OI SQC1IO _u\e may Pack uje Perfecl wrap Think you" after a coin is insert!` ed for the purchase of goods. (4. cakes a day. drissnlved in ,_ _..:..~ on nav nhl 'f2V-I 7, 1928. BLADDER WEAKNESS, DAILY ANNOYANCE RELIEVED IN 24 HOURS chum H. :;"a'r'.':` NW RmdyiLon2ag'6i0%ounaatxon to we Vllluw 7"}: `}"'h":.:-`:,`;' _""' mu. 0 A$ Port'ISevern child, Lezotte "W " - Bonville, died from eating water M . . While serious if neglected. it is hemlock. 11Vm8 011.13 three, h1'3 w ordinarily 'e.n easy matter to after swallowing the poisonous ggiokly relieve Blaader Weakneuiroot. `The. death is similarto one and Irritation. Pain! in 3&0 and which occurred in Toronto at short down throuzh aroma. frequent gailv tune ago, - &!mY3 9"! 'm`m M3` "'1 Owing to the establishment of a by `M 9l't hm ! smiot Separate School in Midland, six , hi h ood druggs , $v?l?l:tti:'ni`svh 131 seaarligd giaokages oon- t_e8che1`S are bem Cut O 13119 Pub` taming 2 weeks supply on :uara.n- lic school staff. f these four are tee or money back on rlt box Du! Roman Catholics. There will still fllralid, if results B16 110% tully I8.t- be tgur %loynanh~C9ithohc teachers : s as cry. in e pu` ic sc oo s. - . `ox: "ggttggY;:`t:%!1:;:g3; t-`Reg. `Dr. `iltiason has sihginifiedthis - `gin en ion 0` resi ning s. as or- may b' you M my :9 ate of the `Pres yterian ` hurch, - f - l T bl t 1 W , , irz13.$'sV"&:ilrrie?-asribiiroyouaaroe "m3ua to"01'1ll1a, to take effect at the close do so without slightest risk or cost of the summer. Dr. Mason, came unless pleased With results. 5`t&rt'from Rgyl-go]dsvi]]e' Pa two years. ths telt 01 SW01 `WM; {g13`t" ago. He has no denite plans. fg 3,`,,_`_`1`;,},l*,,`},Z,"[,`,?{,`gg,,`;`,_ Four , nurses `graduated from - Soldiers .IMemor1al Hos ital, 0ril- lia, last Thursday. T ey were: Miss Annie Vivien lReekie, of . o Thornbury; Miss Beatrice Louise McFadden. of iCookstown.; Miss Flora Elsie `Brown, of Whitney, and `Miss Edna `Miriam McMurray, of Vankoughnet. _ The Whimster & Wilcox store, at Bradford. was broken into Woman;atre`ngtliened by \ Taking Lydia E. Pinkl 1_a{n's Veggtable 7 Port Colborne. On `-"Aiter having tion. I was my miserabl \cVw` unseat, ah; en. Ikhdecuau nndglvuutunlcolonndbuutyhthe mnpluion. n saying Lydia E. nnxnanu mau- nes have he! me wonderfully."- MR8. WI. H. EEOBTIIILIIB. B08 148. Port Colborno, Ont. illlll 3 V Vgvu Compound II-I BA ,.VCDi nerves are much better. I feel auto . ed! wTT'"A"A"n"n~-I -,... ._ _ t Milk pasteurization is being tad- vocated for Newmarket. ` There was but one appeal against the Bradford assessment. Bradford band made its rst ' g%pearance_ for the season on May . anus 1}lUC.!5ucuyvv-_- -__V I. 1 several ex-air; pilots in Orllli 4 are talking of .forming a ying -3 club. _ . . ` `The Y.M.C.A. summer school will `be held at Geneva Park, Aug- ust 3-18 . . Alliston High Ischool `Board `has bought three vacant lots to enlarge the school grounds. In -Bradford all streets leading . onto-the `highways have been des-l lgnated stop streets. ' Mrs. James Quinn. widow of Orillia s~rst reeve, died on May 27, in her 94th year. u.. ....a ,Mm_ La Rush of Pene- 94th year. Mr. and Mrs. La Rush tang celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary this week. ' Jos. Wright. well-known cxtizen of Beeton, celebrated his 88rd an-, niversary on -May 25 last. A oatingdrydock 100 feet long. is being built or Charles S'heppar'd at Waubaushene. n 1+: anniversary Sundaythe S'heppar'd iwaubausnene. On its anniversary Sunday the Orillia Presbyterian congregation gave a s ecial offering of $1,400. `Over .000 people attended the horse show at Aurora. June 2.. It . was the best show yet held there. $64,000 for collingwood .harbor and $43,000 for Midland harbor have been approved (by Dominion man. was but one ease heard parliament. - There was but case heard at the District Court of Muskoka held `Tuesday of last week before Judge Mahatfy. . m1........ 