Latter Town May Form Service Club-'-Twenty` Make `Trip. -VUIUU, as pub uccu unvvuaun The luncheon _was held at `the Globe `Hotel and there were visit- ing ~Kiwan~ians from Orilha and Owen Sound, as well as frorn Bar- rie." In reporting the affair the Collingwood Bulletin says: One of the principal advant- ages of Kiwanis is the good feel- ing it creates between man and his neighbor, said Cliff Dier,' vice-- president of the Barrie Club, who `proved a jovial chairman: and kept everyone interested from the sing- ing of `Grace at the beginning of the banquet until 0 Canada at the close. Tom `Brown of Orillia was the song leader and he gave the banqueters plenty of opportuni- ties to test their voices in roof- raising num'bers'su<-h as A1ou- ette, Old 'MacDonald' and the Kiwanis song We are builders. Ed Hardy was the pianist. `~ Avvnnnrr 4-kn ennnlznrc warn RAV. nu narcvy was me p1a.1u5L. _ V Among the speakers were Rev. Nicholas Roa'ch of `Owen `Sound, Dr. W. A. Lewis of Barrie. who told of the work whi-ch Kiwanis clubs are doing particularly that for the underprivileged children. There was also a round-table dis- cussion in which several from Bar- rie participated. ' `wniinxlrinm +131: h!:|111`lAii (`.n1]iY'lQ`- me parucipaneu. Following the banquet Coiling- wood citizens present met and dis- cussed the advisabilitii of a ser- vice club in that town. It was de- cided to interview business men before coming to a decision. 'Ll\lIl\ Iunvu `Row-Min I1-in 1r-nnrin Derore comlng to a uecxsxuu. Those from Barrie who made` the trim were Kiwanians Lewis, Dier. lsimpson, M. Livingston. F. Livinugston. Kennedy, Dyer. Hardy. `Bryson. Felt. `Coleman. Turner,- Rev. J. J. Black, Rodgers. Ham- mond, Mac`Le11an, Morrison, Car- son. ` v\I.u '&u.Luu o u say -An. vv Ann, vuuu -- us- Mrs. W. J". -Campbell and family have re'turne~d' to their home in Fort William after spending July ang August with -Miss M. E. Camp- Ueu. ' - . Bert Sutherlan-d. who has` been a clerk in Harry Smith s drug store for two years, has left `Barrie to accept a position in a Toronto dru store. -. 1\lH..... I"1-.J".~ `l:`......-.n1. ....4-nun.-..-I 4- spending a Week with their daugh- ter. -Mrs. S. `J. U. Irwin, `Oshawa. vvv v In 1 1| , ,.. __ DWU1. Cc Miss Gladys French returned to New York on Monday after spend- ing her holidays with her mother, Mrs. W. H. A. French, 12.6'Co11ie1' street. T|':-... `l'....... 1')` . . . _ _ _ . . -21 .. `I'_T.... vaIv\-vs uu atom; ...a ..._- MIN'IS"1`IRY~ 6%` P,RAIS"E"' /Miss Jessie Bryson, Cholrleader 1 Mrs. E. Richardson, Organist. 11 a.m.-.-Anthem (selected). `Solo: Miss Vera Charles. ' {Z p.rn.-.-Anthem (se1ectc=d).: 3010: Miss Audrey Clifton. 5Dl.`UUlu Miss Jean Kearns. pupil of Hor- ace Wilson. w`on the `bronze medal in the open competition for lyric soprano at the Ganad*i/an National Exhibition. ' `III... 1" `IT {'11, _--_L ___1.:_. __ J L`J1\lllUll;1Ull.o Mrs. E. W. Chamberlain and daughters. Mary. Elizabeth and Phyllis. have returned to -C1eve- land after a two months visit with Mrs. J. T. `Clark. 1M ..- v1Ul' -1ur..'r_-.1 ____1 :|___..1.2____ H113. Us l: '\J1|l.