Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 31 May 1928, p. 7

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l'l`Ut|-ll'VInI 0'`! III Iv uni vuu uuuuu u - While c-ranking his car `Alien: Strath `had the misfortune to trac- ture his wrist. . Wednesday Half-holiday All place of business will close Wednesday. afternoon duning June. July and August.- . "Both Arms-Broken in Fall Mrs. Geo. Fleming of F-los met with a serious accident last week in her home. When coming down stairs she fell. breaking one arm near the wrist. and the other arm at the shoulder. She i-sin Midland hospital. Acourt Elmvale l.O.F. In 1896 A photograph of the members of `Court Elmvale I.O.F., which was taken by the` late James Mason in 1896, is on display in the window _of Mr. McGuire's. drug store. Oi! `forty-rive members shown in the group, only seven are residents of Eimvaie and surrounding `dis-tnict now. These are: W. J. McGuire, John pwhitton. Geo. `Ritchie; John Drysda-le. "1`hos. Mills and Wm. Keli. And only oneof the above is still a member of -the -Order. Mrs. F. R.` Ellis gave this group picture to `Mr. McGuire after the death 0: her |g&&%a%$&m&&w&xg| STROUD % ` Dohald `Banting`s health is re- ported to be greatly improved. ' Mrs. -1-!a'rringtons health does. not show much improvement. - "Bruce ~Wallace has been fortunate in securing a. position with t~heiJ. A. Scythes |Co.. Toronto. `Remember Presbyterian church wood or Creemore will be the spe- -clai preacher. A ver y'1ntere.sting baseball game was played at Stroud -by Allandaie and Stroud teams, the latter win- ning by 7 to 4. l Among the" week-end visitors were Mrs. Lee and iamily, Mr. and Mrs. Jones. Will and Marion Reid and Mr. Arkley, all of Toronto; and Jas. Reid of Oshawa, at` the home of Mrs. `Thos. Reid, -, -.g u:_- | "=n:..u. anniversary, June 3. Rev. Mr. Kirk Lee and ramuy, Mr. auu Au; . at Death of Miss J.` Elliott Much sympathy is felt -for Mrs. Elliott and family in the death of her daughter. Jennie, who died at 238 Bartlett Ave., Toronto, May 26, from pneumonia. Deceased was born at Big~Bay Point and was a member of -the Baptist Church. Surviving her are her mother; two brothers, Fred `of Big Bay Point, and Harry of Toronto; three sis- ters, Mrs. M. Andrews of Toronto, Mrs. H. Graham of Weston, Mrs. H. Webb of Hamilton. The tuneral was held on May 28. the body being brought toIStroud for interment after service being conducted in Toronto `by Rev. Mr. Ma-rshali. `Brothers and brothers-in-y law acted as pail-`bearers. Among the ,beautifui flowers were those from W. J. Gage Co.. the Uni- versity staft and Eastern 'Star Lodge No. 65. husband who was a member of Cou-rt Elmvale. Elmvale vs. Midhurst Darkness. comlbined with a heated argument,_brought to a close a very close and interesting soft-ball game at.Mid.hurst on Friday night. With the score tiedlat the end` of the ninth inning an extra inning was started-and after iE1mva.1e had scor- ed one run in their half of the inn- ing. Midhurst proceeded to bat `but after the calling out at first of the first two batters, -the storm of pro- test broke out, which. coupled with the approaching darkness, was -enough to finish any ball game. M `The playing of both teams was very good for the openling scheduled