Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Aug 1928, p. 8

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STEEL AND CONCRETE BRIDG-I ES erected to Government standard.L Plans prepared by competent on-' gineors without extra expense to you. Piie driving. sounding. ate. Vast experience; 11-: bridges com- pleted in Sinicoe. No job too large and none too small. Let me figure on your requirements In concrete or structural steel for any purpose. J. .Y. Dumond. general contractor. Brentwood. Ont. ` 16-43p ' . 'P(`.)'I`A*'I`O DIGGER FOR SALE: `nlsn 1-uhhm` tired 'bu.:1~*.\ . Apply 34 [Baldwin St.. Alland-.119. 31-321). SUITS AT `REDUCED PRICES during August. A. Knox & Co., Five `Points. Phone 95\\'_. 311) PIANO FOR S.-&LE-Be11. upri;;ht. \\':1lnnr (`HER wnn nnni.vir\n Ann'\' I lo'$.\\J J'\}l\ lD:\.l4-l'4`*'1:|t`ll. l.llJl'Jj3'llL. w:1_lnut case. .9;uod cond'ul0n. .-\:.\v_)'_\` P.(). box 12, Bm'1'ie. 31-32}; I ELl3C"I`R'IC \\'AJSHI.\'G MACHINE] for sale . just used :1 few times. Telephone 1356. 3113 TA.\IE RASPBERRIES for sale: u-H-I f`Q"IVQIV 'l1nn-\ - 'I`.31Av\Innn.; PIANO FOR SALE-Upright. .\'ew- c0mbe. App1y 69 Mary St., B.1"rle. Ont. 2S-31p ALFALFA FOR SALE, 51,43 acres. Phone Barrie 328. ` - 31p NEW CLE\'ELA.\`D BBCYCLE for sale. Reasonable. Phone -169. 311) L ttauu l\ltl.`I.`-|11Jl'Vl`Sll.`JD LU!` Silllf u will deliver . them. Telephone 602r3. 30-35b >`.\l.-\l. VVOOD FOR SALE. also posts. Apply P. J. O'Hara, Creek. u acuuun-as x`U\t'1'ulg I01` 811)` kind of roof. _ Estimates Cheerfully Given \\'e guzlrzmtee our work DISTRICT AGENT CHAS. J. GRIFFIN COLWELL .v- u nu mu; Asbestos`Roof Cemet.1t,V R annmlnaa .-..u~.n.:..... 42. .. _ _--_ vvwvv -`@115 irlllllly a seamless osovering for any l'h'IH A`? \~.\.\$' ~ -~~-------u - '1'" Let us quote our prices on painting or shingle staining your house. garage. barn etc. Let us cover that old leaky roof with our 3 n Barrie Union Cemetery _f__.--._:u- T1` Mfg. Co., Toronto Industrial Painting and Roof Cementing Dept. Mk!!! I '1\\'\'-\l H` 8.11:` :1! -hi nnvenionces. row. .-xpply 11'-v-`.1 PROPERTY FOR sAI`.ET TATIVISQUN9-F:M+:NT' 1.7.? paid. I I . any-i.- I~l'{DU.\lICU BRICK HOUSE for ~ or In rent on Cun1he1'1;1nd S:.. om1\'cniom~e.<; rem per month. : fur sale :1! $1600. J. Tero:';:'11i. L"umhc:`1;1nd Su'eo:., A11;u1d:1Ee. . 31~3p 9.1-6X1 ON LOST AND roam) AUTOM vva \'. Dowa FOR SALE >nx41J Lu\lk l\ I1L'L.EI14 \\'o1`s1ey S:.. with all wired for electric at 46 \\'01`s1ey St.. 30-35p 11" Cherry 25-35b cedar r1r\|11III SUP`! Stfx L.-\l'.\'l)'HY \\'.~\.\"l`l`}D. C`:IlI0d fur` and 11-li\'-nu]. .~\ppl_\' 11'. Owen SL, l ..n:'x'i--. 31)) AND OTHERS TOURINGS COACHES . USED CARS CHEVS. F ORDS ESSEX USEDWCARS 1922 FORD TOURING, good tires. runs good. 1920 GlR;~\Y DORT. Special Touring. Terms. Runs good. 1920 FORD ROADSTER. or delivery; snap for quick sale. 1918 MCLAUGHLIN MAS- TER SIX TOURING. in splendid mechanical condi- tion and good tires. 2 MCLAUGHLIN FOUR- CYLINDER TOURINGS. F.-\.I'RB.-\.\'KS MORSE Elec- tric Light Plant. almost new. Your present car as part- payment. Terms arranged to suit purchaser. 