Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Jul 1928, p. 13

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oU'T1'1\'1E1-H'I1i':1EIT-I TROUSERS GAR l`ERS-GOLF GARTERS-KHAKl SHIRTS` V-NECK SWEATERS _ SWEATER COATS `rt-ta nnluz. IXMMNII OTHER SUMMER 1;E;gp1_1_u:MENTs * --- - o---\l\vII\r-If MEN S BATHING SUITS -36 to 42. Two-piece Suits-B1ue Trunks with ` white or colored shirt . . . .$3.50 and $4.50 suit One-piece All Woo1.Bath- ing Suits . . . . $3.00 ea. ` July 1-An enjoyable evening was spent Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Lawrence when the members of the church far\vel1- ed Rev. and .\Irs. Hunt. During the course of the evening they were presented with a purse as a token of the esteem in which they are `held. ' .VIr. and Airs. D. S. Kee. Doris and Robert, and Miss J. Coulter of Tor- onto spent the weelk-end with .\Ir. and .\Irs. G. Duff. YXPHI \II'nn-xnhnrunn and Airlle and Mrs. Li. uun. W111. Mumaberson and Alrlle Knowles left Thursday on a. motor trip to Florida. vmw nnrmasmnndent is very sorry trxp to rlunuu. Your correspondent is very sorry to report that Mrs. Jas. Duff, who is spending the summer with her daughter. Mrs. O. Dart, in Calgary, is very ill. x.n== xx ~.:umz.=r snent some time 18 Ill. Miss .\I. ~S\v1tzer spent some time at her home last week. :1. `DAN vlaifn J2 Vfnnhnm rm his at her home last. Ween. G. Bell visited R. Macham on his way to VV`a_saga Beach. A.._-._... LL- ....:...u uvlnlbnna nnHnnr'u ~Wra,v. Miss Mnnoou unu wuua 41-nu ,A1'mstr0ng at W. J._A;rmstrong`s. VV l.,Y LU V\ uauga. a.n;u.\..u. Among the many visitors noticed over the week-end were Mr. 9.`-J Mrs. F. Dan, Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith. Miss A. Smith and Norman Dan. all of Toronto. at Wm. Switzer s; Paul Rawn of Huntsville and Miss V. Bates of Toronto. (Too late for last week) June 24-Miss1E.`Macham is home for the holidays and Miss B. Atchi- son of Hepworth is spending some time with her. T\n1fnr| won and ('3. `Rartwick of G80. Dutr. On Friday last the choir of the. United chux'ch_ gathered at John Gordon's to bid farewell to Rev. and '.\rIx`s. Hunt. who are leaving shortly for Toronto. Mrs. I-Iunt was pre- sented with a piece of silver. A6: 4-Irnn n9 nn~Hincr Vvm, Rfife. SP time with ner. Dalton Kee and G. Bartwlck Toronto are visiting `Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Duff. n... 1-:~..mm. mac Hm nhnir M` the! sented Wltu place 01: suver. At time of writing Wm. Bates, Sr., is very low. `Thu 1m-ml rmna attending B.C.I. is low. v The local pupils attending B.C.I. are very` glad their exams. are com- pleted and all wish them every suc- RAGE `Jaw vvu 0688. \,n. Miss Ruby Mumlberson is around again after a siege of the mumps. 4 two greaggrandchildrgn. There are also thre brothers and one sister. Vernon. Nelson and Samuel Mar- lowe and Mrs. Samuel Cole or Hills- dale. Her two grandfathers were Waterloo veterans. Mr. and Mrs. Archer celebrated their golden wed- ding on April 4, 1927. 'l`hn Pnnnrnl tnnk mace on MOTI- greafjgrandchildrgn. ai~'e alum n-n I-n~nf'hm~n and one sister. ding` Apru 9. mm. The funeral took place on Mon- day, July 2. to `Wycliffe church. with interment in Elmvale cemetery-, Rev. W. C. Stuibbs officiated. The pallbearers `were four sons-in-law, David Ritchie. Walter Draper. Fer- gus Rowat, `Ray Srigley and two grandsons. Iclarence 'Rl`tch4e and Geo. McFadden. Many beautiful floral tributes were received. n1lKB H16 uULu1'u auuuawu Ontario's xnanufaetured products now reach a total of more than a billion and a half dollars annual- ly. industrial development having been greatly assisted by the use of urn 9 an -.nru\vcnv Additional Elmvale new! on page 8.