Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Jul 1928, p. 15

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-5-Easily disposed of} no unpleasant laundry. and 4 otber Important features: --'5-I "1 1 -"-"' '7': ./f(odg_r__a(`e Price. mu: m M11595 - no ALUM I -W. GI LLETT CO. LTD. vonomo, can. Illyesf Quality, BAKING POWDER. The Prince's Gates at the; Can- Alnn \Ynfnn-1| T`vhH-`H-{nu |'I`r\nnvu-On Thuisdny, [July 5. 192! -\'vhen you use than any sanitary napkin ever made Qmcx "csZ.' 0055.55 951? cooks in 21/; to 5` minutes M In M are Comfortable aumn m cuunlp THE HAPPY HOUSEHOLD. It's when the birds so piping and . the dayiizht slowly lbrealu. ' That clamoring tor`-his dlnnor. our . precious Ibaby wakes: _ `A Then it's sleep no more tor baby, and it`: sleep no morvtor me. For when he wants his dinner, why - it's dinner it must he. , And at that laeteal fluid he par- takes with great ado. `While B!`an m'a. lalhl. And -a'ran pa laughs... And wife, she laughs. And I.-well. I laugh, too! You'd think to see us carrying ,on about that `little tad. ' That. like as not. that ba_by.wa| the tirst we'd ever had: But. sakes. alive. he isn't. yet we people make a. tuna, ~ As it the only baby in `the world `i `had come to us! :And, morning. noon and night time. whatever he may do. Gra.n'ma. she laughs, ` Gra n'pa. he lauzhs. Wife. she laughs. ' And I. 0! course. lau-ghytoo. It makes us alll feel good to have a. baby on the place. A With his everlastiw crowing and his ` -~ dimpllng. dumpling face. The patter of his pinity feet makes music everywhere. And when he shakes those flats or his. goodbye to every care. No -matter what our trouble is. who he ubemins to coo, ' ' Old gran'nia laughs, And granlpa laughs. Wife. she laughs, _ An-cl `I---you `bet. `I laugh too! Ynmnnn flnlrl :%i%&$%iii%ii$i%i%ii$&i -1- ; { IN WOMAN'S `REALM i&iii%i&iiiii%i$%i%%iii$ UF||-UIVIV Vvvlvluuv nvwuu The Women's Institute will meet at the home of Miss Hazel Bertram on Wednesday. July 11. Min Vera Walt will give an address on How We can _Help our Girls and How our Girls `Can Help Us." Music and collection. DALSTON WOM EN 8 INST. -.-- ,, v.__.u...a.- -coll` nan Takes less " time than Coffee {Filip 6| \vvv_I -Euzene Field. IM PR OVE D to support Ems Iunu. M Eady has sent baking to the homes of bereavement. . n..:m...1:..m.h mud. Hugh main homes or DETBEVBHIGIIB. Oriliia` Branch made their main object theprovision of proper care for needy, expectant mothers: they also provided: properly tted glasses for one girl; had the teeth of another attended to and pro- vided milk for a needy family of children. ` nL4.1.-n 1...}! an- anhhamin nf cmlqren. V . Uhthoff had an` epidemic of chickenpox last winter and eve patient was remembered` wit fruit or owers by W. 1. members. _,_ -1- 1_-`1.___I 4.- -...... J..- Uro brancn Anezpeu no cure Mu` a poor woman xyho had given birth to twins, supplxedluxuries as well - Each successive year the reports of East Simcoe W ; I. seem more excellent. One ;of the line fea- tures. and every Branch gives evi- dence of this spirit. is the kind neighborliness extended to those in trouble or in need. 0.ver.and over again we hearbof fruit and owers sent to the sick and shut- in-s. Victoria!-{arbor collects 5c from each member at the meeting to support this fund. Ihulv ha: cant hakimr to the luv :.'t'uu.-an uuuca at Luv van` Ctdlnn National Exhibition. "l`oron'to, cost $160,000. ROAD RACEEHELD AT s'r. ANDREW S PICNIC i Two interesting road races were run of! on Wednesday afternoon, J,une 20, in connection with -the picnic of |St. Andrew's Sunday School, held in `St. Vincent's Park. The mile event for juniors was won" by Ronald Hardy with Bob Orok- second. A silver medal was given to the winner and a bronze medal to Bob Orok. T. H... annh-no mono Q} n-n'1gg, A10. medal to H300 UTOK. In the senior race, 3% miles, Ar- thur `McLean nished first in 19 minutes, with Neil McBride 9. very close second; Jack Percy w third.