in`-3}`:-FE).I R13'15E)_ :\;-S'--:&'11 the pm-` gs (11) taken by John Brethet & ons. Q1 _`l 13I\.13`G`l'_1 T`l3.`LVB A11 51. _ -...R-unn DUMB. SI-IRO'PSHIR'ES-A11 the prizes (11) taken by Geo. Crawfazd & Son.. Minesing. T I GRADE SHEEP (long wool), all; prizes (5) taken by Albert Jerrney. |I\'_,,|;_,, | Sheep TUESDAY, SEPT. 2? F armors and Children s Day 8 `t_o 12 n`00n`--`J.U,DGlNG _OF EXHIBITS `in Main MONBAY, IsEI7r_. i4 .- OPENING DAY BUILDINGS QPEN FOR RECEPTION OF EXHIBITS ONLY. All Exhibits in Classes 29 to 39 inclusive, must be on the grounds before 4.30 o clock when Directors will be on hand to see them properly placed. 0 thin. lU 1.5 uUU11-JL.,JLJ\_JuV\; um uilding, when hall win he closed `{$`{`e;{1L71i'g`f lo A.M.-STOCKeJUDGlNG COMPETITION in Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Swine, open to farmers sons in Simcoe County. ` ' 1 P.M.-LlVE STOCK J UDGING. Commencement of judging in all Live Stock Classes with` exception of Carriage and Roadster Classes, to be continued throughout the afternoon. ` 2 P.M.,--SPEEDlNG. Commencement of Speeding in the Ring, including Farmers Green Race, 2.20 and 2.40 Classes, Lady Driver. Single Turnout and Pony Classes, throughout the a,ternoon. , 3 P.M.-SOFTBALL. Scotch Settlement vs. Edenvale. (Ladies). . ATTRACTIONS IN FRONT OF GRAND STAND a . BARRIE` BAND EN ATTENDANCE General Admission 35, C?-*3-Fran 15, Automobiles 50c. 9 P.M.--DAN CE IN ARMOURIES. $1.00 per Couple. "iii1o'EoNiii','E6I{i1i;J {iirB1IZg 1?i31i`:Irte}iEx3I{." 1.30 P.M.-Commencement SPORTS PROGRAMME. 2 P.M.-Commencement of SPEEDING IN RING, in- cluding Open Trot or Pace and Free-for-all, continu- ous throughout the afternoon. 3 P.M.-SOFTBALL. New Lowell vs. Reforestation. ATTRACTIONS IN FRONT OF GRAND STAND. ALLANDALE BAND IN ATTENDANCE 1 P. 1.3 IV]\D.JUDGING'of Carriage a1{d U `T /I'\\Y'I`I*f\P`I` PUBLIC SALE Page Sixtuvnn` L T WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 26 -- SPORTS DAY Chinchlllas, senior doe. John Ed- wards; junior buck, Bert Guest. Jno.g Edwards: junior doe, E. B. Guesni John Ed\\ards; junior buck, undexy six months, John Edwards. I 1 , Flowers and Fruit . `Basket cut flowers. Rev. Geo.: C-1`use., Mrs. Jas. Stoddart. Fred` Huse. Table bouquet, Devere \Vi1-I son, Mrs. J. StO(l(lz1l`t. Hand bou-! quet. .\Irs. Stodd-art. .\I. Elson. Col-F lection of asters. .\Irs. R. J. Hall,; !.\Irs. .\'. Campbell. ' I A,,,1__ -v--r ca us a I -._ -__-._, . Crab apples, Uanford Horne. Rev. Geo. Cruse. Six any other \';n`ie:_\` of apples, H. E. Duden1mfI`e1', Rev. Geo. Cruse. Twelve plums. Leslie Jermey. A. D. Campbell. Six pe;1rs.f E. V. Babcock. XI. Ellson. Grapes. E. V. Babcocl`, \\'m. Jarmtt. Collection of.fx`1'1it, E. V. Babcock, \\'m. Jar- ratt. A I App1es--Ben D.-wis, H. E. Duden-f hoffer, \\`m. Jarratt. Fameuse. LL: E. Dudenhoffex`. Manford I-Io1'ne.`s \\'o1f River, T. H. .\Ic.\Iahon. Leslie? Jermey. St. Lawrence. Neil .