` . Advertise in The Examiner, th paper with the circulation. 15. .._L .5-.. LL- `gig Vinunmh PIHUI Wllau Buy In: vvvvvvvv out Boost for the big Kiwanis Street Karniva1--Monday, July 23. En- tire proceeds_f9r charity work. NEW l.;O_\V_IEl..l. MEN'S AND BOYS CLOTHING AND FURNISHINGS i l E % E $i%ii%iii%$i& STROUD %iiii&i%&i%$i K i i % i a I BOYS OUTING TROUSERS,-6 to 16_ years- grey and fawn tweeds and annels, blue serge longs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $2.25 pair BOYS SI-IORTS,-b1ue serge and fawn annel _6 _-.._.- Q1 EA _.__ July 4-Mr. and Mrs. Fred Faw-E cett are enjoylpg two weeks` holi- days. A lav-an nnm'hm- frm-n ham: caninved uays. A large number from here enjoyed the U.F.O. picnic at Killarney last Saturday. `I'.`na Arnnhv .-Pr-{nude havo nrp n19.351- DJk`\`u at L`Lt\-OJ `.\'ate1`-'powe1'. turuay. { His `many friends here are pleas- L.ed to see Don.`Bant1ng in our midst again, much improved in health. 11.... 1\..1......... 1.. ..Inh.h.\.-. nh-n-`Au 0-I6 Isl ulna`:-\ \.a, -vapour vvncw I.\n:\A to 10 years . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.30 {gait BOYS KHAKI SHORTS . . . . . . . . . . . .. 45c pr. BOYS ALL LEATHER BELTS . . 35c and 50 ea. BOYS KHAKl TROUSERS, 6 to 16 years $1 till` _,._I H51 Eh _... uguung IAIIAUIA uuy- `I u my: . . . . . V . . . .. Mrs. Doimage is visiting friends in Huntsville. TX7nnb Inna J-snnn nnn1n1anr\nr1 nn In I'1UH[SV1uo Work has been commenc<.~d on remodelling the Community Hall. \ I'r\u lQnvnrl-ha Ia vieH>h~.sr !n Rho]. remoaeumg tne L.Uuuuuuu_\ .n.u:. .\Irs. Psmythe is visiting in "Shel- burne. \A .. And \,l mu Ancrna TV -\v~n`r\:| \Y\' e. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Wnrnlca. Mrs.` Robt. McCullough and Edgar David are visiting friends in .\Iarkc1a1e and Owen Isound this week. ,,,-n :_ .v__ -.......; \.Iu\.4a mew-.. y... . ..V-- Miss Jean zSu`the1'1.and `ii the guest of Strathroy friends this week. ,_:__-. .\._ .-.--I- l..-!...-1 Uh -aunuuunvg -..--u... ....... -.-- Visitors during the week includ- ed Mr. and .\Irs. G. Peppiate and daughter. of `Toronto, with .\I1's. R. Fagan; `Mrs. `Irvine: of S:`..~:1{:1t0':m and Mrs. .\I'cKn1ght of B:u'1`ie at Thos. Iscythes`; John Fnwcett of .VIan1tolba with Mr. and Mrs. F. Fawoett: Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Bro}- ley of `Toronto, Mr. Tuer of Orlllia, Howard `Brolley of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Burton and children of `Hamilton at Isam. Bro11ey s: .\I1`. and Mrs. `Max \Va1lace and Bruce Wallace of Toronto at H. \\':111ace s; Mrs. David and son. Edgar. and Miss Kake of Toronto, at Angus Watnica's; Mrs. `.\Ic`Cutcheon and .VIr. Graham .\Ic'Cutche-on of She}- burne, Mrs. Besse and Lou .\IcCut- cheon out Gravenhurst at W. J. Smythe s: Mr. and .\Irs. Jack Clark of Ayr, `Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hamil-` ton of Hornlng's Mills at Rev. Brown's. V .. .0, run :13 \-rosy ananaunuc nn\sa\J\I-a\\I, ................. . . .V$i.2'5"afn}i` $71.50 pr. Boy's Hatchway Unc1erwear-6 to 16 years $1.00 Boys No-Button Balbriggan . . . . . . . . . . 75 suit Boys Nainsook Athletic Underwear . . . . 75c suit SPORT SHIRTS, white, fancy and khaki, up to 14 year sizes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 each BOYS OUTING SHIRTS, colla r attached, sizes 12 to 14,`/2 . . . . $1.25, $1.40, $1.50 and $1.75 ea. BOYS BATI-{INC} SUITS, all wool, fancy combin- -J._-_. --1-_- $6 (IR LJLUVVIIQI June Meeting of W.M.S. The W.M.S. held their June meet- ing at the parsonage, about fomy ladies being present. An interesting part 01 the program was the C.G.I.T. vhuraday.-my 5. 1923` . Unless you tell me where she is, Chand1er,- by_heaven . . . . ! - Jack McDowell in Look, Look! He's-landing in the street! Run for your lives! - A bystanderjn IIIOII III "`Er{i3nE1c3sI,`1i13'tB"1'6`:I '.' .TI .'