J: la rtusnuu General Agent. Ocean Trie C.P.R. Building, Toronto HOST of joyous recollections n ur-3" nu-nun` vnnr rnnvnnu-\r A n` For sure relif try that famous old remedz Alf 1-328 79151:. '\ In `England .35 Continent u . Extended Tonto. ` to 71 nyn, 0410.50 up. ECONOMICAL TOURS Alloxponuszduycoun vlnltn Inn Ennlnnd and Cnntlnanl \ IIFTUICFUIIIHTYIU Ullfiyo 1' UP liu apply your local 690731, or J. E. PARKER `I Ann-no (In-..-u ' Page rmion % I 1'v1anToDAY;----;. ..................... - funddy; J_u3Ip 7, `I923. Also Gas, I Sold in` Barrie by 1'v1ai1_ 'ropA_Y.----;..--.-.-&.=Z.'.Z See the beautiful new 1... .!_ection on display at your ,dealer s. Learn. of its 27 new features. Inspect the wonder- ful `live heat oven. Prices on Perfection run from $8.75 to `$212.50. Write to General Steel Wares, Limited, Toronto, Ont. ,.------ -- ,---.---.. ...... en- -. .... .. ........ ..... .. .. plosed New Happy Thought elesnenlts. he"ating elements maintain that advantage of heating considered ideal by Happy Thoughtengineers. The life of the heating element is not impaired by the use of excessive current. Large sapagity gven 16" wide by 20 ? deep, with removable 51150.3 elements and rack holders, satises every baking and roasting requirement. iWrite to the Hatpy Thought E4:-An-I 451: :..-a....m.J --l-l-. ' Occupies onl 40" of o3r space. Its rooniy.cooking' aurface is provi edwith two of the open aid two of the '.|---,1 M... u--.... 'l"L.;._L.. -1-.. -..._ -:-:_ 1.5..-__ Fal--E`icient-$--Durable Justthinkl All:heIki.I.l,allth T ' through yggps of study in range are :5 mad in the superb construction` of this HAPPY1 EHGUGHT Electric Range. ` ` (\-_._3-- gn-'-- 1-, 4: g-.. -cg--- TL- .._-.:___ -A-'_!.._ Ha fay Thci Foundry, for illustrated FREE ooklet. ' 'Ui$TZIVVIlTf0' Ifji . mdueuunagnuacuraaauonmqa. T Q Q FIVUUIIU `Kw. C F.` , Occu in o oor s ace. room cooking ' nucnng :8 v\`ouu:: QA4IAI:.k tuna gangs. -an` I... g: `L. him A. E. SMITH Il;3ET.RIC %RANGF% , Coal and Wood Range: and Warm Air Furnaces to air deteriorats_ avor -- The vacuum sealed process by which `Rideau Hall `is packed excludes all_.air.ftom the tin; EASY TERMS Tu`-' DESIRED A British Empire Product "aly;cr-f-octionguiau . In having meal: on time. coal uava in ma: nnuo-a 4-J uu naval; mean an mm. Jvo out now to coax untiltiun all patience have all ow away! but husband, sou, (muhcr coming in all (inland lump-yud the nocalalb nod; and the home-maker will a auuiloonbcrlaappyfaatluulupcuh , Inn 'n'1Im 5...). - mud my nuzflappzjacl ulu ulqpcll bu `Prf!aon-lmm land: in mthccooi -3uun0obrt'u." Al... I? Q l_L...al..... n.` IuIUIvvvlI"`IIIIVV6UVYll& ln. 8. 5.. duhorbwg. Ont; ISHBLIKBSIT! LIVE UL UIGSE UL vuu.-acu. lb 15, I-IIVFULUICU, owing to these sterling qualities that we, the community as a. whole. and not as one particular religious denmination, offer this brief en- conium-of esteem and affectionate regard. It is obvious then, that . Maitland. your new harvest of souls, `will benefit by our loss. We trust this new field of missionary zeal will be one of encouragement to ul- tlmate success in`the spiritual as well as thetemporal. since the lat- ter is but the ephemeral, of all [earthly glory.` Before concluding jpermlt us tcpresent you with this purse. not` for its instrinisic value. but as an emblem of those high ' ideals, which we havelappreciated in your earnest endeavour to foster during your comparatively. brief ad-. ministration in this district. With: "sentiments of our high esteem, we -bid you farewell. n A.