`l\u Mrs. 3M. `McLeod and daughter of Toronto and son. Gilbert, of India. spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. `W.~S. Robb of the Kel- vinside Hatchery. Mn and` `Man `D T 1\/l'n`|In...1.4- V IIIBIUC u.a. I/UllU1'y a Mr. and` `Mrs. R. J. McKnight andVDoroth.v have returned from Saranac Lake. N.Y., where they visited at thesummer camp of Dr. and Mrs. -A. O. Jerrett. -II --- '1|R3J...L..`l1 m/r..- fD_A-.... aunt` EH11 .LV]..l.'S. T1: U. dc`-.l'.l.'b'L~lu `Mrs. '-Mitchell, `Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Whittiker of Bridgeport, Conn.. have returned} home after mending three weeks with Mr: and M'.... A T `T1101: and nthor frxends *"l:uu1u5 bu Mrs. A. J. " in `Barrie. VHL ....- nu` in '15arr1e. Those who attended the 'L.T.B. Grand` `Lodge in Hamilton as dele- rates last week were `Mrs. Wm. Melnntosh. Mrs. J. L. Williams. MN. J. W. 'MoCorkinda1e and Mrs. J. Bow-man. `D...-. 131.-..n1r:-4-nnlr nf Rnrvlp whn J. bow-man. Ree`. Bla-ckstock of Barrie. who has `been bovs secretary of the Guelnh Y.M.'C.A. for the past vear. has been anpoinfed physical in- szt'ruc\to r of Pickering College, Newmarket. ` - mr..- Egan`; T :11:v-nmcfnn ` Q1111 Newmarxet. `Mrs. -Frank Livingston `and children. `Mrs. 'Wi11 Livingston and children and` Mrs`. `Morley Living`- ston have returned home after snending the ,mon'+h of August at Sil`"\1a1.`l' |Be9ch. \Mus.koka. TUI`..- 1\'..a("uHnn'In `Dani Qf Mice 511 Mean `D88 cu . ;u uam: mm. Mrs. Mo4Cu11och. Peel St. Miss Relle *McCuaig' of Gufhrie and Miss Isa'be11e Rnse of Milton re- furned home on Tuesdav after vism itintz for two months wifhvfriends in Portage 1 Prairie. Man. Byron O. Britton of the Ganan- nque hRenor+er, J. M. Denholm of fhe B1enheim News-Tribune and John `Marsh of the Amhevstbure Echo werecallers at The Examin- er office during the nast week. `Mr, and `MN. `W-. J. Peach. and Mrs. B. W. Rhinehart of Elora were in fmvn attending` the fun- eral of Douglas Norton. While here they we"e the g`uesf< of Mr: and `Mrs. IS. J. Allward, Bradford street. - `ML. ......l.l1M'su- "I"1nna rlvnv `Rana ann u.V.I.1'S. 1. ''I.u-.-. Mrs. Maitland `Partridge and son. A'11an. at+-nnded fhe centennial held at the .McCorkin-dlale home- s*ead, `Paislev Block. Wed-`nesdav. Auzust '22. Thev are nnw' shew!- ing a few days in Harristton at the h me: of her iste, Mrs.` W. D. smderson. - T . - `Mr. and! Mrs. J. D. Knapp, `Bar- rie-. wish to announce the enwaqe- ment. \ of their. eldest daughter, Vera:Ida Agnes, to:Mr. George L; stroet. Mr. and `Mrs. Thos. Gray. Essa Rd.. announce the enzagement of their d'aug'hter. -Batrice -Alice. to Mr. `Wm. Ernest- Snence of Ham- ilton. son: of `Mrs. Thos. Spence of Midhurst. `The marriage will take place in Sentembev. T .1\N-nu Aekhur 9111" r-hildran. ac- place In DI=.nLexuuev'. Mrs. Ashley and children. ac- companied by Mrs. Eerert and two daughters from -Detroit. attend-ins: the Toronto Exhibition. motored to Barrie to visit with Mrs. Ash- 1e_v s sisters. Mrs. `R. A. Stephens and Mrs. T. `McKen-zie. .u-.... .nu|'..:a.1.....:I .n....