Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Jun 1928, p. 12

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Advertise in The Examiner. ROOMS AND BOARD PROPERTY FOR SALE msruan To LET SEED FOR `SALE FOR SALE Barru. *' 19-24 1 IX Ulip 18-239 nu A III` an- Innis- On HOUSE `T0 PUICNT, with I-mrden and henhnuso. Apply 73 Tl-ffln .S-t.. Allatmlule, 231) WILHUHF Apply '. 23b LFIIM corti- 180:1: 7...-.| ngnl _ Dill`: 28p nun. 2'3.p .111!` ` Bap . ' I ' 1-wnct-mm mas for me, mm` 'hotws' laying White Leghorn: and ; White Plymouth Rocks: largo birds twins into 088! and many at thom._ I Louhornl. 750 for letting: Plymouth .'-Books. 81.15 (or setting or 15 cup. ' _ 8heo.rd'I. Utopia. Ivy nhone. 19-24p I - !`mwm"s awn: TAXI smwncm. '|looa.1 and Jon: dmance. night ma- ;' day. 85 oontuorvloo. Phone 198. 15:11: concznrposrnonzn | The meat cup or and Kiwenie, concert advertise to take, lace at Midhuret '.'1`own `Hall on une 18* has been postponed indenitely owing to the outbreak of measles In Idea llheirnt nni-.v-Int. DWHII B0 UHF Uuuurvun v. in the Midhurst district. E30 REN'I`--*B1'1c~k house, all con- veniences, also garage, at 31 `Eccles St. Apply next cloor.-V 23p emmn AND c=oNoam~m BBIDG-I E8 erected to Government atanderd. t Plane prepared _by competent en- 1 zlneere wlthout extra. expense to .; you. Ptle drlvlnc. eoundrlnc. etc. I vast experience: 114 bridge: com-* pleted ln Stmooe. No job too large { and none too Imell. Let me tlgure on your requlremente ln concrete or} structural steel for any purpose. .1. _ i J. Dumond. general contractor. I Brentwood. Ont. 18-4zp , OAR:PENF1`EB WORK. alterations. anything in -building. tint-olau work. But of reterenoo. Chas. Alex- ander. Phone mow. ` 1s-asp` `ALL KINDS. or 1`RU:C'K wom: dam and live ntock special. (Rates `reanonabm. All stock insured. J., Hunter. Icralgvale. 2'2-as-b I !RAJINvC~OA.'I`S repaired and shorten-' ed; repairing. cleaning and `press- ing: la.d1en' coats shortened and al- | tered: everything a. tailor should do. ; over `Simmons store. A. V. Donald- son. T '23-28p NOTICE TO cnnnnong NOT-ICE rs HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to the "1`rustee Act that- all persons having claims against the Estate of Mary Forsyth, late or the Town or Barrie. in the !County of Isimcoe. widow. who died on or about the second or May, 1928, are requested to send particulars of their claims to `The lchartered !'1`rust and Executor Company. 46 King I-I. MaoLa:-en. Barrie, 0n`t.. the Ex- eoutors. on or before the 29th day or June 1928, after which date the Ex- eoutors will distribute the assets of the estate among those entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. DONALD F. -MaoLARiEiN. HAN:-ulbnn Inn tka .I`.vnnnnI-I ' PURE ALTER-ED_ and roach-od. Ovor !!urlburt'| Shoe Store. mu ll IlnAnu|uI. Itfh I you our mm: no to was 9. week` In your spare time at home writing Ihow cards. No canvassing or :01- loltinc. We lnltruot you and aupply you with work. Write today. The Monhenltt Co. Ltd.. 45 Dominion Building. Toronto. 1Mt!b UVUT IIIIPIDUFI ll. Mon-thur. `W '"7\N'n'o1"I-TE?" '"' In the matter of the estate of Wm. George Luck. late of the town or "Barrie. In the County or Slmcoe. re- tired farmer. deceased. 1\7.n'M1n.1n T If-l"'ll!"mRV mlvnn nun- '1`() `RIDN"I`-Flrst half or all of July, one of the `host c)Ltz1_u,'es at Wasaga. Bunch. (*O.~1kview District), hard- wood floovs. electric ligwlrts. large fire plrloe, runn'1ng water `in each room, ideal location. -S. W. Moore. Bm'z'lo, 2v3b' UULVIUHU L`. 'm.a.uunna:uV. solicitor {or the Executors, Barrie, Ont. DATED the 29th day or 'May,. 1928. . 2'2-24b Nanci; TO cnznrroas; FIFBQ INVFXDUF. IJUUUGIBUU. NOTJJCE IS `HEREBY given pur- suant or the trustee's act that all creditors and others having claims or demands aaainst the estate or the said William George Luck, who died on or wbout the 11th day or April. 19%. at the town or Barrie. are required on or betore the l2Brd day or June AD. 1928. to send -by post pre aid or deliver to the un- ldersigne . solicitors tor the execu- tors of the last will and testament of the said deceased, their names, addresses and full particulars in writing or their claims and the na- tgre of the security it any held by em. AND `TAKE NOVMOE that after suoh last mentioned date the said exeoutons will proceed to distribute the assets 0! the said deceased a- mong the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims oil which they shall then have had notice. 