ua.uu:s .uu1.xIugnt tnls week.. ' Geo. `Simpson of Toronto `is spend- ing a `few days with Mfr. and Mrs. A. Lowe. 2 Mrs. Manning of `Toronto is visiti- ing with her sister, Mrs. Roy `Turner. A number attended f-ha mun.-- an l":.']_)U1'[ It gooa nme. Isaac Irwvin and daughter of, North Bay visited -Mr. and Mrs. James .VIcKnight this week.. [ Ge-n. Rirnnenn nf 'T`nunn6n 1- ----5 ms wuu net` Slstel`, Mrs. Roy `Turner. attended the Straw- bery Festival at Utopia on `Tuesday evening. The Baxter boys soft- ball team played 9. game against Utopi:1,10-4 in favor of Utopia. , u. .c'uu3 Lu -.l.Ul'0I1IO,aIlG .I:5!'8.ITlptOI1. A number from here attended the Orange Celebration in Orillla. and all report a good `time. Tango Tvxuin mu: .:.......1...... -4: luuuuu U11 U18 mvexy service. `The many friends of Bert. Par- tridge will be glad to know heels able to be Mound with the aid of crutches and hope sdon to see him out again. l uuxy 1.0.--.\11'. and .\1I`S. .R. Adams and Lena spent a few days with friends in fTorontoTand Brampton. number from ham: nrfann Han nu.u. tug: puux, 1'ea11ZQ. ' On Sunday evening a number of` St. James Church choir, Orillia, assisted in the singing in St. James Church here. -Master.-Davis sans beautifully a couple oftsolos and the numbers given by the other members were enjoyed by all pre- sent. .\IA1'.. Oo'11i'ns, the energetic [student in clnarge, is to be congrat- ulated on the lovely service. n `The I`n."1n\.' 1 vh:n1r1: ne Dana 13...- an: u:.c.I..'.uLc UL u*u1.U1'u. ` I l A very successful garden party was held at the home of E. `C, Drury on ` Wednesday evening. `Owing to illness of one of the pun- tcipals, the play to be given `by the I Sharon young people couldnot be given.` but-.VIiS Lennox of Barrie gave a good program of readings and songs. A ma1e'qua.rtette. the Rev. R.` G. Halbert, Messrs. Fred. and Will. Partridge and Mr; Drury, delighted eve1`_vone*with their num- bers. The ladies were delighted with the `sum realized. ` e an nnr1-nu nnnnhq.-.. .. .......i..... .0? v Aaas._U5B VV LL11 .u.L. auu JLL 3. 0g] Switzer this week were: Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Lyall of Buffalo, -Mrs. Arthur Wallace `of Clarksbuxjg. Mr. and Mrs. T. Metcalfe and Miss Jes- sie Metcalfe of-Gilford. `- ' A mania- -5-.ou> 1'Auvv an nnnn nhuni uA5 as wcu - Duncan G with blood- Visitors ` thd: A Lian:-.. Y" .~I o an v ---\ I Veal I an I Jul)! ldI\II-llV\vIJ We ASSUME THE LIABILITY, AT'A MODERATE PREMIUM (`nil 1\I` nknnn F;-up owning and n A - u -- .11.}. 3. 1.1 The regx~e_t- ing as `Wu:-\n 1 July 1 Lloyd I visiting Mrs. Joh \J u nun `-TULV 13.-.\I1'. and Mrs. .R. Adams I nd Len.-1 ramant a Pour am... ...u1.i 16-Miss Isabel and Master aI03"d Dempszer of Toronto ate isiting at the home of their aunt, Irs. John Chappell. . Mr. and Mrs. `V111. `Smith of To.-g onto were week-end guests of` Irs. R. -F. Caldwell. . .- many friends of M55. Gavin egrexvto hear she is not progress- zg well as hoped for. ., Gavin has `been used up Fifh W\'InnR_v\n~'|5An3vsa-r In K83 `sun- 0[es it Agdinf ' VVI CROWN mu. 'u as uupcu d-poisoning with Mr. kin wvnnlp no -AssociAn: owns- noun nnlnn A`! an. ,. been`-used up _in his hand. and Mrs. J, rere: Mr. and! .`Du%.s1.