E SPECIAL ! SPECIAL ! BOYS BLUE SERGE SUITS with 2 pairs of pants, sizes up to 32. Reg. $8.50 . . . . $4.98 \'n\.a \J\ann\'\ g.-----._. Yweeds. Special value . . ` I I KIT: f. o. b. Wnlke:-villa Gov : taxes can NORTH SIDE OF DUNLOP `ST. - NEAR FIVE POINTS Forest rangers in the Northwest have received instruction; to butf glass bottles whenever found on tho` theory that the sun's rays will sta tires. *'l'huI_-ec_ley, September 13, ` `Ll Dbl v xuwuu... .. . $1.29 THE KIPP MERCURY _ SUPER 10_ _ _ Hllk .'.";.`!."n FSRONTLI TOP The P1 team, "Tor exhibition and cities is operate Planters Queen Ci: Barrie-A11; nrday efu amond. Th ing fozmxr and .=huu'.. amtivo if all plnyo The \'>`:`:' naemi-.-d; ix` -_ .1. A CL` LKll'|I| ll \ of the vi; Lowe's Fm Hardware. Store and dale. `tn the local t Satuxi The 59: e':.'.fE:L:._ `England We will gladly put one in your lflqme _or trial and if WV WI gaauay `IEO UIIV home for if you wish to buy we can ar- range payments to suit you. We are equipped: to service any make of `set. Your sat made to work satisfactorily or no charge. A complete stock of tubes and batteries on hand al- ways. BATTERIES CHARGED AND RENTALS SUPPLIED The ELECTRIC SHOP Phone 122 3 Cluppo:-ton St. CHlLDREN S ALL WOOL JERSEYS with .polo collar. Special . . . . . . . . . . . .. 98 13ovs* AND GIRLS RIBBEDA HOSE, extra_ .good quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19: pair IN THE STORE RECENTLY OCCUPIED BY E. B. SUTCLIFFE . .WE ARE PLEASED OF THIS OPPORTUNITY TO` -THANK THE PEOPLE` OF BARRIE AND VICINITY FOR THE ENTHUSIASTIC RECEPTION. THEY ACCORD- ED OUR STORE IN ITSNEW HOME`. OUR, POLICY -OF `QUICK TURNOVER AT SMALL PROFIT TOGETHERWITH OUR LARGE QUANTITY BUYING FOR ALL OUR STORES COMBINED THROUGH OUR OWN WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTING CENTRE ENABLES US TO GIVE YOUTHESE VALUES WHICH ARE SO GREATLY APPRE-S .ClATED BY THE BUYING PUBLIC OF BARRIE AND ALL OTHER PLACESWHERE ARCADE STORES ARE `LOCATED. IT IS" THE OBJECT OF OUR STORE TO CON- TINUE THIS POLICY GIVING YOU BIGGER AND BETTER VALUES. A FEW. OF OUR MANY SPECIALS ARE LISTED BELOW. WHATEVER YOUR NEEDS IN CLOTH- ING ANDFOOTWEAR FOR: THE FAMILY -YOUVCAN ALWAYS BE ASSURED OF GREAT SAVINGS AT THE ARCADE. SPECIAL I A SPECIAL --`-------g .------ SPECIAL -----.---- A SPECIAL! SPECIAL! FLANNELETTE BLANKETS: extra large Suez BOYS EXTRAS SERVICEABLESWEATERS MEN S VVORK SWEATERS, a good make -3 znule bargam - - - - -I - - - ~ - -- 0 - `L98 P70 with shawl collars, Nice and warm , , , _ , 93 with shawl Collar and snugatting cu`5_ . BOYS RIBBED HOSE. extra Ml:M C I:n\n: cnrrc .v+.-a nnnrI +u'mnAe ma `s eC a ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' "$135 BOYS SCHOOL PANTS in good" 5e.rViC_e? MEN S PENMAN S ALL WOOL SWEATERS. o u 0} c c o I o o o o o o o o 0 tho 0 o - A l'TTHE stem or me ,It s not thehead that wears it! It's the hat that s on it that makes mensmart looking, that adds a touch of discrimination to the owner. Our new showing of Felts embody allthe lat- est shades and every new style feature. t SEE THEM AT The New Roll Brim A Snappy Fall HAT SlMMONS & C0. ARCADE BETTER VALUES tank the matter or keeping account really requires no` time at all tor I would watch to see that Iiiwas get- ting-tull measure anyway. When the bill arrives itrom the garage `there is never any time `wasted in dis- utes on account at overcharges. ecause the -garage man knows that my record's are as accurate as `his. As a matter or tract he has upon several occasions made mistakes. and has consulted my little red memorandum in order to straighten out his own records. A number of motorists at the garage are always having