\IcCa]-! ; man, J. \\'. Houston. Talm;-m Sweep! ;'Re\'. Geo. Cruse, .\'eil .\IcC`a1man.j Alexander Devere Wilson, .\-mnford` J Horne. Red Pound. M. Ellson. \\'m.I Jarratt. Rhoda `Island Greening,l \\ m. J,ax'ratt. Leslie Jermey. North-1 ern Spy, E. Y. Babcock. Golden; Russet. H. E. Dudenhoffer. \\'. J:n'-: ratt. \\'ea1thy H. E. Dudenhoffer. Neil .\Ic-Calmnn. .\IcIntosh Red. H. E, Dudenhoffer. .\'eiI ..\Ic-Calman. Pewaukee. Leslie Jerme_v. I. (ikarke. Duchess, Rev. George Cruse, 'n1;1y McKay. E ,,1,, `r,,,;\ Ivv v-. -*oFI-*Icw_- PRoc.I Rabbns TLAKE STEAMER FOUNDERS i SIXTEEN MEN MISSING I The steamer .\Ianasoo of Ower.` 5Sound. formerly the Macassa of fHami1ton. foundered in Georgian `Bay within 25 miles of port last, Saturday when homeward bound ;from Manitoulin Island with a load of cattle. Di..- ....4. -A.` -.'-- .---U W,` ~-~ JUGU UL \.aLI.u':. Five on`. of six men who spent `sixty hours on a life raft. endure ing great sufferings. were saved. One died while on the raft and sixteen are missing. , VI ___..____._._ ` Examiner Classieds give greai results. 0--.- .l.'__:___ J ,,, 1 1 - A m FORDS -- cuavs suns -- ESSEX OVERLKNDS, Ere. l'.`LllL:o ` Some friend would appreciate :rece1ving :1 copy of The Exammer; Timothy, .\'. Campbell. Clover, :5. `D. Campbell. Flax, Leslie Jermey; iYVhite winter wheat, .\1anrord_ ,-Horne, Irwin Clarke. Six rowed Eb;-n`le_\', Irwin Clarke. \\ hite oats, `Irwin Clarke. Fred Grant. Bucka Ewheat, .\'. Campbell, Irwin Clarke; 'Peas, Irwin Cl:1rl~:e. \\'l1i:e Fli `corn. T. H. .\Ic.\I:1h0n, XV. Claugh- l ton. sheaf of wheat in straw, The-s. {Fletchexx Irwin Clarke. sheaf 0! ibarley in straw. Wm. Jfll`1`;l[t. Al- ; bert Jermey. Shear` of oats in straw, .Geo. Kirkpatrick. \\'m. Jarrrttt. Sir.` fstalks of corn. ensilage. \\`m. Jar- gratt. Leslie Jermey. Collection 5-! jgrain. I-rwin Clarke. Th_uI-sday, September 20, 1928 next week) Grain and Seeds \v - IE1 C1__".Ul Week" Used Cars PRICES CUT TO THE LOWEST _ Limited I VAUGHAN -MOTORS Buy Advertised: Things SPIRITED RACING-SPORTS PROGRAMME MONDAY - TUESDAY . WEDNESDAY SIMCOE COUNTY WOMEN`S INSTITUTE 4 EXHIBIT V \. An Agriculturalxhibition of Real Merit PRESENTING NEW AND UP-T0-DATE FEATURES, CLEAN AND cuavak I ATTRACTIONS KIWANIS CLUB" JUNIOR FARMERS EXHIBIT % September 24.25.26 we HAD A cool) FAIR LAST YEAR; IT WILL BE JUST AS coon THIS YEAR JOIN THE caown AND com To BARRIE ONE on BOTH nus. THEY wm. BOTH Bcoon. % SQ 0!! B'1lI1Cla,\'. ` V I A very enjoyable evening was 3 spent in the Orange Hall on Friday evening when the community met "to _l honor` Mrs. Devall (nee Amelia Kirk) ,with -a miscellaneous shower. John ' A. Corbett presented the gitts which ` consisted of silverware. china. gran- ` ite. aluminum. table linen and tow- ;e1s. As .\Ir. -Devall was unavoidably absent Mr. Webster, on behal! or the ~bride. thanked thepeople for their ~ gifts. The remaindereot the evening was spent in cards and dancing. A ' dainty lunch was served by the f ladies. V0961! at u..