Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Oct 1928, p. 6

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` UOHSBPVELI V8. `The funeral on Sept. '30 was large- `ly attended by sorrowing relatives and friends from far and near. Ser- vi-e was conducted by Rev. C-. R. Spencer ofhshanty Bay at St.'Mark s Church, East ~Oro and interment made in St Mark's -Cemetery. The pallbearers were his three sons, J_os- eph, Wilfred, -Clarence, and three nephews, Leslie, Richard and Arc-hie Roe. f\ `Iain Parnv (VP fan fwn 0118 ncxau vlsu. LU mu. 1'0 acuuux. ` Mrs. Jas. McLean isvisiting with `Mrs. Wm. Jamieson of Guelph and Mrs."Cas~s1dy of Hamilton. lt`|nnorm:+n1nHnnn urn ovfnn-at? fn 1108. Of his family of ten, two sons died in childhood. He has left to mourn his loss, a loving wife, four daughters, Mrs. Murphy of Toronto, Mrs. Leonard Bright, Mrs. Morrison of Oshawa, Miss Gertrude at home and four sons, Joseph of Toronto, Wilfred, Clarence and Richard at home; also two brothers, John and Richard of Hawkestone Xnflnavj-u Oct. 8-Miss Carefoot of Calling- W-00d spent the week-end Yvith Miss E. -Strong. mfnn 117 Ikfnnnr and Mngfnr An- 19. -strong. * Mrs. W. Woodard and Master An- gus are spending some time with Mrs. Woodarcrssparents, Mr. and B, Rofbinson. wrnm... .r'4nm-.`hm~h:nn nf "l`m~nnfn It 18 reporteu. D. G. `Bell .Was in Toronto last week attending the La3}men s con- vention of. the United Church. `Klan f\H1ya `K-Inncnn nn friend Of Oct. 8~-The anniversary services here on `Sunday were largely attend- ed. Rev. Mr. St. John of Markdale had charge of both services and Le- froy United choir led the singing. n Tvpnnanv nvnning nf last IS; IVUXL lllUULll1!5' W111 De 11!`:-ILI at rs. W; Bea:-dsa1l s. The tea host- esses will be Mrs. O. D. Partridge and Mrs. J. Beardsall. spent. a. Iew (lays 111 LUWII last Wccn. Mr. and Mrs. D. Wood of Rob [Roy visited the former's sister, `Mrs. J. . E. Matthews. Anniversary services were held in `the [Baptist church on . Sunday. Mr. Senior of Toronto occupied the pulpit _at both services when the church was filled to overflowing. Communion service was held in Jubilee EPres.byteria.n church on unday morning. Rev. Mr. Galbraith of Toronto conducted the service. -. `pd- -n--__-n 11-..; __ .... .. .. V6 Lvnvoauv v--~a--'-_ --_- __ Mr. and Mrs. Russgll -Monitgorhiery of `New 'F1os spent Sunday at Z._ Pi1key s. 'I"`|\ne nnnann nf .'l<`.1mira is smend- NOVDDCE IS HEREBY GIVEN by virtue of a. warrant tram the May- In: no nan `Town of Barrie. in th J:'1uey's. Thos. Henson of Elmira is spend- ing his holidays with his parents. 1- *r........1..-m4- has anh-1 hie nrn- -llg 1:4) ooooo I-`Argue ---- --_ _._- `E. J. Lambert has solzi this party, formerly the Laddlaw proper- ty, to the Mcicoll Frontenac Gas Co. it is reported. 1"! (1 R911 was in Toronto last venuon OI. me unueu 'blluL'Ull. Mis Olive Henson and friend of Orillia. spent Sunday wi't-h her par- ents here. l.I'Uy UHU.t`u L'u`.'u.' itu L-uc aAu5Au5. On Wednesday evening of last week the ladies of t-he Aid with their husbands held their meeting at the home of Mrs. M. Hindle. Af- ter the business the ladies joined their husbands in the dining room where Mrs. -Hindile was presented with a pyrex `pie plate as a slight token of res.pect and esteem. Mrs. W. J. Sutherland presented the gift and Mrs R. W. Rainey read an appreciative address in which was expressed regret at her departure, wishes for happiness -and God's blessing upon her new home and appreciation of her work as an ac- tive member of the Aid. F. Hindle, by request of Mrs. M. Hinde, thanked the ladies for the kindness shown her. W. J. Mc'Master and Robt. Eldridge made short speech- as and .1`?