arguments about their bills: and. as a consequence. waste more time rwhile the garage man goes through his ledger than would be required to clean out the strainer in the vacuum tank. ' __ -. L,__ -1- -1 ........I_s- A-n-An-an Ill IIOOV Vwvviuaoc vwnn-us -Keeping track or running ex enses is not necessarily a. matter 0 tind- lns out how much it costs to motor but mainly a means of, keeping a. close check on the. nloline mie- sze which, in turn. in an-excellent index or the `condition -or the motor and ohassls. When my auoline mileage suddenly tell below normal last month I dlsooveredthat the tan belt was slipping and that the motor was oveziheatinz. mum. in mmnnmv In trvlnuto HIV \l_l- HIV J-Ha vuu vs vs uevvruyu Vivvv A -triend or mine recently ruined a whole day`: trip by tryin to econ- omize on rubtber. `To cap the climax necessity forced him to pumhasc irorn a roadside garage the sort or tire he didn't rwantbut had to have. It was like throwing money away. but it was the only alternative-- considering that he inuieted `upon getting the last mile `out of the old` FAB. WEI Werneaunz. There is economy in trylnz ` to manta tires last as long an poulble but when they are too old and you are motorln-3 with the idea. at "not- tinc there" it pays to rerun the use at the tag and or 0. ttrewurvice. A__A___I -4 _.l._, ..--A-5`-n -nlnnt` tires. IDA1: tires. Ineaiizing -that time is the prime consideration in car care; menu-, -taeturers are -constantly on the alert to improve desi n so that it is easier to keep tree or running expenses. t'.l`he motorist who wants to have `his ear give him the maxi- mum amount ot uninterrupted ser- vice must work out a system 0! his own for taking care 0! it. I! by the addition 0! a certain system in his ottiee it is possible to do more work in less time, surely something on the same order can be tried with the ear with reasonable assurance AI nssnnnna HIV var w I 9 or success. 572:`-u -|'|'H E ARCADE MEN'S FINE SUITS, extra good tweeds and ,serges, well made, best of linings; you have to see them to appreciate these values at. $12.95 .MEN S FANCY ALL WOOL SWEATERS in coat style, also in windbreaker style,, 100% pure wool; Extra special . . . . . . . , %. . .. $2.95 |' C` 'l|I|I|lII||l|li|lI|lIIIIIllll||lI|l|IlM Mr. and Mrs. zspeers and baby not Parry Soundare visiting their par- ents. . . u... ...a 1m... mama. Mnnogn nf em . mgr. a.nd.Mrs. Waiter Milllzan of Toronto are spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. J. Crossley. ` mu.-..n Yxrnw-mv-nu Tnubufn, 112111 WGOHSSQHY uneruuun E! 6:00: Mrs. I-I-arry Ayerst, with her two son. Leroy and_n_Aust1n, has re- turned home after visiting friends in Midland. ` Hf fI nrIA'u TITA, 117! man!-, an Ml : ENG MP3. J. Ul.`UBBlUo Senior Women's. Institute will meet at Mrs. W. J. C. Boake a on Wednesday afternoon at 2.80. 'M'nn `I -Yunrmv Avnv-at with her two VIII III ave vvuo have `The members of the Women's In- stitute realize the possibilities that lie before them and feel as" never before the obligations that these at- ford. Many lines of interest to the whole people are receiving valuable support._ both in management and contribution from the Women's In- stitutes. It has been said the In- stitute is "the great rural- univer- sity" and truly it is; The Depart-. -ment offers so many splendid cours- es to the girls and women that it_is possible, to learn, at ;_these classes how to be efficient in many lines of work. The `literature supplied `by -the Department is available for the asking. The chief purpose of the Institute is to make towards greater efficiency in the V multiplicity of duties which face women of respon- sibility. _ . IIL- 'I.....A..ls..