IVUWQ DISC} ,CIlC III VVUID, G RIUI-C3 has been "perfected that completely N the world of business, in society, women often nd themselves em- barrassed at certain times. Sometimes they offend without knowing why. When they learn,emiserable self-con- sciousness follows. Make-shift eEort_s to `counteract the diculty seldom succeed. Now a discovery made in Kotex Jiboratories` ends all these fears and worries. Science has dis- covered a way to counteract a serious -4`.-.- Kotex now completely deodorize: Advertise in The Examiner, the paper with the circulation. .IUl.' lWClVCa \JIl 53-1: 3` all drug, dry goods and Anna nmnnral at-nu-no Buy a box today-60c for twelve. On sale at `II J... .`l_. _--.I- --J :l:p:utz eggl?:r:.mq pla whic;!eodo:izes- ' Shaped to fit, too Because corners of the pad are rounded and tapered it may be worn without evidence under the most clinging gown. There is none of that conspicuous bulkiness so often as- sociated with old-fashioned methods._ And you can adjust the ller, make it thinner, thicker, narrower-to suit your own special needs. It is easily disposed of, no laundering is neces- sary. A new process makes it softer than ever before. r ends all odors. The one remaining hygienic problem in connection with sanitary pads is solved. {WY WOMEN S INSTITUTE A.x1-... \\n\'I' n-.ooHnn- nf Tux: '\\'nn1A\ That famous. wonder-avor has made Kel- logg's} the largest-selling corn akes in all the world. Millions eat them daily. . . . You ll especially welcome their delightful crispness these ne mornings. A treat to make the family taste just sing! Q Deodorizes . . . and4 otber important featum: 1-Softer auze ends chang; pliable 61 ct absorbs as no othe: substance can: 2-Comer: are rounded and tapered; no evidence of sanitary protecuon under any gown; ._ C""'*` 3-Deodorizeksafely. thoroughly, by I new and exdusivc patcntcd process: 4-Adjust it to your needs; ller may be made thjnnet. thicke:.nn:rowcu8t and 5-1! 2': easily disposed of} no unnlcnsant lnundnr. Made in Canada `I I5 C3575] F3110 unpleasant laundry. Page llovan vinegar, 9 level cups biown sugar. 1 level cup Keen a Mus- ltd; _l cup salt, _l tablespoon turxnenc powder. 1 tablespoon curry powder. 1 o:. ground mixed allspiee. mu piece of alum. 1 gal. white wine" poo:-nu rivvv -- .._ Heat enough vine- gar to dissolve sugar. then -put ingredients is: a covered croclc. it well and continue to stir each morning for two weeks. Add onmunhnv-I. _ 3ninn_g_ small carrots. beans or my vegetable.de- tired at my mac. This will leap well all -Inigo. A Good Crock Pickle _de_licious T '% T9}! with c.w. GILLETT CO. LTD. TORONTO o Cho I CONTMNS NO ALUM Uhis `2@ar~Mahe your 3 own Mustard Pickles R ORE and more every year women of discrimination are making their - own mustard pickles. They find that only in this way can they obtain the particular combination of vegetables they desire - assure maximum avour and` purity 9- practice true economy. To have your own mustard pickles on your table is a mark of distinction. It labels you as a woman of efficiency, good taste and high standards. - Decide how that you will this year make mustard. pidtles in `your own clean kit .1... "I" .. uni` cu I nlnacn nnnr `nrnnu llIuHIl\l_ K19-l\l\3 III VI-bl. VVVII yuvvuo : chen. us you wifl please your and win the admiration of every guest who sits down at your table. W: 'l1'a'v'e 'p'1iepa:ec-lv:?asciriatir_1;g_ booklet which contains, in addition to other valuable recipes, full instructions as -_ L--. .