game. Kirkup started on- the mound for Midhurst but soon found a quieter s-pot at second base. . The relieving pitcher had much bet- ter luck and lasted until the end. Ed. `Campbell went the route for Elmvale and with the exception of one bad innings in which his sup- port was not too evident. had the opposition we1l= in control. . New Lowell -willsupply the next opposi- tion for the locals and the ibest wishes out the fans will go with the `Anna Wmuc! team. off/29 rediom why MCLAUGHLIN -BUI CK will serve you Qetter and save you 5110719. HOVIS Wm, 1 Better Automobiles Built-McLVaughlln-Buick Will Build Thom F. J. GRACEY In Most Cars- the springs have to serve a double func- tion-to drive the ` car and to cushion the load. NOT only does today's McLaughlin-Buick excel in smart. low, dashing lines--in vivid new color harmonies-in luxurious upholsteries and appointments-but it sweeps far ahead of its eld in those vital ' engineering factors which mean greater comfort-greater performance- greater economy-and greater value. In Most cars- water. mud and dust `can work their way into moving parts causing excessive wear. engine stalling and other troubles. ATHIIARRII EXAMINER In Most can- vibration is merely dampened by means of additional hear- ing: or othet inade- quate devices. llimost cars- _-q-u13A.- :n| nutbnnn nan_. OII IVIIIUO Cu. --W qualit is often sac- rice for price, or prices advanced to permit ne quality. In Most can- the dealer : deliver- ed price, including the delivery or handling charge, to the buyer--is not -in-3:111: Grant` K17 1419 :1 T ' -" Ilillvllnllnnu Delightful Pr u-ts of the Up-to-date Bakery ` Wonderful Health Properties in Hovis. lji_c`:vis Bread 8c and 13. _ Eat Hovis for Health. tlgluty uacu u factory behind KIN: uuycl--Ia nus {rigidly fixed by the behind the I t Pay: toABuy McLaughlin-Bm'cI! ln Mcl.aIIIllllI`-BlIlok-- & ah- -on-{nan luau: nnlv D112 func- Ill lvllilodlljllllli-unusua--- the springs have only one func- tion-to cushion the 1oad-4nd naturally are designed to pro- vide much ner riding qualitiel. In Mel.sughIIn-Bulclt- the Sealed Chassis and Triple- Sealed Engine absolutely pre- vent these troubles. A?! vital parts are `enclosed in dirt-proof, giust-proof, water-tight hous- mgs. . In Mela -IuIok- the scienti xcally designed 1I_|_- 2.. 11--.! `B...-._; 4-ancn6AII_ Ill `IVIBHI 'HIuIuu-- xcally Valve-in-Head Engine, counter- balanced crankshaft and nel balanced units throughout re: 1: in performance v brationleu beyond belief. - Chane In Mclmughlln-Buick-. an-gcngndnnn Anmnnrl make: nah III IVIIIH-usllaau-auucw-u-'. tremendous demand makes pos- sible both high quality and mod- Aoan fhff. I111- `IICIIICECIOIII ucnuuxu ulnlswu yuc- erate rice-and therefore un- rivele value; ` In Mcl.IIIl|lln-IIIlOk- LL; `nun;-6 C\AII`k`A AWQPQd Ill lVlUIoIlI`IIlII.I"uIuuvau- the lowest poulble delivered price, including the delivery or handling charge in denite!` eI- ' tabliehed by the McLaug Buick factory. Thus Mclaugb-A lin-Buick quell irprovided to McLaughlin-B ck owners ev- erywhere at lowest cost. `May 28-?