IDL ' 361$ T PA-RT or HOUSE TO RrEN'r.Ta1s-3 furnished rooms. Apply 73 Tiffin St., Allandale. 3'5-38p ousn TO R.'_ENT-V---46'C1appertori St. Enquire of Mrs. P. VKea.rns. nlnnhnnn 19 BL. nuuuu. a telephone 12. BRICK`-HOU`.S*E TO LET. hot water heating, six tons of coal will heat- and cook. Phone 310. `3-itfb T0 LET"-7-roomed brick house on Bradford .St. All conveniences in`- cluding gas. Possession August 18. Phone 29. 32.tfb FOR RE-.\T--Two new living apart- ments, second floor: heat and water supplied. Front one very suitable for two teachers or. business girls. -S. W. Moore. ' ' 33tfb GARAGE, reasonable rent, `equipped with electric car washing machine. gasoline pump, good yard. Amaly I-s'em'y ex`-. Lfowan. V tmr) APA-R'T.\IJE.\"T T0 RENT .at 39 Mary St. over Harris` Flower Store, 4 rooms and bath, possession at once. Apply `at E. A. Williams` Jewelry Store. Phone 68.8. 35tfb SAEVEN --R'O?O.\IED 'B`R'BCK HOUSE} to let on Bradford St., all conven- iences. in inst class condition. To a responsible tenant, moderate rent- zgl. Apply Box 59. Phone-V1403. 361) --Z-:Z-- GIIRL WVANTS POSTT'I in town doing housework after school hours to pay for board. Apply at Exam- iner Office`. _ 36b r % For. A13R+:AR.9F Notice is hereby given that__,th .list of lands now liable to be sold for arrears of taxegyln the (County of !S~imco,e, has~been prepared and is 'be1ng'pub1ished in an ad`vertise-I ment in the `Ontario Gazette, upon the 11th, 18th and 25th days of Au- gust, 1928, and the 1st day of `Sep- -tember, 1928. 'f`nv\1na rs? ani O? 1QT`\f1 Or TO \R:EN six-room- ed house in Cundle `~'I`erz'ac`e, 187 Bayfield St., completely redecorat- ed. Posvsession October 1, 1928. AD- ply "152 Bayfield Street. Telephone 0091 ` 36-370 I VI lhlilijhnuiz bu ----_.---v. In the County of Simcoe, t6 wit: -temloer, .1356. ` `Copies of said list of lands or advertisement `can Ibe seen in my office or will be mailed upon mak- ing application for same. `In default of payment of taxes as shown on_ said list, on or before Tuesday, the 13th day of November, 1928, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon. I shall at that time in the `Council Chamber, Icourt House, Barrie, On- tario, proceed to sell by public auc- tion the said lands to pay such ar- rears, together With `the charges thereon. ., 33-45b `h `L1 :(`*,(\.`I'.`F`.\/fAT\T . pn u 923:.` 00-105.: D. H. :00-LEMAN,; Treasurer; County of Simcoe Treasurer's Office, Court House, Barrie, Ont, the 7th` day of August, 1928. tnereon. W.K.Jenkis&Son T. E. BISSELL Disk Harrow avs- Tj_.:' 65. 4013?, Re; ";6':1M :..__::: A'C*COMMODA TIO .\ FOR STUD- E.\" I`=S. 184 Elizabeth St. Telephone 1398] . 36b r Pnopnnjn-110 LE1` 1 Fada, 6-Tube? Tame Model-nw, complete -4-aA `A Phongithietic McLagan ' Reg. $1 1:, ror . Barrie s Best `Radio V Equipped Store ` 24 Mulcaster St.,ABarrie `SUCCESSORS TO W. GrRA'OEY & SONK` 14.41:! I)__ ag,j| THE CELEBRATED D. c. HOWARD FOR SALE BY COAL coK woon $150.00 CO .\IFOR'TABLE ROOM with .board. all conveniences, at 201 Eliza- beth St. Phone 1148.1. 7 361) lvpuuuc 36-371) `CUJIIIH, 30t1'b I `a , glllilllllllllg ;ll%l&IilIII!i; repauss, Dunne .l\uuJ.U uscuuxsu. -1 Ask Secretary G.- 0. Cameron for a. copy of the prize list of Bar- rie s..Big Fair. A V ` ,,,_T-retro xvnn H-inn! +`\A Y\Y\Q+`i1;TIU '-9~4-hour `service on all radio re'pairs, Barrie Radio Electric. b Ac}: Ram-n-rnrv G- 0. Cameron r1e's.~n1g .l'.` a.1.. . -,-Have you tried the appetizing 9 Fish .a}1d . Chips at Jarvis? A 25c V plate. `See page 3. 36%. --Be sure` and see our list, of Radio tradle-ins at -real bargains. Barrie Radio Electric. 3% -Special programme at the Capitol `Theatre. 