..".'. .'.`s;;:.ao Boys English Golf Hose, sizes 7 to '1 1, 50 to $1.50 BOYS SWEATER COATS, 10 to 16 years, fancy check fronts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.50 and $3.75 Chi1dren s Cotton Jerseys, upskto 10 years, 50 ea. CHILDREN S ALL WOOL JERSEYS, sizes 24 to -5- :0 mc IIIA . Am An '32,"f.ic`y' I3i51`JEo1i{u".'..TIT`.`T7$iI5B"{6 2.66 V~NECK PULLOVERS, sizes 26 to 34, made in every combination of color, all wool, $1.35 to $3 `BOYS AND GIRLS BLAZERS, up to 18 years, _-LL_,- II- _--.1 .._..I1_1,._1_ 1-1.... .___.I I-1....1_ ......I Eii6{} `2{i{&i`ii a' .I`.".TI"."a}i}i$E.`de2i All W 001 Flannel, blue with white trim $3.75, $4.50 Scarlet, Royal and Green . . . . . . . . . $4.50 each That's the man we've got to watch out for. But I'll get him! -Chandler in V CHlLDREN S PLAY SUITS AND OVERALLS, SUN VISORS, ETC., ETC. CAPITOL THEATRE - MON. . TUES. . WED. \I n`; \-_7 s;--\-. .--.---\..;, `-1. -v cottoannel, redvanudublack, blue and 111 .1 Ann: Ithnun The Shield of Honor The WW? 9. SW of Honor of Honor affiliation service in which .\Iiss Ab- ernethy led the group. Mrs. Brown taking the party 0;` the Auxiliary representative. The regular program for the clay took the form of a tem- A `perance service. in which tentheralds told `briefly the laws relating to i temperance in each of the provinces and .\`e\\-foundland. .\Irs. H. Hughes read a devotional leaflet. "Temper- ance Issues," by (Mrs. M . H. Gra- ham and four other members read articles on A `Christian Attitude to Liquor." by Rev. John Coburn. Mrs. Brown led in prayer, that spe- cial guidance may be given in tem- perance education and legislation. VIII- - _aa-._n._ _., 1. -.,-\_u_. ____-I-.._ r-V` -" The offerings by monthly envelope and mite boxes were very liberal, the half yearly allocation being more than provided for. During the ser- vice, .\Irs. J. Ferrler sang a beau- tiful solo. Presentqion to Miss Sutherland At the close of Sunday School at the Presbyterian church the class made a presentation to Miss Har- garet Suthe1`13.nd and the following address was read by her teacher, .\Irs. F. Ness. while John Comm made the presentation of a steamer rug: 1:: _ A 1, n , - n LL15. We. 'the members of your Sunday School Class and the Dramatic Club. wish to express our feelings of regret with which we contem- plate your departure from us. '9 indeed envy you your trip and everything connected with it but we sincerely hope that you will not feel like extending your time when you get there. We will miss your help in all quarters of our church but we hope you will come back with the same `zest and enthusiasm as you possessed in the past. \Ve ask you to accept this gift as a remembrance of your friends at -Stroud. (Signed . on behalf of your class `by Mrs. Ness and John Cowan. Dramatic Club by Irving Robertson and Dee Barclay). - -. .. gu vvv uvswu Au CALCIIL. -Read The Examiner Classi- |eds regularly. It pays. 26tf 'Canadian `National Exzhtbltlon Park is 350 acres In extent. 13-- .1 H11, '1 u -- What! Throw the jewels out of the train, but . . . . ..! --Rose My boy, this is the roudest moment of my life!-- an `Mc- _Dowe1l in haspassed its first fmile stone. Business has been good ' enough since we came to Barrie to warrant a little cele- brating.J That is why" we are going to have a birthday party at the y little shop that will last a whole week. Beginning Monday, July 9th, we purpose to put on an anniver- sary sale (for which we have brought in special stock) that cannot be equalled for `real valu- es. A discount of 10%. will also be allowed on all our choicest gift wares. In the tea room we are holding an anniversary tea every afternoon during the sale} Tea and birthday cake will be served, with our compliments, - to all those making a pur- chase of $1.00 or more. This is your party as well as ours. A cordial invitation is extended to all our friends, July 9 to 14. The Wayside Gift Shop 4511 Elizabeth St. ' BARRIE H The -Dirty crook! He t<;ld me he couldn't y!