1'\AW\I'\ at Dawn`: Okla 1110!` than | 'lV'lNlJ|&MV INUWVB C X l'l.lI.Ill$V.lJ\.I*&V JJ, Barrie. Ontario, [26-'2'5x Solicitor; for the Executors UUlUUc DA.'1`|ED at Barrie this 10th day 0! May A.`D. 1928. [ RADEN'I-I-UIR|S`'I` & HAMMOND, Rnrrin (M11-.nv-In aces FOR HAHTCI-IING 0301-0 the following: 1927 STAR FOUR COACH, works and runs like new. ____. ---u----A- 1`-- . -`Anna: USED CARS i'5z"c"1{":\71"z'5L'5f 435603 SEDAN, has `good appear- ance and runs splendidly. 1 Allb ll` A V! Fl'Il'\YI I'!.`I'.\YfI 1.. 1926 STA-R_v '1`OUR'I'NG, in exceptionally ne shape throughout. 1926 STAR SIX COUPE- thle is a snappy llttle car ancl good condition throughout. 1925 DODGE SPECIAL` COUPE. balloon tires, looks A and runs good. 1925 FORD 1`-'1`0N"'1`RU~CK, Jenn` A`IAEQII`AA `Yawn `an-5.. 1927 IOAICLAND rCOA'CH for sale. in good condition. Apply Alvin Hammer, Box 175. Barrie. 2'2tfb i' "i~AIiif'i~6T1f1Ei'1i:c3.' Tr; good condition throughout, with new tires. 1928 FORD SEDAN, rugs IIAAJI nn_.o\nIn6A:` ' LUHU FUIVLI -In`!-\.I`V LIVULIR, at overhauled. New bat- 19"& HUDSON supmn sxxl COACH, balloon tires. 1l\lI.A ' I'I'\ YIIIAIKGIHIRNI I` UIVII SVUJIIJD In JULY, ' gnew tires, just re'-paint- `isbs WILLYS KNIGHT. tsev- en passenger sedan. a power- Iu}, roomy car at a. right 1' co. T 928 `STAR `SEDAN. /new tires and betery, runs good. 1 Ann G1 A R lHI\fYI!Y\TIN 3.. 86&, o:_iTnteJ."' L 921 no 1-won mwcx. D..-..A ..-... 1.8..-- 13-8-- a1nn IUEL I"\JlrVIJ J-'&'\I`V I-LI\UU8\t Brand new tires. Price $100. jg): Q11 A so an AA ouuuw --V vv vnuvuu --vv Yuvvu romp SEDAN. I- rlce $1oo. w--V: -V:-yvw-yr --.vw V-qyv. ion: prolent car as part payment. Terms arranged to suit purchaser. hzuj -- 4s'1=.7lz:I'mh sz.-.15.. an --v--u -wvv--v v-- u-- w-gv I524 pom: ROADSTER, has many `luau Iluulv -|nn'_nnhn4-_ IUEO FVIIVIJ DIE. good, u- ainted. nnq E\f\ '15 1 F FAJRM FOR ISALE. 150 acresln pas- ture. Will sell 100 or 50 to suit pur- cllasor. Two never-falling creeks. well nfencod. Apply to E. Wharram. Allandule, -Ont. 18-23p *!AR9|-P..H!U- -uZAn9Lnt!nJ-__ iusczummzous Itfb wL'vvu DU UIUHU CHEN.` OIIICU3 GVUFX Tednesday afternoon during Nuns, July, August and Septem-v `bar. Y 23b -8- 11131--.. _A.__- -1 LL- urn--- I D --For lumbing and heating, ring 214. . J. Neelands, 48 Blake Street. Prompt attention to re- pairs. ` 18tfb __\TA" `fnnnnvhaau vavun n1\no iwgileil. Yellowlees, piano tgxtru, will be in `Barrie and vicinity June 11. Orders left at J. G. Keenan`: .Music,1Store. ' 23b -The Dentists of Barrie have weed to close their offices every Hnnunu 1:94-nunnnn Anednln IVUUHUIJ UUBIEIIGDUU `H3 5 runs. I Hon. Wm. Finlayson will visit Barrie tomorrow to complete ar-' rangeme-nts for the Warden e Out- ing which this year will leave Bar- rie by motor on the morning of June 22 for a tour along the Fer- iguson Highway. IMo1r urn`: a (`mu nan` v-nan!-L J-Rn TH! IARRII IXAIMNAII IICIII usn. The .Varsity Collegians danc: `orchestra, of Barrie. `plays at the Dardanelia Pavilion at Wasaga Beach every Wednesday and Sat- urday night during June. ` I The lnnrvin. |f`.nnmn'n "vial-N-1-n EXPI3RIID1\'IC'ED \VA'I'1`ER wanted for the G)1f'Club. Phone 506. 23b .-:j- uruay llvlglllv uunng JUNE- ` The 'Barrie- `Collegiate Institute staff and their guests motored to 'Muskoka Wharf on Saturday last where they took a boat trip .around the Lake. calling at! `Bela anti Muskoka Lodge. unndulnu. !..&.....l....-.I 1..- 1\-.....L-.' QVUUVV IXIMKIID EIIU ruuurumu Dill!` in `Council requests the Parks` Commission to take over the land on the south side of \Holgate St.` recently designated as a Park. I "An WI n`:v\`nlvL-unn `IV: 1v:n:`- guauu n.I5'uwu_y. | | 'May was a dry. cool month, the temperature being one degree be-i low the average and. the rainfall of 1.21 inches but `half the usual` `May precipitation. `Highest tem- erature was 84 on the 4th and owest 26 on the 7th. I II .._..I ll ... 11-..--- 117.11--.. UEI3 `DU ` -Lois Wilson. star of the Cow ' ered Wagon. will be at the Cap- itol Theatre next Monday, Tues- day and Wednesday in The Ging- ham Girl." 1: TL. 1Y-....I.-. lN-II_..2-.... .!-..