-4E1xVner'Ayerst of Oshawa. was the guest at his cousins, the Messrs |Cha-ppel. last -week. `Aka: 1'\v-nv-V `Rania. ii the 811681: Messrs Icha-ppel, last week. Mrs. Drury, Barrie, is the west of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Dru:-y. 1Ul - nn Mun `M1nn'Kn.v and Miss Mr. and Mrs. `Mia ay and Miss MacKay -were guest of Mr. and `Mrs. B1: on Sunday. `Miss Jessie Metcalf of Gllford was a. week-end guest or Miss Laur- etta Luck. mm- Minna. Avinnn and Nlcholls M1`. MP5. 194'. U. Utury. Luck. This Misses Avison and Nicholls of Victoria square we're zuests of Misses Partridge one day last week. ,_ 1: Qt... ....-o `flan Cnh | LV.l.lS5t':.`.l ru1.`u.'Au5o uuu \AB ru-not u ....... Mr. -and Mrs. Drury. Miss Beth and Varley Drury, Mr-s. Dunsmoro and Brltton Dunsmore were in Guelph a. day or two this week at- I tending graduation. ~ mm; `Dav Av-nhdannnn Warren of ' tending graduation. The Rev. Archdeacon Warren of Toronto had charge of the service in St. James Church on Sunday. -,,.,-__ .__._u.__ 4.3.. 1.-.... AF V Ulurnuuu -v- smco cBKE-A cAR1}xii"PRonucT c. J. SMIT1_{____l_ gl_i_l_ 1324 Lu SL. uuxuua uuuluu. vu -.n..u.....,,. On Friday evening the home 0 Mi-ss Myrtle Chappell was taken by storm when numerous friends -from Ed-gar, Dalston, Barrie and Crown Hill gathered to say good-bye be- fore her departure for Oshawa where she will train for nursing. During the evening -Miss Beth Drury read an address and Miss Lauretta Luck presented Myrtle with a fountain pen, Mis Myrtle was surprised but briefly replied. Her many friends wish her every success in her chosen life-work. 399$??? White Cleaner _White summer shoes can be kept spotless with It is economical to use and easy to apply. Thin : a Nun Shadujor every shop made 74 Elizabeth St. Phone 919, nmuma UULV I-vu-_- WHEN THINGS 1.5o1< BL_ACK-C_ALL ON us ' BARRIE PHONE 562 NEMA CAPSULES KILL Roundworms, Stomach Worms in Live Stock, Poultry, etc. Pggtfy in g Gtegt Thorough, Safe, Economical .""`" ` ROBERTSON S 30;, S vkvgogzoka ----A-AA Also 1 full line of Bread, Cakes and Pastry (Fresh Daily) at l\_-.-- -.. - f`-..`-_l:--gash. Cs-.. Eliuboth st. VICTOR `RECORDS VICTROLAS OOOOOlIOO VAN THE SHOE MAN SPECIALIST IN GOODYEAR WELT AND HYDRO PRESS SYSTIII SHOE RE'f=A1Rmc 111 Dunlap SI. SKILL-CRAFl' QUALITY CLOTHES HABERDASHERY PHI? .~ 97 Dunlop St. THE BEST FOR FUEL, ICE OR CARTAGE Onlario Bakeries Limited " BREAD or QUALITY Sold bylall the Leading Grocers in Barrie and Allandnle. J. 1). w1sn_oM gguggg: 1:. Beautiful display of furniture for your selection LET US FURNISH YOUR HOME WE ALLOW EXCHANGE ON YOUR USED FURNITURE 75 Collier St. Phone 582 n. 1a.1itiu_LLouGn , 1-; -Lnuj :j I Il\Cnv-- ---- _ 7-- _ iLuscioiu Jel1Y Powdgrs, uuauavuu uw.,,, , _.. _.,,,_, pk`oOCVII""V0V`I"II Caravan Pltted Dates, pkg. 1 Washing Soda, pkg. . . . . . . E Slick Hand Cleaner 2 tin: 1-nu III!-II\`) ll'It\ VICTOR NORTHERN ELECTRIC FADA Ind WESTINGHOUSE -foroafuuavr PHONE .215`:-"B13 Y_OUR GROCERY wmrs - n.....,:-.... -.1 I r..+,,..1..1,,. n*nn..+ Pnnnr 3 pa] onmuo BAKER]!-IS ummzn IAYFIBLD ST.. BARRIB. _----- Ill] IIIIU \lI Ialcuu, vunvc uuu I won; \- swung - Dawson : Confectionery Store. One door east of Williams Jewellery Store - Our Motto: Quality and Service but Jelly Powders, 3 mtenaxe wuec Input, a run: Icovuv----gov`:----19 .fol' . . . . . . . . . . o I - o uo..25 an 19 PINEA'PPLES--`Special price .ng use on dozen and half-dozen lots Hand 25 for preserving. DELIVERY TO ALL PARTS OF TOWN _ ------4--__.L.