FJ. G. scon BARRIE FUEL & sumv co. LEWIS & co. ~When you purchase Coke, make sure that it has, the proper density to burn economically and health- fully--always under control. Coke that is too porous simply burns furiously and goes out. Hamilton By-lirotiuct Coke is specially made for home heating. Its density and size are scientific- ally correct. Burns clean, without smoke or gas, to a fine light clinkerless ash. MADE IN HAMILTON, ONTARIO, IN COKE OVENS OWNED AND ' OPERATED BY CANADIANS A Quick Fire Furthermore, Hamilton By-Product Coke saves 35 on every dollar spent for fuel. EASE OF CONTROL MAKES HAMILTON BYPRODUCT COKE MOST SATISFACTORY . sou: BY Dumas 1-zvanvwumuz HA IL-roxxygg` up . n L anclva Lasting One Trade Name Registered Tune In on The Hamilton By-P'rodud Program ` weryFid iglzlf CKGWT nl,and M r'.'...'.';a.."..:g:u'} ,'L'... c1 :3'..`. ..u'i..,.. 7. FINE "ARTS ' 911 1;ainrti`1}`gxs--F\igure Painting- I`, Tn! Ann narn Scholarship n:t;i;&it:n Solo singing, Muse, Ar; conva- utionul French emphagiud. Outdoor Games and . HEALTH RECORD EXCELLENT. LIMITED - III FOR PROSPECTUS APPLY TO PRINCIPAIS vtI,vVIV `TOQTVW ` nun: RESIDENTIAL sonoox. non GIRLS o?1'Auo K; ,I__,, A New Royal Eight $5 Sedan . . . . . . . . . A _@\_7_enben Glollgzge QTTIKKHIYY A Y l`i.l\l\? RAB IIYYIC (I LQIZ A 1 COD NEWS of a new magnicent Eight ` I 4 4 4 4:5 4: Js.n'n.. -...1...---J-.44_J I-r- 'FY`?rv U; V Thursday, Ociober 4; `train young poo "or moni- plo for ottioe positions through day and evening sessions and home as. Through a, .93. stud cours i ' ployment Department, Toronto--twelve oial `denite assistance is unorg- sd both Employer unto. Write for calendar. and or . Offices: Bay. and A E! What is mofecharming than a pot of blooms at Christmas time? Now is the time to plant for Christmas blooming - Hyacinths, Daodils, Tulips, etc. Also a full line of Bulb Bowls, Glasses, etc. Brown & Co. SHAW S BUSINESS scuooss Iunuwung J; umvuu5-- Mrs. c.'E""`iir"$1'faon, Barrie. Painting- 11131:. J. H. 1: I: `can't: o 0 Man KTAI-ann mu sag AT`2BAARRlE FAIRI BU LBS For n1i P1.ntang .1a.1`u--.L, mm. u. ). Black; 3, Mrs. C. B. Oonrbest-1, Mus. 1, Mns. Jas. Lofblaaw, J. W. Walker, Oro y JVLLUI U n 9. D. Nelso 'aintin I `Man T11 11 11: 8. DR 3 aS.VVo01faok,L u .Jll 'IUO QVWWUU, II JUNIOR SECTION Live Stock Pair of Market Lamlbs-1, John Smith, Utopia; 2, Canscadden, Bradford; 3, Oswald McKe1'1zie,e Thornton; 4, S. _Bel1, Bernie`. Pan Bacon H'oLgs--1, Carscadden; 2, W. J. Sxmyth, Strou-d; 3, S. Bell. ` Sen- ior Dairy Calvf--1, Robt. B. Hunter, Allandahe; 2, Jas. A. Spencer, Dhorn-ton; 3, Stephen Duekworh, Angus. Seni-or Beef Ca1f-1, Ver- nar Walt, Mid-hrurst; 2, Lloyd Walt, Mddhourst; 3, S. Bell; 4, Elwin Smyrth. POULTRY 1, `I1-.. `l'I-.-1L__-_ _ -- -LA. 71---- I NIULI I I\-I Pen Poultry, a.vv.