- mnnbn all enhee AF rnnemrtl OUICI VEIURDIC ltglrwa, sun. suouuuuvuo an to how to make all sdtts of mustard pickles. We will gladly send this book to you FREE'upon request. ` _e e?* " %F`35-39K .._.A._. _n- [;*im$wimiiiiiiiiii:i&u$: 3 .m woMAN's%1u:ALM` 3 iiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiii " 'rH-a~eu='r It came to me unheralded at dawn. Enwrapxiaed `In tissues soft 02 pearly In at. ' T . And tied wI1'th suwbeams. 0ne~by one The fIeIlds.d touched by an unseen an , . ' Drifting apart. revealed the hidden, treasure; , . Then I heard the song of birds. Murmurs or myriad. prayers, ~tha.nks- alulncr nrain, PAINSWIOK WOMEN'S msf. Owing to the fact that Sttoud school fair is taking place on Tues- day, Sept. 11. the ,regular, day of Painswick Women's `Institute. their meeting will `be held on the fo11'ow- rug day. Sept. 12. at the home .0! Mrs. Robt. H. King. Essa `Road ; A1- landaie. Visitors are welcome. VII-v,u-up vv --u-n-u On Saturday afternoon, August 25,1928, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. I-I..Kin of Allandale, celebrated their silver wedding at their beautiful home on Essa Road. About 40 guests were present. including `Mr. and Mrs. G. t W. Gordon. D. W. Gordon and the Misses `Rhena and Lillian. Gordon. Port Credit: .Mr. and Mrs.AA. Beam"-' 'ish. Erindale; Mr.`and Mrs. H. G. Hill. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Beamish and Mrs. Art. Patterson, all of Is- lington, Toronto -guests` were Mr. and Mrs. H. `Rowntree and family. 5 Mr. and Mrs. Jas. -Gilchrist. Mr. and ' Mrs. D. Wanner. Miss Maud King and Bruce.Goddard. From j_St'ayner were Mr. and Mrs. O. Mccort. Mes- srs. Ernest and I-Iugh,.\Ic'Cort. The "anniversary supper was served on 'beautifuily decorated tables on the . spaeious verandah, following which - there was a lengthy toastvlist pre- sided over byRev. A. R. Holden. Mr. and Mrs. King were the recip-' ients of a` handsome collection of silverware accompanied `by num- erous wishes that they `may be spared to celebrate their golden wedding. Their family. `Misses Elsie. ,Bessie. Dorothy. Violet and Master Qrnnlmy wmm nil nvnsant. MUPIDUPS UL IuyrLau p1`u,yvs a, Lwllax giving. praise. . . It was a good and perfect g1tt._ f\nA wanna nan} (`RV U. Wtl E suuu cuxu. One more new day. fffllll- .1363-`J16. JJUl'uLlIy. Vlutco, cuu Stanley. were all present. -- BELLES OF LONG AGO . (`Toronto Mail & Empire) _ ' Mrs. Robert Boyes of Lefroy (re- presenting Churchill Women's In- stitute) was a charming figure yes- terday, when she entered the old- time costume contest staged by the Ontario Women's Institutes and won first prize. Her striped