Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Sep 1928, p. 13

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agement at '1`0ronr.o uxuvx-:1'au._y. Mrs. |Osric L. Leyvis, who has been visiting her cousin, `Miss Al- meida ILewis, Elizabeth St.. has re- turned to her home in Chatham, f\..L but III Ont. `IA . Unt. Mr. and Mrs. T. `A. Grant have returned to their home in the Soo after spending the holidays with the latte-r s parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. G.` Hart. _ ` 1\.r._.. `rnununnvl `D1n.w1'1'-nor and O. G.` 'Ha_rt. Mrs. Vernon Plu-miner and daughters have.returned to town from their summer cottage at Ken- sington. Algoma, where they spent the holidays. M - .mA- Mr: Rrio-hiim and -the hondays. Mr. and` `Mrs. Brigham and daughter, Alice, and Mrs. A. W. Cairns of G1assnort,"N.Y.. paid '1 brief visit to Mr. and Mrs. D. Cairns, Mill Road. In nnA MFG .T R. and Cairns, M111 noau. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Reid and daughter. Thelma, have returned from their two weeks "motor trip through Northern Ontario and the Niagara Peninsula. TM... ...A Mm: niqrnnnn Willmot trlct and waxters runs. urcy uu. Gordon Robinson of Barrie has returned` home from _spending a de- lightful two months with his moth- er. Mrs. W. J. lskelding. of St. Thomas. He visited as well in De- troit,4Windsor and London. Mans Txrnn Rnnnn hf Beverlev Nlazara Irenmsuxa. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Willmot of `Toronto. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wilson. Eugenia |St.. on their return from their `summer cottage in Muskoka. A1..v..m1m- I-Im-din has returned cottage In Musxoxa. Alexander Hardie has returned to Toronto after a week with his sister, Mrs. W. J .' Shannon. `Harry Shanrion has also returned to the city after a visit with his mother. Yuan nwnkovn M'nQ1d' Rf... CIEY alter a Vlslb wuu um luuuuc1.. Wm. Graham. .30 Mc'Donald' St., has been judging horses and grain at the fall fairs at Orrville and Sprucedale in Parry -Sound Dis`- trict and Walter s Falls. Grey Co. l'1.....l..u 'Dn`u\u'nann A` Rnrrin 112$ I-I49 yuau vvvv vu Midweek Service Wed. 8 p.m. tron, wmasor auu luuuuuu. > Mrs. Lyall Bacon of Beverley Hills. Cal., her sister. `Miss Agnes Fowler and her brother, Stewart Fowler. of Leamington, all form- er residents of Barrie, were \visit- ors_ lrere on `Saturday en route to 'l'.`....1 `IN.-uni: A? 4-3:: p'nnnpprA Earf Davis of the Recorder, -Gore Bay and Elwyn Davis. opera- tor on- the Advocate, Mitchell. were home last week owing to the illness of their mother, Mrs. T. H. -Davis, O_wen St._, who is now im- proving. . _ Thu anononmnnt Is announced provmg. The engagement is announced of Elsie |Mae. daughter of Mr. and ~ Mrs. Louis Carson, Phelpston, to Mr. Alan `G. `Howard, youngest son of _ Mr. and `Mrs. Frederick W. Howard, Toronto. The marriage will" take place quietly at Danforth Ave. United Church, on Sept. 29. `Mr. and Mrs`. Andrew Osborne and Miss `Osborne of Dalston and Mr. and Mrs. G.'W. L. Hickling of Harrie returned on Friday from a 4 `ten-day motor trip to Buffalo, Ed- aiiiiiiiulagig gWl:`.DDIl`KiS cg Ilmwanlniaiinu FINLAYSONLMAYES At Park Road Baptist, Church, Toronto, the marriage was solem- nized by the Rev. Harold Lan of Reba, daughter of Mr. and rs. Levi -Mayes. Thornton, to -Gerald Finlayson. The bride w ore a gown of beige lace over georgette with hat and shoes to match. A84.