(equal). a I second Class I-Ionours .- Lloyd Smith and Charlie Miller (equal). Norman *Barron. Gray Smith, Dalus Lee. `Pass-Bl lle Graham. Recomm ndede on account 6! lil- ness---llizmerson Astrldze. Elma.`Fu1- lerton. Alan Partridge. l T V Sr. I to II _ (mas fstrange) First Class Honours- Jean Kee- ley and Dorothy Mays (equal), Grace Isweeney. Blllle ".\IoCorkln- .da1,. {Ruth `Braces . Bllllle Icastle. `Delbert Kenny, Ichrls. Bakozeorge. Edith Agnew and. Alfred Cole and J l (equal). . Mlls:%on3"3c':f:: Honours -E iwalter I Orangcade 2 Tim 25 i Dalian : Orangeade and I _---_.__,_I_ D-A;I_ Q1- Qb QSGXQILSAQ Q QTQ V Like -hundred.| of other: you my have wondered why the butter, bacon. lard, cheese and kindted articles wen all so nun and tresh at our G1-oceterias. rsgaxdieu of the tempenture Tl` outside. The tables containinf these lines are inst as open and convenient to in any other section of the store and you select your favorite brand and the unntity you desire with equa tr `dom. Y i it an me. me `=`i:.:a~`:u%:::'.:.*;."c`:.'::.'.:*::..': "*#::: 32:: ;:-;:=:.:::*::2`:,.::<.::':..:':.::=:.: *;:.e:. the tables and counters that unless looked tor the are not likely to be notice? This is but one o: the modern ieaturee inttodue into the merchandising ot toodetum by the Lobiaw system. I IL`.- Lem37.',' 6}-EH3 "a'.'.'i 'i'23;i2' cup. %.:3`g.`s .?m. ............... ..Bottle 33 CIIRISTIE S WA I CE WAFERS CHERRIES J 28:31:`: .:'.:`.f3: soap 4 BARS 1 8 FEA TUBING SPECIAL pd V sunk: &'.""n`2 "1.`.`.'.`.`. ;'.`. .`.'.. oidg. Woallnr Trout 14-16 DUNLOP STREET STORE HOURS: 8 A.M. 6 EM. WED. 8 A.M.-12.30 NOON SATQ 8 AMA! EM: son" on `M. .' 1-.._! __: : I. v 9.`:-.':.2z..=:*".:e...*?r*;..ao-e. 10: (.3-_ape;,..-. . ~ ouvssw %c..a.;s...L.~.i.- Quooxuon Pimento. Clubholuo Bl. No. 5 mm. .......... -- Pimento. CIIINIOIIIO E. No. 12 Bottle ......... .- Bot. 29 rlmnm UIIDIIIIIS 5 N0: 5 Bot. oooooouooooo Y .....'.'.'.7.'.'.7. P7e'5"6e lb. e1 Mcuonagn. Pass--Hazel Williams, Jean Luck, Victor Morgan. Recoinn1ended-Wi1fred Lee. Jr. III to Sr. 11! (Miss Perry) First Class Honours--Kathleen How. Peter Jennings, Helen Crew, Cliii ord Prasky. Helen `Dodd, Nor- man Atlierton. Ernest Wolfenden, 'I`w,vlla Poole. Donna Fraser. Mar- garet Webb, Cecil Debenliani. Os- car Morgan. Archie Foster. Win- nifred Knowles and Billy Piggot `Qannn'rl. (Tine: Honours---S_\'lvia booooooooi %,Tin 33 ,Bot. Me Louis -Gaigara, poet, goes into 8. C. H. Conklin. 74, passenger con- cage of lions in Paris, France. each ductor on the Wabash railroad, has night and reads his odes to them to played 120,878 games of solitaire prove his theory that animals have and won but 623 during the past 30 an artistic sense. years. ,.aoc. 28 Club House C0500 ` " Peanut Butte): ;.'.`a.' '1'-J __ _ _ jg ID._IAI. 2-`-I. sun siir.-: Fresh and Crisp SPECIAL # Quaker cons rmxns (equal). ' Second Class Honours--S:vlv1a Stransman. Lesiie Hubbert. Len- nard Richards. Carson Maxwiott. Charlie Rank. Reta Debenham. Charlie Debenham, Clara Reyn- -143 Milk Chocolate Bide Lb. Box 334: Licorice Allao1-lg 1-.