is? 138 an . ~` - ANNEX, titted with hot water front, also electric heater for sale. 90B Mary St. Phone 1002. 40b BA'R'N FOR 111 Dhvnnnmru 124-sun.` run D1-uI.J.l:4?oUxOU. . my 111 Penetang `St., Barrie. Telephone 1045W. 40-41p FOR 551.5% on TO LET PROPERTY FOR SALE- mums Fox says: LOST AND 1-`cum: 7xUi'"<>'6EiEi:'s *SAtIJE-.30x60. Apply `EL. `Rarrip, "l`pA.hnnn C H0 lJCE ISHIHOPSHHRES FOR SALE: ram lambs. ewe lambs and ewes all ages, all registered. Addi- son McK-enzle, Thornton, telephone Ivy`-Thornton. ._ 38-43p uj- as y.` Dated at Toronto this 80th day 6; A.ugua_t,,A.1g. 1928. , ' CI-IARIIES A. THOIBURN. 171 Yonge Street. Toronto, .86-40b Solicitor tor the Applicant NOTICE is hereby given. th Elea- nor Vnir, of the Town of Barrie, in tho (`minty of Simcoe, and Povince. of Ontario, wife of John Vdir, will apply to the Parliament of Ganada -at the next session theresityfor a Bill of Divorce from her uubnnd. John Vair. now residing in Bgtfalo, New York. on the ground 0! adult- Ql' V. UK!-|.lUllo Dated at Barri this 10th day of September, 1928. ` .A. W. SMITH. '37-4 9Lb Treasurer Town ofzf-L Ba.rrie uuouuuct, ;uu4uu.:ipa.i IDUIIQDHE, In the said Town of. Barrie, in the County of Simcoe and Province of Ontario, proceed to sell by -public auction the said.lands or so'much thereof as may be sufficient to dis- charge such arrears and charges thereon. Take notice further that anflist of the said lands is being published in the Ontario Gazette in its issues of September 15th, 22nd and 29th, and October 6th. 1928, and that said list is posted up in my office, cop- ies of which may be had on appli- cation. 1'\no-.a -4. n......n-' u_x_ 4.... . - vuuuc` UL a. warrant Il`Om May` or of the Town of Barrie, in __the Province of Ontario, under his hand, with the seal of the Corporation of the said Town attached thereto. hearing date the tenth day of Sep- tember A.D. 1928, and to me direct- ed, for the collection of arrears of taxes on the under-mentioned lands. That unless sooner paid, I shall, on the nineteenth day of D ember A.D. 1928, at the hour of ten clock 1 in the forenoon, in the Council Chamber, Millniciplal uBuildi5ng, in Town of `Rm-via in the TREASURER S SALE of LANDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by virtue of a Warrant from the May- of Barr-in in flan ...vw-.:u:.\.x, uuulxby U]. I Treasurer's Office, Court House, Barrie, Ont, the 7th day of August, 1928. nuur or two o'clock In the afternoon, I shall at that time in the Council Chamber, Court House, Barrie, On- tario. proceed to sell Iby public auc- tion the sald lands t-o pay such ar- rears, together with the charges thereon. 33-45'b D. H. COLEMAN, Treasurer, County of Simcoe 'l`m;nm........I.. nan -- u'.'Ill'D(`3I', .1335. `Come! of said list of lands or advertisement can be seen in my office or will `be mailed upon mak- ing application for same. In default of payment of taxes as shown on said list, on or beore Tuesday, `the 13th day of `November, 1928, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon, I shall at mf `Hrna in nu. r........n ? PURE BR'ED OX-ECMRD RA-M LAMB for sale; also a number of white Leghorns. Mlnorcas and Anconas. one year old. I. J. Carruthers, Duck- worth St. Phone 895.}. ` 40-41b Notice is hereby given that the list of lands now liable to Ibe sold for arrears of taxes in the County of !Simcoe, has been prepared and is "being published in an advertise- ment in the Ontario Gazette, upon the 11th, 18th and 25th days of Au- gust, 1928, and the 1st day of Sep- tember, 1928. '("nnh:x` AP ab! 1:.` -49 1_..:I- A" 5: TAXES} _ on ---I--nnl\DJ \Il ITIIXILJ In the County of Simcoe, to wit: 39-41b V______:______________. N OTIICE is hereby given pursuant to the Trustee Act that all persons having claims against the Estate of John Alexander Patton, late of the Townshclp of Innisfil, in the County of Sirhcoe, farmer, deceased, who died on or about the 16th day of August, 192_8, are requested to send particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 27th day of October, 1928, after which date the executors will distribute the assets of the estate among those entitled thereto,_ having regard only to the` claims of which they shall then have notice, and that they will not be responsible to any person for the assets of said estate whose claims shall not then have been re- ceived. ` A rr .1317 A \Y.1\*T'.\1\ mnuwu . -- N=O'TIICE is hereby given pursuant to the Trustee Act that all persons having claims against `the Estate of Jas. Brumby, late of the Town- ship of Vespra, in the County of Simcoe, farmer, deceased, who diet`- on or about the 28th day of August, 1928, are requested to send particu- lars of their claims to the under- signed on or before the 13th day of October, 1928, after which date the executors will distribute the assets of the estate among those entitled thereto,-having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and that they will not be responsible to any person for the assets of said estate whose claims shall not then have been received. ALEXANDER COWAIN, Executors Solicitor, 38-40b . Barrie, Ont. __ _._..._..