-nna :'DnrL-or nlnan with 1! sun as. Vtuucu cixxpxuycc. `The Dalston Women's Institute were guests of the Clowes branch at their September meeting at the home of Mrs. Beath on the 26th. There were twenty-five adults and ten babies present. Mrs. Oatway presided in the absence of the pre- sident. After the business and roll call a. very interesting program was given by the Dalston members at the conclusion of which Mrs. J. Bertram conducted a contest, the prizes going to Mrs. Halbertand Mrs. George Baldwin. Community singing. and teahour followed which concluded a very enjoyable gather- _ ing. Next meeting will be held at ll:-n 117- `Dane-:nlI a 'l"ihn fan hnef- 15,. Ll.1U.D1nsUu. `John Cutthbertson. of Toronto spent a few days in town last Week. `Mr. and Mrs. D. Wood [Roy 11001;. Jmurluge nuxue suun. specul- es and Chas Parker closed with prayer after which Mrs. Hlndle served a dainty lunch. MP8 uusazuy U1. r.|.a.u1uI.uu. `Congratulations are ezgten-ded to Arthur Wilde and Miss Boynton of Crime who were married on Sept. 21. Arthur Wilde is one of the old ' boys of No. 15 who left here 18 years ago to associate himself with -the E. Long Co., Orillia, where he is still a valued employee. I'I'*I-an T\o1a+nn Tkfnv-nan : Tnufifnfn $1? Ivj Oct. 9--:Inspector Day paid an of- ficial visit to No. 1'5 school; `IA -on Tap \'n'.un in Iyiuifina ulifh `PHI IQIRII IXAIIRIR virtue or Wa!`I'8.I1't. Irum Luv may- or or the Town or Barrie, the Province of Ontario. under his hand, with the seal or the Corporation of +9.- maid 'l"nwn attadhed t'h81`0t0. 'I`i'AWI EETHFEPm n r s , _ ru_..-A....; i 9-9W.F, VVI tile 14 ulna-u " ::.':E:'n;1;I:';3;1";t1;}1Ia' "{1}; w;E'-' ed Church ILaymen s Rally in Mas- sey Hall from Friday to Sunday. `A nI1vv-{haw fr-nnn horn nffnnn Ohn |lU1=yl 3 saxaauu. Mrs. R. J. lculbert attended Elm- vale `Fair and visited Mrs. ('Rev.) G. I. Craw, Victoria Harbor, last week. 1-: rs-u.-_1.___,1___,, -;;.,,,1,, any Lldll LIUIII rxauay LU Duuuay. A number from here attended the Newton Robinson anniversary on Slfnday. Miss M. Bannerman `and H. "Ban- vunmvvunvu p--savu` `LA 1n66A- -`and A.` In;-5 111.133 111. 134111161 lllilll auu .I.'.l.- D3111` nerman spent the latter part of last week visiting friends in the Port Hope and ".Be11evi11e neighborhoods. In-|.- ____.-_._4v___ -5 41, __ With the seal 01: Lne uuryunauuu Us the said Town attached thereto. hearing date the tenth day of Sep- tember AD. 1928, and to me direct- ed, for the collection of arrears .0! taxes on the under-mentioned lands. That unless sooner paid, I shall. on the nineteenth clay of December AD. 1928, at the hour at ten o'clock 1.. Han fnrAnnnn_ in the Council .....-`..- --... -v--v._--v --..-5..