1923 WILLYS KNIGH'l`.sev- en passenger sedan. a power- ful, roomy car at a right price. LUGI \Jl.l.l`JV -IVUIJCIL `I'IJ\JLlI\ SEDAN, has good appear- ance and runs splendidly. 43 Elizabeth St.--Phono 278 1924 STUDEBAKER LIGHT SIX TOURING, in good con- dition th1`oug'hout. Y [7 (`AN I*2AR.\' $10 to $25 a Week in _\'0u1` .<]):u`c time at home writing shuw mrd.<. .\'n c;1nv:1ssin_; or 301- l\`i[iI1_'-f. We lnszruct you and supply ynu with work. \\'x'ite tuday, The .\Ionl1onitI Co. Ltd.. 45 Dominion Buihlin:.". Tomntu. 1)-Itfb 05:-3 the following: 1927 STAR COUPE. in splendid condition through~ out and guaranteed. 1927 STAR FOUR COACH. in good condition through- out. Best Prices in Town 1927 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR OIFBAKY L-.. ..._...I . _ _ . -_ `USED CARS Gordon Stevenson POLICY-I-IOLDERJS will kindly note the change of address to Ross Block, Barrie Drawer 750 - Phones 1005 - 1010. ANNOUNCEMENT lino been purchased by Q VAUGHAN MOTORS The Insurance Business until recently carried on by -_-...-_.. MAN p:1x`tl,\' 1'.tx'm. . BAYEIELD s'r.m'* % (successor to late Wm. Bell) SEE US BEFORE YOU DEAL Limited Opposite Capitol Theatre HAROLD HILL HAROLD HILL L9UIs 0- ma SEDANS nu u.-uuxl. .1. o.vu1r1 and 85K I01` a bottle each of, Gallagher s Blood Purier and Gallagher s Kidney Remedy. The Great Team that will help pull you back to health. Yours truly. `I \ r`Y." 5151571 1! You will agree that fifty years is ufficient time to give the acid test. to any medicine. A friend said to me the other day, Fifty years ago. when I was a boy going to the public school. I remember quite well seeing a bottle of Gallagher's Blood Purier on the shelf of the small country store near the school. Homes in Peterborough County have been using Gallag- her's for that length of time. It that not a real test of merit? How many widely advertised medicines with a heavy mushroom sale. have been on the market and have pass- ed into oblivion. in that time? Go to HARRY A. SMITH and ask for s1 hnrn gunk at t`_n11....:.-..v- 131--.! .\lL.`. .~x.t*.\. .\1L`.\11I1Y`l. "Th_ou::'h lost to sight. to memory 0.e;11`." 31`..;-S.u1I_\' misscd by their Children` Gallagher's for 50 Years] J ULILD Lfu JACK s'PEILL. (Watch This Space Next Week) j `H-IE !'.AF!'.!E EXAMINER _j-.:- 1 .\I.-\.\\'-~In 1o\'in;.:` xnenmry of John, Leslie. de;u'1y below-d son of .\I:`. and Mrs. Albert .\I:1\v. who fell :1s1o\p in Jesus on August 4. 1925. in his seventh ye;n'. In 11101110l`}` :1 d;1iI_v thought. In 119.12`: :1 silent sorrow. 31p j- .\Ic.\II.\'.\'--In loving memorv of our I d8.".l` f.1Ihr`!` and Tnnrhnr \l'v an-:3 guuu Lune eIlJ0,\'Cl. Barrie Fire Brigae was not in the money in any of the events at the tournament in Coldwater yes- terday. Midland captured the Simcoe County Cup in the main event, the hose reel race. The prize winners will be published next week. :`LL`_-T , can 1 .1- u.\L H CCA. --At the Lennox Picnic this year will `be races for Sea Fleas. other- wise known as Miniature Hydro- Planes. Vierkotter. the winner of the Exhibition Swimming Marath- on. and Byron Somers. the Califor- nia Flying will present a swimming exhibition. 