__._._.._..______ STEEL 'AND CONCRE 1`E BRIDG- ES erected to Government standard. Plans prepared by competent en- gineers without extra. expense to you. Pl-le driving, sounding, etc. Vast experience; 114 bridges com- pleted in Simcoe. N-o Job.too large .and none too small. Let "me figure on your requirements in concrete or structural steel for any purpose. J. J. Dumond,' general, contractor. Brentwood. Ont. 16--lap : jj-uj in .Arrears for Taxes in Tqrvn of Barrie ' van-.-..- NOTICE TO CREDITSRSI N~O"I`I!CE--P1ot owners of St. Paul's Cemetery, Innlsfil, are requested to take notice, that accounts fall due October 1st. All owners are asked to make payment at once. Geo. Quantz, caretaker. 39-41'p i FOR SNLE--Pon_v Imare, 14% ands high, weight about 900 lbs; Pony phaeton; vset harness; self easem- able or seI'1 the pony separate. S. E. '1"u.rner, 70 `Toronto St . ` _ ' 40p DR-W-IN'S ALL BLUE TAXI SER- VICE. local and long distance, night and day. 25 cent service. George Ir- win. Phone 198. 39tfb I WILL NOT beresponsible for any debts contracted in my nameafter this date. J. E. Marlin, Allandale, Ont. T 30-41p WANTED TO BOALR.-D; an elderly person. Apply .158 Essa."-St. 8-5`-440p FURNISHED ROOM TO LET, all conveniences, central; de-e sired; also garage to rent. phone 490. 76 vMu1caster St.` . V _. 40p , SUITS AND. OVIEROO-A"I`vS `for fa_11 and winter made to measure. A. Knox & Co. Five Points. ` 40p j - FURS ALTIERED and repaired Over HurLburt s `Shoe Store. Miss M. McArthur. , _ ' 37th 541.1: on-7 LANDS moms AND A'LEXAN'DER COWAIN, Executors Solicitor, Barrie, Otario. TEAM OF W-OvR`K HORSES, -Clydes. for sa'1e, aged 7 and 9 years; one black and one bay, about 2800 lbs. Apply F. G. Green, Craigvale, -phone Srroud 26r23. ' 40-41b MISCELLANEOUS Lnlxu DJ.'.l.`J11lJl.LV\I '.l.1.l1JU J.' UU|111'. Administrators. 12` King St., E. ; 40-42b Toronto, Ont.o MES,S'R`S.. BOYS & BOYS, Barrie ' 7|` TI? 1!? TBIHA \?:5 I9..- 11-..: zu;.ua::u.. `For furthzr information as to terms, price, etc.. apply to THE STERLING TIRIUST COIRP Anslnlafwonua 1.0` 114-... no 1:. ulg vuu ue uuxnpzeteu. ' The`wbove particulars are believ- ed to be correct butiany intending purchaser must verify them for M himself. flgq. ln._L1..... l..J-.._.-_A_n_., ucu wuu awunuance or smau rruzts. Fourteen acres of tall wheat sown on fallowxground, fifteen acres of clover seeding and_ the fall p1oug1i- ing will be completed. 'l"hn"sa;hnvA ha!-flnvnua nun LA14-.. nu uc axupxe 101' an requxrements. There is also a. good implement shed and poultry house, about two acres of orchard, good kitchen gar- den with abundance of small fruits. F`nnM-nan any-an no Ian ...1......; .......... auu Luce iurnace 18 practlcauy new. There are two frame barns, one 46x332 on a `brick foundation, fitted with stabling for cattle and hog pens, the water supply is inside the building; the other barn is 36x60 on- a cement foundation, stabling is steel equipment and the water sup- ply is inside. The water is supplied from wells by windmill and is -said to be ample for all requirements. Than: `I l Q onn ivnninnnnnt UL uuxu \r'L1U.Hu The premises are unusually wen built upon, th dwelling is of brick construction, eight rooms, splendid dry. cell-ar: the heating is by hot air and the furnace 13 practically Thf SPA fwn fnrnn hnnna nun FIVE S;OW`S. 15 young pigs, a'bout 2 months old; 17 feeders averaging around 100 lbs. for sale. Apply Mrs. Marlin-g, Painswick. 40p -2-u UL .:.cuu1ust:I.u. This is one of themost desirable farms in the County of Simcoe, be- ing situate about 1 mile from the thriving town of Alliston and con- venient to' good markets, shipping facilities, churches, public and high schools and on a good road. The soil is loamy, easily worked, very productive and in a. sp1endid state of cultivation. Vk- am-.....: . . . . _ . . . _ . . _ . --u_. -~--I VALUABLE FARM LANDS % Eon SALE aunt: uuu ut,-mg composela or me North Half of Lot Number One, in the 13th Concession of the `Township of Tecumseth. _"l`k{n :- ......- -0 4.1.- ...--4. .1__n..--7-- The Adminstrators of the Estate of the late James A. Downey offer for sale that very desirable farm, supposed to contain in or about 109 acres and being composeld of the North T-TQH n? T.n+ '|\TI1rn`hAn nm. 1... Professor Franz Krait, formerly solo violinist and concertrnaster `of the Royal Household `Symphony Orch- estra, Warsaw, Russia, will accept pupils on viqiin and cello. Professor Krait s playing was for many y are admired and praised by the cro n- ed heads of European countries, and many concert soloists have been trained by him. Appointments may be made through Mr. J. Andrew Wiggins, bandmaster. 40tfb _..--.