T137111--u T ujxuj ----_-. TOMORROW (FRIDAY) THE DOORS} w LL BE Tl-IROWN OPEN FOR YOUR 1NsPE CTION. wE INVITE THE MANY CUSTOMERS wg-10M wE HAVE ALREADY SERVED A A . - AND ALL THE OTHER PEOPLE OF THE TOWN AND SURROUNDING COUNTRY. ' --:---: ------ 4~l\l\l'\l\ In the store Recently occupied by E. B. Sutcliffe Cc. For the rs: tune in history,-\a Willyv _t-with all the quality that its name ea-haa taken its place in the low- ploed motor car eld. Q Standard Six-a.-n automobile of lawvswung graceful appearance, luxurious lmerlora and eve-pleasing color harmono gas, in an ensemble of ne motor-car And under the hood-where quality muntsmost-isthefamous Willvs-Knight leave-valve motor, patented, exclusive- the motor that improes with use--the motor that, because it has successfully eliminated valve and carbon troubles its simplicity of operation. has. carefree tori toith dreds ofthousands of omvwgnersfg ' ; n The various models of the Stanclard Six" In displa fo 1) Vititngrurosearest dzalerss zgduivffanange 5!! a demonstration.- Office and Yards,Victoria St. an? Railway. - - I In l Q 2 I V` Z 3 K%?&IIIs I XIX? CHARACTERISTICALLY ATTRACTIVE ARCABE mess IN li1ADYTb7iiiEKk CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES SHOP AT 'l'HIS SZl'ORE; +'1`WILL PAY YOU IN EVERY AWAY -- nuns-nu-nun Though in a new home, there will he no change in our policy of the most courteous service and supreme yalues with our personal guarantee behind ' ' `_`Always Leading in Value is our motto. - *~- *- `~+ - ---' -- -: V - -e- -- - -- ---------- .----v nnnn nnrnn W - IV I-I llriu-ll-I 5,56 : V an -\ro1 nanny: -as -` a un -`r\r..v-- :.---_ _._.. ._.. __ _ .. __? FORMAL Of "E N INTG` FRIDAY. % sEP1j:;_n_v;;:;3-1{j;fg;_ FOR EVERY ULD`N9.?P!3?5 I 117;. IJIJII-Al-II|I\) A visa v-m- Contractors! Builders! We can meet your every need` for building supplies. Our stock is always complete. Check over your present re- quirements and let us sub- mit an estimate. Our vol- ume buying makes for lowest ossible prices. The mater- als you need are here- ready for prompt delivery. Phone 999 &- C D-T-C7 `and Holidays WE sHAi.'i'i'1'11.'\ /E'&51?1"'15f13'LIA'.3}"}sL 'C61iV1i31_1iTEL;NE_pF EAL; co_op_s_ (DUNLOP STREET. NBARFIVI; f_ OIN'l`S) guuuunnuuuuumug .Mrs}- B. J. Nicholls was in Buffalo this week for a. few days. `Mr and `A/I've 13`. T3911-nv nf Tnwnnfn Bill WVUA J.`-N.` U. =&U VV URI 3: `Mr. and Mrs. E. Dalby of Toronto | spen-t "Sunday with `Mrs. H. Sanders. \R.. _..J `K..- E` 1" 1\ '\TA........_ AIAA ..r.... --..---v.`, .y..... .v.. _.u --- -.4--nan- ... Mr. and Mrs. F. J; D. Norman are spending a. week with relarcives In Waterloo. `King Illa:-1va' 'Dnu4>u{r'Inn AF "IVA!-I- VV G,lvUL'lUUu ` Miss Gladys Partridge of Tor- \onto visited at Mrs. J. Marling s. L Painswick. \Kv\ nvu-is `Ian `D 'Dhn`n.V\n\nR ant` 4751115 W 1155: Mr. and` Mrs. B. Birchard and rNorman Marling attended Exhibi- `tion on Labor Day. Mia: `l'c`1nv-Anna 'Rrnni-nn V-mu 1-A- 'FlUH U11 JJCIUUL` 1131']: Miss Florence Brunton has re- turned from a holiday visit to Pres- cott and Montreal. VIE`: anti `Ina `X7-V-n T1111 nun: Corn- UQLL Ell `VJ.U|lLl.'U1h 1 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hill and fam- ily are spending a. week with their- daughter in Oshawa. T. `lnxrcr and .T (`nnv nf `|"IA1-v-nit uuugu LUV Ill IJBHG. W a. L. Blogg and J. Coady of Detroit and H. Garside of Pontiac spent the holiday at their respective homes here. `In and II-i `D111:-\1n TKTAAJ:-an an gig`. and Mvs. Ralph Weegar. and.