+ `nun-hm-, H-IA other nnnninf- `Ulu yuu I.Gul'UV_VUllu . and an address. I ' At Dunbar, the other app6`int- ment, they were presented with a purse. 9. set 01 books on bible study 4 \Jll.I':.`.!L!'N.'VUNU, `U-IIL. . We. the undersigned on behalfof the citizens `of Chersuterville and surrounding district, have assem- bled here this evening upon the oc- casion of your departure for an- other field of labor, to express to you, our profound sentiments of respect and affectionate farewell. We feel itwould be amiss, were we to allow this opportunity to pass without conveying -to you our ap- preciation of your good citizenship and our personal regards. The many laudable works accomplished by you, Mr. Orok, in this community under your efficient administration, both as a.Jeader of men and a build- er of good social fe'llowship, have ever marked the high ideal of your endeavour. From your advent to this neighborhood, some two years ago, you have endeared yourself to us. The rare andtmuch esteemed personality, congenial character. pleasing disposition and singular good nature, all of which being manifest by the agreeable smile and good humor which radiate from your countenance. make an environ- ment in your sphere of action which only too few can Tboastfully claim. Nor have your activities been con- ` fined solely to your esteemed flock. The community in general has shar- ed, in no small -degree, of your en- viable accomplishment-s. `A keen in- terest in civic affairs. in athletics and in works of charity, have been constantly mingled with your cap- able administration. Your calibre as an entertainer is also worthy of note. and has `been the means of doing. much good work. on the plat- form, on the radio, the summer so- cials and in the homes w'herever fa- vored by your social intercourse. When we say credit is due you, Mr. `Orok, in these different branches of talent. we include also Mrs. Orok, who is naturally the essential help- meet and chief fosterer of all your achievements. `We therefore salute you. Mr. and Mrs. Orok. as loyal citizens of our community. We hail you as staunch co-labourers in the noble advancement to the ideals of higher V criticism and gentlemanly demeanour.'These are but a few of the just claims which you have up- on `our meagre hospitality, irrespec- tive of class or creed. It is, therefore, n\v'na' fn fhhaa altnrncr nnniina Lllf as LUllU'WS 3 '1 On Monday evening in the Music Hall. the citizens of this villaze and surrounding district gathered to bid farewell to Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Orok. qpon the occasion 01. their removal to their new mission at Maitland. After a few remarks by the chair- man, Mr. Hamilton, an interesting and pleasing short program was carried out with -due solemnity. Short speeches suitable to the oc- casion were made by the Rev. Fr. Staley. Rev. Mr. Newman, Reeve Brownlee and Mr. Preston Elliott. At the conclusion the following ad- dress was` read by Dr. S. H. I-Iutt and` a substantial purse was pre- sented by G. H. Bark-lay. To the Rev. and Mrs. W. M. Orok, Chesterviile, `O-nt. TX7n ivhn nnnvuslmnn nu hnknif hf WILL ENTERTAIN LADIES OF BARRIE W.I. In: _I_ru=Am ll'lI\l' `Ia lVlIV.I.'.l'I ` GROSSED 7 - There's many a sorrow and pain. I 2 know.