-u up-up av qruv I u5\ VV l ul'ul\ Positions open in City -and country towns. !Be an expert. .lEarn part time while learning. We guarantee teach- ing following grades:- House Wiring, Industrial Electric- ity, Garage Work, Battery Welding, Vulcanizing, Brick-Laying,_ Plaster- ing, Barbering and Hair Dressing. Employment service from coast to coast. Big demand. Write today for free catalogue to the old reliable firm Hemphill Trade -Schools Ltd., now associated with Dominion`Trade Schools Ltd., both Dominion Gov- ernment Chartered Companies. Hemphill Trade Schools, Limited Head Office 163 King St. W., Toronto Eastern Branches: London, Montreal, Hamilton, Ottawa n UUU'HU= IVUr(I:l'(Y We own and operate a modern, well- equipped '-Nursery and supply our customers with the best in quality and variety. Sell hardy, Canadian- grown Nursery Stock and you will be successful. Our agency is valu- able. Established 35 years. DI:'l (Inn: \IlIl'I1II'!l'|Ir an Salesman in Simcoe County during Fall and Winter months to sell Fruit Trees, Flowering Shrubs, etc: Good pay. Exclusive territory. Whole or part time arrangement. I A Rn_Al'0BI3 nlnlnnu-n`: us Lauuauuu on years. "WFELHAM NURSERY co. 40-47p TORONTO 2, ONTARIO ca rump vvanteu [EA'iii~3 $323 "}"5o PER wglgx `l3ncH-1'nr\a I\I'|r\tI| I... IlL-. ._...1 _- FOR SAI.*E--A number'ot Rock chickens and one standard cream suparator. Apply Jas. Brown, Holly. Ont. 40p in spare time, in city or town, tak- ing orders. We show you how to make a succ,ess. Delivery later. Per- sonal Greeting Cards. Something new and smappy. Magnificent sample book free. Imperial Art, 51 Wel- '1ington West, Toronto. 40-43Pb 1.J1.s:uJ.I.`4 'J.JJ.J.VE4; uue b`011tn OI BR1EN`T'W0O:D IJIN E--From Tloga to BAXTFJR. A-M1~ A __-__ .. vvu a4a.a1.|J-"&`LUl`L 1.111561 to BAXTER. 40-4'1b ! %By Order of the Minister of National Defence e H.Q. 898-1-19 Vol. 2x :.uuc1.`.'.l.'Uu.l. LO LVOVEXIIDGP 3rd, 1928. The Danger Zone will be -Camp Borden Area. lying between the fol- lowing boundaries:-ROAD-North of MAD `RIVER; NORTH and SOU`T.I-I LI'NE-One mile east of LISLE ILINE; Due South of 'TNT\TW:'F`I-Ann "|'f\t'-0 -`,u-ua.vwa.'vuU VGA IHJLI/CIIEIULI. 18015- 6 quarter-cut Oak Dining Chairs with leather seats,. Secretary, 3 Rocking Chairs, Couch, Fancy China, etc. . _ 3 Oak Bedroom 9Suites, 3 En- ameled Bedsteads with Mattress and `Springs, 4 Bedroom Chairs, '3 Toilet Sets, Bath room Mirror, 3 Rugs, lMoore Electric Range. good as new, \-Kitchen IChairs; Kitchen Table, large quantity of Dishes and Kitchen Utensils, Lawn Mower, Garden Tools and many other art- icles. A11 ._,!IQ I an n.- IVII I Illi- The Public is hereby cautioned that AJRTIIIJIJERY F*1)RING will take place at Camp Borden between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. from Oc- toberJ1'5th to November 3rd, 1928. The Danger Znm: mm 1.`. .r<.,....... Til will be sold without resrve. Terms: -CAS'H. Sale at 1 12.11:. 39-40;!) W. A. McCONKEY, Auct. _, The following: Wicker Upholstered Parlor Suite including Settee; Arm Chair, Rocking Chair, Tablegvand Fernery, Oak Parlor Table, Fire place Irons and screen, Rug, Ctirtains, Pic- tures, Hall -Rack,` Organ, Buffet, Quarter-cut Oak Extension Table. 3 nnnr+nr_m.+ n..1. *'n:...'..... rn_-:..- The undersignd has received in- structions fxom jruos. HEWITT Male and Female Help Wanted AD`? QIIE 'I`, QHA I'\lNl\ IIIINIHU 1 LLrLuLI.\D I`U`l`S DAUIJIS, Z0 lL"l,Vll Homers. o11e=m. Apply A. H. Pe kins. RH. No. 1, Barrie. 4| Buy Advei-tisondl Thingi to sell {by P;11T)`liZcH;A.;c't'io_n`-a:.-t 170 Dunlap St-., Barrie on Saturday, Oct. 6 Aucnvgsms pf Hpusehold Furniture .. V. any unnanc 6LLLcl.u.5Ull1J A 60;-ACRE NURSERY `nvn an nnanut-A n nu-.A...... .. xuronco, um. SR'S., T. W. W. EVANS, Bradford. 1"!-cg` _AnnIl zxAQuN;`-.i. . WANTED Now $250 MADE VIQLIN NOTIC 'OU.\`G PIGS for sale. Apply t0 Donald Fexizuson, Barrie, RR. 2. phone 4171'31. 4013 results; Examiner Cfassieds ve great` James I-Iorten of -Sheffield, Eng., has invented a pocket for men's trousers,.wh1ch can be closed with a. combination lock. LUIIL u1ea.u'u.:a.l 898.8011. V -Because'of the unusual demand for seats, the management of the Opera House is paying particular attention to mail orders.~'Reserva- tlons should be made as 'soon. as possible and it a stamped, sel1-ad- dressed envelopg is enclosed as well ' as check or money orders,` the seats 3 desired will be sent by return mail. auauuea / It is a great cast in a great play and so far; the prodctlon has been the dramatic sensation of the cur- rent theatrical season. I 'Rn|nn1-Ian 'nP 1-Inn ...........-.AI 31..-: us J.U.l.'Ul1LU xast Wee-K. `The play, Miss Elizabeth's Pri- soner is a costume drama, decked out in the picturesque fashions. military and feminine, of Colonial days. It is full of vigorous action. There are duels and sword-play. galloping squadrons of cavalry and a fulsilade of musketry. To offset the tenseness of these situations, there is an uproarious `comedy re- lief provided by a susceptible old aunt and at xgenerable gentleman of eighty Jooki g for his -third wife. Running through. the whole plot is a thrilling and unusual strain of ro- mance. T4 In A ........a -_'_L 1.. - - ou'cu'w1nUucI1e." . ' - He is bringing his [own English company_and production intact. ex- actly -the same offering that receiv- ed a dozen curtain calls after the Canadian premiere at His Majesty's Theatre, Montreal, two -or three weeks ago and was given a tremen- dous ovation by a crowded theatre in Toronto last week. `Tho: ninv "\/rm. .1:vn....1_-u.a., n.