Opposite Post Office Phone 5, BARRIE | Marie Pauline Borghese, sister {Of Napoleon, considered a shower bath of milk each day very impor- I tant to her health. . 2 for 51 The insurance business of the Employers Liability Assurance Corporation Limited, through the agency of G. Frank Doyle & Son, has been transferred to W. A. IMcConkey, and the suc- cessor from the 1st of September will be pleased to take care of all policy-holdxers interests. 40-42p SICKNESS and ACCIDENT T` MONTREAL LONDON. ENG. DOMINION Sncumvrna-s conponxggtgogg LIMITED ________ __ llI'\kl'l`D E A I ome, 26 K1i ii~:'r" ]r2}a`r,'"'f6iibi$ir'6'. We effer the foiloxning su'gwgVes tion's for the reinvestment of funds: 9-G-E *R. A !54l0LAS DOMINION OF CANADA 5% BONDS _ MATURING OCTOBER 15th, 1928 may cash these securities free of expense at our 65 ? J;}..T`. ":'9`&`a"`f" ."'i". . UNITED GAS :7 FUEL COMPANY OF `HAMILTON. LIMITED 5%% First Mortgage Bonds Due lAJuly, 1948 - - a o - " "zf Bbeliul ' DuelJune. 1951 . . . . Q GATINEAU POWER COMPANY -.s. -. Du`e' I I October, [958 Due 15 July, 1958} ' ' ' DOMINION OF CANADA Guaranteeing Canadian National Railway 5% Equipment Bonds Due I February, 1932 - - - - TOWNSHIP OF YORK BURNS G CO., LIMITED 5}% FirstvMortgage Bonds - I l,,- IRAQ PROVINCE OF ALBERTA 41/2% Bonds Due 1958K h..- IE l_.L, IAEO '?7L,`i='aIs F4$}c}Ige'E;.'d;" Due ! June. I956 - - o Fountain Syringe, red rub- ber, one-piece bag, extra rapid ow tube, fu1l.2 quart capacity. Regular price `2h.i:0r.Sa1e 2 for . . PENSLAR Remedies Hot Water Bottle, red rub- ber, moulded in one piece. capacity 2 quarts. Regular Iiiie-s$a215% for .. vvuzu -_-----:u---ti Battery and Bhtteryless L 1l-.l-I 1.- --:a.'-.__. 13--..-- q}LoU\J LJCCL, LLUII Gllhl Wine . . 2 for $1.01 50c Boraline, 2 for 51 $1.00 Buchu and Pal- metto Comp. . 9 C..- Q1 1 25c Cithargici :A_ctYi\:e` i Pills . . . . 2 for 26 Customers will be permitted to select a Water Bottle and a Fountain `Syringe as a purchase. $1.'0'0"1'3f, Er},}{ zixld Vifinn 0 t-.. Q1 n1 Thoroughly cleans and whitens the teeth, re- moves the lm and tends to correct acid mouth. Extra large tubes, Regular price, 50c. This Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 tubes for 51 .60c Analgesic Balm 0._.. 35c Charc. and Pepsin Lozs. . .. 50c Cherry Cough Balsam . . . . . $1.00 Cod` Liver Extract Pal. .. 50c Cold and Grippe Capsules . . c Carbolic Witch Hazel Salve c Castor Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c Charcoal Lozenges . . . . . . . . : c Cold Breakers Laxative . . . . ac Corn Collode . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.50 Dynamic Tonic . . . . . . .. 50c Eye -Bath . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7~5c Horehound, Honey and Tar $1.00 Hypophosphates Comp. .. 10c Pen-Lax Tablets . . . . . . . . . . 25c Pen-Lax Tablets . . . . . . . . . . 50c White Liniment . . . . . . . . . . $1.00 Nux and Iron Tablets . . . . 25c Liver Pills, Little Ac- tive . . . . . . . . . 2 for 26c 50c Papaya Digentant rrn}-an`-5 9 `An. :14- BUD LLLLULOU JJLOUSCCD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 for 26c 50c -Cascara I-Fmkle Tablets, 100 s .. 2 for 51c 50c Sore Throat Gargle . . . . . . . . . . . \. 2 for 51 " WE AEE THE , SOLEVAGENTS FOR THE MERCURY SUMER 10 G V `I J.J.l5CLlI41l. "E$b`its .... .. 2 25c Throat Dragees 9 50c Dyspepsia Tablets 9 C-.. ANNOUNCEMENT Had Oiu: Tondmo. 25 King sc. 2. PENSLAR RUBBER GOOPS PENSLAR DENTAL CREAM Holders of --7 :u-:- V Esublhhed 1901 E. R. Wood, President Juluyo 2 for "$1.01 I':{.'J.'1 IZ'..7"L}' $1.32 .-..A xv JJOLLII 2* for I611?` The Taolsts of China believe that continually finding fault with the weather is a sin which will be pun- . ished in purgatory. A ? EDAIJU DD 2- for 51 h;;or 51 100.00 l00.00 Price 99.50 5.53% 99.50 94.50 4.85% .7...:____v THE `SET THAT GETS ENGLAND 97.25 AUTOMOBILE . 2 for 51 2 for $1.01 .. 2 for 51 . 2 for 26 . 2 for 26 . 2 for 26 .. 2 for 26 . 2 for 26C 2 for $1.51 .. 2 for 51 .. 2 for 76 2 for $1.01 .. 2 for 11 .. 