-av---vvuuu The sympathy of the community goes out to Wm. Jardine in -the loss of his sister, Mrs. A. Smart, who died after a very short illlness `in Toronto on (Friday. The late Mrs. Smart had been living with Mr. Jardine a good deal of the time since Mrs. Jardine s death last spring and it had been! her intention to return in the course of a week or so to Bond Head. Her funeral took place on! Monday, burial being made in Schom|berg cemetery. , A nnitrnv-our-17 any-`ring n1Ar-n 1\n'IH DUl.lUlll'UUl5 UCLIICLCLJ. Anniversary services were held in the Presbyterian church on Sun- day, Rev. D. `McIntyre o`f :Newmar- ket officiating morning and evening. The choir was assisted by a. quar- tette consisting of Wm. Faris, Don- a.1d Suther-land, F. , McLeod and David Sutherland, allso `I. King of the Scotch "Settlement. IIIUH uccupauuu. v The anniversary services -here last Sabbatlh were well] attended. Rev.'M. W. I-Ieslip .pof Penetanguishene was the preacher for the day and deliv- ered two very impressive sermons. The choir also did their part in making the anniversary a success. Quite a number from here. attend- ed the fair at Alliston and report a good fair and large crowd. Baxter school took third .prize. `Min and T.\/Ira "Dnhnv-+ v`|\/h1cr`Fnr Oct. 8- Potato digging is a com- mon occupation. `The annivnv-any-v any-vinne Chcn-A Jnaf SUHUUI LUUK uux'u.p1`1zI::. Mr. and Mrs. .'Robert Mugford and family of `Toronto spent the week-end here and attended the an- niversary. . '!\/In on:-1 `Mfr-a -\/Tau nn m'h~HrAh SIJUIIL D'c1UU`d.Lll `WILD Llltllub 11616. `The following were Sunday visit- ors here: Mr. and Mrs. Ilsaac Je n- nett and son, Vernon of Thornton, at W. J. Gauley's; Mrs. Ney and family of Alliston, Mr. and Mrs. D. `Corbett of Thornton, Miss Beryl Wood of `Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Donald of `Thornton, Mr. and `Mrs. D. 'Co~chrane o'f Holly at `Chas. Den- ney s; Mr. and Mrs. Norman Apple-T gate at A. Lowe s; Mr. and Mrs. P. Hyde and Mr. and Mrs. Angus Ed- gar at C. Hyde s; Mr. and Mrs. Al- len Miller and two daughters and Mr. and Mrs. -Erwin Miller of Utopia and twosons and Mrs. `M. Ruddick of Alliston at Wesley Ruddick s. (`nnaw-ofn1o+1'nna fn \X7i1Hn .`F`.r1orav- 1uv<:1'a'a.1'y. Mr. and Mrs. -May and children and `Mrs. (Hillard o'f Orangeville spent Sabbath with friends here. ` "'l"h.. fn11nu1.ino- nrarn Qmnnv 11iH*.. UL JXIJISLUII ELL VVCELCJ xxuuunpn D- Congratulations to Willie -Edgar for taking first prize for his school at Anlistun fair. 13.11.. Qty nnnuvnn uuv1`l `kn 1:-CIR In HA. 1511113 LU]! 1.0.11 . Rally Day service will be -held in the church .here next Sabbath. of ten o'clock in the forenoon, in the Council Chamber, Municipal {Buildiingn in the said Town of Barrie, in the County of simcoe and Province of Ontario, proceed to sell by public auction the said land or so much thereof as may be sufficient to dis- charge such arrears and charges thereon. - Take notice further that a list of the said lands is being published in the Ontario Gazette in its issues of September 1'5t*h, 22nd and 29th, and October iitih. 1928, and that said list is posted up in my office, cop- ies of which may be had on appu- cation. ` 24-: -1. En-ulna 6%`. 1nh `n nf Buy Advertised! Timings BOND I-IAEAD A . T'.3 ;"`T.E'.` DUDEE BROTHERS Style stands out in all nine new Victory body types. There is an inviting swagger in the sweep of the improved one-piece fenders, an assur- ance of power in the higher and more massive radiator and hood lines. Bodies are not 0:1 .