-1, Robt. I-Iuse, Barrie; 2, S. Bell; 3, Ottaway, Bar- rie. Best Uvtility Hen, any variety -1, Otbaway; 2, Phil. Armstrong; Minesuing; 3, S. Bell. . P~obatoes-1, Sta-nley Walt, Mid- hurst; 2,,Verna.r Walt; 3, Charlie Hekling; 4, L. McWaters; 5, John Smith; 6, David Beath, .Shanty Bay. " . g_Seed Grain `One. Peak 0ats-1, S. Bell;_ 2, Stanley Walt ; 3',` Ayrst, morn- ton; 4,.Vema.r Waalt. One Peak Wheat-1, W. A. Pratt; 2, S. Bell; 3, Stanley Wa]it;- --4,- Elmer Pratt.- One Peak Barley-1, Stanley Walt`; _ 2,, .In9_hn `smitlh; 3, .S. Bell; 4, M. A \mw:1'._ x H, JVIJSO `-1 . 12- V1 cruuuo AV].-11 Dll`U`W -1, Harry Ottaway; 2, Mrs.` Geo. Shannon, B-Barrie. Nine America.-n Golden Russet--1, Harry Ottaway; 2, A. C. Johnston, Barrie. Nine Red Po-u-n-d-1, Harry Ottaway; 2, Mrs. Geo. Shannon} Nine Pee- wau~kee-1, A. C. J-o`h.n.s~'t:on; 2, Mrs. C. E, Weldon. Nine Northern Spy `-1, Harry Ovttaway; 2, A. C. John- ston. Nine Bald:w'in-1, `H. D. Atherton, Banrie. Nine .C'olver- c--. 1, Harry 0t oawa.'y; 2, H. `D. Ather- ton-. N-ine W-augner--1, Jglarry Ob- taway; 2,, E. V. 'Bwboock. Nine Riybsfoon Pi.'-1, Harry Ottaway; 2, Mrs. Geo. ann:on._.'- Nine Weal- uhy-1, Hanr Otbamay; 2, Mrs. H. 2; iNine Yellow Bell rry Ottasway. Nine u reening-1, Harry Otbaway; 2 `_.= rs. Geo. SlhJEI1n0I1. N'1ne Mann . 2 Harry 0t oa:w-ay; 2, Major K-now Barrie. Nine Ben Da4vivs--_1,- C. E. Weldon; 2, A. - C. J ohnst-o. Nine Cayuagva Red S'tr_eaik or 2 oz. Pippin--1, A. C. Johnston. Ni-ne 0-nfoario---1, Maj-or Knowles; 2, Mrs. C. E. Weldon. Nine Wolcf River-1, Mrs. H. B. Anmstrong; 2, Major Knowles. Nine Seek~No-Furt.her--1, Harry Otta- way; 2, Mns. G,e:o. Shannon. Seed- 1-ing--1, Mrs. John Campbell; 2, Norman Campbell. Best ve varie. ties for dessert--1, Harry Ofbtaaway. Best three varieties for cookin-g--1, Harry 0.tbaway., Best ve, varieziers for e-xrport--1, Harry Ottaway. Best box of apples for exportp-1, Harry Ottwway. Hal-f Peck Crab Apples, Transcendanftr-1, Miss M. E. Camp bell. Halnf Pe-ok Cralb rpples, `Mon- f'vn:n1 nn.oI1+17 1 ' (`gown Ana U911. JMLGJLL LC`Ul\ \J'&@U TLQJIJLUE, $VLVll' eal Beauty-1, A. D. Campbell. Slhaan-ty Bay. Half Peck Crab A.p~ ples, Hy.slo.p`--1, H. D. Atherbon. Half Peck Crab Aapplen, 3 o.v.-1. A. D. Campbell. Six Barrt1etPea.ra -1, Mrs Geo. Shannon; 2, H. D. Artherton. Six Duchess D An=goul ms ---1, H. D. Atherton. Six Cla p s Fa.vorite-1, Miss E. Dolhson, ar- r-e; 2. H. D. At-nerton. Sm Flemish B.=.-aut.y--'1, Mrs. Geo. Shannon. (.`c11c-ctio-n of Axurtumn and Wmtor Pe9r.~`-1, E. V. Babcock; 2. H. D. Ath-errbon. Best collection of Plums -1, E. V. Bwbscock. Best ccllecvtion 'o:f Grape/s-1, E. V`. Babcook; 2, Mrs. Geo. Shannon. . . D. I1U1ut3'Il, _ouIuuby any, n, ;uauq.: Love. Best Raunbber Plant--1, Miss M. E." Campbell, 'Best Kochia-1, Miss M. E. Campbell`. Oollevtlon- of Plants in Ports-1. Mrs. Geo. Shan- nan; 2, W. B. I-I~old:en;' 8, A. H. 'I`uck,- Barrie. Best: Impatiens-1, Mziss M. O!ampubel1;2,, Ph:_ilni-p Love. < Collection of. Begonias. amra/ceur-.