--Jack McDowell m The Shield of Honor Shield of Honor The Shield ,of Honor Pm `rm:-mu SARJEANI 3; .K] Ltd. Year Old`; l g `Fl pa nelVIis Made of selected ure thread silk that vies with chl on in sheerness. these lovely Me:-cur hose with the slenderizing pointe heel are rein- forced for weeks of extra wear. Full-fashioned; with silk to the hem. their beautiful clear texture holds its lustrous beauty through long wear and many washings. Colors: Atmosphere, `Beige, Cham- esh, 'Kasha Beige, Mir- age. ty Morn. Nude. Plaa Grey,. Rie. Rose Nude. Sandust, Pearl Blush, `Shell Grey. Tawny, Black, White. _ _ Price: $1.75. _ Barrie Women's Institute A delightful afternoon was _;`ape)}t at Mrs. Jacobs cottage, Min- pgig Point. on June '26, when the _Barrie Women's Institute treated she Painswick Branch to a picnic. The afternoon was spent in sports. An event in which everyone took part was the bountiful luncheon. -Music was provided at the close. Barrie : B est Hosiery Home '"7xuEs;' 3e;:;"i:$i2Jy 'o':'i~'.rqn. to spent` the weekend` in town. - 11-`- I:!__l..I-__. .1- ___._.u.... - ...--l- wvuu-uuu Wild] J.Vl.I'v J.VU5Bo Geo. C. _Brown `left this. week for a trp to the Pacic Coast. .II.!_.. 1...}; Il'-L;.d--- -3 'I`-..-ng VV '9-"4VCUV UOOV VV UVCTVIIK III UV VV III G,eo. Frlcker is spending; week in St. Catharines and I-Igmilton. Oh`! VOWOVOI VOVOI OOOVOIVIIU one two--u G. S. Ulgittzus,` Toronto. 8 "ant the; week-end with Mr. and rs. Fred a"{n.- AC .('|......!.-. 'DnuA.-`IA u`\1An` $Vll'I'v . Miss s. `Currie. Stret. g spending a week at Lake-o- a s. r. and Mrs. Matt. Robertson motored to Detroit for the week- .....l HlUl4U- and. RI: rmis Ledta .'Baughman of Toron-` yto wa with her parents forythe lholiday. - , Mn and Mr: `IPA Av-mah-nnu at. Mrs. Hind of ToroVnt6 spent the week-end with Mrs. Ness. fl`! I-lylullv I1..- I` l:I......'.... `.-`L LL`: tuna`! IQUIOOIOVN wanna oggwvuvvuvvuuu I\E. W: J. Gray. of Walkerville, is visiting with friends in Barrie. I`! G `HILL.-- lI1-...._4.- nu"...-L LL.` Iv--- u--__. . 31,15, 3..-4.\1rs. Ml11s`of Is_Hr1g`ton nus been visiting: Mrs. A. Ronald ,1ur1n'.` the past week. \Tn: Mnmnnlmvn nf Toronto is uuuuuy. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. .Armstr6n at- tended the Baptist World -Alliance llast week. - Ill......... 1'` ...A `I IV... .0 "Vans. H181: W885. Misses `G. and M. Gray of Tor- onto are visiting Mrs. J. McL. Stevenson. mt- ....,::1ur.... u A u:....._. ....A BEBVBDSDIL Mr. and `Mrs. H. A. Sims and family were 1n*`Mil1brook' over the week-end. _ 1':c An-nan Danica nnn` Mn:+A!` VV6UlC'U\-lo Miss Agnes Rowe}! and Master Glen McDonald are holidaying at Minesingx Thy: J A 0 `Miran: mP"l`nvnn+,n, .-Mrs. H. wauwin is visiting Mrs. N. Dyment. V Mr: I-Hn nf Tnunnfnr annnf. Hus $151 -l1t?!|Nl`o' _ Dr. J. A. G. Evans, of Toronto, renewed` acquaintance in town on Wednesday. V . Mn and Mn: 7? T Psnmn WAVE VV uuuuauayr Mr. and Mrs. R.'W. Pa ne were in `Toronto and Niagara alls over the week-end. . `Emu. Aun1nn Iuimmu A` Kfnuunli U113 WVUl8'VllUc Mrs.` Archie II-Iiggs `of Nassau, Bahamas, is` visiting` "Mrs. Higgs, `Charlotte street. .. n.....:..n 1:n'..1.......:....... 3.. nk1n l UHHTIOEUB ?DL!'B6I'n Dr. Randall Richardson is able tn be back to office and resume his dental gractice. Y|Kn~&.... non`: Ann In manna`-`Ml! I113 UUIHIRI ruuucu. .Master ack Ross is spending his holidays with his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. ICra.ven. ` .'lM'l.... I\Y..1H.. 