+..:Am. mu! TH! mum: EXAIIINIR '.nree weexs VVIUI my. cum . `Tuck and other frxends. Snead of Tofonto. only son of `Mr. and Mrs. Jas. |Snead, 219 Eliza- beth St., Barrie. The marriage to take place in `September. A pretty wedding was so1emniz- ed at Trinity Church, Barrie, on Monday. Sept. 3. 1928. when Mary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Tate. Unionville, 0nt., became the bride of Horace John. Youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Coles, Barrie. The church was decorated with gladioli and asters. The Rev. A. R. Beverley officiated and Mrs. E. Rowe, sister of the groom, play- ed the wedding` music. ."l"1nn kw-1'3; nvlnn rune n-~'nrn-n omen eu Luu wcuuuxg zuuaxu. -The br1de, whowas gwen away by her father, looked charming in n klnn n-nlsnvu-|1}\`n 111:4-In "\n:fIt\ !?n1l7A+ Uy HUI` LHIIHCII, LUUIXCU Ulllilllls All a blue ensem`ble\_Vw1th be1g'e velvet shoes and hose to match. She car- ried a bouquet of sweetheart ros- on our`! `"11 A`? 4-kn un1]a1r 'FBn flu G UUUQHCD UL VVUChllC1.|.I IUD` es and! lily. of the valley. The bridesmaid, Miss Marjorie Shan- nahan, wore a brown ensemble and carried yellow roses. The groom w'a's attended by his broth- _,, 1-3112-14. n-1..... 1|/I... t1 a-m-CIA Your ideals must be higl; to survive. Right is the centre 6!? a circle about right the circumer- \ ence, you may increasethe dir- cumference but the centre is al- ways the same. hi I\ 1 tr.` in l\ r1\`I"I'.`l'V1'r\II"I'l"l' gl'UUlll WES GULUIIUUU U.V I115 Ul.`Ubll' er. Elliott Coles. Mr. Harold Wardman sang` O Promise Me, during the signing of the register. The groom's favors were: to the bride, a whrite gold necklace set with dtiamonds and sapphires. to the bridesmaid. gold compact with chain, to the organist, leather nurse; to the groomsman, military , brushes. mt- .....1 Mr..- r~..1.`.. 1...!-'+ nmhl n prusues. Mr. and Mrs. Coles left amid a shower of confetti on a trip down the St. Lawrence. A...._.. 1.1.. An]. I\: J-an-van nus:-no`-3 E118 Db. uawrcucc. Amon the out-of-town guests were: 1'. and Mrs. Alex. Tate, Unionville; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Tate and two children. Stouffville; Mr. and Mrs. S. Robins, Toronto; Miss H. Carter and) Miss E. Drink- water, Port Huron, Mich. L -r can -jot`: jg:--w._. -ic.r`tl1i.s `m7e'E1E-end; LADIES MILLINERY--`Latest designs, cleverly trimmed, greatly re- duced for this week-end. BOYS suns with bldomer p"an`ts, a week-end special you cannot .-v v._._, _----_J ---,-,_-- afford to miss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.95 Men s Heavy Cottonade Pants, less than half price . . . . . . . . . . $1.35 Men s. Moleskin Pants, all sizes, best materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.49 MEN UN`DlR_\/V1"-:"AR-A11 wool andfleece-lined, all sizes, combina- COLES-TATE V I1` lI\ ll\!9\r Ananvsc, tions and single garments, greatly reduced for this week-end. MEN S CAPS---The latest patterns, fall weight, will be reduced to 98 MEN.:S` SPRIING AND FALIZ. TOPCOATS, new models, new mater- QH (IE 1711.31`-\J ~11 I\lLV\J l'\*LVl_I 1 I I \/A ya, any vv lAA\J5Q\rn\.I any v ials, extra special fo?1?s week`- end` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$:"`7..