-- Monday next, October 8. He is Gordon McLeod, the sensa- tional romantiestar who scored the greatest series of dramatic triumphs ever registered by 9. young actor in the Dominion, when he replaced Sir `John -Martin-Harvey last season in :Scara:mouche. `LT; '3 'k..i.....:.... Ln- - - -' ' __ ---an-nun... I I1 l'l'|I|JI`=I'(" Particular attent_ion of local theatre-goers is ca'1I1ed -to the n- ternatlonally-famous "star of the Eng-11`sh-speaking stage who is to be seen at the Opera House, Orillla, for a single performance only on Monday HQ { F-`.nr-nn MnT.AnA AL, -.---~- ...wuauuu 111 me son passages that so held' the audience that a pin could have been heard dropping." --Birmingham Mail. Hear this wonderful choir in `Collier St. Un- ited Church on Tuesday evening, October 16th. 40b M ISS EL|ZABETH S PRISON ER 'p'.'Iv`f`n111n ALL-..-!- `:: PIG-EONS F0-R SAIIJE, 26 Flying I'I01nm`s.r']19-nu Annlv A l! Dm-_ ....,.,., uuum. u; was me perfect intonation in the soft that held` th nl1r11nnnn +'|-u-J- 4- -5- cvcuuu-:. UULUDel' J.Ol5Il. -R. W. Burton, painter and pa- perhanger, has been awarded the contract by the Dept. of Defence. Ottawa, for painting the exter- ior of the Armouries and` renlac- ing broken glass in the building. --Special sale. October 5 and 6, 30 ladies and children's felt and some velvet hats at $1.95 each; 35 ladies and misses silk crepe, jersey and woollen dresses, clearing nrice $5.50 each. Miss I. Collins. Essa `St. 40b --Their singing `Heavenly. It may be that only in Heaven shall we hear that grand` `Mnen as it was sung when the Welsh Imperi- al Singers rendered Sullivan's `Lost `Chord. It was the perfect in snff. hnaeoame 4-Lat uuc xmauu 1111./O a summer resort. -The1r singmg is sp1r1ted and expressive; balance of VOICES is un- iformly excellent. - Liverpool Dailv Post. T-Tnar +1.... :. r~..11:-.. u.u1.uu_y e2u:e11eI1E." Liverpool Daily Post. Hear them in Collier St. United `Church on `Tuesdav evening. October 16th. 40b R. W. RI1F+nH 1'|a:n4-Ac. an--7 -- ` pucxa UUHVUIILIUII. Edmund -Hardy gave a very pleasing organ recital after the evening service in St. Andrew's ,Church last Sunday. M1'E FQHHIY rpnancn-9;-1.1M. I-..-.--u 5:.a.uuuc y.l. UV1U.UU 101' IOWI Supers. --Out of an army of six million soldiers they picked on Ham and Eggs to patrol the cemetery at midnight. |See this big comedy at the Capitol this week-end. 40x -For best assortment in after- noon and street dresses of velvets. satin crepes, etc., sizes to 4-6, also the latest in tinsel beaded and velvet hats, visit Miss I. Collins. Essa St. . 40b --The Welsh Imperial `Choir was wholly of real singers and had subjected itself to a rigid discip- line.--Lond:on Musical `Times. In Collier St. United 'Church, Tues- day, October 16th. 40b An offer of $300,000 for Snake Island has been received by the Dominion Gov t. It is planned to "'|11r] a fliiauvvaoo 1.- -L- uuuluuoll uov'1:. 1t 1s planned bu1ld a causeway to shore and turn the lsland into a summer resort. ---Thnir chm-{um 3. .....'...'-.-I ---:I ucx. auulu. ens In .l.01'OI1EO 1351': WeK. ---Hildreth Lennox, pianist. vo- calist and reader, now booking au- tumn engagements. Full pro- gramme provided for fowl supners. ._.Out nf an avmxr rs? miv wu"I1:n.. ,'uuu1. cu msl. ounaay. ` Miss Fanny iRosenfeld*t, former Barrie girl and Olympic star. was presented with a motor car from her admirers in Toronto last week. T nvlvnncv -x:-~-3-L -- nuv nu ihou. '53-410 --Fow1 Supper United Church. Midhurst, Township Hall. Good concert. Friday, Oct. 5. Admis- sion 60c and 30c. 40b Public school kiddies are having an easy time this week-three days off for sports day and tea- chers convention. 'lZ"Awu....l T_7---`-- ------ u FOR `SALE~-6 young pigs 9 weeks ((1, \/f T. (`hqnrhnv `Donuh: 'l"n1n_ ww- 1111 II \Ja.u5uI.ul.o -Oldv-time dance at `Minet s Point, Friday, `October 5. Gentle- men 75c and tax; ladies free. Bring lunch. 40b --`Night 'School re-opens, Barrie Business `College, Monday, Oct. 1st; Monday and Thursday nights. 7.30 to 9.30. ~39-41b __..F`I'Hl1'-I qiivnvunu TY.-3L...`I {V1------L uuu. .n.a ulzsueau OI UCI3. .12. Rally `Day was observed by ap- proprxate serv1ces in several Bar- rie churches last Sunday. 01-illig `I-nnrn nnnnn 1...- ....~----.L uc \.uu1`Uu.t:3 has]: ounaay. Orllha town councll has request- ed the Attorney-General to re- move Police Magistrate D. Mc- Caughrin. _f\'l..-11,4-3... Jan.-- -1. `IE0 II u u-:1LlUDo --Don't miss the Nyal 2 for 1 Sale next week at Crossland's Drug Sore. 40b Motoring from `Barrie to Elm- vale is decidedly difficult in spots these days. _ Fm... nrmc ...