%a tum Uiuae cu. .La.ou. ;Raliy Day will be held on Sept. 89 :in connection with the morning iservicen There will also be some ;other changes commencing with % Rally Day which will be commenc- Ted on Sunday. 2 A vm-v nninvnhln nvnnimr was U. uunnxngnaxxl. Mrs. Sam. Wright 0! Markham visited her cousin, Mrs. S. R. Brown, `Friday and Saturday. \h- hanhnm and his sister. Mrs. ONO. . - . A plant has been established at Nanalmo, 340.. tor the manufacture or an essence derived from the scales at hen-Inga, to be used tn the gxggugqctute 9; grtlgciel pear1e._ 'J.'0I`0nt0 `HIS ween. I Mr. and Mrs. Reg. McKenzie spent [the week-end at A. McKenz1e's. mu an yr: Tnhn W Thnmngnn are spenumg nus Wcen us :tuL`uL'a.. _Wes1ey Carr of Salt Lake City called recently on his former teach- ler, J. A. Corbett. `Mn and `\/fr: Rmsifnn of `Part 81`, J. A. UOFDBEL. Mr. and Mrs. Brimston 01 Port Hope are visiting their aunt, Mrs. |C. Cunningham. \/fun nns TX7v~h3`hf nf Markham rrlaay ana aaturuay. Mr. Denham and his sister. Mrs. Todd of Toronto. visited their nephew, Geo. Denham, over Sunday. \I .. -...I 11'..- E1 1'_1' 1nn6IannnnnA 1'03. - Trinity Mission Circle win meet at the home of Miss Eleanor Mc- |Kenzie on Wednesday, Sept. 26. at 8 p.m. L . I \fv~ and Nfra T(1YfEmi11 and 6 p.m. .\Ir.. and Mrs. Klrfgsmill and daughter spent Sunday with Mrs. P. W. Scott. Miss Bexle Scott re- turned to Toronto with them. i I vs ._\x_ _n A_`-_ EL`. 1:... 1'- IV nave: uoau II ocvwn yuuuwu -r v `(Q -uw Mrs.` Jack Scott received a. tele- gram Monday morning conveying .the sad `news that her sister. Miss } Determan, had been burned to death 5 at High River, Alta. 1 than \/I F 13 Rnndmann M_A., `R. at 11.1311 IUVGI`, Alta. 1 Rev. M. C. R. Boudreau. M.A.. B. `D. of Bradford will conduct anni- versary services in the Townline "Presbyterian Church on Sunday, K Sept. 23 at 11 am. and 7 pm. I run... .......... o..I..nA.. .-.0 \II ua T. T. Members of the Town Council did not seem very enthusiastic ov- er the proposal "to have a bylaw passed that all milk sold in Barrie must be pasteurized or from herds u certified as free from lump jaw or tuberculosis when the proposition was put up to them by Dr. A. T. Little. M.0.H.. Monday night. At present Barrie has no bylaw gov- erning the sale of milk. Dr. Little gave gures to indicate the pre- valence of tuberculosis in cattle and stated that 25`per cent. of the tuberculosis in children is trace- able to impure milk. T\___.-L__ `I'_.....- ...~'I-AA -Pan nvv: U18 ween-emu an A. `.u.u1\vu'aw 5. Mr. and Hrs. John W. Thompson are spending this week in Aurora. nnmav (`Arr nf Salt Lake Cltv onwyony vv, vuvvu qrvu--w---, w -v. ---..--..,. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Featherstone and Mrs.VR. H. Sorn'erv11le of Apple- gy dspent Sunday at Andrew Craw- or `s. -n..a..n..'