Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Jul 1928, p. 13

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I Ti. uliiaiiiinaiti Acooxs1'< _)_wN vltvllrll-I--IUIIIII-lllltvljl`-lIIlI.IlI-Ii, 3 ~ ` B` slililiuuliaaum DHU uuu. UL duly- Dr. and `Mrs. W. 0. Little arid] Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Boys are at" Bigwin `Inn this week on a holiday. The doctor and Jack are also par- ticipating` in the annual "Northern- Ontario Tennis Tournament, both ` V singles and doubles. `IR--- Il -1\'l_-____-__ __.ED_ ,5 T1... ' unanagyu an unwoun- Mrs. McPherson, wife of Hon. W. D. McPherson, K.C., and sister of A. C. Batten, formerly of Bar- rie, died in Toronto last week, fol- lowing an illness from paralysis. She is survived by her husband, two daughters and five sons. ` 11.. -.._1 at..- 15 In 7m_-.a____ _Western Canada and the Western States. Ill ..- Dnkn` 173.... Dunn}- nun Dl4UbEo . . ` Mrs. Robert Kmg, Barne, an-- nounces the engagement of her daughter, Mabel Cheesman, to Dr. Lewis I-I. Bigelow, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Bigelow, Bethany,I 0nt., the marriage to take place? the end of July. In ".4 'M... var n 'r.:++1.. Mia] Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Meadows and family of Woodstock and Mrs. Hopper and family of Washington, Penn., are spending the summer at the summer home of their par- ents, Mr.- and Mrs. Meeking, Glenwood, Glencoe Beach. .___I TT._j __ Geo. Brooks of Bond Head, ac- companied by `his sons, Maurice, Will and Jack and the former s wife, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. -Stone on `Sunday. Mr. Brooks is a brother-in-law of `Mr. Stone and is ha-le and hearty at 88 years of ager. Mug ,1 Aiunn nn T\/Han yeura U1. agu. Mrs. J. J. Allison and Miss Lane, Eugenia `Street, were in To- ronto on Tuesday attending the funeral of their cousin, Mrs. S. J. Moore, who was a daughter of the late Alexander Lang,` for many years Governor of !Simcoe -County Jail at Barrie. `D-.. .....J TH ..- `L1 17 117.-...1.-w-nun Illl 5|: DL'l.'1 u U Rev. and Mrs. H. V. Workman and little daughter, lately of Wat- ford, but now of Blenheim, 01112., were guests of Rev. J. J. and Mrs. Black for several days. Mr. Work- man preached in Collier Street Un- ited 'Church Sunday morning and delivered an eloquent and timely discourse. `IE... `IT... `LY:-nan as-A Anaconda`-AuLV u1LCUUl'5Uu Mrs. Wm. Hines and daughters, Ruth and `Dorothy, returned to their home in Detroit, having spent a month here visitingwith Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hines and her father, W. G. MdBride. Miss Ethel Hines returned with them and will spend her holidays visiting her brother Will and Mrs. Hines. -n-._:_._1.I I`1:<.l.1..._ ....... -...............1 gnu. Mrs. W. J. Corbett has 1`-eturned pmne after_ visiting It-lends in Tor- DHKO. ~VV 111 GHQ LIKE: .l_.llllUBu Reginald `Godden was successful in winning the Gold Medal at the _recent Toronto Conservatory L. T. C. M. examinations in Piano, scor- ing one of the highest standings ever given an L.T.*C. candidate. Mr. Godden studies with Ernest Seitz, the widely known pianist an-d teacher. of `Toronto. u-nu. uw-v.. . - -v-v..