--L.... -- -A - VILCDC uh 0 --.The\ 7V.M.S. meeting of Col- lier St. United Church will be held Oct. 19 instead of Oct. 12. `Rn11nnu.. Itvnn ;.L.....----1 L-- -- lipinillllfiggg KT}..- _._..-___-.. _-_, vu..- av v Raga &1UVG uayuah uuurcn. ` Merchants will ndo Examiner advertising a good tonic for fall business. "'I-_'1: ._-!,- :1 10 u A A A u. -u. 1. were 11810 E008) . . . Fine weather made for a big crowd at`Elmv le Fair yesterday. The annual udhope Cup events will be held in Orillia on Saturday. Rev. E. J. Whan has accepted a call to Villa Nova Baptist Church.` `\ MnunL-_L- _._:1 A_.,- `Nice summer weather for the last couple of days. - -M11nh nnd-a4-A mu. :. ..........4....1 Aaau cuuple OI uays. -Much potato rot is repoi-ted th1:'91ghout the district. - A n1nuuun1 ..1_I _..--L- -5 47-- 1"\ -`u .3.-\.1_u:4~--0 ynung p1gs R1 `VVEEKS old. M. L. Chantler, Barrie. Tele- phone 667.\I. 40]) uu. U uguuu I: sue QISETICC. The annual eld spplfts of the B. C. I. were held today. pi E7Q+`\A1| wlodn `Au 1-: 1\u.4u I - "I\ ucnvcu .Uy Luv planned aknrn nap! Lu... Jill 07 JR. I'1II--Dorothy Pierce 82, Leo Omeiliy 72, Evelyn 5Fin1ay 67, Clar- ence G111 52, Oliver O'=Rei1y 50, I-Iel- e_n Finlay 48, Kathleen Smith 47,. uutc -20. ;uuu1e U111 `6. `SIR. ]?II-~Leona. -O Beil1y 84, Caro- line Sm1'th_77, Ethel -Craig 77, Anita Greenlaw T3, `Chas. Greenllaw 67, Oliver Carson 616, Archie McG1n- nis 59. `I'D `H111 I\-..-A.1__, 1-A1, -- - uy were In J.UI'OntO, sunaay. Mr. and Mrs M. Vvozney of Tor- onto are/here for a few days. `- S.S. No. 6, Vespra 7 SR. IV--Florence Russell 70, Bert Smith 69, Mavis Greenlaw 66, Alex. Finlay 6'5, Mary Dwyer 62, Marion Craig 60, William `MV innls 56. JR. 'I\V-Haro1d VV-afllwin 73, `Chas. Wattle es, Dordthy Poole 67,-veri Poole 49. Mable Gill 48. `QM? TTTT__.T4an-an .r\m:p...:n_- 5. .~-,,- zcuuuuug n-ume. ' Mr. arg Mrs. W. W. Boyce and Mr. and ; rs. Forrest Wallwin spent Sunday with friends at Essa `Station. I Mr. and NI :-2: W D t*.n.1.....,: 4...... ouuuuy wwu Lrlenus at Lyssa. `station. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Gil`! and fam- ily were in Toronto, Sunday, Mrs M. \7vnm.w n4 rm..- I. s:u.a.u:u 1s1a11u,_x\.1. Miss M. smith, school teacher, spent the week-end with friends In Toronto. Frank Orser is on the sick list. Henry McGowan, postmaster at Weyburn, Sask.. visited with rela- tives here over `the week-end before returning home. -Mr any! `Mn: 117` nr nu--- _..- Oct. 2--Hugh Andross has return- ed home after spending some time at Staten Island,_N.Y. \nm. `N a...,..n.. ....L----I L_-.L-- OW and nine pigs for sale. Apply P.1t1`ick I{;1\'-an.-1gh, Anten Mills. Ontario. 40p an .1. 1.1.111. H. A. JLULJOHKGY, AUC` tioneer. 39x` Saturday, Oct. 13--VV. J. Fraser, lot! 20, con. 6, Vespra (opposite Union ~Ce:metery)--farm stock and 1m-' plements. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A.- Mdcotnkey, Auct. Tuesday, Oct. 16-T. W. Jermey, lot 14. con. 11, Oro-farm stock and implements. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Mc`Conkey, Auct. 40-41x Wednesday, Oct. 17-.\Irs. Clarence` Green, administratrix of the es-~ tate of the late Clarence Green- farm stock and implements. Sale; at 1 p.m. `W. A. Mgconkey, Auc-g tioneer. 40-41 } _ Friday, Oct. 5--John Desjardine, lot 26, con. 2, Sunnidale (Brent- Wood)-farm stock and imple- ments. .Sa1e at 1 p.m. VV. A. Mc- Conkey, Auct. Saturday, Oct. 6-2\Irs. Thos. Hew- itt, 170 Dunlop St.. Barrie-house- hold furniture. Terms cash. Sale at 1 p.m. W . A. .\IcConkey, Auc-I tioneer. - 40b` Monday, .Oct. 8-Jos. Smith, lot 31, con. 5, Essa (near Utpoia)-- farm stock and implements. Sale at 1 p.m. W . A. Mcconkey, Auct. 1 Tuesday, Oct. 9-Mrs. Sadie Cun- ningham, lot 12, con. 10, Essa,-- farm stock, implements and house- hold effects. Sale at 1 p.m. H. A.;` Grose, Auct. 38-40x Wednesday, Oct. 10-'R. J. Hawkins, north half lot 10, con. 12, -Innisfi1-- farm stock and implements. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Moconkey, Auct. Thursday, Oct. 11--Leslie Dobson, west `half lot 27, con. 7, Essa- ; farm stock and implements. Sale, at 1 p.m. W. A. Mcconkey, Auc- 39x '1 glflgrgxv nf` 1fL_TV T Innnann 1A6` Tche sister and brothers of the late Edward Shouldice desire to thank their many friends and neigh- bors for the kind sympathy shown to them during their recent bereave-I ment. 40p I` __._._____._______j._.._ MA'R'R--In loving memory of my dear mother, -Emma Marr, who passed away Oct. 3, 1927. Just a loving thought, dear mother, Just a memory fond and true, Just a token of affection That my he`art still longs for you. 40p --.\'or1ne . 40p - MOORE---`In loving memory of myl dear wife, Jennie Letitia Moore. One year has passed, our hearts` _3-till sore; As time goes on we miss her more. Her loving smile and welcome face No more can fill the vacant place. 40b -Sad1y missed by| Hu=s`band and Sons. _._..._........_.._________:.. MARR-In loving memory of our dear mother, Emma .