'I'JuJ.1.\n ha nnnu`.r`1nm n the past weaxc. I\Ivs. McEao11e1`n of Toronto .18 visiting` her sister. Mrs. Giffen, at -`W. Dawney's. \I'|uunu T.m1n nvnhmwl and Bernice J.V.l.1`. llu $Vl.l`a 'Ul.'VUlh Miss Nellie Butler is spen`-ding a week's holidays with her sister, Mrs. A. Harris, Weston. _ ,3 ~n__-__Ln;__.1 ovQ4~uI OQI OOVIIIOIDV) V V V N v v o II Fred Cunningham of Brantferd spent the week-end at Mrs. Payne's, Worsley Street. - .....J 'Il .... -`lJ' `l\> T)..L....-Ag. -3 ' %VJ.l'o NU l.VLl.'5p Fl: 3- : I'HaVl-'l`Jll U4- Toronto spent the week-end with Mr. and: `Mrs. G. O. ameron. A I I ovoou cow -ovq I 3! Va: vvvuuuu-wn Aubrey Ylrry of the 'Sta;u1ard Bank, Orillia, spent the holiday with his mother, Mrs. Geo. Urry. vvovoo no Inwvoovu) -VBCD-`I v-vwv ---v. Wm.m1VI'c'KernanAha's returned to Detroit, Mich.. after visiting with relatives for the past few weeks. - __._1 '11.... 'n-.|_;. 1'1..IL...... .# "'1'a.' :nciV'iVI1:s. Ro bt. c;{iho"u'n'?{ Toronto are holida ing with their sister, Mrs. Wm. G ennie. John St. - -_-A_ LL- --._..1. cow rguuv nu 'tilQuvVb) ovca nu vv II Valuvoucuovg wvunuu -v `Howard |Cre.1'ig 3 ant the week -' end and holiday w th his parents, Mr. and Mrs..W. H. Craig, of Tor- .onto. ` .1\KH.. Qknnn In Av: Cal-nnnu 101110- Ml1e. Shopo left on Saturday night for a trip to Jasper Park, \v7victria, and other points in the es . ml`..- T niin nu?` 'I`nunn&n' luau Mn- tn . `Mrs. Love of.'1`oronto' has re- turned home after visiting for three weeks with her mother, Mrs. Nesta. JR... nub! 1\'un A T 'I`nn1r nIII|I\1\1_ N 889 Mr. an`d Mrs. A. J. Tuck, accom panied by Mr. and Mrs. Attree, motored to Niagara Falls over the week-end. YIN ninl` Nun Dnkh Tnknann ow!` Da\vne_V'S. Misses Lena O1~eha1~c1_and Bernice young of '.[`ovont0 are holidaying at ;1;._=1;~ respective homes `here. ` u.. nn Mm. J. Xvebstev annd Vvueuc-euu. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Johnson and daughter. Mary, Bradford Street, left on Tuesday to visit; friends in Saskatchewan. ; - '|\Il'.. nut` Mum Donn Dn}\k3nu ova!` DHSKRLCIIBWRII. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Robbins and Miss Rosie 'Mayzes. of Ann Arbor, Mich.. are visiting withFrank Ex-' ell. !Shirley Avenue. `Rev. J. S. Shortt and family are at their cottage at Kincardine. Mr. Shortt will `be there till the first week in August. Illa.-. Tzn-Lnnhan 1\nnvn|:nnnI'_ nrsr. weer: In August.. Miss Katharine Moorespent the week-end: in Toronto and attended the races in |I-Iamilton on `Monday before returning home. Mr... A1,... Mmms avr... `Rnnvnr oetore returmng numu. Mrs. -Alex. M11161`, Mrs. Keever and W. D. Minnikin are in Toron- to attending the funeral of their uncle. Edward Minnikin. nu-.. I1'.I'........1. Vmmnnl-an n9 uncle. wawara wunnunn. Miss T-Iannah Yarranton of Mono Road: is spending her holi- days with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and `Mrs. Oscar `Sparrow. \Y.u.w\nu Tnkvuann A`? nfiln RWG ?J.V1!`S. Uscur 'Dpu1.`1'uw. Norman Johnson of Hamilton and`!-Ioliis Johnson of Toronto spent the holida with their par- ents .on Bradfor Street. `Mrs. (Rev.) Mc'Mulien of Belle- ville is visiting her father. J. T. May and her sister, Mrs. `J. A. Knox. at 46 Louisa Street. mu-.. `DH-.. f1unqa"1nnA has return- Knox. an 90 uuuxapt. auvuu. . Miss Rita Crossland has return- ed home from Toronto General giaiauiiiillilg amuwiwaiuuullii J IOU W) vv Vownvg vuvcvvvv Mr. and Mrs. H. D Paterson of I-.......... ...........a. L1... .......I. .w..l`u.H~k [heir resxpectlve Homes ucwv. `,\I1'. and Mrs. J. \Ve'bstev .:-`nllclren visited the fo1'me1"S IJa`9nt3 In Newmurket over Sunday- rr Qmlma vlaltad relatives in Q1`- Wldoopital. when she un'dervent an `operation by Dr. W. E.