-""` , ' ~' As we tread the path of iife: - There's -many a` grief and laotinc Andetheway -is toil and strife But tige hardest load we have to ear Is the tlahor and strength thatis os ` s In building the bridge `with toiisome _ V care O'er the'_ stream that `is never` ' , crossed. ` We,have frettingand worry from morn Jtill night And anguish_weighg on the -heart: - The lthorny way seems hard tio right; i - _ .' And life isa Ibitter part. - But there is a burden greater yet. Much peace of soul it has cost. It is building a bridge with tail and sweat O'er the stream that is never crossed. ' ' There's looking for crossingraii -the M`. ,. A And searching along the shore For a. bridge or ford along the way We shall never -travel. o'er. '_I`he:'e s signing for -useless toys in . vain, And dreaming of chances lost: . But 'tixs hardest to bridge with might and vain `The stream that is never crossed. . Then gather the roses along the sway, t . And treasure the fragrance rare; Rejoice in the lbright and Joyous day Refusing to `borrow care. For sorrow and pain will surely come. . And your soul 'be tried and tossed; But don't be bridging to reach your , home ` ~ O'er the stream that is never crossed. - The June meeting or the Pains- wick 'Women's Institute -will ?b_e held in the Grange e'Hall on Saturday. June 16. It is the intention of the ladies of the Painswick branch to entertain .the ladies of the Barrie .W.I. `MissvMcDiarmid of the Dept. of Agriculture will speak on "Home Decoration." . This subject is one which will interest every woman. A hearty invitation to ailis extended and `a. good attendance of members is requested. Barr1eAand'Vespra. friends of Rev. AW. M. Orok and Mrs. Orok will be Interested in the following report of a presentation at Chestervllle be- fore leaving for their new home at Maitland. near Ptescott."1`he .C'hes- terville `Record referred to the at- falv as follows:- ln Rnnnuv AI!AVI"I\& Cu `HA `Kill!!! PRESENTATIONS MADE TO REV. W. M. AND MRS. OROK THE mm THAT Is NEVER] I`. D H A:*m***w$$%%%%*%$i%&&*&&l l I `I Ilfll A `I95 I! [I-1 I ll v'.Y' IN WOMAN'S RE-ALM " |5%$*$%%**wwwwww**$%%*$w The British custom of serv- ing 4-o'clock tea in business offices is fast taking on in Canada. Many Cana- dian, as well as British- born, executives ` now order Red Rose Tea for their office a sta s,_because it isthe same quality as the finest English teas. Sold ~ by all grocers, .in bright, clean aluminum. ISEVV` COUNTY INSTITUTES MEET HERE, JUNE 14 I-l\lI"l I I-\J|`\Il'I \ll'|\I\lUEl IEG Two cups left-`over meat or fish may -be mixed with '1 cup thick cream sauce for croquettes. Mold in desired shape, roll in dried bread crumbs, then in `beaten egg, again in bread crumbs and fry In hot fat. `Thick cream sauce calls for 1 cup milk, 1-3_ cup flour, 3 table- spoons butter, 1,4 teaspoon salt and a touch of pepper. ' Tana: is something very' appealing about Anne in her new spring even- ing wrap. 80 completely enveloped in a cloak that sheds an air of mys- try and charm. she cannot fail to im- press her vlvidness, good `taste and sense of amartness on those about her. Whether in a box at the opera ,or at the entrance to a gay ballroom. her evening coat of moir fits the oc- casion perfectly. The flattery of fur about the face is replaced by a puff collar corded at intervals. The .sl1l!ll`l. lines and wide corded sleeves give further proof that this youn lady has full knowledge of all that is new in evening wear. Even the shade-eggshell or a pale l)e1ge.