-- .. ......l.lo.m Rs-gal:- a nan anu SHOES LU xuuwu. After, a wedding breakfast at the Carls-Rite Hotel the bride and groom left on a honeymoon trip to Buffalo and Icleveland. The bride travelled in brown ensemble with hat and shoes to match. mt- .....a Mr... t:1:...1.....m.. 11 -5. Wltn nan anu suues LU xuuucu. _ Mr. and Mrs. Finlayson will. re; side at 2453 Queen St. E., Toronto. EBA` Ealuuulrn VI A pretty wedding was solemniz- ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Todd, -Churchill, Saturday, Sept. 22, 1928, when their daugh- ter, Agnes` Margaret, became the J `rainy -bride of Ernest Kneeshaw, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edrwin Kneeshaw. Rev. J. McEw`an officiated. The house was effectively decorated with autuinn owers of pink and ` white. The bride. who was given in marriage by her father, was prettily gowned in white georg- . ette, with bridal veil, arranged in cap effect and caught at the side with orange blossoms. Her bouquet was of Buttery roses, sweet peas and: fern. Miss Lois Todd, sj.ster_ of the bride, acted as bridesmaid and was becomingly gowned in or- chid georgette and carried a bou- quet of mauve, `pink and white sweet peas. The groom was at- tended byhis brother, -Mr. -Douglas neeshaw.` Miss Georgie Reive p ayed the wedding music. After the ceremony luncheon was serv- ed. Later the happy couple left for a short motor trip, the bride travelling in a becoming costume of harmonizing shades of grey and ~ blue with brown fox scarf, the gift of the groom. A very pretty autumn wedding took place on Sept. 18. 1928, at the home of `Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Halbert, Bradford, when their younger daughter. Estella Mary Caroline. became the bride of Mr. John G. Wiggins. elder son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wiggins, Bradford. The ceremony was performed by Rev. E. IM. Burgess. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, entered, the living room. which was beautifully decorated with owers and: ferns, to the strains'of the Lohengrin IBridal 1h1:)1rus- played `by Miss Gladys e . 71'... 'L..3J.. `Ivan Lnnnun:nnn119\'1vA!!vv|_ Rev; J. 8: Thomson, mnmea-. up.,_ 11:11.. `I'\`;-uknnn (`_hl|'I`I`.I.1!X JCUU. _ The bride was becomingly`goWn- 'ed in `beige georgette over silk crepe and carried a bou"quet of Butterfly roses, lily of the valley and maidsen hair fern. After the signing of the register Mrs. :Bur- -gess sang a beautiful solo. Tho n-vnn*rn e O":`F+ fn Han Hr-in *'geSS S21-3' 'd. UU'd.Ull.Lu1 bU1Uo The g'r0om s gift to the bride was a white gold wrist watch and to the pianist a white gold bar pin, Following the, ceremony the bride and groom led the way to the din- ing room where a dainty wedding breakfast was served. ` . . A. :. ........:. . . . . . . ....L (`van 4-`kn Dl'eaKI'd.Sl: was SBIIVCU. An interesting event was the baptism of two of the bride s `baby nephews. T434-nan in. {Jan n17nn:1\(`r +111: 1114!`: nepnews. Later in the evening the bride and groom left by motor for Ni- agara and points south, the bride travelling in a `brown satin crepe dress, brown broadcloth coat with sable trimming and small velvet hat. "Brown shoes, stockings and gloves to match completed the costume. On their return they will reside near `Bond 'Head. `Sept. 2`5-Mrs.'F. 0. Banting of Elmvale called on friends here last we-ek. \ `Ml ... nan` '1\II'n:u `D '|'Ilnnv-nan AF Tn?- * we-ex. Mr. and Mrs. R. Klnnmer of_'1`or- onto spgnt the week-end with Ivy friends. - ' nu..- nnmn-`A... Ha- 1aa+ Fnm nvu Irlenas. The Weather the last few days reminds one that winter is not far away. Z Wnennrvfnr Tlnngman visited H18 Inspector Longman visited the schools here recently. Mr. and `Mrs. Mason and Mr. and Mrs. R. J.` H nn`. motored from Toronto on Sunday to visit friends here. `IA ... and \II m_~ Q Dnannnlt nn VHF`, \. .V flinjastuime EXAMINER 1-dnhnj-- here. Mr. and Mrs. S. Peacock and Mr. and "Mrs. Bradley and family of Barrie visited at W. C. Ba.nting's, Sunday. R/l'v-'nnr1 Mr: R, `F-Tar-rig: snent MONDAY NIIGII-I`T-Young Peo- pie ; Lantern Service at 7 o'clock A cordial invitation is extended `to all, en and Rochester, N.Y., {visiting Dr. and Mrs. T. Wearing and Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Hickling. They al- __ -_-..:;....1 `D... 1.1 T\ Mmaaoia ni- sunaay. Mr, ' and Mrs. R. Harris ,3pent i Sunday in Barrie with friends. ,,_1 an-._._ 'I `l"\.