- ""5 J. G. KEENAN 3 EVERYTHING IN MUSIC *~ SCOTT S (BROWN'S BAKERY) Phone I 2 STORES J. G`. SCOTT BARRIE . 19 . .. I 25!: `Fhursda-y. May 31, `I928. Li` I` \II\\J\.aL'4l\I VVl'I.I`lIl Interlake Toilet Paper, 3 roll: '-'~-- 251; IJLIL GOODYE. I RADIOS HEINTZMAN & CO. PIANOS Phone 243 Es a|i;.V1Q{1 .' muuuz 129 Dunlap 3!. Phone 538 Pu` Iowa % -...___....---It Phone 86 .-..._ LAUNDRY CALLED FOR ANU DELlVERD_ PROMPTLY ORILLIA PHONES 770 - 771 - ~ ----- oRumm:X1&i LAUNDRY co. LTD. nu-mm. n V n T TD 'VnTY'I`T-T" Phone 126 Aremore th;n-`:-.ttZ1st Paint. The customer who buys but Paint receives a roduct that covers more,_`1asts,longer and costs less. Save - hat surface and you save all. It pays. ~ H UBB3I_{_P_:_mI:IARDWARE HOVIS SPECIALS AT BRYSON S BAKERY` SERVIC `Iowa BROS. PAINTS AND" VARNISHES Ii? $Iu:uu-uu --_-._ REPAIRS ON ALL MAKOF' CARS w:uv-.- "6 Ag_._r:_'s_'.ND SERVICE .. . u-av Au-nAng WBZRI-.'.A~D SCONES BISCUITS JUMBLES "liii'T'i-iiI'"SiM(i}t)E KEEP Y-0-63. YOUTH" HOVlS Tllvwuv . Miss Lena. Nvllloughby - was in Stayner `on Tuesway attending a, re- cital given by Miss Qavidison. . : Since the Armistice 690 British soldiers of the army of the Rhine have taken` German br1des.~ ._----______,,,... '|'lI""" 9 , s THE SERVICE GROCERS ` 0 ALLANDALE. PHONE 117 Pineapples are at their best now. Special prices in dozen and half- dozen lots. ' Fresh local rhubarb . . . . . bch. Sc Local asparagus, try it on toast with butter . . . . . Inch. 10:: Phone 65 Open until _11 11.111. mrsu FISH DAILY JARVIS` BAT!`-1-znlxzs GINGER mops GINGER CAKE FRUIT CAKE AT Cleaned Phon 391 pjv 2' --_._7 V `For this good growingweather we ~ha..ve all kinds of -garden seeds, ggggallolgiceg ower plants, tomato plants. Place rhubar orders early for potted geraniums, asparagus mancging pots and` cabbage `plants. Extra summer service to cottegere, when you need 4 . . . -- ' G: 's'.' `muggy Proprietor it, let us know. _ ---AA-AAA \ TRUCKS |g&&m&ai&awiwa 3;, 1.-'.LMvALsN1-:ws.' ww*%ww&$aEawiw Will White spent Wednesday in Toronto. _ . ` Roy I-Ioughton wan in Barrie over Sunday. 1 ` Joe. `Spring is visiting his son in Midland. on ` - Miss Jean Arnold left this week for Toronto.` A W. H. Ritchie spent the week- end in Toronto. I Miss Helen Malcolm enjoyed the week-end at her home. lln ma Mm. W111 White enjoyed week-end at her -home. Mr. and Mrs. W111 White enjoyed the 24th in |'1`o'ronto. .1... an!-m1! nninved a few days at A V DIRECT `DEALERS IN ~ 1 DODGE nnos. mssaucan C;ARS-GRAl-IAM anos; ' _..- .-. gu I-In AlYl\ cunl 24th in woronuo. Miss \Schel1 enjoyed a. few days her home at Stayner. Txhxfann l("_nnn1a.nd of Toronto 13 home at stayner. Watson `Copeland of Toronto home for the summer. Mm. A 'l2!nfnn1 um`-mt a {aw davs Ihome for me summer. Mrs. A. Rlntoul spent a. tow days I |w1th her sister In Barrie. 1.... '7M n'I'\n\~rnnff was in Bramnton With new slster H1 uDtl.l.`L'lv. Jas. McDermott was in Brampton for a few days Alastweek. ' um... 12 A nnnnpr nnent the week for raw clays _1B.st.weeK. Mrs; R. A. Cooper spent the week with friends in Belleville. 11;.