. xriunm n-nu mm mam hutanvu yv sun vonvv vvnuoo I: nnnn no! i Robert Leslie, of the 5th line, In-A Inisl, fell off a. wagon on-Tuesday morning and had one leg broken when one wheel passed over it. 1:..- 7..-`- m....u. .....n:...\.: :. 6.51.1. uavyvo -V my an \-o no: vvauvu - `vs...- The many friends of Mrs. L. L. -Green of Guelph will be sorry to learn that she is in a Toronto` hos- pital having fallen while getting .021? la street car and fracturing one hip. _,,-_ Ill`. . _ _ A -..: . _ _ _ ..A _.n.\. ..A la Bwnvvv wwg no-u o~vsvv-..-.-g vuuw "up- Many Thorn-tonians read with re- ` gret the death of Roy Hermon. who] was killed in an aeroplane accident at Revena. Ohio, while on a holi- day. Roy visited here with his -par- ents about twenty yeare ago and 3attended the `United church and .Sunday School. A host of. friends extend their sympathy to the be- reaved. \` 1 m..t..nm Ennnv Enhnni Asrnnnfiva i Twelve-year-old 3 Dorothy ' M0` Donough of -O'Neill. Neb.. is believ- I ed to be the youngest private secre- 1 taryldand ottlce 'stenographe_r in the |W0!` . A ..u....+ has 1.... ..+.1m.im1 at Trinity church anniversary on Sunday, Oct. 21. - \/I.-= `nnnhmm vinifn friend: in! aunuay, uct. u. - Mrs. Denham visited griends in Toronto this week. V! arm vrm: Dag` `Mn1(AnmlA nan? [ reaveu. I Trinity Sunday School executive `met last Thursday evening to plan ?their `work for the tall and winter. }In the future Sunday School will ;open at 11.45 and close at 12.80. serv1ce.~The2`e nokma nknncrna nnmmamning wnth ~ter. Deputy Jarvis asked for evi- dence that tubercular milk is being sold" in Barrie. He thought the I proposed bylaw was a scheme of the large dealers to get rid of the little fellows and was sure it would I work out as a hardship to the lat-I HID Irv Ill]:-l$b\r o ooooo or I T`n..1i(6- uuuuu nvnvnaanzl k1! E THORNTON IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII} Fans, who turned out in goodly I numbers last Saturday afternoon to the Allandgale recreation park. saw a real snappy game of softball between the crack Plantersoutt; from Toronto and an all-star team chosen from the whole town. A]- thoughethey had Elayed little to-. gether. the locals s owed themselv- es a good match forgthe visitors. It took an extra inning to get a deci- ` sion. the score *being 7-7 at thei close of the ninth. In the tenth the s Planters managed to squeeze in a I run. thus winning by 8 to 7. } ~nI_..;.__._ ___1_- _---.. LL- n... ..'...l PLANTERS BEAT LOCAL i GIRLS IN 1011-1 lNNINGi Luz` nu yvcus. Chas. Belt. 17 years old, oi Lex- ington. K.V.. has suffered no ill er-, fects. despite the fact that he de-- voured a 10-pound supper a.t'a. res- Ataurant recently. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver King or Van-I -couver, BJC. are vlsitng the form- er s brother, R-.1-I. King. vs--- 1-'-n nu.-...-..._ 1. ..._.:...6I-.- V0 3 wow-.--xv. .w u--. -----9: Rev. J.' B. Thomson is conducting ann1versa_ry'serv1ces in Cookstown Presbyterian church next Sunday. 