-o1, Mm. Geo. Shannon; 2. Philip Lave. Best Window Box- 1, Philip Love, . _ I Utopia; 3, G. R. Potatoes,` 12,. Green ountain--1, Roy Hioklin-g, Barrie; 2, Gauge Croghan, Midhurst; 3, F. Ruse. Potatoes, 12, `Doo1ey_typ`e-1, 4, Walt, Midhuu-st; _2, Roy Hickling; 3, C. M. I-Iinckling, Barrie. '1`hme~.: Swede Turnips-1, John Yeates; 2, A. H. Tuck, Barrie. Three White Globe 'I`, John Yeates. Three Grey Stone ,'I`.urnt'Lpa--1, Joh=_n Yeates. "ilrhree Wthite Eield Car ..-J._ 1 `D Autumn CLn~n6uo now: 1, Lrwn 'M:oMIah-on. Habf Bus. Red C1*over Seed--1, A. D. Oampqbell, Shanty Bay; 2, I. V J. Carrurthers, Barrie. Half Bus. Sweet Clove: Seed;-1, W. A. P.1-at-t;' 2, Nuomnan Campbell. ASix Stal-ks Silage -Corn TX` `D-nnI>+ Q15 Al!` l'\.o+n__ Love, Lay, hell, I mvuvn 53 Barrie. B. "Holden, Shanty Bay; PLANTS AND, FLOWERS Two Hanngsing Barrie. Bxaskets-31, Phil. arrie; 2, Miss M. E. Cam Six Begoni;a;s-1', I 83533: LJIICU VV uu I: L` HCLU nots-1, W. B. Holden, Shanty 2,` Mrs. D. Mcwaters. Three Red Field Oar.rots-1, John Yea. a_es; 2. F. H-use. Three Long Red. Man- golds--1, John Yeates; 2, F. Huae. Three Yellow M.angold:s-1,` John Y eates. Three Sugar Mqngolds-1, Inwin .MoMahon, Hsawkestone; 2. John Yeates. Trwo Pumrpldns-1, Jnhn Yeates; 2, R. M. Bell. GRAIN \ Half Bus. Winter Wheat-1," E. Smith_ Utopia; 2, W. A. Pratt, Allamlale. Half Bus. Spring` Wheat, a.v.-1, Jas. Fral:ick;. Minesing; 2, A. E. Pnatt, Allandale. Halt. Bus. White 0atas--1, R. M. Bell; 2, `T. Thompson, Barrie. Hal-f Bus. Peas, large, `white-1, S. E. Carr, All'an dale. 12 ears Yellow Field Corn- 1, Mrs. John Wood. Newton .Rofbin- son. 12 ears White Field Corn- Ia1"W11'1W0`1Wa.h'0Il.` Halli Bus. Red IV` ---__. I'1_......1. -11 -: . `.1.-,\.-run Ayerst. uuunuv Avlllcnllllil Book Rack--1, Will Pratt, Allan- d-ale. Model of piece of EarmEquip- ment.--1, .103. C. Marquis, Lefroy; 2, Vernar Walt; 3, Campbell, Shanty Bay; 4, S. Bwell. I-`{lUl`TS ` I I\9II3 Applu Nine Du:cT1exss of Oldenburg`--1, Harry Ottaxway, Barrie; 2, M-ns. C. E. Wel-dron, Barrie. Nine St. Lawr- en-ce--1, A. Walt, M-idhucnst. Nine Alex'a'nd'er--1, Harry Otbaxway. Nine Maclntosih Red:--1, Harry Ottaway; 2, C. E. Weldon. Nine Snow 1 ,.,,_,". f\JL..:..--- `II -.- - I1..- Home Mcchuni D... .1. 1 117211 11..-J LL hIVVJ\lBUU'W.|h Hallllgc IGIJIUUJISTUVHLQ :` :0 Ho e, 2, Mme H` `B: 5: Armstrong, Allandsale. Animals- ; 2nd. Mrs. C. E. Weldlon, Ban-ie. 1 Inlnimarte Objects, Flowers, etc.- .v 1 Mrs. J. H. Rooke; .2, Mrs. D. Olson. L Water Colors--+I._.andasoape Paint- Ooldwater. Marine Painting--Mm. R. T. F-ramkli-n; 2, John Gocton, Barrie. Inani-mate Objects, Flowetrs, ea.--1 and 2, Mrs. R. T. Frank.- 1111. Figure Painti-ng-1, Mame .Mu11_>hy, Barrie; 2, Jack Smith, e IWaer Colocrs--Am'~ma1s-1 , Mme. J. H. M:cQ.wa.rry._' Barrie; 2, John Gofton. Dnawings-Pen and Imk Skectnh-_1, Mrs. J. H. McQruarry-; .2, John Gofton. _Pencil-Drawing- 1, Mrs. R. T. Fcranklin; 2. Mme. R. 5!