-.--!.. A9 7l'\nnnn_ U axc 1AuAAuu._y Aug 11 uuu ..-.v........ ..v_ -. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Jennett V13-. rted Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Burns of Holly recently. Mr and Mrs` T-T. Lvnn and 3111` Bay Point 1a_s't weex. A number from here attended _the anniversary at /Townline on Sun- day. . The children enjoyed themselves very much one evening last week at a. Weiner and corn roast in Mr. Bat- es bush below; the school. The sen- ior room of the school put up the treat. I tsrxageburg. Dr. and. Mrs. W. A. Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brvson. Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Walls, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Dier, Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Mc- Kinnon, Mr. and Mrs. -S. W. Moore, `Miss Laidman, F. H. Hurlburt, G. S. Mc`Conkey. and J. H. Rodgers attended the `Kiwanis District Con- vention at Kingston on Monday and Tuesday.\ `M - An ! 1M"-pa ,Ta~mn Rnrnmnn uuuua; All ;.u...... n..... -----.... Dr. and Mrs. F. Davis of '1-`6ron- to are holidaying with friends here. - up ,, 1wu____-; 1'-_....4.A. -383, 1-1o11y recenmy. Mr. and Mrs. H. L nn and fam- ily spent Sunday wit the former's mother at Allandale. \2r.. ....,: \/frc: Q T<`.1`Hnff and (mush- mother at Auanaale. Mr. and Mrs. S.`E111ott and daugh- ter v1sited"with Fred H11l s at Big` Bay Point last week. A nnrnhnr frnm HGT?! attended the and Mrs. I. 1". nlcxung. 1ue_y au- so visited Rev. H. D. MdCua1g a B `d `bur . r%\v%:eonAgMP W. A. L9WiS_ MI`. and Iuesuay-\ . . .Mr. and Mrs. `James Bowman and two sons spent a few days with `Mr. and `Mrs. James Corbett~,; Elizabeth St. Mr. !Bowman is a graduate of The Examiner office, having started. in as printer s dev- il in_1`896,: a -year after the pre- sent editor purchased the paper. -At the present time he is head of the Monotype department -in the. printing plant of the T. Eaton Co.. Toronto. a position he has held for several years. ' 37 MAR; STREET. IARRII q---1 IKNEESI-!AW-TODD WIGGlNS-lA-[ALBERT it OBITUARY %&$mm&$i$m&m&m% WILLIAM ARTHUR ANDERTON R- ___.___ _ _-.. IvI:--run u----..... ....___...v Quite` suddenly,- following. a par- alytic stroke, the death took place in Toronto on Sunday,gPSept. 16, of William Arthur Anderton, form- er resident of Barrie and well known here. He was, in tact, born and raised here and with his bro- thers and father before him, was `identified with the old Fairview breawery, burned about ten years ago. ince leaving Barrie he has been engaged as a commercial trav- eller for various brewing companies and tobacco firms, his territory in- cluding this_ town and on visits here he always made it a point to make the rounds of his friends. He was of .9. jovial nature, a good mixer and a first classsalesman. Deceased wa in his 63rd year, an Anglican, a Mason and a `Conservative. The funeral took place in Torontoaon Sept. 18, interment lining in Park Lawn Cemetery, Rev. E. .Morley taking the services. Besides his widow, formerly Elizalbeth Byrnes, seven daughters survive. They are: Mrs. W. K. Dunton,, Mrs. E. K. Steele, Mrs. T. B. Goodridge, Mrs. 0. M. Lukey, `Mrs. R. Allan, Miss Helen Anderton and Mrs. A. J. Dal- es of Detroit. Two brothers, Fred `and Bert, and two married sisters, reside in Jackson, Mich., and Frank, a brother, in Barrie. \ Following a six-months illness 4 the death occurred on Friday, Sept. 21, 1928, of Addie May Scythes Mc- Knight, ln Barrie, aged 56. She was the daughter of the late Thomas Scythes, Thornton, and lived in Eg- bert until the death of her husband in 1926. She was a Presbyterian, a life member of First Essa Church, of which her husband was an el- der. The funeral took place on Sept. 23, from the home of her niece, Mrs. '11 A. Lawrence, interment being made at Thornton U/nion Cemetery, the services being taken by Rev. D. A. Ferguson, assisted by Rev. J. S. Shortt and Rev. S. McCormick of Thornton. The speakers comment- ..,a Ail 4-kg.