........ 30-380 ucauuonc ntoocooooco Inuloloooto _ ROBERT H. SMITH EYESIG-HT SPECIALIST 58 Dunlop St.-Phone ll Hours 0-6 Saturday: till 10 pan. ` DR. I. G. TURNBULL Graduate 110G111-University, Mon- mu. Otoo and Res.--Cor. Eliza- beth and Bradford Sta. Phone 105 Office hours: _ 0'10 `amt; 1'8 D.m., 7'8 D.m. DR. FRED A. R088 Formerly of Drs. Ross & non. Late ux-goon Specialist with the Imperial Army, 4% years. Gononl Surgery and Obstetrics Especially Ot1eo-140 Dunlap St., Barrio Phone 710 P.O. Box 1078 1 L. J. SIMPSON. M.B. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office and Residence--ColI1or St. corner Owen. Barrie. Phone 275 : J. A. CORBETT NOTARY PUBLIC, Conveyance: in- cluding drawing of wills. deeds, er- ranclnt of loans, etc. Insurance of all kinds. Executor, Administrator I.ndT1-untee. u Thornton, Ontario. Una. lull IL: 0. LITTLE Pb lollno and Surgeons, Barrio 0 00 and Roa.-47 Maple Ave. `Ofoo hours: 1 to 8 pm. 7 to 0 pm. or by appointment. P110110 213: Al TI, MOD! W. C. H030 DR. N. W. ROGERS Physician and surgeon Special attention to Obstetric! Office and Residence: 50 Mary St. Phone 101 Office hours: 8-9.30, 1-2.80. 8-8.80 NORMAN M. MARSHALL 3.11.133`. BOll0_ItUrI. uunlurwu run- lto. Gonwnnoora. Honey to loan st lowest rates 0! in- torclt. 011100-18 Owen st... in In.- aonlo '1'cmp1o Building. Ban-lo. Ea-Annh Offio9--ElmvaJQ. DR. W. A. LEWIS Surgery and Diseases of Women. Auoolato coroner County at slmcoo -and- H!) u: u IOAnQr\n| --&l1('.|- DR. W. H. CARSON Graduate ot'ro1-onto University Phone 01 Ott1co-58 Collier St. 8`. Damn. 1230-2, 6080'. Em. _ A Iovnanova` . Bu-1-hurl. Bollqtton. Notaries Pu - Na nnnvamnenrn. mm. ALIXANDER` OOWAN ` Barrfotor. Solicitor for obtaining probtto of wills. guardianship sud [|.dm1n1It.ution.' General Solicitor. xfnonnu nnvnvstnnnr. Atn- ,ICmllIlI'll'IvUOllg' uvuctau uvuuuuvag Notary Conveyance:-, oto. Ot!oo-E1ndI`Block, 8 Dunlop St.. Barrio; HONEY TO LOAN ill $3 Ciltvu at-`u-. Bummer. solicitor. Notary. Etc. MONEY To LOAN '34.. Elna`: nuunCA DUNCAN F. McCUAlG, ` B.A. Suocouor to Creswicke & Bell BARRIBTER, SODIOITOR. ETC. Money to loan. Ross Block. Ba:-:10. BARIIISTERB. SOLICITORS. ETC. Omou: 707-8 Kent Building Toronto, Ont. ` C. `W. Plaxton. G. Gordon Plaxton James O. Plaxton a.Cmsm' '"i."sbx".'x Ea. Muonio Temple Building, Barrio MONEY To LOAN 3? II II 1 -% u gl-`OIJRS Ann Slxl-18% Magi: by the makers of the famous` Willy:-Knight DR. 0. A. ARNOTT (McGil1) Physician and Surgeon Office and Residence, 97 Elizabeth (Formerly Dr. Arna.1l's Office) Telephone 557 IOIIO TCIIDIO annulus, burnt. Bunch Ot1oo-Elmva.lo. wt `I 30". mi. u.P. J: B: `B-ASIZIIEBTER. sucrnirron. nrrc. . lluomo Temple Building. Bu-1-to HONEYJPO LOAN Una nlncl-Ia In II\l'lUA\Il"l SURGEON EYE. DAR. N083) and 1'.ERO'.L'I` In ho consulted on Saturday: at Queen : Hotnl bend to nII_your wants in the line of - rwmnmc AND HEATING DONALD P. MlcLAREN, IA. on A cn1nInu-I1 ma! Inruv-0-54-st QIDIIIH !a_ri_yBhfron RADINHURBT Q. HAMMOND .1-n-5-nu-n-an-nun nunxb _.u-:--- _.`-- VI` I-UIVIJIVIMIV IIVNU Barrister. Solicitor, Notary, oto. unxmv -rn mun , UNameMmed stretch, said this owner, my Whippet Four main- tained a s eed of 60 miles an hour for 10 minutes. n other words, it made 10 miles in 10 minutes at over a recognized distance, and against thestop watch. - l have no doubt that, given the groper roads and the desire to keep it up, I coul have main- tained this speed indenitely, as the engine showed no sign of overheatin after this s urt. At this speed she seemed to ta e on anew ease of life and (just settled down to a steady smooth urr. As or `holding theyroadgthe low-swung ody simply hugged the earth's surface." _ l_S '01): 1363255` _' ' '_ GIVE US A CALL ~ Phonf180 j DR. AINGLIE P. ARDAGH RH` QUART DR8. LITTLE G. LITTLE Ivlnill and Rnlnnnnnn ---- PLAXTON I. PLAXTON .