-- IN. IN} HILUBH I.JUuUo ' A motion introduced by Deputy`-' Reeve Knight and Alderman Blair {K lnnnn I1A.III1AI`lI `Ln Dnulln` IUWUSU BU UH DIIU ll-III: ; --Mr. and Mrs. Horace Wilson. `present Hildreth Lennox in an or- gin-al concert-programme in pi- a'no. vocal and elocution assisted .by Mr. R. Waddell. tenor. in Col-` `liar Street United `Church, on Thursday. June 14. at 8 pm. Tick- ets at Ro'bertson s Druec Store 23b a Rev. J. J. Black conducted man. 1 U143 NU IVUUUIWSUII H lJl'UK' DDUI-'3 6OU Rev. J. J. Black conducted spec- ial Sunday School anniversary services at Victoria Harbor Unit- ed Church on `Sunday. The pulpit a of Collier Street United Church was occupied on Sunday morning` bv Rev. J. S. Harrington of the Bible "Society and in the evening by Rev. E. J. Whan. | DENNIS KEELEY I Death came `very suddenly on Wednesday evening. -May '30, I192-8. to Dennis IKee-ley. aged '69 years. His sudden death -came rats a. distinct shock to his many `friends as de- ceased had been up and around ` within an hour or so of his -death. . `In Innings [On rnnunnn .1-vi... Inc. an 'Au.ANDAu-: TAKES CLOSE GAME FROM CHURCHILL` WILHIII ll IIULIIJ UL` gu U1 xua uuauu. | He leaves Ito mou-rn Ms loag an aged rte.-ther, W. `R. Keeley. Barrie; `three brothers, Henderson `of Ed- monton. A1ta., `Alfred of Alllston, and William of Elm-vale. -from whose home interment took place on xsalturday, June 42. H I _, , , _ WANTED--+Cook-general for sum- mer mouths at Shanty Bay. Refer- ences l`6qul1'ec1. Apply immediately. M118. R. Wood. 26 `Colin Ave., Torggl; to. RIOISS-At R.V. Hospital, June 8, L928. Violet May Ross, aged 42, daughter of Thomas Brennan and Ella. Gilllrle, Township of Essa.` funeral at Angus, Tuesday, June` I Allandvale defeated Churchill 4-3` last night in a `County Softball x- ture. It was one of the hardest fought games ever played on a local diamond. WH.I'C I11 UUHLFC LIUHJ. J.U 1.ll1 Chur`.chi11-4G. Constable, r.f.; Reive, 21b; J. IRelve. p.: E. Wonch. 3~b: L. Graham. `lb: ~W. IC`onsta-ble,` 1.2.: H. Sloan, e; W. -Stewart, c.f.; `Ru HVLVU, B.`-Vs Camp Boz`den--II-vloward. c; Bey-| era, 2b: aSma.ll, 31b; O'*Donahue. `Lb; White. r~f.; fsawyer, `s.s,; cscanlon, p; ' M*cCalIum, l.f.; Partridge, c.f. wvuw nu, ------you-v At New Lowell on Wednesday` , night of last week uElmvale came out ' on the short end of a 16-6 score. The | first inning resulted in `two runs `for! p Elrnvale, but `in t.he third inning I New Lowell tied the score. Fnom ` then on `New Lowell hit the ball hard and` the game ended with New Lowell far In the lead. Home runs 1* by Hart and J. Walker featured the g game. It was a. northern group, `County League game. First Bowling Tournament Aliandale bowlers fared well in the first lawn bo-wling tournament. of the season wt Stayner yesterday, C. W. Poucher's rink carrying of! .the honors against rinks from Owen Sound. -Collingwood. Mea.ford. Cree- more and istayner. Mr. Pouc'her had V with him A. Ferguson, B. Thompson and A. Marshall. The rink skipped !by H. Appleton was third. Oscar Bernhardvs Collingwood rink was .second and Bryce's Creemore rink '1 fnln-Wk uv-vv -vvvwu , nvuuuu Last Friday evening New Lowell came to town and took Barrie into camp in proper fashion. score being 14-Ll. Barrie made 27 errors and its only run was scored by Barnes on 9. New Lowell error. Speck, the New Lowell hur1er,1s a speedy pitcher and is -the bladkbone of his team. New Lowell Ihlas not yet lost a. game this season. In the Southern Group of the! County-'So'ft*bal1 League Churchill defeated Icamp `Borden in its first home game 31:5-I5. It was a heavy vhitting contest, both pitchers being touched freely. Wonch. with a hom- er, triple and three singles was the batting star, .whll-e ?M. Reive had 9. triple and three lsingles. The fielding features were supplied by W. Ste- [wart in centre field. `Teams: l'VInnnnkH1:Jr1 f`nnmfn-'\1A n 9 - M 5UUUHu 1 \ fourth. LOCAL NEWS Illllilllilii I j WA1\"'l`4I`3D -- A lnvge uufuvnlshed mum for :1 mun for h0uaekeepln zz.- In it quiet pl.wr~. away from the rail- wuy. rent nmclmuam, Apply Wm, Burns, 147 Nuirn Ave., Toronto. 231) Heintzman & Co.oandv Gerhard I-Iein-tzman Recommendations. Orders will receive prompt ` attention. _ L -_:1.--4 --g: PIANOS TUNED [AND REPAIRED New Lowe-|| 16; Elmvale 5 \v-.__ .__.II A _ :11-v__1.___. New Lowell-14, Barrie 1 _; vw_.:_1_ ____..l____ \v..._ 1' _ J. A--- :A.