-. 1Q+l\ K11-c: MnI(ni2`ht'S Thornton. '1'ne Spt'?lKt-:1`s uU1uun:u|.- ed on the late Mrs. McKnight's cheerful. confident, christian atti- tude. Rev. Mr. Ferguson referred to the assistance which both Mr. and Mrs. McKnight had been to the First Essa Presbyterian church. He also stressed her extreme thought- fulness of ot-hers even while she herself suffered greatly. Her life was one of progressive industry and her death was a sincere loss to a com- munity reluctant to lose her. Those surviving are a daughter, Mrs. J. Howard Erwin, `Saskatoon, and a son. Earl, of Wyandotte, Mich. The paliubearers were Messrs. Compton Jeffs, Wm. Dinwoody, A. B. Morrison, Wm. Cunningham, J. R. Jamieson. R. D. Henry. Relatives and friends attending from a. dis- tance_ were: Altbert, Ardagh and Harvey Scythes, Toronto; Miss M. Proctor, Aurora; J. Blakely, Tor- onto; Mr. and Mrs. N. Barton. Pal- grave, Mr. and Mrs. A. '1`. Byram. Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. Toole. Miss Viola Lgvson is visiting her brother in Creemore. 1:-nL-_ 117-11--.. -0 T unAn`v\ KY,-.1` {B me guest ()1 WV. 11.. 1Jr_v:su' Miss Mabel `Terry was wiith friends in Barrie over Sunday. mt... A fninfnnl unnnf 5: fpw dnvs UEULIIGI. LIA `\Jl-\-r\4lllV- v- Milton Walker of Lincoln. Neb., is the guest of W. H. Drysdale. Mica `M'nhn1 "'I"nv-rv W2: wfh To pity distress is 1 to relieve it Godlike. position to serve is i`os_s of capacity. rmenas 1n barrle over 'nuuua._y. Mrs. .A. Rintoul spent a few days Lwlth friends at Port _McNico11. .`Dn`k.-u-6 u`D`lan`lz cnnnf 19:1 Wpl with wun rrlenas at '1:'u1'L _;uc.\u.:uu. Robert `Black spent last week with friends at \Co1dwater and rorillia. an-.. 1\A'av-u Tnhncnn nninvp H19 trlenus at 'UO1(]`W?lLel` auu 'u1`uu'a. Miss Mary Johnson enjoyed the Lweek-end with friends in Barrie. "811! Q `I3 I(nrnnhn11 and `Will, week-enu Wltn II`leI`|(1S In D2u`1'1t-. Mrs. S. E. Campbell and Will. 1 Campbell spent Saturday in Toron- fn but to. Mr.` and Mrs. Langstaffe of Tor- onto spent the Week-end at Dr. Cur- rle s. mr... and Mr: Tunwiq nf Stavner. onurmaay. "Miss Inez Hickling of Coulson spent the week-end with her parents at Allenwood. unvv A .`Dh1fnn1 affnnn fh` rxe's. `Mr. and Mrs. Lewis of ` were the guests of Mrs. L. on. `Friday. mu..- Tan!-I T-'Hr-L-1ino- n1 at Allenwoou. Rev. A. -Rintoul attended the ~ Ministerial Retreat held at Vvasaga )Beach this week. . Ln... Wanna `Dnffu n1 `.\?pw mm was: tseacn Inls ween. Miss Irene Potts of New Flos way the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Jas. Smith. for a week. `Eh-n TAnn`a r1rnOh`$IT QT\PY1f 1'11 I come Tb CHU'R1C`H. Sunday, Sept. 30, 1928 '11 a.m.--- Sacrament of Baptism.` Reception of Members. Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- an-um Sfhlltn. I01` 21 wccn. \ Miss Jennie Greenlaw week-end at Ca11ander,_ her -brother's wedding. 1.1 ...-. r'*1nao-1nH-A T-Tnnan Knierht Iln Thornton on bunua y. ,Mr. and `Mrs. Ed. Knapp and Miss Irne Knann attended the Knapp- "Snead wedding in Barrie last Week. 11.. nn '\/rm: .'1`hna, M1119. 1/[r. her brother's weuulng. 1 Mrs. Charlotte Houden returned home Sunday after enjoying avweek with friends `in Toronto. at. .....a `Na: rum-+ .`Pnh`nrf=nn nf With friends `m `.l'0I`0I1Lu. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Robertson of Barrie were guests at the home of J. '1`. `Foster on -Sunday. Ala and \/fr: IQ (1 Nanipr and J. T. Foster on -aunuay. `Mr. and Mrs. `S. G. Napier and Miss Jean of Tottenh-am spent the week-end at A. C. Bishop's. xx... ....A Mr: `P vr` `Riuhnn Attend- `Snead Wectcunar, 1n narue 1:1sL wccn. Mr. and Mrs. -Thos. Mills, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ke_iLv and Mrs. Ly- lla Ritchie vlsltedfrlends in Beaver- ton` last Sunday. in. "l\)l o- \/| nv-via nf T-TiH.