-' smarter, but larger, providing in- creased head-room, Peg-room and seat-comfort. Deeper, softer cuhions and specially selected hardwitre and up- holstery sound a distinctive note of interior luxury, while higher and wider doors facil- itate enfrance and exit. The new Victory Six- empha- sizes the unusual structural advantages first introduced in the original Victory. The chassis frame is so bolted to Smarter lines, greater com- fort, richer appointments. A thoroughly dependable car in every item of con- struction that makes for ALSO DODGE IBRDTH ERS STANDARD SIX Smarter in Appearance \. More Luxurious in Appointments ix. With Increased Room and Still Finer Performance` LIVINGSTON BROS. mplopsueec, BARRlE.ON'l'. NEW VICTORY SIX Perfectly blended, expertly roasted, steel cut and chafflessz then packed In vacuum tins,` Rideau Hall Coffee reaches you with all its goodness intact. Rideau Hall COFFEE Red Rose Orange Pekoe is the finest 8 tea in the best package--Aluminum The Ball Planing 1w"1E}I."1 _td. - Barrie, out. The Sarjeant Co., Ltd. T- Barrie, Ont. Firepgopf` Wal board R0 C Millions of insulating Air cells! CANADA GYPSUM AND ALABASTINE Ll purl. %I\IiIIIl I Briann- FARM rrocx a IMPLEMENTB the body that it literally be- comes a part thereof--a simplied, more rugged, and squeak - proof construction that reduces weight, elimi- nates rattles and lowers the center of gravity. '~a\:r---A `_7:r~AA\4-c .. ' W provides roadabmty and rid- ing ease as remarkable and unusual as Victory pick-up, power and exibility. There is just one way to find out how different and better Victory performance really is. Drive the car yourself! smoothness, exibility and long life. For Sale By 660 L13 good te 8. Thur-acvlay, October 11, 1921: - Write for Free Boo 1:! ct, Walla That Reect Good Judgment," con- taining interesting information on home planning with A----A. 1:.-..-hm"-1 \l plvu, ;\vv. and Insulex. CEIIOIL Dated at Barrie this 10th day of tsoptember, 1928. A. W. -SMITH. 87v4'9b Treasurer Town of Barrie - For Swollen Jointsl `Most re-megeefail but Joint- Ease succeeds. It s for joint troubles only, whether in ankle, knee, hip, el- bow, shoulder, rnger or spine- whether rheumatic or_ not. n. Hnnkznnu n n+.i'. inamed. whether rneumauc or_ non. It limbers up stiff, inamed`, painful, creaky joints so quickly you'll be astonished.` Two seconds rubbm and away it goes through skin an esh right down to the bone and'1igaments- that s why it succeeds. Ask Dou - Ins `Drug 'Store or any reliabe ninuunta 65 uxug at-uccist. 'i.n-Kr-r;ar;-for-'l"a;ein Town of Barr_iL_ _ 5U_i 3 53" 531%" 5e1'VU- many you - `..---. W. A. Mcconkey, Auctioneer Robert Sydney_ Fletcher. GordonG. Macuten. MACLAREN. FLETCHER 6: Co. INVESTMENT amxsks _ 704 Canadian Pacic Building, Toronto. TORONTO, ST. THOMAS, WINDSOR, LONDON LINDSAY, KITCHENER, ORILLIA, PETERBORO Loc_a1 Office: - GOVERNMENT MUNICIPAL CORPORATION BONDS ,I'hq Hunderugned hai received In- structions from -an I I3 I EBB '. G. OKE & CO. conmaspownencs soucrr MINING STOCK BROKERS Th; undersigned has received, structions from -n nun `If_|I'IIII!