Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Oct 1928, p. 8

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6 DUI Ede: CD33 'WlllllF|I Wlu I19 I regular winners. THE ARCADE Twenty times the subscription remit- .-... ...m 1.. mm On oh. mndidnte sendinz not run: use uncut. no 1 . .0 __ LL _ -..L-....:_A:-_ ---.36 GOBLIN MAGAZINES GREATEST CONTEST I Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sloan and Mrs. sNorman Wilson and family of \Church11l visited on Sunday at F. i C. Rob1nson s. . Mr. and Mrs. Roy Davis and baby, I Mr. Davis, Sr., and Albert Davis of] Orillia. spent Sunday at I. Spr1ng's. 320.00 3;": gin Secure correct or Nearest Correct Total of Numbers Above to `W m .-.a bane par 11.. __-I.I-__. 2.. L- -33 4-, wwwuu-w w---wvww up vwuunwuw srnnvuru The problem is to add together all of the numbers shown above. Each gure is clearly indicated, and they run from two to nine; the sixes have :1 curved stem; the nines a straight stem; all are single numbers, there are no combinations; add them as If each gure stood one above the other in a single column. Every gure in the pic- ture ls complete. If in doubt about any of the Figures, send in the chart with a gure marked, to the contest department, who will gladly tell you What it is. Q9515` ulnciuoonnnlvnvcnslvvv Iu\.I 17 ALL '46` \I'H5A.I.\a \IIaI.l. uooun is the most strikingly original publication in Canada. Its humor is native and spontaneous. The drawinus interpret with kindly wit.and vvhimsey, the more amusing episodes of our daily life. It is thor- oughly Canadian in its entire viewpoint. It is wide- awake in its outlook. penetrating. yet alw ys fair in its criticisms, and the most entertaining in! amusing 'Dublioation in the Dominion. Goblin reects in humorous perspective the life and thought of this country. as seen through the` vigorous pens and brushes oi many gifted Canadians. Through this Great Contest you will secure the most brilliant of Canadian publications at the regular atthesametime,i.fyouare aeourats. win one or the maior prizes absolutely without cost. ' In this, Gohlin's Fourth Great Puzzle Contest, the of the awards has been increased to over I10.000.00: this is the greatest Prize List ever oered in Canada. In a few weeks the division of these wines will be made. Someone will win this luxurious. appointed La Salle Car. Will it be you? Your decision NOW will. d!ete i-_.xnine whoa: willhethat iortunatovsrson erstv usents a Inodut fortune in itself. Someone will it. Yaalonenutdasidewhethsrvouwillbi. V This now 1929 n:o4ol.B-puunnr Mchnghnn-Buick sedun In (In: pl'IlO It the winning contestant forwuded his solution under the conditions noted In Prin Lin found In thin Minn. ll lint prlu H the `winning found In thin Advert. Yes tie _ . . Goblin II the most Itri nzly original publication In hnndn. Itl hnmar in nnva nnd nnnntannnmn. 'l"hn an nuwnrnlai HI I-0 lflldi ' CHlLDREN S HATS, a great variety of styles` and materials most beautifully made, reg. $2 and $2.50 values. A limited quantity Cbnly; while they last-- Special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 I Id%Il'I&l 6 HEMsT1TcHEB'"sTfEE+ extra large size, best quality , wash very nicely, reg. $2.00-Friday am Saturday Special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98c LADIES SiLK AND WOOL HOSE, a variety of shades, su-be-standards of 85c grade. Special 39 pr. SPECIAL! SPECIAL! IlA"l`t` A , , , _ -1 _ 0 J SPECIAL! SPECIAL`! `I'\ r\t!l`I"`r!It\ Oct. 2---Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Hill of` Barrie, Mr. and Mrs. N. Scanlon and son of Midhurst, Mr and Mrs. A. McDo'uga1x1 of Vespra spent Sun- I day at Wilt. Hopkins . ` --p-.u -_.