4.: ha! nf a lacrosse dis- Mahatry. `There is talk of a lacrosse trict being organized with teams from Tottenham, Bradford, Allis- ton and `Beeton. ~ An interesting feature of the Victoria !Da celebration in `Hunts- ville was t e inauguration of a tree-planting campaign. . m.....+m.11v all cottazes in the tr_ee-planting campalgn. Practically all cottages Orillia section have been rented and prospects are fora {big tour- ist season, say the Packet-Times. Arthur `C. vM Gonig1e of Trin- 3;.-. .n-n....... mum!-n nnn` of Can- Arthur `U. 1:. `M'Uomg1e cu .; nu- ity College, Toronto, son` of Can- on M Gonig1_e of Newmarket, has been awarded a scholarship on the" Leonard foundation to the value` of $250.00. I A D.-m+ Invnrn child. 'of $250.00. A Port Isevern living only three poisonous root. ego. _ (lunacy fn +h nntahhshment or Vanlsougnnet. at IBradford. again on Friday morning. May 25, and suits, overcoats. shirts, silks, etc., to the value of about three thousand dollars were stolen. The thieves entered -by -the front door in the light of the street lights. There is a. feeling that the town should have a night watchman, says The Witness. T ` 1.. .. ...n\..11 vnn+n1'1 between says me Witness.- In, a softball match between Creemore and 'Collingwood -on May 24. Gordon McArthur, of the Bank of Toronto sta . Creemore, was injured in a peculiar sway. Norman lsomerville, in making a Babe `Ruth swing. inadvertently lost his grip on the bat, which ew with bullet-like `force some fteen feet, and struck McAArthur just above the eye inictin a wound of several inc es. whic sent him to the hospital for several days. .rn1_- "I .-..J...--I`1;. nnnnn nn E0 the nupllal J-UL EUVULGI wags: `The Huntsville Game and Fish `Protective `Association has been asked to investigate complaints from Port (Sydney that dogs are running at large, destroying game life in the adjoining woods. It is stated that deer bounds and other 1.-..-- ...... msnntnn Ha-r-nncrh Hag Pun Foumin stated that ueer HOUIIQ3 uuu uuuw: types are running through the neighbourhood. killing partridge; now in the nesting season, -rabbits, etc. An effort will be made to lo- --LA L1-A nvvvnoun ti`? +',|D RAGE, nd An etrort Wm oe maue W Lu- cate the owners of the dogs and if the practice is not stoppe forth`- with.- the dogs will be shot on sight. (Too -late for lea:-_wfeek) May .29-Among the -many visitors noticed over the holiday were Mrs. George `Cane. Mr. and Mrs. Robert` White. Miss -Mossie :1-Iorsburg, Alex. I-Iooey. W111. Mumberson and Miss . | ` Edna Mumberson. I A 'lII'- and Mrs. \Rdbt. Macham mot- Mumberson. - Mr. and Mrs. \RoIbt. Macham mot-` ored to Meafor-d on Wednesday and Miss (Edith accompanied them Chomei , -n__... n... ..n1..-I `Ha `hnnnn M138 Luann uuuuuzyauwu ...u.... ..-..--. . Frank I-Iooey has sold his house and expects to be leaving to: Oah- awa soon. Mr. and Mrs. I-Ioiunsome. their daughter, `Milly, and Miss ISW1t- zer. `oi! Bradford spent Isupday at ' Will '.Switzer s. Mr. and `Mrs. ' Wesley Koo` and friends of Toronto spent a. few `days at Geo. Duffls. .` mkn nnnnnrf and 81111136!