`I` brown horse, General rurpoae. ` tCA*'1"rvLE--lned ' cow, .du_e Dec. 10; roan cow. due Dec. .2; Holstein heir- er, 2 years old-, ihfeIs'h_; black cow, due April 15; black cow, milking well; red cow, due April 2; red and white cow, mlilking wall. The above are all young cows and milking well. urnnn1(.._.a vaarlinlr heifers: 8 all cows ana muxms wuu. STOCK----5 yearling heifers; yearling steers; 14 good Leicester ewes; 5 pigs, 6 weeks old; `50 good hens; Yorkshire sow. . vunwaaumwrmn `IIYIVC. - Binder, V -'i"11-e` iliowlng: . H'OR'SIES--Pair Percheron mares, 6 and 7 years, weight 2600 1158. ; horse. General Purpose. .nAnvm1 .1.`.._'mnA'nnm. dug Dec, 10; hens: Yorksmre sow. IMPLEMIENTS, E1`-C. Binder, Massey-`I-Iarris. 6-`ft. cut; corn 'bin- der. McCormick; land roller, steel. Massey-Harris; seed dz-`ill, Massey- Harris, 13 disc, new; -disc-harrorw, Mas'sey-`Harris; cultivator, McCor- mick; hiay rack; rlid-ins scutfier; turnip sower; waiking scuttier; turnip pultperz manure spreader; hay rake, 10t.: 2-rturrotw walking plow, Ilnternationall, new; wood rack; 2 walking plows, Fleury No. 21; seed harrow, 4 sectiions; wagon. 3-in. tire, -Bain; wlason box and stock rack; set light slei-gihs; 2 sets bunks; set heazvy log sieighs: demo- crat; Chatham tanning-mill with bagger; hay fork carriage, ropes, pulleys and silingws; single `buggy: set brass-mounited `harness, double; set double hlarness `with `breaching; number of cedar 'pO8'tJ8: also forks, chains. -doubletrees and many other articles. m......m. no :a1a_A11 -nurnn of $10.00 articles. Terms of .Sa1e-Ail sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 12 months credit will 'be given `to ,par'ties furnishing apiproved Joint notes. -6% rper rannum oz! for cash on lcredit _sums. A31 will be sold without reserve. Sale at 1 pm. W. A Mciconkey, Auctioneer. wTREASURER"S * SALE ot_L__AN1_3sj The undersigned has received in- structions from _ __.- -n A 1-1IQZ ARIUEKI "I`;;.fc;1iov vlng\: I-I~OfR'S E S - `Team good horses. heavy; grey horse, heavy: cream- mare,` 4 years old, heavy. ma: .A-\1nwQ'r-I:EEP--9 nlsrs. 150 lmare; 4 ola, neavy. BUGS A'ND'1SI-ISEEP--9 pigs, lbs. each; 5 pigs. 100 lbs., each; sow, due in Nov.; 5 yearling ewes; 25 hang UUU I hens. {V A) cadves. IIMlPiIJEM:ENiTS. ETC. - Binder, Frost & Wood; mower. disc harrow; truck wagon; John Deere manure spreader; cufitivator; sulky rake: 2-furrow plow; land roller; wagon and rack: scuffler; set sledghs: turnip drill; tannins-mill: cutter; buggy: set iron harrows: barrel churn: gasoline engine and saw; grinder: Premier cream separator, neaniy new: wagon `box: wheelbar- row; set scales, 2000 1135.; cutting- box: root puiper; stock rack; set double harness; set plow harness: pair new collars; pair new horse blankets; 2 sets single harness; quantity 01-in. lumber. n.n.mN_ WEED. E'1`C.-QuantitY ~CAf'1T-IJE---COW, 6 yrs old. fresh: cow, 7 yrs. old, in calf; cow, 8 yrs. old, due Oct. 16; cow. 8 yrs. old, due Oct. :12; cow, '5 yrs. old, due Feb. '1; 5 yearling cattle; 3 spring calves. n.mnu1'rm\/r.1:`.1\1I'l` F3'I`1('1_ Bmde;-_ &I\I'J3II X FARM STOCK IMPLEMENTS Examiner Classieds give great results. 7 quantity 91-m. lumuer. GRAIN. FEED, E'1`C.-Qua.nt1ty potatoes: 80 bus. wheat; quantity turnips, in field; .200 bus. oats; 50 bus. spring wheat; quantity buck- wheat; Ford touring car; 80 yards. carpet; also forks, chains, doubfle-. trees and many other articles. `Terms or Sale--`A11 sums of $10.00 and under, cash: over that amount 12 months credit will be given to parties furnishing a.