silk frock was 76 years old and had been `worn. before her. marriage. by a Miss George who became Mrs. Mclconkey of Gil- ford. Over this was worn a shawl of beautiful lace. that had been the ci1i'isteni,ns'- .' i`0'be of John Harrison. now of Churchill. The shawl-had been a `gift to his mother from Lord Mu'ncaste`r's sister. at VVartor Prio- ry, York. Pinning the Maltese lace, ' that was another heirloom. was a sold and crystal`brooch, that h'ad belonged to another `branch of the family -- Mrs. Harrison. who was wife of a rector of Porklington. Yorkshire, while the hat tilt-ed co- quetti-shly over .\Trs. B`oyes' eyes. a.nd\upheid by a splendid concourse of hair. belonged to another period. It had been worn onlyronce by a bride. a sister of Mrs. L. Roberts. of Gilford. fifty-seven years ago. Mrs. Boyes' earrings came from Scotland many moons ago and be- longed to Mr. Boxes mother. Buy Advertised Things SILVEB WEDDING 3..o......a.-H. nvnnnnnn V uuav ` -William Boyd Allen. ` HILL-CHRISTIE A pretty wedd~ing~w`as so1emniz- ed in Knox Presbyterian Church, Craighurst, on Saturday after- noon, `Sept. 1, when Irene Eliza- beth, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Christie. became the bride of Mr. `Harold Thos. Hill, Barrie. son of Mrs. Hill and the late Mr. Thos. Hill. Rev. John Gib- son performed the ceremony. The bride was ..charm`ingly gowned in white chiffon yelvet and veil of embroidered` net caught with or- ange blossoms. and carried a bou- quet of Butterfly roses. lily of the valley-and maidenhair fern. Miss Laura `Christie, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid and wore pink vel- vet w'1th bandeau of tulle .to match, and carried` a bouquet of pink ros- es and baby's breath. Mr. Edward Ellsmere, tcraighurst, was best man. The weddingxmusic was play- vedtby Miss Caroline `Christie, sister lof the bride. `Am.-- 4.1.- ................- .. ......-..J.:.... UL EMU uuuu. `After theceremony a -reception was held at the home of the -bride s oarents, and later Mr. and Mrs. Hill left by motor for Quebec. On their returnthey will reside in Barrie. ` GUTHRIE WOMEN'S INST. ANNUAL` FLOWER SHOW - The annual flower show of the Guthrie Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. J as. J ohne ston, Wednesday, Aug. 29. Man beautiful owers were exhibite . The members of the `Women's In- stitute appreciate very much the kindness of Mr. Vickers in judg- ing the owers each year. Prizes were `awarded as follows`: G.......L.. ........ .-...... ll..- "l3...;..... VVU1-V GWGIVUVU B LUIIUVVUG Sweets peas, vase, Mrs. Besse. Mrs. `Stoddart. Mrs.` J. M. Gil- christ. Collection Zinnias, 'Mrs. Johnston. Mrs. Besse. `Mrs. Hall. Asters, `1'2 blooms. 3 each, Mrs. W. Campbell, Mrs. Hall; Mrs. .Besse._ Collection `Mignonette Mrs. Hall, Mrs. J.'LD. Gilchrist. Cnapdragon, 8 spikes`, `all different. Mrs. John- ston, Mrs. Ansdell. Mrs. Wm. Jer- mey. Gladioli. 6 spikes, Mrs. Stoddart. Mrs. J. M. Gilchrist, Mrs. Hall. `Collection Calendlula. `Mrs. Johnston, Mrs. Wm.