- Dr. and Mrs. W. Miller and Mr. and `Mrs. Read |C1arke of Per.- ry. N.Y., were ,visitors in town this week._,Dr. Miller is a Barrie old boy. son of |Robt. `Miller. who r_e- sided on `Mary -Street about f- teen years 'ago. Mr. Clarke is publisher of the Perry Record, one of the outstanding weekly news- papers of New York state. 4, _ TT7-__L __-,-; 2"""" V.` "" "" """"""" Q `The Weyburn Review gives a splendid re ort of a music recital given. re ently by the pupils of Miss Elspeth Nelson, formerly of Stroud. Miss `Nelson and her pup- ils were warmly congratulated up- on the success of the affair. The `program was given before a capa- city audience and was ,one of the best heard in the city for some time, says The Review. _ `R. H. 'Hepp1eston,' well known butcher, has just installed a. Lip - man refrigeratin-g system,` making his shop of the most modern type. The system includes an electrical compressing plant `which forces cold air through the refrigerator to the counters and the window, assur- ing an even temperature of near freezing all through the store. Thus all meat and vegetable products are constantly kept fresh and crisp. ready. for the table. This is a de- cided forward step in Mr. I-Iepp1e- ston`s business, established by `him. when he returned from overseas in 1918. The public are invited to in- spect the new plant after next Sat- urday. A Extra conies of The Examiner always availa'ble-ve cents; Send some to your friends. 26tf. |~ ORDERED sou) Tin`: Alanitgl. IXAMINII A FORWARD STEP Consisting of.Dry Goods, Ladies `Ready-to-Wear~, Hosiery, Lingerie, Dress Goods, Silks, Men s Furn- r ishings, etc., etc. All will be on the mar ket without reserve or limit THURSDAY ~MoRN1Ng,g31y 19, at 10 A.M. Sharp Ullou pmo. A" t Greatest and Most Sensational Selling Event ` EVER KNOWNTN THE HISTORY OF B ARRIE AND DISTRICT ALL MUST BE SOLD IN NINE SELLING DAYS E; B. SUTCLIF F E & CO. ByC. v. LANGDON=-TRUSTEE ENTIRE $21,000.00 STOCK OF WATCH YOUR MAIL FOR LARGE YELLOW POSTERS WITH COMPLETE DETAILS ` EXTRA SALES HELP WANTED. Apply at Stor'e, Friday, July 13th. ybeorge Aspden, Sr., had the mis- fortune to have his auto badly smashed in a collision onlYonge St..on Monday. The occupant; of ----.- ------ ..-- _.._- -.`..-.9 ova-two nnvvnau Our baseball team journeyed to Bolton on `Thursday evening to play a league game. the result being de- cidedly in their favor. JHL- -I-1-virus .- ... yoA\-Ah |.IaV\ILu The W.MJS. of the United church held a social in the park on Friday evening. A softball match between the married ladies and married men furnished considerable excitement for the onlookers who cheered the efforts of both sides enthusiastical- Iv. I` -Rev. E. M. Burgess, Mrs. Burgess ' and Jack left at the end of the Week , for their annual vacation during fwhich they intend visiting. old friends in Northern Ontario. EVLIB. J`: ailctllllbsq _ Mr. and Mrs. G. Packenham of Toronto are visiting with Mr, and Mrs. Frank Evans. \[v nnd `X/Tm: Alnlnn 1("nnan and l_----._., --. -`v- `may. an \JanIpI-I-0 ova An application of calcium chlor- - Ide to a. part of our street has prov- ed very effective in keeping down the dust. "I"`kn .