31b .__I-Tnw AH .-mm ...:,. urn; 11'-.. BIGIL0\\'-L` HI-DES .\I.-\..\' -Quiet1,\'. on '1`uesd.:_\', Juiy 31. 1923. atxthe home of the h:`ide`s mother. Mrs. Habt. Kin:. 3:0 Owen St.. by Rev. J. J. Bl:1c1<. .\f;1heI Cheesman, to D1`. Lc~\\`iS IIe2~he:'t Bigelow, of I~3d:.2 1`. I \T.\ \ I)'Tl_`l1"T`\ T Y\'Y' - - ' ' .\I:1p1- .-\\'c. 31}; MAID W.-\..\"l`I'JI) fox` .IP!19l`.`l1 house- work. Apply .\I1's. W. Little, 4? I 1'4 KICE .;` Heintzman & Co. and Gerhard Heintzman Recommendations. Orders will receive prompt attention. u uucguc lUl' Lue 11116. ---Ladies--Let me solve your corset prolwlems for you. Why' not phone and have me call and show you the boning` which is guaranteed for one year? Mrs. Amy Simmons. 76 Small St.. phone 70?. 31b St." Andrew's choir, about 30 in number. had a jolly picnic yester- day afternoon at the summer cot- tage of Alex. Cowan. Big Bay Point. Games of various kinds were played and general, all-round good time enjoyed. ' Ran-I-in p:I\n `l2..,....A.. ....._ .._A. 9-, an uuuuug t'.\H --Ho\v did ';\Ian? The s BRO\\'.\'--0n S:1tux`d:1_\'. July 98. 1:|`.`.\`. 10' .\I1'. and Mm. C. \\'. Brown. Dalston. :1 son. ` B['R.\';~`--0n Sund:1_\'. Jufy 29. 192 . to .\Iz-. and Mrs. E\v;1rt Burns. .-\I1:1m1-119 R.R.. -:1 son. Tl\I-T\`.Q'l`a\\` \. .\., nvv vv -` - .-xu.un1ur* ri.1\'., I JOH .\'-s'ro.\'_..\; D.nm:.\ \l \.. 1.`. . udu`-:llLt`1'. SC TTO.\'--0!1 1\r`\` 9. \l.. BR (3 \\'.\'--0 21 1110p ..' a--.-u`-xu `l\ Lt-LI-. xl -`Ull. JOH.\`-S'l`0.\`--.-\: the R.\`. Hospital. B;u`1`ie. .\Iond:1_\'. July 30. 1928, to M1`. and .\I:'s. Allan Johnston. T'nu1'ntnn. R.R. 2. :1 son. RI'I`L`HIE--At the R.\'. Hospital. Bu`1'ie. .\Iond:L\`. July 30. 1928. to. Mr. and .\Irs. S. F. Ritchie, Angus, :1 d;1u`_:`hIe1'. CT"l"`l`:'\\' :\.. vn1_..,,, 1 - A UUL Ill lUl'L'U- For having` liquor in his auto at Tent City Saturday night last Jos. Gray paid $105.50 in Monday morning's police 'court. He is only a young` lad. His father wrote out a chegue for the fine. _ _.T nr`1'n.~ T nu u... -..-1--- ---~-A~ %gai&&&wm&i%&$&m : ADLET COLUMN %g&&a*w&g&w& 4-'--`n LU All. tm. 01-0. :1 .~'\ 'I`H0.\l.\`S--On 10-`Q nv kn r auctuay auu n'eLu1esuu_\' IIEXE. Don't forget big garden party, August 15. by Baptist young peo- ple. Orchestra, ball games. supper. excellent entertainment. 31b -Those who like dancing will be accommodated at Willoughby s Pavilion at the Lennox Picnic-a splendid orchestra will provide the music. ` 31b Camp Borden and Bradford will play a scheduled lacrosse match at Agricultural Park on Saturday, Aug. 4. Lacrosse fans should turn out in force. !1`.\.. L_--:..-. 1:_.-,., -N 1,` -Mazola demonstration. Aug. 6 to 11 at store of C. C. Hinds. b --'-Bu_v a dress and save at Sar- jeant & King's great dress sale. b -The Lennox Picnic this year will be bigger and greater than ever. 31b -300 beautiful dresses all on sale this week at Sarjeant & King's. 31b ---Remember to enter the Horse- Shoe Pitching Tournanient at the Lennox Picnic. August 6. 