`. Franklin. Charcoal Drawm-g*- Mrs. H. B. Armstrong; John Gof- ' torn. Painting on Chirua-1, Mrs. D. Nelson; 2, Mrs. A. B. Cook, Bab E16. Crayon Dcnawing--.1, Mrs. `R. . Franklin; ,2, Mrs. H. B. Amn- atrong. Pencil Drawing or Sketcnh, under 15 and 2, Freedla M. F`ranak1in. Collection of Paint . lanes (5)-1, Mrs. J. H. Raooke; 2, I`. Thump: ll L3 Valli 91595 W 'WVL ll A:Pratt. Sheaf Oats- Pmtt; 2 A. E. Pratt; 3 M:A`ki1K UUIIH J-CU-'DUBo \I'Ul1Cc`U]Ull Ll.l1l'1l1IGD`-'J., | Philip Love; 2, W. B. Holden. C|oI-' lection Manrcilgoldus-1, Miss M. E. ; Campbell; 2, Mrs. M. Elson, Oro} Station. Collection Dahlias-1, W.i B. Holden; 2, Miss M. E. Campbell, Collection Antir.nhinums-1,- Philip` Love; 2, Mrs. G. R. Lane. Collec- tion DianthIus-1, H. M. Lay. IC-ol-_ lecti-on Gaillardi-a-1, J. B. Hol-dnevngj 2, John Yeates. Collection Salpi-2 gossis-1, A. S. Jatmvieson; 2, H. D..` Atherton. Collecti-on S::a1biosa--1, Miss Ervelyn Jenmey; 2, Philip Love. Collection of Annuals, 12 varieties -1, Philip Love; 2, Miss M. E. Campbell. Oollection Verbena---1, Philip Love; 2, .H. M. Lay. . Collec- tion An-nnual Llankxslp-ur.--1,, Miss M. E. Ceanpsbell. Colle-otion .Q6s.n`)os-! 1, W. B. I-Iiold-en; 2, ,Miss M. E. Campbell. "Collection Cooliscomib--` 1, John Yeates; 2, Philip Love._! Collection Milgtnonette--1, H. MJ Lay; 2, Miss M. E. Campbell- Col- lectio-n Sallvia, 10 s!pui'kes-1, C. R.! Kendall; 2, Mms. John Wood. Basketi Cut F`lorwers-1, Ge-o. Vickers; . C. R. Kendall; 3, F. Huse. "Da:ble! Decoration-1, Geo. Vickens; 2, A. S.-Jamieson; 3, Pihil-i-p Love. Table Bouquet, not tied---1, Geo. Vrlcaloersg 2, "Miss M. E. Camplbell; 3, A. S.- Jalrnieson. I-land Bouq~uet--1, Philip love; 2, C. R. Kendall; 3, Miss M. 1:` lntnnnilbsnrl -l'UB7"'.b, &VJ.Ln '\lo I. u .IJG1lCo \JVll.UU' tion of Petunias, sin-gle-- Philip Love. 'C'ollection of P=h1-ox Drum- mondi--1, Philip Love; 2, A. S. Jcamieson. Collection of Na.s-`ourtiums with, Philip Love. Col"- lecton oi Nicotiana-1, Mrs. H. Robinson; 2, C. R. Kendall. -C*ol1ec- tion S oocJ1as-1, W. B. Holde-n; 2, John Yesates. Oolleetion, 131.31.`... 'l A..n. 0 U7 `D 'L`l A'I,]..v. Plni uuu GI. L116 IIUIIIU U]. A. VV. K/`after. Mrs. Blain and Miss K. Blain Toronto were week-end visitors J. A. Cerswe1l s. am. .-....a \n..... 13---: -r1-.5_.__-n A115 uccus U1. us uume uuzce S1 .aII. The Company has had a` succes- sion of Presidents well-known in the business Iifeof Canada. 'The late G. T. 'Somers, President of the Sterling Bank of Canada and of the Canada. Grain Ciompany, became President in 1907. The late John G. Kent, internationally _ known as managing director of the `Canadian National -Exhibition, succeeded Mr. Somers and was followed on his death by H. Victor Icawthra, whose death occurred a few weeks ago. C. W. Somers, eldest son of the late "G. `T somers, is Vice,-!President and H. R. `Stephenson has been the Gen- eral Manager for the past nine years.` ~ . 40x Oct. 2-M1ss Bessie Carter of But- falo, Miss 01 ive 'Carter and George Carter of `Toronto spent the week- end at the home of A. W. Carter. Mun `D`Ia.'n 5...: `an... 17 n1..:... -4: Us #3: VCLDWUJI 3- Mr. and Mrs. Errol Hipwell of Indianapolis are having a two- months vacation -and at present are occupying the Hipwell cottage at A1conaBeach. A IVIAIA `IN.