Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 31 May 1928, p. 8

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UIIGV-PUIUE C0tlCll. Mr. and Mrs. A. Marling and ram- y spenusunda-y at `C-rover Hill. Mr and -Mrs, Stewart n non of !`!`l6l'!(lS Inere. ' I Mrs. Chas. I-Iindle, :Sr.. is confined to her :bed through illness. "Mn and `Mr: `l'c`.l\l naa nf T.nn- ,don called on Chas; I-Ilndle last to He!` `DEG IHFUUEH uuleau. `Mr. and Mrs. E; M. Ross of Lon- week. ' `Inn `bninguv L. unnrbina n natu- WEEK.- Jas. Rainey is sporting a, new. Chevrolet coach. "in and `Iran A 1\l| n\~Hna- nn fnvn- |y 3"]JUIlL..'uuuu-y at \/IUVVI.` Luu. ' Mr. and Mrs. Stewart arid non of SUITE, - $4.50 `Cleaning up Cemeteries . ___..._I_ -17 -I...-..!..~ u... I... p 29 pr. vlouvuv Thou. Moore, Wm. Coughlin and better `$1.45.; 9Tr!EsvA ,1 II.-- BOYS HEAVY RIBBED BLACK STOCK-*1 INGS. Basement Special . . . . . . . . . . 25 pr. % LADIES SLICKERS on Sec ond_F1oor.J _ Extra Special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $2.79 BOYS OVERALLS AND SMOCKS, sizes*2 to 10 years.` Basement Special . . . . . . . . 29cj KIDDIES DRESSES AND ROMPERS. Basement Special . .i . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 49 MEN S COLLARS, "Arrow and Tooke Brands, linen and soft. Reg. 25c. Basement Special 1c EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR LIGHTHOIE SMOCKS AND OVERALLS. Reg. $2.50 gar. Saturday only, on Main Floor. A Q1 nn ..__- 1's{t'r'C";ae"c'i}ii I Thin In a particularly intoredting policy, 1"!`E.E f`.". . `.`?i`.`.`}}:$?`1`1`3."f3'ff` .7 JUST ARRIVED a full shipment of LADIES" DRESSES, including Crepes and silks. All re- duced this week-end. J , BOYS KHAKI BLOOMERS AND PANTS. Basement Special . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 69 ' Richmond Hill and Mrs. Tupper and` the Misses Tupper of Elgin Mills spent Sunday" with Mrs. Maggie Hlnclle, who is also entertaining her "sister, Mrs. Redpath of Sulnnidale. M Mr. and Mrs. W. J. \dcMaster and family, accompanied by Mr. and . Mrs. J. W. Merrick and family of: Barrie, spent Sunday at Howard Cooper's. .1 `TV (`nnnnv nf Tdrnnv-|+n1n la vie. buupc-1` B. J. `W. Cooper of Edmonton is vis- iting with friends here and in Cookstown. H.A. JARVIS is Discontinuing the Seed and Feed Departments H. A. JARVIS A CHANGE ` IN STORE POLICY HA3 MADE IT IMPERATIVE THAT WE DISPOSE or oun ENTIRE `s'roc1< or sums AND FEEDS AND TO DO SO WE ARE OFFERING, `CO TODAY A _ ` I V MMENCING 15 % Discount OFF EVERYTHING IN `OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF SEEDS AND FEEDS. THIS INCLUDES BLATCHFORD S EGG MASH FULL 0 PEP, ROYAL PURPLE EGG MASH AND CALF MEAL, o'YsTEI2 SHELL, -GRIT; SALT, ETC., AND A FULL LINE OF RENNlE S` AND STEELE-BRIGGS SEEDS. YOU CAN MAKE A VISIT TO OUR STORE I APROFITABLE ONE No Medical Examination THE BASEMENT BARGAIN sBc'NBN 01-" BARRIE BARGAIN HOUSE wlu; REMAIN A PERMANENT PART OF sToRE. WEWILL CONTINUE TO OPERATE THAT SECTION As THE EXCLUSIVE FEATURE or BARRIE AND` VICINITY. THE BARGAINS IN THAT SECTION WILL BECONIE AN INDUCEMENT TO OUR MANY cusToMERs WHO WILL BECOME HABITUATED TO VISITING THAT SECTION As THE MOST IMPORTANT PLACE OFTHEIRSHOPPING TOUR. BARGAINS FOR EVERYBODY. . WATCH `FOR FURTHER ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNQEMENT PHONE 65 - ELIZABETH ST. iJf "P'$Z`1{ '$iz5f " o1%}`$3? ' C3533 a3&'s $}t".. " HEALTH RECORD EXCELLENT. LIMITED NUMBERS FOR PROSPECTUS APPLY TO PRINCIPABS BARRIE RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL FOR GIRLS ENTARIO ' vet1b_en o1lgg__e_ In A In!