-AA--1- 44 _, 1 g` Jelly Beans Annrmcl v wvv 2 wvuuuw . \,_.>`w. so: we Gum Drops Frank. Aum-an T, `I! In an Buttgicotcb Fruit Drops Erma Fruit Flavor Annrtad . _ . . _ . . _ . -- FEA common and PEARL SPECIAL - LAUNDRY sous __ King : ranocitsms co. l.IlFflTED E KEEPING FOODS FRESH 1: another reason why the Loblaw stores "have become 3 popular shopping centre for the thrift! housewives nf Ontario. N o Rubbing No Boiling RI./VSO B1-ittam, tietty Larley. Second Class Honours~-Tl1lma Clark. Arden Milne, Elsie Cole. Jean Bradshaw, Jean Pringle and George Ottaway (equal), Charlie Kelly. George Smith and Marvin Myers (equal). Bill `Rodgers. Haz- el McDonagh. nn unnn` \\'HHnm:_ Jean CANDIES tlu-my housewives of Ontsrlo. lb. Box 15 ....... ,, Lb. Box 19 Box 15 1 1 --% 2 pkgs. 15c Hazel burns. . Recommended on account of 111- ness--1\Iurie1 Dodd. Sr. Ill to Jr. IV (Miss Nixon) First Class Honours-Gw,\'nneth Brown and Gwendolyn Jackson (equal), George Thompson. Wan- da Watterworth. Valde Bell, Meta Lee, Donald `Bever1e,v. Eddie Stransman. Margaret Morrison. Fred Jones, Reginald Lewis, Elsa Knox, Hildred Purvis. Gordon Mc- Kenzie. -Florence Molntosh. Eve- lyn Pickering`. Dorothy Hazelton and Edna Scaulan (equal). Lorrie Thorog`ood, Ralph Skinner. Zeta Beelby, Dimmick Brown. John Rooke, Walter Atherton. Dorothy Brittain, Betty Carley. _ a.m,w.A (`Inn T-Tmn\m~:~--.Thelma v-can u Clo:hu-That'u All SP8'lAL-- OLIVES Slot]: tin`. Mason Jar AFTER its introduction a T little over a year ago, today s Goodyear All- Weather Tread Balloon was quickly recognized as the World's Greatest Tire. Greatest because of its wonderful All- Weather Tread, specially designed for balloon tires.` Greatest because it is built with SUPERTWIST Cords. Study the chart which` shows why SUPER- TWIST Cords are less easily injured by road shocks and last longer. LUNCH RE_1*fR19R.ATI9N. Malcomson. Joan `.uu_\'5. ' Roeommended---Mm`ga1'et Sm_1th. Walter Rank. Edna Hawkms. Hazel Burns. D:\nnI\1\\1nI1ADA nu nllnf Of 111! Chrysler Distributor -:- `Phone 21 Ba] Buying at home means service at home Evaporatci ' ' NLIQIMI Lunch R_>u,'_ I-an.-IA Comd xn 14A._ " {Ell i s Plate , Kipper Snacks If you wish to have your purchases delivered General Delivery calls here daily at 11 21.111. and 4 p.m. Saturday, 10 a.m.. - 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. Douglas Simpson. | Second Class Honours--'Mabe1 Richardson, Marge1`,\' Tuck, Wal- ter Swan. Greta Meredith. Jim Buchanan, Mvrtle McLeod. Paul Hart, Reta `Simmons. Jim `Bake- george. Jack Cameron. Myrtle Foster. Vera McLeod. Helen Urry, 1\Iar;:aret Neil. Dorothy Foster and Ernest Wildman (equal). Dnnn ,A14-`mm! I`hnvno~nnr]_ Rubv 311118 14 "`..'.'