--.11:-gnu nu.-no cu-noun;-\-gnu c ~32 GORDON LONGMAN hula-64 n-`NAN-no Rfnbnnu H. H. OREBWIGKE. q9-;_..._ VIII-UT; $3110"-01', JN UL&l"` MONEY T0 LOAN Boas Block-. Barrie. XVI-LVIII LII I-AIRAV Ron Block. Barrie. Enthusiastic owlferg ax-Q 3{nii r;..;;1.1.;,.. us. with testimonials regarding some remark- able achievement of their car. But, considering the quality features of the Whippet,its remarkably powerful enine-low avity centre-proven economy-big 4-wheel rakes-and its ability to withstand terric Eunishment. such feats of performance are to e expected rather than wondered at. - In the new Whippet Four `and the new" Whippet Six you will find a combination of quality features that will readily convince you of their incom arable value. Inspect them today-arrange or a demonstration.` V Wh`i`1,Jet Four prices -from $625 `to $810. i pet Six prices ram $815 to $985. 5 Al prices f.o.b._ ._l:'ad_tory, taxes extra. OPTOMETRIST I vuuauuuu on sat at Queen : Hotel IEDICAL THE W. D. IVIINNIK Funeral Director and Embalmu Ambulance Service. : .Phono M1 Limousine Hearse if desired Ger. Iary and Elizabeth 8a. . Iu-u ` from I to 5 o'clock every Friday. Application for nurse : service: not be nude direct or through doctct. ' WILGH CAMPBELL A LAWLIII - Gin:-torcd Accountant: . ..... Phcno Main 5874, 59 Yongo. Toronto H. J. Watch, 04. G. D. Campbell. CA. W. B. Bulblg. Production England! '1'. E. Lawless. C.A. lnnanr Cont And 'mcM..a.._-_ In--A - 1'. 19. Lawless. 7 Manner Cost and Efficiency Dnt. ,,--------- By the use or X-Rays In Ensand two generations of tobacco plants were grown in the past 12 months. nr.r-nu-HIVIU MINNIE McKERNAN, 58 Small It. uavlu llull 0Il't10 I Dominion Land Surveyor 1:: Blake St.. Barrie Phone Veterinarian and Surgeon .. Overseas Service, Captain Impede! Veterinary Corpe Three years post war practice.) ex- perience in England and Scotland fine and Surgery: 48 Beyfield II- Phone 811 upon 101' O Box 44, 2| Telephone . ~-v-vi` Publlixod ovary Thursday Ifqlt _O_ff_1ce Square, nu-.4. :t`:a.:"'1:'o:t"aw.;:7s'::a'.`*`- 0. Subucrlptlon Price - Canadagum Greet Britain $2.00. per you 1` _ vuaoe (in arrears $2.50); [mm Staten. 82.60 per year 111 `aqua Both old and new add:-eueo am. be given when change of address a rouueated. OANCELLA'1`IoNa.. w. nd that most of our nubeoz-13." preter not to have their lubgogb, you uexg-u_pted in _cane um, mg . MADAME M. POOLEY TEACHER OF PIANO Quick. easy method; apooullu in beginners, any age. Moderato tcrml. Phone 1446 198 Baytlold it. 4 _,_., .,...... mum. at our aubeorl "' numom tione inaterruvted care they an to remit before expiration. why. whee:-iptiona will not be carried in arretn over an extended pa-go`, yet, unleu we are notified to egg. oel. we assume the subscriber win. en the service continued. zuntrr. TANCES nhould be made by x-egg. cored letter. money order of on payable at per in Barrie. n J . A. Ma.cLs.r mm w. c. Wausfnil ` 53%: .j DI See I abla- I "I ` Eu (Over 3'. Dutcher's grocery not-0) Chiropractors. Drugless Thorapuu _p!na_.1 Ayuatment and Mun... T EDMUND HARDY Mun. Bac., F.T.C.M. Teacher of Plano, Organ, Voon um Musical Theory Organist and Chou-master at St. Andrew : Presbyterian Church. Gold medalist Toronto Conurvuory of Music and University of Toronto. 