-J.-_ I.-_-- -1... . _ . _ . A _ u _ __ In Mluganu. St. Jude's W..A. will meet on Thursday afternoon. .ept. 20, in the basement or the church for the purpose or quilting. All ladies ot the congregation are invited. `Mr `and Mrs, W. Wilson and congregation are inviwu. Mr. and Mrs. W. Wilson and Laura of Parry sound visited Mrs. J. Sproule last week. Verden and' Helen. who. had been visiting their grandmother. returned home wit their parents. '- A h'nv-nanhnn mm-nament will be By Erwin Greer Molt motorists do not keep track at their running expense: because they imagine that it requires a._1ot 0! time and energy. But those who emmloy ouch & system in the man- agement or their can regard it as a. Ion time investment. For instance, as always make the entry in my our record book while watching the June attendant till up the gas `We have in Ontario an organiza-A `tion embracing at the present time over one thousand branches with approximately forty thousand mem- bers, which is recognized by those in close touch with our activities as a most forceful factor in the de- velopment ' or the individual and the 'branch in establishing high standards tor home life. community activities and pnorvidiing tacilities tor education. amusement and so- cial intercourse. _ ` meir parents. '- A horseshoe tournament will 1) held in Thornton on Saturday at 2 pm. to decidethe holders of the cup donated by Richard Bell of Utopia. This is open to each club in Essa and Innistii. The cup will re- main the property or the team win- ning it three years in succession. `Mum: um: v-Annivntl harn on Sun- .UL \JlII.u'Lv, uvsau sawuun - `The mott'oVo~t the Women's Insti- tute is "For Home and Country." `Doesn't that include about every- thing in the world? Now this organ- iation is so well established and doing such good work in Ontario, the other Provinces, and the Mo- ther Country. that one realizes the wonderful possibilities for the or- ganization. This organization being non-political, non-sectarian, includ- es all classes and the work is with the urban women as well as the rural. T A 117. Hang in nntm-in an nrnaniza. runs ll . mree years In Uuucuauwn. News was received here on.Sun- day morning or the death or Rex Simpson. the only son oi the Rev. R. J. D. Simpson and Mr. impson of Toronto. Rex was a_ general tav- orite and on every hand on Sunday regret was expressed that such a young, promising life should be out arr. A host of triends extend their sympathy to the bereaved ones. The. rollowing attended the funeral on` "Tuesday: Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cor- bett and Mervyn, Mr. and Mrs. J. -R. Jamieson. Mr. and Mrs. W. J: C. Boake and Jean. Mr. and Mrs. `S. N. Grose. ` Death of Mrs. J. A. Jamleson . A gloom was cast over the vii- lage on Wednesday morning when it became known that_Mrs.- J. A. Jwmieson had passed to -the Great Beyonddurlng -the night. Mrs. Jam- ieson had been ill for eight weeks and for some time there had not been any hopes `for her recovery. IJEI: BB LU-UV BUB QUUBEIUH OI INDIE?` no.1 mortality and get `busy at once and do something to lower the death rate. At the Biennial held in Wolf- vllle last year It was resolved to de- vote the coming term to a. Domln-` ion-wide effort. to ensure a. material 1mprovement.We must do our share in the mother province. , HIL- -.-_.-_ -_- I---_I-- n...:.-._-_A_.I uuu vu-v uocv vouwu rm :1 v ccavvu The women are keenly interested in better conditions in the homes and we have 9. wonderful vision ot what this province is going. to `be with the advantages in Home Econ omicl, betterhousins. bet-ter sani- tary conditions, better clothing, food and equipment generally. our re- lief means a great deal; to the fu- ture of our citizens. We are d1I_- oovering very needy Atamil-ies every day and let us always keep in touch with all poor untontunetes, the sub- normal and teebie'minded..