~Gal1ie. T Mr. and %Mrs. 7-W. `.1. Miles of De- troit. `Mich., and A. `H. Miles of Niagara spent their holidays with their parents on Bradford Street. It. .....I 1!... Y T vm.-a......--- UMVM `lwnvocvu vac `oquvncv-vu ---uvwv Mr. and Mrs. W. `L. '1`itchener- Smith and `H. `L. Rogers. of Toron- to, s. out last week-and with Mr.` and rs. W. F. Stone, Collier St. Mrs. {Frank Welsman and Mrs. Hub. Grasett of Toronto and El- 13..4-L I`.....-nl.& 4-J 'l`Inau\-`sun nnnnil HIIUU . \VI`C|3UU|t U& I-UIUHVU Ill lull` liott Grasett of Timinins s en`: the week-end with` Mr. and rs. H. J. Grasett. Miss Reta Lount. who returned last week after several months in Europe and Great `Britain, has been spending a few days with Mrs. Barwick. . . Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell and Haz- el and Roland Mitchell. Victoria Street, motored to Quebec City ,and_to St. Anne de Beaupre .for their holida s. ' LI`... and Inn T `A nwvann A`? II`! _vv -vv- -aw --w --.-..-r_. {heir "E." Mr. and rs. W. `A. Dawson of Walkerville were holiday visitors adv TEA T\cnuanv\ a DAG`? Nnnlr wumervme were uuuuuy vaamua at _Thos. Dawson's, Cosy Nook Farm. Mrs. `Dawson will remain for a short holiday. Alina I34-Inn] If`.vu\ua1nnr` kn: VA. 101` II 31101?!) HUNG o J `Miss Ethel `Crossland has re- turned from a six months stay in New York and will resume her former position in her father's store for the summer. Illlhng. Dunnnu nun!` ' `Mn anal 550133 101' CH5 |u|llllllUl'u ' .William Proctor and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Proctor of eschomberg. with their niece, Mylrs. Compton Jeffs, called on - r. Craven on Momday to renew old acquaint- ance. mt- .....: `Ill ..- '1':-........`.. ura1..-.. mum. , e Mr. and Mrs. Horace Wilson have moved to 60 Ross Street, one door east of their former re- sidsence, where their music and el- odution studio will be located in future. ' II...-. T A- nilaun nnpl A-n11nv`\-I-an at N9Wn1Ell`K6 0V6!` ~`Juuuu,v. E. Stokes visited relatives mm on Sunday. Douglas Ronald has joined a g1`0up of su1*\'ey01`s in charge 0f M!`- ',\I:u~x~1tt, working over the Peterboro no.-inf at H0115?` xuwre. Mrs. Leo Overs and daughter, Kathleen, of Bu a_lo. N.Y.. are spending` a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Overs, Sanford `St., an`d with her father, Chas. Srigley Mm. v .'I' `R'nia-hi-. n4 Vnn.nnnvAr_ I15 11011 n .v Mrs. F. `J. Knight of Vancouver, B. `C., arrived on Isaturday to spend the summer with her moth- er. Mrs. J. Churchill and her sis- ter. Mrs. D. A. `Tucker, 211 Eliza- beth `Street. Ku aunt` fun `'I` 'Dn`-\`\-`nan Qua- UULH DDIIUUIH Mr. and_Mrs. `T. Robbins. Scar- boro, announce the engagement` of their eldest daughter. Gladys, to Mr. Ernest Saunders. eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Saunders. of Ves- pra, the marriage to take place quietly theend of July. .M1\a Jnlm `Muir fnvmnrlv of quleuy one euu U1 uuay. .Mrs. John `Muir. formerly of Grenfel. who spent the winter in Southern Ontario. has returned to Barrie and will make` her home with her brother, S. Mc'Pherson. Innisl !Street, who has. bought Mrs. A. Merk1ey s cottage. :1\I|`lm.n= 1i`a6-hon llwrni nnrl Jncacn J.Vl.1`S. nu u1w.'xucy~ B uuovagc. Misses Esther Grey. and Jessie Haines and Harry Earley. Len. Coghill and `Roy McKee motored from Windsor and spent July 4th at the home of Mrs. Hounsome. Sanford Street. Miss, Grey is spending two weeks holidays here. V Tho nnmnonmnnit i xmnnnnnnd apuuuulg (WU Vvucna uuuuaya ucac. vThe engagement is announced of Florence Edna, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Harr'3ng- ton. 