` 31610. .Wy| Duffie. \ ~ l. The concert and supper heldby. the United `church Ladies `Aid on. I May 24. proved a great success. '1`): ' e Eglington United choir of '1`oron*toI; provided the entertainmepf otter-_ a` '. very V good supper. McLeish-Wi||iame A very quiet wedding was solem- nized at the parsonage, Stayner. on? Friday, May `.215. when Vera. Grace, `eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs;-J. Williams, `second `line, wsunvnidale, became the bride or Mr. Jae. Gordon MoLeish. only son o1-Mrs. `E. Mc- Leish, Main ISt., Staarner. The `bride andgroum w 11 live near New Low- , -e11_on their re urn from _a._ short .tr}~D.- New g.owI=.u. --2----1 Back in the? tunnels of the little piece otrailway track which con- stituted the 'Onta.rlo`~ Central and .1-Iuron Railway is found one or the most amusing and yet singular in- oidentsoin Canadian railroad history -the explosion of the engine Isom- aon" at Barrie station in41867. re- oalls the Toronto Telegram. Barrie was then the northern terminal of the road. Jnok Bracken. engineer or the u........m." relates iC..W. McMullen_, Wcl, a!t< Onnv came King. .i`J(1W8.-Pa v'u. . Joshua Metzker was the engineer of the Royal `Train -which ran from Toronto `to Collingwood and return. He also hauled Lord Wolsey (lSir Garnet Wolsey) from icollingwood to `Toronto in -1870, making a. record run. John Harvey. traffic master, sat in his office following the Wol- sey `special `by wire, and the agent .+ Vine` station told Mr. Harvey in the towns . . . there are fewer oonvemences. % But no farm need be without that greatest of all modern conveniences _...I `QQZm+H _ _ special `Dy Wire, auu um clauuu at King station that it had passed through his sta- ' tion like a streak of lightning." James Tillinghast was one of a number of experienced Americani railroad men who -entered the ser- vice of the Northern Railway. In the spring ofp 31866 `Mr. Tillinghast accepted a position as superinten- dent of motor .power an the Northern Railway of Canada from Toronto to Collingwood. He was later appoint- ed `by the late lcommander Vander- bilt asgeneral superintendent of all New York Central lines. ' \iU!l'IIII- vuvuu -- .-----. An unanimous call has been ex- tended from Guthrie and associated congregations to Rev. IRobt. Mc- Roberts; a recent graduate. Em- manual College. Simcoe Presby- tery -s committee on inductions have arranged for the induction of Mr. McRoberts at Guthrie church on Friday, `June '1-5, at *8 o'clock. Rev. Johnstone Black, B.A., B.D., of Col- lier lSt. United -church, Barrie, to preside at the service and to in-duct the minister; IRev. R. G. Halbert, B.A., to preach the induction ser- mon; Rev. A. E. Baker. of-Central church to address the minister; Rev. R. L. Ballantyne, B.A., of Ist. Paul's church. Iorillia, to address the con- gregation. GUTHWIE _UN|TED INDUCTION .-_-..- ....-n 1...... rum... .,.,_ Report tor May Honours. 52:5. Pass, 4120. `SR. IV - `Kenneth Elliott 526. `Frank Griffin. 425. V L ` `ma `l'17_XVn1nn,'F!1HnH' 4%. Mav- Eranx urlrnn. two. JR. IV-We1donT Elliott 496, May- dee 'MoKn1ght "474. um 'I'm_|`nnnn1a'1\/rnwndrinn 496. aee Mcnmgnt -em. II`I-|Rona1d ' ,McFa.dden 496. Borden Elliott `2~83. Cecil -Speers * J`R. IIII--W1l1ie McFadden *320. SR. II-`El\{.a -McKnight "489, Marie Spears "41-8. -Bob -Elliott 371. ' :n'nT .111-_1\/Inn-.1nrie Wvlie 469. Mar- ` spears ""l~'J.'5. -DOD nuzuu. ou. JR. -IJI'-Ma-rzlorie `Wylie 469, Mar- ion Speers 465, Miller Johnston 463, Allan "McFadden 44'8. Reta. =Mc- Knight "409, Helen Johnston *405. `DD _.M{1vn nnnv-.6: Edith Wilev. nnlgnt "luv, nexen uuunanuu "-xvu. PR.