-V1919 OC- week-end at A. U. Dlmlup 5. Mr. and Mrs. F. 'C. Bishop attend- ed the funeral of the late Mrs. Mc- Knierht in `Thornton on'Sunda7'. mr- ....A H/I've 11!;-1 Ynnnn anti Miss ton last aunuay. ,~.'Rev.`Mt'. Morris of Hiusdale oc- cuuied `St. John's United Church pulpit on Sunday while Rev. A. Rin- toui took.anniver-sary services on the Hlllsdeie circuit. ` `\|nIna Han ufnrm af H10 `V991!- west or the uncle lllll. Mrs. A. G. Beardsall. D.D.P. of ' Collingwood district. naid an of- ficial visit to -Beaver Rebekah Lodge, Barrie, on Wednesday night. A. G. `Bea!-dsall, -H. `J. Player. Mrs. Dan. Rowat `and Miss E. Foster accom- panied her. Girl Dislocates shoulder in Jumping Off Train Miss McPique and Miss `Dorothy McLeod of Midland coming by train to work at the Palace Hotel on Monday morning had an unplea- sant experience and one that might have meant serious injury to them. If the brakeman called the name of the t wn, the girls- did not hear it. On e uiring of a passenger and finding they were at Elmvale, they tried to get (if! but were unable to get the door open until the train had started. -Not Wishing to be tak- en on they decided to jump, throw- ing out their suitcases. Miss Me- Leod made it all right but Miss Mc=Plque fell and dislocated her left shoulder. She received medical at- tention from Dr. Corcoran. Dyer-Bel| A happy event took place at the parsonage of Burton Ave. United i Church. Allandale, on" "Saturday. Sept. 15, when Miss adle Minerva Bell of Elmvale.` ube aime the wife of Mr. `Joseph Henr Dyer, also of Elmvale.' `- Irlkg nnv-Arnnnv `wand nerfm-med bY `the Hlusame clrcuu. During the storm at the week- end a. launch or fishing tug had broken from its moorings and drift- ed into shore at Vvasaga Beach just west of the Dixie Inn. `AA ... A (1 `Rnnrgall, of per. 7 p.m.-The Ministerial Retreat at Wasaga Beach.-"Flood-` Tide Duty." \ The minister at both services. ,_.___._....___. ._-_ us.` `want: Elmvale. `The ceremony was performed by the Rev: G. E. Coulter. pastor of Burton Ave United 'Church._ The happy `couple left on a motor trip to North Bay, Sault Ste. Marie and through mchigan. On their return they -will reside at Elmvale. ` MRS. McKN|GHT spent the attending Stayner Christie I'IIIJII&I\$ D `Sept. 25--Miss Gladys Montelth is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. Cameron` Mimico. M-.... -:ur..1ua-I15 TKTafHA am-1 daugh- Mimlco. Mrs. Melville Wattie and daugh- ter, Ruth, are visiting the former's mother, Mrs. Forbes, Cundles. ml ..- Tna nnb nf-` A'l1nna1A {Q motner, .V1I`S. .t"Ol`De:5, Lauuuwa. Mrs. Jos. Cook of Allandale is spending a few days with Midhurst friends. \/I ...-n `l .Tonn`lR (\v-car nP \/Hnnalnsz ii rrxenas. Mrs. Harold Orser of Mineslng the guest of Mrs. J. Storey. Mr and Mr: T.nrnn T-Tandv a1 `me guest 0}: .V1I`s. J. DLUl't:y. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Handy and family of Dalston spent Sunday with J. E. Wallwin. f`|nnn-~unfn1a-4-inns 1-A Mfr aha MPG. CV. J. D. Luuuuzlvu, cu...--..-... Kiu Ellen Dobson. Cholrleudu luau Anah Bailey. Organist. Wltn J. 15. Wauwm. Congratulations to Mr .and Mrs. Ernest.. Spence, who were quietly married last Saturday at Allandale. -Vlnn annhrnv-uav-v any-vinna hair ! in marneu 1218! . ba.Lu1`ua._y an. 1-:Lu.u.uucuc. The anniversary services held in `both churches last Sunday were Well attended. Mn..- `nus-.. ncm nvhn a-nan} H-an Weu attenueu. Miss Daisy Bell, who spent the summer holidays with her sister, and Flat -Crepe, a rzzal assort-\ ment of best shades. A real quality silk at . . . . . . $2.19 yd. ks. iw. MOORE] Barrie + Visit the Coat and Dress Depts. -- Ont. } WEEK-END SPECIALS--SEPTEMBER 28 and 29 sr. LAWRENCE GRANULATED SUGAR, Cash and Carry or delivered with an order . . . . . . 