-5 MEN S BROADCLOTH SHIRTS-Ji1st arrived-a new shipment. all sizes.-Week-end Special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.29 HUNDREDS 01- NEW ARTICLES Dl'SPLAYl-ED IN THE BASE- MENT A1` BIG BEDUCTIONS THIS WEEK Peoplg'_ Q9-Operative Store IIIIIII IIKIV WEEVK-END SPECIALS SEPT. 7th and 8th. s1`. LAWRENCE GRANULATED SUGAR. . 10 lbs. 61.: SUPERIOR CORN FLAKES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 for 27 PEARL NAPTHA SOAP . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 bars for 38 BARTON BRAND PEAS (regular size) . . . . per tin 10c SINGAPORE PINEAPPLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 tins 35 PALM OLIVE SHAVINO CREAM (with Gillette Safety -_-.. 1:....,.\ -11 1:-.. .......... -1: o1....-.:...... I*......... OH. 1 1114111 \.JI..| Y La ulnrx V lLV\J \;l\|.4l:\lVl \ vvu.u \JlAA\vLLB us--9.`; Razor -free) all for price of Shaving Cream . . . . 35 MOLASSES SNAPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 lbs. 21: SHERIFFS JELLY POWDER, with tumbler . . . . . . 21 LIBBY S PORK & BEANS, large . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19c PURITY OATS. coupon backage . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 KING OSCAR SARDINES ` . . . . . . . . 2 tin: for 29 I I O nu-spars: A I nu I`-\vv\ z\r\1~I~I-r` L-;'_;II_1__ ....-_....J EH- E56M"p3'"T7> on-men 11 a.m.-~'Subject: A " new Cry. What of the Morning? `Children's Message: A King who ruled over fiftyyeavs. , 7 p.m.--Subject,: SOMEWHERE A WRONG EMPHASIS. _n r \Jl\II I Kll"llL)g bUuPUl' paunasu C `av SARDINES, .. 29.: SPECIAL BLEND COFFEE, fr" e`h1y ground . . . . .. 57 MAPLE LEAF MATCHES . . . . . . .... 3 boxes for 23 SCHOOL SHOES for boys and girls, quality good and price right. Live Poultry Handled, any quantity, market price paid. Phone 185 BARRIE 139 Dunlap .St. 3431;: i GIRLS Bfmuuo Scholarship Matriculation. Solo Singing, Music, Art. 003"? ..u-...I Wwnnn n'rnnhn..v.n nfdnnr Gnmaa and Sm. scnouramp matriculation. Gum mugung, nuuuw, run, Uvuvva` setional French nmnha-nzed. `)utdom- Games and Sberhn. HEALTH` RECORD EXCELLENT.` LIMITED NUMBER-8 FOR PROSPECTUS APPLY TO PRINCIPAL8 vct1e11 o[[ege_ __.- nvanvnn m r nnunnr nnb (1 D . nM'l'A QUA!-"Y SERY'F_f"` < r vuuvuvwu cu unvo- Members of the Barrie Board of Eduuation, Collegiate Institute, * Business College, Pu~b1ic`and Pr!-4 vate school staffs are specially `Invited to the evening service. -11-xvnvrunwm-:1 ! I\'l 1\'r\ A T6113 Eirepropf % Wallboain-d` 7C7I:APZ; ER'1`;)N 31'. _ Rev. E. J. Wham Pastor. ' Mrs, Edith Rowe. Organist. . Kin M. Sinclair. Cholrleadolr. `urn-\vIrI- uvw.Iuw-- Monday. `Sept. 10--`T'HT~F KEL1'.