-Mi1dred Speers, Edith Wiley, Mildred McIFad'den. I CA1-nuanl-' Inn nun Av rnnma -fnf. Muureu M.c'r'a.uueu. x . `Absent for one or more tests. Number on the roll, 20. Average at- nnnnnn 19.5` IV UWIIUUF Ull bill tendance 18.-A5; `I -lm`.T rm `U llluiisan vvnv --..--_-- - . . . and adornments . . . hardwood oors. ` Estimates gladly fur- g Bull PluninzMill Co. Ltd. nuulll ` IVITII -:- Mrs. McPherson, cot quilt; Mrs,` D. M. Simpson, 2 doz. chelsea buns; Mrs. -Burton, potatoes; Men's Club, Trinity Church. '2 cans peas, orang- es. butter; Ladies Aid, '1-Iawkestone ' United church, quilt; ~Mrs. 'McKay, Clowes, 2 (102. eggs; -Mrs. Poole, Shanty Bay, 1 doz. eggs; `Mr. Saso, popcorn, ce ery, lettuce, spin- ach, asparagus; song of Temper- ance; `Central church. sandwiches \ and cake: Mrs. -Baker, cake: Cen- ,'. tra;l.Un1ted church. sandwiches and ,' cake; Chas; sseagram, box 0! suck- , ers: Eastern Sta.r,.sand-w_1ches,'cake and pie: Y.P.S. Central. church, sandwiches and cake; `Collier S-t. Missionmand, cookies; Mrs. Dow- vler, rhubarb; iB`.Y:P.U., sandwiches andcake; Mrs. 'Ca.rr, potatoes; Mrs. ak , ' E Tani! - I 1 1 and cause; us. ~\.au..., 3u.u~........, -...... J ory,- fish. T The albove gifts are expressions of interest and thoughtfulness for the ` unfortunate little ones in. our care. , and as such are gratefully received. There is a. good stock oi. small boys [in our s'helter from one to eleven `years needing good homes. We would"also beglad to hear or any- one willing totake children for the summer months for a change in the u `|J.- J`U`S|'1`MC1E, Secretary. j country. Write oz 914. Barrie. W. A MAY SHELTER DONATIONS -- -nu _ `,___ "="l'El'SI'I9 HI-V I uu-w Stewart MdC1ena,gha.n`. acox;1;n`1"e- eloner of the `Ontario Liquor Con- trol (Board, who has had forty years experience as a retail -merchant. wlgenq speaking _QJefore_ the lReta,i1 jj-:----vy--- NEWSPAPERS BEST MEDIUM --- -____.x nu-..|r!1-namh,on hnmmig. 38 163) I-IEIJEN Wmcox, teacher.` 8.8. NO. 8, ESSA I am a singing master, and form- erly played many leading roles in Grand Opera._ Being conned to -my studio in recent years, I be- gan to suffer from constipation . . thanks to Fleischmann s Y.east I am continuing in. my profession. and am healthy in mind and body. "l`nw- -`Rnnann, Toronto. Ont. Jiils ,es!E9 Merchants Association of Pem- broke expressed his strong fbeliet in advertising. -His further assertion that there is no doubt that the newspapers are Ithe -best medium of advertising and Ibring the `most dir- ectvxrresults. The newspaper reaches everybody and is -read .by every- kn:-in mm the neonle what you he.)/e and is reaa My vv::n,y- body. Tell the people have to sell just as though you were talk- Incl in +ham_" to sen Just. an . ing to them." i ""`` "="" "of kidney trobles are pain in the lback, diicult urination, deposits ._ ....:.... can `Pills relieve kidney back, .dimcugt uyinanon, uupuanu in urine. Gm Pills reheve kidney trouble by gently soothing and healing the inamed tissues. 