-ppr-oved Joint notes. 5% per annum on for cash on credit sums. All `will `be sold without reserve. `Sale at 1 pan. W. -A. Mclconkey. Auctioneer. \oI\l.alI.| 5 has In-- FARM STOCK &. IMPLEMENTS ULICUULIUIIE 5 MRS. cLARENci~:" c ;rR:N At Lot 9, Con. 12, Innisfil .-- .. A.- At 1.5: 1'5} '<':'3I."'i'1', Oio ...IL `on A- LU sen Hy puuuu u. v wwuasnm, "Q':"'f."`17 nu: --v. -, v-_ to sell `by pubiic[au'ct1on on -nIIIlI\`II'IBI\ AI) (\lV"I' 1 'Fi"3E s n>`XiF,'"""I"1"s" sell by Public an trials A!) I! Ennnmm n An-IAAII A IIIBI Ell CREDIT SALE . nu-Ann: A IIIBI Ell ."At;dtion . FOUm!RY-28 hens: `50 spring chickens. IM'PtIJEM'EN?TS. ETC. -- Adams wagon gear. new; cutter: set Adams sleizha, new; top buggy; aulky rake. nearly new; mower, Frost & `Wood, nearly new; spring-tooth cul- tivator. Frost & Wood, nearly new; set disc narrows; set seed narrows; scuff-ler; single plow Fieury No. 21; 2-furrow plow; Fleury cqtting-'box; Chatham tan- ning mill; net scales, 2000 iba.; hay rack: green bone grinder; churn, nearly new; oream separator, nearly now! set heavy double harness, ,m- Vvuviu Oct. 7-Mr. and Mrs. '1`. Truax-of Angus visited wit-h_Mrs. A. Truax, Sunday. Mrs. McA'rthur is visiting friends in Toronto for a. short time. `C1,- _ an` EIIAWHBPC end with friends in "1.`0ruuLu. 1 Mrs Ferguson and Mrs. Wyn. Ritchie of IElmva1e visited with Mrs. '1`. Robson during the week. '\'n and Mr: _TQ, Jr In '.l'UI'UllLU LUL a. anus nun-u Miss Nina. Emmes and brothers Walter and Ernest visited ati`. Ar- cher s -last week. . Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bell spent *9. day or `two in Toronto this week. J. Patterson of Elmvale called on David Brown. -M1ss Grace -Leask spent the week- end with `friends in Toronto. Mr... 1 <`nv-anann and Mrs. Wyn.` during tne week. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Smith. Jr., and daughter `Margaret ore 'Wyebr1dge and `Mr. and Mrs. iErn `Stacey and family 0: Ebenezer were ,week- end guests or Mrs. '1. French. 1 - A_...1 ............. Aunt` .u'lnu fwv-Inv Bnu EUUBLE UL cums). on uuvnow-u `The fowl supper and play, Friday night, given by the United church. was a great success both financially and otherwise. Despite the very disagreeable evening the hall was \/r.. nr.\R `Mfr: Cfnhn Miller. Of crowded. . Mr. and Mrs. `John Miller. Jr., Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. A. Wood of Midland and Miss Richardson and father, 'Craigh~urst, were` visitors during .the week with Mrs. John Miller, Sr. - M... 1'.` Awnhaiv in nnf imnrovim: in drew s lH0Sp1ta.l. - A large number attended the fun- eral of the late Mrs. Lamb who was laid to rest here, Thursday, Oct. 4, in -St. John s `Cemetery. Mrs Lamb was one of the oldest and most respected members of St. John's `Church. 1v..1+.,.. umamm nf rpanetnna snent ` Miller, Sr. A - a Mrs. F. Archer is not improving M health and has returned to St. An-} drew Hospital. A 1m~m: nnmhnv attended the John's Church. Walter Spearn of Penetang spent Sunday with Fred. Archer. Jr. `Ufvvu 'l` Rnhsznn and Mrs. W. Ban- and under, casn; over mm cuuuuuu. 12 months credit will be siven to parties furnishing approved Joint notes. 5% per annum off for cash on credit sums. All will be sold with- out reserve. Sale at 1 pm. 