(Y- CONLPA'NY --- Ventriloquism Fun in story and song. Come. Centrzrl Church Hall. Sunday, :s.,ept.. 16 - H*ARX.E1S"l` ` H-OME` SEJRV1`CE`S. Rev. W. B. `Smith, _B.A., of Collingwood. Ont., special preacher for the day. Rand-mg-I Inn-an Funrvnnn Write for Free Book Sand for hand- some, free book, - uII1_1I_ Ol\|._.. Pastor: Rev. Goo. E. Coultol` Chou-master: F: J. 13. Norman United Church of Canada CE1`!"34:.C_HU13CH Missionary Rally 9f.B92u1ar_.Faap!ist Chr9_'19 :u--v---u-- t. `id. (Elizabeth St;e'ot-) Rev. A. E. Baker. Minister -W=-.222] Sunday, Sept. 9, 1928 Annual Educational Day Collier St. Regular Baptist `Church This will be a meeting -to farewell missionaries leav- ing for Liberia, Africa. All who are interested in Foreign Missions shouldplan to be present, Those_ who will speak are members of the first missionary party to go out under the Union of Regular Baptist Churches of Ontario and Quebec. . `ALL ARE WEIJCOME `,8/.V. Central Invites Everyone 3 p.m.-4BiiSi'e }'e"nco" sunaay, Sept. 9, 1923 .__A...._ 1:11 __-__.___ LL- _. Vhursda}, Sep_tember 6, 1928 --_- Sunday, Sept. 9, 1928 ...q...A.A.. .-.l`I AA.~.IunAL I-LA SPECIAL NOTICES an viwv v-.1-I Buy Advertisedi Things SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER *9 9.4S-Sund2iy School T A 11.00-T he T rue Use of Prayer 7.00-,-Is Fundamentalism .Synjonym'ous with. - Ignorance ? "MR. A. c. WHITCOMBE WILL PREACH TVFSPAY 5FPT- 1.12 .."-"`.- Mitche Square - A BARRIE For .\S'ale By - w - - --,, _v'.-. 7 The pastor will occupy tixz-`pulpit ` ~ at 11 am. and 7 .p.m. - 1 . ` 1 x -;Simmons & Co. for `misses ,and children's 53-1-1. and winter cloth coats. _ 361)` 3'. J. a. 'snt;T n;.u`1-nutor' `lhlunlnel Hat-tlv Mun an zusv. a. 5. unorn. 111.45.. nuudwr Edmund Hardy. Muylu. _ .l'.T.CM. ' v Organist and Choirmutcr Sunday, Sep}. 9, 1928. > The minister will preach at 11 am. and`? p.m-. Sunday School 3 pm. Wednesday, Midweek :S.ervic T 8 pm. _ 5 ' ` ,,,; ' GUSPEL mu. % I7 MARY STREET. IARRII ., ORDER" or-.1m:m*rmaa: - ' Lord : Day ` Breaking of Bread 11, 0.1. Acts 20-7 [ `Sunday 'choo1 and 31510 I:.oo.d-' ins 8 pm. 2 Tim. 8-1`5. "Act: 17-11 "Gospel Meeting 7 pan. - I `Romans 1-16. - 1 All seats free. No collections ALL WELCOME `raunc- Prayer 1\&;;1;ng"V-S-'.e-civnesday 8 3.1:. Acts 16--18. ' J IIIUVC jliivlu n Revv. J. Johnstone Black, B.A.. B.D. . Minister Horace Wilson. A.-R.C.o. Ox-ganlstt and Choirleadpr. DIAVl`NE SERVICES V Sunday, Sept. 9, 1928 `I1 a.`m.--`The Minister The .Sacramena; of the Lord's Supper will be dispensed at the morning `service. Anthem - The Holy Ghost" / (Nichol). ` - _, __, rn.L, `-s__9_._,_ 7 ;3.m.--mhe M1n1s`{}W"' THE NEW TESTAMEN`T_ AND THE SVCII-I`O`0;LS 9090-. -.v....'.__- Special music at theevenV1n'S service by `Co1l1'er St. Choir. J Rev. J. B. ThomI_on. Minister. Inga Ellen Dobson`. `choirloadu Iu Anah Bailey. Organist. (Burton Avg. unaua cn....:. ALLANDALE V ` 11A `a.'rri.--The gcoronation of Character. ' Children's "ran:--"Tne `cum and _the $tone. . 7 p.'m.;-Naaman the Syrian. \ COLLIER STREET United Church of Canal: -A1! T Tnhnadnng Elan]. E A B1` I ALLAN DALE Presbyterian Church ST. ANDREW |__-L._n,..IA In , _'I Sunday . sepe. 9, 1923 Buy Adveftiol Things - Barrie, Ont . Barrie, Ont. . Miss: Frtinnltie Warren is holiday- ing in Detroit. ~ Ev. Hutchison spent the holiday with friends in Oshawa. ` John Cowie of Chicago is visit- ing` his brother, Geo. Cowie. ' nuuvvi |t`o1n`o1v fl` :1\AI'\In;- unani- '11.. Regular swan char 7 go Au`-`vac-.