118 Worsley St. Phono GM . icooks lava`/3 to T5 mutcs Mn. Emmie Wilson cont:-alto Vocalist, Entorulnor and Elocutioniot -..uu~up:aowra. urugless Tho:-a.pu'u Spinal AdJuatment Munzo Electric, Vibratory and Magngug Blanket Treatment: Patho-Neurometer Service _Phono 405.) for cppotntmgm - r u:|t0!'Vl9W and terms, Apply 60 Ron Sh, : Barrie : Phone 249 j __--u-vv VVIIUI-III, n.l\.b.U. Organist and Choirmutor Colllor Strut United Church All grades of ORGAN, and THEORY! VOICE PRO DUCTION and SINGING (1.) examinations) ALSO By wo of tnhnnnn mam- ,_._-: T Tv' aoeiubliuhoa mu runzmu. omacronl AND EMBALMERI_ OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Motor nnflaulanco In oonnootlon IARRII. ONT - PHONI It : G. G. s1g1_T1j_,9;_ co. T 88 lllnboth St. : Phone 1131 Y1-_.!:_..R1?IHARDS . MY wumrnw mun MADE [49 Mums IN I0 MINUTES" A}o-nt 'fo'u- Mcclu-y u Fur-nun FOR HOT WATER HEATING AMI! ' run REMODELLIN ~ REPAIRINGG AND MI: -LIIPHIIAII __ _ ausvlav U: JAM|E'0' ELOCHTIONIST or Owen A. Bmily, Toronto. tor engagements and D0901. Thornton. Ivy-Thorntoi hone 1 1 .-n. Thtircday, August 2, *-2-t- MISCELLANEOUS - nuljismc w. o. MINNIKIN ml Dinah: ....a :-_n. `?` IUSIC LESSONS ---. ___:-_-___..-..-.__._. CHIROPRACTIC VETERINARY ARCHITECT: ELOCUTIOF BUILDERS R} a E. BURNS ".ltOhG'l"l D1-nnA-.. _Au.ANnAu: AND TRY ` `T?7-' 7231 N I sys an Owner (name on request) V3 n'\`vn. 3 eh I: 4 2:, o;`s;iv: Bac`?c7?e Z)::.: I32. reexit `rains, which have caused so much cursing. have done .at Ieast_ one good thing. they have Acreage. however. is a poor indi- cator of. yields with potatoes, and ; this is a difficult seas-on in whichr` to make predictions. The early crop ` is turning out quite well, but there.` has been considerable rotting of seed in some commercial districts and the heavy rains have made bug and blight control a problem. as : spray washes -off quickly. What-it ever thefinal yield. the price is `not z likely `to be -particularly strong, as.` the U.S. crop is much larger than I last year's and tariff board investi- gators are at work in New Bruns- c wick. which from p`ast experience means that our production costs. will be found to be extremely low and our competition "a menace to the growers of the republic. U l 1 x z t Fewer Hose in U.S. ` A US. department of agriculture 55 2 i i c mun: Luau last ytvai`. - 6 survey of the spring pig crop" of 1928 yields the information that fewer sows farrowed this spring than last. and that there is a de- crease of approximately 4.000.000 in. the small pig population. This ap- pears to indicate a marked drop in ( gall hog marketings across the 'bor- '1 er. - - An intention to breed" report made at the same time shows that more sows were to .be bred for fall farrowing. but as these intention" ` reports often serve as warnings to 1 farmers to change their plans the hi actual outcome is uncertain. ~ i Look Out Below! . `So much water h-as fallen and a run into the great lakes this year, that little is being heard of the ` Chicago water steal. and some farmers along the Lake Erie shore are even praying that Chicago would steal a little more. Owners of lands in the Burk Drainage` Scheme `area of .south Kent have C been having an anxious time lately 1 over the