-We must The inatittesv have always `taken Va. keen Interest in health problems. Let us face the question at mater- nu) 1-nm-ts:H~tvV and .1:-A+ `hunt; at Anlln THE Possuaumrias or wo- - MEN'S INSTITUTES (By Mrs. J; 'W. Stone. President of the Federated Women`: Institutes .0! Ontario, Bond I-Iead). `uu._ .._-u- -0 4.1.- `lifpuuna-gig Trent`- iiiIIIiIIlIiuii| wig`. and Mrs.` P_oo1e- of Toronto spent thoweek-end with Miss H. `Arnold. - \KIn- `femur Tnlanmn Inflr no. VIN;-.5- Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Smith "on Sept. 10, 1.923, a. daughter. MFA. Jan. nmnhnll In `lnnvina fnv UH ph LU, JJVWO, 8. Q`1UIlL9l'o Mrs. Jae. Campbell is leaving for tlizenwest this week for an extended v s . "In an!` 'IKua' `D:-salon AI 'I'|p.-A-.61; VV KIIBUJI Miss Ruth Cunrilngham left this week to train for a. nurse in RV`. .1-Ioapltal. Banrle. nnlrntntwn lam-maaa hnvs'n1nv(1 lll`l'lUHh . Miss Mary Ingham left on Tues- day tor Ontario Ladies College, Whitby. . Minn Ruth (`gunning-hnvn 1Af+ H-sin Wllllll uy 0'Vo Misses Marlon an.d _Mar:|orie Sutherland attended the C.N.E. in I Toronto last week. `Ru nvul `Run `llnnk `Dnn-nun ant` UFUKIH BUQUUJB WV uavu SUHUUI uu1`a'| es. but what about the defective children in our rural schools? There are so many cases sadly neglected. They have inspection in other pro- vinces. surely this is one possibility for the future o.Ontario. Women are taking a. deeper -inlterest in Agri- culture, many taking up poultry- raiaing, beekeeping. dairying and small fruit raising. The women are co-operating with the menin beau- tification. Much can be done in im- proving the home surroundings as well as the roadside. Immigration is a burning question today and it the women go out 40,000 strong to welcome the newcomer. t-he Insti- tute: should do a great deal to help; Canadian-ize their neighbours. It is] the general custom now to welcome new neighbors to the community. Speaking of Canadian citizens, we think of Canadian industries. With the natural resources of this land we see great possibilities for the fu- ture. Members are urged to be loy- al to Canadian products. Buy Can- adian-made goods. Be Canadian. Breathes there a man with soul no dead, Who never to himself hath said, `This is my own, my native lan '." `_FlUB\].|lLGl; .na.w.'av. Cookstovwn lacrosse boys 'pIayd 1n.Tottenham on Tuesday, Sept. 11, w1nn!ng by 3-0. * .M1n:An Marina and Mnrinrln In UTUIILU IEBL WOVE- Mr. and Mrs. Herb Rogers and daughter Muriel of Toronto, Mrs. Martin and son Harold of 'rotten- ham were Sunday guests with Miss Hazel Arnold. AnnAun:.I nnaulnn-A IEKIU I-ll"UdXl uuuu PUUULVUB`. - We want and need musical train- ing in the rural schools. Leadjng eduoajtlonlsts today from a. purely eduoa.tlona~l polnt of View accord to music a value equal to the `best sub- ject-a taught in our educational in- atltutlons. IA man` A. any-v\v\Iu1.ar;u1v vv\n1`Inn1 lvuuuuua. ` The need of compulsory medical inspection in our schools is urgent. The women` should be behind this movement untedly. In some of our urban schools we have school nurs- Aa kn iI!k.u. cl-xnn- 4 1-Inn I`A'A:n`1IA I RHIBL JIIIIUIG. Agnew-Lougheed Miss Catherine Lillian Lougheed, eldest daughter or Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lougheed of Collingwood. and John`Fra.nc1e Agnew, only son of Mn] and Mrs. J. A. Agnew, Cooks- town. were married at the home of the bride : parents on Wednesday. Sept. 5. 