2 for 26 . 2 for 51 2 for $9501 2 for 36 5,53% 5.00% 5.00% 5.18% Yield A demonstration of one of these wonderful sets in your own: home will convince `you. They talk for themselves. WINNIPEG VANCOUVER Page Plvl V ' FIRE ' 26 R;a.do Licenses for Sale im*ERT szavxcs on ANY MAKE or 5:1` The Electric Shop BURTON & GRIBBLE nmno 50c Almond and Cucumber Cream,` 2 for 51c 25c B:-1by'Ta1`c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2 for 26c 50c Camphor Ice Lotion . . . . . . . . . 2 for 51 $1.00 Penslar Hair -Tonic . . . . . . 2 for $1.01 3-3c ~Orang'e Blossom Talc . . . . . ._. . 2 for 36c 50c Shampona . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2 for 51c 25c Tooth Powd'er . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 for 26c 25c Tread Easy Foot Powder . . . . . 2 for 26 $1.00 Lilac Vegetal ...... . . . . .. 2 for $1.01 500 Mag Lac Tooth |Paste . . . . . . .. 2 for 51c 25c Zinc Stearate . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2 for 26c 25c Glycerine and Rose Water . . . . 2 for 26c 60c Spring Blossoms `Brilliantine (Liquid) 0 C... (31. RoBE:R1'N's DRUG STORE * Vv` 15c Bicarbonate of Soda . . . . 20c Boric Acid , , , . . . . . . . . . 25c -Camphorated Oil - . . V. . . . 60c Cascara Aromatic . . . . . . 25c Comp. Licorice Powder . . 30c Cream of Tartar - . . . . . . . 15 Epsom Salts . . 15c Rochelle Salts . V. . . . . . . . 25c Spirit Camphor . . . . . . . . 25c Tincture Iodine . . . . . . . . 50c Witch Hazel . . . . . . . . . . . A. B. S. &'C. 100's Aspirin, 25's . . . . . .' . . . . . . Aspirin, English, 100's . . -. . Vacuum Bqttles . . . . . . . . . P1ipes....`....... . . . . . .. Sponges, auto . . . . . . . . Tooth Brushes . . ; . .` . . . A Big Range of Beautiful Models ` I'N HOBSON S CHOICE ,_-_ LAEA..- LI... ...... - ALSO , PENSLAR L HOU_SE}_i9[.D DRUGS 50c Penslar Tooth Brush 50 Mag Lac Tooth Brush, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 for 51 Each brush packed in a sanitary carton. 60c Shaving Lotion, 2 for 61c 35c Talc for -Men .. 2 for 36c 50c Hair Oil . . . . . . 2 for 51: SPECIALS COLONIAL CLUB FOR MEN . . . . . I!` . . . . . L` . . . . TOILET GOODS PEN SLAR 2 for! ': Ial7ne.1s. Ianu near uauawu. `I Less than thirty years ago A. J. Neve was a drug apprentice in the store of the late George Monk- plman, now conducted `by the lat- ter s son. Today he is the head of the Neve Drug Stores Incorporat- ed, with over one hundred branch- es located in Greater New York. Moreover, he is a Vmi1lionaire-has been for some years. A ...:11:m...:w, :n I. Hun H-n'r- ' A goodlytnumber of Oro Town- shop boys have left home to win ed in almost every province of the l fame and fortune. They are locat-` Dominion and every state in the ~Union. There are probably none. ; however, who can equal the record fof A. J. Neve, who first saw the '=1ight of day 48 years ago on his :father s_ farm near Dalston. I f........ $1.-.. Lkiul-u tvnoun nnnn A Left Dalston Only ai Thirty Years` Back, Now Millionaire me area wnere nu upcrauca. ` A. J. Neve was a visitor to Bar- rie, to the old homestead at Dal- ston , where his brother. W. N. farms, and to the home of another brother. Manuel. not far from the ghomesteadn, only a few weeks ago. 3 As he stepped oil the train at the C. N. R. depot no one recognized him-no one knew he was coming and. moreover. he came alone. He engaged a taxi to take him out to the farms of his brothers in the Dalston neighborhood, and he .kept the car and the driver engaged un- til he returned to Toronto by mo- tor three days later. -"FL.