possibility of a 'break- ` t through in the embankment `which ; protects their reclaimed lowland]; from the lake. Additional sandbags `have been piled * at threatened points. but there is always the pos- sibilityth-at a high wind may fling waves and currents over, under. around and,through. In the threat- ened area are several hundred acres of onions. . The corn borer moth is flying. It you look closely at the corn the next time you -are near it you will probably see its little egg mass- es." and possibly a young borer or two Just starting their nefarious Awork.. , . TEA unnnnlu -nn*Inn ouLl-L 1.`--1-` Ho tut` ulllii` ,YV1'o Excavation has started for the new Y.IM.~C.A. building at Midland. It` will be 70 x 103 feet, 2 storeys _ high, of brick and tile. \ ` It cost two 'Colling'wood citizens $1`3 and costs eacli for having in their possession speckled trout under seven inches in length. Their shing tackle was also con- scated. ` 1'J',,.,, (1,... c!` 17.,:,, at: I muu. are uuwn `D,V Ivom three to 20 per cent. The Wvestern `Omtario crop is estimated as ten per cent. zuhove that of 1927; but the Eastern" Ontario yield 1s_down by 18 per cent. `Early iapplos are generally good. but \vin-tev.'va1'1et1es light ex- cept in Norfolk and the Georgian Bay district. llnnuu nu-4| nun-H_...*..- ..-:.-n-n In any UlSLl`lL`lu ` Heavy and continuous rainfall is likely to result in heavy scab lu- festatlon in almost all `sections. What About Potatoes?- The same estimate offers the in- formation that the lclanadlan potato acreage is a little over 581,000 acres `this year. a Itrifle more than the area planted In 1927. All provinces put in more potatoes this year than last except `Saskatchewan `and Bri- tish Columbia. Of the total Ontario has 163,000 acres. just two per cent. more "than last year. _ Anmmgn hnwm-an In D nnnu a..,n . IIDUHLUUQ I-Ion. Geo. S. Hem`, Minister of Highways, promise a deputa- tionufrom Grey and Simone coun- ties that the highway between Owen Sound and Barrie would be . -uuup -avvvu nvrv | -,. .. All the eastern provinces now re-` port `a smaller apple crop in pros-I pent than that -of last year; but the B.C. yield is expected to be so much larger than last year's that the to-: tal_for Icanadla as a. whole will be 12 per cent. greater, according to a` recent official estimate. The B.C. crop is placed at almost $500,000 boxes.-ag'ainst_ approximately 3,`. .`50.- : ( 000 boxes in 1`92~7---a rise of nearl,v,1 40 per cent. `In the east. on the other 1 hand. the chief producing -districts I with the exception of \\'estern 011- i tnrio. are down by from three 20 Del: cent-V_ Frhg '\`Ygui-nun lnlbnmln A circus is scheduled for Hunts- ville on August _8. `A municipal golf course is be- ing talked of for `Owen Sound. The A0rang'eville Banner tool? its annual weekly huolidayslast week. \Y;_-..-_._I--J. ___!II L.-1_I 9;, cu-an--_ g vvnvvovwvovlou '~i\&'i's. `M. --1;/Ialcolm was senhtenced at 'Colling'wood t6 two months in Barrie jail for B.L.C.A. an-Pnn nn'11 nn+ hunt-n1`l n w.u..1.. uaruc: Jan 101` D.u.U.1'$. Meaford will not install a much needed new heating system in its Town `Hall becausejt hasn't the nn Annvnalv 1 TM ... nvul II ... 7.1.... uauuvy. On August 1, Mr. and Mrs. John Bell took charge.of the Georgian Hotel. Midland. `They have leased it for three years. Wvnnvnnn `Ana ad-and-...l 8.... L1... --o-uw v wvuivv uni? uovnvvg on-1 1~ie5xx{arket will hold iis"B! l1){>llar Day on Saturday, August` A- -...:a...4.:.... 