19128. Rev J. E. Kirkwood performed the ceremony. "Phi hnnna was nnnv-Afar? with purauruwu hue uun:u1uu,y. . The house was decorated with tern. gladioli and wedding bells. The bride, who was unattended. was given in marriage by. her father. She wore 8. sleeveles gown or silk crepe with embroidered veil arrang- .od in can effect and caught with `orange lbiossoms. ishg carried a shower bouquet of Columbia roses, iily or the valley and maiden hair em. T\nnhna 65- :_-In-Inn A0 Gian nan-Iuirnm UOlGW8.l'.G!'. ' Lightning Strikes Church During the severe electric storm, Monday afternoon. lightning struck the Iplre of the United church go- inc down one end. It did consider- able damage-A to the root and plaster on thg inside. ` - at me HD1118 RUFU- Miaa Elvira, and Garnet Reid at- tended tho Toronto Exhib1tion_1a.st week. t . :3 Euu1n-.nvu-I aln#nvn `Iv-a `Q-amid- VIII: - During the signing of the register Mrs. Kirkwood sang O Perfect Love." After the ceremony a. dainty luncheon was served and later` the happy couple left-`by motor amid showers or confetti and good wishes of their friends for Hamilton, Nia- gara. and eastern states. The bride travelled in a beige ensemble with hat and shoes to match. on their return Mr. and Mrs. Agnew will reside in -Collingnwood. Congratula- tions are eittended from the Cooks- town friends. IIIUII LEI COUCH LIUIII We stand for educational oppor- tunities for all children. study of underlying `principles of successful school admlnist-ration and a well- balanced curriculum. This means a change in` educational administra- tlqn as the rural child is not receiv- ing educational opportunities like the urban child receives. NITA noun an-`.13 nnnul vv\uuann1 I-mn!v\_ ' Sept. 1~1#-i2ev.'J. Gibson was in Toronto last week. Y Burn`-HA T\As-ni '3 `hn`|h-Ununa 'l.'Ul'UI1I0 IH-ll; WUHK. I -K. Rumble; Detroit. is holidaying at his home here. I Ilium `lulun and aw-uni Dal]! Q}- w3.;..Burkev arid sister. M2.-s. I-I-wrr1- son. spent Sundaywith friends at Goldwater. I hulnbnlnu Rnllann Fjunvnln see that everyone is properly cared tor, and given Iboth physical and mental attention. ,5 nlnn Gnu nuunni-In-us` nnnnu- Tl-II name exmmuen Buy Advertised! Things TH!-5?-TE 7BOYS _' 100% PURE WOOL PULLOVER SWEATERS, a variety of fancy patterns $1.85 MEN S FINE SHIRTS, very gocd materials, in .fancy patterns ina great variety with or with- out collars to match. Special . . . .. 98 We Are Sole Agents in BARRIE for C-G-F JR!`D;'L'.-(`.5 `So sensitive is a. -powerful pneu- matic appa-ratus developed in Eng- land that a. small child can strike a. key and swing a. Ibeli-clapper weigh- . mg 336 -pounds or more. lS`TUD1EBKER THE FIRST ADVERTISEMENT The rst advertisement ever published was an advertisement in color, and it was one that can never improved upon. This first advertisement was.the rainbow, and was put in the heavens to adver- tise to the world that it would not be destroyed by a ood, And like good advertisements, it has kept its promise. Stndlebaker s A Erskine Six Has Smart Style and x Brilliant PERFORMANCE '----#11000 miles in 984- consecutive minutes ----~ at surprisingly low cost G. B. MCLEAN, Dealer 16 Bayfield St., BARRIE Phone 1231 M095 Joseph Zanetti, an old fisherman on the Island of Capri, who has sav- ed 1274 persons from drowning, claims to hold the world's record for saving nves. u vv vwwuwv wr_vv--- ' " _______. 2 ----7------' .See`our display of the latest styles _lI1, FA;-rL COATS AND DRESSES, the seaspns v y `smartest and best makes at astoundmgly low prices ' A * Boys SCHQOL FANTS In good seyvlczllaalcci 'i':b;; andbonsolo Modal: ' Battery and Battorylou