'Thurs., Fri., Sat. Regular prices 10c and` 25c '36:: ':`vnnu'I- lirkn TXYQQ ATI fh ` September. e1` wire. T --`Miss Claxton will return from her trip to The Black Hills. South IDakota'and Nebraska, ready to resume her classes the 10th of Those wishing to ~`1eave any communications, phone 424. . 36`b -Edmund Hardy, Mus.Bac., F. :. T.tC.M., is resuming his teaching this week in piano, organ, singing and musical theory. Pupils may be prepared for the examinations of . the Toronto Conservatory of Mus- . ic, of which institution Mr. `Hardy - is a member of the Board` of Ex- 36x aminers. . W\n&1nn: 7l'1L-..-.... Ab VI`..- ....-. eguiar prlces Luc emu` aux: o'U.\ Ewart `Kidd, who was on the `B; C.I. staff. last year,-.has taken a position with Kingston collegiate. _J'`n1- nlnmhimr and heatinc. r:-:<'j: YOU CAN EARN $10 to $25 a Week 1... "nun annnn Hnm: '21 HOYTIB Writing posmon WlEI_l`1\1IlgS|.~Uu cuueguzw. -For plumbing and heating, ring 214-J. J. Neelands, 48 Blake street. Prompt attention to re- pairs. 15tfb J. T. Simpson, county clerk. has purchased the house vacated by T. R. Coulter, -High St., and has moved in. .n....:.....-.. ........L:...... I\ 117 F '1` TY DIOVCO. H1. ' `Business meeting of W._C.T.U. will `be held in` Library Hall, Mon- day, Sept. 10, at 3 o'clock, to plan for fall work._ an n`-nun A11:-uni! 101' I311 WUIIIS. ' --Progressive euchre every Monday night at 8 p.m., commenc- ing Sept. 10 at Jarvis . Good priz- es. Come early. 36b -See Regina`1d- Denny in Fast and Furious. also three other sub- jects, at the `Capitol Theatre, Thurs., Fri., !Sat. Regular prices. 1: r`nuv:n our` nn Tantra +Q1(A 1IlU.1'5., I'1'1., '.Dub. .l\t:5u1:4.1.` yxxuca. A -Cowie and Co. have taken over the agency for Delineator Magazines and Patterns. 'Su`bscrib- ers please call for magazines. 36b '1")-m 1:-n I141-\o'M-nr\n1'I+ `hat? H111`. ers please can 101' ulugaauxca. UUU The re department had but one call during August and that to extinguish a tree which had caught re from an exposed pow- er wire. ,`|\':..,. l'1`I..-.L.... u-:11 -A4-nun VII\1`V\ amlners. OUA Thomas Tracey of Detroit, Mich., a visitor in this section, paid $10 and costs for reckless driving. He pleaded guilty. Trac- ey gured in a collision with an- other car at Camp Borden. over the week-end and after admitting he was in the wrong settled for all dama e . 'No evidence was taken. It wa a provincial policecase. `I'4`unna+ `Dunn:-Inaninlr nkorn-n Adan`! LC was a p1:uv1ucia.x puuux: uaac. Ernest Broderick charged Adam ` Wicklum with assault. Both are middle-aged Innisl township farmers residing near v'Stroud. They have been at loggerheads and when they met on: the road the other day Broderick sought to have Wicklum apologize for a remark he had made. One word led to an- other and Wicklum struvck Broder- ick several times. I-Iisiindiscretion cost him $18.60. ,,Tn Ann 1m~i1nn<|-n on +1-in vnnc- UU|.4 llllll IPJ.OoUUo --In one minute all the mos- quitoes in a room can be killed. Simply take a `FLY-TOX `Hand Sprayer. ll with FLY-TDOX and ll the upper half of the room with the ne atolmized spray.-- It will slowly settle to the oor'killing all the insects in the room. Spray the ceiling. hangings and closets where the mosquitoes hide. and al- soespray on the screens. FLY-TOX will not stain the --walls. draperies or the mostdelicate fabrics. It has a pleasing fragrance, is abso- lutely harmless to people but sure death to insects. uDoes not matter whether windows and `doors are open or closed. 'F`LY-TOX is the scientic product developed at the Mellon Institute of Industrial Re- search by 'Rex Fellowship. Everv bottle` ~guaranteed.