` Jermey. Mrs. Chas. Jermey. Table bouquet. low arrangement. Mrs. Johnston. Mrs. Stoddart, ?Mrs. Hall. Hand bou- quet, Mrs. 'Stoddart. Mrs. Hall, Mrs. |C'has. Jermey-. -Collection Pansies, Mrs. J. `D. Gilchrist, Mrs. Johnston. Collection Petunias. Mrs. Johnston, Flossie Campbell. Collection Nasturtiu-ms, .Flossie Campbell. `Mrs. Ansdell. Mrs. `Chas. Jermey. `Collection `annual Lark- spur, Mrs. -`Hall. Mrs. Johnston. _ I-___-_ _ -2-` l_,IJ 1-- V--." --cw--1 -._-_. ---...~w-.-- The lawn social held in the even- ing was a decided success. Many came to view the beautiful owers and also enjoyed` the . excellent mrogram furnished by Mr. and Mrs. Singer and Mrs. Shrubsole, Barrie; |Fred Clarke and Irwin Mc- Mahon, 'HaIwkestone; Mrs. `Mason Wright. Mrs. J. -D. Gilchrist. Park- er Wearing` and Jack McKay, Guthrie. Rev. Mr. `Cruse. Hawke- stone, as chairman. in his usual jolly manner, helped make the pro- gram a success. .All were delight- ed to have Iinv attendance members of the Barrie Women's Institute. "`Rt\ (`uh-Lu}- |D|unInn1\ u.-L 4-A `v1\`lII\ U1. LIIU uJa1.`ru-: VV UNIV 5 IIIBDII/UUUI The Guthrie `Branch wish to take this opportunity to thank the Bar- rie laddes for coming to help make the ower show and social evening a success. also in helping to furn- ish the program. `At the close of the pro~g'ram'a lunch was served by the ladies. - Sept. 3--Miss Martha Lennox has returned from Stroud after spending a couple of weeks with friends there. - Innu .1\...u3.. `nan 'nnv-n1n.nuno` n U1`&CUUl`u . - V John lH9r}de1`son of Totyenham was renewmg old acquamtance -here last week. I`! l\...........A-A... -0 ,A..uu.-. 5 kn`.-L l1`lBHQS 5115138.. V Esten -'Dav1s has purchased a tractor. `l'..L... l1'J'.....J....--.. -9 'l`-J-&-nalannn `aursdhy. August 30. 1'98 g-u 'UU1'U 15.3 In VV VGA. L C. Dempster of `Angus is holi- c"a ing with his unc1e..`Wm. `Cleary. " iss Gladys ISrig]e,v of `Holly is visiting her sister, Mrs. B." Mc- Qu\a,v. ' King minim Qnnnua on!` IT-Ynvtn-non `quay. Miss Elsie Spears and `Herman Jennett attended the wedding of Miss `Christie to H. "Hill in Craig- hurst on Saturday. Thfu nut` "M'ua ID 11' Ttnnvun`-`I Mu l1Ul'Sl4 U11 DU':LLU.'ut1_\ o Mr. and Mrs. IR. H. Jennett. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Jennett motored to Collinigwoodr on Sunday. m11n\n m11nff :4: .n+4-on:-`:'nm +1-\n DU \JUlL1ll'5'VVUUu UH ouuuny. Erma Elliott is attending the Exhibition in. Toronto. T ...LL....... 1.-.... 1...-.. ........:-....J ....... LHAIIIUIDIUZI 111' LUJ.'UllLUc Letters have been received from all the boys that went to the west. They are all busy working. `The P1'esb,vterir.m Sunday `School. has added twenty new books to its library. , . Mrs. `D. Gauley `and Melville visted friends here over the week- en . `R3.......... 1l71L..1.--l.... .....1 12...`... cuu. Misses. Wilhelmina and Irene Cleary vlslted frxends gt Angus, Sunday. `D1............. *D..L..-...a..... ......1 L..-a.L.... wIl<$1`:13`e'nce `Robe1`ston agd brother 1c:f `Toronto -are visiting friends ere. TA}... r[1'_...I-...._.. -...1 ..3..J.