--- axvuvouuu Churchill Wins Opener LL- S;...Ll_.-..._ `OPP. POST `OFFICE- ' OBITUARY Tfiliiif at B1CH1lUu. . ` ` Q] - , Mrs. Wxlhston and W. 'C. Rich- 1 ` D . ardson have been friends for many 1 V %`it5." years and the latter s name was amp lire used when the salesman called at g: `eh {"5 Mrs. Wi1liston s -home in Anten| * 6 an .Mills on March 10, 1927. Stu. - T1- nnnnn .0 aka unnn C-un:n 1:15;` ` SUMMER ACCOMMODATION - Anyone having summer cottages. houses or rooms to rent during the tuu1'l.~xL Hnusull kindly notify A. H Felt, Hec1'~Lu1_'y I3n1'1'le Board of [`|vurlu bl Still another evidence of the al- ha leged nefarious manner in which Vgry slick mining stock salesmen ply ' "3 their trade in the smaller centres tm' came to light at the `Court `House 23* .Tuesday when `Mrs. Ellen Willis- C"" ton, a widow of Anton Mills. took 989' the stand in Division Court and ;5' told how she was induced to sign "3" a note for stock. a ``special issue." which was to double in price when _ listed within three months. The 'th stock was never delivered and 533 Mrs. Williston is being sued for- $242.35, the value of the note,I `which W. `C. Richardson of {Barrie} ifute says he accepted from the sales- 'lt man, one Kattz. giving his (Mr. st Richardson's) personal cheque in ,t iP exchange. . Bala. "Mr... xx7n1:e+... A w .n mate-" WIDOW SAYS' SHE WAS FL!-`ECED BY sucx SALESMAN [Gave Note in of Shares in V Mine. .$VJ..lH.3 U11 `LVLMIIUII LU, lla I j He came off the noon train and introduced himself." said Mrs. ,Williston. He said Mr. Richard- son sent him to me, and that inas- much as ?I was already the owner of 600' shares in the Gowganda- Duggan lsilver Mines. Limited. I was privileged to get in on" a special issue of stock at 75 cents. 11'- ..-.'.I LL-L I..- 7..-- 1 1.1.- ..A..._1. I3]-JUUIGL ISSUE UL SDUUIS NU IU Ullluo He said that by June 1 the stock would `be listed on the exchange at $1.50 a share. ` 1 ``A4- va T :NAnN- can HR`! than never gave a note in my life be-` `fore, but he said that they were` IPJ-oUU G Blllfa At first I didn't see my way clear, but he was a uent talker and I was nally convinced. He said I would be losing a great deal by not purchasing and that he did not want to go back to Mr. Rich- ardson without making the sale. I being accepted from people who did not have the ready cash. T IIIQE rlI1'k:nna nl-u-n1& `Ya!-I-an kn`- UIU. HUD IIQVU hue IURUJ U213. I was dubious about Kattz, but` I `had all faith in Mr. Richardson, continued Mrs. Williston. `He was `an old friend and an old` neighbor. BYIRNES--At the xmv. 'Hosp1ta.1,' Barrie, on Friday, June 1. 1928, to Rev. 'Dr. J. 'D. and Mrs. Byrnes, 182 Elizabeth lSt., a son (Donald Bruce). _ CUNNINGHLAM -- At Cookstown, Tuna R |109.Q o Anna-hfnn tn f\/In June 6, I192-8, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Al-vin Cunningham. MOORE--\A.t the RV. Hospital, Barrie, on `Tuesday, June 5, 19:28. to Mr. and Mrs. J. Moore. 170 Major Si ... `Toronto. a. daughter. M~EEK'l3NG - In Victoria. B.IC.. on | June -5, E19128, to Mr. and `Mrs. Gor- . don Meeking, 9. son. * 0A~KI.iEY--aIn (Barrie, on `Saturday, June 2. 1928. to `Mr. and Mrs. Per- sy Ioakiey, asantord ISL, 9. daugh- - er. QTJ-IN-`LA~N--A't the R. V. Hospital. Barrie. on Isunday, June 3, 1928, to `Mr. and Mrs. .105. Quinlan, Bar- rie. Rm. `1. a daughter. ROBLN'SOcN-In `Barrie, on Satur- -day. June '2, 1928, `to Mr. and -Mrs. `Clifford IRIobinson, 100 Victoria 'St.. a daughter. ` *S"nRu.-OH`AE\T-a0n `Thursday, June 7, 1928, to Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Stra- chan, `14'5 Duniop Si`... Barrie. a son. `\JU&V'LV`1LVLYl1.L'i.LV1 AL `UUUKHLUWII, ' L` L111.-1J"l.1| 1U V1115 '1l1CIl1U1'y UL dear husband, 'James Ford, who passed away June 8,` 1907. Remembrance is a golden chain. Death tries to break, - but all in vain, Memories drift to scenes long past, `Time rolls on, but memories last. 00.. 1"__-1_.__ n-v1n_ SMALL HOUSE TO IJET, all con- veniences. Apply Mrs. IR. :13. John- ston, 12 1300195 SL, phone -579W. 23b FOR -SAJLE-C.lyde illy, 2 yearns old, by `Tara `Baron; also Clyde mare /in `foal. due June 114. J. A. Lees. phone 9081'-A5. T 2'31) I IEIJPI-IIlCK-JEBEP.'T-In Detroit, on Tuesday afternoon. May 29. 1928, Walter Elphlck, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Elphlck of Utopia, to %lss Adella Ebert of Springfield, BA"I`TEN-4WALLA'CE--On :Satur- day, June 2. 