- \Iv-n sax/wuss &&LGDIp\f& V 1.1555 Iullv LJLSGJLV `II. 1 model of your car-there s a Good- year Tire to fit it. It doesn't matter what your driving conditions-there s a Goodyear Tire to meet them. And there's variety of price, too.. You'll save a lot of time and trouble--and money-by seeing our Goodyear line. More `people ride on them than on any other kind. w. A. GROSE >uld accomplished so notabl Six -"75 and "65. lowpriees, 6 ofChrysl design and a` new supremacy in mechanical per- also an entirely new con- values in the ne car eld. fection, but establish oeption of automobile facture-that is the gigantic task which Chrysler engineers and craftsmen have we cond er cars initiate n y in the new Chrysler At their exceptionally ently believe the new lines of only a new vogue in HARROWS CULTIVATORS MOWER8 RAKES PULVERIZERS MANURE SPREADERS SCUFFLERS \ CREAM SEPARATORS GASOLINE ENGINES STEEL WHEELS SLEIGI-IS WAGONS AND GEARS RANGES AND STOVESA FURNACES ' Write for free foider, tel!- ` 8-- u- LL- -nu-binning I3..- :- [ VVIII-C IUK IICC IUILICI, LEAK` i in: us the particular linein \ which you are interested. I'\ /1 "the Famous` jjgco Line S. A. McQUAY 112-113 Bradford 5!. Phone 21 ; Res. 101 IW V. D. LATIIER. Allinton TUDHOPE-ANDERSON CO., LIMITED Makers cf Good Farrn Implements Ox-`illia - Ontario LP`aAu LTWO V can now uvuuu Anuulu U1 1C""" the famous Persoons Sepa- rator--the machine that regularly gains rst prizes in all international competitions. With a Persoons the cream cannot escape down the milk spout. It goes into the cream pail and saves money. It will skim ` as clean twenty years from now as it does to-day, because the suspend- ed bowl never gets out of align- ment--never vibrates and causes loss of cream--Easiest to turn-- Easiest to c1ean-Easiest to pay . for. Come in and examine this fa- mous money maker-the most sat- isfactory separator ever produced. 51370; 4-door Sedan, (1460; Con c (with rumble seat), 614 0. All rice: 0. 6. Windsor; Ont, inclu in; standard facto eqm'pmmt[fre1gl7t and taxes lxtmz New Cbryshr "65 Prt'm-BusI- ness Cou _e, $1325; Roadster (with rum le seat), $1350; 2-door Sedan, $1360; Tourin Cat, 31370; 4-door Sedan, 1460; Cnuhn lmhl. ......Ln- .--.\ General Garage Thornton, Ont. Thursday, July 19, 1928 _ T doesn t matter what the make or of your car-there and it Price to Fit Your Purse AN AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT is oftentimes" A VERY COSTLY _1-;;u=ER1ENcE IT- A UGTYIIEV mvvn -r 7 A nvr 111119 A -on...-.. . ..... _.__--___- fx7",'";3J"r"dei}33g'f"Be$;&,'ZuR"E` world's finest of low-priced sixes. ' p.|4.7.g3c' Ask your dealer about the G.M..4.C'. Deferred Payment Plan which maize: buying easy _ __. - v... . v....-n-up--,Innvvv u nuunulul 615555 3111 1 every highway, is the distinguishing mark of the world s nest low-priced six. i V , It identies the smoothness of Pontiac s Six- cylinder engine, with its new improved G-M-R cylinder-head . . the enduring qualities of Pan- tiac s sturdy chassis . . the easy-riding comfort of Pontiac s Lovejoy Shock-Absorbers . C the countless renements of engineering and con- struction that spell quality in`~a motor-car. And, just beside the hood of the New Series Pontiac Six is another symbol of a ne automobile , . . the "Body by Fisher emblem, that_ it implies of luxury, craftsmanship and stylish/ beauty. , `Pontiac is the lowest-priced six which can claim the distinction of Body by Fishe . Whenever you see the familiar, "Indian Head, emblem, and say "There goes the New Pontiac` :..99 ...... -..