1-I-v-1`-.. 1n-I..L -1 13-31.. bn6Io.-g aay evenmg A. . Harvest `Thanksgiving services will be held in St. George's Church on Sunday, Sept. 23; preacher, Rev. G. M. B. Williams, Cr.eemore.' -.__-_--u _u. _I..._ 5.3...- \a one ~l.a ' oodlvvllnv v-_vu-..v- -. Colwell gravel pit closes today and the-shovel and crew will be moved to near Collingwood where.a. large bank will be out down to pro- vide fill for the elevator.` ___n ._1_.I__ _-_..4. - I.....hl-an VI`-Iv Iulll SUI EDIE VAVVUVVVQI Five local rinks went a.-hunting for trophies at tournaments yester- day but hadn't any success. Skip Knight wont to Newmarket: Skips B. Thompson and'Gars1d9 to Orn- 1ia_and `Skips Poucher and McLen- n n tn (`.m:nn1 mm, nvuany Vanna Ivouancnua wg v vv :- . l ' ' ' Planters, who won the toss and `"3 `"3 took the eld rst, blanked A1l- K `Stars in the first two frames and V V /scored 2 in each. All-Stars came 330] back in the third with '3 runs. In! gai the seyenth round the locals tallied E as` `Reg; two,~ making the score 7-7, onlyGeo_ c to lose out in the tenth. Theonly 3 Leigh,` long hit of the game was made by heifer. Stella Clute of the All-Stars, who I heifer: ` clouted out a homer in-the sixth. ` Y- 5:21` NOT ENTHUSIASTIC ovx-:1: NLL1{_ BYLAW W:A;;i`rl1`x"itatioh to play a return match in Toronto on the 22nd will probably be accepted. g I uovg vvo qua: VQUIIC van covcn ---u.-,, . Walter Ralph of Rad1`o "Station WGxR. Buffalo, will sing at Allan- dale Presbyterian church next Sun- day evening `I-Tnvvnaf `Thanksgiving am-vines ua. _u.uu Duty: to. na to C-reemore. '-a-4--nouvvvwavo-on-vvv Ii Following the match the visitors were entertained at tea served in ' the Presbyterian basement by the local team assisted by other ladies. Following this there was a sing- song ledby Mr. Seitz and short speeches by Rev. J. B. Thomson,` Arthur Pugh and the managers or theAteams. ` 3.....'A.-J.!-._ L- _1-.. _ .._L...... Mrs; Oliver I-Ivarrlman willed` 86.-' _000 to her maid, Maggie Fleming. who had sewed in the householdl for 35 years. _ (Than RAH `I7 van!-n A1!` A9 `l'.Av- 1--'8 A11`-`Stars . 00301 12000-7 Al1JStars players! were: Dbrisi Kearns c., Madge Smith ss, Jean Shear 2b. Stella Clute p.. Agnes` Reynolds lf. Marie Scott cf, Lillian , Kearns 1b. Norine Rowcliffe rf.! Annie Garside 3b, Bertha Garside spare. - ` I Umpire, W. S. Bell. . Score by innings: | P1anters.220101100 l.1-11-...:_._. LL- ..--L-L 1.1.- '-- gililllllllillg FINE EXHIBIT OF LIVE STOCK, POULTRY, DAIRY PRODUCE, LADIES HANDICRAFT, FINE ARTS, ROOTS, GRAIN, FRUIT, FLOW- ERS AND GARDEN PRODUCE. `ter. ; Doubt was expressed by Ald. Craven as to the efficacy of pas- teurization in killing germs of dis- ease. He asked as to the meat of diseased cows and was told by Dr. _ Little that such cows were exam-} ined at the abattoirs and sent eith- er to the canners or the fertiliz-I 1.... ...1..._J.,. I LADIES AND MEN S SOF l'BALL GAMES HORSESHOE PIT CHING `CONTEST TE AMUSEMENT _ COMPANY S BIG MIDWAY WITH FIVE (5) R1DEs# \ PRIZE-WINNERS 1 AT THE ono FAIR`; IJGL uucu I; nnva. .. u........