-uni: 'l\!u('I'IHl\!n\7l'I'Iv A 1-Inn:-II-f\r\I r\r\1\ ducts? s'i{i;L}.-E1.ip"E1}E}iZit}}IxI E31}? 's'a g{n;},"M'u:a`J,"Ar,' E${{v';:- o+;nv\n1 wvannk Avnv\1\nn:nn4-I r\11I>:lnAu flnnnnn anal Qua-4-- LADIES PVURETSILK HOSE, no seconds, 311 shades, a full shipment just received. Basement Special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c pr. glvin exeptional ill-round pv.:3ectio't{ to. " lect Male Rinks, eggs 1} to 45. KIDDIES SOCKS, fzmey tops, Basement Special . . . . . . . . . . . "BATH TOWELS, extra large, splendid qual- ity. Basement Special . . . . . . . . . . . . 29c pr. MEN S BALBRIGGAN UNDERWEAR, the `better kind. Sizes 34 to 44. On Main`F1oor, Special . . . . . . . . 49c gar. - LADIES MILLIN-ERY-0ur best styles and ..shades, on Second Floor. `Extra Special % . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.95 and $2.95 LADIES UNDERWEAR, silk stripe, also` sk and lisle. Basement Special . . . . . . . . 35c gar. MEN S SLICKERS, blue, black, green, all shades. Reg. $7.50. On Main Floor. Special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.95 5 II `.1 Lana-r-nn.-'..' -2-.---_ ---_ - _ ._ Special assortment this week-end. I roan -r-tvnxt IIAI rt` nnihb _Tw9 TABLES R_EMN_AN'l:S 'ifi:si'*`ii}iI~3'i42i."1fF '15iiiE:E' It pays $2,500 for death from natural causes. It pays $5,000 for -accidental` death. 0 , It shares in the prots of the company after 15 years. ' - * OPPOSITE POST _ OFFICE l5c.pr. There : a lot 01 unused mileage in our used Dodge Brothers care. Low-cost miles-becauee o! inamed Dodge economy. Trouble-free tnilee-thawnketoour thorough re-conditioning preeeu. Every ear is backed by our reputation. , . _ LIV_ING_S'1'ON BROS. SALE BEGINS AGAIN oN FRIDAY MORNING. JUN_E"1s__t WHICH WILL COMPLETE oua OPENING or LAST wEEI<; FOR THE SECOND OPENING wE wILL REPLENISH. oua STOCK IN THE. BASEMENT SECTION wI'rII A COMPLETE AND FULL LINE or LADIES AND MEN'S WEARlNG`APPAREL%--ALL sIzEs, SHADES, STYLES, NUMBERS, ETC. PRICES ARE BEING REDUCED STILL LOWER. MORE IMPROVEMENTS Eon THE ACCOMMODATION or oun MANY CUSTOMERS ARE BEING INSTALLED. VISIT THE BARGAIN BASEMENT. MEN S TWEED SUITS for every day service, all styles. On Main Floor. Extra Special $7.95 MEN S C)VERALLS- AND WORK PANTS; a` new shipment. Sizes -32 `to 44. %_ L Basement Special ...;; . . . . $1..0O`pr.3 MEN'S Fedbraestyle; greys, browns, in fact all shades. Reg. $3.50. % ' Basement Special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 95 BOYS COVERALL COMBINATIONS, khaki and blue, fancy trimming's_. On Main Floor. (5,- , _' -1 H D- LADIES FUJI SILK DRESSES all patterns and shades. On Second Floor. ~ ' Extra Special . . . . . . . . . . . $2.901 ';3'e'cEzii" -MEN S TIES. Basement Special . . . . . . . . 19 RAYON SILK,` 20 patterns, suitable for ladies and children s dresses. V _ . Basementspecial 35 yd. MEN'S OVERALLS. Snagproof Brand, guar- anteed to give the best wear. Sizes 34 to 44. On Main Floor. Extra Special . . . . $1.49 pr. Two DOORS WEST BANK OF TORONTO `for ma. ` EXCEL Policy with Double Indemnity ? ANTEN MILLS -r -I-1.- _ INsUANcE TROUBLE-FREE MILES AT Low Cos'r nmn omen.