31b --The new fall dresses are in- cluded in the great dress sale now going on at Sarjeant & King's. b \Vnv-Ida nhnrnvxinnai-n nmn'.m- I guulg uu ab Ddl.'JCallL GE lung 3. Worlds Championship Boxing Bout. Capitol Theatre. Monday. |Tuesda,v and Wednesday next. nnn f Fnva-of nvovtlon 1\OiV+1` 'I' II `II `I LOCAL NEWS llliilllliii 1.L'-u1.\.\'-'1I1 mvulg memory 0! f.1Ihex` and mother, Mr. and .\I2-s. A'.e.\'. .\Ic.\Iinn. 'Ph.\I\n-Xx Lxav Ox .~.:..-\.; A. ----------- :.u:xL\ I Lu. n--u1.\ Ix-AK nS:.. B;n':`ie. on July 2 Rev. .\'. L`:unpheI1."D Al`-{hl11`.`s0n of .\I1`s. C .-\r:hu1' and the hue )1 ur of On. In Beth d:1u2'hze:- 0:` .\I1'. and Link. .\Iedon:e. . 7... `av. -x rum. `H0.\l.-\'S--O _\Lmd.1_\'. July 30. 19;`R. at the P1`i\';1re Patients` Pa- vilion. Turomo (,mw1`;11 Hospital. to Mr. and Mrs. G. Cecil Thomas. 1-? Colin Ana. &:`m'1ne2`1,v of Bax`- 1`iO)_' :1 dull-_-"n'r-v muos TUNED AND REPAIRED 1 \\ U .\uu.\ \\ .-an 1 1:.u-Aup:,y L`! B1`yson's Bake shop after 6 p.111. 31]) |4u;.;.u . .`AR'I`H['R-LI.\'I(-.-X: 73 High Syn R-1y-\`.1 .\n In`.\~ -`Q 1060 k-- J. G. Kl:`.NAN S opp. 1>os'r omen .-uu :\\i`.. V`. :1 dzmgi tez` IN MEMORIAM ub \..\AAlt'lLl\Jllu I 0.LU \v your wlfe Get Her slogan of the Royal --uu .\I1`. MARRIED BORN Tlxursday. August ` and .\I1's. R. J. Sut- .113`. .\~.-u to n1;-'.ul 11!)` 25. 1928. by all. Donald .\Ic- .Ix`.<. Gilbert Mc- ate .\Ir. .\[C.-\I`th- E. Link. :1 us` \Tn_~ Task-A _.IlLlL n.Wl'4Jl4 \llJ \\ 1-,s1)im1. ..~\1)p1y dent " I .-\N\'- P1~)RSO.\' u:~ persons h;1\'in.:_1' claim ;1;.:`.ninsz the esmxe 0:` the late. AA`. 2. A. \\'. Grimmet`. at` the R0?- nl L`;m;1di;1n Air Force. should rend- er any such-c`.:\im to the President. Conunittoo of Adjustment. Royal L`:m;1di;1n Air 1-`owe. Camp Borden. by Au:-:`usz 9:11. 19`.`.\`. 30-33b \ 1'4. uulK.' Mrs. John] u1. LUC 1.'L-U111 an-: 1.11180 WIEF1 CH8 I111?` :1 l,\` atomized spray. Within a few; minutes all the mosquitoes in the` room will be dead. regardless of. whether the windows and doors; are open or closed. In addition to being` stainless. FLY-TOX is frag-3 rant. is absolutely harmless to` people but sure death to all house- 5 hold insects. E\'_el`_\' bottle g:uaran- I `teed. -.-Xdvt. 31b; --The list of speakers at thel Lennox Picnic will include:` Sir; Edward Kemp. K.C.. .\I.P.P.;-Sena- tor Tanner. Halifax; Senator Ru-. fus Pope. Quebec; Leslie Bell.` K.C.. .\I.P.. Montreal: Hon. W.; Finlayson. K.C.. Minister Landsf and Forests: Hon. W. H. Price, K. `; C.. Attorney General; W. R. White. .\I.P., .\Iontreal; Karl Homuth, 31.; P-P-: Hon. George S. Henry. 311)} Lucu. Lapuul Lula neexx-cuu. 013 ---The boxing bouts at the Len- nox picnic will_ be ibcoiter than ever. Amongst those to take part will be: Steve Rocco. champion yweight of Canada. Frenchy Bel-. langer. champion. Chris `Newton. Cliff Graham, George Field and others. These bouts provided free at the picnic would cost $4 to S6` for ringside seats in any place in Canada. 31b ---In a few minutes time the entire home can be freed of mos- quitoes. With an improved FLY-V TOX Hand Sprayer, spray FLY- TOX directly toward the ceiling. `also on the draperies. in the 'clos- ets and on the screens. It will not leave a stain on the most delicate I of wallpapers. hangings or fab- rics. Spray upwards until all parts ; of the room are filled with the fine- l\` ntnnmi-ran] mun. Y!'