-nausv nu-In nu): nus qz'uuu:t.', ucu. _uu,vuc. Harry `Eat-ley of Detroit spent` the week-end with friends here. ' Em?-. 78311 'i{ r .{;Ia?'1I3Ix1e after visiting friends in Toronto. __,1 an-,,_ -1 I '"'1Cq}. ';I.1i'7i& rs'. ii{is'e1i'Tc31'1'Jr' 10ri11ia called on `Barrie friends on l_ Sunday. mac monnavdf `R-1n.n1(ei-nnlr 173:- ouuuay. ' ` Miss Margart Bulackstock is vis- iting` with friends in Guelph `and Ingersoll. Ilia: `nun rlnirhlnann out` NH-ca. l.llKCl`U1l- ` Miss Elva Davidson and Bgss; Edna Mathieson spent the holi y ha 'Fn1Inn+ n Jull &V&G 011'!` in Toronto. I TI...` 4 .11 111 v I. UFUIID o Harold "Hill snent -the "holiday with`h'is sister,` Mrs. S. J._U. Ir- win. Oshawa. I am`... .1: 13 1--1.....L..... ......: 1\n\:.... wm. usnawa. - ~ 1 'Mrs.- R. B.- Johnston and Miss Marv Johnston have returned from Southamnton. 1M':.... 1:n..:.. ;1:r....a..... 7.: rn........L.. DUU|:ll`.|!lUl1Ulh ` ' Miss Elsie .iHarton of Toronto soent the week-end with Mrs. Wm. Hi1). Sanford! St. ' mI':..'!.. .r....1_..1 :n--;.:` -4: m....:. 111:1 V ' The Ball Planing D/fiuli-Cu;; ` The Sarjeant.Cq.,- Ltd, - -- 1111]. pdIlLU1'U` `Db. ` , - M~is's -Isobel iBoyd of Fort Wil- liam snent the week-end at Miss _M.. E. Campbell's. `XTHHo-nn T-`Hnbnv 1n 4-`e monk _.LV.I.-- Eu `K/HIIIIJUUII 5. William Hickey left this week for Timmins where he has taken a position aeacher. Mia: ~{ 'Rn1~+nn R N, ` ia PUSI LIUII C13 1U&CllCl`u Miss -Guida `Burton. ` R.N..` is spending her vacation at her home in McDonald street. ' `IE. .....`I `III... TIT .f'1 T`l7..11... ......I 111 J.V.l.\UIJU.llGH.l l4l.'CU Ln Mr. and Mrs. W. "C. Walls and `Miss Mi1dred'visited at Toronto and` I-Iamilfon last, week. 1` `IT If TC`3...J`I..-. A8 `DAu~-1\un1-A auu FIJQXIIIIIIUII IEISU, WUUA. J. W. M. F`nd1a}' of Pembroke. formerly of The -Examiner staff, `was intown last Saturday. nu- ""1ai;'s "9; >"a?n7i3;2i73$rntz St.. has returned` home after spending tgn days at Big` `Cedar `Point. _, J 11'", T` `l`11.__1____._ ""'iw}."" Zn} `E\&?~s."-."1I. 'phens have just returned from a vaca- tion at Fairy Lake. Huntsville. I In ,,, ~.v -.- _ --.- ._...--v` __..---_.----. -etty Calfley has returned` after spending` "thaj summer with her aunt. Mrs. McLach1an-, at Inwo_od.- wunuv .v-u ---vo.-av...u-no, V1-1 -g. u -u Mgirion `Reid iisw spendtinva few days with Mrs. E. Di1`worth -and Mrs. `S. J. U. Irwin of Oshawa. ""-1?/111;.` "i~TV'v1?. '%{-.{eL{}., vE1L"ii been visiting friends in town. left 501' her home in Chatham on ?Mon- a."- . I YIY A "l|l ..T)L........... -3 -\T..--. XV?!` " Walls .1` h a t Rcect G"o o d `Judgment! _ tglves valuable information on A Gyproc andinte- riot decoration. Cnnnda Gypsum ` Ind Allblllil, ':n|:IAt| ` 'ua{7 . A} McPherson of New Dreamland visited his wife and faxcmiiily in Midland over the week- en . `lUl`-.... A1uL....J. 1u'..*r ....1.1;... -1.-' -r.. Dllllfu Mr. an-d Mrs. W. Cumming of Ferg'usonva'le have moved into town and are living at 102 'Bayeld street. `|\':..... I311`-.. `l'\..L..