-.-. ..-.._ 'I.-1.1 2.. ;~|_ 15-..`- JIIUUIIG. DUGAJII. A Field Day was held in the Park on `Saturday under the auspices of the Junior Institute for the benefit of the neighboring schools. This -an- nual event is thoroughly enjoyed by the children. `Mr. Sloan, whose home town is Tottenham, is going to conduct the barbering `business in this vil-` lags, Ed. Depew having taken a pos- ition in Toronto. . T "K7l+n1-do 1] `D `l"l'.!..._._I1 1- II D, &VL!1'. Uuuwa. ncmucy, uau.uu. a-Iv-u 921: from gelxatine, with recipe- Misas Evelyn Jenmey, Guthrie; 2, Mrs. Chas. Kelcey; 3, Mrs. C. Sing- 32', Barrie. Six different stitches on porhton, 6x12, girls under 18-1, Mrs. R. E. Tuvc-k; 2, Dora Rorwe, Bvarnie. Piece of Antique N~eedL'le~ work, a.k.-1, Mrs. C. Singer; 2., Mrs. A. Oonbett, Barrie; 3, Mms. R. Boys, Lefroy., Newest Idea in Kitchen Apro.n-1, `Mrs. 0. Black; 2, Mrs. R..Boyes; 3, Mrs. W. J. Patterson, Allandnale. Supper Dixsh, new idea, with recipe--Mms. Cyril McDonald, Allsanwdale; 2, Mm. VC. Singer; 8, Mrs. E. V. Bwbaock, Bar- rie Lwmcheon Dish, sh or meat- 1, Mrs. H. Bogardias, BIaJ.'I'li~e; 2, Mrs. Kelcey; 3, Mcrs. Alex. Gil- .r|...x...+ Tnvfnvnnedna `P4'.nf.1wa with ' V ut Flower-'3 _ - Collgetion pf 20 blooms, 4 colors--`-1," Mrs. H. Robinsn,- Barrie; :5 Tu:.... 1: -ca n..........;.1....n n..n.....a:.... uuu crcuuuu UL `L118 new e1eva.tor. !Rev. E. M. Burgess, D. A. Mc`Cla1n, C. Watt, B. Richardson, C.4I-Iayes, Ferg. Sutherland and H. Bannerman attended the" banquet in Collier St. United Church, Barrie, on Monday evening. colors--`-1," Mrs. H. ARobinsn,- Barrie; 2, {Miss M. E. Campbell. Collection` of Gladioli-1, Philip` ,ve; 2, I.` mniaman Donn-v:A r`1x`1r.n4-:4-L91 A VJ, \l'ly1Il\IlI'jI., LINEUP LIUVC, B, `- Welsman, Barrie. Colleotion otf Pansies with Flo1iage-1,_ Philip Love; 2, C. R`. Kendall, Barrie; 3, A. S. Jamieson, Barrie. Collection 01 Sweet. Pea-.s-`-1', mum M. E. L-'lI. n D I`....-J... 13-....- rnusap LNVU; 5, ucu. vu.;ust:'1.`a. nuuwa, 9, blooms, pinIk--1, H. M. Lay; 2, John Yeates. Asters, 9 blooms, white--1, Nonman Campbell; 2, J. Yeates. Asters, 9 blooms, purple-- 1, John Yeates; 2, [Norman Camp- bel1.- Asters, 9 blooms, crims`on-. 1, Norman Campbell; 2, Miss Evelyn Jemney. Ashen-s, 9 blooms, M-auve-- 1, `H. M. Lay; 2, Mrs. G. R..Lane, Mddhumst. Asters, 9 blooms, 3 va.riebies--1, Mrs. H. Rcxbinson; 2, W. B. Holden. Astens, 9 blooms, .......n' 0 `III... I! `D 11... . f*:.-Ulla... ILIUII Ill. .l.Ul'L_JIlLU. J. W.` Stone, VM. B. I-Iipwell, L. C. McLean, G. Gummerson, H. W. Car- ter and J. A. Wiggins motored to Collingwood on Tuesday and at- tended the banquet held to celebrate the erection of the new elevator. TRAV. F}. M , -'RmIrp-Ace `h A '1\/I n`r<`Ialn -...-..-.