'I I7 A 1l;.fVnvu1:Au Aunnnnnr Sunday `wutn r'rea. Arcu1uz'. .u. Mrs. T. Robson and Mrs. nister spent `Sunday with Mrs. D. Rowat, Elmvale. \ A number of local boys arrixved homn from the West and rep-M`: a .sp\1e;.did season. `The weather there has been very dry and therefore they lost no time. Crops are good. -vvvjil aw. .....i ntudrau Nlfv-a 1X7gn- Lucy xual. uu unuw. xuvg... -..- g---~- Will. Bell and sister, Mrs. Wan- ders and son of `Toronto called on friends here and Mrs. F. Archer, Midland. - mt... +..on.hm-a frnm horn attended Qnwvvv--uw-' wv-..--' V- .. Treasurer's Omce, ` ' Court House, Barrie. Out, the 7th day or Auzunt. _1928. ,lunch was served. \ A large number from here attend- ed the anniversary services of Oro United church last Sunday. Rev. Gordon Armour of Orangeville preached very inspiring sermons. He also conducted -the afternoon service in Guthrie United churc-h. The beautiful solos and duets ren- dered by Mr. and Mrs. Armour at the services were much appreciated. As delegates from Guthrie Unit- ed church, Mr. and Mrs. John D. Gilchrist, Neill -Mcvcuaig, A. Barth- olomew, J. W. Walker and Wilbert Stoddart attended the Laymen s Convention which was held in Tor- nn6n In a 7t:AI_AH Midland. `The teachers from here attended the convention in 'Co111ngw-ood last week. The school chilldren attended the fair in FElrnrva-le on Tuesday al- though the morning was wet and disagreeable. Mr. "1`ra1n's truck was well loaded with school chuldren and teachers. -!They `brought -home two prizes. -n-----e Oct. 8--Week-end visitors here were Mayor D. `F. Mccuaig and Mrs. Mo'Cua1g of Barrie at Henry Mc- Cua1g s and Stanley Osobonne at Wm. Campbell's. M... and Mrs. A. 1-Iartholo-mew and Rub Gently and Upward To- ward the Heart as Blood in Veins "Flows That Way temmer. `-1326. i `Copies of said list of lands or advertisement can Ibe seen in my office or will `be mailed upon mak- ing application for same. In default of payment of taxes as shown on said -list. on or `before Tuesday.-the 1-8th,day of November, 192-8,'at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon. I shall at that time in the Council Chamber, locum House, Barrie, On-: tario, proceed to sell thy public auc- tion the said lands to pay such ar- rears, together with the `charges Hsnrnnng 3.4,5`b SV- l'vu.r:I, thereon.- Campbell's. Mr. and Mrs. A. Bartholo-mew Helen spent the week-end in Tor- and-A UL!` HG LIUIIB as vuo W. J. FRASE At Lot 20, Con. 6, v..pr. ' {OPPOSITE UNION CEMETERY)` to sell by -public auction on 1: n IIII IIII\ A `I M 1 Q HOW TO REDUCE VARICQSE VEINS Many `people have become de- spondent because they have been led to believe that there is no rem- edy that will reduce swollen veins and bunches. I`! you will get a two-ounce orig- inal "bottle of Moone's `Emerald Oil (full strength) at any first-c-lass drug store and apply it night and morning as directed you wi-11 quickly notice an improvement which will continue until the veins and bunches are reduced to normal. u.......... mmmmm inn In a harm- 916` ;; z?_ LLUJCI onto. A 6- Notice is hereby given that the list of lands now iia`ble.t.o Ibo cold for arrears of taxes in the (County or lsimcoe, has been prepared and is `being published in an advertise- ment in the Iontario -Ga.zette,_ upon the nth, 18-th and 25th day: of Au- gust, 1928, and the lat day 01.89:":- tember. 