-is the newest color favored by French, designers and`is particularly becom- ing to (dark type. ' (Copyright, 1928. by Butierick) `The third annual convention oi! the Women s Institutes in the Coun- ty of Simcoe will be held in the Public Li'braary I-Ial1,.Barrie, Thurs- day next,` June 14. There will be ses- sions at 10 am. and2 p.m., and Mrs. "C. P. ~S*tockin.g of Waubaushene will preside. T Tn 1-ha rnnv-nlna Han nrnrb nf H-an yremuu. In the morning the work of the year will be under review, the stand- ing committees will report and Geo. A. Putnam. Supt. of Women's In-` stltutes, will give an addjress. | Tn #115 aft-Av-r|nn'n 1-I-an main Pnnhuv-1:. HLILULUB, wux EIVU ll uuwrz-:33. ' In the afternoon, the main feature will be an address `by the Hon. Wm. Flnlayson, Minister of Lands and =For'ests. Mrs. J. ,W. Stone, President of the F.W.I.O;. will speak and the Trustees and Ratepayers Associa- tion will be heard from. Af 19 !\ p-nn`) nnnn hhn I`I\`l\fhII`t\3 `.;;|=1's convention promises to be one of great interest and 9. large number are expected to `be present. LIUII WIN UU ucaru L1'UIIIo At 12 o'clock noon the delegates will motor to the Mldhurst Forestry Station. to see the interesting de- velopments there. Hot tea will be served tree and luncheon taken there. This nnh11An5'nn runny-vulaneq in In: UUULEU QIIU UL'!:Illl{lly. V ' The bride looked charming in a.- gown of shell pink georgette trim- med with lace and `wearing a black picture hat. lshe carried a `bouquet of pink Butterfly roses and wore the gift of `the groom, a. red fox fur. Miss Bertha `Allan of Churchill at- tended the bride and wore a gown `of .poudre iblue flat crepe with .pic- ture hat to 'match. She carried a._ bouquet of sweet peas and term? The groom was supported by Mr. Victor Icraiwford, brother of the .bride. `The iwedding march was played by Mr. Trueman :'Wili1ams. The groom's gift to the bridesmaid: was a sterling silver compact; to` the -groomsman. a set of gold cuff links: to the organist, a. cigarette case. .4\1`r\vIIivun- &LA AA-an-.~A..~.. an I...0D..L &VJ.l.`. -rvuwx-:u, 3151.61` 01. cue 0131118. - `The happy couple then left for Paris. I0nt., and afterwards Mlnet. Muskoka, the bride travelling in a sand kasha. coat, honey beige shoes and stockings and a hat to match. Mr. -and Mrs. Caldwell will reside near Shanty Bay. CALDWELL-CRAWFORD A quiet but pretty wedding was aolemnlzed in st. A`ndI`eW's. Presby- terian Church, Ba.rr1e.on :'Saturday, June '2, -1928. when Gertrude Eliza- `Vbeth, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. |Cra,wtord of Ishanty! Bay, was united in marriage to Mr.- John `Caldwell, youngest` son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Caldwell of xthe same place.. Rev. J. IS. fshortt con- ducted the ceremony. ~'I`hn I-ndn lnnlzn AI-sanrnlna In :3 UG3Uo . `Following the ceremony a. buffet luncheon was served at the home or Mrs. Rowen, sister or the bride. `Thu '1-uanruv nnnnln Glynn 14:06 On`: CHUROHILL JUNIOR INST. Owing to the omission of the regular June meeting, this `branch will hold a short business meeting in the basement of Chuchill` United cl:-u1'ch. )Cuesday.-Jun 912. at 2 pm. `Following this; at.%.~30. .p.m. the joint summer meeting with Churchill Senior Institute will be held. at which `Miss lMc'Diarmid of Sand- ringham will be the speaker. Any- one interested is cordially invited to be present. ` LIGHT LUNCH OROQUETTES Turn nnnu IA?!-_n1rAn 1-unof run flu` Puff Collars Replace The Flattery Of Fm F or Evening fr:-II Inns: EXAMINER Lal1dpLUl.`. I The visitors spoke highly of Bar- rie hos.pita'1ity on their departure, commenting most favorably on their enjoyable outing and evening here.` LU, WU-S GISU Ipl'3UllLo Following the banquet, whichl showed, the results of splendid or- ganizatfon and to which over 250 sat down, a` program was `held in the Qmitorium. Those who were escorted to the East were Past Grand Matron Sisters Mains and Lockwood of Toronto, and a. mem- ber of the Grand Executive, sister Mdconkey. There were also present to the number of over forty the _presiding and past matrons and ipresidlng and .past patrons. | ` Af+m~ H-an nnmnlna nnrnmnnv an- IJICUSLUIH5 llu ILHISL 'pU.u.