.T1n39J Clqh Home Coffee ' `A-Lb. Tin` 83 July 12th DIME DELIVERY Ludwig G2-ascen of Hull, I-3:13., provided in his will that his widow and his brother should share his estate equariy, provided they map. tied each other. .x` :-4v `:~0>'oh~a-;o;`o_o gag! we Ernest Wuuman lequau. Pass--Alf1`ed Thm'og`ood. RUM Barnes. Arthur Coleman. B111 Malcomson Joan Mt1.\'S- ' Mnvvmn 1'91 . Rnnth. Dnnn1\1I\1nf`Of` .......... ..;j....s. Tim :9. DOMESTIC SHORTENING 2 Ph. 15 3`-x ' _ -t-5.? . J K E` V , . \x3\.u . 3.4., Phone Barrie 17 ,:,PI:'g; 37 an 44 111.`/: and `Nancy uoxnewouu wquau. Pass-Roy Brown. George Car- ley,_ Perry McIntosh. `Marie Carley. Yvonne De Geer. Vernon Mitchell. Mabel Wice, Sydney Skinner. Recommended-Douglas Agnew Recommended on account of illness--Allan Porrit\t. Jr. IV to 539. lV. (Miss Marshall) First Class Honours---Mar,v `Her- rimen. Douglas Miller. Willlnel` Rowell. Leslie Judd, Eleanor Graham, Albert. Thornton. Austin Smith, Bob Minty. Elva Coughey. Gordon Littlejohn, Clara Ord, Douglas Simpson. Qnnnnt` muse l-lnnnm's-- Mabe1, DU 1 tell Izxgh ghcx mun LLLI Blu acre still bott not: its 1 nnv ton: cou you en '1`hornton. uarvey wuauu. Second Class Honours---`Kem neth McLean, Lloyd Judd and Ted Twiss (equal). Ronald Hard-y, Muriel Sweeney, Jean Prot, Mar- garet Beelby and Havold Cooper (equal). `Dalton Corbett. Amos. Miller and Charlie Newton (equ- al), Barbara a-Cooper. Fred'|Cooper and "Nancy Homewood (equal). 1).. Dmv Rrmvn. Georze Car- ll VIFDU iv VII Iiv \-'9'~-' -*""="""` ' First Class Honours----.\Iary Shortt. Kenneth Prince. .\Iil1'ed .\Ie1`edith. .\Iar:.r-an-et Stephens and Gordon At- kinson and .\I,\'1'tle \\'h:1u (equal). Q.-..-..xnA (*1-.1:: F-Tnnnnv: -- I-Txn`1'\' J.- . IV to Sr. xv `(Miss Henry) First `Class Honours--Eric Har- dy, Victor Knox. Ruth Malay, Bet- ty Blackstock. Maurice Beverley. Fraleigh Jones. Tyson Smith. Hel- Thornton. Harvey Wilson. o.m....,I nine: Honours-,--`Ken. Pupils of Ban-ie Public and separate Schools Who Have Successfully Passed Theirixams. . ` " Victotiahml -2Miss ._!.. LY-.. 1"'p';m uu wuu - \I'-vvvw nrvuvllvoowoowf Class Honours-A--Mary Johnson, Grace Kendall. Patricia Ineson. Beryl Patterson. Laurine Coles, Marion Vair. Barbara Gird- wood. Ilene Smith. Margaret Jus- tice. David Mcculloch and Charlie Seagram (equal). Betty Burk- U16. 0 l\'V|-HHBUlIp {HUNG} lIGl`l'l3o . Recommended. -- Flossie Pea- cock. Jr. 111 to Sr. nu (Miss Suthrland) IN`... 7'... Poole. Fred An`scom-b, Eileen =`1't-an-! dull. Ovma `Prln:._rle, Tommy Part- vidge. Charlie Hevrlman. Du)aa_1\.`\|\r\O\\1v 1\ln'nonn Dnknnb l|L|`L`p Luuruc I1Ul`L'llNU:U1 Pass----Dorothy Dlgnam. Robert Lindsay and Betty .\Ic_Iutosh`(equal) r Jr.` I to Sr. I (Was Strange) First -Class Honours--Victor Ber- vy. Alice HaWk11}s. Adele iMcC0l1l16\l, Ross Stephens. Isabel Lee. Rm -nn ("Hana I-l'nI1nuv_1\nvnH\\v v I v: `-1 I \ov-coca ov4\-bv\-IIJAVI First Class Honours--&EIiza Ans- oornb. Judla Knox and Murie1-Jem- met and June Whan (equal); Gladys Williams, Jenn .\Iorr1son and Bruce Jexnmetth (equal). Jean Edwards and B_lll~ie jHeath.