` family of Montreal are guests of Mr. Weegars brother, Supt. W. E. Weegar. `NH-an T. T-'I nvw-Ia `:\/Hm: T. nnnra AVLUSZSUAG-o Fred Whitney has taken over the cbnfectionery and ice cream depart- ment formerly carnied on by J. D. Wisdom & Co. Than`) T\nhann 1n?# Xlfnnauv n`tr-KC VV BEE GI` u M1-as L. Harris, Miss L. Sanders. J . Bennett and N. McKinley of Tor- onto spent Sunday with Mrs. H. Sanders. Xzfvun E` Dank: and an Yard; AP: -`aauucwa. Mrs. F. -Paris and son Jack of Detroit called on Mrs. Jack Blain. Alfred St., on their way home from Muskoka. Unt! TX?`-Ilirnnu I-can 4-nbnu tuna #1-so VV IBUUHI Frank oiisn left Monday night to attend the United Church confer- ence in Winnipeg as lay delegate from the Simcoe County_P1-esbytery. A nnri-v nf 150 Qhv-incme fvnvpii- LIUIII LIIU lulUUU uuuuuy .L'1'CU,Y LC]. J: A `party of 150 Shriners, travells in`: by special train, will pass through here`early Friday morn- ing en route to Muskoka. Theyrwm return via the Bala sub-division. -- A -vwu--.u v V --.- -..-n ...-... .. . .--.u i-Chief`-Igngineer T. T. `Ir-x:1ng of the Allandale Division, will be in Barrie tomorrow (Friday) on :1 trip of inspection, Toronto to North Bay and branches. He is going to Collingwood in connection with the dock which is being built to serve the new elevator. 11..---- mm... ..c.....,.........1...L. z... 4.1. . LIEU HUW CJCVCILUL. _ I Horace Coles, stenographer in thel Superintendent's office, who was married on Labor Day to Miss Mary Tate, of Unionville, Ont., was made the recipient of a silver tea service from his fellow-employees and he and his .bride given a royal send- off when they entrained .VIonda:. afternoon last for their honeymoon. Summer Trains Off Special trains were not necessary to handle the holiday traffic over the Allandale Division. but for some days extra sections of Nos. 46 and 47. Torontto` to North Bay, were necessary. these trains also taking care of increased iocal traffic. . nVI Ar\ A.fv9oir\a \Yn K9 an K9 UCIIVC UL 4uu1. cc1a:'u IUUUJ Ll` l.LLlU- On Sept. 4-trains No. 57 and 5S (Muskoka train) were taken off. These are the trains which passed through ate12.'2'5 noon northbound and 2.45 p.m. southbound. Trains 106 and 107. which ran Sunday; between Toronto and .\I1dland. were also ancelled on Sept. 4. Trains 5:! and 4. between '.I`orontooand Mid- 1awnd,.week days. will be discontin-` ued after Saturday next. W. Wiles Again Injured A Jinx is surely followinvg W. Wiles. Eccles 4St.. a C.N.'R. car re- hnlwnu T.n:O- unv urns nnlnnu- the back by an axle, pa VV HUS; JBUUIES 'Dl... CL \...\.'1'\. car 1.17` pairer. Last spring `he was serious- ly injured in an acciden-t while at work. being laid up two months and on Tuesday la-st another serious accident befei mm. While working under some cars on the repair track. with no signals to protect him, a shunting engine came along to re- move the cars. He was `truck in ssing over his body while he lay prostrate be- tween the tracks. Luckily his pre- dicament was noticed before fur- ther injury resulted. As it is he will be confined to his home for some time under a doctor's care. ' The Week : Bowling -Once again Creemore failed tr lift the Jamieson Cup when a rinx< skipped by L. Agar vi-sited Allan- dale club on Wednesday nigh` They were beaten 23-14 and the Mug" stays here..A1liston will at- tempt to lift it tomorrow night who local rink was skipped by C. W. Poudher, and .was.~com.posed of W. B. Webb, B. `Thompson and E. Kohlmeyer; ` x , Thar: tn-A nnlv R nnf n? 99 11:91 i l'LUll1l!lU,Y,U1'.' ~ There are only 8 out of 22.le1`t in the annual club singles competition, [silent or twelve rinks left in the doubles, play in" both of which is proceed!