-__ -- UUIIII 'l1UllUUl'l1ll uuu 31511131`, ?1C" comnan-ied by Leila `Davis \and Marion Arnold. motored north one dav last week. uI....1 15-3.! ...-;....-.1. ;- 1r:..4.-_.:- NV IGSD WE'VE: , ` Earl Reld motored to Vxctorxa Harbor on Sunday. I M: fnrns -'Dg1'J any` any: I`:-uni `I'1l|l'UUl' UH DUIIQH Mrs. fWm. 'Rei':!. and son :Ear!, spent a day at the `Ex. Qnhnr rn`.nnn11nrI-1vH\ Man 'I"nvn_ "\yU "|Vl1l` Il`$Ill&I1 Whe next meet1nr.:; of `Ivy '\\'omen`s '1n.-mute win bu held at Mrs. ~'I`hompson Jennett's. \\'ednesday af- gzernoon. Sept. 12. Mrs. Jennett will (glemonstrate icing a cake. Roll call {fr 239 a_nswered by a pickle recipe. aycuu a uay an um nus. School re`-opened' with Mr. Turn- er of Fergus [in the senior room --and `Miss .Amble_r of B`arrie in jun- ior room. TM`..- 7-1.- `1:-..A..'.;.. 2. 1___.._-____ [U13 l'UU'lIlo V Mrs. John Banting is keeping house for Mrs. W. E..=Lermox, who is if Tororto. - 1..-... `L--- ..-__.L L- la Ill LUl'UIl|aUo A number from here went to Elmvale on Monday to pick black- 'berries,.\but failed to get many as they were `picked out on Sunday. " (From Another Cprrespondenp) `Sept. 2--Miss Blanche Banting has returned home after visiting `friends in Elmvale. ' vilbn n InIII\A1\An .l1l\|n- `\A|nA a&&Au-H- uuueu on l'.l.`lUllU3 l"IUl`E- Mlss Marion Arnold and Miss Leila Davis spent the week-end in Muskoka. ' WEI-A 1GAI\A\nn`Iu}\n uv|An5`v|n- A9 `HA LVl.l.lSKUl{i1u _ The 1Septem`her meeting of the .Womenfs -Institute will be held at LFIVHUS U1 dulI\ Cl.it'- Quite a number from here attend- ,ed Toronto Exhibition this week, _Tm-\1.r `I-Tawuanann nnaam-1 H1:-nngh ,uu -l.Ul"UHl.U IAKIIIUILIUH EH13 WUUK; Jack Henderson passed through this-village one day last week and called on friends here. Ilium Innlnn Avnnnh-I v and `Allan DIV: John ~'Hendersom and sister, ac- rxvnnnvnn-` kw 1':..n.. mamas `nu-\A PRliE\WlNNl-IRS AT BARRIE nowsn snow UL I-'l.'llll3o, VV 9 lilo `:9 &VlIIl`WUUUo I353` `ket of perennials, G. Vickers, I. F. Welsman. Zinnias, Mrs. Love. H. M. Lay. Single asters, Rev. G. A. Cruse. Gladioli, 1 variety, Dr. Spencely, `S. `G. Underhill. Collec- tion of garden owers. P. Love, R. J. Homewood. Gladioli, 8 var- ieties. P. Love. Dr. Little. Asters. 1 -color, `G. Richardson. Mrs. Chantler. Dianthus, Major Kendall. A. S. Jamieson. Asters, pink, 2nd. G. Richardson. V:ase of cut ow- ers, G. Vickers. Mrs. Love. Mign- onette,-2nd, `H. M. Lay. Perennial Phlox. Mrs. Waldie, G. Vickers. Collection of owers. R. J. Home- wood. Major Kendall. `Collection of tuberous begonias. Miss Camp- bell, Mrs. |Love. Snapdragon, Mrs. Love. Garden photos, G. Vickers. Dahlias. -H. M. Lay. Clarkia, Miss Campbell. iMajor Kendall. Hall bouquet (perennials) A. S. Jamie- son, Miss `Campbell. Hall bouquet (asters), G. Vickers. Scabiosa, G. Richardson. R. J. Home-wood. -BOUQU'ETvS--Vase of sweet eas, G. |Richardson, Miss Camp- ell, I. F. Welsman. Table decora- tion. Miss 'Ca-mp`bell. Rev. -Cruse, Miss Brock. Table bouquet, Geo. Vickers. Mrs. Newton, P. Love. Vase of perennials, G. Vickers, Miss Campbell. Hand bouquet. _G. Vickers. Miss Campbell, Manor .' Kendall. Button