-Advt. 36b -rI_v-wt` Irv-nun: C uvwuu The Women's Institute will meet at the home of -Mrs. John Baldwin. Wednesday, Sept. 12. Mrs. Lorne Handy will give a paper and Mrs. L. Wilson, `Current Events. Contest n.l nn`l'lnn4-Snn :4. vv uauu, pun and collection. I\'EW-LA ID EGGS wanted, White Leghorn preferred. E. Avery. Churchill. . 36p CHA~PREIJL-On Saturday, August 25, 1928, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chappell, Mlnesing. a. daughter. `PA`CK`A.iRD-'At 182 Essa `Road, A1- landale. on `Sept. 4, 1928, to Mr. and Mrs. Wallwin Packard. Shan- ty Bay. a son. SWvI`TZER--On Vvednesday, -Sept. *5, 1928, to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Switzer, 73 Tiffin \St.. Allandale, a son. V DO`l\".\"ELLY-'TI-I\EA-KS`TI0'N-At 73 High St., .Ba1'1'_ie, on \Vedne-sday, .*Sept_. 5. 19'28,"b,v the Rev. N. Campbell, Meaford Albert Don- n_e11y to Irene Edith Theakston; `STANIJEY--At `Whitby Hospital. \Vhitby, on Friday, August 10. 1928, from, pneumonia, Samuel iSt'anley, beloved husband of Eli- za-beth, Knight,` in his 75th year. Inlterment wa.s.Lmade at Bowman- nvi le. " Mr. and Hrs. Harry Norton and Mrs. McConnell, desire to thank kind friends for expressions of con- dolence` and for floral tributes sent `during T their r cent bereavement caused by the zleath of their son Douglas. , _ /= 36p Mm Tmnlntv an 1 a.n1ilv of Tor- J IHI .IAnI'nI IXAIIIII " AUll: Ivl. Dru-.'mnu_:n, A Teacher of` Plano 32 Ross St. Pht uuu-acu. U)` un: `LUCLLLL U1. ya-Ivan 1 Douglas. . ` Mrs. Ludlow and family of onto wish to sincerely` thank their many friends in Barrie `for kindness and-sympathy shown in their recent bereavement. V 36p VSADIE M. BREMNER, A.C.A.M. Tganlnnn 1:" Diana Q5111`? DALSTON_ WOMEN'S INST. CARD `OF ROO.\IS--Five rromns to rent ]`.`x;unine1' O".'i: BORN DIED ;I"|, I'\IU-l'\o III I am 35y1y Phone 890W faiw 01-7 smvlcn ' A GR-E51` FORCE. I-Ias Dbne Much For Labof Says James Simpson - at Central. \ James` Simpson, Vice-President of the Trades and Labour Con- gress of Canada'..brought a Labour message to the c, of Central church last Sunday even- ing. Speakingwn 1`;he4Soci_al Law of Service he based his address A... `LA ---Aun A` Tnane Thu Qnn OI bervlce` ue Uuseu um uuuxcaa on the words of Jesus, The Son of Man came not to -be ministered unto but to minister and to give His life `a ransom for many. " F LL- 1:-.-- .\IA:D VV.-\.\"I`l'ID with experience, highest wages. Apply to Mrs. Chas. Devlin, 53 llarle Ave. 3up:1":; - --- 1.1.13 111.9 (I Lulnavau anupaogu 4 Reviewingthe progress of the Labour movement from the days of street corner ridicule to '. her- world recognition in the rise of the International Labour Bureau of the `League of Nations. Geneva, Mr. `Simpson pictured the many blessings due to the application of the higher human impulse of sym- pathy. Nevertheless, he saw great- er work to be done and eloquently affirmed with the church as a ful- crum and Christ as. a lever the world could be brought `to God. The -Church would do this as she animated men and women with a desire to fulfill the desires of Je- sus and applied her spiritual en- dowments to every social, `indus- trial and economic problem. Tn I-kn \\:cn A; (-1113 `Qr\n;o] 1,4111? A`? Lrlill 211111 UCUKIUIIIIU 1Jl`UUlUl.lIn In the rise of the `Social Law of Service the life of every child had become a sacred trust. There was a new mental attitude toward child labour in every. industrial country in the world. Labour. `he claimed. had made a substantial contribu- tion to this accomplishment. Ev 4-lnn nnnllnoi-inn n? {-11}: T1)!!! LIUII LU Llllb 'dUUU1lly11blllllCllD~ By the application of this Law of Service inaugurated by Jesus Christ, mankind had climbed to a higher status and millions of men and women were enjoying a stan- dard of living otherwise unattain- able. Mr. Simpson declared only as industry was organized to pro- mote the best interests of the citi- zens as a whole could she interpret the Law. of Service. He added the earning of `dividends was not a proper fundamental `purpose of in- d'ustr_v. ` 1|/f.. C4.............. .....