1...- -:.-..:.-_1 4.- 1__--- `An dgfitation has strted to have a magistrate appointed at` Rich- mond Hill_. ' (K _......`II .....2J. ........ 1.. LL- xuuuu nug. The small fruit crop in the GeorgianTBay District is reported as Yexcellent. T ' -22.... -1 D..-.I..-..I 11..-._L-_z.-__ B UJLUUIIUIIIN Ladies of Bradford; Presbyter- ian church realized. $400 fro their strawberry festival. j \ ` IHL- ..!I`3_ 1,111.3, fl, I 9 "'71"ia'e"6;ii'ii1{iB'i$'1 is gbing to Huntsville next Monday for the Civic Holiday celebrationu \ . .ml'.`._ nu 1u_1-_u___ ,_ 0 `Perhaps the most significant agricultural news of the past week or two is the apparently authentic news from Winnipeg and Liverpool that the .UJS.-SJR."--it is really easier to use the old name, Russia- is `buying grain on a large scale. In two weeks !Russian purchases of wheat at WVinnipeg al-one totalled nearly ten million bushels. The re- port is that a large part of the Rus-! slam winter wheat crop was winter. killed. and that -Russia will have little if any surplus for export this" year. vu~vn"av'aw'n"A*'|"l"l"I"l".I` % FARM NEWS 'l('I'|l'*'ll0I0I0I`|I"I"F'l"|l I giiililllillz Up in B.C.; Down Here +1..` ...-...L..... ....._.I.. "I-ion It It Again us... human ......a.I. 1.. A DISTRICT NEWS -my tuna-.cE EXAMINER . -..--. . u . -uuv ' `Something Now i h The process or preserving fruit over long periods of time by rais- , ing .the percentage -of carbon diox- , ide gas in the storage room. now being tested out in Vineland Sta.- ltion, is being applied in principle in -another way in California. There 3 a man named Milani. of `San Fran- v`,cisco. has devised a. process bv 5 which pears and other fruits may 9 be sealed in tins. not "canned" `in~ the ordinary sense of the word. and kept for months in perfect con- 5_.dition. 5| Vkn o..u.u 2.. .....-1--.s 9.. u.i._, .- (Midland "Argus) ` The care1ess practice of leaving firearms within the reach of child- ren or venturesome boys resulted in another tragedy here on Monday when an eight year old lad by the name of Arnold. son of Thomas Ar- nold. was shot dead by a companion `at his home on Princess street. The lad who did the shooting was Her- bert Reid, son of a neighbor, who is said to have been engaged in help- _ ing with some kaisomining that was _ i being done about the house and dis- _jcovered `the gun. a 22 harnmerleas '3 rifle. in one of the rooms and not !- knowing it to be loaded began mak- ing free with it. In doing so it was acoiclentally discharged the bullet. striking young Arnold, who was - sitting on a bed and passing through -`Ihis body. He died almost instantly. 3 Reid who is not considered a. very 1 `bright.1ad, was detained by the po- -;llce for it time but after an investi- gation it was decided -that an in-; `quest was unnecessary and he was` allowed to go, ` I 'l`hn +nucmA.. In n..1..'.-...nu...... ....1_ `vvno uucovorod It? . , U. `S. poultrymen have given the credit for discovery of the all-mash method oi. feeding to the Ohio ex- periment station. Now comes an English poultry editor. claiming` that pullets were reared under this system `In England eight years ago. "It is certainly not new, not is it American," he declares. Bait! .Ull\ ` _ The oxygen in the sealed tin is consumed `by the flame, and replac- ed by .caz~bon dioxide. which checks decay. Mr. Milan! must have done a. great deal otwork before hitting upon the exact formula, as too great a. concentration or too weal: would spoil the fruit. _. Hill!