- :.:-_..::._-n_ i___;---J L4- -L ' HE Pontiac emblem, [now a familiar sight ion highway, distinguishing mark F. J. GRACEY. paqnvcr or GENERAL. Morons .013 A.NADA. Chrysler Distributor Phone 21 Barrie Buying at home means service at home" INSURANCE {N ALL 11 s BRANCH!-`.SV .a .l.`Ll.J.'J uu.-1uJ.u.I..I. 1., :11 A muunnnl Call or phone for rates. and cover OCEAN TR_AVE!.. u. vntvv-u1\-rsvn 1 ' - 74'Elizsbeth St. Phone 919. BARR_lE ' One of the lrwgest fish markets in the wprld is that of Tokyo. Japan, `where 800 to 1,000 tons of fish._are sold daily. ' 41V Dunlap St., Barrio. . Phone 447W` ' IL l'E'BlllllICuo Miss Helene vBei1 `cit Farnum, Quo'=-b=c. is visiting her grandpar- ents,\Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Bell, uu- LUl.`llIUl.' sister. LVIPS. ny. 15111.8. The trustees -are improving the appearance `of the school .by having it 1-eshlngled. V ' Minn `I -`lnlnnn D411 u-`O rlm-............ W1t\"Il;". and Mrs. Frank `Rowe and` children. of Barrie spent Sunday with Mrs. Jos. Jennett, Sr. MFG nIIF1|nlIG`1u un Aailakgun nfl wuu iv.u.'s. aus. aennett, 5!`. [ Mrs. Burroughs and daughters of Swuit [Ste Marie are visiting with tho: former's sister. Mrs. I-Iy. Ellis. The h-nnfang -urn in-run-noino H`-ac. {REL WCUIS t _Mr. and Mrs. Allen `Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Miller called on friends in Lefroy Wednesday after- noon. . ~ ~ MI` and VMIIG Thumb tn-uvsn Ant` LU` 1.1. `CI LU! IIIUIC l'CU`LUl'o . I 'Ro!bert Bell of Orillla visited his narents. Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Bell, last week - ' `In .v.-.l IA -.. A11-.. urn`... __ 3 lIlt"1'3 SUI], JJ. J. 4V1IlU.C'1'. `The congregation of the`.'AnglIv- can church held a very successful garden party on the church lawn on Tuesday evening, July 10th. when a delicious, tea wasrsez-ved from 5 to 8 pm., followed by horse- shoe and softball games, music by the Ivy Band and a -good program. a very p1easln,9: feature of the evening being the presence in the audience `of Rev. T. J`. Dew of Brad- fordma former rector. ' . nnnlkm-4 Du no n..nn.. -.r.u-.a 1.1-. \JU`- 1111.111. . Mrs. `Jas. A. Miller and sister. Mrs. M0Qu1lough.. of Barrie. spent a few days list week with" -the for mm~ s son, D. J; Miller. -Bk:-. n'nnn-nu-nun... l\` n...."A....-n Mil`- The Misses Calvert -of Toronfti are hnlidaylng with.-Mr. and Mrs. J0. Tlffin. Xlrna `T... A \,r:11...- -.__1 _:_L-.- Luna . :1 '.u1`1ue UL LUIS \\'(;'K. I Mrs. Hamb?et.on and Mrs. Hinds of Toronto visited their sister, Mrs. Joe. E. Jennett, last Sunday. "Phi: Invgwaf nvnu-A ha Ifu-'|\r\I\'\ u_u.~. EA. dC'ullt'LL, Lnsl. aunuay. _ `The largest crowd in ,vea.~rs'from this locality celebrated the grand and glorious Juhv 1'2 with the Oxrangemen In Orillia. last Thurs- dav. T 71... 112....-- IV.I4..._L .. "'11,, , A. Will! LUIS 4`VLL11!'.'l.'VLl llIl1llUSa Congratulations to Annie Denny. Evelyn M_c'Cann, Charlie Mills and Louie Truax, who were successful at the Entrance examination. Mr. and Mrs. VS`. McFadden vis- Alted the 1atte1"sV brother, W`iIfred .