60 a box at all druggists. ' ` Ln. In nealtny H1 mmu uuu uuug. Tom Benson. Toronto, [SW3 518'? There is food you V eat to live and tlaere is food for HEALTHFUL LIVING lower bowel. Nothing but an in- ternal remedy can bring quick and lure relief. That's why ointments and cutting fail. Dr. Leonhardt a :_+........1 nnatment HEM-ROID J Too many of us wake up each morning tired in body and depressed in mind. We go through the day without even the energy to relish our meals. We eat just to keep alive And we are never more than just alive. There is something wrong when food arouses no vitality, leaves us so languid. . . so tired . . . so old. Soft, berless modern food -With all the . stimulating vigor rened out of it-produces . constipation and its deadly consequence, in- testinal poisoning. 1!. E - ._ __--- J.` an-b 1-111179 f't\ commons TALKS 1 ATHERL_E_Y_ BRIDGE} Govt. Refuses... to Pay Share of Additional It OI _LH JJUuAs.uau.. Government, as voiced by Hon. C. A. Dunning in the `House of Com- mons recently prevails, the county of 'Simcoe will `be faced with an ex- penditure ot an additional $5,000 as its share of the cost of Atherley Bridge, near Orillia. .. `I-Ion. Mr. Dunning repeatedly told the members for `Ontario and Mus- koka. Messrs. Kaiser and McKib- bon,-that the Treasury Department could not see fit to .pay more than its original undertaking, namely 40 Ear cent. of the estirnatedcost of 100.000. The bridge cost $119,000 .....n nrnnsaure has been abrought__to II\Ia-vsr ----__O. To relieve this condition you do not have to change your diet. Just add another food if you want to eat for healthful living. It is yeast,-a tiny fresh vegetable -the freshest, daintiest kind imaginable, yet a concentrated health food. Three cakes of Fleischmann s Yeast a day-eaten before or between meals -- have become in four short years the Great Health Habit of Canada. Try this Health Custom to keep you happy. Order two or three days sup- ply from- your grocer. Eat a cake before or between meals. I '11_[ __' government pay its share of the ad- ditional cost. Members from the constituencies affected claim there is a. letter on file-virtually promis- ing to do this,.but El-Ion. Mr. Dunning denies its existence. -W. A. Boys, M.P.. did not participate in the de- bate, although registered in Han- sand as present that day. `So far the `County of zsimcoe has financed the entlreiproposition and a. considerable share of its -present large overdraft is caused -by this outlay, while the erest has been ' mounting` up. A determined effort was made last session and againi at the present: one to have the mat- ter cieared up, but without success. "'l"1-in afhata in the Commons takes HUG-Vow w- W - , A very interes.ting booklet on 1 Regaining Health will be sent to ; you, gladly. Write to . The F1eisch-_- 1 mann 00., Department 208D, _ 1449 i St. Alexander Street,.Montrea1, Que. ' the attitude I nuvavnn rn,pn`f__ as V` ter ctemcu up, u... `The debate in the up several pages was at times quit a-------: ...______.__ By means. of a new Danish pro- cess photographs` may. be trans- rerred to porcelain. " ~ . . fail. U1`. heonlluruue internal treatment fbaniehes piles by removing the cause. Money refunded by Doug- n.. n....... Qfm-A and all good drug- Cost. s. determmeu e1.l.u1.L 1st again \t p, ~ the pages [of (I-Iansard and ....-:5... nu!-unn~r|{n11g 1368 01 Ll'J.t1ll_5a1u on quite acrimonious. AnA arutowmati-c vending machine Tr has `been; developed which says. , I took it. regrulavly, 3 day milk. In one month I was eating all my old fav- orite dishes. Today I am a different person. My weight is normal. And I am congenial to live with. Had I heard of Fleischmann s Yeast sooner I would have been saved untold misery." Mrs. James Duff Craigie, Winnipeg. Man, 'l'lnursday,- June Money rerunueu Dy um..- las Drug Store and all good drugi gist: if not satised.`