-llh The fruit is -packed In large tins; on top is placed a perforated card- board` shield: and on this a. soft- wood stlck treated with a. secret `preparation. `This is lit, and while I the flame is burning the top is ealedon. ""}\A-l'\\IIlrI(\\\ I1. 51.- ..--I-.I AI-- wtuvu upuu. The local insurance company ea- timates that` the service saved -the company alone about $14,000 the `first year. -It c.on;ributes $10 for i each run made. l .......-_v `v ..n.\,no A Good Start The Ontario grain pool has Just wound up its first year's -`business with a fair record of success. Isales, which were made through the Chu- adian icooperative `Wheat Produc- ers. Ltd.. of Winnipeg, oen-trai sales a enoy for all the pools in this ountry. realized a gross of $1.82% for high grade red winter wheat. -with lower prices for lower grades. The producer, of course, will not net any such sum as this, as from it. must be deducted the organization `overhead and handling charges. W9 V19? fhn nvlnna nu uni!-Onn- uvcruvau nuu uuuuung cnargea. We view the prices as satisfac- tory, and feel that Ontario wheat has for the first time in years been sold within a reasonable parity of western wheat." writes E`. B. Ram- 'say. manager of the sales agency. | Several nan! nnnnfinn u-H1 ha ha. I.uau'u.:L HI Luv uulldu Iatateli A town of 5,000 people. the centre of the district. had :1 good tire de- partment. `but logically enough re- fused to allow its equipment and men to go to fires outside the t wn, as that let `the town itselt re- tected while they were `gone. arm- ers within an eight mile radius or- ganized. assessed themselves from $5 to $60. depending upon the risk. and bought-a high speed chemical truck. This the town houses with its own equipment and men when- called upon. ' Thu Innnl inulnsnnnn Al-nknnvuo AD_ MIDLAND nov s Ho'r gr 5 COMPANION` _auu\\'Uu Lu gu. V I The tragedy is only another evi- ;dence of carelessness in leaving ,1oaded weapons lying about. The tomptation of almost every boy is to pick up a gun and there the trouble commences. any. Iuuuasur Ul. we sates EBSXICY. Several new counties will be in- cluded in the pool for 1928.` Fire Fighting Equipment Farm fires are so frequent, and so frequently serious, that the ques- ; tionof protection Is attracting more and more attention. Here is 9. plan `which has worked out well in one `district in the United -states: ! A fnn-n AP Knnn I-\Anv\`A 6|-A Ans-I-an paveu witmn uvei years. 1 The government hop er barge Chesterfield, built at Colingwood, has had her trial runs and left on Saturday on her long tri to ;the Hudsone_Straits, where t e boat will be usedain harbor building , rdredging, etc. - - T . -Magistrate D. Mccaughrin of Orillia was elected Grand. Regis- trar of the Masonic Ordnerat the 73rd convention 'of the Grand Lodge held recently at London. His` election entitles him to a seat in the Grand Lodge. I Wham HA `N~ o IYI+lI`I. I-A `Ant! nf 'made life difficult for the borer` `moth and have soaked many eggs off the leaves before they had 8. chance to hatch. paved within five years. Th: onvnrnmnnf Hnnr U} DUE \Jl.'llQ uuuge. , When`. helit a match to look at an empty gasoline tank which had been exposed to the air several days and in which fumes had formed, James Brooks of Calling- wood was severely injured in the explosion which` followed. HIKE! T\.. `lI\...41...... l'V-.1..