\Ic`.\I-aster, last` week. \/f|\u' Dnhnns `I7`113n `nap: anon Tv\A`r .-xusua. 'DLlllll.2t,\'- Loo Berthelotte is home from De- rroit to attend his sister's wed- di`n<:. a bride of this week. \/run `l::l .s.Mk1.-.Ln... .-....: l\l'..... 1-~n...1_. u. uuxnuaa, J.!4lllI5L'UVC- Mrs. Arnold and daughter Hazel of Moose Jaw, Sask.. who `are vis~ {ting in Ontario. spent this Week with the Millervfamilles. r*nnmnn+u1nLl.-H... 4... A....x- 'n.......... .11: Jlcla I.!'.`l', ICIS L VYEEIQ. M1`s.xRobert Ellis `and son. JaVc1c `visited Mr. and Mrs. Jas . !Stewn't, (Angus. -Sunday. T.on `Dn\vkn1n#+n in Yunnan acarxuwn T\A I3: J1: AVLUAVLCIELCL 3 `M2-. and Mrs. Geo. `Ellis spent" Sunday with the Iatter's sister, Mrs. H. Dundas, E`.m~grove. I`-\/[nu Av~nn'|r1 and Rnunrlni-on T:-'xn1:\1 July 1'6-M1'. and Mrs. Arthur Dobson and baby `.\'Iervin were" in Creemove on Vvednesday attending the wedding of Mrs. D0b_son's bro- thsr. - Tu Anni `run TY.` T \'I1IA.. 1. ) -L.\u Lllcla " M1`. and Mrs. W`. J`. Miller, Victor `.\Ic.VI_aster and .\Iiss Olive Miller motored to Ethel on .Saturday to spend a few days with Dr. and Mrs. E. A. Mc'Master. ' \-In and \r.... PI-..` -1511:... -.......L' LU LUV UL Ll-lo In trying` to avoid :1 mud hole near the nbridgehat the foot `of C'erswe11`s I-I111, Bert Brode1'ick's coupe was nearly demolished on Saturday evening. The auto struck the end of the cement railing. crushing the bumper and radiator and driving the engine back sev- eral inches. How he escaped seems atnmystery. his only injuries being` '1 few bi`uises and scratches and a treneral shaking up. `Strange to say, inthe mass of twisted metal no 2`1nss- was-broken. even the head- Lights, though bent, renmining in- tact. ` - V I I Luv) unu Ut`t'Xl 1`Ullt'U- As a result of a last minute change in plans, `Cecil Thompson and not Bert Culrbert accompanied Eric and `Ted I-Iipwell on their trip to the north. TIA Guuuulo-an-u LA n-.Al.'I .. ..-..:1 l_..IA cuuuc uu s:!uuuil,,&'. ` ' _Quite a number from here attend- ed the Orange celebration in Tot- tenham on Thursday. `Thu lnnnfnn hall tnnvn oPnol>A LU\\ Llliu 'Lll.t' cuu. ` Friday night s ' quiet, refreshing rain would have been much more app1`ee'1a-ted by the farlners harl it not beenthe cause of the when: and barley lodgdng so badly. Next morning many elds looked as if they had been rolled. Ag .~. ..,\...1+ .4: .. an... ...:......I Olympic games contenders from several nations have entered the Canadian Nationrtl Exhibition track! and field events. . ' Lltlllllll U11 .L1l|.ll'5Lll`l,Yo `The .|Beeton ball team defeated the locals in a game playedtin the park on W'ednesday evening. Both teams ran up big scores 'ea1{Iy in the gamenbut played better ball. tow-ard -the end. `luinuu \\it\n`~0- .~ nnlnt ..p.d.'......l.8..~.. mbT.\L-Ie1*1.".aV11c1V Mrs. Jno. Bxderick are spending a few days with friends neat Hornings Mills. ` Thu II? \/I` `IQ AP Han `Dung!-\vv9-nguan til? LIUICIIIHES Allllla The W . M.`|S. of the Pxjesbyterian Church entertained the W. M. S. of Schomuberg on Tuesday, -10th. Lunch, was served on the lawn of Mrs. Smith. ` 1 u and `I/fun 1) 1'1.