10 lbs. 61 HONEY (extra quality, white) . . . . . . . . 5 lb. pail 69 SWEET MIXED PICKLES, 40-oz. bottle . . . . . . . . 37 SWIFT S PRIDE WASHING POWDER, per pkg. . . 5c PINETREE MATCHES . . . . . .; . . . 3.-10 pkgs. for 23 PEACH JAM (Harvest Brand) 16-oz./glass . . . . . . 15 BRUNSWICK SARDINES . . . . . . . . . . 5 lim for 25 GRAPE PUNCH (Harry Horne s) regular 25c . . . . 21 LIBBY S ASPARAGUS TIPS (net weight 1-lb.) . . 29 CHOCOLATE BARS (all lines) . . . . . . . . . . 6 for 25 PEARL NAPTHA SOAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 bars 38 FARMERS! Place your orders for FEEDING MOLASSES Ph_one 185 Pasteurization consists of heating milk or cream to such a temperature, and for such a length of time, as will destroy the harmful bacteria without damage to the milk itself. In prac- tice, the temperature and time agreed upon by most authorities as best is 145 F. for 30 minutes. This method of pasteurizing is commonly known as the Held" system. Tm; SALVATION ARMY nu:-xrv -r`I'1'1'I`| $71" WHY MILK SHOULD 31-: PASTEURIZED Pasteurization kills 99% of the bacteria in milk. Pasteurization kills bacteria producing septic sore throat. Pasteurization entirely destroys the germs of typhoid. Pasteurization kills bacteria causing tuberculosis. Pastenrization entirely destroys the infections of scarlet A fever and diphtheria. No epidemic of disease has ever been traced to pasteurized milk. Pasteurization is positively necessary for all milk, for the sake of safety. It is the only guarantee. There are no valid objections to pasteurized: milk. Milk that is thoroughly or perfectly pasteurized is improv- ed in keeping quality. At Any Time,,_if you find you good 3 Bottle of Milk or C1-e.am us I -2 3-41.-.. 1'.'.-`u4u-A 7 , ant` vnll hlva Im` At Any nme,_u' you Iluu ,.... ...,._ ., __,,,_,__ __ _______ __ _____ 0'` 3.`P`Nl 0` 3`|.tt1's T1P56ne 772 and you will hnve in mediate delivery. ` 5 Silks and Dress Goods Canton Crepes For The Month-Entl Our Stock-of Fall and Winter Silks and Drss Goods is Complete. MIDHURST ` `fl-.. tn .: _ `IA Delivgred by Courteous Salesmen L PHONE 772 asteurization MINIBITBY OF PRAISE Miss Jessie Bryson, Cholrleader Mrs. E. Richardson. Organist. a.m.-iAnthenm`: O Saviour of the World." (Goff). p.m.--zAnthem: The Ninety and Nine" (Wheeler). j _S_o1`o_ (selected): Mrs. A.*E. FOR PROPERLY PASTEURIZED MILK AND emu BARRIE of course Fold first honors for the fashionable. A real quality in the %best shades. `Special . . . $2.50 yd. 1 The Mode demands Velvets this season. for the Complete Dress or for use in Combination. Also Printed Velvets in the very small pattern. A ne assortment for your approval. is All new patterns, in black and wanted shades. Very ne. Priced . . . . $1.00 to $2.75 yd. Examiner Classieds give great results. Nightschool Re-opens M_OND4Y,_ OCT 1ST Mrs. L. Poole, has returned to her home in Toronto. . , -. a-n _-:......Ln__ ....4 a.m .-14-111 Luau; ,I. . \.r .. Solo Baker. centra| s services are {or you. Oomg and worship with us. uvsvu. J ` LAUAAAV AAA .. v . V . . y uo Threshing and fall ploughing are the chief occupanions these days, SATIN CREPES Barrie Business College MON.. AND THURS. NIGHTS, 7.30 TO 9.30 VELVETS Allover Lac`eAs I-ado Thlrtu -United Church of `Canada CENTRAL c_%HuL1_zcH ----E, .7,-_-.. T COLLIER ST. W Ensign and Mrs. R. Langford Ocers in charge 11 AIM. and 7 P.M REV. E. S. CLIFTON. B.A. ,, . _.. ...:n .......-.,-.;.1-\ EV: E: 9: Vluuu - wuu, -..- pf Thornton, will preach. vv-yu- per. cusru. HALL ALLANDALE Presbyterian Church COLUER sT_. REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCH` uni-wnvrrin I I(`FI`\ Sunday, Sept. 30, "1928 _-.-`r _s'r_. ANDREWS I ,A'_# l!I_._.._I_ published in interests of `Evangelical Christianity. (Elizabeth Street) A. E. Baker, Minister Sunday, September 30, 1928. 