`Uu:I. After the opening ceremony Can- ada. Chapter exemplified the de- grees in` faultless style. In addition to the splendid numbers by the choir 1 of Canada Chapter, solos were given ' by Sister W-atsonof Canada Chapo : ter, and Sister-Edwards of Bayview. . Past Matron `Sister Greenway, of Royal Chapter, with her patrol, ex-4 amplified the patrol work. Rhnrf .n.FIrnuana nn fhn nrnr hf .sentation by otfficers of Cvnada 3 to Chapter. \JUllI\C_V. WHU SGVU BIIUIEL u.uun:aaUa.| ` A pleasing feature was thy ~pre-; org Chapter or a cut glass bowl to Mrs. Knapp `Worthy Matron of {Bayvlew bar ha; "FHA vlulfnv-u annlrn $-do-h1u AP um-- Juyn-me unu suuuuasxux. - ` `The visiting chapters included Canada, Corinthian`, Toronto and visitors from _Fern, from District No. 9, Beaver Chapter, Beaverton, !Slmcoe of Sutton, Lily-ot_-the.-Vala - ley, Orillla; and Inn1st1l,'St!'oud. The patrol from Royal Chaptez-,_ Toron- to, was also present. Wnllnmino fhn `hnnnnnf 1:7!-Ink - Short addresses on the wort: of the Order were given by sister Mains, Grand Warder of the General Grand Chapter, Past Grand Matron of the Grand chapter and an honor- ary member of Bayview Ghapter, as are Bro. Hammond, Past Patron of Canada lchapter and `Sister Mo- Conkey. who gave short addresses. A nlnnaincr Pan I-urn man 1--ha. .f\!|A_. The largest gathering of members of the Order of the Eastern Star to yet assemble in Barrie were present on Wednesday -evening of last week` to the. number or over three hun- dred at asoclal evening held at the Oddtdows Temple. There were over 250~,;vl_s'ltors, fmostly trom Toronto. The evening, sponsored by Bay- vlew lchapter. Barrie, was most en- joyable and successful; l`hn vialfino nhnnfnrn lnnlnn EASTERN sun . HAD GALA mam` 250 Visitors, the Majority % From T orotito, -at % Function Here." Buy Advertised Things Solves the problem of meals when traveling with kicldies-a bowl of Kellogfs Corn F lakes.* You ll nd them wholesome and easy to digest-wherever you go . . . hotels, restaurants, . dining-cars. | n vhv yolwnn gun... -v.....v. -... -V- ..._-_---_,.. _ The future bride, who looked i charming in a grey dress with blue ' trimming, was overwhelmed, by `the; i proceedings. Professor Hume re-' 3 plied on her behalf `thanking all the | friends who had shown their friend- ship for the Wiggins family, by K giving so many lovely gifts. The Professor further entertained the K company :by reciting several pieces of poetry`. complosed by himself, [ after which sRev. `Major Spencer took charge of the program. An enjoyable half `hour was spent listening to the solos, duets and readings, contributed by the dif- I teren-t members. Major Spencer in the course of his address testified ' to the popularity of Ichristena in the church and voiced a wish that g was echoed [by many present, that she would often visit her friends at Shanty Bay. A very dainty lunch- 3 eon was then served !by the ladies of the Guild and Institute which i brought to a close a rvery enjoyable evening. I .7\II naf A? .fkn onnafu hnirlnrr Ann-xvi - uvcuxus. ' Most of -the guests having depart- ed, a. member arrayed herself in -the discarded wedding veil and grab- bing a man, appeared before the surprised clergyman who, however, refused to encourage her `actions, so the surprise wedding did not -take place, though it provided a great deal of amusement