(equa1). Arthur Ashton. Jean Plggotz and George Thompson (equal). `;"o1'n_m Mitchell, Joe" Milne. `Ross Nixon and Ray Smith (equai). -Evelyn Foster. Rosie Brown. Jack L\I,vevs and Edith Shut- er (equal). I-Ianvey; Astridge, Jose- phine Attnott; .\Iax`gavet Beswether- lck. Robert .\IdCu_aig. _--..,1 'z\v~,-_' vv-.._._..._ wanna, nu- Oltls. . Pass-~Gordon 'Rowell. Daisy Agnew and Verna Pringle (equ- al). Ivan Blevins. Charlie Graham. Lillian =Simmons, Helen Pringle and Ernest Caev (equah. Jack Lindsay. -Harry Tideman. Arthur Williams and Cecil Robertson (equal). Pnnnn1n1nndn-..._\1n\'inn PiQ'Q'Ot. LUU. JJUICHV U CI5 UBUN auu 1'4`-IILH Howcroft (equal). Beatrice Fit- sell. Beatrice Marks, Seymour Johnson. Alice Green, Clara Stev- enson. Charlie Smith-. Du..- T..n....H..... &......L..... Wi uz;;'s V-`-`:mj:1cw(;:;`e`l`i`;1'e Stoneham, Garnet Johnson. Dorothy Fare- well. Ted `Robinson, Ethel Harris. nnnnI\iI\\lxI\1-`AA _ ,,, unaa:n Dan, l\U33 LU}1HUH3p l3UCl J4EE`: ' Second Class vlwlououvs--Do1`0th,\' Hewitt. ` Pass-`-Gl01`!a `Blevins. Second Class I-Ionours--Effie `Mc- Leod. Howard .Buc'hanan. Mildred Knowles and Harry Lindsay and Billie `Richardson (equal). Prudence Blevins and Audrey West (equal), Stawse Bakogeorge. Olive Rodgers, James Castle, Paul isims. Pass--Allan ll\Iars`hnll, Bobbie" Lee. Recommended on account or ill- ness-- Harry Neelands. ` Kindergarten Primary to Primary - (Miss Cheesman) Phyllis Agnew, Arthur -Anscomb. Dorothy Arnold. Helen Bell. Elsie Beggar. Arthur Brown.AMaurice De-. Geer. Freda Graham. Clement El- liott. `Mary Hazelton. `Ellwood Hill- man. Arthur Jones. Helen Janileson. Delmar Kelley. Will-lls Lee. Phyllis Leslie. Mary `Mdcuaig. Joe` `McBride, I-Iarvey Mays. Brock Ottaway. Bet- ty Poole. Bruce Posvell.' Lester Prince. Billie llilchardson. George Rooke. `Mary Robb. Margaret Rob- inson. George Rlclcetts. (Robert `Rick- etts. Wllltred lshuter. `Irene Smith. Betty Simpson. Mary Stephens. Hel- en Ispanls. Ray Tuck. Bulb Trumlbly. Eileen Tuck. Ross~ Urry. Thelma Vayir. Kenneth Wildunan. . o`$I1LCU '6V.V V1 Second Class Honours---Dov otliy McKnight and Nettie Butler (equal). George Smith. Isobel Hobbs, Velma ~Bund,\', Wilson Har- rison. Alfred Lainson and Cathar- ine Fisher (equal). Bessie Apple- ton. Lorne Ferguson and Edith A IIII un lnnIIn`\ unnCvu:nn G, Sr. Pr. to I 1Ul',\p JVULU 'UU|/Ir`: | Recommended owmg` to illness: B111) Arnotvt. Sr. III to Jr. IV (Miss McTeIr) !.__L l`I_-_ ' "I!!! "I_-_.`- l.m'I"i-1:3.-t 61a;;'1;a.m;;;:B3ki1` i3I~i<'. head. Bert; Boyd, Ernest Osborne. Alfred `Nye. Qnnnnrl (`Yuan "nnnIIaTn\V_ WI\i`e::;':x1x11e:1ded--Nadene Dol- lery. Ruth `Scott-. n.m-..........g,..: .....:..... M m......;..I Reconunended---Marion Piggot. Margaret Hawkins. V H Class to Jr. III (Miss Livingstone) _ nu--- vv__......- \IH-..... Elan.-vv IJJCIIJCIU \1UC'5lv \U\-{URI}: Pass---Verona Appleby. Helen Beattie. Bartlett Simmons. Irene Hines, Russell Dinning. Margaret Hook. George Kightley. George Bowles. '3...