-xsxcxiston um smnnmo} mabit-:6` ` MAIL '11-us 1'o;nAY---{- 1 J. c. spnmc, name: Manager, BARRIE Send me mu womuon about your "1.\'.CEL" roucy. My I hnmooouoonuuuloooooooluoolouonoolodououln V Nmoowmmmmouoou umouuomnuuouumuuumoummoouuuuuaunuumuoomunuunu o`dd'" nm-nun:nomncmmumomgummlmul ,, |-lFE"1 BARRIE BARGAIN HOUSE Leo McLaughlin attended mhe races in (`!nlHng'u7nn,nn the 24th. . 1-(BO N10-.l4l`ll.lg'I111Il IZELUHUISQ `H1 `in ~Ool11ngwood-on the 24th. Mun Inn: In hnvlnn HA!` ll ) 'uou1ngwo0u-on EH9 '`IUh Mrs. `cook is having her house" remodelled. Ed. Lessor`: also is be- ing renovated. 7 Tnhn hnnnhnn nn `I-T,nmn`ld Ma. mg 'I`BIlUVl1E81_-In John Shapahan and I-Irarold Mo- Laughali-n_ motored to Peterboro tor the holiday. ' L . """'."""""""""""' Lucille -Connen. 7 yeararold. re- cently traveled alone from Paris. F ran:c.e.V to 1st; Louis. where she is visiting her . grandmother. '.`;`.":`::.`:t"79c IOMPANY -LOOK OVER THIS WEEK'S PRICE LIST. 01-` WHICH WE 1.1s'r ONLY AFEW or THE MANY lTEMS:< BOYS GOLF HOSE, Basement Special . . . . May I. Knapp spent at tew days 1ni'.l`oronto with her ais- fgr, Mrs. R. W. Dickey, who is quite BOYS `AND.:.YOU'l`HS TWEED blues, tweeds and other shades. Basement `Special M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MEN S DRESS SHIRTS, stripes -and patterns, all sizes, Reg. $1.50.~Ba_sement Special .. 59c MEN S'AND BOYS CAPS, all colors, shkliei and sizes. Basement Special .- . . . . . .. 39 LADIES SILK BLOOMERS, medium and] large sizes, the better brands, Reg. $1.50. 1 `On Main Floor` . . . . . . . . .e . . . . . . . $1.00 pr.` LADIES SILK GLOVES, black, other shades. Baement Special '. KN s SILK AND LISLE COMBINATIONS, _a1so striped. Main Floor Specialv . . . . . . $1.49 MEN'S BROADCLOTH SHIRTS, makes, guaranteed colors. Reg. $2.75. OnM`ainF1oor.`.... . . . . . . . . . .. MEN'S SUITS, Greys,` Tweeds, any co`;or, style or shade you can mention. On Main `Floor. Prices range $15.50, `$16.50, $17.50 e wt, 111. I :immmi&miua$iw: '1` ITHORNT ON '1' m w w {E ia&$&&w&&m&ww at tune or wr_1tmt;. Mr. -and Mrs. Denham spent the week-end with friends in Novar. Mm: unag, Adam: and Vernon "of Wilfred Cunningham [is very in at time or writing. 1m. nn 'M'm:, nnnham snent the week-end WLU1 Irienus In nuvtu. Mrs. |Reg. Adams and Vernon "of Barrie are visiting Mrs. David Adams. . T.nnnnv 1:n1zm- nn wr-uni: Lennnx Lennox Baker and Frank Lennox of Toronto spent Sunday with J. A. Lennox. rm... .1nuv'nrnIn.r nf Hm Yawn mnwm` JJGIIIIOX. The -humming of the lawn mower is a regp1Aar.sound 0: ;he Spring evenings. um ,Tn(1n'u W A, mnnfh1v,maetin2` evenmgs. Ist. Jude's W.A. monthly meeting will be held at Mrs. 'A. ~Orock s 011 Tuesday, June 5. Mm: May, Rfnwa-rt `urgent the Tuesauy, JUI16 0. Mrs. Alex. Stewart `spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Bur- rows Stewart at I-Iockley. `Rev. Mr. MoEwen` of Churchill !'OWS Stewart at nucmey. occupied the pulpit of `Trinity church on `Sunday evening. - Mlau Mnmln 1'-Tnnv-u n? `nnnrrmvin onuwn on `uunuuy evexuus. Miss Mamie Henry of Beamsville and J. `Henry of Aurora. spent the week-end with their mother. ` 1/rm- `Dawning .'l Annn+t ha: 1-Ahwn. EMU Olvalloug my now. 00>-ooqv Iocvov The Royal Road Builders held a meetlnrs in the United church here -last evening. Quite a number at- tended. ` IHL-.. "A1-noun 117... IV:-nunvlalla noun! WC6K'Ullu WU. LHUIF uIu\.u\:u'. Miss