.'4.L:.. - .c-___ I North West Mounted of Canada is They Always Get Their Man. However skillful these Red Coats may be in getting their man, they are said by husbands to be amat- eurs in comparison with the Petticoats who have gotten their men! Capitol this week-end. 31x _._Tho l\n\-inns lxnn-a n- {Jan T An \\ CC'l\u Visitors in the vicinity includel Mr. and Mrs. \\'m. Turnbuli, Bruce and Jack and Miss Jean Conneli of. Aiiiston. Mrs. R. A. Thompson and' Misses Marion and Meiva of Tor-' onto. Hurry Thompson of Rainey River and Mr. Craig of New Bruns- wick. at Mrs. W. A. Jamieson s; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. De:1ring of Hunts- ville. at W. J. C. Boake s; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Marr and Miss Hazel of` `Barrie and Stanley Fittus of Tor- onto. Mrs. Jzis. A. Lennox and Miss .\Iurra,v of Barrie. Mr. and Mrs. A. V`. Fletcher of Barrie and Mrs, Fred Passmore and daughter of Lon- - don. Mr. and Airs. Roy Hancock and children of Colwell. Mrs. Rich-5 ard Beellby and Mrs. Chas. Beeiby of Barrie. Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Scyth es and Miss \Yinona of Stroud; Mr. and Mrs. Thos. King and Mr. and. Mrs. D. Adams of Churchill, aii calling on friends: Rev. and Mrs. W. G.~G. Dreyer of Bobcaygeon. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Miller, Mrs. E. K. Macieod. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Vick and Miss Dora of Oriiiia, Mrs. \V. J. .\IcKinie_v and Miss Anah and Misses May Robertson of Toronto and Bessie .\IcConke_\' of Midland at James A. J;1mieson`s. I Luzuru LU J. U. an-\\u1`L 3. Rev. R. J. D. Simpson of Toronto,l accompanied by Harold Jennett and? Miss Annie Jennett of Detroit, can- ed on friends here one day last! week. 1':..:....... 2.. -1.,- -.2-:.-:.-. :..-1...:_ 1 all 3. purl. LE. I St. Jude's W.A. will meet on Tues-, day 8.fte`.`n00I`|. Aug. 7, at the home` of Mrs. P. E. Webster. \.`I.s.~ \I .-uqnnn L]'.n.... vuvnnn 1... Band,` uuuar: UL ucuura .1. d:uuA`t'SUu. I John A. and James R. Jamleson have returned from Huntsville where they spent a week with their sister. Mrs. Robt. Lennox. | \.I'na `I /-`Ln Davbannsaun gt... ......q_A, CI? \'1lL_lll 11. I`. 1'4. VV UUSLUl'3a - Mrs. Horton and daughters are visiting in.Toronto with Mrs. Calli- ghen. `Tn: T D T-anninann $3 hnllainal 'I`\\'O .\1`I'1.\' \\'.-\.\"I`ED--App!y I`) l2v\vnn'u IR-ulzu ahnn -.1 n!` H n In R171 L .VLL`:'. 1'. 4. \\ t`ULt'l'. Miss .\In_vme Henry was In Brad- ford on VV-dnesday to attend the Gardiner-`Currie wedding. D \Tiaa \f-1v-auavitn \l'nT. in1Ax.- `D\Y \J'a.l'u11lt'l"\. LUIILC weuuxug. Miss .\Iarguerite,.\IcKin1ey, R.N.. of Barrie is in attendance at the home of James A. Jamie-son. Tnhn A nun! Tn\I\\t\n `D `I nu~\!nznv\ Mrs. John Patterson. after spend- ing some manths in the VV/`est with` her daughter. Mrs. Lynn. has re-' turned to J. D. Stewzu`t`s. ' Dnvv `D T T`\ B...-_.. -0 'I'|A...-....