-.. -...I U_d'\lJ1U3lU ll W IIIUII LUIIU W cu. Hon. Dr. Fonbes Godfrey and Hon. Chas. McCrea, of the Ontario" cabinet, were spepkers at the `St. Patrick's parish garden party held at Stayner on Wednesday ofhlast week. They were accompanied by W. J. Blair, who met the party at ` Barrie. I'\ -.3!1.. \Y-___- 1` -A_L-... 1'I-__--_A_.. JJCILLIUQ - Orillia News-Letter: Reports from various sections of the sur- rounding vicinity state the huck1e- berry crop will be a big one this years. Already the blueberry is on the local market and the celebrat- ed huckleberry pies are having their annual on the menu. nc 4.1. . 4.........;-- rn.-...uu.1. -5 ~r.-1-- UIICIL GIIUUCIL Ull DUB uleuu. Of the twenty Twelfth of July celebrations held in She1`burne dat- ing` from 1887 the celebration of 1928 is tied with that of 1901 for third place in point of number of lodges participating, 30 lodges be`- ing also in the parade that year. The largest celebrations were 1911, with 43 lodges, and 1914, with R7 lnrlona J.U.l.L WILH `GOD I with 37 lodges. .. uucyu Rhlho Discovered It? . hnlllfrvrhnn `moon ml- ;| .Dr. Leonhardtfs Hem-Roid is , guaranteed to -banish any form of ,- Pile misery, or money back. It zlves quick action even in old, lstwbborn cases. Hem-Roid is a t harmless tablet that removes blood - congestion in phe lower bowel- - the cause of piles. It brings joy- ful relief quickly and safely or ; costs nothing. Douglas Drug , Store and druggists everywhere .|aell it with this guarantee. 2 `Man So Nervous Feels His Stomach Jump "I got so nervous my stomach felt like it was jumping. Vinol en- tirely relieved the trouble. I feel bet- ter than in y_ears."-J. C. Duke. Vlnoi is a compound of lixon, phosphates. cod liver peptone. etc. The very FIR-ST bqttle makes you Ileep.;better and have a BIG appe- tite. Nervous. easily tired -people are surprised how QU`IJCK-the iron. phosphates. etc., give new lite and pep. Vinol tastes delicious. Wm. Crossland. Druggist. A '4 NEWMARKET Cl-QIURCH s1'aqc1<._B}r LIGHTNING 111655 Ull I1 lCll'5!'.' BUO'.11U- The Bala `Fur Farms Co., Limited, of which Dr. C. A.,, Gunton, of Tor- onto. Ie President . has a capital stock of $40,000 and already car- ries on a large fur fox ranch at Bala. Four women in Boston were ar- -rested and fined in a single day for wearing skirts indecently short." -'f`I-In lam:-net cnllincr \.-nnhr Anna: wvanug 5l\ll`|.3 Auucuvuuy SLIUFL. -The largest sailing yacht ever built In Canada is under construc- tion in a ship yard at 'She1burne. at an estimated cost or $100,- V u 000. 01.13 TON AND A HALF , or GARQEN _r-nonuca During last Friday morning's el- ectrical storm the steeple o`the Presbyterian church at Newmarket was struck -by a .-bolt of lightning. The current followed the steel down the south side of the church and entered via the electric light wires and ended with an explosion in the ruse -box. Bricks were ripped from the steeple and thrown a distance or 100 yards. Birds in the ibeltry were rudely ejected by the shock. No tire resulted although the de- partment answered the call. The damage .ls unestimated. Ecylljlililllqi jj Illm PRESIDES AT COUNCIL ` T IN A RED BLAZER BIG CHINCHILLA I-`ARM 1 ' _ `lSSTRTEl7).IN Tong J _, The Bala Fur Farms Co., Limited, has purchased Thos. WV. Jermey s beautiful farm on the twelfth con- cession of `Oro, and will convert it into the largest chinchilla rabbit fur arm in the Province of Ontario. `Their purchase comprises 100 acres, and the splendid farm house, one 01`. jthe finest in this part of Ontario. 