-...n.....-kn..- ..& LL- -L. LNG uuab. `The members of the Junior In- 'stitute visited the Institute 0!` `Churchill on Thursday afternoon. I l\u.. Ia:-.....1_..!3 4.--..- L, I July 9-Mrs'. D. McKZaZyiof Toronto ' is visiting old friends in this neigh- borhood. . ' . noun HEAD ~ T BARRIE CITIZENS BAND ROUND and SQUARE DANCING TO BAND MUSIC IN `FRONT or POST omen: SQUARE Barrie Kiwanis Street Karnival THE PROGRAMME IS BEYOND COMPARE Novelty Parade Jmm oueen s Park BIG PUNCH AND JUDY snow Games of Skill W for Popular Prizes Monday Evening, July 23 SUCCESS ASSURED At '7 o clock: with Decorated Bicycles, Wagbns and Doll Carriages, Clown Bands, Period and Comic Costumes, headed by the ;V1l'B. vnuus 1`JVU.HBn Mr. and Mrs. Alpine/'Couge and J. Monkmamof Toronto spent Sun- day at J. R. Couse`s. Frederick Gauley [of Toronto is olldaying with his uncle and aunt. ,Ir. and .VIr`s. Harry Fisher. EH95: Beslsla `Quthr-srlnnd hm: rn. Fun and Frolic lor Everybody SEE FULL `PAGE AD. IN NEXT WEEK'S ISSUE OF EXAMINER (IF RAINING 231-cl, POSTPONED TO 24th) 1 LOTS or SPACE - BUT YOU WILL BE cnownan 'TWILL BE som: sglow ENTIREPROCEEDS - KIWANIS COMMUNITY WORK `BARRIE.ON'l`. RLUJU Bufpl. lab` LU L112: U\VIlUl'3. During their absence, the home of Mr. and Mrs: Russell` Grant was struck by lightning on Tuesday of last week. Noticing shingles lying around on the lawn on their return they concluded that a gust of wind had been responsible but on enter- ing the house they found that the damage had been caused by a bolt of} lightning. Plaster, which had been ripped from the wall, was ly- ing about and the posts of a bed shattered but fortunately the dam- age was comparatively small. The biggest rock salt bed in the world is at Weilicza, Poland, being 500 miles long, 20 miles wide, and 1,200 feet thick. The recent favorable weather has worked wonders in the hay crop. Fields that gave promise of being very light a. few weeks ago are now being cut and are proving an agree- able surprise to the owners. lvnlna fhnhu o1'\uor\rIA +1; knrnn AF v_v..`.-.. ---.,__,. Eric and `Ted Hipwell and Bert Culbert are away on a ten-day motor trip to New Ontario intending to camp and sh`. as they journey along. M ... `rx.-.1....`...-... a- 1.m1:.a....:..... ..a. u...-. -.--...r ..u..- 3?... my --nvv .,v--- .-v_, v.~~.._g. Mrs. Deh:`n.ey is holidaying at [the home of her mother, Mrs. Burton. nun- .,__-_,L n_-__,,_Lu, _ both cars which figured In it, for- tunately escaped injury. 'l_.l- _..: MINA: 1"r:.....-11 -.._-I T\_._L \)l'1U.l'1o Miss Alice Shanahan left on Sat- urday to spend the summer months at Huskoka. \.l'...- nAI\`r"\II9\vl nn Anundnn-n Tan- (ALF. uuu ALIS. .ncu"r_y J.`L3l8Ul'y Miss Bessie `Sutherland has re- _turned to her home in Toronto after visiting with friends here. \/Ir nn Vfvu mrnnur 'RnnHr\a- nf DUHUUJ. Lauu. Ernest Ash is spending a few days at Niagara Falls. \/Ym: Dark: and earns AP 'l`nv-An!!! uu.v vA.:n.nu5 up no.1. \.4uAAAyu\.AA 9. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Thompson and Russell were at Sp:1rrov Lake for Sunday. . , Xfhaa nan. Q1neanv- ne Itmnam-mm-A RUSSELL were KL DpiJ.l'l'U\\' LAELKB LUL` ,7 Miss Beth Slessor of Iwlndermere spent a few days at her home last Week. l\...vHV;. ("44-s1Avqon11 A0 `Dull;-:1.