-`l:....1.- 1...-...u uu5u.'_v. Mr. Simpson, familiarly known as Jimmy. IS one of twenty-four .men who constitute the executive of the International Labour Coun- cil. Canada is honoured in this as there are over thirty nations with- out representation on this Execu- tive Committee. Central `Church is to be `congratulated in bringing such an outstanding leader to Barrie for Labour `Sunday. Mrs. Vvilliarn Allen is very ill. ` ` Mr. and Mrs. .\I. C. Wigle spent the holiday up north. ` `M'u anti \Tv A T-Tnl'hnM\tm:rA via- rue nuuuuy up nuuu. Mr. and Mrs. A. Halbert\were vis- iting at Everett last Sunday. \Tu~ and Mfr: \ \/fan anon? f-hp ltlg 'd.L A\`E1'ELL .l'd.SL Duuu"a.y. Mr. and Mrs.\ Maw spent the week-end in Brampton and Toronto. Tnninn Tnufifnfn 4.1+ `|\/I've: T-Tnrh \VeK'EI10. III DI"d.H1pK.-011 anu ..|.'01`UI1LU. Junior Institute at Mrs. Herb VVright s on Friday evening, Sept. '7 . 4. -- Miss Eleantor McKenzie has re- M turned home after spending a week i in Toronto. \ 1u':..... Tnvunun Qhvnnann A9 `Harv-ha `I11 .l'O1`OD.LU. Miss Lenore Simpson of Barrie visited her aunt, Mrs. J. R. Jamie- ison, last week. `/fa nail Rhc `D T\ uanninaharn. -::_:: A(_`COM.\.IODATI-O.\` for students, girls preferred, at 183 Elizabeth St.; all conveniences, phone 1271. 36-391) -cu----:-a-.-.a----nc-uj SUI], 1E1SL \\'t't'l. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Cunningham- attended the funeral of Mrs. Kay In Elmvale last wek. Mr. and Mrs. S. Maiel and Eileen ` visited Rev. and Mrs. Lunh1 in Richmond Hill on Saturday. 15'... D D `I'.TnwI>nn ant? nhrhvnn IIICHHIUHU F1111 UH -D'dl.l.lL`u2.1y. Mrs. B. B. Horton and children have returned home from the lake where they have been camping. '!\/Hen \1'avn1n T-Tnnrv Inf ? fnr Wnere [Hey nave Uet-:11 uuxupxug. Miss Mamie Henry left for Beamsville on Monday to resume her duties on the highbschool staff. Mrs. J. R. Jamieson went to Tor- onto Q11 Vvednesday to see he`: nephew,`LRex Simrpson, who is very ill. FI'!1.A T! A A45 CG Tania : ~("hnrr-H 1. * The VV.A. of St. Jude s Church! wi11.;;neet at the home of Mrs. W. A. Jamieson on Tuesday afternoon, ~'r'1m.~.v-a win ha nn gnrvir-A in St. Sept. Z6. at 11 21.111. Lulu 1 p.1u. Congratulations to Miss Amelia Kirk and Roy Devoll of Alliston who were quietly married in Christ Church, Ivy, by the Rev. F. V. Ab- bott, on Saturday. 11.. .-.~.~..-1 \,fr`u TI`-;n\`l hrnvnr`-and aerpt. 11. `There will be no service in St. `Jude s Church next Sunday, Sept. 1 9, on account of the absence of the ` rector, Rev. V. Abbott. n-.. `M `D nmmmmn \/rA rector, KEV. 1. V ADUULL. Rev. M. C. RI Boudreau, M.A., 1B.D., of Bradford will conduct an- iniversary services" in the Townline Px"esb,vtex`ian church on Sunday, Sept. 23. at 11 a.m. and 7 }p.m. (`anon-nfn'|za1`inne fn NUS: Amelia butt, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Dreyer E and Miss Mona, Misses Rab ,and~s Muriel Donley and J. Kerr of Toronto "and Mr. and Mrs. John Miller of Orillia. called at J-as. A. Jamieson s on La- bor Day. ` 17`x-hihirinn vs.~.irnr-e- Mr. and Mrs. D01` D33 . Exhibition visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Denham and Roy, .\II`s. VV. J. 6'.` Boake and Jean, Geo. McDonald. Mr. and .