9.45 A.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 A.M.-`MORNlNC SERVICE 7 P.M.--THE FINAL TRIUMPI-1. WATCH FOR 1_'HI=. S_ E`AER ('FL-JI5A:17\ENTALlST) MR. A. C. WHITCOMBE, B.A. but human; I . Loss of dis`- ` followed by (`IT `DDHHDIIIIVLY Ell` ' \ Praygr meeting Wednesday 8 p,m.J Sunday School Special invitation to all parents. Rev. `J . ifohn-stone Black, 'B.A.,B.D. Minister Horace Wilson, AR.C.0. \_ Organist and Chol-rleader. -Recently elected Moderator ` of - the Council of the United Church of Canada. 'Anthem:"`Pray for the peace of.| `I .-mneo1arn " . OLAPPERTON 81'. Rev. E. J. Whan, Pastor. Mrs. Edith Rowe, ,0:-nnlat. lion 1!. Sinclair, Choirlouqag. Anllll; .|.'La._y u.u unnv 3.-..-- Jerusalem." Solo: `By the Waters of Babylon \ Miss V. Strange \ -vs`! ` A. can.- / Special Rally Day Programme in the church auditorium. Miss Frances Hurlburt will tell the story of the `*Chri_st of the An:-Ina '7 Lne anus _ Andes. --.-u Moderator COLLIER smear United Church or Canada REV. w. i i:uNN. 15.1). Rlhiv. n'1'::vn-m.\.rn-u u......... of the church of the Dead End, Vancouver. We cordially invite you to our services `of worship. W.A.Jenkins&Son B.Y.P.U. Monday 8 p.m. MONDAY, 6.30 P.M. Simcoe Presbytery : Men : ' Banquet. Special speakers: `Nun 11'! VI` f`_TTT\T"N REV. R'I)H-MON-D came- _u___._-1. ..a H...-. `hag:-I `Put: I L osvsu Rev. J. A. Ross of Angus ` Special music by the Choir VV \J'L\ll.'I.\J'Jua. us .....-. Tcl.:>.OH. 404-W, Res. 764M Sunday, Sep_t. 30. 1928 11 A.M. and 7 PJM. \ T~I-BE BAv's'roRV RALLY DAY ' - DIVINE SERVICES Sunday, Sept. 30, 1928 11 A.M. - uunday, Septerber 25,1928 ' 1-1 tllis service F. W. Dobson will deliver an address on the General Council held in Winnipeg. 8- P..M.-We are looking for you at isunday Sch,ool. Will you be there? 7 P.xM.--~We desire our eo- '%le to` hear DR. PE ER RYOE, of Toronto, Secre-` tary of Missions and Main- tenance for the United` n1_..;...\. .0 n........:.. urton Avenue United Church Pastor: Rev. Geo. E. Coulier Oholrmaster: F. J`. D..NormI.n wnuuuc J.Ul.' uuw Church of `Canada. OVIVIII-9; --- own, v .y--- The first indoor meeting -our Young People's Socu Come. ' ` Buy Advertised! Things SUCCESJSIORS TO _W. GRACEY & SON --.uuu g "GA Monday, Oct. 13!, 8 fan`. , 13-.-). .'_.I__._ _...L!_-n . Sunday, Sept. 30 COAL COKE WOOD . ' """ I \ Rev. J. B. shortt. M. lllnlntor I Edmund Hardy. us. Bu. ' F.'1`.cM. ' Organist Vang! Chou-gaunt Dgayu.-..._.-.... I '1`. GUNN } General Council` `My. 3 of gwiiiiiiiiiiii -gs PERSONAL` K` .%$%lii$llii$lli Miss Kit Kennedy is holidaying in `Guelph and: Toronto. ~. Miss Viola Mccuaig of Bristol, Que.,' is visiting Mrs. Margaret Kidd. ` x - ~. `K2-.. 'l`--:- `;nYAnn ve: IIAVIID 4 man. MISS Tams MacLaren W from Toronto for a few days ldst `II- -1 nunnn A3 (\4-4-aura ` \ as home a 1R weex. - `Leslie xMacLaren of Ottawa is visiting his brother, J. A. Mac- Laren. ' I`:-n af-`Anal-nnna 1I1D11+, +1! Miss Constance Hinds went to Toronto this week to enter the Un- iversity. ~ . `Mia: Tasha Avmatrnnv R1-adfnrd iverslty. Miss Josie Armstrong, Bradford St., is` visiting relativesin Pitts- me Umverslny. 3 Rev. A. R. Beverley attended the nitetin of Wycliffe Alumni in Toronto st week. ~ George Seymourhas resumed his studies in the Faculty of Med- icine, Toronto University. M10 mu! Mr: - A Q1-nnhnngnn nf Durg, ra. - . Kenneth Walls has returned to `Toronto to resume his studies at the University. 2 .`D..n A D 'l2avnv1nv QH-nnnd Sunday, Sept. 30, 1928 The minister will preach at 11 am. and 7 pm. Sunday School Rally Day 3 RM. _ Bpecial mupic at Evening SOPVICO Organ Recital by Mia Hardy at the close. ---- - Qv_J n ...... 1 1c1ne, '1'0I'0nt0 Unlverslty. Mr. and Mrs." A. IStepher;son of New Liskeard: were visitors at W. C. Richardson s last Week. 1|A'.'