-m 'l`n:vII-V annnf A few davg With with friends In useuevzue. Geo. Terry spent a. few days with his -grandmother in Barrie. xxr 1:`. \/I'nT-man was with Ordllia. .h1a -grandmother In narrze. W. E. McLean was with Onillia. friends over the `week-end. -mum, `Twang hmnna nnannd Han wack- friends over me `Ween-enu. `Miss Irene -Crone passed the week- end [at her home at Nottawa. 1/r.. am1_1\/rm 11` n `mnhnn visited end [at her home at JNOta.WE. Mr. and-.Mrs. F. '0. Bishop visited friends in Thornton on Isunday. "nII'l-- 'l'.nAa Durnnll nf 'l`m~nn1-n is trlencts 1n '1`no1`nton on sauuuuy. Miss Leda. Parnell otfroronto is home for the _summer vacation. \`liVnu nnn'nmO' hf hivlnlnnnl Mnatinz Now a. an sum for wuznwoon FLOORING We are well stocked in the various grades. PHONE FOR ESTIMATE. % THE BALL PLANING MILL` CO.- Limited. home '10!` me _Sum`mex' vucuuuu. `For report of Divisional Meeting of Uu1ted'W.M. S., see page 3. _ n;-.ua1n=- T.HHn unant A. nnunla of or umtea vV.M..B., see page o. Douglas Lillie spent a couple of days at his home In Toronto. I('1.nrH IA1 -nnmm nf Penatanz snent days at nls nuxne H1 :.u:.'uuw. Gatleld `Cotton of Penetang spent the week-end with friends here. `Na and \Il'.v~u Arhllr `Win11! nf `Tar- tne week-enu wxm Irleuus now. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur `Field of `Tor- onto called on friends on the '24t1.. min. ...-.A Mm: 212 M Rnanlz nnnmt. onto caueu 1011 Iueuus uu Law en... | Mr. and Mrs. R. '. . Black spent Sunday with friends in "1`oronto_. `Mina llvn mmman left on Mon- Sunday Wltn trxenus In '.l.`U1.'unLu_. Miss Olive 'Rudde11 left on Mon- day for her home in Georgetown. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Spring visit- ed frlends in `Toronto last week. M-1.... `nnhnlnn 1121+:-Mn has cane ea rrienas In "rorunw may Wvvn. Miss Beatrice Ritchie has gone to Wasaga Beach for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. ~Ba.ui_dry of Tor- onto are in Elmvale for a. few -weeks. Miss Eek-ei was 9. week-end `guest of friends in Toronto and Ciittord. Mrs. Walter I-Iouden returned hiamle on Sunday from `Barrie hos- pta. ~ Jae. `Hannah or the Standard Bank sta-ft -of Belleviile is visiting his parents V Mrs. Parr or Cooketown -is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Chas. `Jordan. 1.1..1., Tnnrann auahnma tn Maaford `Jordan. Erie Lawson returned to Meatord on Monday after `spending a; week at his home. mr... Tnhn .1UI'n('4Jnni: in vinltina` at ms nome. Mrs. John -McGlnn1s .15 visiting her mother. who is 111 at 'Sault Ste. "|\ll'.n nn; "RKFE, IQ. `A. Tlnnlnz` and Mame, U.`S. Mr. and -Mrs. as. `A. `ripping and `Kathleen spent !Sunday with Intends in Coldwater. 'l\u an `Mr: I u (!f,t Of Haul`. 'VVV'wVvv-.- IADIO TUBES TESTED AND REACTIVATED. IATTIRIES CHARGED u. Ovoniuht churn. I06. V ATWATER KENT Buttery and Button-ylou: C.G,I. Rulloln and In-coal. Photo to: a. demonstration or call and too them. I P P P | F D In -comwater. Dr.~and Mrs. J. 1-! ?Scott of Ham-` ilton spent the week-end with the latter s parents. vmmm m mnasasm Beach on the e1atter's p8.!`6!'1l'.S. Visitors to Wasaga Beach on 24th were greeted `by a. quantity of ice in the bay. M. ......a `Man: .'I'n'}'m 1'-Talrm of Tor- .Mr._Ia.nd `Mr. John .1-Iahn of Tor- onto spen-t Victoria Day at the home of G. L. Usher. - ' IV`-unu 1 .`I'.-.m.m1 n9 N| 1nma,-ntn. 'l1`n,11-st Of G. 1.4. usner. . Chas. Heard. of.'N"1aga.r~a. Fall-S was the guest of R. G. Manning _over `the week-end. 