\Iarr, who nassed away Oct. 3, 192". C.-.,:1.- .__: 127 40.1) ` ` ~FERGUS-O.\'---MIn loving memory of Lorne F'e1`Lusnn, whn Hind nm 9 C`RAVVFORD--In loving memory of, our dear son and brother, Gordon? Crawford, who passed away on Oct. 2, 1926. v The month of October again is here, To us the saddest of the year. ` A bitter thought, a shock severe, \Ve litte thought his end was near.` To part with one we loved so dear.. Gone, dear Gordon. gone. to rest, I Resting those hands that did theiri hast, \ - YOUNG PIGS FOR SALE. Alvin H. VVice, phone 1182\\'. 40-411) ;cauu;-_'. LLlUbt',' uunus E11511 . (110 tne1r best. 40b -~Sad'2_{' missed by Mother, Father and Sisters. : BONNEY---In loving memory of our` dear father, George Bonney, who passed away Sept. 30. 1924. I This day brings back to memory Of a loved one laid to rest And those who think of him today, Are those who loved him best. 40p Vvife and Family 3 --:-:--:: M-cFA:DDEN-On Wedesday, Oct. 3, 1928; to Mr: and Mrs. Thos. Mc- Fadden, Essa Stastior}, 9. daughter. DUNN-E'I`T-AAt the Royal Victoria .Hospital, Barrie, Sunday, Sept. ' 30, 1928, to Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Dunnett, Allandlale, a. daughter. IJIT'DLEJOI-IN--A~t the Royal Vic'- toria Hospital, Barrie, Thursday, `Sept. 27, 1928, to Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Littlejohn, Barrie, a. daughter. McBRIDE-At the Royal Victoria Hospital, Barrie, Sunday, Sept. 23, 1928, to Mr. and Mrs. Chesutex` McBride, `Barrie, a son. \ g SMITI-I--A-t hi-s late residence, sixth concession of Innisfi`1, on Wednes- day, 0' t. 3, 1928, John J. Smith, aged 8 years. Funeral on Satur- day, Oct. 6th, at 8 a.m. to St. Ma_ry's Church and Cemetery, Barrie. `uuvuup-u.\--1n wvmg 01 Lorne Ferguson, who died Oct. 2, 1926. n.. --- - --- The insurance business of` the. Employers Liability Assurance Corporation `Limited, throuh the agency of G. Frank Doyle & Son, has been transferred to `W. 'A. `McConkey, and the suc- cessorfrom the 1st of -September mu be -pleased to take care of all policy-holldxers interests. 40-42p SICKNESS and ACCIDENT CARD or THANKS TO R'E.\"'I`--.\`ew duplex apartment, 100 yds. from post office. hardwood floors, hot water heating, wired for electric stove, laundry in `basement, good cellar. Apply to Philip Love. 123 Mulcaster St. Phone 446. 40tfc CREDIT SALE; "u away -Sad1_v MIDHURST IN MEMORIAM 3131`! DIED ;4uuua. .U.(d.l.'l', \\'I1U 3 _v missed by her only Son and Daughters. -The Family \ A_UTOMOBlLE ANNOUNCEMENT` 1 ` denotes absence for examina- tions. fA1rred Wan-win 40. Arthur Cook`. TO LET - Seven-ro-om ed brick house on Bradford Street with all conveniences, (except furnace) in first-class condition. Rent only $18 per month. Phone 1403 or 104 Eli- zabeth St. 40b_ ` tlons. J.,uuU uses. an peuarmount, $15 per foot. IF SELLING YOUR FARM ask us to find you a home In Barrie. List your property with us. 40b ZIAGENTS for the Melville Travel Service, Toronto, which includes In- ? ternational Air Service and Na- tional Air Transport. Leaside, Tor- , onto, free taxi-cab service in New York from station or pier, and Trav- e11er s Accident Insurance Co. for men or women. 25c a day. $10.00 for 90 days. Telephone us when ar- ranging your Winter holiday. We will arrange transportation and look after your baggage. Sailing list of all lines between the principal ports of the world. `WE HAVE FOR R'E.\"T-HOUSES: Bradford St. $18; Ann St. $15; Mary St. $30; Drury Lane S40; Owen St. $35; Owen St. N. $35; Dalton St.. newly papered and painted through- out $30. FLATS: Owen St., upstairs, good dumb-waiter to basement, $35; Worsley St. 815; Maple Ave. $40; High St. $35 furnished, $25 unfur- ; nished. IFOR SALE-Unfinished duplex. High St.: duplex, Maple, $7,600; de- tached, `Perry. $3.500; large house near St. Vincent Park, lovely out- look, $7,500: another further east. $5,500; cottage, Blake St. $2,500; brick house, lac. Ann St., $2,000; Clapperton St., $3.500; Bayfield St., $4,8000; Drury Lane, two at $6,000 each; Tiffin St. $3.000: Cumberland, in very good order, $2.000; gentle- man's nice estate, just outside town, $6,000; 50 acres, Codrington St., lvery productive, fall plowing done. "good barn, cement silo, $6,000; lot next Innisfil Park, sure to be need- ed for summer cottiages, $2,000; `%,000 feet at Cedarmount, $15 1 0Ot. ;The Barrie Real Est_atg O_ffice J.aa% J:"UJ.'8U 'J.'UN TRUCK, closed body, suitable for bakery, etc. V 1924 WILLYS KNIGHT 5- PASSENGER SEDAN, Bal- loon tires, good: appearance and in good running condi- tion throughout. '24 STUDEBAKER LIGHT SIX TOU`RzING, 5 disc wheels, looks and runs splen- didly. . 1922 McLAUGHIlIN.BUICK four touring, re-nished, 4 new tires. Your present, car as part payment. Terms arranged to suit purchase .. Mrs. May Crewicke, Sec y.-`Tron. 190 Bayfiold St.