Bernice Jennett has return- ed home from a. visit w1th[Miss Shirley Dobson of Hamilton. `Mm: wrnd Wnhnfnr In in "For- anuuey JJUUBUII UL nuuuubuu. Mrs. Fred Webster is in Tor-I onto attending `the annual meeting 01! tthe W.A. to -the Mlslonary So-' 0 e y. wma new data nf n1av. Gn Slow. owty. . For new date or play, Go S-low. Mary." which [had to be postponed from -last week. see. Coming Events." `Inn VI` A Tmuynannn and nnnn lVGl1E!u" Mrs. '1`. A. Lawrence and sons and John A. Jamieson motored to Huntsville last week to visit M and Mrs. Robt. Lennox. ` Vlnn 19.01:: annual nnnvfnvnnnn nf fhn ENG Aura. RUDE: 148181108: The 12-th annual conference 01 the South `imooe Deanery W.A. to the M.S.IC.|C., will take place at Mono Mills on Tuesday. June 12. Mamhnva nf fhn A 17:13 A nnnnf &\ -11115 011 J.`u'uVauu.y. auuu J6: Members or the. A.Y.;P.A. pent the afternoon or May 24th laying out beds and planting shrubs and flower; on `the church grounds. Mnndnmnu `I-Tnunnf Hfnurnnf Main} HUWQFQ 011 L06 UIIUFUII SFULUIUB. Mesdames I-Ialrburt. `Stewart, Maw. Allen. Reynolds and W1g1e.attend- ed the WJI. Dist-riot Annual at Churchill on Tuesday of last week. \Yno# .GnnR.nu "nlnru Eli nun]- VJHUl'UHU'l US} LUUBUGJ UL IWBL WEUIM Next Sunday `Trinity ~S.'S. annd-i versary services at 10.80 and 7. Rev. W. R. Beverldse 0.! Tottenham will preach`. [special music by the Sun- day School. A Vha Tnlnlfv fnrv-nan : Annnnjnnn uuy Duuuuh The Trinity Woman's Assocaauon will meet at Mrs. J . W. Henry's on `June 6, at 2:80. All members are urged to come` as this is a. very im- portant meeting. * Mrs, Jan. A. .TW|Al- M!u:n: pu1'I.uu'u HIUUK-I115 : _ Mrs. Jan. A. Jamdeson. Misses Nixon. Marrow, Patton and IG. Jam- leson represented the Junior In- stitute at th'e.D1str1ct Annual of [South S!mcoe.W.-1.. at Churchill on May 22; Kfnv nnnnna Al 6hA Tnnlnm `l'vu_ mas Clara Icole of Barrie spent the 'holiday at her home here. .nu.- mm..-` Inn.-.4 D..I1An.... I...-JA u U5 EHHWGFUU uy EH9 puymunc 01 L965. Maytl-me is sewing ttmewtt-h the Junior Institute girls who are mak- ing their own clothes. tor two weeks under the {supervision or Miss Ral- ston. I-Ia-m-llton. Mu. J`. A. Stewart kind! save a. tine. :br13`ht`room tor theec ass to work In. 117:-mp! ma - unnnhrhrl haw-A an U16`Cll15l 0 WUFIS In. ` Word was received here on Thursday morninz ot the death or Mr. Bowen` which had taken place` in Toronto that morning. some year ago Mr. Bowen married Mrs, uiliiaan (nee Lydia. Hicks) and had visited here trequontiy since then. ;Ioxt'mee.t!ng of the Junior In- -stitute will be hetd on Wednesday utter-noon. June 6. at 4:80 sharp. Im- mediately ater sewing class. at Mrs. John Stewart's. Roll call is to be answered by the payment 0! fees. Mnu+l.mA in Iuaurinsr HmA'wM.h an We were not disappointed in our expctations.: Our efforts were crowned `with a huge success. l 9Il\II_bw vv `paw vqvvv navy: vv nun. uu o--9: vvuuwvvuu "Our store was crowded with many hundreds of customers who came in response to our ad- vertisement announcing the opening of the Basement Bargain Section. `Our many custom- - `I! A l\.I\I`l'l I1 I I55 A I`! IIf\I '5'.` HKCVIIIEIIE 3&0 er: 1me_ug_t1._atT_i h" i3'Is.71E;iiiE"_'A'RcA1N H - .-.---J ---v VIC IIIIUVV tuna-Q bu-v 1--an----- -v--_---__ ` --w- --v: neverfails in its promise. They came, selected the goods they liked and happily left our store, promising to return as often as their time will permit.