\Ii's. H. )1. Thompson and Lillian, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Reid, Jos. Lennox. Andrew Corbett. 1' mad nvoo'lr R/I've T T.1'Fnf'Q `vent JOS. 1.46-nnox. Allure-w L,u1`uv-.-LL. Last week Mrs. T. Lawrence went to rneg her husband. Capt. Law- 1 rence, ofthe Hudson Bay Air Force. in Ottawa where he was expected to land but owing to atmospheric conditions he has -been delayed several weeks. '\`I'.u~ T_Tavf'n`nh \TiE ROOM AND BO.-\.'RD, students pre- ferred. a few minutes walk from collegiate. Apply 2`2`Vesp1'a'St. 34-39b . .......,. *. several WEEKS. ` Mrs. Hartwe1l'and Miss Hartwe of \Vest China spent the week-end \ with Mrs. J. W. Henry. On Sunday Mrs. Hartwell addressed -Trinity Sunday `School and sang Jesus Loves Me" in Chiese which was very much enjoyed. nm:nn.- 4-n annhrcn-em-v survives at mucn enjoyeu. Owing to anniversary services at Egbert. next Sunday afternoon and evening the evening service in Trin- u... -1.-..un`k mvH`| ha nvH*hr'h`nn'n. There evening service In Tun- ity church will be withdrawn. ';here will be service in the morning and Sunday School at the close or the morning service as usual. 'I`nv1i1r W `T H1991` !Tl0I`I11n:-_ , service as uaucu. Trinity W..\I.S. will meet next Wednesday afternoon. The mem- bers are `kindly asked to bring in their supplies for the girls home in New Liskeard. New clothing or good second-`hand clothing for girls from 12 to 16 years of age will be ac- ceptable. rnnHnn'AH-nn School reooened on ceptame. Continuation School reopened Tuesday with thirty pupils enrolled and it is expected there will be sev- eral more before the end of the week. Miss McKinnon of Orillia has been "engaged for the third year with Mr. Henderson of Tottenham as assistant. It is expected the new school will -be. opened in October. r-n......... um and `Mn 9 Alan nnened school W111 ~De openeu In `U(:LUU!':L . Cherry Hill and No. 9 also opened on Tuesday with Miss Jobbitt and Miss Spears in charge. TK7nnlr_an vigifnrsz 1\`Ir. and Mrs. Miss speers 1n c_narge. Week-end visxtors: Mr. and Heath of Orillia with Mrs. Whit- ing; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Maiel of Oshawa at S. Maie1 s; Mr. and Mrs. Long/and children of Midland at Harry Ayerst s; Miss Frances Shier of Barrie at R. West's; Mr. and Mrs. Lou Stewart of Delmont at Mrs. J. Stewart's; Miss Belle. Scott THORNTON S usuzu. ..-H`... "IV!-un vvuav-n- ._._-_.__._.:.._______.. ROOM AND BOARD, suitable for two hi_::h school pupils. Phone 1184 or apply 18 McDonald St. 361) :mi&iwmm$&&&ai: '1' ADLET COLUMN g >14 |!0I0I0I0I<%i0I0I0I0I0X0I0I0!I _..I. ---|. --not one-nu 'i`oronto at Mrs. P. Scott's; Mrs. Bevens and son of Midland at H. Elliott's; Hubert McKenzie of New W. FIRTH REAL DRYCLEANING I HAVE THE ONLY DRY-CLEANING PLANT WITHIN YOUR `REACH, OUTSIDE THE CITY. 1 AM A PRACTICAL TAILOR AND READY TO ATTEND TO REPAIRS ON ALL CLOTHES. Goods called for and delivergd. Prices reasonable. Cleaner, Preggef and Dyer DOMINEONTIRE DEPOT nmuun "rum SERVICE- ARE of your tires repays you just asi well as care of your engine. It means thousands of extra miles - hundreds of dollars saved in a few seasons. _/ 'And that is exactly the reason for Dominion Tire Depots - not just to repair your tires when trouble `occurs, but to inspect them regularly -- to remove `every cause of trouble and to correct every injury at its beginning. Make a habit of calling at your nearest depot every week to have your tires checked. C`O.\II<`ORTABLE ROOM :for scho girls; all conveniences, no children; $1.50 per week. Apply to 98 Collier St. 36b 07? {be lzandypac/1; ve Bache or.$_ You are never far away from a iiii?