'I\Inm:n.u 'l\II a:hn1 :1 -Tnnnsnrnn and `nar- _over `Ina ween-uuu. Misses Mabel `I-Iounsome .a.nd Dor- is Lines of Barrie "spent Sunday with Mrs. White. M ... mt . .nn+n1ru-in nf `Rnwrh: was With Mrs. -W.|Wn1te. Mrs. M. E. -Dutchr of Barrie was the guest at her daughter. Mrs. F. 0. Bishop, for 9. tew days. Mr and Mrl. Fred -Middleton and C. Lhusnop, ror 9. rew uays. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Middleton and children or'.'1`oronto arewpendingy 9. week at R. TI. Middl-eton'I. '\n'm= `|'-`l'nnuu Jfnnt and 'Mi Week at 11. `1. .L\l.1(1Cl1'6t0Il'l. `Mrs. Harry Knox and -Miss Olive of `Niagara Fa-113 enjoyed a. few days with `frdends here last week. Mu. nna \'m ,1'nr-In NI'm-111.1 nf Glen- ` with `tnlends nere 18.51: week. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Madil-l 0! Glen- cairn were the guests or Mr. 9.nd- Mrs. G. L. Usher on `Sunday. nmam, cm. 0114: -nnnnin service at Mrs. G . J4. usual` on `aunuay. Owing to the special serv1o~e_a.t Allenwood on Isunday there will be no service 1nlSt. John's, Elmvale. '.ur.. .no1um ant` `Minn Mm-101-la be SGYVICG m I512. uomru, 'nuuvauu. Mr. -Oakes ' and Miss Marjorie Bea-rdsall or Toronto enjoyed the week-end with the latter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. swait and sons. Roabt. and Allan. or Toronto spent Sunday with the latter : -`brother, MI; Bate. ` .A Innnnann` and nnmdnn and Mr. Bate. . E. -A. Ichapman and Gordon and Ruth of Brighton `Beach spent a. few days at the home `of mas. Knox last `week. - mu... |1'.H`Hnn Dnnnfnnn and Miss last -week. `Miss |Li111an Pgnstone and Miss Nash of '1`ox-onto were the guests of the farmer's aunt, Mrs. R. M. Black. for a week. . 1ur.... 1.1 ~13 Mnnfanmnnv Ant! `Miss for Week. Mrs. E. :R. Montgomery and Miss Wilma. of Goldwater. and Miss Edna. of Wauub9.ush~ene vlsdtedv lElmva1e_ friends on Saturday. .n.r..e. :Toa 1\/rnamn "M'r-A. 1'-!m1zh_ trlends asaturaay. 'Mrs. Ja.s. Mason. Mrs. I-tough. Masses Dora and Edith Mason of Toronto were the guests of Mrs. John Arnold ore day last week, rm... -1...-.1... no xxrunnffn nhurnh `ure- Jonn tA.!`Il01C1 ore any man wvws, The choir of Wycliffe church pre- sented thelr play The Old Dadry Homestead". at Waverley on May $34.` under the auspices 0'! the L.O. The annual Rally Day service of Allenwood United church will -be held` on Sunday. June 3,. at 11 am. and 7 pm. Special music by the children. YUM: mm \4'v~u Jnhn Irlnrmer. Miss children. Mr. and Mrs. John `Cooper. Miss Elizabeth Cooper, Mrs. M-c'E1ra1th and Betty of -Bellevllle spent last week at the home of their son, R. '.T\ n anti `N/l'w:_ .T=sm Webster '0 ! A. Cooper. `Mr. and `Mrs. Jesse Webster Tot Barrie. Miss `Ida Webster and Mr. and Mrs. Ray `Horn and daughter of Hamilton visited friends in Elm- vale on the '2'4th. Mn. and \/rm: (1 T. i'|'T:hnr. M :-s. vale me `zvstn. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Usher, Mrs. `Dan. Thomson, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Cooper and W. F. Downey attended the funeral of the 1ate A1bert. Dow-b uey at Alllston oq' ".l`_uesd_ay. Fractured Arm While cranking Our __-. _ 1.1.. -.... A`Aus IJ9\1o--nu... - 14? `Dunlop S .----

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