19:28, at the Church of 'St. Mary Magdalene, -Napanee. Ont.. by the Rev. R. J. Dumbrille and. the `Venerable lA-rchdeacon Coleman of Kingston, Helen Brandon Wallace, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.-Thos. -Beattle Wallace, Plety `Hill, N-apanee, and grand- daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Brandon, to Reginald Alex- ander Batlten. son of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Campbell Batten of 80 Wyohwood Park, `Toronto. ,MiOR:REN--In ever loving remem- brance ot our dear mother, Mrs. Elimbeth `Marten, who passed away June 8, 1925. nnt- vrI__,._ -_,,I ~\-.__.1_;-., :FORD--In loving Iniemory of my -dnqv hnsnhnnd Lfnmna w.-ma rurhn. REYNOLDS---In evetr loving `re- 5 membrance of our dearly `beloved wife and mother, Mrs. Jos. Reyn- olds, who passed away June 4. 1927. I June brings sad memories, Of a loved one gone to rest, But she .-will always be remembered By -those who loved her best. 2-3b --lEver remembered by [LI-Iuaband\_ and Family `Trinity `Church Parish Aid wish to thank New Dreamland Theatre for the very successful benefit giv- en to them lanst week. 231) Mr. and `Mrs. |% IR. Matthews wish -to thank their many Iriends an.d ~neighbor.s Ifor -kindness extend- ed to them during their recent be- reavement. 231) W .-`R Fkaninv and anna 11191-11: .+n l'I=dVlllUllLn 91) W..;R. Keeley and sons Wish -to thank their many friends and neigh- bors of Barrie, also people of ~E1m- vale, for kindness shown_ in their re- cent as-ad bereavement. 123-}: Mrs. Wilfred Cunningham wishes to express `her sincere appreciation of the `floral tributes and of the sympathy and great kindness shown by imemibers of Cookstown Masonic Lodge, -neighbors and other friends in connection with the illness and death of `her husband. 28p C`OW7ARD-On Friday, June '1, 1928. at Dr. Allan Brown's Hospital, `Toronto. -"infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. `Geo. Icoward (formerly of Craighurst), aged 8 months. Interment took -place in Prospect cemetery, Toronto, on Sunday, June 3. ' - 2323 CARDS OF THANKS IN MEMORIAM SUMWER ~CO"1"I.`AG'E `TO RIENT at Big Bay Point; furnished, also wat- er in cottage. Apply to A. B. Moysey & Co., McKlnnon Bldg., `Toronto. nnr 9")-`)'In if -"S<;1v1-sw and Daughter. W"_`W'.?.'? ":;;;;g'"5;ge' Payment Silver f,"I signed the note on the under- s_ istanding that it was a ten-day op- , tion to purchase the stock. Mr. ii; Kattz promised to return in two `days or to hone `from Toronto or h_ - Montreal. hen he did neither I W became suspicious and wrote Mr. is Richardson that -`I wished to with- `; ,draw from the deal and to cancel 9` the note. nil NFL-` L-1-..-- -1 It..- `tr.-n:-;____v_ ' UHU llUUUo `The balance of Mrs. Wi1liston s evidence covered,a year, part of which she spent in Detroit. A let- ter was put in evidence from Mr. Richardson stating that Kattz had taken the note to Toronto, but he admitted on the witness stand that he had discounted the note him-` self and banked the proceeds after he had given the salesman his per- sonal cheque. : 'I'J'au- 13n.'J.L 3... 'lM':..... auucu uucque. Has Faith in Mine Mr. Richardson is a director in_ the `Gowganda-Duggan Silver Mines. There is a shaft down at the property 335 feet. he said. and equipment consists of two 65 'h.p. steam boilers to operate the hoist. The special issue of stock was to buy a mill. I would not take a .dollar a share for my stock. said .Mr. Richardson, whose eyes bright- |of the property. ened when asked to tell something: TIA in-us unnn4- Ms. L. L..1I --_._ VJ. uuv pruperuy. Do you want me to tell you something about the mine? he I asked eggerly. KT:-\ RIVA 311:5 Iuvnuln 6-,. 1pm.... .-.L_L GBAUU uuguny. . No, We just want to know what equipment and machinery you have there," replied Mr. Ham- Imond, who appeared for Mrs. Wil- iliston. Judgment was reserved. AN ~OVERLA~I\D 'RO4A~DSi'1`ElR `will be up for auction, 1Sz1tu1`duy morn- ing. June 9, 'Buol1z1m1n's Garage. 28b u-own-v (F#------- `J ;._....... ,. nu vvvvvvvvuvvv~ - ~ - - Wednesday. Half Holidaji We, the undersigned Merchants, dealers in HARD- WARE, PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS, WALLPAP- ER and SPORTING GOODS, have arranged to close our stores at 12 O CLOCK NOON ON WED- NESDAYS - during the" months of JUNE, JULY, AUGUST-and SEPTEMBER, except where another holiday comes in the same week. Respectfully submitted: H"UBBARD S HARDWARE T. E. HARLEY o'rroN HARDWARE co. URRY BROS. ROBINSON .