-I ALEX. BEGG Your Tires are just as important as your engine.( 1" ! ,,:,"'."`/"d *.`` ' ft,-,4 #4` ,.; } ' ',;.'1 Toronto at `A.vMcKenz1e's; Henry, R.-N., of Toronto with her pa.rentI'. 1'i1ur:_day,_`Soptombor 6, 1928 100 A'C~R*E -FARM for sale. Foa- further particulars apply to Gareld VVingrove, Barrie, R.R. No 2. 34-391) LIVINGSTON & BROS. I 109 Dunlop Street Phone 229, Barrie ms. 1: M1665? F.-\R.\I'S FOR SALE - 25 to 200 acres. Prices right. Let us know what ydu want. We can supply it. Bell & Bell. Staynez`. Ont. `35-40b ._._________...____.._._ FAR)! FOR \SALE, 6-2 acres, 2 muesl from town; suitable for fruit; good buildings. stock and implements. 11-... u..n-..-.n n-2vHnn1n1`vc an-mlv 110 1716 ACRCE FA1R.\I for sale. West` half lot 27, con. 7, Essa; good buildings, well watered, convenient to school, churches, C.P.lR. and C. l\'.'R. mi1wa_vs; a bargain. Apply Leslie Dobson, Utopia. 5 '35-361) : FURNTSIIED ROOMS to rent. single or double, all conveniences, central, board optional. Telephone 490. 3613 .____...__._._._.._._..___.._ BOARDERS WVAINVPED, comfort- able rooms with board in private hume, two minutes walk from `C01- legiate. Terms reasonable. 104 E11- zubeth St. Box 59 or telephone 1403. 36p bllllcllngs. SEUCK 'clHLl uup1t:u1cu|.a. For further particularvs apply to Exaxniner Office. 34-'39p . _ LARGE. :n:~n"m'tab1e doub`-3 roorn, wizh board, for two girls, near C01- 1e':i:1te. Apply 8 `Frances |St. Phone 499W. . 8613 \VA.\"T~ED---Boarders and roomers at 140 Blake East End: also one large front room to let. Suitable for light housekeeping. 361) -:-._-- I T` 'A` 'Q` '5` 'A` '3' `an - - - - - _ _. ._ One cent a. word, cash, each Inner- tion. (minlmume charge, 25). 51: Insertions for the price at four. 10c extra when charged; also 100 extra when replies are directed to The Examiner Office. ' -- FA\R.\I FOR SALE-100 acres, lot 6, con. 4. Innisfil. good c_1ay loam. close to school and church, good buildings, running creek, 4 acres of maple and beech bush. -For furthe-1' prn'ticu1:u's apply J. C. Hindle. Cookstown, 011:. 364411) .:-- n .3---an-v. .43-----. FOR `SALE - A choice fifty-acre ' clay farm, good buildings and ever_v- 1 thing in good shape: flowing well. ' A good one hundred--acre farm, good land. good buildings, as piece bush. A big farm with big barn, good land: about five miles to Bar- rie;. a bargain. Apply to E. H. Johnst-on, Real Estate, phone 942.1, 26 Mary St.` 33-38pc .- --.. . . ._.-.-u...... . _..--cp--.~ FAR.\I FOR SALE---'Tl1e \V1/3 lot 21. con. 8. -Essa, 100 acres; seven- room. cement veneer dwelling`, bank barn 36x78, implement house, sheep pen. hog` pen. gjar:1_:`e. 1a1`.re orchard. in an excellent neigrhbornood, very close to `Irvy; about 80 acres underl (`l`n1). remainder in timber. `Terms arranged: immediate possession. Apply to owner, .\Irs. \V. J. .VIcLean, Ivy. or J. A. Corlbett, Thornton. On- tario. 36-38b ` FA*R.\I FOR SAL`E-150 acres, lot 13. con. 4, Innisfl, clay loam. One of `best grain and stock farms in Innisfil. On this property is B. 10-. roomed roughcast house. hard and soft water with taps in house; up- to-date barn, 40x90. on stone foun-' dattion: cement floors equipped with steel stanchions, water bowls and litter carrierz. hog pen. and hen house 24x70 on cedar block; imple- ment house 20x-50; garage and work shop 15x30. This farm is well fenc- ed and in high stateeouf cuitivaition `and ha,s never been tenanted. Nice lawn, orchard _and creek on pasture` lot. On fifth concession, .close to paved highway, schools, churches, ra1l{va.y. market, eitc. Apply to ow-n~ er, H. F. Graham. -Churchili, Ont.. or phone 19r4, Lefroy. 