--. ,._, ..- ___. __-`.__-_-_ Mrs. Schell and'son of Buffalo` IV 1 W Dad This or any other model La Sane Car of value $3,875.00. with cull bonus noted elsewhere. is First Prize in this. Goblin Linguine : Greatest Puzzle Contest. Visualize Inluhul tluu nton-int whngl. nf thin Innarnina--ntlv EI'IlIlIO'I DIXIE!` ITUZZIO Dnih VIIIIIIIZO behind the steering wheel of this magnicently appointed LI Sllla Car. one of flu: nrnnr!--6 nouns in .-IOLLY MY ANSWER TO THE PROBLEM IS IV__LI_____. TI'2_.II-. __.__I! ..._._ ___., __ JILL tsnivvv AHAII av sauna .4. :.u\I;JA.u.'nu. LL) ._........---.-... Gentlemen: Kindly enroll my name as a contezant in your puzzle contest. I am enclosing herewith the sum of $.................. which kindly place to my credit, as entrance fee to the contest and as a_paid-up gubgcri-pon to Goblin for the following paxty or parties. If you are already a subscriber to Goblin and you send in a paid-'n.ad-u. yourself, write the word renewal in place designated. `I1 Vvlnvu-I -w-'-------, a-v--up an--.--mono; vv QIIU-IQIIIU BI-Q ll` N'oto-I1 nu: subscription was not in by a.nothcr`eontestant.you __ .r_ , _ Attach further name: and addresses on plain paper. In this your 1-at solution to the puzzle? dnte? (Yes or 1* (Name and address must be printed) Plan answer all questions on this form and mail ILIIIO to- '.l`ln Content Department, Goblin Magazine. 86 Adelaide St. East. Toronto 2, Ont. N'n.m..I mar mhscrintinn was nut ln hr nnnth.p`mn+n+.-o ..... ....... .._..-.2, , . ` SOLUTION BLANK TO BE USED BY C3NTEST'"""" 4"L.\u.v: This blank must be used when sending subscriptions nu` ..:l tinns. Q! YD Mrs. McVViat9rs carfied off six first prizes for her exhibits at Bar- rie Fair. \;`l'v- nnr1 \/Tue T1Tnn Tllnnfnv fnrr in: .113 ran. I Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hunter took in _Ivy anniversary on Sunday last. ?and Mrs. W. shepherd of Barrie `were week-`end guests at the home ;of D. McVVaters. MEN S RUBBERS ..... LADIES RUBBERS .... CHILDREN'S RUBBERS BOYS RUBBERS ..... No) lllotordom. Surely here is 3 prize worth working for nd. best of all, the work is the best of fun. Don t mis- Dllce this tivertiselnent. Read the instructions and Nth: NOW. In a few weeks this distinguished car may _';".2UBS. Yo- nlnnp, mnnf do:-idol Beu VII 0 In. UB8. You. 1 and. best cf .n 41.. gnu vv `(Adv ......u. .- my guy .....-.u .....-- V--. I J (7) EXTRA PUZZLE FORMS MAY BE OBTAINED FREE BY WRITING TO THE CONTEST DEPARTMENT, AND WILL ALSO BE FOUND IN THE OCT- OBER AND NOVEMBER) NUMBERS OF l GOBLHV. ; (1) Contest is open to everyone except (a) Employees of Goblin and their immediate fami- ly; (b) Prize winners in former Goblin con- tests who won more than $100. (2) To enter contest it is necessary to enclose at least $2 for an 8-months subscription to Goblin Magazine. See Prize List found elsewhere in this advertisement and note how the value of your prize is increased by sending in a full year's subscription to Goblin and subscriptions from your friends. (3) A contestant can solicit friends for subscrip- .ions and for such subscription he or she wzll be entitled to submit solutions to the puzzle: also those who subscribe through a contestant may submit solutions to the Dl1ule- Get YOU!` friends to help you get subscriptions. (4) All solutions must be accompanied by a cash subscription, otherwise they will not be accepted. All solutions are recorded and cannot be changed once they are received at the con- rest office. (5) It is not necessary for a. contestant to send in the entire amount of subscription money at any one time. Accurate records are kept, and every time a contestant makes a remittance. the amount will be added to the previous amount which a contestant has to his credit. (6) Contestants can send in a different answer to the puzzle each time they make a remittance. but not more than one prize and bonus will be paid to one family living atone home address. I$\ `IKTVFIYTW I `F-17717 ? TN '!1l'\'I'I'I'! `II I Y7 Y1"! \n\ n.'