-.. .....I `REE-.. UllU.- _ Mrs. A1`bert iMcLach1an of `In- wood is visiting her sisters. Mrs. C. `W. Carley and Miss Frannces Shieir. ' _...I `II ... VI? I 1.-.--.--!__.. -1.` aux cum Miss Ellen Dobson and Miss Ma1'9:aret .Ra,v'ner.spent the week- end .in- Toronto attending the Ex- hibition. `RES... 7311:... .1"l'-_1-_LL _. LL- 'l'I-11 lllU1l2lUllc Miss Lillian `Haskett of the Bell Telephone .. Company has been transferred to the.uDivision office. `Tofgnto. . __..I IR`... A `I `.7l1-_-1_ _--_L___ L Ul`UllLUu Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Tuck motor- ed to `Toronto and spent`the holi- day with ,Mrs. Attree and Mrs. Flergchevrv. A _.._1' `IR .-- n-__- __._-n I.` IV UUIICI-0 . . A `Dr. H. A. and Mrs. -Coxe and two daughters of Acton have re- turned affer` a week at W-m. Hi11 s, Sanford ISt. ' ` `lI\.....I 13:112........I..-- - TIY.!....:..-... DJQLILUI. U lb) UI Fred Billingslev of Winnipe9.`. whoV_has`been visiting his parents in town, left on `Tuesday for the western -city. . . `Mun T A TA`\na`-Au -may lDl\`I`IV V\'V|ICl.1l Will`): ,'Mrs. J..A. Johnston, Miss :Btty Johnston and Mrs. `Geo. Brown of Holly have zone `to spend the win- ter inu Florida. IE ......I `Al... I... `II . _ _ . . _ _ -..L HUI IN` I.` LU1'luan Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Morren snent several days `in town: with Mrs. Lindsay. North 'St., returning Mon- dav to Chicago. . :Ma T MAT GI-nvvnuunn 1nA1n\:n w n - - .-w , --'--. ., -v-.v The pastor will conduct the set- ,3-less at 11 .a.m. and 7 p.m. - __ .__ 11531.1- uc0._1..\.-.1 UCIV DU \Jl|'lUl.' a Mrs. J. ,Mc-ff. Stevnson. her`sis- ter. Mrs. .Wass. and Miss Kate Stevenson left on Monday on a trin to Vancouver. `II . _...I (II... 17!...) `II... .._J....... LII" UU VHIICUUVUIH Mr. and *Mrs. `Fred Marr return- ed on Tuesday night after a month s holidays spent at `Thorn- toquand in.Toronto. ~ 2.... `Il'_.-.I_ A...I-___-__' __..1 `ll --- | Miss Maude Anderson and Mrs. !W. Cavanagh have returned to `Toronto after visitinz Miss Irene `Dawson -for two weeks. I Mr. -and .'Mrs. `H. Boqardis, 16 `Ecc1es!St.. have returned from vis- liting friends in Toronto, Port Col- iborne and-Niagara Falls. `IL; __..J| `II _.__ `I : fI_1.____ -_- .1 L___- .-~ --.~- -3 sub... V` "iwr. and` Mrs. R. and two children of Hamilton have return- ed home after spending some time with relatives and frfendshere. ESE In'a}sT'iir1{{.`iiif1'a{17.{'t'wo chii1d`rer_1, "bieola and Billy, are EEP your shoes pliable -`--in good condition--- and always brightly pol- `a ished, by the daily appli- 1 cation of 5hoePo1_ih ` NUGGET '1~T}.-"e Test} iiciiei-' 100 shine: for 15 cents. -1'Iun o a\` for cvgry choc mado! VISIT % (ro COLLINGWOOD Twenty Barrie Kiwanians visit- ed Collingwood` last `Friday even- ing for the purpose of explaining the aims and objects of the organ- ization to the business and profes- sional men of that town and to stage a sample meeting. all of which should! prove helpful if Col- `lingwood is to form a Kiwanis -`Club, as has `been mooted. n-11,, 1__..-1.-.... nu... Lab} of flu: ; Payer meeting Wednesday-8 p;m.J