..... `l'J:`|Aun6-`In T.nvnnnv 111:: `Ma. U. nlcnarusun 5 may ween. MISS Hlldreth Lennox has re- turned from a concert tour through Manitoulin Island. n1M'aa ffloritra A1-ack `IRE `l`Af.'l`l1`!1- cnrougn .Lua.xuLUuuu Lmauu. -Miss Gladys Ardagh has return- ed after a couple of Weeks with Miss Lount at Bear Point. mr:__ `I _`l'......1 T....L D RT nun`-111-ant` lV1lSS uounc at near ruuu... Miss Hazel Irish, R.N., returned this week from a motor trip to Buffalo and Niagara Falls. M..- rn..\ `D W `Dnmr n T.na burralo anu J.VIaga.;a. runs. ~ Mrs. (Dr.) E. W. Riley, of Los Angeles, Calif., is the guest of yrs. J. J. Brennan, Victoria St. `D `l'_`l' ('1.-..~.......n `I 1:` Mall. 011!` J. J. nrennan, V1CEOI'la Db. R. H. Cameron. J. F. 'Ne1les _and J. C. Marshall returned on Tues- day from a shing trip north. ("Inn-n'Ina nvnuclnnrl 119: Inff. `FD? aay Irom a usmug yup uuxux. Charles Cross-land has left for ` McGill University. .Montrea1, af- ter a few Weeks at his home. `REL. ......`l TIE...-. nan `Xfnann nan- 681` 8. Lew Wccna an tun uuulc. Mr. and .Mrs. Geo. W11son mo- tored _to Toronto, Burlington and Hamilton over the week-end. `III ... `I A `EV...-Lnu nun!` rlnuntvki-or namuwn DVI.-:1` hut: wccn-cuu. Mrs. J. A. Foster and daughter, Eleanor of `Toronto are visiting her father, E. L. Powell, Eugenia St. ,1 st..- 1' `K1 '1U|'.......:4.J- LGUIAUL, 4.10 a.a wan, :--B..- Mr. and '.:~1}.' I. N. 'Mri7c; formerly of the Midhurst Forestry Statioqz were in1 town for the Fair. `IA ..- T..L... D lo`-nv\A1\v\ A4-' Don- ORDER OF MEETINGS: Lord : Day Breaking of -Bread 11 um. Acts 20- ! Sunday "School and Bible Rud- inz 8 sun. 2 Tim. 8-15. Act: 17-11 Gosirel Meeting 7 pan. Romans 1-16. All seats free. No collections ALL WELCOME y Prayer Meeting Wednesday 8 pan. 7 Act: 16-18. J Mrs. Daniel -Spry and returned to their home in `Toronto today after spending six weeks in town. ll ..- |`I)..3-. A-9 "1`r\1nnv|4-A Lou knnn Idvuvauw v\.;\. ur uv n .. -.,- ...-.. _ ..__ Mrs. J'ohn R. 4Standen of Pen; ticton, B. C., is visiting Mrs. J.'A. Lennox, North -St., for a few days. ,,,__ -_..-1 1u':-_ 13....-. EOWII. ` Mrs. 'Bain of `Toronto has been visiting her -sister, Mrs. Wm. Shep- hard. Brock ISt., and1 attended Bar- rie Fair. 1\K.... A TIT Tn:r1vv\uv\ our` Mk: 1'18 ran`. Mrs. A. W. Laidman and Miss Marjorie Laidman returned home last week after being in France for two years. , TM -nu Vow an:-1 r1n11o'}\f.n1`, H919. EWO . Mrs. Key and daughter, Helen, and Mr. and. Mrs. Briggs and child- , ren visited at `Bruce Thompson s on Sunday. 1\Il'uu flan A}-lrinunn and Mrs. bunaay. Mrs. Geo. Atkinson and Mrs. Aikins were in Hillsdnale on Wed- nesday attending the funeral of an uncle, Thos. Luck. mr... rm- \ W:I1mn+ n~F Tm-nntn. uncle, `.l`n0s. uuc . Mrs. (Dr.) Wlmot of Toronto, who has been visiting her daugh- ter, Mrs. Geo. Wilson. Eugenia St., ` has returned to the city. `l.........;; .1Ul ..\Tn:np`| ml-' RHWQTA N. has returneu 110 Due un._y. Emmett McVeigh of Buffalo, N. Y., has returned home after spend- ing his vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. McVeigh. 'r,1'-......1..I Q.....\4-4 `|n4~`d- loaf won`: For M1`. and lV11`S. U. 1V.I.cve1gu. Harold Sprott left last week for Kingston where he will complete his degree in Commerce and Fi- nance at Queen's University. '|\II :.-..-. fin-Ipln `Run!-nn P N',, loft nn at Queens Un1ve1'5u._y. Miss Guid-a Burton. R.N., left on Tuesday to take a year s course in `Hospital Administration and Man- agement at Toronto University. `Mr: Iav-in T., Lewis- who Sunday, Sept. 30, 1928 Special Rally Day Services 11 A.M. and 7 P.iM.--oRa11y Day messages by Ensign Langford aha Young People's workers. 2.30 P.M.-`-Grveat Rally Service. All young people associated with { Salvation Army are requested to ` attend this special Rally. The workers will be delighted to have the parents present for this er- 1 vice. ,

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