- --._v -----`..._---..... V- yv-....u Established in `1900, with Sir Chas. Tupper as its first president, the Crown Life weathered the difficult formative years, and despite the trying times which accompanied the Great War and'the flu epidemic, by 1;91'8 it had attained a volume of insurance in force of $17,400,000. Since then it has advanced rapidly, maintaining the record established immediately after the war of doub- ling in size every four years. ` THA (`nrnhnnv v-or-anfiv anv\n1rnn_ nus in awe every 1.UUI' yeau's. The Company recently announc- ed the purchase of additional front- age adjacent to its home office building at Yonge and Colborne Streets, Toronto, where it proposes to erect a modern office building to provide adequately for the expand- ing needs of its home office staff. T'M- tf`nvnv\av-on Man `an : 11- nu.-...-n Oct. 2--Mrs. Mccabe and daugh- ter from the Statesare visiting with her sister, Mrs. Thomas -Ross. and trlends. ' `Inn .nu... -('4.-...I....L .1... ..'.:..u..I.._. _u.I. Ir ICB"*J. .1111-IL? ill. 13- \Ru..ulp' 2, A. B. Coutts, Barrxe. GladIio1i,.1-'5 spik$s, 5 varieties--1, IILSR-n Tmno 0 YI7n1oi-u-non -(Zia.-L n 6 Ilvulnuno WOMEN'S INSTITUTE SECTION House Dress, h|o Mrs. N. Smith, Barrie; 2, Mrs. R. E. Tuck, Barrier; 3, Mrs. Alex. Gilchariust, Edenrvale. B-ouquuert properly ar- ranged for dinner tab1e-1, Mrs. 0. Black Smro-ud; 2, Mrs. R. E. Tuck; 3, Mrs. Chas. Kelcey, Barrie. Des- nnvlv 1 ~nnmn onlnnnp, uT`I1'.I`1 1-eci;ne--1. uutuuuu, ..l.'U B I U V&l'l.C|IlC'Z.l., lmmsp Love; ,". w.e1sinan. Gang. 1 - 3;. `In annraa `1 11ovA.1>11 runny uuvcg 6, 1.. VV-clelluuu.' iooli, 10 spiekes, 1 variety-1, G. Mia:-wood, V Barrie; 2, Philip Love. Gladioli, 10 spikes, 10 vsariebies-7 1, Philip Love; ' 2, Geo. Vicketrs. Gladioli, 6 spikes, 3 _v-arieties-1, BL!!!-. T Ann. 0 (Inn `T-inbmua And-Ava . xnuuuzu, U vayutca, u _v'q;LcwUw?.I., Phil.-iup Love; 2, Ge . I1c%<;ers.,| 9 n v\:s\I1r_, T An 0 GROWN LIFE PASSES `HUNDRED MILLION MARK $11911 UH: Mrs. Sam. Corbett is visitingwlth [her daughters in Toronto. IE1 and `Alan `Rn-I-nu. n47 `lA h11e.n:-II SOUL UGUELILUIH III .l.UKUllLUo | Mr. and Mrs. Bates` of Midland spent Sunday with J. J. McArthur,| Mrs. McArthur.return=1n-g with them for a_-visit. . - `K031: `lknud-`kn `llanu. II` '\1.A_.-haul _~v1:uL. Wrmlrss Martha Elsonh of Thornton; in v!s'1t1ngAwith- her friends` here. ~ 5 MI! nllh Cu traffic-|nw'n`Inna Clan` LB V1BLlll5`W1LIl' I101` LflUIlUB' IlUl'Cu } Mr. -Currie is getting"along fine` with -his house. Wm. TMcArthur is the contractor. ; ` 17`;-ubnn fnng- u.`h3v\v-uni Ovn now: A? I416 U.Ul{Ll'dU|.Ul'o ; Victor 'Ro_ss shipped two cars of. stock on `Monday. ' ` Announcement by the Crown Life Insurance Company that it has passed the $100,000,000 mark in insurance in force brings this com- paratively young company, which has had an unusually rapid growth definitely into the class of the large insurance companies of Acanada. U-II__L_1_-u_L,q ,, mnnn ;.n""-`i'.g;`:`:,`,`1 m.";:."`ia`: r'. 'vv';;1.k;1;"5;a Station. LROOTS ` `Collection of Field Roots-1, Jn`o. Yeates, Al11a.nd~a1e; 2, F. Huse, Bar- rie; 3, D. McWxaters,. Thornton. Potastoes, _12, Lrish Ooiblblers-1, T. Thmnumson, Ba.rri~e; *2, R. M. Bell, .. ORO STATION a up -- ... BOND HEAD bell.