-. In 1-lag VV =(3:?{v111e Caldwell of Buffalo is visa ltlng at his home here. . n_-.`1._n . _ _ _ - _..-_.._ L4 3-..- .....= tan ..... ..v.-... -.... .. The football team went to Camp Borden Tuesday evening and the score was 3-0 in favour of Camp Borden. Service in st. Peter's Church. Sunday, July 15, at 11 a.m. by Mr. V. B. Collins, B.A. There will be 8 boys choir from O1-1111a. 21E .\1usxuxa. .\Irs. Cockburn and daughter, Lou- ise, spent a few days recently at Sunderland. 13......-.4-.5 Auk I- ~-..~.~.1:-.-.. .. Inca. .-Inna 'dL .\R15dl"cl J."d.HS. Mrs. Parks and son of Toronto are visiting at S. Campbell's. \r,. -_,,-u `an... 15.1.. nn1_,,..A_,.. __..I July .l.J."".\.lLS5 \.1'CUL5Hl21 IXAJSAUIS has returned home after visiting in Orillia. \1 h~.- A`HnnVCLnnn1nnn YA;-C6 an an`. July 11-M1ss Georgina Klsslck `an rnflirna hnmn afrnr 1'in!Hnr In j,bl5L \VUCl\'CHUn Mr. and Mrs. Arnold, Miss Mar- jorie Arnold and Mr. Irwin of Pains- wick were visitors at the Rectory last Wednesday. Automobile Accident Wm. Harris met with a very pain- ptul accident on Sunday afternoon, (July 8th, when his new Ford car was completely turned over at the ,;':orner of 4th line of 'Innis'fil, which resulted in Mr. Harris having his farm broken. The other occupants pf the car. consisting of his family. ,;vvere not seriously injured but were scratched and out about the face. J1`he,v were on their way to Ki1lar- gney Beach for the afternoon and it .;;s thought that the car skidded in {he fresh gravel when he attempted {,0 turn at the corner. ,Mr. Harris was rushed to Barrie R.V. Hospital to have his arm set and although he suffers great pain he is improv- ing`. ', \ MINESING Page This-tun :.U})U1C\llu. I Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Monkman and son, Donald. are spending a lmonth at their cottage at Balm ;Beach. T Miss Marjorie Dunning and Miss Bu`by Hamilton of Toronto spent Sunday with Mr. and.M1-s. H. L. Dunning. Mr. nnd Mrs. D. O. Avnnld nf T.nn. |JLUlllu1- Mr. and Mrs. D. 0. Arnold of Lon- _don Visited with the f01`mer's par- ,-ants, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Arnold, for 1 fortnight. Mr: Alhnvf Wnnnuhnw and `nd. 0-I I-UL {-1115}! la Mrs. Albert Kneeshaw and Rus- ._.sell Carter of Toronto w'ere visitors with M1`. and Mrs. Sylvester vcarter last week-end. \1'n an:-`I \r1'na Annr \/Han `Inn- "".{&.'~sT"i:?{.; ";'n11 'Ev}3 "c'n":iliI~;i{I Ethel and Bert. of North Bay are Iylsitlng with M1`. and Mrs. H. Reed. __I___ .t\.__.. `-2, max. peu unruusl} uzucaa. _ V I, _ ,\_I_1ss Eva McMahon of Toronto ;sl{1o;1i`dayin-g at her home. ` `av. Dr. `Brace of Toronto is a. guest at the parsonage this week. ` Ray Flynn and Miss Marion Flynn pf Stayner were lntown on Tuesday. Miss Bertha. Sutherland or Tor- onto is spending her vacation here. .\Tlnn nnnn`nn \KnInA.IA..' -1 l\.. Thursday. Jul! 12, `I928 . Peop`l`_e" Q9-Operative Store 5 LBS. LIGHT. BROWN SUGAR . . . . . . . . . . 30 LIBBY S PORK AND BEANS (Large) 19 PEANUTS, in -shell, 1 lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 19 CHOCOLATE BARS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 for 25 MQLASSES SNAPS . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 lbs. for 21 AMMONIA (Star Brand) 15c size 2 for 20 BANQUET SARDINES, .; . . . . . . . . .. 5 for 25 TOMATOES, Harvest Brand . . . . . . . 2 for 25 PEANUT BUTTER (pint jar) . .; . . . . . . . . . ./ 25 Van I-`Iauten s COCOA`, V.-lb. `-tin . . . . . . . . . . 20c MEN S OVERALLS, (with bib) per pair $1.65 MEN S WORK BOOTS (good quality) . .. $2.69 BINDER TWINE, 650 `and 600 ft., attractive price. POTATO SPRAY (The Best Arsenate of Lime), .,,, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......l5cperlb." Phone 185 : . BARRIER : 139 Dunlop St. 36. Bayeld St. SEE THIS KELVINATOR ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR IN OPERATON . PRICES FROM $225 UP R OPERATION COST PER DAY, 11/gc. URRY BROS. --' QUALITY -4- smvlca --- }y:EK.ENnsPEg1ALs, JULY 13 . 14_ IIINVIFIN I\I'\/\l\ r\Iv/\AI-\ BARRIE _ The Isudlbury iStar- hasthe -ol- lowin to say ofua farewell tend- 1`. `Mme Jr `HI who are-to become. ermanent re- sidents of Barrie, -.Davies hav- ing purchased a roperty here. He has for more t `an fteen years taken a prominent part infthe c6m- munity lifeof the nickel town, which grew from 3.000 to over 10.00lT'during his residence there. Of recent years he has been presi- dent of the Board of.'I`rade.. just recently resigning the position by necessity of moving away. He was leader of the -Church of E'p(if)han,v choir for many years an was rominent in` amateur dramatics. In business Mr. }Davis was a most successful grocer. He is at `pre-, senta director of the Associated Boards of Trade. A- .. a.......-....n L. at.` -...1 ml-..- puw. A.thur Co1e_man.ot Barrie is holl- giaylng with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Graham. . -. Mina Thelma Forbes: M 'I"nvnnfn IJUGIVIB UL I-I503: ``As a farewell to Mr.` and Mrs. J. H. Davies who." after. many years residence in Sudbury.. are leaving shortly` to make their home in Bar- rie. the Woman's `Auxiliary were hostesses at a delightful social ga- therin held, in the`Parish Hall `of the- `C urch of" the Epiphany on Wednesday evening. A large num- ber were present and a very pleas- ing program was given in the course of which the rector, `Rev. P. F. Bull, gave a short address in which he spoke in. terms of warm appreciationlof the value `of Mr. and -Mrs. Davies to the church and congregation and expressed sin- cere regret at their departure. Dr. W. 'C. -Morrison alsoespoke regret- fully at losing such.faithfu1 work- ers from the church. At the close of the program `Mr. Bull, on be- half of the congregation.. present- ed Mr. Davies with a -`Chesterfield arm chair `and Mrs. Davies with a Windsor rocking chair as a re-. membrance from their friends. Very feelingly Mr. Davies spoke in reply and thanked the givers both for Mrs.` Davies and \himself. 'Mr.. .'n....:.... L-.. .........`I........A 4.1.... `A35. u-zhvma sunnunvs TO RESIDE IN BARRIE ' JIILUFI 2.00-3.30} 3.30-4.45 4.415--6.00 LUF H1155 JJGVIUS uuu `uuuacu.. Mr. -Davies has purchased the Justice property at the head of Toronto Street and is putting con- siderable improvements on it. | PLAYGROUND AND SWIMMING CLASSES IJ Ull1Ul.":y5VD (-4.54 9.00-10.