wild f1ov;rers and leav- es-Miss Jean lElrick, ISJS. No 8, Miss G. Eckel, 9E1mva1e school. ru-uv,c,, ,___9__._ .u.auu `nu ......--_.-, .._----._.-.. .,_----_. Boys and. girls - {Plain sewing, -Mildred I-Iocken, Velma. Hocken. Darning in wool stocking, Elsabelle Key, Malcolm Rowatt. {Darning in cotton stocking, Malcolm Rowatt, Ina McQuarrie. Model of farm gate, Arthur O'Hara. Malcolm Rowatt, Irish |Cob'bler `potatoes, `Ina.'FMcQuar- `rie, I-Ielen Bell. Dooley potatoes, Ina McQuarrie, Howard Hart. Best co-lt, Harry lRoWley, Thos. .\IcGinnis. Best calf, Melville Murdock, Howard Hart. Collection of garden produce, Robt. {I-Iuse, 'Thos. Reynolds, Ina McQuarrie. I-Ialf gal. oats, Irvine Locke, Malcolm Rowatt. Half gal. 'barley, Howard Hart, Malcom Row- att. Bird house and hammer handle, Douglas `Graham. \uAl\LLA vv vvuuwh vvnu v;....u...... A glass jar is nice to have in the ice compartment of the refrigerator to hold the cleaned lettuce and par- sley. They will stay Wonderfully fresh therein. ` n1u"\c<:fI\`;~ 4 .-xv: vvvkinnn nvvnnrn Never crease the cuffs of soft shirts with the iron, as it will cause them to Wear out quicker. u _ - _, A- I____. 9., L'__ LLEDII LILCLCILI. A substitute for Whipped cream is--S`1ice a very ripe banana, beat it into the stiffy beaten -white of an egg, and it can be used as cream. {I728 `THE OLDEST COCOA AND :Cl-IOCOLATE HOUSEIN THE WORLD DBVC ]0y(l Ila ueuuuua uavuuu auu benetted by its strengthening qualities. Two hundred years of experience! No wonder the taste tempts. No wonder FRY'S is the standard for avom--fot purity-for real value. Your grocer always has it. If you use Red Rose Orange Pekoe Tea in 1928 you will enjoy Canada's nest tea and materially reduce your tea bills. Red Rose Orange Pekoe lasts longer because its additional strength and avor make it go further; Every package guaranteegij To put out a ch,imney re. th_I`0W 3, large handfulgof sulphur mto the are. 1-__.-- L;...nA'l.nl,1! r\.1r\r\v\tVr\1n .I\v\ an-:11 \ FRY & SONS (Canadl) Limited Montreal, and branches. 35 per-ab 509 Page Flftooil LIIC llbvl Some household c-leanser or salt aprinkled over doubled newspaper is excellent `for cleaning off the soiled iron. Rub the hot iron over it several times, then over a. clean cloth before ironing. Thursday. October 18, 1928