` F.\.`l1Cl|D, U UIJUUIIIB, R_. Lane: ~ Gollec-| `I'!1_.L'_. _._- ..'l _ of at 32, John Yeates. Qusart Pickling ;O4nions-1, W. H. Brown; 2, Mrs. IN. Smith. Six Earlnianna Tomatoes -1, F. H-use; 2, Mrs. N. Smith. Six Stone Tome/toes-1, J-ohn Yeate-s; 2, F. Huse. Six A.O.V. '1`omatoes-1, Mrs. J. H Rooke; 2 Ge-o. Croghan. Collection of To- matoe1s---1, Mrs. D. McWaters; 2 F. Huse. Two Sq-was-h, Hruvbebard-~ 11, Miss E. Dotbs-on; 2. E. V. Bab- `cock. v'I`w'-o Squash, Mamnmot`h-1. iMns. `D. Mc~Waters; 2, R. M. Bell., :Two Vegetable Marrow--1, Mrs. J. W`.-aurmbell; 2, W. B. H01-den. Tvwo 1V.l|us1gme1ons-1, A. C. Johnston; :' EI. Wehsman. Two Water-rme1onns--1, . W "11 an 0 9 A f`. T.n1nn L~+.r\v\ 'lL..n n J. vrcuuunau. 1.`W'U VVauC1lll1UlUll|B?'J., `F. Huse; 2, A. C. Johnston. Two .Ci.trons--a1, W. B. Holden; 2, A. D. '1 Campbell. CDQDTE U353 tnree w\ay.s Uu. evlvusg yvrvnvvcc .-`-1, Mns. 0. Black; 2, Mrs. E. Canr; 8, Mrs. C. Singer. V Competitive {Section for Branches Three ways out` covokinng apples, and reccipe-1, Mzs. F. Lo-ve, Bar- rie; 2, Mrs. E. Carr; 3, Mrs. C. Singer. Four pieces of new and Bmbiatic 4huan-d-i~cna.fb-1, Mrs. E. Carr; 2, Mr.s. 0. Sin-ger, Camera R. Tuck; 2, 'Horsesh-oe Pitching Contest-1,? }A. J. Fletcher and A. Crawford,- Oro Station; 2, Brooks and Minmi-5 kin. O-rilliva; 3, Hook Bro.s., Barrie `4- Hlmf $.11!` n1h+nr .Q+,1\n-114} o 9 I - I`.hr',eefG~olde'n Acre Cabtbag _ F. H-use; 2, _H. D. `Atherton. Tihree Jersey Wakeeld Cwhbages- -'-1, A. 'H. Tuck; 2, F. Hnse. Three Savoy 9-1, W. B. Hrolden;`,2, F. I-Iuse. 'Dhree Red Cabbagea:-_--`1, A. H. Tuck; 2. E. V. Babcock. Three Cabubages, a.o.v.---1, W. B. _I-I-olden; H. D. A.t.ner oon. Three Cauliower: -_-1, H. D. Atherbbn; 2, W. H. Brown, Barrie: - Eight Stgump Root- ed Oarrotzs-'-1, Mrs. .G,eo. Shannon; 2, F. I-Ime. Eight -Chantenay Car- rots-=--1. W. H. Brown; 2, Mrs. Geo.` Shaun-on, Eight Long Red Carrot: -1, J. F. Gqcfton, B-arzrie; 2, A. H; 'Duk. Emghte Pansnipos--1, H. D. Athertcm; W. B. H-olden. Six mots Paris Golden Celery-1, F. u'...-- . n;...1. n..1...... 53-9 ' _A1\I-n I .|. WCIVU J. Ullll J.\(`d:\.lLDll.Ub'*`.l. AVLLX 111 E. I! J T b(l3eampbel1; 2, E. II3abTe$~;JI:. a '8 I'*urn. Iitpvs--1, . ; IJ-cam Yeaotes. Six Jemsalem Art`.- chyokes--1, Geo. Croghan; 2, Mrs John Carmgpibell. Twelve White Seed IO-ni-on.s-1, E. V; Babcock; 2, Job- iYeates. Twelve. Yellow Seed On_ [ions-1, Mrs N. Smith; 2, F. Huse ' `Twelve Red -Seed 0-nions--1, F.- H.use; 2, John Yeates. Pecik of P0- itarto Onion.s-1, Mns. D. McW-9.-ters; - O T...L.. X7...-.4>a.. f\u`.-..-L 1)~'..`l-`l.'...... Q, 1.`. J..I.'wm=. 09118 1, W. B. Holden; 2, Miss M. Campbell. Six Turnip Beets--1, H.. D.'Athe1-ton; 2, J. F. Goftzon. Six Sa1sI':y*--1, Mrs. D. Mc:Wa1:ems_: 2, John Yeates. 'I`rwe1's're Long` Rad- ish~es-1, John Yeates; 2, F. H-use. Twelve Tur-nip Radis'hes--1, Miss M 1:`, (`.nmnm:`lnz.'l`|- 0 12`. \7 Dg.'k.nnn'L- ,Qw`v LJUIU5 LVCU J-ICU`bD:"' Is.