-.A..an..\..An;l \VnJ.\un ha` mug. Second Class Honours----aDoug`- las Ineson. De Etta Haniner. Dor- oth,\' Black, Harold Griffin. Elton Parker, Jean McLeod. Esther Don- nelly. Mabel Sugg. Helen Suther- land. Charlie Simmons. Norman Theakston, Herb. Dyment. Harry West and George Simmons (equ- all, Margaret Ballantyne and Marian Guest (equal). I Daa:_.\'n1-Ann Annlnlur I-`clan v wv wt: v 'Vv-rvv my .--, , First Class `Honours----Luella Minnikin. Verna Aconley. Edythe Zeihr, Pearl Thompson, Eva Mc- Farland. .~Hi1da Cole. C`larence Griffin. Rea Kelcey. Harry Good- win, Glen Kell. Robert Weids, Ernie Nye. Mark Robinson, Gar- butt Smith. Jr. W to Sr. IV (Miss Ball) First Class Honours-Ruth Craig. W Qnnnnrl f`1na_~ I-Innnnne ;T\nnnv_ mK'e'x:r'1:at}'1` iis `i. Gladys nub.` bert. Bradley Reid. IV`--- Y1'__._.__... Jr. IV go Sr. 1v (Miss Mcxever) ___II- w nvv uwvvuu vuuv Miss McKe\"e1` also taught an Entrance class of 15. Gwendollne McKee Homewood 1. Grace 1. Stanley LeGear 1, Kee. ` V A. Class to Jr. Pr.-- ' "'S13.155-i{~l..1~*{1T{'c1ass Honours. 10. Second Class Honours,` 7. Pass, 10. Failed 3. -v nu Vivi V-cu .Stranaghat Marks 1. Irene Ca LeGear. T Jr. `Pr. to Sr. Pr- KUISOU EH10 .\1,\'l'Llt' H uuu xvquuu. Second Class Honours Hu':',\' C0.u2h-y. Douglas Reynolds. Kenena. .\ToC1e11:1n. Edna 'I`rac,v. \Ca1`1e,v `Vice. Betty Sylvester. .\Ia1.`lon `Uonkman. Harry Lay, Hazel R-lchaxrdson. Aud- rey .\IcDona1d. Lloyd Wlmn. Quentin Hall`d)'. Glen \[c~Doxm1d. Gordon .\I,veu-sz, .\Im',\' Milne. D.x;a_YA-an T.n\via I-Tngh Rlnnk I ICU` Cu`-vi w wvvvuvu w-v-ww Russell tranaghan 1. Fred Pearce 2. Roy Stranaghan 2, Lloyd. McKee. Sr. Pr. to First Clui- ,---.v---r wvuuvu wv --v y.- . Lorna Fraser and Doris Bab- cock (equal) .2. Emily Moth 2. .George LeGear. `Sydney LeGear. First Class to Second Clad:-- VIC OI. `V H I _OOIf John =Mo{h 1. victor, -Leaeajr 2; Reina Burns. . Socondclau to Jr. H!- "V\ -a1`l`te;"F"z"a\'s_e':-f 1. `Georgia Wel- don,`Lily Moth. - Jr. 1!! to Sr. _lll-`-A 53'. um. Jr. Iv--' Prince of Walgs School '-Harold H. Pearson. Principal. George Sc hool ` v V-v--v -.Stranaghan 1. George Castle 2. Evelm (.\Iiss McRobie) M1637, A ,\]_\'*l`, .\llU')' Jlllllt`. Pass-Je;m Lewis. Hugh Black and Herbie `Ca:-1e,v (equal). Luella .\Io-Lend and Betty VVh'ite (equal). Muriel McDonald. I-Imwlet Black. Jack Soanlon. `I3.-.\n.nn n\nnr`|n._.. A H on "921 \'nTllth. 1. . Margery Stranaghan Clifton Mc- Sr. Primer to Jr. I (Miss Scott) First Class Honours-Adine Sea- gram. Helen L&\'6l`,V'. Marjorie Ine- son and Margaret Ken and Ruth Rutherford and Enlid Welte (equal), Jack Garrett. and '1`omm,v Rogers and Delcie Theakston (equal). Flor- ence Hounsome. Douglas Norton. David Kenwell. Aileen Grey and Grant Pyiburnlequal), Annie Mc- Eaehern. J-irm Leciare. Barbara Sutcliffe. Leonard Harris and Ross Nixon (equal). Marjorie Love. Ethel Bowman and George `Mornlnntar (equal). Wilbert Martin. Pcmnh-an-unnrlna An onnnutnt an an \V\1|-ICU}; wuuvrt .u.urun. Recommended on account of ill- ness--vlllle Dobson, Irene Dyment, llrvlng Penny. V Pr. to Jr. I ' (Miss Ambler) Flrst"Class Honou-vs-`Billy Chees- rman, Isabelle Foster. Keith Barr, .