-Telephono 310. Night School Re-opens 1v1_o1\I_n.4_xY, oc1`.._ 151 I` Barrie Business College` ,MON. AND THURS. NIGHTS, 7.30 TO 9.39 FOR REN'T--Desirable front room. suitable for business or professional enterprise. steam heated and over- looking P.O. Square. Apply H. E. Jory. 88-43`b Oon tho follo\;ingt 1927 STAR HALF-TON TRUCK, balloon tires, make splendid delivery car. PONTIAC COACH, in ex- ceptionally ne condition; done small mileage, looks like new. 1927 :STAR E-OUR COACH, lo-oks and rims like new, fully guaranteed. 1926 ESSEX COACH, look; and runs well. (AAA C-ma-.- __-- auu 1.1.4113 weu. 1924 `FORD `TON TRUC. , closed Bnrlv .u:+..L1- A-4.. USED CARS "A39!-D H111- --_.-- _- -sax - Tel} bE._4o4vv_, R... 7&4M W.A.Jenkins&Son RADIO WM. L. BRENNAN Bayelii St., Barrie *!R9LD H1- HEAR STROM- V BERG CARLSON SUCCE9S'SvORS TO W. GRACEY & SON APAR"I`ME.\"I.` TO tR`E.\"I`-M'odern convenienr-es: B0thwe11 s Block, A1- lnndnle. Apply R. R. Bothwell, gro- cer. 40tfp Thursday, Ocfobor 3, 19K L. M. MISTELE, teacher COAL COKE WOOD FIRE NEW HOUSE for rent, f or unfurnished. electric -ra grate: furnace; garage. A Collier St., or phone 4`39M. ,1. nu; UL` LLLILJDFJ LL} 1\1:4n1; 'cu:5U fu1'nished rooms, reasonable terms. Apply 73 Tiffin St.,Al1andale. 40-4513 STORE TO RENT in Bothwe1I's Ililnnlr Allin.-1.~.1n 'D:n-\4 nnnnnnnhln H}: >3 1 \J1\l'4 1 \J 1\L'JA\ 1. ill J.)ULl1\VCLl 3 Block, Alllandale. Rent reasonable. Apply R. R. Bomhwell, grocer. 40Atfp PAJTT OF HOUSE TO RENT; also Ir`. .. u..nlnln.1 |\r\r\r\-xrw ...-..-H-.n.-...l-.l.. s.....-. TO LE`T-A six-roomed apartment, heated, electric stove.4Possession 1st Nov. Apply R. A. Stephens. 40b GAR.-\ TO RENT, be-hind Cross- ).-1nd's Drug Store. 40b 'F ()UR-|R'OO.\IED APARTl\/IENT. unfurnished; all conveniences. Tele- phone 797J.. 403? HOUSE \\'AI\"'I"ED in Barrie in ex- cImng"e for farm near Bradford, also have good 200-acre favm to ex- change for farm or other property. For p:11'ticulm`s write Box 33, Wes- ton post office. 39-40p POSITION I\\"AN'TE'D as stenc- grapher or typist, experienced. Ap- ply Box `i.\I, `Examiner `Of- fice. 39-41p up`. VVA;\'*'I`ED-Ambitious, industrious person to introduce and supply the demand for Rawleigh household Products in Barrie and nearby 10- cations. Make sales of $150 tq $600 a month or more. Rawleigh Methods get business everywhere. N0 selling experience required. VVe supply Products, Sales and Advertising Literature and Service Metehods, everything you need. Profits increase every month. Lowest prices; best values; most complete service. W. T. Ruwleilgh Co., Dept CN-222. Mon- fvanl (Jun A-A9\'\ BOARDERS \VA.\"T`ED, Very cent- V21 all Dnnvnninnnnu Rnv SQ`) nhnnn 4JLI:x1LLJw41D H:-1.\'1'L4JJ, very cent.- ral. all conveniences. Box 532, phone 1193M, 41 Worsley St. 40-45p J. . J.L(l \\ JUNE` treal, Que. ULCIILICIIJLL \Uo, JJL Building, Toronto. YOU CAN EARN $10 to $25 a. week in your spare time at home writing show cards. No canvassing or sol- iciting. We instruct you and supply you with work. Write today. The Menhenitt Co, Ltd., 45 Dominion 'RniYrHnrr Tnvnnfn 1'IA t-Pk VV=AN"I`-ED-A capable young wo- man for cooking and general house- work. Experience and references nec-e. Apply Mrs. L. S. Clafke, `IR: povfioq/I Q9` Ann 11:-L'r.~.m:.1 3, n[1p1_) 165 Bayfleld St. TWO YOUNG GIRLS for general housework, no laundry, aduht fam- ily, good wages. Phone 134, 23 Dun- donald St. . 40p LIVE STOCK FOR BOOKKEEPER WANTED at once: must be fairly experienced. Apply Brysrm & Morley. 40b ; GIRL WANTED for general house- work. Apply to Mrs. W . G. Strach- an, 13 Penetang St. _ 40p EXPlT~JRIE.\'C ED MAID VVAN`TED for" general housework. Apply 4'. Maple Ave. A 40b WANTED-A maid; sleep at home nr-afar-v-nfl A.hn1v R0 Faun Q? Allan- VVl1VLJJ.lJ*"J1 uncuu, SICCII E1`. IIUIILU preferred. Apply 80 Essa St., Allan- da`1e. 40tfb one cent a. word. each, each inur- Ion. (minimum charge, 25). nix Insertions for the aprice or tour. 104: extra. when charged; also 10c extra when replies are directed to The Examine; Ottico. GIRL WANTED on farm. Apply at once to Examiner or telephone 1614, Oro. _ 40b Pin Tolvo E `QADLET COLUMN a&mw$&wmw&mw%&i PROPERTY TO LET f WANTED furnished -range and Apply 129 `hnn.-. A`,'20\/T An A5? L, cwrss, -112.! L- Q. AY4lUll' 40-42p IIIIIIIUII 1Mtfb uup. 40pl I. CL` 401) I513 u Ac, 401)` F`A*RM Porn SAIJE4-1~50 acres, lot 13. con. 4, Inmisfl, clay loam. One of `best grain and stock farms In "timisfil. On this property is 3. 10- roomed roughcast house. -hard and soft water wiuth taps in house; up- to-dat e `barn, 40x90, on stone foun- dantionz cement oors equipped witlh steel stanchions, water bowls. and litter carrier: hogvpen and hen house 24x70 on cedar block: 1mp1e- . mept house 20x50: garage a (1 work . shop 15:80. '1`h1s.rarm' is W 11 fenc-A ed and inhigh sfate of cultivation and has nevewbeen tenanted. Nice lawn. `oz-chard\an_dVcreek on pasture lot. 0n'f1:fth concession, close to paved highway. schools, churches. rail ay, market, etc. Apply to own- Ql`. .1 F. Graham, f`.hIIrnHl1Il nut HI .a can at], UUIJSKUIG, EEC. Apply To own- er. . F. Graham, Churchill, Ont.. or phone 19r4, Lgfroy. 