-HARDWARE JNO. L. comav SPECIALS FOR JUNE 8th, 9th and 11th LIGHT YELLOW SUGAR (St. Lawrence) . . 5 lbs. 30 CORN, Choice Quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 for 25 FRY S COCOA, 3/gs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 for 45 PEAS (Barton Brand) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 for 21 CAMPBELL S VEGETABLE SOUP . . . . . . . . 2 for 25 VI-TONE, 16-oz. tin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 SARDINES (Rough Rider Brand) . . . . . . . . . . 3 for 35 SALMON, Eagle Brand, tall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 for 65 LIBBY S (medium size) PORK AND BEANS 3 for 35 SNOWFLAKE AMMONIA (regular 15c size 3 pkgs. 30 FRUITO JELLY POWDER . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 for 25 PLUM JAM (pure) 4-lb. tin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 49 AYLMER TOMATOES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 tin: for 40 SHOES, good grade Heavy Work Boots . . . . . . . . $2.69 PHONE YOUR ORDER - WE DELIVER FREE Phone 185 : BARRIE : 139 Dunlap St. We are booked full until June 25 and have booked orders for July. We advise booking at once, as, requiring more capacity for duck hatching, our offer of chicks from our high-producing and healthy farm flock will be withdrawn when orders go below a certain point. JULY CHICKS, if fed on our Kelvinside Special Sum- mer Chick Mash, on sale at Brown & Co s. Feed Store, will grow fast. . Ask your Agricultural Representative of the Money-malo ing Possibilities of July and even August Chicks, raised for Market Purposes. Peop!g _s_ Q;-Operative Store 84 Penetang St. BARRED ROCKS JULY CHICKS 10c EACH Guaranteed Used Cars CAR FOR `SAJIJE-1C'h1'yslez' '58 tour- ing. 4-wheql brakes, in first-class condition. Apply at Buchanan's G:1my,'8. 2'31) VAUGHAN MOTORS LTD. !S!!!nSid.n!!aIc!Ierx STARS - CHEV S. -- FORDS - ESSEX TOURINGS AND SEDANS BEST PRICES IN `BARRIE SEE us BEFORE YOU BUY Your old car as part payment. Terms if desired; [USED CAR LOT QUALITY o a der \ .1, 1 BARRIE NOTICE TO DQG 9vv_1~{1;:_' .1`: 1-.rn wry r~\v:.~ Much credit is due eight young men of the Tuxis group, in the Clapperton St. Baptist church, who conducted the morning services last Sunday. It being the observance of Father's Day in the church, they very aibly pointed out the many ex- amples of fatherhood in the bible. They also spoke of a. father's love and a son's respect to his father. All present received an insplratio and are justly proud of these boys who were willing to testify of their faith in Jesus Christ. VI".--.\ . not oL.A kn.-,~. n-n vvn an eunuch "W55 A"? !-TTF,9`3 In l\V1'\I"\1'\`r*< v__ BARBED VR~OCI{-S, 18 cents each. Also 2-week old chicks for 22-c. FATHER'S DAY OBSERVED AT BAPTIST CHURCH __ . _1__,A -__-._.. PICIIBIIIE, LUI UIICL klllCLo lot the congregation . choir seats, making | quite complete. `QI`T~IZE'N|S are hereby notified that a dog catcher is being put on the streets at once to seize, 1m-pound and if necessary destroy all tagless and o'wne.r1e-ss dogs which have be- come a nuisance and a menace to gardens and lawns. 23b ALEX. S`TIEVVA`R`T, Chief Of Police Barrie, June 7. 1928. mum in Jesus Cnrlst. Two of the boys gave a Very` pleasing Coronet duet. Some fathers of occupied the .choir the services |n..nIon n.\.;-..1n6n -qeurnanu 1351:. Jun`, A 5 `Inn 31121 TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up to 12 o'clock noon of Saturday, June 16. 192-8, for part of lots 6 and 7, West Owen Street, Barrie, according to `Register No. 17392. Large 101'. and brick dwelling and stable on same. `The highest or any tender not necessarily accept- ed, but no reasonable offer will be refused. \ .T .15`? A I'\71`I"\|1'TT| 3 fVI'\'Y`l ? A \ I1 23-2-ib Op. Capitol Theatre it'll. AIJEXA'N'DER COWAN, lb `Solicitor, Barrie, Ont. SERVICE Thursday, June 7, 1923. J3l\1\l IUJJ 4\r`Ll \4l\'DU, 40 UUHFS UQUIII J. Hammond, Allandale, lot 2. 14th line. Innlsfil. 281) Phone 10%.] \J1\`kI '\.lULA'l\ lift 1'L2111`4\ I a ll UH`? pvicea, Bzuwed Rock, $18 per 100. S.C`.. White Leg,'.1mrns. $15 per 100. White Leghorn eggs for setting 600 for 13. or $4.00 1301` 100, `R, H. `Bran- don, Oro Station R.