\Iar,v Ll\'lngs'ton, Wallace z1\IcEwen, Jack Couch. `Donald V\ alkln'shaw and Lewis Peacock (equal), Clare Gcring. D0l`0th,\' `Curtis. V .:1---__ _ Wl:c:c:1 Honoursv--Geurgina Uncles. Arthur Harris, Mildred Priugle. M . ` Pnss-~Olayton Perry. : A Recommended owing to illness--- Bili,v Gribble, Norma Arnott, Esther .\IcEachoru, T Jr. Pr. to Sr. Pr. (Miss Ambler) Phyllis Adams. Muriel Bateman. Angus Beach. Kenneth Castle, Betty Hutton. Dorothy Kendall. Eric Lowe. .\'orma Livingston. 4Veretta Long- hurst. Gordon Manson. Neil .\Iorl`is. Cecil 1'-.`eacock.~Leona. Poole. Dennis de Rivers. Bruce Reid, Gordon Roach. Jackie. lnolblnson, Marie Stelibin:-rs. Elsie Smith. Douglas Smith. Victor '1`l1eakston,`Vera Wil- son. - _.- -.-.7.-~., -Vv`I v---.. --owwuu i%econ1n1ended on account of I11- ness-4Foste1` Avnptt, Laura Roach. nmuvruurun :9 Junior Primer. Jack Barth, Billie Bird. Margaret Boldt. Helen Butler, May Collie, Jack Grlttith. Wellington Hodg- klnson._vDavld Irivin. Gesina. Ken- well. -Edna Love. Mary Mdbelland. Audrey Nixon. Grace Paine. Emer- son 'Scott. Lloyd Wilson. Kindergarten to Kindorgal-ton Pri- mary _ (Miss De,-Hart) AMorl'ey,Az-nott, Marie Berry, Har- wavy w--qvvsnvg usvlal Iv`!-\-1-IOIKOUGV-lilo I second Class Honours---Earl For- sythe. Isabel Courts, Lloyd Goring. Lorraine Chapman. Pnss---Joe Kenwell. Recommended on account of ill- ness--~Hnze1 Cornish. Jr. I to Sr. I (.\Iiss'Scott) First Class I-Ionou1`s-Velma Ra- vell. Earl Ferguson. Jean Clarke. Kenneth Dawson and Lura_ I-Iadden (equal). Helen Lowe and Currie Powell (equal). Allan Oakley. Don- aid Felt and Harold Smith (equal). Wilton Livingston. Harold Hull. Reg. Bryson, Kenneth Lowe, Billy .\Iavtin.. . ` lqnnnn .rV1n'-.. 1:-x........._ *n-LL-- . 1.'uu.. ` fecond Class Honours - Bobby Johnston Norman Matz. V I v\___.__.__ . ..... ve'vuuvII rruuury I0 uuruor l"I'a (Miss Del-Iart) .\'orm_an Baker. Edgar Black, Mac Byrnes.-Billie `Castle. Dorothy Coop- er, Blllle Cornisln Grant Dobson. Freddie Dollery. Laura Ferguson, Charlie Forsythe. Douglas Galbraith. Harold Green, Kathleen Hardy. Donald Harrison. Jack I-Ieppleston, Harry `Hobbs. George Livingston, Donald Mcconkey. Vernon Mclnnes. Barbara MacLella'.n. Lloyd Marks. Russell Marks. Lillian Martin, Lau- ra Minnikln, Teddie Owens, .Mary Parr. PattyvPenny, Alvin Robinson. Jennie Smith. Lionel" Til-ley. `Vera Walker. John Webb. . Kindergarten to Junior Primer. fan]; I3--Ll. bun- U-1-: -- Kindergarten Primary to Junior-Pr; (Mia: T\n1.l nuo\ are: \'l1'll`. . Pass--`Do1`ls -_I3;u'ron, Jolm Part- rldge. .Sr. I to II (Miss Burkitt) First Class Honours - Frank Rooke. Jeanlstvansman. Mary Otton. Grace Marshall. Elmer Grose. Phyl- lis .Sl1anu0n. Alvin Houghton and Dalton Wrlgllt (equal)._Billy Pov- rltt. Frank Malay and Victoria Ans- comlb (equal). Bobby I-Ieuson. Doug`-' las Smith. ~`Dorotl1y Richards. Cecil Rank. Betty `smltlx, Oliver Brown. Dov-is Hawkins and :1-Iliida Richards (equal). A nannnd mass .