` - -S. STRANSMAN, Proprietor ` CE`XGELSlORl WILL CONTINUE Many friends extend their sympathy' to Mrs. Bowen. f\r\ `I/rnvv 04 Man nnnnh; u:11n\\n:5l tho [U Vl.1'. DU VV Ell. On May 24, the people sluowed the patriotic spirit by flying flags from houses and gates, which waved cheeriily `as t.hemz1ny motorists trip- ping back and forth all day, get- ting all the joy they could out of the first summer holiday. \.Yln-nvin Dav viazfnv -inr-lnnd white, `blue, l9cpr.. me Ilrst suurulel` umumy. Victoria Day ViSit0_l`S "included Rev. W. H.` and Mrs. Adams of Beeton and Harvey Speers with friends; Mr. a;.d Mrs. S. Anderson of Crossiand. at J. D. Stewart's; Mrs. Powley and Harry and Miss Vera VVise of Toronto, at Mrs. VV. A. Jamieson's; Miss Aileen Callig- hen of Toronto,ba~t Mrs. John Stew- art's.` Planning: nu nnnannine The work of cleaning up the cem- eteries has been indertalgen by the citizens of Thornton-. Several bees have been arranged for and consid- erabe improvements made. Anyone living at a distance and interested in this worthy cause will please communicate with W. D. Henry. ` 1 Four Ribs Broken While driving home from Barrie on Saturday, David Adams horse became frightened at a motorcycle throwing Mr. Adams out of the buggy. `Besides having four broken ribs. Mr. Adams had asevere shak- ing up. While still suffering a great deal he is congratulating himself that he is no worse than` he is. To Build Community Shed A meeting to further consider the building of a community shed was held in the basement of t`he United church on Tuesday evening when the report of the committee ap- pointed to view some of the sheds in other communities was received. It was decided under certain con- ditions to build a shed similar to the Cookstown one. Canvassers were appointed and are to report at n mnnfing fn ha hnl in the" United I l were appulnu;-u anu are w repuu. cu a. meeting to be held in the` United church on June 6, at 8.30. Joint Meeting of Y.P s. `On Monday evening in the United church *ba.sement a joint meeting was held of Y.P; Society and ISt. Jude's A.Y.P.A. at which Miss Char- lotte Mason presided until after the devotional exercises, when the A.Y. I D A 6-nnb nhnnnrn nf Hm: Hfnmnrv Q11!` I GGVOIIOUHI GXGFCISBEI, VVIIBII L116 :t..1. P. . took charge of the literary and m sicai program with the honorary president. Mrs. W, A. `Jamieson; in the` chair. Musical numbers were a. piano duet by Genevieve Jamieson and Marion Beynon, mouth organ selection by.Jim Neil, vocal solo by N. Jamieson, Mary Ma~rrow.gave at humorous reading, Juanita Jazm- leson read a. paper prepared by Miss McK'lnnon. "Short addresses were given `by Rev. F. V. Abbott and Frank Sinclair. The Y.P.S. intro- duced a. program of games and oontests an advertisement contest; wedding trip game and other games. HD8116 CH6 `i'U U! nruuxuru. . Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Canning of Grassy Lake, Aita.,_ are visiting friends here. 1!... ('41-nag `l.`I`lnr11n !Gn {a nnnfinn. May 248-Mr. and J.`M. Mc- Master ad children and Mr. Martin spent the`24~t~h in Bradford. Mr and Mr: A R, (`fanning nf Ti vw-- T 1. -_ WV- ' Iu}1L.p Street, BARR1i:{oNT.{ A use-1:1 EAR IS ONLY A5 nu:-1= ENnA1aLe AS THE DEALER WHOSE-LL5 11+-

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