-R. 18-2'3!) FA R.\/I FOIR S.~\LaE- 5, Vespra, 1 mile from B:u'1'ie; 53 acres, small roug`}1oa1.st house, barn '86 x60,'wate1': 8 acres fell wheat, meadow 2'5 acres, ovclmx'd 1 21-ore: \Vlll take house in Bewvln `in M1m1't trade". `Sell `with crop. Terms easy. Richard Duly, R. R. 3. B:11'1'le. 23-28p T GOOD GNRAGE wanted D1` .'.|1(n 1 1 Q1] LIL) {J I15`! LI Phone 1139. u-:- USED UPRIGJHT PIANO in ROM} omulitlon. Apply M". Examiner Office. one cent a word, cash. each tutor- tton. (minimum charge. No); It: insertions tor the price of tour. 190 extra when charged: also 100 extra. when replies are dtreotod to_ The Examiner Ottloo. (X. K.- Ont. TO LE'I`--Nice six-roamed house. In good nr=!gh|boz'hood: convenience: and garden. Immediate possession. Low rent. Apply 152 Baytield `St. Phone 928J. 28p OR0 IC H IIC%I( HA`-'I"C I-IERY. June nnLuna nI')IlII|A Dnnlr QTR nan `Inn Y.tEA.'R-ODD GR'EY `.1-LIJIIFER and year -old grey `steer strayed from east halt lot 22. con. 7, Essa. Harvey Co'rbett. Utopia RR. 1. I 231) PO1.`I`CE IDOG IPUPVS for sale, males. Apply IC. D. Raikes. Omo phone 15-28. Rmvvvla. Q-Rn FAR-M FOR SALE-100 acres in 3rd and 100 acres in 4th concessions of Flos, 100 acres under cultivation. 100 acres bush, -good arable land. crop already in, brick house, bank barn 50x65, frame barn.40x60, pig pen. implement shed. Apply Mrs. J. T. Marley. Phelpston. 22-'29p FOB SALE_-`Sow with seven pigs, 5 weeks old. Richard Pearson, Al- lzmdale RR. -2. V 28.1: j SI-IOR'TIHIORN COW. 6 years old, fresh: Holstein. 7 years old. due June 10. Apply J. fl`. Qu1n1an,IR.R. 1. Barrie. ` A - '.`Z{8b F0`R _|S4~AJIJE--4Henv,v horse, rising` 8 years. Ed. McLaughlin. `Vest End. 2'3-24p I`E.\'U-ICRS *\\"An.\"IVI'3D for five tons of No, 1 I urnam~ cmll to be delivered to Suhnol Sm.-L101! No. 5. sevonth line, Ve.~m1'.'l, no 121101` than August 81. Loxvest; or any tmzder not necessm'- lly accepted. Llnyd 'I`hom1).~10n. RR. 2, B-u'rle. ' 23~24b Page Twolvo aii%$wwwww&www: E ADLET COLUMN` 5 a$wa&wwpgg%i -I. g-` LIVE STOCK FOR SALE PROPERTY TO LET Lggr AND FOUND FARMS FOR SALE "HELP WANTED `AUTOMOBILES BABY CHICKS V1E _ BRUW1\' .IaI*}A"l`lHE'R BAG LOST on Peuotum: St., oonmlnlng $10 bill and cheque. Rowuvtl. Phone 357. 231) to buy. 23b wanted. to Box 00_0Qn mru UL 18-2'4b LU pun 22-23p UIFUIILUQ 22-27p J"6I-lg 2-Sp FOR SALE--`Electric wwshmc ma- chine, In good condition. Telephone 637. ` up g j VVu\GON' FOR 'SAiLE-Good an-out Onntn nmamn ma \ln1'.auahl,In Tall FU1RN'ISHlED ICIOTTAJGE for sale or` to let at M1net ~s Point. large ver- andarh, Me supplied. E. B. Reynolds. 79 Mary St.. `Bar-r1e., Telephone 1072. 21-'2'6p SAFE. medium size, [good as now:` two showcases, Auto Knitter, motor sewing machine. Aladdin lamp. lot compvtinx scailes. must be sold thin week at Tuck -s Barrie Fair. 213-2159 I ' LOVS"I`-~I31'0wn leather olub bag. five miles west of 'Bzu'x'le. on Wedge)- duy evonlxw.'. June '6, |.VI1`S. A. ` - dlll. Gxenculrn, Ont. 2*3b FOR SAI4E-First-c1a=ss horse-povr or buy and straw press. As I have no fuvthev use for same It will be sold at a fourth of its value; also good wooden pump and quantity of wire. Box 59. Barr-le. 21-B8-D FOR SAME IOIR lR|EN"1`-- A very onumfovtttble b1'lckhouse of 6 rooms. centrally situated 'ln Allandale, "I oonvtmiences. Phone or call 4'6 `Lo - 1811 St.. Btu'rle. `Q3-`2'4x_a ; W~ALiULV run 'Bl\u.uu-Rtuuu Iwuul * team wagon. Ed. Mobauzhun. Wont End. 21-249 | T FOR SALE-A wheeled hand cum- vator. In good condition. Apply 1-1.. A. Sims. 2813 TWO ROOMS for rent over the Standard Bank. Modern conven- iences. 19tfb COAL OI-L `STOVE. A101` sale, P6!`-' faction. 2-burner `with oven. Apply 56 Owen ISt.. Barrie. V 239, FOIR SAME.-Ontario shtnglel. cedar 1 fence poats: also`one tent. 14:20.