&A aL=Lt'1'. .uL':'. FLUUL. ueuuux. I Mrs. R. C. Cunningham has been ill `but she is Improving. n nndn\' Any-nut Shh` H-yarn VH1 LU. UUL 31.1313 llll1J:'.'U\'1IlSn On Sunday, August 5th.` there will be `no service in Townline church. \Tv\ on \yI na \I nnb1a AG \YA'nn-Ink Uh HU 5El`\ LL`t` All 1U\V1H8 cnurcn. Mr. and Mrs. Muckle of Norwich were visiting an F`. E. VVebster's. \Tv-c T-Invrnn nn.-1 Hllahfnra Ara - I Wffis. J. R. Jamieson is holidayingi at \Vasaga Beach With her sister. Mrs. Currie. I Q T in`. 1"! A -..H1 ...--L -.. FlV..-n | I1 monmon 3 `HOL'.%l'I.\IA`ID \\'=.-\;\"'I`ED at R.\'. 'LI'....\o..I luxuxluo f.\ `G ..n-\..lnr an STANDARD, 6,000 miles . . Semi-Oversize, 8,000 miles . `Reg. Oversize, 8,000 miles Heavy Oversize, 10,000 miles TUBES-$1.10, - $1.25, - $1.65 EVERY TIRE A FIRST AND GUARANTEED BY WELL-KN3OWN CAN- ADIAN MANUFACTURERS. WE SELL STANDARD MAKES ONLY. 30x3 2 LARGER SIZES AT REDUCED PRICES SPECIAL EVERY TIRE PURCHASED ON `THIS SALE WILL BE MOUNTED ON YOUR RIMS FREE NEW LOW PRICES I Ulh 0. 1111113.... ; The lowest or any tender no: essarily accepted. `V. B. SLOAN. `.1h 'v~`-- _Ls_ A g \\. I5. I 311) Churchill. August ? Tenders wilt he :`eoei\'ec1 by :`n undersigned on or befg;-9 -s3;u;d._~u._ Q.-tugus: 25. 1928. for the purchase` and renmvnl of .1 fmme barn si:-7 glmted in the Township Park. 10: 26 M Innisfil. con. S. 'I"kA `fvvlxso `J3. L1. Lint` \.U.. ! ` Jean Thompson was defeated in` :`the 800 metre Oylmpio final. Fanny 1Rosenfe1d: was Mso defeated. To-f gday the best Miss Thompson could` ;do was run fourth in the race xv ich was won by the Gez'm;1n giri i the, as:onishin:`..\' .1115: time of 2.16 -1-5. One cent a. word, cash, each Inser- tion. (minimum charge. 25c). Ii: Insertions for the price at tour. 100 extra when charged: also 100 gxtra when replies are directed to The Examiner Office. FANNY ROSENFELDT BEATEN ? IN 300 METRES AT OLYMPIC, This afte-moon the following re-i gport of the Oiympio fzaxnes was ireceived th2`Ou_:;I1 the courtesy o: F` I`. (XL-A ("A ~ ` Seating Accommodation at the/water s edge 25c FIRST COME-FIRST SERVED All Local Arrrmgements Under the Directim SPECIAL ATTRACTION WALKING THE GREASY POLE 20 y3_:3's - - 2o 2nd ANNUAL ONTARIO SWIMMING CHAMPIONSHIPS MONpA_Y,_ 4:16. 6th BARRIE BOARD 01-" TRAI)vlT:`. A ` " CITIZENS BAND IN ATTENDANCE BE sum; AND BUY A TAG OWING TO TIME OF ARRIVAL OF THE TORONTO AND OTHER OUTSIDE CON- TINGENT S THE MORNING PROGRAM HAS BEEN CANCELLED. GANADA S BEST SWIMMEKS IN ACTION ! '.\>`l1l.\'t`. AND II`.0.\'I.\'G done at: :v..-. c:`.`. -.1 I'm.` ;md de`.i\'ered.[ * 11- 1'_`\u.l 30~31p`. 4 from the dock and tower off Bayeld Street IIT I53 IQIQI $.31 jun - -- 4 -1--- _ suns 1NcLuDEi1Li.}iXS'f1"11itis` STARTING AT 1.30, (Standard Time) TENDERS CHAMPIONSHIP AND EXHIBITION IIIIMII Al!I\ lhnnvpucu Afternoon Progam ..:.4::._ -4 __ INCLUDING ' ACROSS-THE-BAY SWIM FOR THE QUEENS HOTEL CUP AT BARRIE :ON-.__ REG. SPECIAL, 6,000 miles 37,95 HEAVY TREAD, 3,000 miles $3_75 BEST MAKE, 10,000 miles $9.95 TUBE.S-~$1.65, -- $1.35, - $2.10 (Toronto s C-ivic Holiday) FOR SALE on TO LET __ _- _ ,,_._._.__..._.