-.L nnAnvd- nlnnn uynu hie n11-I ueen 101' Soul: _yev.ra. A millionaire in less than thir- ty years? How did he do it? is the logical question. If there is a Bar- rieite (and there are plenty who i knew him intimately) who can re- call seeing a young man opening George 'Momkman s drug store a- bout the years of the Boer War, at 6 a.m. and earlier, morning af-` ter morning, or the same young man dressing the windows of the same store at unusual `hours of the morning and night, they will .recall Alfred James Neve, now a top-notcher in the retail drug busi- ness of the United States. He has even more stores than 'Ligg'etts in the area where he operates. A T \Y.un-. vtvna n via-tn` fn R91`- Dnlng ULIL but: mwcr. `But what memomes must have chased through his brain as he a- gain viewed the drug store where he worked for a few---very few- G01` tnree uluys mwr. `That incident alone was his on- ly show of ostentation-that he was either a very wealthy man or a four usher. Ashis relatives and friends well know, he is any- thing but the latter. ' Inn urhof rnnmnvin: l`YIH+. hv Alfred James Neve, Former Om Boy, `Who Once Worked in Barrie Drug Store for Few Paltry Dollars a Week, Now Controls Over Hundred Stores in Greater New Y`orkn-_--An Epltrrly Riser, Hard Worker, ....;11:a :a;...7aI;"s.;;;' .:z;:1;' 51c V 26 . . . 51 . 26 26 1e .. 2 for 61 2 for 16 2 for 21 . 2 for 26 2 for 61 2 for 26 2 for 31 2 for 16 .1 2 for 16 2 for 26 2 for 26 . 2 for 51 , . v - v V --v _ . . ' .-.- 1n the days before the use of even horse vehicles became very gener- al in rigngianvd, those who were mak- ing long J()1_n neys on horse-back Were obligedto change their mounts, as they `became. itired out, at var- ious stlages Iln the trip. and natural- iy there was a certain amount of picking and choosing in the selec- ;tion of fresh mounts. However, there . was one exception ito tihe rule, -and -that reiated to the establishment of ,1 man named `Thomas IH~obson, who .condu__ct'ed the iBui11 `Inn and remount gtable, under the paitronage of a. ~,`Roya1 Charter, As _the tired horse. was brought in at one end of the _.stabie. the Ifresiher ones `were let}! moved up one `place "toward the pther end, and lthe traveller was pbliged to take the one that came; put first, and that came to be known | _ns H-obson's Choice, which was, _,a'fter ail, no choice at am. 26 26 ` 76 ' 76 51 26 ' 36 This cream is made from an excellent formula, combining the properties of a skin food with those of 21 cleansing cream-Fragrant with the new perfume---Fleur du Midi. Regular price 60c This `Sale . . . THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, OCT. 18,19, 20 ' Fiuinjjnu Mim BUTTEf.RMIL_K QLEANSING CREAM dollars a week as a drug appren-i tice? He spent two years in the Monkman Store. He left a year LnnuA Lin :vv|n divas l\II" an n1\v1'_l That is the way he got started} on his career. He was ambitious.| an untiring worker, a very early. riser and, I do not mind admitting, ' I think he was also a bit lucky-- he got the breaks--things came his way. ncn_-_.u-- _.Lu.__. L- .._....1....'i...J L- LVLUIIISIIIHII DhUl'U- 116 1171.0 G yccu. ' before his time was out, so anxi- ous was he to get along in the world`. He put the situation to the late George Monkman in terse. business-like fashion. He simply` told him that "he was making "good money for him (Mr. Monk-Q man) and: not nearly enough for` himself. This was 29 years ago. He packed up an went to Toron-l to. to work in stores and to at- tend pharmacy. f"_J_ J._`-_ 1'_.--1_... I `av: no-no - `rt:--ur I The Examirier talked to one of ' his farmer-brothers the other day. The Neve family has always been known as progressive, go-ahead type, and well-to-do. urv- 1-2:. LL. 1!....... ...L.... 1.- ..-.... -;'.I`bllll sunny. at. Luu apccu, cnuuycu kqmhurt and said it was fun. I Mrs. -Clara 'Raney. 64 years old ignd blinded since birth, has Just pompletecl 'her 36th year as tele- Fahone operator at Melrose, Ohio. T~`n', G'm'dnn D. `Knox of London re- u, vu-nu n - -~. _v. He left the farm when he was 17, his brother said. He was a fairly good worker on the farm, but he disliked the work. Father` had picked him out for a profes-I sional man. He always wanted to - send him to college and so at the! -age of 17, after receiving his edu- cation at Dalston Public Schooll and continuation classes he went` to Barrie to work in a drug store {and remained there two years. .,L_,.L, Jl way. Shortly after