for those who had remained `to tidy up. R ideauau` COFFEE A11 Mehmed of Tunis, arrested for beheading his wife, said she asked him to do it as a favor. The home. of `Mr. and Mrs: A. Pet- ersen. `Shanty Bay, was the sceneot a. very enjoyalblg gathering on Fri- day. -May 215, `when the `Women's Institute and `St. Thomas` Guild 0 Shanty Bay,:joined forces to give miscellaneous shower to Miss 1Chr1s- tena Wiggins, whose wedding took place on June '6. Both -the bride and her mother have `been members or both organiz_ations_ for several years and the very large number that ar- rived gave evidence to `the esteem and respect that -the `\V'iggins family enjoy hi Shanty Bay. The 1a.rges1iv- inznr rnnm 9+ "Mrs: Peterson : was .-.-.u- .-.u-.. v..., r. .....-........ V- ..-.... ...-..-_. The gifts were handed to the bride-to-fbe by Mrs. C. Palk s daughter and `Gladys Brown, and ~ were then sent round to be admired. | I,,I__.! UHJUJ Lu Duality x.)a_y. .I.u.c1au.5CuLv- inig room at .Mrs. Petersen's was lprettily decorated with crepe paper and spring flowers, and `this being t-he -third gathering for which Mr.` Petersenyhas loaned `his `house this winter, many thanks are due to . them for the use of and the `trouble `taken, with -the decorating of the -rooms. The -gifts, which were many and useful. were carried into the ; room in a basket by Henry Wortley and Mary Lgpencerydressed as bride and groom, the former in white with the traditional veil, etc. They were preceded by Rosemary -Simpson as ower girl, `who `presented? Mi-ss Wiggins with a basket of spring flowers.- Much credit is due the lit- tle ones for the way they carried out -their share of `the program. | \/I've `KT I'l`nv1nv- 4;: rnnvnhnv nf` hnfh ` Ul'5l1lll'il.'LlUllB, LIICII 1'Ctlu an auurcaa I Christena, from all -the mem- bers, voicing the good wishes for 8. happy married life, and regrets that she would.-be_ leaving the commun- ity. It was signed on their Ibehalt `by Mrs. 'cMu1r, president of W.I.. and Mrs. Martin, president of the Guild. l sun, , .. _,IQL_, ___, u,____1_.I L- .5`... SHANTY BAY W.l. AND GUILD: ,n`\r,_ _A:n 1:..- A 15.4 011-E -E11611` snare U]. Luv prugrazu. I } Mrs. W."1`a.y1or, a member of both ` organizations, then read an address ` fn (`hr-lchann fr-nrn all who mom- Two hundred years._ago a tea Ilka SALADNJ would have cost $50.00: pound-but such tea was then unlmown-today mllllons enjoy the tru- ranoe and satlsfactlon of `_`ALADA" tor a small fractlon of that cost. TBA PERFECTION More than 11,000,000 people de- mand Kellogg : daily. Sold by all grocon. Made by Kellogg in London, Ont. Always oven- fr-uh! * No other born flakes equal Kellogg's for avor and crisp- _ness. Kellogg's are never tough- thicls. Never heavy! Always extra light and crisp. Serve for 1:111:11, dinner or breeku fut. Delicious with milk or cream -.--fruits or heney added. I V .I.' CICIIIL 7:1 wonuys casuesr mavx-:1. svsrswi _ Away: c Canadian Pacific E: 1: Com! \ puny : Trove Ian` Cheques. Negotiable uerywmf Bagkache I 4%! 4:? ff M 11 : /1 ii 0h-that TOURIST THIRD CABIN as low as $184.50 round trip All Canadian Pacic obi a sail vii the St. Lawrence. the m ghty water boulevard to Europe. llakayoun-uenatioru early. For irgformallo; nnnlv -vnur Inna! nmnl. an IIUOL UI JU,UU3 KUCUUUCLIUHH will crowd your memory of at Canadian Pacic Tourist Third Cabin trans-Atlantic voyage. Un- lmited possibilities for recreation- good meals- leasant.airycabins-- and con enia companions, all com- -bine to elight you. Yet the rates are surprisingly low. Splendid Quality _E13cm5 Range "1 IWJO