'Stroud:, 0n,t.. (formerly Out- ram,` =Sask.), to Mr. A. Alexander Graham. son of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Graham, `Toronto. The mar- riage will take place 'shortl,v. PNM. -Pnllmulnm annnf Rnnvlav rmge W111 umsu yuwu auu_1.'u,v. The following spent -Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. `Craven; Mr. and. Mrs. W. G. Ross and son. Jack. and Mr. and `Mrs. H. Oliver of 'Stayner, -Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dodge and two daughters of Tor- onto, Wilfred and 'Miss Ena Thompson of `Manseld, Dr. Violet Middlebrooks andbrother. Rpssell Garefoot, of St. Petersburg. Flor- ida, niece and nephew of `Mr. Cra- IIA H van. The ladies of the Barrie Golf Club held a one-club handicap match on Tuesday, July 3. In spite of the heat and threatening rain, seventeen players entered the competition. The first prize. donated `by Mrs. `Walls, was won by `Mrs. Rees; Mrs. J. R. Boys won the second. also donated by Mrs. Walls, and the prize for put- ting, donated` by `Mrs. Walker, was won by Mrs. Mc*Phee. En&al\I\aI\- vv fin-Ina vv .. -On Wednesday, June 27, at 2.30 o'clock, the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Wall- win, 40 Sophia Street. was the scene of a pretty wedding when their youngest daughter, Mary Olive, was united in marriage to Gordon,Fraser Elrick. only son of Mr., and Mrs. James Elrick, Elm- -...'l- .\14\l'lLt, vvut;voua wvwp .vvu-v -- -. -- .rJ1st1`lot. Local Omngemen will attend ser- -vice In the United church here next ,'~?um`ln,v. July . 8th. I Amnnn` those who visited in this LVLIII ' 6| vale. VIVL. vale. . The ceremony was performed in the drawin-g-room by Rev. A. R. Beverley of Trinity Church. The house was decorated with ferns, palms and peonies. "Nan bride. who entered on the palms and peomes. - The bride, who arm of her father to the strains ofithe wed`ding march from L0- hengrin, played by Miss Margaret Jones, niece of the bride, looked` charming in a white chiffon taff- etta period frock, her tulle veil arranged in a cap effect, caught with orange blossoms. She carried a bouquet of white callalilies. Miss Grace. Lang as bridesmaid wore a period frock of orchid tail - etta, large picture hat and blonde shoes and carried yellow roses. Roy Jamieson, cousin of the groom, acted as best man. _ hnvinzr the smnnz of the regis- acted as oest man. During` the signing ter the ianist played In a Mon- astery V arden. ? After the delight- ful `wedding refreshments the bride and groom departe'd for their honeymoon on a motor trip to Niagara Falls, N.Y., the bride travelling in a navy blue ensemble, blonde shoes. picture hat, fox fur and carrying a purse to match. On their return Mr. and Mrs. El- rick will reside near Elmvale. ---I----"'-""-` JMIDLANDLADIEB wm AT GOLF um... Midland ladv golfers were ELRICK-WALLWIN --- _____ nu-I _ '"Q"n' 1- - - _. , I Miss Ottllie Pearson is enjoying it couple of weeks in Toronto; N11`. and Mrs. Louis Martin and children are spending a couple ofi weeks with relatives. M.` nn .\h~s. Vicary and children with relauves. Mr. and .\I1*s. Vicary of Toronto were the guests of Mrs. Jas. `Smith over the holiday. .VIr. and Mrs. Osiborough and Mrs. Eady and daughter, Doris. of Mid- land spent the holiday at Chas. M11- ler's. . mm. \1'nv`|nNA Dean of Bradford July um. Among those this` i1eigh`bo1`11ood during the holiday or ovm` `Sunday were Bert Foyston and fnm'il,v of London at A. Faye!- -ton's: Frank Orchard and Thomas _; \Iaxwell of `Toronto -at Mrs. A. Or- .ehm'd's: Miss Elvin Chappel or 1*o,ronto at J. Chappe1`s'; Mr. and i\Irs. J. Mndill of Glenealrn at W. Downe,v s: Mrs. Frazer of Ne'Wmar- '_k9t with her sister, Mrs. J. Young: Messrs. 