-`C-Ln.. AB A`. CIIILLIM Mr. and Mrs. R. Potter of Ar- thur visited at the home of J. `V. Stone on Sunday. I CHINA 11 nnrnhov Pvvnn-A hang nH-nnrI-I July 16.-.\Iis Sl1T.g;1;tWof Toronto is visiting her uonc1e,-G. Reynolds. \/fl`. and `Mr: F` V("1nl.'Av nn HH-In I'UUl. Mr. and Mrs. S; Stone, their son` and daughter, of Tonawanda, N`Y.. spent the week-.end at the homeof Mrs. G. Gummerson, Mr. Stone's sister. ' ' - 11-.. ..V..,1 -M..- 1'..- n..-.a-..x..u- ...... J3 \13vU.lll lll'.'1' U,llU1U,`L1u ICEXIXUIQS. M1`. and `Mrs. F. `Clokey and little daughter. Toronto, spent the past week at the home of_L. C. .\_IcLean. Dr. and. Mrs. Snyder, Buffalo, stopped over a. couple of days at, the home of M. B. Hipwell on their was; to their cottage at-'Glouc`ester Poo . - l\l'n nu If-um 5 Stan... LL.-.&.. g . Mrs. and Miss Cassidy of Haun- ilton -and Mrs. and Miss Scott of Boston. who are stxmmering at` Shanty Bay, visited their aunt,! .\I1`s. James Me-Lean, last week. I lJ(ll'llCq J yxcuacxuu. c\cuuL5 Wists spent. JCongra_-tulittions are extended to M1`. Tooke s__`class at `No. 15 School. all having attained the1r"En~trance` examinations. ' ` T . Master Lloyd` .\ 1cLean visited his aunt, "Mrs. Frank Madden. last weeka Miss McKay spent a" few ;1aysat Oro Beach last week. ,. 1'\`'nn1.v_nnd u!aI+n..a .....I --n...... Llll_J IJCGULI 16:1.B_L \`\C'C`I$- 1 Week-end visitors and ca1_1e:~s with friend's durlngthle past week were: Percy Henley and` party of -1'iends,'OTri11ia; VVallace Bea.1`dsaI1. But`:1._lo; .VIr._ and Mrs. R. 0.TSte- phenson, M-rs- Baz"we1I. M. Hay- nmn, Toronto: D11.-.-and Mrs. Sprott. `Miss {Sp"1'ott, Miss Rossie, Partridge. Barrie. vr..- .-....:| \n.... n.......:.1__ ..n -n-...-- ' July .16A---Mr. and Mrs., Ken. Mc-. Lean returned from their honey- moon xlas-t week and on -_Thursday exening the people of the com-. niunitygathered at their home to give them "a welcome and present them with a miscellaneous shower of handsoime` and useful gifts. Re- freshments were served` and a. very pleasant evening was spent. `{`.nngr~n-fnh'ninna hm: nvfnnn 1-n noun HEAD urorux AQLOWES Lupe`. ' | Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Mayes and: VV m. ~\\`alker spent -the week-end H11 St. 'Catharines. | Mr. and`Mrs. Frank Kenst of- Bo_nrl Head are visiting the for-` merla parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.: `Kc:-nut negast. ` Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Allen spent_ `Sunday at Harry Ke1cey s at Knox. llulhn The members of the Equal Rights Club held a picnic at Was- Iaga Beach on -Friday. Although It` was the 1'3th it proved to be a.-very lucky day. Aeroplane riding, bowl- lug, dancing and bathing were en- ljcyed by all. 1\7m...,..,,... \_1-..........` no \,r:..,..:..... .......`...L 'l'here s a 'l`ire% Here `Ea Fit Your Car -- ....--..-= ..\. y.u`.u-.9 |I\..L\.. ' Miss Beatrice Farrell of Streets- ville is visiting Miss Katialeen Sharpe. Vrv and I`/Tn: Than \,f.-.u-.- ....-3' Jv..,ycu U) au. _ _ Norman Munro` of Minesing spent the weekeend with his parents. V\'m. `Rodgers spent Sunday at Harry I{e!cey s; Knox, where his Ifather, Robt. Rodgers, is seriously ill. IL Miss Zeta Sharpe of Flint, .\1ich., `is visiting her parents here. Ira-.. 1---....:__ -n_,,,,_.. ,.. ~. July `16.