82-43p FARM FOIR SAIJE-One hundred acres, lot 12,\c0n. 5, Essa, rich loam, s.=:oo d- for wheat, alsike and pota- toes: 7 acres bush, 18 acres wheat. 8 alslke, 20 red clover; fall plough- ing done; two frame barns 36x60 and 80x70 on foundation--steel roofs: hog pen 24x30. good hen house 1`5x!30, garage and shed: two wells, water in stable, large brick house, 8 rooms; two miles from sta- tion, near church and school. Would se11,stock and implements it re- quired. Phone and R.M.D. E11 W11- son, Egbert R.R. No. 1 .89-41p FARM F-O'R SAvIJE--100 acres, lot 6, con. 4, Innisfil, good clay loam. close to school and church, good ` buildings, running creek, 4 acres of h maple and beech bush. For further particulars apply .-J. `C. Hindle. Cookstown, Ont. 36-41p SNCIR.'LFIiC'E for quick sale, 50 acres firstclass land near Jstroud. conven- ient to lake shore and `Township Park, 1'2 acres Wheat, 8 acres~alsike. Apply I. A. Spring, lot 22, conces- sion 9, Innisfll. _ 36-41p VrA`LUA`BIJE FA`RM for sale or to 1'ent--150 acres, parts of lot 20, in 10th and 11th concessions of Essa. 2% miles from Thorton. Aip*p to- Jas. A. Jamieson, `Box 44, Thornton, ....---1-. `FARM FOR SALE. 50 acres, large barn and silo, electricity and town water on property, fall ploughing partia1!1_v done, very zproductive soil. J. F. Nelles, phone 7`."5VV. 40b FA:RM S FOIR `SALE - 25 to 200 acres. Prices right. Let us kn-ow what you want; We can supply it. Bell & Bell, Stayner, Ont. 35-40b _:_j___.,__._.._.____.. FAJRM FOR SA:IJE--50 acres good pasture land. For further particu- lays phone 1991*5, Mi-dhurst. 38-40b 1928 C'H`EV|ROlLE`T SvEDiAN, like new. 1928 .VIcLaugh11n sedan, like new. 1927 Pontiac sedan in won- derful cond'ftion. Touring cars. Fords, 'Chevro1etds and S'tudebakea~s at your own price. F. J. Gracey. 40b FA-RIM FOR SALE-50 acres, good clay loam. Apply Jas. S. Leonard. Craigvale. 38-40!) I FOR SALE OR T10 LE T--No. 12 Welllington `St. VV., six-roomed brick house, furnace, electric light and gas, tuhree-piece bathroom, large garden. cenlbrally located. Possession Nov. 1st. Rent $25. Apply to H. A. Callighen, 583 Ger-rard St. E., Tor- onto. 40-45-p I-FOUISIE won SAJI}E-aAt 63 High St. New furnace, electric Move, garage, central location. Immediate ; possession. A:pp1y E. .H. Braden, 63 High St. Phone 2'2|5W. 36-43b I`O!R SAJLE 'OR TO LET-6 roomed- brick house, every convenience, in Alland-ale. Rent $14 a month. W. Sarjeant. 40-4`2p FO`UN`D--c Brown -pup with small white spot on back of neck, strap for collar. Owner-may have same by proving property and paying ex- penses. Apply to A. F. Harris, 85 i S`;1I1'f0l`d St. 40b LO'S T-G~reen gold wrist watch, on Elizabeth St. bemween Ecclesh and Boys St. Finder `please leave at Examiner Office or phone 521J. 4013 DOST-Hound dog, black and white speckled, some brown. Reward. Ap- `ply 248 Bradford `St. Anyone har- bouring this dog will be prosecut- ed. 40p ._..._______..._._.____.._. IJOS`T--VVIh1te gold watch and ba.nd between Mary St. and Post Office. Reward. Return to Boris Cornwell, millinery parlor. 40p :--j: uuo;--ouw.u umcx anu nan nouna. Phone Ferguson -s garage, Bayfield St. 1231. 40p v . FOR SA'LE-Quantity of sash all sizes with glass in; about 200 lights of glass, 12 ins. by 16 ins.; 7 acres of buckwheat in stook; 4 loads of oawts in sheaf; 6 horsepower electric motor; 27 cords of wood, cut and ` split. S Musson, Lount Castle, Sun- nidale Road, opposite Igoif links. 40b --j IJO'S'T-S~mal1 black and tan hound. `Phnnn I3`m~mnunn'.a rvnnnrrn 13.-...n:..1.a _...__..__..__._____..___.__ FOIR SAIIJE--7One 30-30 Vvlnchester carbine. fitte'd wlxth Lyman sights. excellent `condition, also one 3,8-5:3. rifle and 16 gauge shotgun combin- ed, In first-class condition. Harry Morren, 8 North St., Barrie. Phone 387J. 40-41b ......._____________.__.___. CORNET, gold plated, complete With 2 mouth pieces. change to C- attachment, mute and case, good reasons for selling. To `be sold cheap. Write Fred Hill, Wyevale. 4'01) j-j-- FOR SALE-One 1*5-30-InternaLtion- a1 Harvester threshing tractor, in good running order. Apply Carman Downey, Mlnesing. 38tfb FOIR SA-L*E-`Thre'e-piece -\chester- field suite, $30;. kitchen -rang-e, $25; bed, spring, mattress, $10. Apply 12 Eccles St. North.. 401) anun Ur` nluuannuuu .l."U'l`lN1- TURE; also 9 young` pfize Chin- chilla rabbits. Apply 12 Eccles St.. 1 north. V ' 39-40p FOR SA-IJE--Lady s Persian lamb coat nearly as good as nevv at rea- sonable price. 103 Collier St. Phone 236. ~ 40p C }SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNI- 'FIT7:F\ F`.' 91am 0 Irnnnni nglnn IVES-u, WOOD: an ready split for sale. Tele- phone =638'J. , 40p POTATO DIGGER, one O.K., good as new.--ha.lf `price. J. H.A McCaW.' phone 77, Bavrie. .\__ 40-p - FOR SA~IJE--A arlver, would ma.ke_ good de/livery. horse; `also xjnbbep- t1red'buggy -and harness in good shape. Mare is 'qulet., In am -traffic and free from vice. A"pply P.0. Box 661, Barrie, or Examiner Office. 40p