__....._..._-... Leave entries at Mi1ne s Store NOTICE TO PUBLIC 29 x 4.40 'i1if;'IifXND"F"AI"v"'if ' OF CATALINA FAME DIVING No distance ".00 long for on high-powered motor trucks. Phone 547 : 48 Ellen Local and Long Distance FURNITURE MOVING A SPECIALTY A. c. REID CARTAGE Buy Advertised Things '\ s`I 1`)! U Thursday. August 2, _:__--j------__.__. St. (FU PASTOR: ?hursda`yJ (The Peg United Caw Mfrs. Res nu Eight Sundal ` :10: 80` UN] ROOMS AND double gara. PROPERTY TO LE Henry & Co iscaumsous '*"-"l IR\\ I.\"S BLUE '1`.-XXI SERVICE! local and Inns: dstance. nizht and, d.1_\'. 25 mm: svxwice. Phone 193. Ntfb` T FARMS FOR \\'.\.\"'I`I?1D -- Experienced or ' (`x])vl`i0!)ced man, to work on ;\]r1)Iy L`. W. Ia`.'mIin_r.:`. Ivy p'u.~:: my phunu Ivy Telephone Cum- Qlh \ ll-I.` Phil 'l`(\ 111`) :\1.\ I\|o` .11} 'I.\"lT~-.\'u\\'2_\' l`u1ishod ms. 5-.wnx1d lluur. - ..ll\t` U1`. .1 L6 Iu:':m.1. I`;1inte:'. - '.-\.\"l`l-II). 0.`: l"l'l{.\'l`.\`ll1|Cl) HUU.Sl;3 \| ..\v u-.. .l- . l,I......?.\ P.\1N'I`1.\'\:-'I\ and cu. \ .3 IIv\\`\`\ v\ I WANT!-1D_ 0 R . .. 3 \ I Ill-'1 (H4 01' I! If 01`. HS TO K E is: .1\'h juxxiw pupils in? 1`11n!`.o 310. 31:!-H c rink house. nmdern' :'.\:'.1;:e. ;::u'den and 1.101` month. Possess- _-\;\;1!_\' Philip L0\'.; St. Phone H6 `.`Ttfb.[ A-\ \\ I" ith \'vx ha I h I- 'u\\'uu'u\'\'a, ill .;l|1| .l`hone IHSJ. 3011'!) I u. _x .~\mv1.\' H wri` _x. 1: .\lHil'. .\H .~`>` n'-J'-' :u'.'x". \\ \'I l\ I am i m,1ny x`:`iond.~` 5 whom I was V at k du2`in_~.: the; now in ni : ;1 few more ).xny,\.. 91.`! 1J;\ I LZAJJ HL II. V to _'.Superimen- RH ||lI'AlJ IILIUBFA m-lcs in H;u'x`ie. m';1m1;111, h:1\'inr-: 1 rmnn on first T .l'np1;11` Pl;1in.~` Qlh Hnn.\l .n\ . \. hi-,:h~.~I1 ])1`ives" write Box 54`_ .J ')I I\.'u\| rnishe-d or xxo oncos. Passes- o. .\l:'s. .\I. E l~`vz'::L1s. Om. '0 i l ml milvh cow. HJL N0. 2. . 0|.` HUI" 1 CI;11\1w2':on 1`. ]{e;1:'ns.` 30tfb 14 But`: Dalton: 31t:`h; \\ `I Ix \\ 112-.-m~e W :1: D; 1- - ".,T'-'w""-"---"--' .`,,,m]_]: E-IOUaE FOR SALE In one or best _ W` IL` locations in Barrie. eight-roomed N of, brick house, double parlor, kitchen, 31; dining:-oom. tour bed rooms. 8-p1ece ! bath. furnace and fruit cellar: , `double garage: lar lot. A 1 .T Henry & Cowan 39 \`\'C' 31~ 31-33h1 :..\.uu'. u-:--- _v lH\`. I I `mnnodi J `v .\ I` LI_\ 1) !-v 31-361) 1i\'in.:' I` \\' E011 .<.~\l}~`. `\..... u D. \\ a` sum, IIUL 1* 31;)- with, 2n1[ `)A\o o`I. : .\.llllN Tau) '8 1'p' \lllI' 311)! LCII 3l.|)l 1` W. A. Jenkins & Son have tak- wen over the coal and wood business * of Grace,\' & Sou. Allandzlle. and .will be pleased to supply you with 'all kinds of coal, coke and wood. 'Phone 764,] 30tfb u-vwrwrnvw-vnunval-nail I sun. v1. Lux` um: 10:. Lot owners are also reminded that with the new Endowment S.vsten1 now available they may eliminate. If they wish. further assessments pern1anent1,v endowing the lot to provide for perpetual care at a VERY RE.-\SO.\'ABLE PRICE. Barrio Union Cemetery Board, 16-32b 'I`hom:1s Nash. Pres I ! | i j I-`I'H.\'ISIH~`.D C0 I".I`AGE for sale or` t- 1:`: .11 .\lim=:'s Point. large ver- und4h.\vnhw and sh khchen.[ ivc . Ii. }~`.. Re_\'nn1ds.f 7: .