~3`0 . . . . . . . . . . Playgrc 19.3-0-12.00 . . . . . . . . . .. Swimn Intermed1ates-ages 1-2-16` 9 nn_9 an Dlnvrrr JJI LC!` 2.00-3.30 3.30-4.45 4.4 5--6.'00 I Tuesdays, Thursdays. Saturdays IBAJRRIE. ST.` VIN`C'E`N"I"S PARK . Juniors--ages 7-12 9 nn_1 an `Dlnvnmnnn VJDILJUH \\'l|.H I-LICIILIS IlUl'Uu Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Banting of Weston are visiting the 1-attei"s par- .ents. Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson. 1\~___1. - J Ull-lU1'3"""I`Sl5U3 I `L6 9.o'o-1o.3o Playgro 1o.so-V1-2.00 Swirnn Interm`ed1ate_s-ages 12-16 :9 nn_9 an nnnnra I! - `vv uunuauaya vruy AT `THE IRON BRIDGE 10.30-'1*2.00 and 2.00-5.30 SVV'IMlM:IN-G-AILL AGES `;3??.*s. Mondays and Fridays AULA-NDAIJE .Tunlors--ages 7-12 n an `D11: vn Wednesdays Onl'y ' "FT-TIN`. TPIYNT 'RP'Tnl outuuolvntooout G1r1s-a.1~l ages.` `Girls-`-all ages: ~Pl.1one~ 453 |~\I aha --rw .... ..g unvp vvvvvwu_IvQ| nova U0 Miss Beatrice McFadden 0! _0r- m1a`was at her home over the week- end. `\TvQ `V .T, (`.mvhnH has nnhn-nnri 5U! l'l.6 Playground . . Swimming .1: ans: 1 9.1 R es L-4-1.0` . .. Playground Swimming a-Au 563 J_.'.LU Queen's Park Swimming w (' 14 Playground . Swimming `a 1 9-1 Rx ":Svv 1mm1ng 5 Swimming wyunnuncoa vvvv we on on uvv :- Miss Eppie W1kZ of Deutroit is spending her holidays in town with Mrs. W. A. Thompson. - Misses Jessie and Annie Clark are holidaying with- theiraunt, Mrs. Bradley, in Parry-Sound-. 'nk__-_L_1`l ur-_1---- -1! `n-..-'I ocvoouuag can W-I\vI'1":'and Mrs. v\`?i :lker of Mimico called on friendsvhere last week. . I '|`--l. -..'.1 A..a.L.-.. f'I..-...-...l 6..- VV llllo ~ ` Mrs. Jas. Mayzes and five sons; of Ann Arbor, MIich., are visiting at the home of Frank Exell, !Shir- ley Avenue. 'M's~ and M: `D illnunin NP nrn Lifdlltulh , _M1ss Thelma Forbes of Toronto -)3 visiting with her sister, Mrs. '1`. J. Dawson. Mrs. Frasur-r `and daughter, nnnma savaavv In It uvvgu -rv vv vaun- T. R. Miller of Mobse Jaw, Sask., who has been visiting a few days in Barrie, left for Buffalo to- day, accompanied by Mrs. Miller and Douglas. _ TU? nA4M1Ia `T `U T-Tn-run nun:-1.1:-An &V&53 VJIDUQV3 81`!-BUSH: . Miss Mary `Stranaghan has tok- en .3 position in Toronto. MI! DEA` Mug 7 `Tina: A` mn- Ullvl IJUBIDIUII In LUIUII o Mr. and Mrs. W.\I_.in: of Wind-. sor are holidaying in town. IRE. __.I `II ... `ll 13 117-11--.. -3 WCUILU Jack and Arthur Crawford. San- ' 011`? Street, are holidaying in Mus- 0 8. ` D-.. YIY-1J.-.. -...I II ..- TIYL:J.- -3 8\Ul\Gi Rev. Walter and Mrs. White of Toronto are spending the week at H. J. Grasett s. `|A ....'. nr 13 n....a...:.:..... o1'n.......4... Irleuun 8.1} 159118 l`4`W8l'!2. Miss Laura Asaph has returned to Brampton after spending. her holidays atwher home here. V Mrs M T Kuhn! nn *Pnnn'"\1 nuuuuys lo `HUI IIUHIU l.'Uo Mrs. M. W. Maley and family left this week to spend their vaca- tion at New Liskeard, Ont. `UNI T',_. vovna av ovvvv --up-u-us, vuuwu Miss Irene .-I-I-:)g'an andAEd. Hog- an `motored from Detroit and are spending two -weeks in town. 111:..