-Honours - Lloyd Sr. to II , (Miss Channen) First Class H0i]Olll`S--JRCR Pul- ford. Dorothy \\'iles. Helen Chees- msm. Frances de Rivers. Donald .\IePhee. Annie .\IcQu:u`1`,\'. Bobby Hardy. E\'e1,\'n Icheesman and Geo1`g`e |Soot; (equal). Jean Bird and .\Ia1`,v Clarke. and Juanita .\IcInnis and Ted Rothwell (equal). Mildred John~ son and Kenneth Terry (equal). Gordon Smith. Ruth Parr. Gordon Ba1`r,\'. June Jay and Helen Adams (equaI).-. Havixv Young`. i.\Iar,v Ken- well and -C`hn2`1ie Robinson (equal). .\Iei`vyn Longhurst. Patty Elliott and Edith Green (equal). .\Iar_v Smith. Ralph Camevoii. Edith Coles. Elsie Black. Jean Stephenson. .a.\..-...1 nu--- vv........_ :1...` rs- -l`4:llLlllHlu ' .\Ilss Turner also tauserht a Junior II class. \\'hioh will write for pro- motion at Christmas. -lVNN.\`u lldllv 91'): -Second Class Honours~.Bee- croft Underhlll. Harold Stephen- son. Jessie Harrison. Katie Mc- Kever. Teddy Ineson. Gertrude Morris. Vernon Palmer and Don- ald; Tomlinson (equal). Dorothy Smith. Vivian Black. Tom Exq ell. Emerson Osborne. DAN- 1).\l.....A... IJL.-L....... Y.`1-_.. u.}uu \v:'L[u(H.) ` Pass-~`Reta Fer:-ruson, Edith Don- nelly. Pllyllls .\Ic.\'i\'en, 1Ste\vm`t Eastman. - ` \l I.~a Vunnnn .1`n.\ o.~......1-4. - v....a-.. " First c1s' H Ayers, Margaret G: Penny. Elsie Gray. Clio I-'JlllUl`Ull \JD UUKIIC1 Pass----R0berta Hastings, Elean- or Fisher. Hazel Bowles, Irene Badger. Alvin Robinson. Carl Lee, Ruth Cleland. Jack Inglis. H to Jr.'lll . (Bliss '1`u1`1j4e~1`) YR)...-.4 f\IA__ 1"'-_._..._ A1,- in , First Class Honou1`s--Alex. Briana. Second Class Honours -- Billy Smith. .\Iau1`loe Smith.- Ruth Wal- ker, Cecil .\IcG1nnis and Louis Roub- inson (e~qua1.) D-,\ua._..`R.:rn F`n\u-run.-xn 13;-NH` nun UCVH 4.u\:vu:uauu. Second Class Honours--George Cook, Margaret Dawson. Ruby Donnelly. Billie Lennox, Andrew Manson, Harry Lee." Dan:-nmnxnnnri 6-knnnmk Cnnlnua; UICIIIBUH; I-lC|l'l..V {JUV- Recommended through illn -ess-'- Margaret Lowe, Derrick Kent. Mary Hardy. ' Second (0 Jr. 1!! (Mis Smith) vv now: -u: \-~`u-r-v Vvvwvvurvwin First Class I-Ionours--Marion Farnlield. Jean Lennox. Hazel Thompson. Christina Seitz. Helen Smith. Wallace icoutts, Bob Parr. Muriel Rainey. Eldon Ferguson. Agnes `Travers. Ethel Beach. Frank Powell, Douglas Cochrane, Jean Campbell, Jean Tucker. Sam Lavery, Arthur Crawford. Ewart Johnston. `Irene. Belfry, `Sidney , Martin, Lula Neely. Jeanyadden. Cora Perkins. Henry Lennox.- Herbie `Campbell, Claude Phigfis. `Jean Harris. Peter Penny, il- dred McClelland. a.........a tn... :1 ..... ..- r~...........\ JIICK Smullun. ' `Remnm1ended--.-Xllen 'Wea_vm'0uth. Lyle J:11'\'ls. Audrey Covbett. Albert: Buchanan. Yolanda P:~`u`t1`ld:-`:6. Lou- 139 Brown, Strut Bakogeorse. n.m.xmn~mn.