'McCvacken. Young and ~'Wra,v. Miss Mnhood and Miss H-llda. Anrnuhvnne` m. W. J. Armstrong's. Miss .\IarJor1e Dean is stpen-ding her holidays with her uwaxmdpaxjents, Mr. and Mrs. J. . Dean. ~ \l'!e: vnnn `Dean. Norwood. spent ~` Miss. Grace Dean. Norwood. the week-end and Mr. and Mrs. Willis Turner spent Sunday at J. P. Dean's. xnam. 1:."n+hnvln9 Pearson and MI`. Miss Katherine Pearson and Mrs. D. R. Martin and children of Toronto were holiday visitors _at Mr. Pearson's. \1'na \`I'nm'rn1`Rf Hooner and V1CtO!` 515 T and an aunt. Mrs. Sibbald. where , l she lived until 1877 when she mar- ~ A-rcher farmed at lot 9. con. 9. Flos. . Anglican. Brantfor.d spent a rew days wuu . Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Dean and Mrs. (I03. Weihb of Wyevale. Banker Honored - Members of the Trenton `Rotary Club and other citizens joined in a complimentary dinner to 7W. A. Bishop. who for the past three years ht-S been manager of the Trenton branch of the Bank of Montreal, and is leaving for Toronto to undertake new duties in the superintendent's department at the head office. On behalf of the Rotary and the citizens generally. Past President W. House. of the Rotary Club presented Mr. Bishop with a traveling bag. Mr. Bishop is a son of `Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Bishop of Elmvaie. Death of Mrs. A. E. Archer The death of Mrs. A. E. Archer occurred at her home her`e on Thursday. June 28. Although ailing for some time deceased had been out in her garden a day or two before her death. Mrs. Archer. whose maiden name. was Charlotte Martha Marlowe, was born in 1856 at the old Marlowe homestead, Hil- lsdale. When,quite young she went to live with her grandmother Kettle ; ried A. E. Archer. Mr. and Mrs. until 1918 when they moved to Elm- vale. .In religion deceased was an There are left to mourn her loss her husband. `four sons and four daughters. viz., M-rs. David Ritchie. Mrs. Roy Srlgley, Mrs. Walter Dra- per. Mrs. Fergus Rowat. Edgar, and Oscar Archer. a1l`ot- Elrnvale, Bert of Collingwood, and Wm. H. at Cal- gary; seventeen grandchildren and U9 vvu MEN S `OUTING T ROUSERS-all sizes,-made in all shades of grey and tan, from the best flan- nels, tweeds and homespun cloths, $2.75 to $6.25 THE POPULAR PLUS FOURS-all sizes-made with a good full bloom, from English tweeds and Homespun cloths, . . . . . . . . $4.50 to $7.50 pr. THE NEW SPORTSTWO-PIECE UNDERWEAR Fancy striped broadcloth trunks, and white shirt. -I-latchway make . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.00 suit Hatchway Athletic Combinations, $1.50 and $2.00 I-latchway Balbriggan, long legs and short sleeves, --- 1-_.-- 1-_.uJ.L nan` 9`-any-f ehanunc .`];t Thatsunimer Outfit % for Men and Boys at * M ILNE S--'-- DGIUIISSCIII, IUN6 I960 Utllwt U--v-v or knee length and short sleeves . . . . $21-)'()"s\'1it MEN S GOLF HOSE-sizes 10 to 11V2-English make, all wool and wool and lisle, $1.00 to $3.50 Men s Interwoven Fancy Summer-weight Sox- Neat checks and stripes-sizes 10 to 11% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75c to $1.50 pr. Fancy Lisle Sox-good quality, 55 pr., 3 pr. $1.50 English All Wool Cashmere . . . . 75c and $1.00 pr. MEN S BLAZERS-sizes A36 to 42-l3lue Flannel with white cord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.00 each Scarlet, Royal and Green annel-with white cord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $6.00 each Owing to the de.p1et*1on 0: fish in Lake Erie, a conference was recent- iy held to devise means of conser- vatlon. A perfornmnce aha New York theater had to stop because some joker had sprinkled snuff about to` make the actors sneeze. ..- _ ..-_a.."..4........:I .\'nAnig

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