- r.1._..:_ 127411--.. -3 r\..L...:4. :. Darne. , Rev. and Mrs. Gladstone Wood of Parkhill visited `Rev. and Mrs. J. J. `Black for a couple of days last week. .11.`. m: `U 11?: ..... ......l ..1.:1A, $VLl'Sn `LI: 11 'VV ISUHIGII. uuu 'llllU' ren of New York -City are \nsitin her parents, Mr. and -Mrs. Fran Wlfianvnnn W i?`L;"z;'ser 'a_nd daughter, D_onna. .of Barrie are v.s1tlng with Mr. and ,\I1`s. R. Marllng. ` \.-h- and i\vva (1 Danbnnhnuk` nf my Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. P. Gillespie of Oro and their daughter and: husband, of Oshawa, visited. their aunt, Mrs. A. B. Carley. I` I1`. 'M'u1na av-n1 T3431!-nu M\r1na A. D. uuney. C. E. Myles and Dalton Myles, of New York, spent the week-end at the home of T. C. McCullough, Elizabeth Street. ' ~ TM - .....l 1M`..- `I'_'l uo..`|. 1171.34-- `D`I`|u I1l1.lZH'UUD IUIJICCCIH Mr. and Mrs. Hugh White, Billy and Ailene, motored- to Strathroy and s ent the holiday with Mrs. White s mother there. -`N173.-.. T E Auamn-:A\n Inna A4-nun- VV tun: 3 IIIUUIICI.` DILUI-Us `Miss J. E. :Hamilton has return- ed to Philadelghia after spending a week with er sister, Miss M. Hamilton, Brock Street. `T. W. Horn, Jr., and Miss Doris Philbrook. of Toronto spent a.few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. `Coo er, Sanford Street. ` VI ! `l\--....-.. _...l `IE2..- Tu--- I.IlUo lJWUll dull LVLLD3 LLUIIC Dawson motored to Weston on Monday to attend the funeral of an `aunt, Mrs. Wm. Dawson. II vs` An-.___|__n ___ .1 1},-__ mt- Mrs. D. Campbell and `Miss Ma- bel Campbell accom anied a party on a -motor trip to t e West River District a few days last week. fl! `l'| 1|l`II__- -.E II-`...- 7-..- &NU IJU UgIo Mr. and `Mrs. `T. W. Horn and: son of'Toronto, have retured home after spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Cooper, Sanford` Street. ` `III . ......I .`1UI'...... A..J.1..... TlY..`I...L scan` `Dlll UIUJ `DDICUU Du Mr. and `Mrs, Arthur Walsh and daughter Barbara are spending their holidays at the home of her sister, Mrs. Wm. Peacock, 16 Frances Street. `MR1-.. `l'.1:J.L.`l7`!...... -1.` 13-..]. TIA..- I Miss `S ry of._Toi'onto is visiting" M?Iss'i.]%K.ny`1vsul;-d1t`:Il:'v`\nn nu I-ab- 1: 01- \ll'II':luD Bu . Mrs. W. E. Partridge, 21 Poyntz Street, is spending a week with a friend at Belle E-wart. II`:.. 7...... A--..L 1.-- _-L.-....-.l "'i$3{u{g"73;1;"'ZnEi"343;; ".:&2{ glopeland of Toronto were week-end ylsltors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. (Jopeland. \/`Iv nn \/Iv: T.n\v!a Mnnlznann `1ia}'s3i'a"1i"'vs?}Spic'o3E' SE '."2.ya1 Bank, Eglinton :Branch, Toronto, spent the week-end with friends in Barrie. 13-.. -u-J 'K-an .f'1'In;l:-Lnnunn LICK IJGIUILI 'Wiseman. II ... `I . . 1.` l'UC5 Dlu1'UU|u Miss Edith`Fing" of Port Hope, who formerly taught in Victoria School, `Barrie. `has been spending a_ few days with the Misses King, Poyntz Street. - DA 139: Dnnvnnnn ear` noun ruyxxuz LDL1.'UUln ` V Rev. Fr. Brennan and Dean Sweeneyof `St. Mary's R.`C. parish, are in Toronto this week attend- ing the annual retreat at St. Aug- ustine Seminary. hnvri av-u-l (lava!