he graduated he! met a friend who told him of the! wonderful future of the Sacramen- to Valley in California. then just starting to boom. He used his first savings to buy a drug store, pay-. ing $700 down. A few years later he sold the same store for $7;O00. Right there he got his start," ex- plained his brother. A T \Taun cn1+nr1` 11-fa vw-nf uuvnw plauxcu. llal Ul'Ul.allCl.o I A. J. Neve salted` his prot away and took a position--a minor one --with the Owl Drug Co., which; had a chain of stores. He needed} experience and he worked his way up to be merchandise manager atl a big. fat salary. ] l`Dn|- n an1n1n:nA v-\na:`-dn-n `nu - it U15. Lay aa1a1._v. ' But. a salaried position far. from ' satised his ambition. He resign-. ed to form the -Sun Drug Chain on ` the Pacic Coast, of which he was, president and principal owner. So? successful was he with this ven- (Flower of the South) ` This new and altogether distinctive line of toiletries is offered for the first time on the 1c Sale. The odourpossesses rare charm-fragrance blended with a note of mystery--a perfume that will n-ot become common. Soc Brilliantine, Solid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 for 51 60c Cold Cream . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 for 61 50c Perfume Flacons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 for 51 $2.00 Perfume, 1 oz. . . . . . . . . .7 . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 for $2.01 75c Face Powder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 for 76 . 60-c Facial Astringent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 for 61. 25c Facial Soap . . ._ . , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 for 26 60c Rouge (Raspberry, Strawberry, Medium) . . . . . . . . 2 for 61 '35cTalc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..,.....2for36 $2.00 Toilet Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' 2 for $2.01 - (A- I7-._!..L...... I`...-...... , fl E-.. 1- tvv I vAAU_5 Vviobvn 36 Vanishing. Cream ., . . - ----v.y - Got the Breaks tine, J . ream . : me,1oz. ..2 wder . ustringent Loap . . . .* . FLEUR DU MIDI i for 61 Juavux. V1;-p.-4.-V. IIUV -.-_...-..-, -_V. Er. Gordon D. `Knox (zomme-ncls -in the British Medical 1`oux'm',L-1 thsyt `pi-pes 01` cigarettes be ;amoked as a preventive for seasick- ,ness. ..--. -. o 17. ,, , - .1- ....4. ........ -u-cu`? | -_- -- _ former Dalston boy who has made a remarkable success in organiz- mg cham drug stores. I ture that in 1925 he sold out-28 stores-to his former employers, the Owl Chain, for $1,100,000. Expects 1.000_ Stores The \Drug `Trade News pub- llished in New York City, had the lfollowing on Mr. ,Neve s latest `venture in a recent issue: MC`--- ..-....-- ..A....... `.\A'._ \T_--- 1.-.. VUILDHLVC Ill (1 ].'CUUHl.4 l.3DUCo For many years, Mr. Neve has I `enjoyed a national reputation asl `one of the ablest merchandisers gin the chain drug store eld. As `merchandise manager of the Owl Chain, he was one of the most in- iuential factors in building up the sales, prestige and reputation of |that organization for eicient, ag- !gressive and intelligent merchan- idising. ' 1\.I n -\T.un. `In-CL #1.... f\."1 ("Lu-.:.. J-.-. uxaxug. Mr. Neve left the Owl Chain to organize the American Chain, which he subsequently merged .with the `Sun IChain, which operat- le-de in the principal cities of South- lern `California with brilliant suc- cess until sold by '.Mr. Neve to the gwl `Company at a handsome pro- . t. 1111.. '\Y____ __.!11 _L_,,A_ L3- .,- _1__,- `LID .Mr. Neve will start his metro- politan New York chain under his own name with 70 stores. KH'I1L!_ _'_ ___ _ LL-.. __-_ ' This is more stores than are now operated- by the Ligqett Chain I |in the same area and will make the ' anew chain the dominant factor in the merchandising of drug store products in the metropolitan area. lBy January 1st. `Mr. Neve expects `to have 100 retail stores in met- `lropolitan New York. From New .York the :Neve `Chain will spread `from coas-t to coast until it reach- :es 1.000 stores. l`l'.. 