--. GENER'A~L PURPOSE - Brood mare. Garfield Rouse, Leslie Jer- mey. Foal or 1928, Garfield Rouse, Morley Beath. 2-year-old, 2nd prize to be divided between Edgar John- ston and Leslie Jermey. Team, Thos. Jermey. ~rVAv`nn1:.TA-( :.`F`..-.\/[Ara having foaledl Hour-an HEAVY DR.'AUGlH-T--`Brood Mare. J. B. Holden, Len. Leigh. Foal, 1928, Len. Leigh. J. B. Holden. 2-year-v old, Nbrman Campbell. Yearling, Thos. Fletcher, Len Leigh. Mare or gelding, any age, Thos. Fletcher, J. B. Holden. Foal of 1928 sired by Bud Wiser. M. Leigh. Foal, 1928 sired by Apple Blossom, Morley Beath. Foal, 1928, by Clarion, Len Leigh. up vruv-rnn `l\15nAfl'TlV.`L`l'\'l` m,1Innu,n1`A ` Ken -oy U60. ruuarauu. | BACON I-IOG'S-Pair of market - hogs, export bacon tyng.-, 1 and 2, R. F. Carscadden & Son, T-hos. Luck. Champion bacon hog. Carscadden , 8: Son. silver trophy donated by L. .-W. Pearsall was won for second Elm: by Vcarscadden & Son. Brad- 1.050, U] vauncvng - v o q - v-5--. LIGJHT DRux'UGrI-I\T-2l-year--o1~d.` H. I. Barnhart, Alex. Fletcher, D. Patterson. Team. John Rutherford. .VIare or gelding, any age. 1-1. I. Barnhart, Alex. Fletcher. 4-at-1\v-11!-|.AT ni-$.13.-nnatn , 1:...-.,.,:| Jermey. `C.NRsR~IA-G~E--Mare having foaled in 1928, Morley Beath. Single horse [to buggy, Walter Amos. ?1'I\|f)a1:! mt--- kmnhna LU UU55Jp vvuuuua. nnnnnn ~- =ROAD HO`RSES-Mare having raised foal in 1928, Bert Calverley. | Spring colt, Bert Calverley. 2-year- sold. J. A. McLucas. Yearling, Ken- neth Gillespie, Ray Robson. Gentle- man's driver to buggy. 1 and 2, D.` Bell, Alf. Dunn, Team showing] style and speed, trot or pace, D.! Bell. Farmer's driver, 1 and 2, Di `DAN Cl. LU LIIC Uauucxa U]. LILC J.CLU&|lB'| ing plants. Ald. Lowe expressed the opin-; ion that all cows supplying milk for Barrie should be examined and tested. In. 7 .'u.1.J- ..... M; ...... ....A l ] Bell 135119 All 1 Bell . IM ISOEL DANE OUS - Running} j race. twice around ring, W-alter Mc- ; lDouga1l, Kenneth Gillespie, Currie. Sutton. Lady driver, open. D. Bell. (Mrs. J. Drury). Mrs. Alex. Fletch- er. Alf. Dunn. Single turnout, D.| - Bell, Walter Amos, Alf. Dunn. Lady, lshowing most ability and despatohl tin harnessing. hitching; and driving ilylr-s. Alex. Fletcher, D. Bell (Mrs. 1n......n\ hnlhmnv lnnrcm nftnr-hat! tr)? ILIIIU ford. IMP-S. Alex. I.`}l6I.Clll=l`, U. Dcu \;u:.-.1.` i J. Drury). Delivery horse attached to I . democrat, Morley Beath, Garfield: Rouse. Albert Jermey. Hurdle jump- I contest. Walter McDouga1l, | Kenneth Gillespie. E I|-LLI- YORKSI-I1I'RES-Al1 prizes (4) taken by R. F. Carscadden & Son. BERKS!-IaI:R`ES--All prizes (5) ta-, ' ken -by Geo. Patterson. .*nAnnN 'l-tnm_..'Pnh- nf market JEVIILIVUAA Va llivhrrcvw Cqttla * _ _ SI-DOR_'.l`I-IDORNS-Aged bull. ' Geo. . 