- Prizes were silver cup. sil- Yer and bronze medals respective- y_ 7 Softball and football were en- joyed in the park, which never looked prettier, and after a bount- iful supper had: been polished off with a zest that comes from keen appetites, a programme of races for the boys anch girls was run oil . Arrangements were-good and well carried out, making the picnic in every way a jolly success. ExcELLEN'r REPORTS E FROM EAST SIMCOE ; WOMEN'S %1Ns'rrru'rEs Buy the Improved Kotex tdday at any drug. dry goods or depart- mental store. Package of twelve- 60 cents. - bl?! Ir! VII I The W.A. or St. George's Angli- can Church. held their regular monthly meeting at the home or Mrs. Nlark Moilvfaster on Tuesday evening. June 28. with a good at- tendance. Mrs. Elphick read `a por- tion of scripture and after the trans- action ot business Mrs. W. Mccann gave the missionary reading. Next meeting will -be held at the home or Mrs. Elphick. when Miss Verna. Mc- Cann will give the bible reading and Mrs. C. Arnold the missionary read- ing. At the close of the meeting the hostess served refreshments. HEN we set out to improve Kotex we sought to achieve greater comfort, better t.` And oqr laboratories spent years per- fecting these `new features. `Now, women everywhere ac-V claim the New and Improved Kotex as the greatest advance in, women's intimate hygiene since the invention of Kotex itself. Doctors and nurses enthusiasti- cally recommend it. ` Trtie jzrotection by m'enIz'c deodorizing >!< `77zeNEW 'Dcodorizes*. FEW UL HUWVLB V VI 9 as ouvnuwv--n Oro Branch `helped to care for man: nvnvnlxvl an 1-and a-{van marks the greatest. _step in intimate feminine hygiene UTOPIA W.A. and UITU UL EMU Ulltn The Demonstration lecture. courses were taken advantage of`. Orillia had 72 in their class on Home Cooking and Food Values-. Waubaushene had a large class in ` First Aid Home Nursing, Severn Bridge had an instructor in sew- Hing. Hampshire Mills and spar- row Lake had garment making clubsvand Victoria Harbor millin- ery. Outside of this there were demonstrations and contests at the regular meetings. J arratt had con-V tests in button-hole making and in salads; a`t theirqwer competition there was. such an abundance of beautiful owers they were sent on to Orillia Memorial `Hospital. Ihlnnu nnanni. had Annunnci-n- 88- ' Coldwa1:er had an oratorical contest in which the pupils of the continuation school took part. . Hobart -Carley an age contest with a` prize to the oldest, also a our bag contest. f`_-_J-.-L`-AA-n anal-`saga nnnvvu our um; uuuwac. Grandmothers meetings seem to be growing in popularity in our district. Uhthoff ha-d ' 7 grand- mothers at this meeting and re- sented each with a daffodil, ar- ratt. the grandmothers dressediin girlhood costumes, creating much laughter. Guthrie. each grand- mother brought` some old relic. giving history of the same. All this helps to make the meetings attractive and amusing. I.`A`Q Qnuainn ant` woI1knI1_ 01" Du VIKING HVLUIIIULIGI LlU3!-Ilhlu Edgar Branch had demonstra- tions on footing a stocking, home- zruide soap and the uses of old car u es. ' I'|-IJ.---.Uu-u Lam` an !\`AQ:lI` awracuve uuu uxuuauig. Mitchell Square and Waubau- shene had interesting debates. Ap- peals for aid from Northern Ont- ario were responded to. Waubau- shene sent a box of clothing to Earlton and a -box of toys, candy and clothing to a school car at Capreol. Eady. Severn Bridge, Hampshire Mills and Jarratt sent quilts and warm clothing. Other branches had quite enough relief work at home to keep them busy. LL- fI`L3I.I-._..7.. .LVL-1L-.. -1. as necessities, besides washixig and. care of the babies. TL- T\A-n Aug:-I-unnl-`Ann `AALIIQA 2- Corners are, rounded and tapered; no evi- dence of sanitary protection; 3- Doodor/m*-safe1y. thoroughly, by a new patented process; 4-AdjmI it to your needs,' thinner, thick- er, narrower as re- quired; and seven-V vv ..vvr y--'-.