\l:1r_v $1.. Barrie. Telephone 1HT'.`. 137-321); _ ANNUAL ASSESSMENTS ` The attention of lot owners is {drawn to the annual assessments [for care of lots which are payable no J. VV. .\'ess, Sec',v.~T:`ef1s.. Bee- ; croft's Bank. Dunlap St.. Barrie. K O\\'n.-rt nf Int: ova u~anuin.~1a.i nun uuua Lnuux. uuxuup BL. xsarrxe. Owners of lots are reminded that unpaid assessments from 1913 on- ward beoomea charge against the lot and should not be allowed to ac- cumulate as under the Act THEY MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE LOTS CAN BE USED. TYnn-.1i.i n_\a.\:_~us\,v\9~ I....- `nun A- v uuzo I...'\.\' 524 U1`4U. Unpaid assessments from 1913 to 1927 Inclusive are overdue and than for 1928 are payable on or before 1 July 1. 1928. Aaaaaananno noon. an ..-_ -- I I I , cut; 4. -.V..'.a. Assessment R:1tes--$1 per an- [ num for one lot and $1 for each ad- diuunal lot owned by the same per- } son: :1 for half 10:. I T..\O nnvngu-5 nu.` II`_\.\ ..,....:_.1_: .1.-- T-j:':- .` W V V v . `lnt)|1:lIlWm'Iif)E1:`Ii\L: p.m xx-g1 he sou` ;. ` 2%?!` ~". W :W11e=~* ' 5411."1`llh"\(L 1 ," " -U1`d'1.\'. kj`mf[~W`e-N: 4 DJI1. L. .\I. Rut\1od-_:~\. I . FIVE HOUSES FOR SALE. Apply {'I`hus. Blain. 196 Eliznbezh 'S:.. Bax`- i vie. b 28-33p -: Ont. DOG I.0S'l`-On! 1:11`_-.:'e male Mn land white h.~und. hutlt ye.-11' old. 1Ro\\'nrd for in1`uz'1n:1ti0n loading to roco\`e1`.\`. Phone 89. H:11`1`,\' Tr:>v- ers. ' 31:1 O I 'r1:A\'I~:D 1`2'um lot 40. \'es1)m. ' `1';1i:.;'11112`.~'t\. rm`: heifer. :1` ,\'e;11's Mm. \\'hit0 mil. star on forehecld. ]z'in'.: s in let`: an`. Re\\'.u`d. Phone 0'.` I 1 write Jas. C`:1st-on. 31-32h (`H.\ll-`HI! .....l. . I I.0`S'l` -- 1.` .-\\'e;1:er mats, 1 red. 1 t ;1\\'n. between Tom Cit,\ \'1I1d A1- l.md;11e on July 31. Phone 65. Jar- vis Fruit Store. 311) i i I I.0'.\"I` I.\' RARRIE-0n S;1tu1'd:1.\' ni.-.'.'ht. July SS. 1928. :1 1)111`, con- |t:1inil1_::` snnle money. Finder please ilt`u\'e :1! 1v3x.uniner Office, 31h _______.________j.:. | `EIGIIT-I`ur0.\fliD BRICK }I0L'sI2| I`m- :11. -1r Jot \\'.w.~1m a- -4.1. .1`! - lv`0[.'.\'I) at L`:1r1e_v's dock. :.`;ex1r=~.-- m:\n'.~' sl.:net rin:-:2 Apply Buch'1n- ;1n's _::11':1_:\. 311: j--- I.0`S'l` on S:1turd;\_v last on Cum- horlrmd S:.. AIl.1m1;11e,. 1928 license plate X0. 338-375. Finder please phone 545. 311) l"0'I{ SALIC--'. hamlmu hlinds 11ft. 2 ins. hy S L`:.: 3 ft.. 2 ins. l`)_\' 7 t`t.: 1 pair pine panel doors. each do)! 2 ft. 7`._. ins. by 4 ft.. 101-; ins. Tele- phune 9:>0.\l, 42 Blake St. 311) .V.|u 111 {-10 IYII. SA L}? - Handsome C`:1n:1di:1n red fox Sl,'1ll'f, best quality 0ne-:1ni- [mu] chnkc-1' style. .\`o\'ex' worn. '(`umd ro:1.~`0n for .~`e1lin_:'. Price $45. .~\1)p1_v Office. 31-361) lI.\"I`EI{.\'AM'I`I0.\'.-XL 10-:20 TRAC- 'I`()I{. suitable for threshimr. and (`m-kshutt 3-fux`1~nw plow for sale. .~\1)pI_\ E.\:.~1n1iner Office. ` 31-331) I VH1"! S.-\LE--At \\'m'1'en Oxxxan C0. I*`.'1L'Y.m`_\', oak filing` cabinet. oak ltuhlv. arm -hair. Underwood type- writer. 5. \\'. Moore. 31b FUN Ill :lp.H`Im:~ \T.|.nu.

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