-41I (8) All money orders, cheques or postal notes must be magle payable to Goblin Magazine: acknowledgments will be made immediately upon receipt of solutions. (9) If the correct answer is not sent in by any contestant, the prizes will be awarded for the nearest correct solution. (10) In the event of a tie, a second puzzle will be mailed. This puzzle will be a problem re- quiring accuracy in addition and subtraction. Only those tieing will be permitted to solve the second puzzle. (11) Solutions to the contest must be in the Goblin office not later than 6 p.m., December 8th. 1928. Solutions mailed and having the post- mark of not later than December 8th, 1928, and received by us not later than December 15th. 1928, will be-accented. The correct answer will be announced in the January issue of The Goblin Magazine, publisled about January 1st. Con- testants are advised to send in their answers as soon as possible. Special bonuses. which will be noted elsewhere in this advertisement. are offered for early solutions. (12) In ntering the contest, contestants agree to abide P the rules of the contest and to ac- cept the decision nf the judges as nal. The Goblin Magazine reserves the right to amend or add $0 the rules (if thin nnnfncrf if nm._.....nq ___,,-_ -...... 1. no rules of this contest, if necessary. for {he protection `of the interests of both t.he contestant and Goblin Magazine; The- "right is also reserved to refund subscriptions and to dis- qualify any contestants whom the Judges. the conmztanigg rapregent-;;.";e3_ dam-n llhnuirnlhln quu.u..1y uny UDHIBBUKDJZS whom the Judges. tl rnprese-ntn~"xes. deem undesirable. ..Town & or Renewa.1_.__. ._'I'own & P1-ov....___.New or Renewal....._... Haw much money have you sent In to If this solution a prize, send it to uni rie 51.. A'.nvu.__.-a .l ESII Tlin paiddizpadvauce subscription /or Miss L. Srigley and Miss O. Srigt ley visited with Mrs. B. McQua3 ; Sunday. i In the Sandwich Islands the peo- `ple go -into mourning by knocking `out their front teeth and painting \ the lower part of their faces black. I [CW WEEK! Iflll IIISII . dome, must decide! .Amonnt3 , -------w -, V must Put hi: or her name below; Thursday, October 4, 1925 RULES ;.:.w ...... ..5 momn: 3.00.._..1 Yen!` 5.90..__..2 Years 7.00........3 Years 9.00_.......4 Years 10.03___..5 Year: {IV 922' ":}BSCRIPT!ON PRICE LIST $2.60 ..8 Month: Q nn 1 V--- HUM Ale He UV` Cr: and >P!"O.B -J'}"`t Gl'1a1 ~WaS held on Iuuauuy at the Eimvaie Pres`b-ytei_'ia.n'chur'ch, MrI.'McCiint-on of Midland presid- pd. Devotional exercise; were con- `gllwluunnmgnuag ELMVALE NEWS n Illllllilllllll ited Irienas nere nus Wccn. Fred Middleton of Toronto spent a. few days with his parents. Miss Jennie Greenlaw visited triends at _Midhurst last week. Mrs. Will Kerr or Barrie visited with friends during the fair. ` Mrs. M. Preston or Tor-onto is the guest of Mrs. W. H. Drysdaie Miss Margaret Kerr left iabst week `to attend university in "1`or nto. Mrs. Chas. Lillie and daughter of Toronto spent a few days in town. Mr. and Mrs. J. '1`. Simpson of Barrie were in town for the fair. Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Scott of Ham- ilton spent a few days at Jas. Hill's. Miss Daisy Robbins 01 Toronto spent the week-end with her par- ents. Miss Marian `Ellis of Meaford is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Carna- mm. M... 1-Tnvelock Graham 01 Tor- Mrs. J. H. Mccaw and son dawn of Barrie spent a few days with her mother, Mrs. S. Kerr. Rev. Mr. Simpson of Calgary and Mrs. P. Glenn of Toronto visited this week at J. H. Simpson's. Miss Jennie Michell of Toronto was the guest of her cousin, Mrs. Thos. Wallace for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Webster and children of Richmond Hill spent the week-en-d at A. C. Bishop's. Mrs. Robert Elrlck of Colwell, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Jas. McDermott. on Tuesday. 1\/In and Mrs. Thos. Wallace, Mrs: Miss Ec ke1 spent the week-end with friends in Toronto. mr... A1109 Smith of Orilria vis- R Iew uuya vvouu -ow. .._.__,,, Mrs. C. E. Dutcher. Mr. and Mrs. Hedley Abbs and children of `Toronto spent the week-_ end with Mrs. M. `Train. Mn and Mrs. Harold Be11_and iivith `Train. Mr. and Mrs. Bell and children of G=11tord spent a few days with the latter s parents. Mrs. Mccaw and son Jack .12.`, Mr. Simnson Calgary gm} ' "The SP Inglewood Lodge. Wasasa Beach, sept. 24-v26 about sixteen ministers were present and all felt that they routed through rqeetlng together. he keynote of the discussion was irituai Matter of Life." ` . Barrie Preebyterlel . A sectional meeting of the Barrie pg-esbyterial held on Tuesday .4 oh. mmvale Presby_t_e;1_'_iy_i-churfzltx. - - - --Ap. VUUI #7 Mrs. Barr lllnnn` friends in Ioronw. Mrs. Alice Smith of Orillda. ited friends here this week. Vwua Middleton of spent - Mrs. Havelock onto visited at thq home of J. R.. Graham. Mrs. Gray of Barrie spent it few days whth her daughter, Mrs. C. E. Dutcher. mu... `Marv Craig of Crajighurgt Jas. Lawson. Miss L. Carnahan or Hamilton spent the week at the home of her uncle, I-I. Caranhan. Miss Daisy Mc'Conne11 left last week for `Toronto where she intends spending some time. Mrs. A. Bannerman of Guelph Him. .. few davs with her sister. "te r'y _ banquet new Lu ..u...w. ..... church. Barrie, on Monday. At the. ministerial retreat held at ` 1|! for ' nu-Mu MEN S GOOD WARM WORK SWEATERS, with shawl collar and snug-fitting cuff-Specia1 . . $1.35 SAME IN BOYS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98` MEN S ALL WOOL SWEATERS, guaranteed 100 per cent wool, a variety of fancy patterns.- Special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.95 MEN! SEE THIS! - MEN S HIP RUBBER BOOTS, sizes 6-12 in lot, reg. $6.95, 35 pairs only to go at,` Special . . ; . $4'.50`.pr. 5 V and: `II MEN S BEST GRADE FLEECE-LINED UNDER- WEAR . . . . . . .". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 garment BOYS FLEECE-LINED UNDERWEAR-` sizes 24. 32 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 gujment MEN S WOOL UNDERWEAR, well made, double front--Special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98c garment 100 per cent. WOOL GARMENTS . . . . . . . . $1.39. Bannerman u1 uumpu few days sister. n 1:` .ThIfr\hf-\.I`. F. Mrs. Herb. Rix hasfrnted her irrz to Mr. Dunsmore of Crown Time W.I. meeting at the home of Mrs. Harvey Hughes will be held on\Fr1day, Oct. 12 instead of Oct. 11. `Dan Txrnhh 1-mulnq nnmnlpfnd the ' together while a lunch was uervuu. ' A large congregation attended the United 'S.S. Rally Day service on Sunday morning. The beautiful pro- gram was heartily entered in'to by all and the program included a pa- geant. The Challenge of the Cross", put on by_a number of young -women, which was very impressive. Collection , am`oun"ted `to $16. The sacrament of the Lord's Supper was observed at the evening service, when ten new names were added to the member- ship roll. `~ _ ducted by Mrs. Cameron of Allan- dale. A solo by Mrs. E. Thomas. Elmvale, was enjoyed by all. '!3Avu-wash: yawn crivnn 'fI`hYY| Victoria Jslmvale, was enJ-oyeu uy nu. Reports were given from Victoria I-Iar`bour, Penetang, -Midland, Col- llngwood, I-Iillsdale, :Barr1e, Elmvale, Allandale and Wyebriidge An nvnononf nvncu WAG ziveni Allanaale and wyeorruge 9 An excellent address was given by Mrs. Shortt of Barrie. A fine tea was served by -the local ladies at the close of the meeting. Sunday School Rally Service The annual 'S.