1 Crawford & Son, Oro; C. W. Hem~_v.5 Sr.'bu11 cglf, Archie McA'rthur. M.Z gs. Regan. Junior bull calf, 1 and 2.} ;Geo. Crawford & Son. Cow, Len; t.-:..m '(`rn\vfnr-R .6 Son. 2-vear-old `G90. UPEWIOFQ Q U!l. L4U\V, .ucu' ?Le1gh.'Crawford & Son. 2-year-old: Crawford & Son. Yearling` Crawford & Son. C. W. Hen- ry. Heifer calf, C. W. Henry, 2 and _3, Crawford & Son. Best female.- } any age, I-I.'I. Barnhart. hr-r A 1' 1-.n'7|n.13nQ'|:` :.unrn'!r.Tnn\'Q . I any 5.5V; 5&0 in dusts Anna: 1-: I DUAL PUIRPOSE SHORTHORNS --Bull. A1-bert Jermey, Len Leigh. Cow, Crawford & Son. Len Leigh.` -ma-r mnnvnvxvcc 15" ..n1P nffg DUN; wbulvhvtu vs. uuvu, .-v.. --.c...` I I-I*OLS"1`EIN-S-,Bu11 calf, George Pearsall. Cow. Geo. Pearsall. . I -cu.-.v-s-u-u-r-.\1\.1-a.-Iwa: A 11 .....1...... 6n`pnv\ -hdlvrddu div "Van, Van v SVVEEPSTAKES--'Best registered bull, Thos. H. Dewell. Best female. Len Leigh, Thos. Dewell. Best herd of male and three females, Craw- ford `& Son. _. . ` ` ------ V Members of Council Ask Questions`of the VJ GIIVBI can aurv :1 van . `GRADE 'CA"1".l`IJE-M1lch cow. Albert` Jermey, Crawford & Son. Yearling heifer, 1 and 2, 0. Wood- gard. Junior heifer or steer calf, 1 ;and 2 Geo. Pearsall. --.---an--- A-0 Ann 15.; .I.-....L 1 v & % "z},{-n?ui~i~{:EI.l"s"s'_Fa: `beast, 1% and 3. Thos. H. Dewe11.J3aby beef, '1`hos.AI-I. Dewell, C. W. Henry. * an-wvvnv-av-nun! A 1,151! 13..-; ..-n.I_6n-`AA rccuauuu vvvvg \aIvvu ovv---v~--- I HE`REFOvR'D'S--All prizes takenl lby Thos. H. Dewell. .l'CI5.A.'l\.1!| -flA\'f\'I'|1' rI:~__mI"nn1-. nnm ` Tl-ll uiuitixnnu lxardintn Pig: NE A 1` G. O. CAMEROK Secreifry. Albert Jermey. Ram lamb, Albert Jermey. Aged ewe, Albert Jermey. Shear-ling ewe, 1 and 2, R. F. Cars- cadden & Son. I r LEIVCES-1`-Ens"Ivshearung ram. ' `\.-.a \v[ vuanuaa -.1; aAv~.A~ v\.o.aaav,;- Poultry Barred Rocks, cock, 1 and 2, How-; ard- Brandon; hen, 1 and 2, H. Bran-`V don; cockerel, 1 and 2, H. Brandon: i pullet. H. Brandon. White Leghorns.3 cock, 1 and 2, H. Brandon; hen, 1 and 2, H. Brandon; cockerel, W. Claughton, Irwin Clarke; pullet, \V. Claughton, H. Brandon. Orpingtons, cock, cockerel and pullet, Wm. Jar- ratt. White Wyandottes, cock, hen. cockere1'and pullet, Irwin .VIcMa- hon. Bantams, cock, Ray Robson, I. McMahon; hen, Ray Robson, I. .\Ic- Hahon. Turkeys, 1 and 2. H. Bran- don; Geese, 1 and 2, H. "Brandon. Ducks. Ray Robson. Fred Grant. Best pen` White Wyandottes. Irwin McMahon. Cock, anyaother variety. Ray Robson. Hen. any other variety,` H. Brandon. Cockere1, any other variety, W. Claughton, H. Brandon. ! Pullet, any other variety, \V. i Claughton. Best cockerel, any breed. |Rev. G-._Cruse. Exhibition pen, Ir- i win McMahon, H. B_randon. soI}T:I:IDB'{\}\'us-A11 prizes (10), taken by D. Armstrong. t'\1!1"1r\\1'|1\ -Iuzxrvvxvru A` , ,,1_ LBBLUSD L Dr. Little's request was passed on to committee to be dealt with.