19-28. `(Van-ag nf -AM 1.131! of land: or At the annua thank-ofterinsg of `the United WM.-s., held in Sunday School room with a. good attend- ance, Mrs. McEwan of Churchill gave a. very interesting talk on mis sions. -Mrs. I-Ia11 presided. rs. Newton Besse took the scripture lesson, and a solo was sweetly ren-` dered `by Mrs. J. D. Gchrlst. A , lunch served. A Inna-A VIIIVYIWIQP frnm her U0nVenL10r_1 wmuu wa onto last week-end. and bunches are reuuceu w uU1':ua.'a. Moone s Emerald 2011 is a. harm-I -~1ess. yet most powerful, germlclde and two ounces last a very long time. Indeed., so powerful is Em- erald -Oil that ol-d chronic sores and ulcers are often entirely healed and anyone. who is disappointed with It use can have their` money re- funded. Douglas Drug istore sells lots at it. A 8 "IE; re1l;>wmg: . HO-RSES - Matched team bay mares, 9 and -111 years old, General ?u-1-pose. _ CAT olstein cow. 5 yrs. old. fresh; Holstein cow, 6 yu., due March 15; Durham cow. 4 yrs. old. trash; Jersey cow, 5 yrs. old, due June 17 Holstein cow. 6 yrs., due March 51. nnUtU1`RY-28 I III rn|\n\-can-uu - ------.. In the Cgunty of Sincoo, tonic: U. 11.. A$`p Treasurer. County or Bimcoo 4\Ann_- <=UrHI3IE. Dy `J. -ne .Iuxu.Iu.u1er. _ v The /citizens of this community received agreat shock in the very sudden death `of Joseph Roe, a highly esteemed and respected citi- zen. which occurred on Sept. 27 in Orilllie. hospital after an operation. The late Mr. Roe was born on Lot 33,Con.10,0ro, in January 1862, the eldest of four children of the late Mr. and Mrs.'R'ichard Roe. His twin sister predeceased him in 1915. He spent most of his life in this com- munity. As a young man -he devel- oped rheumatism which proved a great handicap. When he was quite young he made shoes for his living. After receiving treatment in a hos- pital for some time, he took up the trade of carpentering. After carry- ing this -on successfully in Oro and Barrie, he thought there were big- ger opportunities in New York City, so went there and prosecuted his business with success. While there he met Elizabeth F. Seaman, and was married to her in 1892. Shortly afterwards he returned to Oro and `carried on lumbering and milling successfully for a number of years before resuming his own trade of a building. There are a great many buildings to his credit about Oro. During the years 1910-13 he carried on a. general store business in Hawkestone after which he` mov- ed -to the farm, Lot 21, Con. 11, Oro, where he remained till his death. 'l'.'l .. man 9 event friend fn mznv 1 The LateVJos.iRioo The following additional parti- culars regarding the late Jos. Roe, whose death was recorded in our issue of `Oct. 4, have been received by The Examiner. - 'l'h- -vnizenn nf this oommumltv \ ueuvn. . He was a great friend to many people in financial difficulties and his passing will be greatly regret- ted by many friends. In religion he was an Anglican and in politics a Conservative. -run... Fnv-u:nnn'I nn nn+ .20 was large- cream Bepuruwr, uuauag new; set heavy brass-mounted; set single harness: set double driving harness; also forks. chains, doubletrees and many other articles. Terms of Sale--A11 sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount 10 nnnnfh credit will be given

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