*S. Rally of St. John's United Church was held on Sun- day at 11 a.m. A splendid attendance, of children and adults showed the interest taken in the Sunday School. The Rally program was carried out and the promotion service. The membersot the :C.G.I. T. Group oc- cupied. the choir. The pastor took for the theme of his address The Christ of the Andes" and Blessed are the `Peacemakers". -Sunday] School will still be held at 10 a.m. during the month of October. `Mn and \l|'m: Osman Mnnmh of on `.l*'I'1(.lay, Uct. .I.z lnsneuu UL uuc. 4.4.. Ben. Webb, having completed the installation of_ the new grain clean- er, in now ready to handle! unclean- ed grain at the elevator. | .(`nn:rma+n1n.Hnns: tn Messrs. John I ea gram at tne exevuwr. -Congratulations to Messrs. John and George Hunter, winners of the first prize in the,-horseshoe pitch"- iing contest a't Beeton Fair on Tues- ayl Visitors during the week included Mrs. W. 1. Hunt of Toronto at John Metca1fe's: Mrs. J. C. Mitchell and Mr. and Mrs. A. Mitchell of Toronto with the Misses Orchard. `Illa: T4`.1ulA Xlfnhh whn HRH secured. Wltn line Misses Urcnaru. V Miss Elsie Webb. who has secured! a. position in Toronto, was presented , with a beautiful French ivory clock` by her friends on the 11th con. ac- companied by their best wishes. I `Rnv, n. `R. (".ou1ter of Allandale compamea Dy tneu` Dear. wwuua. Rev. G. E. Coulter of Allandalel will conduct the Uniteld Church an-[ niversary services here next Sun- day, Oct. 7. at 11 am. and 7 p.m. Rev; J. Brown takes anniversary services at. Dalston. nu..- uaan'lnw vnanv-|.o' nf fhn TTY'lit- servzces at. ualswn. The regular meeting of the Unit- ed W.M. S., last Friday afternoon. was well attended, the ladies of Letroy W.M.vS. being the guests of the Stroud branch. A very interest- ing and helpful program given by the Lefroy -`ladies, was hear-tlly en- joyed by all. At the close of the meeting. a social time was spent I together while a lunch was served. A `layman nnnzrezatlon attended `(mung tne montn 01 uctuuur. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Mccomb of Fenton, M1ch., spent a few days with-her aunt, Mrs. C. Hall. Elmvalg Fair -Elmvale Fair was well attended` on Tuesday despite unfavorable weather. The school children gath- ered during the morning to be on hand for the parade at 1.80. A`Ithnno'h the mfrnafn were 111 had nanu I01` tne puruue bu. .I..ou. Although the streets were in bad shape the annual parade of school children and floats was held. Thee marching took place on the side- walk from the school to the fair grounds headed by the directors and some of the local clergy. Muslc was furnished `by Barrie EC!-tizens Band. Slx_ splendidly decorated floats were in procession. -mm. fair was nffiniallv opened by people 01 [I18 vzcuuty. I 4. Miss Sarah Kathleen Henderson Coo, daughter of Mrs. S. Coe of Toronto, and Mr.