- --..-v_. To the Children's `Shelter at Barrie, Crown `Hill supports a cot there. Washago, Oro `Station and North River sent large boxes of treats at Christmas time. Edgar a donation of fruit and vegetables, a quilt, also cash. Price's Corners bought 35'yards of goods. gar- ments were cut and each member made my something for the girls there. Orillia sent a gift to each of the 97 inmates of the Beeton Home at Christmas time. fi LL- mg.-.-Au. s\nn`n:nrn 1~n1v\n\\AAEI 1101118 ED ~Ulu.'1sLum.s mule. -Of the money making` schemes, serving meals at Fall Fairs, `bake sales and afternoon teas seem most gratifying. Orillia reports a rummage sale a good money mak- er. `Coldwater had card parties and a concert. They still maintain their park ower bed and have a picnic table and benches placed there. Total amount netted from these sources, including picnics. etc., amount to $1,561.86. Such is the variety of effective community work that cannot very well. be classied under headings of the Standing `Committees. A4- A1119 T\i:+vini- Annual lVnua`1\Nn- DCHIIUIHE 'LJUlll`HlL|4LUU$- At our District Annual Miss `Mc- Dairmid, lConvener of Education and Better Schools, reported that every Branch in the District had done something for the schools and there was much educational development in literature. Sev- eral Branches had papers read on Canadian authors. others have availed: themselves of the travel- - ling library. Books have been don- ated to community libraries, lib- raries have been placed in the schools. First Aid kits have been placed in the schools. hot lunches served and supervision of noon- hour. Clowes had a splendid paper on Co-Operation with the Teacher. Lake St. George helped the teach- er with her Christmas concert, as- sisted with programme and pro- vided lunch. North River women visit the school--once a year and take meals to the children. Hamp- shire Mills have manual training in their school, a grant of $50.00 was given-towards this. The W. I. clean the school and also visit and take meals. .-Several Branches gave prizes to boy or girl taking high- est marks at examinations. Two of the IBr'anches have women elect- ed on School Board a 'l|`A"..-L L..- L--- .1... ..1A...;.. LL- ANN is experiencing a thrill just `trying on" a favorite frock from her new summer wardrobe. Ina week it will accompany her to the Adiron- dacks to campy The design is suited in every way for wear on such a va- cation. The tiny cap sleeves are cool and give opportunity for a lovely coat of ten, while thenely p ted skirt gives-ample freedom for t e moat viz- oroua sports. An individual touch ll added to the dress by the eeymmetriotl neckline trimmed with n how. The skirt is topped by a double row of handing with a small bow at either side. This little frock is very smart made of printed cotton crepe, voile or "silk crepe with skirt and bending of 'p`nin material to harmonize with the gure. (Copyright, 1928, by But- serials) A Sleeveless F rock I: I UH 'DCHUU1 DUl1'U'- Much has been done alongthe Ideal For The Sub_- Deb ; Vacation THI IARRII IXAMINII SUCCESS ISYOURS u vuonu IQIHIG - ".'Ai2B1l3?e: Jarratt avr;d_I"rice s ' Corners had` lendid apers on rearing of few, house old econ- omics. Endeavors to raise the standard of health in: the homes by a stud of the-proper way of feed- ing, c othing and housing their families, addresses from lowcal nur- ses and doctors, good lecturers speak on how to cookvegetables and how to recognize, prepare and cook the various cuts of meat. The new Branch at Coulson or- ganized last Fall are buying an or- gan for the school. It is there they hold their meetings. Washago was almost under, or in list In Mem- orial as they. put it, a year ago, it Q. q... vww qv-u --w- v- -----w- I "but with change of officers they have revived in a wonderful~de- gree, celebrated the 15th anniver- sary of their organization with a banquet, had a -big birthday cake with 15 canudeles. This banquet was a huge success and was a big ad-_ vertisement to the Institute in that ` part. V WA knvn 9R Rrnnnhna Q11!