--Misses Marjorie and gear; Coutts spen-t `Sunday at Mid- urst. I - ` '1'-.. .......-L-..- -13 m H- To achieve a new group of cars with completely ori'g- body designs, so illustrious and distinguished as n i to give every beholder an entirely fresh apprecia- tion of the artistic and mechanistic possibilities of ..`.v... -.......-..`y nnuan .u.n -an -v.Lul. AJLUA. Mr. and Mrs. IRObAt.,.\ICLfl1`ty of Toronto visited with -.\I1`. and Mrs. J-as. Coates. " `Inn nn.-1 \r.... 1-,... 1-.....__:_ .5 1.----.' I .-.-- ..`.-.... .. ....._, _uu.u ;. . 41. ucu-I H1).-":.n VMcCua!g and his mother went to Orilliavto see her -brother, Mr. _McA1`tl1ur, who is very poorly. \/Ina -\r1 ..,... 13v..._1-.---..- -, - vs. - uaut. C, 01`. ' ` -Mrs; Barkerand `daughter of Tor- lonto are spending the holidays with ]her parents, .\I1'. and .\Irs.Wm. (Barnes. - . 17!.-.on..'T'|....._ _1_s,_,__ -u .1 - uaun-::I. _ ' ',ViCt01` Ross shipped three cars of sock on` Monday. I io-01 ,n`lI~Vi If you intend to visit EUROPE, book early and - secure choice in accommodation. We represent ALL STEAMSHIP LINES -Jan. =puzu.t-:5. ' V ` Mr. and .\Irs. Jas. Reevie of Haw- kestone spent a day with F. A. Bell. nun \.r..r1....:... -_,,-. . _._-. -.---_. .-...., uuu Ac vv.L_y puuL13o Mfs. Minor Black-more and little son are \'isitiY1g' with M273. Black- more, St`. .\'nn. `l3.~..1-,....-.__1 -_1_.._.LL. An "- . G- ...-.-.....-.-., .-ac. d4l\J||Q Mr. and Mrs; Hudson of Toronto spent `Sunday with Mrs. Mac Elson. 11'... '...-.1 \/r..- -`V ~- v Ii-I|_ mum uuigaln .,.... ..... ......5..u..., .v:.Lcu -.7. v. uuuca. "Mr. and Mrs.--Carl Campbell of Toronto sp'enz the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Crawford. T ' \4 ic-n 1.1 .-u.n.... 1-31.... _A VI-L, \.rL\1V\ LUL U: Miss Martha. Elson of Thornton` is spending her holidays with her `grandfather, Mr. E15011. ' iv--l\"I-z".])-a.1\\"sson' of Tordnto visited with his daughter, Mrs. S. V. Jones. ...._1 at... 1-4 July 16.-'-Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Lyall` of Bufalo returned home after spending two weeks wit their friends "here. T ~ I Only. Chrysler could _a(`:_hieve such style; ` . ` loyv] New Cbrys-Ier "75 Price: - Royal Sedan, $1985; 2-passenger Coupe (with rumble seat), $ 1985; Road- ster (with rumble seat), 320 10; Town Sedan, 3.2 140 (wire wheels extra). All cc: o. 6. Windsor,` . `Ont, inclu in; standard facto .eqm'[m1ent {fmgbt and taxes extra . _.1gA. MALCOMSON 73-139 snnon [ 9|-lillfl ` EARL JAMES; Bnlfoll A HERB. IURRAY, Baotou, uuuu: UL au.u1L ate. .\1El1`1. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. fshaw of Eg- -be1't and .\Ir. and Mrs. M. McLean {of `Thornton spent Sunday with `Lorne Patterson. `MN: nap: tr..- 1'-.. cu..- -1.-- -4 .. GR()__I:f.,J Distributor can-I \.IfII\ July 16.--Me1vi]Ie~ Hunter` of De- troit, .\Iich._. is spending his holi- days with his mother, Mrs. Hunter of B:u`rie and friends at Coulson land Edgar. \`rp= T `K! T"n(~3n`- ..LL....'.1-: 1.1.- an L1 nuts zu`. Mrs. J. W. Kissick attended the, :fune1'z11 of her sister, the late Mrs. [Currie of Sault .Ste. Marie. ' \T1- nn 11': mun- lax..." ..a 1-3.. .uuL uv 1.'clLLcL`bUu. M1`. and Mrs. Jas. Strachan of _Sunder1-and. visited with Mr. and Mrs. Cocldburn on Sunday. . F1m;st of ].owPncedS1xes