-Gilbert Powell, youngest son `of Mr. and -Mrs. A. F. Sladen of Ottawa. were married on . Tuesday. Sept. -26. at 4 o'clock in: Knox College Chapel, `Rev. E. Cros-; sley Hunter officiating. The bride. wore a gown of ivory crepe back satin with train of Brussels lace, and bridal veil caught with a ban-, dean of pearls an-d carried a shower- bouquet of lily of the valley. She. was attended `by Miss Agnes Flem-5 ins and Mr. M. (Ronald Johnson was best man. A reception was held afterwards at the home of Mrs: R. J. -Fleming, Queen's Park, which was attended hy a large group of ` friends. After a honeymoon trip Mr. and Mrs. =Sla'den will live in Toronto. ` m processlon. | | `The fair was officially opened by` Hon. Wm. Finlayson also short ad-1 dresses by Thos. smith, president 0! ; the Society and Rev. A. Rintoul. I "Fhn a-nfnn mar-pints: excedd anv- .Al1' Zadina. a Turkish `laborer, aged 2-9 weighing 782 pounds, uthe 1a.rsest_ man in the world.` '6 0 Mrs. L... u the society ana rsev. A. naxnguua. | i The gates receipts exceeded any~ opening day for the past three years. Sladon-3069 From a `Toronto paper of recent date we.take the following report which is of much interest to the people or the vicinity. . Min Sm-ah Kathleen {Henderson "HERE YOU SAVE SEE OUR SPECIAL DISPLAY OF` LADIES AND ' C6A_TS A ----.--v---uv w _ .. ._ The season s latest style, best of njraterials, Fur trim- med, at special Arcade prices. Come in, look them over and get our prices. We guarantee you a genuine saving on every coat. MEN S ALL WOOL SOCKS, well reinforced in heel and toe, rg. Soc. Special . . . . 29c-3 prs. 85 MEN S FLANELETTE WORK SHIRTS, extra"! roomy, double yoke, best make, in dark grey and ` khaki-Our Special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 75c , Oct. 2-1-i-Ta:rry*R1ci'1ard4son of Tor- onto spent the` week-end with his sister, Mrs. Walter Jones. -1:..- A___..I. II.ILL-___ 1--.. .__A.--....-.1 Mrs. Annie Gilbbons has returned to Toronto after spending a couple of weeks at her home here. EIGHTH LINE, INNISFIL 1; cu, To guarantee to every one taking part in thin contest that no one holds the correct answer to the puzzle, several gures were erased otter the original drawinz was made and before the puzzle form was printed. These gures were removed ` by Messrs. Perry J. Giflen, Toronto Bur Weekly; William Houston, Regine. Leader-Post. and T. B. Godfrey. chart-red accountant. who kindly eon- sented to not as judges of the contest. The gures were removed from the chert at dierent times. and Hen 'hu-Ian: hair! this tnfnl nl tho nnvnhnl-I IUICW `X311. DI!!! .1000-U0 Cain Donn` `rift 5" the run of fteen times the subscription money ` romittan`. ,'1'hh bonus limited to 5 maximum of 1 31500.00: 1 W I gumn PRIZE- 1 otal value s1.4oo.oo. run A. I `IMAM-,v-1n Harlin nnvnn huh: -at valued at U: DIBCIHO R8010. IIVOII FIIDO IU` VIIIIGQ I'5| $400.00. plus $1,000.00 cash bonus extra at the} rate of ten times the subscription money remit- O Oahu bonus limited to 3 maximum oil FOURTH PRIZE--Tota.! VIII:-a 8875.00. Columble Vivatonal Phonograph, Console Model, valued at 1 :27: M ulna gsnn nn nnnh I-nun: mm-n at u 1'8 0! IIVG umes U16 sunacnpuon IIIOIIEY IBIXUYP ` geadio 'ghle `bonus to be limited to I maximum of ; FIFE}! PRIZE-- I`otal value $600.00. Fed: A. C. ` Electric Radio. six tube net. valued at $800.00 plus $800.00 cash extra. bonus at the rate of three times the subscription money remitted. This bonus in I-m llmifnd fn n h1A2h hl'nY1 nf $200.00- FIRST PRIZE-Tom value up to 85,875.00 -_ Ln. Sane lvo-Puunct Sedan plan 82.000 cub - .