- four-foot wall. D. McLean, Ba.rrh.i' DID `I nhnnn QDRIVQI 19-2`!!! I-UUl"LUUlv Wlh 'lJc IVJUI Rm. 1. phbne 908r21. BARN ma smnm. size ssxoo. am- uated on lot 22. con. 4. Vespra, 1% miles from Barrie. For partloullrl apply W. G. How. Barrio. Phone` 793. V 21-249 BOAT FOR SALE. 18"ft.. varnished. cedar: 2 pairs oars and paddlez` good as new. Apply to John Cald-, wall. 2nd com. `Ovo, Shanty Bay. Bull. 2. V ` 289 SILV`lC1-I DiESSEl`*l'I` `SPOON lost bmvn-en Dunlup St. and Golf course on V\Vod1wsduy. Finder kindly leave at I'3x:tminex' Offlcn, 231) '1\O tI?JEN`T-V--`Nice, clean 6-room apartment on second floor. `S. W. Moore. _ 28b KVUkJVL J-Ll U-41111.. Wllvll Ul' W6` bvettkfastz all Ioonlvenlences. .4 52 Worsley St. or phone 8`55W. DOOLEY rPO'IW'1"O~ES for sale. grown from certified seed. '1 `have for sale 1200 `bags of this -stock, will sell -by carload lot -or will truck in truck load lots. excellent sample. Tliese potatoes willlmake excellent seed or ta'ble use either. Enquiries may :be made by writing to Milton Murphy. RJR. 4. Icookstown or phone Beeton 49v2. 2`2-'28:) MIXED SLABS for sale. 85 cord.` delivered in `Barrie, 11/9 load. Georlol Finlay. Midhurst. Ontario. Phone 602v31. , '22-'27p FOR vSALE---0ne set new harneu wltwout 'breec.h1ng. will scan less. than cost: also oak bed. good at new. Apply 196 Elizabeth ISL 28p `moon TO LET. with or without hnnnlrf nn|-v nil nnnnuuonlnnnnu Av\v\'Iu SEED PIO'1`A"1`QES for sale. Cobblers: also 'Dooleys, from 4 tied-seed. Phone 891. BAY !SHv0lBuE I-LO"I` in Barrie con- bnlnlnm nun nnnn .Pnn nah: An II On `VJ u vie. ' | FOR ISALE--Five acres, nicely ult- natn Innnan tnmn umtmv Alanfwln I4OST--~Brown mare with white stvip dnwn face, lmlter `was on, stmyed from my pu'e111i.w,q In Allis- ton, May 31. Any one knowing her whermllmut will be rewarded. A. B. \Veu1he1'u1). Alldston. 28-24p l"Utl |Bl\.1.Jl!J""J."lVB &Ul'H, IHUUIJ IlF' uated house. town water. electric light and outbuudlngs. Box 574. Rnnnln Ont 13-Qh uauh auu Barrie, Ont. HOUSE FOR SAIIJE-Isolid brick, duplex, all conveniences, 8 minute! l from post office. Sacrifice for quick; sale. Enquire P.O. Box 921, Bar- rie. ? ' 21-2'89 l"l`\.'J-'U`I\v`IHg `I-'UlUHll VVU-I-VF) plenty shade, two miles tram Al- landale. A-pply J. Hammond, Allan- rhln 13,04, T.nr 2_ 14-th line. Innin- PA-STURE foxv horses and cattle.` E1/, of lo`: 14, Icon. 5, Vespra, zoogl wwter. Apply to A. B. uCo'utts. box 158, ofice phone "281, residence 1~368W. ` 20-22b. SMALL 'CO'I`*'I`A-GE `for sale at Ced- ar Harbour. iFov particulars ap ly to Harold Hill, Barrie. `Sb I _ Al *B1'1'U|Ivl-`J =uUL HI uJru's'&u, vuu-` minim: one acre -for sale. App}; to. ar- M. Gordon, '29r8 Bayflelcl ISt.. _ Ivln 23!! BUILDING LOT, FOR SALE with stable on property. opposite shoe factory on Dunlovp St. Apply C. G.` S-ts:-ange, 89 Toronto St.. televlphone 258J. 8-23b. G-OOD PAS"1`U'RJE, running water. nlnnl-v uhnn I-urn mllnn .frnm Al. uulutuu. lllllly ll: IICIUUIIIUHH, dzlle P.O.. Lot 2, 14th line, fl]. FORD ISEDAN FOR SALE. newly painted and upholstered. all parts reconditioned, Phone 310. 23b SMIAIJL IBAJRN 'FOFR XS-A'IJE. 20 `ft. by 60 ft., 14 ft. posts. 'W. Brennan. lllhlllvnf 2'33) uy uu I-Ln Mldhuvst. 63 HIGH S'1`.-Brlck house with 9,1! conveniences. new furnace. MID` wired for electric stove. good lot` and garage. central location. Apply} E. H. Braden, 63 High St. 19ttbi PASTUIRE T10 IRIENT. |Apply I21 Poyntz St. or phkme 1084W. 20-269` I COTTAGE `F011 SALE at Aloona. Beach, Lake islmcoe. turnlshecbl closeto water, screened verandah, 4 rooms. Must be sold -to settle estate. For particullars. apply Bo: I882.` Barrie. -22-24b ! 50 AIORES. BA*R'GAJI`N. $450. with three-!'oomed -house, location out half or wes~tvha1:,ot lot 1-5. concen- aion -7. Vespva township. Two miles . ivom Midhurst statiom Easy -terms may be `had by reliable party. For further particulars write sterling` Development Co. Ltd.. 77 Victoria St" I I FOR SALE-`Six-roamed aolid brick house, one- lace bathroom; good` location. 29.0 ng Queen's Park; dou- ble lot with garage tor two can. A9913! Albert Alexander, 44 Small. St.. Barrie. -Phone 980.)`. 18--28p" LJLIJ -L'l`$\J$`J BLISS `Ella!-J5`-J1` l'UVlI_ and summer kitchen, .le.rse`cello.r, garage or 2-stall stable. phed attach- ed. pig pen, cistern. large henhoulo. quarter acre raspberry canon. The lot is 95 teet front. 285 feet deep. Price $1800. pa-rt cash. App1yA.v Robbins, Cundles. = 222289` HOUSE FOR SALE In one at but` locations in Barrie. eight-rocnnod brick house, double parlor, kitchen, dining:-oom, tour bod rooml. I-M000 bath. furnace and trim collar: double garage: large lot. Agni! Henry 82 Comm _ ttx CO".I".l`AG`E FOR `S-ADE-4 rooms: GUI!` nuunnrunnn Inlinknn 1aIIuA'nAn 1' U: L, I`rum,

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