1-3.. -1_-2._ _____L_.__ MK '\T-__- .55 .L.UUU blvU.l'CB- 3 In his chain system, `Mr. Neve wxll sell no hardware, no toys, no 'rI-It BAR`!-`H45 xAMm:I_| `Now a Milliomire A. J. NEVE Cornelius Smith, 6 years old, of! 1?h%1lade1phia, fell from an express .;`;rain going at full speed, escaped ..,........1..o..r1 .kn.. 913+!-u nnnn an fnha- . . 1. .2 for . . 2 for 36 ' . . 2\for 61 A liquid vanishing cream with the luster of pearls. Its use will keep the skin soft and smnoth. Excellent as :1 powder base, for chapp- ed hands, etc. Regular price 50c. ` ' l\l_#4 ;Fhis`Sa1e' . . 111011 1.43: 'Mr. `Neve has assoeiated with [him in the management of the new `chain Yeoman-s `Briggs, former con- troller of the Owl [Drug stores and "later of the `Sun |Dru~g stores, as Secretary and Treasurer of the Neve "Company; also a large staff of former associates from the Pa-` cic -Coast. Al..-J `I'__.--._ \T_-__!._ -___,_L_,,, u.|.au.ua.uuau. I This will serve as executive of- } ces as well as a distributing ware- M house. `This warehouse will be" equipped with steel partitions, with steel shelving and an up-to- date conveyor system, frigid-aire equipment and other improve- ments. - (HEAL- 17---- L._ _.,_,_!_1, J 0.1 VLILU \JUGDbn Alfred James Neve s ancestors were `English. `His father came from Norfolk and his mother from Cornwall. His grandfather, Wil- liam Neve, formerly lived near Clowes. He has two sisters, Annie, D on the homestead; Mrs. E. N. Hogeboom, in Mallorytown; and: three brothers, 'Manuel at Dalston, ! John in `California and W. N. on; the old homestead. Almost every: year the drug store magnate pays ' a visit to the scenes of his birth-I place, but few ever hear of it, for lit is said A. J. Neve dislikes per-I |sonal publicity. \IlGo All stores in the system will ' have a mottled paris green front. All windows will be backed with canary gold silk. Financial `Structure His present nancial structure, which is backed by large nancial. interests, contemplates the furth- er extension of the Neve Chain from New -York to other sections` of the United- States as far as the Pacic Coast, as soon as the chain ` gets smoothly organized and ready to absorb larger responsibilities. 1 ((rl`_ , _, _ '11 1 1 I tdxuu V ~7Vido\vs in Korea do not 1-exmmrry, .,;:.o matter how young they may be. -':`ve,; though they had been mar-. `mea u.uv_J_y _q gnQI_1_ti;. they can not re- :~T.' *?}`-}',.".- .-V ---.-.---w ---cv- --..r..,--....~---u-u.a- The new chain will have head-E quarters at 200 -V_arick `Street in; Manhattan. un-n__-_ _-:n -__.-_- _- _-_--._Ls___ -1! i hilike oth;-I New York chain! systems, -Mr. ENeve s stores will do business on both a cash and carry "and on a monthly credit basis to desirable accounts. in as \l'LIA5 euvavo He will concentrate on ne toiletries, ne drug store sundries, ne drugs, ne chemicals, proprie- tary medicines of -established re- putation, prescriptions, candies, cigars, and a soda fountain of a superior grade. 'l`Pn'a EIIAAQ nI1n+a{1I| 111311 nn has n aupcxlul. gxauc. . This so-dun fountain will not be a 3 baby restaurant. 111'? ,1`! A `Iv 1 1 9 u Also, unlike other New York? chain stores, Mr. Neve s chain sys- I tem will make delivery of pur-' chases. e ' ` system_ 1_..._ _ ..--LL1-J __-,2,, merchandise of any kind "th.a.t does not logically and properly belong in a drug store. ' HA 1:7-H1` nnnnnnl-rnfn an Run We read that in some part of Central Africa a wife%can be pur- ichased for twenty-five shillings. Some of these natives have no idea` I of the value of money. I \r,._ -vw1x_ an , , 1 up up Mrs. Eliza Spencer and Mrs. My- ro Adams, 90 years old. of Stone- ha-m, Mass., are New England's old- est twins. A Iunmnknnnu `r\l\- 3..-v.n...LA.l 5.. AL Cbl. LVVLHB. A Frenchman has invented an at- tachment for shot guns with which darts. carrzviner lines and floats, can be shot into large fish. c 1-`12012 DU MIDI VANISHING CREAM LOTION um.-_.a.. October 11, .1928 ac--c-u