-`Inna: -O -Ohm maa nlgnnanoe Hung: 6|-m puck. 1 FIRST PB! (1! the contestant does not qus1l- j fy as s.bovs)--Chevrolet Sedan vslued at $892.00. This is the first prize 11 wins: sends in only $2.00 subscription. smcoxn PRIZE--Tots! value s2.soz.oo. chew .1 zolst Fodsn. plus 81500.00 cash bonus extra. st 1 ih ruin hf nnn Hvnnu fl-an mslsnsivlnnn nnnnur I875-UU Dllll $000.00 0851'! Donna EXIT! rate of five times the subscription money remit- fad 'l"|-uh `haunt: ha ha llmitnd in A mnxlmum of Tll I '1` 153` of $5.00 each. FIRST PRIZE (it contestant does not audit! ` u above)--MoLauchliu-Buick IHv0-Puunu: \ Sedan valued It 8l840.00.v The minimum |ub- ` Icription to qualify for this priu in 88.00. If I contestant sends in ve doiiut. ho quaiiu for the La 83110 Sedan. vwawnal rnonograpn, uonsone moaex, vaxuen It $875.00 plus 8500.00 cash bonus extra at the run: of vn Hmm: the nnhncrintlon mondv remit- Gill W9 "183 me IUDICHDIIOH HIOIIGY remuuu. 111 to be limited to a maximum of $800.00. SIXTH "T0 TENTH PRIZES-Cash '0! an 1!`! VEi.E`TENTH T0 TKIRTIETH PBIZES-Cnlh 0! $10.00 each. THIRTY-FIRST TO FIFTIETH PRIZES-Cub nl' Qt. An gunk * This is the Largest Prize List ever offered in Canada BCIIU I IVTKBIXHI` I1 SKID PIIII QIQVUV XII] ' bonus. at xtha rain of nut: timu tho nb- ;Icx-lotion money remitted. Thin bonus limited to I maximum 0112.000. A eohtutsnt must 3 uudinnotluithnnmoowcrthotsuhurip-I anatoqunlitytorthiapriu. I IIIIISU l'lIllaE1'1'OIIl VIIUO $1,100.09. IICII An I C. Electric Radio. seven tube at valued It numnn nlun 81000110 nnnh knnnn nvfv-n at 011:` F` V l'Y-FIRST TO ONE HUNDREDTH P311 -- no year subscription to Goblin.` ' , WGTO XCIIIOVGQ I10!!! IIII CIIITT. It GIIICIIII uml; and the iudzes hold the total of the numbers which they erased. `No one knows what numbers were erased. Notes of the missing numbers were made and are now under locl: and seal. When the- contest is over. , the numbers erased from the puzzle chart will be added together and subtract- ed from .the original total. The contest depart- ment knew the correct answer before the curel were taken out but now nobody knows the cor- rect answer. The answer now will be the sum total of the gures appearing in the chart above. `clearly IIIIGQIBTDOG that were I78 no muueu $1,]:- 0 uru. Every number an be plainly seen. dezree of your cam and skin will datarmino the ruin: which van will win. tree or your care mu n prize which you will win. we-n v- .-- --v- - -...'-__-..- -_. .._- -,.,,, There are no tricks to this content. It in zrlerely a matter of skill ln nding all the numberer shown and then adding correctly. We wish it clearly understood that there are no hidden g- Iu-an, mvnrv numhbr can bi nlninl! Th. yo--V um. -- ,v_ .._-- The ONLY requirements lot entry to eontut ll`! those liqad here. You will note their axtrsmo ' simplicity. and a. careful rudinz now will avoid nnv nnnlihll &!If\IllO llto ' Win a La Salle Car` 99 Other Awards simplicity. and cu-um run my possible confusion oom in FREE pmzas T ~con-act Answer Unknown 1925. 5011115 IIDE ID caswcu opavxnvv. Ten times the subscription remittance will be given the second nearest solution by this date. Bonus not to exceed $100.00. -m-.- u.-n. 41.- ...I-...-u-Snnn nm1'I-funny Ifwenty U15 1115 IllU3|J'lpuU.u u;u.u|.- tance will be paid to the candidate sending 3. LI.` Gs-:1 nan-on? All npgrpgt car!-get `(SECS Wul DI: pusu LU uav no-aunuuw ...._...... in the first correct or nearest correct answer `to the puzzle, received in Goblin- Contest Ofce, not later than October 13th, 1928. Bonus not to exceed $200.00. In._ 4.:_... LL- an!-nun-1'nHnn vnmiffnnrn. U118 Clltc. Donn: not. w unwu -pa.vu.uu. {Five tin`fes the subscription rgmxttance will be paid the third nearest solution by this datei Bonus not to exceed $50.00. ML- --..a....a....6 ...:....-up n Gnu-inl Rm-mg U115 CIICJ DOIJIIS IIOL LU Gbluccu npavwvn The contestantwinning a. Special Bonus Prize will not be barred from winning one f the ocular prizes. Special 3 Prize - i3ge1_-sxwill be announced Llongngyh the _'.l__.- V} Or:

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