bouquets. -Major Kendall. I. H. McMahon, Miss Campbell. Basket of gladioli, G. Vickers. W. H. G. Mar-wood. an: A` v mvnnvvvvnnm 1 llUWUI', `V3900 VIUISCKH, .Lu.1.'a. 0: So a Newton. Sweet peas; Mrs. R. S Waldie. A. -B. -Coutts. Basket glad-' ioli, Geo. Vickers, Miss M. E. Campbell. Petunias. S. G. Under- hill. Miss `Brock. Primulinus, 10 varieties, W. G. iMan_wo'od, I. F. Welsmari. Gladioli, (Evelyn Kitt- landv), G. Vickers, S. G. Underhill. Cosmos, `Mrs. Love. uMiss 0. Hast- in'g`s.'Primu1inus, 1 variety, W. H. G. Marwood. Dr. nspencely. Basket n `X7 1-! (1'Nfawnynnrl 12- 'G}'.-1'\&aI-v'633:'i5IC1si:e'x?fT 'EE{k'1': of `Pi`ims., W. `H. G. Marwood. Bas- qlnln A` v\a\9a\nv|:a`a A `,<:I|1.PAIQ T V SM*A=LL GRO-WIERS (not over 8 entries). Pink asters, Miss 0. Hastings. White asters, 2nd, Mrs. M. L. 'Chant1er, Mrs. `Newton. Cos- In-os. Miss `Hastings, Mrs. Chantler. Gladioli. 1 color. I. `H. McMahon. Gladioli, collection, I. H. Mc- Mahon. Gladioli. 3 colors, I. -H. McMahon. G. C. Brown. |Sweet peas, Mrs. =Wa1die..A. B. 'Coutts. Zinnias, Mrs. `Chantler, Miss `Hast- ings. . nnimnn A r At A an n.!_-1- -- \TJ&V I`Jl\/fl-Ll \..*l.JI\t3bJ""J. ll ters, 2nd, !H. M. Lay. -`White lfsteli A H. M. Lay. "Purple asters. G. Rich- ardson, H. 5M. Lay. Crimson as- tears. J. Yeates, Mrs. M. L. Chant- ler. Mauve asters. 2nd, `H. M. Lay. Rose as-ters_. 2nd. `H. M. Llay. As- ters, 3 varieties. G. xRichard'so n, J. Yeates. Celosia. cockscomb. P. Love. -Calendula, P. Love. Miss Campbell. Calliopsis. `G. Richard- son, J. Yeates. Single c`-ahlia. Miss Campbell. R. J. Homewood. Dianthus, H. M. Lay. A. S. Jamieson. Gladioli. 8 of one kind, S. G. Underhill. Mrs.~Love. Glad- ioli, 10 of 2 varieties. S. G. Under- hill, P. Love. Gladioli. red. `P. Love, Miss. J. A. Caldwell. Glad- ioli, yellow. Dr. Little. P. Love. Gladioli. pink, P. Love. L. P. `Sin :- er. ,Gladioli. white. Dr. Little, P. Love. Gladiioli. purple. Dr. Spence- ly, P. Love. Gladioli. variegated, P. Love. Geo. C. Brown. Gladioli, any other color. `Dr. Little. R. J. Homewood. Gladioli. blue or lav- encer. `Dr. Little. P. Love. `Single spike gladiolus. Dr. Spencely. Geo; Richardson. Gladioli, `10 varieties. P. Love. Miss -Caldwell. Collection of Prims.. W. H. G. Marwood. Geo. Vickers. Eight Prims.. 1 variety, W. H. G. Marwood. Collection of .2'ladioli. `Dr. Spencely, P. Love. Gaillardia, `Rev. G. A. `Cruse. J. Yeates. Hydrangea. Pan. Mrs. Waldie. H. M. Lay. African iM*ari- g'olc'.-s. Rev. G. -A. Cruse. Mignon- ette. H. M. -Lay. Miss Campbell. Nasturtiu-ms. P. Love. Single Pet- unias. Miss `Brock. `Double Petun- ias. Miss `Brock. Major Kendall. Phlox Drummondi, P. Love. A. S. Ja-mieson. Roses. Miss 'Christobel Raikes, W. H. G. Marwood. Stocks. J. Yeates, H. M. Lay. Salniglossis. A. 1S. Jamieson. Geo. Richardson. Scabiosa. H. `M. -La.V- 'Salvia, Maj- or Kendall. Sweet Peas. A. B. Coutts. Verbenas. P. Love. H. M. Lay. Zinnias. P. Love, R. J. `Home- wood. Collection of annuals. -Miss Campbell. Annual Larkspur, Miss Campbell. A. S. Jamieson. `Y-_--1L__ 1'I..-.-_-. `I 13 1`I?_1....