~1.:.~1 nn -:mn`mn1r nf H1. Second `Class Honours-George Firman, Mae Buttler. Earle-"Smith, Betty" Kightley and "Borden Mc- Cutcheon (e ual). Elsie Kell, Billy Pooley Bim a -Simmons. Edna Rowe. Edith -Bird. Kathleen Couch, Eva Boyd,`Kenneth Mac'- Donald, - Gwennie Cook, Willie Jacobs. Molly Smith. - L 13.`..- 1131.}- YI..|I.'...l l`..4.L..-.!.... l"G3,3"-`JILL!-Ill nvuuuu. \.JfIl/HHIILIIU Ki _ and Eldon Goring (equal). Fr Webb. .' ' 111 _L- ....... ....;2 . _ _ _ . . .._....-__1 CWCWH IV UUUI ' III at: examinations, recommend- ed on year's work-Frances` Mac- Lellan, Audxjey Arnott.' ` ' Jr. 111 to Sr. in (`Miss Campbell) i E\_-L (VI--- YY-_.--__._ Il_,_3 L s{c'Ef-SQ M<;'11y"s`.}3iit.h_. ' ' "Pass--Hilda Kelland. Catharine `nan quid INA.`-. I`,.-...-.4. l........1\ (Miss Honours---Glen Gribble. `Helen The cost of constructing the On- tario Government Building at the Canadian Natlonwl Exhibition was aproxlmately .700.000. \n.__ 1'.`...._ -5 we--,:. - `, , .v..-..v Miss Laura Fenn of Waukegan. 111.. dropped dead after danoin-g her 26:11 consecutive dance without an intermission. old Carr. Gvaydbn Co-le. Florence Couch. Harshaw Cornish, Vernon Ferguson. Billie Harris. Lillian Howcroft. Howard Livingston. Mar- ion Lowe. Jean Manson. Ruth Oak- ley. Beth O1`ok.~Bm1bara Underhill. .\laz"ion Wellklxlsliaxv. Barbara Whit- by. Phyl-lis ?\\-'oo Jimmie Travers. A ' I39 I15l'0\\'ll, Bll'llk 13iUSU5_'.\`Ul'5l`-`u Recommended on account of 1!!- ness-.\Iu1~ie1 Fullerton. Betty Shep- herd. In Class to Jr. Ill (.\Ilss Burkizt) First Class Honouz's-G1badys Ans- comb. mm. .3 (*1 .~. an t.!'nnnnua_'\1'.n1~ornnw. A ' Wishart Campbell, the baritone soloist well-known to radio fans in Toronto through his `perform- ances jover CKGW." has gone, to Jasper -Park on a holiday. He in- tends` to combine holidaying with work, however. as he is booked to give two or three" concerts a week at Jasper Park Lodge. Mr. Camp- bell will be there for 10 weeks, when he will leave on a private concert tour of Western Canada. Y\__1!. 1 vwuuv-to v V`: `I0 Va. IVWJQIIIFL II WGIIGUQO Radio fans. however. will again have the pleasure of hearing one of their favorite baritone singers through Canadian radio stations. Mr. `Campbell has` been engaged by the Canadian National Railways to make a number of appearances at each of their stations from Mone- ton. New Brunswick, to Vancou- VVQI`. Olives ` Olives `sard.i;;... - ..,,. -- i:'::"'3'an"eucxou 31 Boneless Chicken Qnaunn `O ._ to page seven, please) fj'?'U C TI Z Lmonad:'` wmottk 24 Biscuits ' _ % `s%`.w`'`u&```..%. v`v`::'f. `:n9`.e%:.':L5- 310 }San'l!_gy Cup: `.001 El... I- (ngJ.'Jit 2552243" ' i ';,`.."'.!.".`_,`...,".'.`.';? ,2 Pkgs. 25 I .uu'lary Straws lspecials Are on Sale at These Low Prices July 6th to Seolmd Class Honours--'.\Iargue'.~ ite .\Iz1,\'s. Douglas Iszephens, James Stephens, .\Iax`g:u'et Tideman. Mary g;1retVa'I1'. { 13n::....`TInv'a -Rm~v~nn_ 101111 Part-