- i_-iitiiii isuiucmu FUIUDE Sula: uvmnczx \.n:xca._yi.:., .1. Htnse. Six` roots ~ Pink ce1ery--i W. L B. Holden. Six troots Whiteu Plume Celery--1, F. H-use; , 2, W_.~ B. Holden. . -Six mots Winter Celem, --:2, E. V. ` Baxbsock. Collection Matured apspers- E. V. Ba `And; a O I` TI on Tnnaitvn Inna-no . a.u.uvuan:u J:cIpIycJ.u:.:., Lu. V. unu- cock; 2, F. I-Fuse. Twelve Era-rs, Table Com-V-1, H. D. Atherton; 2. E. V. Baabco-ck. One Qt. Table Beans Ain Pod--1, E. Dosbson; 2, F. Huge. Six Long Re-d Beerts-~ , . TI7 T.Tn`IAnno O TU[.u'ms `M In V1ius1_urne1ons-1~, A. C. Johnston; CATTLE L -' . E`. `HER-EF'0AR'DS - Bu1'1thTe' 3i.trons--.1, years old, W. J. Smyth. Two- Sampwbell. year-old bull, T; H. Dewell. SPORTS |Bul1 calf, W. J. Smy`th. Cow | . . giving milk, T. H. Dewell, W. Contest`-1s5J. Smyth. Two-year-old heif- A. Fletcher er, T. H. Dewell. Yearling - , . . heifer, T. H. Dewell. Heifer Oro cam -1~_ Dewen, Ed_ cam W-_ kin. Barrie; J, Smyth, 4: Hun? nd -Hunters `St I (Continued on Page 14) cnnxnmn-cmvnmnn MOTORS conrommon cnnvnmnn, omo ' `GARDEN 1>aonu c_1-: We A3305 y ; 0 , AVIS} e (LAVA: \l christ. Interesting Picture with hiWory-1 and 2, Mrs. H. B-o.gardis~;; 3. Mrs. Chas. Kelsey. Newest and most nutritious way of cooking eggs :---1, Mrs. C. Singer; _2, Mrs. H. Bio- snrclis; 8, Mas Chas. Kehcey. Piece 9! Needle Wonk (Iby woman 60 yeans or over)--1, Mns. Geo. Crawford Oro Station; 2, Mrs. Chsas. Kebcey New Idea in Needle Work-1, Mrs. E. Oaurr, Painswictk; 2, Joe. C. M.; 8, Mrs. A. Conbett. Layer Cake, fa.-nay iced--1, Mrs. Lewis F. Wil- son, Barrie; 2, Mrs. John Momson, Thornton; 3, Mrs. N. Smith, Barrie. Patchwork Quilt, by women 60 on o`ver-1 and 2, Mrs. Janet Robson, Crown Hill; 3, Mrs. W. J. Patter- son. Tur.futed Bed Spree/d--1, Mrs. A1ex. Gilchrist. Collection od Herbs, names and uses,_girls u-ndei 18--1, Phyll-is Marquis, Lefroy; 2, Doris BaIbm:ock,z Barrie; 3, Lorna Benaton, M-ineas-ing. Avvtractive and nutri-tious way of serving tomatoes .--1, Mrs. E. Carr; 2, Mrs. E. Bamb- cook; 3, Evelyn Jermey." Hooked Rug, any kind-1, Mans. J. Cavanagh, Barrie; 2, Miss H. Orchard, Stroud; , Mrs. John Reid, Oro Station. Best three ways of serving potatoes ` ~ 1 Miss 'R1.o.n.1z- 9. Mrs` FL Cgnr; oon NEWS ofanew remarkable Six v v I the sweetest, speediest, most powerful automobile ever placed on the market under twelve hundred dollars! Styled to the last min. ute. Powered to the last notch. Steps up from 5 to 65 quick enough to thrill anybody. Large roomy body, wide seats, rich upholstery. All nickel non-stain chromium. Real beauty- real backbone. You ought to see it. And you ought to drive it. ' _ $1345 Good News Spreads Ftjrur-Dggr Sedan Fe, New Six 665% SUB-DEALERS L r SUB-DEALERS a...p,.m.,,;e W.F.onsherger D. W, ..;...,,.d Walter Bell, Beeton DISTRIBUTOR, mmnu-: David Carmichael, Orillia T. Brooks, Aliistorn Service and Sales, 19 Bradford ' B. E. Brown, Collingwood COUPE $1325 f. o.b. Barrio