-14111-`n `Dov-be an- USDIIIU Dllllfyv David and Gertrude Parks, ac- companied by their gunt, Mrs. Jas. Parks, Maberly, 0nt., visited last week with their grandmother, Mrs. Orok, Owen Street. ` - Mu nan!` NE: T W Gnu-1!: 0'1!` ...v-uv- U- vlcovlnean s---'--.v Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McKinley of South `-Porcupine. Ont., have been spending a few weeks at the home of his parents. Mr. and- Mrs. W. J. McKinley, Bradford Street. Amri__. am; _ L - .,L _____ - .-.v.....v.y, .o-wu-v-u `.au-we-u Miss Istotesbury. who has been visiting` in `Toronto and Oakville, left on `Thursday to visit friends in the north and leaves later tojoin a,.Northern Onutario -Post Hospital. AL _ _...___A_ 'f_.._.__ ____-_-3_--L!_.. L_l1'Ul\, UWUII DlaL'CU|u Mr. and Mrs. J; E. Smith and Gertrude Keenan have returned home after spending two weeks holidays with former friends at Sault Ste -Marie, Mich.` `Dal-Au `U (`nvu\v\`\A11 A4` "`nuno\`-A oauu DDUU UJLGILU9 JJJ-llilln ' Peter `H. -Campbell of Toronto called on his mother, Mrs.. D. Campbell, 53 Eccles Street, last week, en route.to the North to look over. some mining claims. . fl Kan-T.n11.on ' UVCl.'- BUIHU lllllll Ulllllllo Mr. and Mrs. G. Mac'LelI'an' and daughters. Frances and Bar- bara have been-holidaying at Oak- view Beach for a couple of weeks, at S. W. Moore s cottage. III", `I'\ I`! `I"I,___ _____ ___ .1 IF!`-e_d_. gjoleman is hol l`d-aymg. in Arm-u1'. - 2 Dick Potter of Arthur was in town` pn usunday. T -Mrs. C. G. Clute is confined `tn hm- `NV -41 v mgvvov u Ivvvvvvauu `Mrs. B. C. Bowman and son and daughter of `Dolqeville. N.Y.. vis- ited with her sister. Mrs. S. W. Moore, for a few days while on a motor trip through Ontario. `||I__ ____I II... l`1__-J__. `l|.I _Tf!..I-__ vilrnvvo vnqircou v.-~u-..v . vuv --vut:.vv-.- At a recent Theory examination at Toronto Conservatory of Music. Mrs. S. L. Page, studying with Horace Wilson. \ attained rst- gllass honours with a percentage of "IRS..- l`l..2.I- I3.-..L.... 1) \Y .....J Miss Guida Burton, R.N.. and Miss Ruth Nash. R.N.. and Dr. McCollum and Dr. Waddington. of Toronto, spent Sunday `with Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Burton, McDona_1d Street. * `Ill - .....1 ill ... 13.:..... D-LL3a_ --`J D DICE In ` Mr. and Mrs. Percy -Robbins and Miss Rosie Mayzes left for Lind- sayband Toronto before returning to their home at, Ann Arbor, Mich.. _after a visit with Barrie friends. - ' xr.'_....... r!-i-.;.. 1...... .L....... Lneuus. -C.` Norman Kelcey has been made assistant manager of `Tamb- lyn s second largest store, at Bloor and Yonge Streets, Toronto, hav- ing just been with the compdny 10 vnnnfka IIIU ll IIllc Dr. W. A. Lewis`, returned home on isatutrday after. attending the convention -of Kiwanis Interna- tional at Seattle. Wash., and en- joying an'extended trip through 1115' Juan ` months. Y\.'. `I? LSD WEEK. ' `Mrs. C. H. -Wiseman and child- ... _. \1'---- 17-..`- l'|A... nu- uunI4-3mm BB'%,' 'S'11'f6}d s'e1.;;t;' "" " T os. Dawson and Miss Irene `----..-._ ..--J._.....l LA YIT-..L.\.- pun pn Iauuuuy. : V-= -Mrs. C. G. Qlute` is confined `to her bed through illness. Miss Eva McMahon of Tnrnnto

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