-_.. W1ITo:\?IElE " Bou- quet, Miss Christobel Raikes. Quite a nun1berw1rzo;nW}1ere cele- bvated their harvest home in the county town on asaturd-ay night. (N,L,,I -. -.__.`I __- 7.___.`I___ _..-2LL '"i{r'$'x7J1}'z Eimi.=1-V, "1715." \7e1sman, `Geo. `C. Brown. ..~~ --nu U` vvunava vvnnn vnn v-./v-nu.--u-J none-Iv` School opened on Tuesday with 29 out of 32 pupils staxjtinglast year's `work over again. 11.. -_._1nur.-.. .C*.....L O1. .... nu.) (Ii/Er: `.9'i:c;;.tT.'Sh\arpe and Mr. `and `Mrs. James `Sharpe motor- gd to Creemore and back on Sun- ay. A Alarge number from, here are visiting the Exhibition this week. .lIL_'-I-_.. .Li_L_ . . . . _ _ - .\.._....-..-... M7-KGIC BAKING pownzn the home of Mrs. Thompson Jennett. A demonstration on icing a. cake will -be given by the hostess and Lhe roll call answered by a. pickle :e- cipe. Visitors welcome. |IlIl_- .1a....L!_... '1.....ntI-nu... (`Anna-gs nun uwvv uus..v.., n. ........-.-. ,,-..-. A crowd from here went picking thimbleberries on Monday and re- port a good crop. -Mina Marv Wallwln snent the wlyvu v Avcuv-Aw vs u.v-..... `The Banting brothers, George. Harry and Bill, are having splendid success with their new threshing outfit purchased this season for their own use. They have harvest- ing and threshing all completed and ground ready for fall whegt seed- ing. _I think more of the farmers wiiihave tractors in another year. ,1 A,,_ _, I__,,, ____L .`l-I-2_a-- port 8. guuu crup. -Miss Mary Wallwin spent the [week-end with friends here. Harry `Mdcann of Utopia, lay- reader. rendered a. very nice service In . nun Ana-Hnnn nhnv-oh Rnnnv reauer, reuuereu u. vcty xuue at-:1.`\'u;c in the Anglican church "Sunday morning. There will be no service next `Sunday as the rector is `away holidaying; swans; J2..- |T\-` A .aC;'IB'NERAL CLA-SiS--Pink as- .._.. 0...! I13` ll .1 .... `1`ITL}&- hm-.4-nun Iulvlus UIAU Qatuulnlunvlvlc V1119 v-vs.--. Chicken thieves are cbmmencing "run name lXAMINlR~ Doughnuts. C9Ag1gies.\etc. KILLYILEAGI-l_ -Gladioli, 10, 5 var- P0 is. -Go U11` sous, begonias, `Miss 11, Miss J. A. Cald- sin le spike, Mrs. . G. arwood. Per- 'r.,A. Cruse. Hawke- kers. `Basket of cgnt l7-1.-..- IE... 7 oli, 10, 5 egonias, ;s e ruse. Basket cut 3, Mrs. J. F. 3` :B_gske _gla_q: operations again. Mrs. Thos. Allen reports losing 40 chickens one night last week. _ _...1 `.\E_._ l`l\_`LL `I"b-_`I.._.._ .....I *-lI-IIw wu o-wu-ya ---- `-- Order at hotels, restaurants, If0CQl'iIo . On dining-can. ` Sold by all groceru. Made by Kellogg in London, Ont. * Kellogg : are the original corn ekee. More than 11,000,000 people daily demand then. C_..-_ l-_ I.._-L --J J: .... an evening meal. `ever tough-thicl:- but extra crisp. With mill: or cream --fruit: or honey added. I . I . I A . _ N , 4 ""L'.-'v."I.'. '1I.I1I'.n'&".3..n.. .. wall as brealxfut. For the kiddies Kore: has brought a new ide; offen- inine hygiene to women all over the - world. In the past ten years they have learned new comfort, new ease-oil mind through this sanitary protection. Now, after [years of work, a process Lao `snag that nnennigogln