32tb --Cowie and Co. have taken over the. agency for Delineator Magazines and Patterns. Subscrib- -.... ..1.m=.n call for magazines. 36b Magazmes uuu . ..,...--._, ____ ers please call .. . __ . Tzooms AND BOARD FARMS`!-`OR SALE HELP. garrran . .------_. Bzlyik-'dvertisedt Things WT_"':_ U% PAI;\"'I`7ERS wAxTED. 227 Brad- ford St... Allandale. 361) .__......._.__._........... nice houskeeping unfurnishel. .-\p .;.\' f<'.ri'\ UK U36, V31-aepl Cl.'.|.U' V TVVO "FUR `COATS -for sal, suitable for drlvirfg. Phone 315. 36 . . COOK STOVIE for sale. Apply 14 Eugenia St. or ,ph_one 1000J:. 36b_ 15;o=RALE`--carpet, - rocking o11ah'sT. Apply St. - MAPIJE TREES for sale. delivery October, two_ year old, well-grown stock. Phone 310. 3:11:13!) U.'I.UL)!1', LW U yca P_hone ' CHOICE secuuu 5L'uv\'u; 594 or plgone 148'2F. | - - A-LFALFA FOR SALE -- 3 acres choice second growth _a1fa1fa. Box :04 Al` nhnnn 1452'-713` 35.361) ___..._._._..____.._..___.._._... EXIPERIENIC-ED .\IA`ID wanted. wages $26. Apply to Box B", Ex- aminer Office. 36b CAPABLE GIRL wanted for general- housework. References required. Apply 56 `Collier St. 3-itfb . 7 SEED W`HEA.`T, excellent quality. for sale: also fresh young cow. Phone 739J, Hirry Ottaway. ` 36b SEED \VI-BEAT FOR 'SAI1E--O.A. C. No. 104 wheat, good quality. $1.35 per bushel, f.o.b. 'C.`PJR. or 'C.N.'R.; bag-s, 10c. 1\hos. Smith &._Sons, Uto- pia, Ont. 35-"3-6b TH`RESH'I'l\'%G 'OUTF'I"1` for sale. In excellent working order. Bargain for . quick buyer. For pa1'ticu1ars'appl,V | to E. `R. .Scott, I-Iillsdale. Phone 8-4 l'C`h-.-\vvn1n nnI1I'rIn`\ FOIR SALE-Handsorne Canadian red fox scarf, best quality one-ani- mai choker style. Never worn. Good. reason for selling. Price $45. Apply Examiner Office. 31-36b _____..._________..____ FOR SALE-1 xhorse, 1450 lbs., price nnnn u nnomnno:ah1A Annlv Jnhn `IV. GOOD 'HOIJS'TEIN- COVV -heavy milker: no bad habits or faults; good reaons for selling. F. Madi- gan, Essa Road, Allandale. 34-39p :-j- SEED VVI-I'EA T FOR SALE. well saved. Apply M. R. `Hastings. GUth' r-In r-n nnhn 17l`21. ' saveu. J-xpluy .u. n. n rie. Oro phone 17r21. . 7 RANGIE FOR SALE. Combination coal and gas range, good as new, price reasonable. Phone 301. 361) : FUR SA1.4rJ--1 lnorse, uau 1us., puuc very reasonable. Apply John V. Brown,`A1landale. Phone 383. 36b _ __________....___.._._. FOWL WANTED, highest pricesl paid. Phone 384 or write Box 542,| Rm-rip, H. Levit. 31-361) }FOR SAIJE-L10yd reed carr'1age. nnnnuaikln o-nan" glen A Fnlding 2'0- 1"U11 :\:LJI:.-v-1.41u,y`u u-.-cu ucuLuI.5\:, reversible gear; also, a folding go- can; both in good condition. Apply at 31 McDonald |St. . 86p * FRESH cow for sale. Apply D. H. Maw, Barrie 'RJR. 2. 361) [U `D. 11. IDUULL, Luu (Elmvale central) - H~0LS"DE-IN iC`OVV, fresh, five years `old with pair of twin "calves. This is a very heavy milk and butter cow. Also *part Ayrshire and part Durham cow 4 years old, due to freshen `Dec. 1. `This is also a very heavy milk and butter cow. Apply to Roht. `\Vi1s0n, '206 `Bradford St. nu,-...,-. A00 _-gm, IXUIJL. H Phone 420. LOIST on Peel '*St. worth, white gold diamond ring, platinum setting. Re- ward. Phone 699. , - 361) - LOST--A Abrooch setw1th pearls and a garnet, on Dunlop ISL, Satur- day night. Leave at Examiner and receive reward. ` 36b STRAY-ED from the premises of John Vveeks, tsunnyside, a dark bay mare. Anyone knowing whereabouts of same please notify John \Veeks. R.R. No. 1, Penetang. 35-36p - ` .\I.-'hP.E`ST'RAY'ED onto lot 32, con. 10, |Ess`a, around August 270. Owner may have same by proving pro- perty and \pa_ving expenses. D. H. Maw, Barrie `RR. 2. 