` in. part. We have 26 Branches and in l early `May a new Branch was form- ed a Vasey. This is the first girls W. I. in our District; some 25 members were then enrolled mak- ing our total membership 730 and we expect by next `County Annual great things will have been ac- complished by this Branch. Our receipts for the year are $523.59. We remitted to `Mrs. Macoun, Federation Fees amount- ing to $105.90 through the Dis- trict Secretary, to -the Tobermory Fund $120.00, cash on hand, com- bined District and Branches $1,- 313.51.- nanny lines of `Public Health and child welfare; several Branches devote one meeting to Health, Roll Call resgionded with Health suggestions an -How to Keep `Well, etc.; liter- ature has been distributed, includ- ing -Canadian Mothers Book, and food values under. legislation. Laws relating to women and child- ren were read and discussed; I find it very difficult to com- bine activities of 27 Branches in condensed form to present to you. This has been an inspiring year in East Simcoe, a time to look back and around and forward. nu uavlallu I-nanu .n.v vIvIo\nI At District Annual Mr. Finlay- son, `Minister of Lands and For- ests, addressed the Convention at noon hour advising the women to unite in the effort to secure `Hydro power for rural communities. Mrs. Stone spoke strongly in favor of music in the schools. - F RI G I D/\.-I RE PROUCT_QF GENERKB MOTORS FR,IGIDAIRE--THE CHOICE OF THE MAJORITY. IF you own a good refrigera- tor, ii_:_is unnecessary to dis- `carditin order to have electric refrigeration. Simply let us install Frigidaire equipment in it. This change is easily and quickly made. Its cost is moderate. And it brings you all the benets of healthful, economical Frigidaire electric. refrigeration a few dollars down a quick, simple installation . . . and your icelagx T. R, COULTER bcbmes a Frigidaire Pekee" comes from the chlnese word Pak-he",` Ineanlnx sllver halr, whlch was applled to the tlp leaves on the Chinese tea bush. Tlp leaves are wlry In shape. In lndla they were more orange In eoleuu-,se were calIed0range Pekee" (Pal:-he). lI< --For ne job printing of all kinds call onz The Examiner. 26tf BARRIE, ONT. M 7 Made in Sizes 3 to 7% and 8 to 10`/2-11 to 2 2%: to 7 `1owest_price--per day s wear `*Kotox In the only Ianltary napkin that Aoodorlzes with Iolontmc accuracy. This end: an impor- -tant tea:---that or mouse to others. Mothers! it's not the first cost that counts, but how long the shoes eventually wear and the satisfaction they give. Hut-lbut Shoes are not cheap shoes-they cost more, but wear longer, because you only pay for the quality of the materials, which are absolutely the best. I-Iurlhuts give the lowest price-per clay : wear"-ancl you have the advantage of the factory special Rebuilt Service, as explained in pamphlet which goes with every pair of shoes. Sold and Recommended by One Door West Wellington Hotel. V. D.` BE ARDSALL 'I':A.L_ -refrigeration which is now the choice of more than half a million homes . W small rst payment and terms to suit your urse will install this rigidaire Frost Coil in your ice-box. Or you can have, at amazingly low prices, your choice of the complete cabinet model Frigidaires, ` including the beautiful new Tu- '_I`one models. Pug: Flftoon CC-3| ` 1-Softer gauze ends chang; pliable ller absorbs amazingly;

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