'l`hA nrvnnfnv n.cn~i- nf'\f1~ ,TAvrnnv u um Lulttal. All uus pblfl. .UL U1lCbl1'1U. ' The greater part of Mr. Jermey s farm has been devoted to alfalfa, which is the chief food of the chin- .ch11las.- It is the Intention of the Company to `place 5,000 rabbits on this farm, and to carry on the bus- iness on a large scale. Tho `Rah: `Pun Wavvmaa (`n 'I .h-nleazl iQuick Pile Relief have a nunarea pounus xeu. Last week The Examiner in it! market report said the strawberry season was on its last legs, but we were checked up on this statement -Saturday morning by a. grower who offered a. considerable qurantlty or big red -berries at 30 cents a quart. His wife said they would have them . practically up until frost time. vvlrh fhn advance of the season (Meaford .\Ii1`ror) Mayor .\IcCague presided at the Town `Council .\Ionda:r night; wear- ing a red and `black striped blazer. It added a touch of unusual bright- ness to the old chamber and was quite in keeping with the summer spirit or a lakeside town. It is very v informal but suits :1 summer time council better than a robe. There is a rumor that `Councillor Davey will appear at the next meeting in plus fours. pracucauy up unpl trust ume. With the advance or the season and the abundance of stuftprices steadied away. New potatoes, for instance. dropped from 75 to 50 a peck. Ismall Duchess apples for ples were offered at 10c a_ quart. They were not, much larger than crabapples. Raspberries, heaps _ot them. sold two boxes for 35 cents and cheaper in crate lots. fRed cur- rants` were 20 cents a quart and black curt-ants. 25 cents. The deluge of raln has affected the developmentpf cucumlbers, mel- ons. squash, pumpkins, etc., In that bees have not been -working during wet weather and the blossoms lack- 1ng- lnnoculatlon, have been more or less affected. `It is too early in the season to have done much harm. Old potatoes. bag" . . . . . . . . . . . . 81.00 Sweet ispanlsh onions. 8 lbs. for 260 uuooscuuoouseenc Spinach. qt. `basket . . . . . . . . . . . . 20c Asparagus, 8 bunches . . . 25 Parsley, bunch 50 Lettuce 6-10c I-Iead Lettuce 2 for 15 Onions. !bunch Bo Strawberries 35c Green Peas. qt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15c New Potatoes, "peck . . . . . . . . . . 700 New Beets. . . . . . . 2 bunches for 15: New carrots . . . . 2 bunches for 16c Black Currants, qt. . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Gooseberrles, qt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15c Cucumbers. each . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-10c Cherrles, qt. 10c R-__IL_.- n_.AL_._ -__l 3-..- uoovooauup \1,\-I Icon - - u o - - . . s u -I c Poultry, Butter and Egg; Eggs. doz. 30 Butter. lb. 88 FOW'1, In - o - o c u o I untlocoooolo Cream, pint. . . . . . . . . . Ellllllllllllli I Another wet `Saturday failed to keep down the attendance at_.1alt Saturday morning's market, when every available Inch of space was filled with vegetables, fruits and flowers, to say nothing at media- plays on the trucks lined up outside. One market gwardener-brought in over a ton and a half of garden pro- duce. At eleven o'clock he did not have hundred pounds left. Tame nvnalr The Rvnminnr 111 ltl V. bunclies ouocaoooooncoooo ucuuaouuoosooouonucc uce............ 8101-15c unch Les ............;..... s.qt. toes, :. Zbunchbes 15 ts 16 !`aI1tS,qt. coccooclotol es, :. ltn Ioooltlotuuotcucot