-ng almost "every. night. Those left in the s1n`8les are V; E. Knlcht, W. B. Webb. 0. W. Poucher, B. '.l`l;omps'on, A. Johnson. W. Peck. I-I. Kennedy ands. Mdcausland. -nu__._:..l._.. 1.. LL- a--.1.1-_ n..- `Remaining in the doubles are S. Gauide and J. R08`ers,~ B. Thomp- son and C. W. Poacher. W. `Peck and J. Loeear. I-I. Kennedy and E. Munro, W. B. Wgbb and A. Soak, Barr!eF.!9!, $212191? C0- Fluuaumnuiuuuiif gmiumamaiwmmmug 3. onrrumw ; w&imwmw&mmmm$&w JOHN A. FARRELL John Alman Farrell, who died at his home in Small St. on Aug. 30,` 1928. was born at Napanee 76 years ago but the greater part of his life was spent at Dalston where he went at the age of 17 and where he farmed until 15 years ago when rheumatism, from which he was a great sufferer, compelled him to retire from the strenuous activities of agriculture. Since leaving the farm heihas resided in Barrie. Mr. Farrell was a member of the Meth-1 odist (later United) C-hurch, a. Con-| servative in politics, a man of in-| tegrity who was deservedly respect-| ed in the circle of his acquaintance.` A4 T\a1ann kn mnrrin `Eliza ea 11'! me C1I`C1 01 I115 aUqua.uu.a.uI;t=. At Dalston he married Eliza VVood, who survives him. They had no family. Deceased was a brother gt Mrs. H. E. Jory, Barrie, Mrs. J. .1:Vw.w.`g nninia NI :-ye Angus OI 'V.lI`S. I2}. 12. dUl',Y, Dauav, 4u.a-U. 0- E. Emms, Orillia, Mrs. Angus Thurston, Toronto, and Miles Far- rell, Carstairs, Alta. ~'I'W-m Pnnnvnl nn Safllrdav. Sent. Tl-IE. BARBIE` EXAMINER rie and the funeral was held on5 Tuesday from the residence of his` brother-in-law, `Thomas .\IcManus. Rev. Fr. Brennan officiated at the ~ Requiem Mass and Rev. Dea.. Sweeney took the service at the graveside in St. Mary's Cemetery.l The pallbearers were J. G. Kean- an, Vvilfred Firth, Chas. Grant, Jas. Shanahan, Nelson Rivard and Jas. Kavanagh. - - - V 41 -4.` \t:,11.....-v __._ _ 1_A.... axu v u.AAv|5Aou 1 Deceased was born at .\Iidhurst. tFor thirty years he was a resident l of Barrie, most of the time being in charge of the coal and wood yard `OT Mickle, Dyment & Son. Two years ago he moved to Toronto where he was caretaker of St. Michael's Cathedral. He was a `member of the Holv Name Society. -` . _-L-._... Cllylalvun v- y..- --..-. _-.-_-- ..-.V..,, ' I i Surviving mm are ms wife, whose `maiden name was Martha .\IcMan- | us; three daughters, Mrs. Roy Mat- - son, Mrs. Robt. Haughton and Miss Margaret Viola, all of Toronto; two sons, Thomas and Joseph, Toronto; his mother, who resides with his only sister, .VIr-s. Wm. Lang. Bar~ rie; three brothers. Robert of Van- rena, A1ta., Henry of Edmonton and John of Los Angeles, Calif. Advertise in The Examiner, the paper with the circulation. Metropolitan Bus Lines Limited I EXHIBITION RATES CHILDREN 5.12 YEARS-$1.50 RIETURN Single Trip Rates Same as Usual. BUSSES LEAVE Queen s and Wellington Hotels Daily at 8.30 a.m., 2 p.m., 4.30 p.m. and 9.30 p.m. LEAVE TORONTO Terminal at Bay and Dundas Sts. Daily` at 8 a.m., 11.30 a.m., 4.30 p.m., 8 p.m. rsrrqn `yrs A 151% rivl dx STANDARD TIME ' Reduced Rates from Aug. 27 to Sept, 8, inclusive '[_O__ TORQNTO AND RETURN, $3309 - -u-5-an _ 4- -was-not A` -15; I-mini-HI -\ what we sell. NORTH SIDE OF DUNLOP ST., NEAR FIVE POINTS Thursday, September 6, 1928 LUV MU l(n&uD,'V Ivvvaaw uvn nun ovuvauvv-vg w. cfoadway, Prop. ch... c.nh.m,'supg. THEARCADEIN ITSNEWHOME artheFi19$tTime on cart buy a. lys~Knight at Or inary-C3arPri4