361) pdlu. ruuuc uo1 Barrie. H. Levit. G: FOR 'SAI.:E--ISeven-roomed brick nouse with all conveniences, lot" 86 ft. frontage, opposite Queen's Park. Apply Mrs. J. B. Barr, 111 Toronto St. T ` 33-38p FOR SALE-'Five acres, good house and outbuildings, nicely situated, with town water and electric light. Box 574, Barrie. 33-38p LOST on August 30, `between Bar- rie and Hilllsdale, `brown suit case containing ladies clothing. Fingger please leave at Queen s `Hotel, (c `e of bus) or call 1401J, Barrie. who n-H1 n-av unv r-h:2l`Q`A, 36-37]) __..____..____.______ HOUSE FOR -SAIJE, 8 rooms on Mary St.; a1l.co11veniences; hard- wood floors: hot water heating; three five p1aces;"`a1so garage. P.O. Box 211. 36p \ H`OU1S'E `F-OIR 'SAEUE-At 63 High \Y-uy Qlinruonn nhanfvvin efnvn. l1'UU3D'I!4 1"-k)|.!`V. 'DJ1Ll.l.l`4-1L uo 1.145;: St. New furnace, electric stove., garage, central location. -Immediate possession. A:pp1y CE. Braden, 63 High St. Phone 212I5~W. '36-43b I : SIX-R0'0'.\IED BRICK HOUSE for sale or to rent on Cumberland Stu all conveniences; rent per montih. 2: fox` sale at $1600. J. Terclgni. 129 Cumberland ~St1'eet.', Allandale. Ont. V . 4 31-36p * SA|C=RJIFIuCE for quick sale, 50 acres firstclass land near tstroud, conven- M ient to lake shore and `Township Park, 1'2 acres wheat. 8 acres alsike. Apply J..A. Spring, lot 22, conces- sion *9. . ` 36-41p O1 nus) U1` cuu .L`2U.Lu willpay any charges, ` :T-?--:---T.:-- THE BAR'R'I1E REAL ESTATE OF- F`I'CE., Mus. May Creswicke, Sec`y.- Treas-.. houses to rent, lots for sale, Lake Simcoe shore .propert_v, Peace River lots. List your pro erty with us. Office 190 Bayfield St. elephone 310. 36-411) ::-:-:: WANTED TO BOA.`R.D, an elderly person. Apply 158 Essa. St. 35-40p :. LIB. L ' lIRWIN'S BLUE TAXI SERVICE. local and long distance. night and day. 25 cent service. Phone 198. 27tfb .\IFS'S MARJ'O`RI`E 'C1RES\VICKE is now arranging hours for junioz `pupils in piano` lessons. Phone I310. 34tb FLORISTS - Dnwbon and Penn.- wholesale and retail florists, Henry and Anne Sts.. Barrie. Chrysa/nthe- mums now ready. 33-38p ____.___...__.___..__._.__ I -::-:--:- Y STEEL AND CONCRETE BRIDG ES erected to Government standard Plans prepared by competent en- gineers without extra. expense to you. Plie driving, sounding, etc Vast experience; 114 bridges` com pleted in Slmcoe. No job too 1arg - and none too small. Let me gurv on your requirements in` concrete 0 structural steel for any purpose. .1 J . Dumond. general c'ontracto' Brentwood, Ont. 16-42;- LIVE '_roc1< FOR SALE guy" ery. N0 CE is hereby given that Elea- nor . air, of-the Town of Barrie, in the County of lslmcoe. and Province of Ontario, wife of John Vair, will apply to the Parliament of Canada at the next session thereof, for 3 Bill of Divorce fcom `her husband. John Valr, now residing in Buffalo, New -York, on the ground of adult- AF`? ery. Dated at Toronto -this 30th'day of August, A.2D. 19128. . CH-AJRIJESA A. TE!-II0EB'UER: , 4-- - ______`_ \a-A.-:.'a.u-av.-..cuu can -on-_v-_v_-_. 171 Yonge Street, Torobn to. 36-4`0bA -Solicitor for the Applicant. O -r-- TWO MACIDS VVANTED at Royal Victoria Hospital; one as kucher. maid and one as houselrnaid. Apply to Miss McArthur, `Superinten- dent. 3611 _ .PR9 ERTY 1-`on SALE Iaruaais L MISCELLANEOUS parlor "suite. 191' Elizabeth Q:_QRn `IZKJJULH. 35-38p J1. 3U. T35-361) UHB 0`! 36-381) 1'U W u 3_4t;b Lt`. \\ uu 36-371) U LII` ~33}: YOU CAN EARN em 10 no a. waves in your spare time at home writing show cards. No canvassing or 801- iciting. We instruct you and -supply you with work. Write `today. -The Menhenirt Co. Ltd., 45 Qomlnion Building, Toronto. 1Mtfb