gv . :55 . H. '1 - CANADlAd (In CH RYS LER72 W. A. GROSE, Distributor pili: % inch have they gained 011 I )? Every "GP" Gum Cushioned Tire is an athlete--a.lways in the pink of condition--capable of enduring the long grind of many thousands . of miles without cracking under the strain. "Gum Cushioned" is the term applied to the sinews of pure gum placed between the cord layers to cushion the tremendous shocks of the road. Think of _the advanatage of entrust- ing yourcarto four such athletes as these, knowing your "GP" Gum Cushioned Tires aremeeng and overcoming the adverse conditions of the road. The nearest "C-P dealer will attend to your tire requirements. EARL JAMES, Bradford MARBLElTE NEU -TONE f/re /7afwa:/:- /5r /Iardwoad - ab/e pain! floor: 13 `(ii `Q59 soeacoseio It Pays to use _Gutta l3ercha"Tia9@a<:: . LL Q A j J -a Wonderful cushion feature exclusive to G. P. tir G. G. MOORE ASSOCIATE DEALERS % lacuna, ya-1JJo nu pflctl Io 0. Do Windsor, Ontario, including stand- ard factory equipment (eight and taxes extra). r r 1 New Chry- nlor "RorI.'l-I'onrI l'4`nn:..- ._ .l._ ._.._._t :---__j --:.---.1--: HERB. MURRAY, Beeton W. D. LATIMER. Alliston uacuuu, up`-&VJ, \4UllVGI'llUl|5 \ll.l (with rumble seat), $2265; Crown Sedan, $2335. All prices fl 0. b. Wblllcnf, nilfdn O'OIt"ll1 :a1D plump , ..-...... ....-.. .....6uu...-nu ulv uansaubco `J \..ul.'yal.cs' vetition "72is indeed Illustrious because itis be ond h as its doubt the one great engineering, pe mm- :of the ance, and beauty value in the market today: Sedan, $2205; Convertible Coupe igned to take _ full advantage of. 5 (will: 9-nnnlnln nnl\ Q )`)K<. f`-A-no. L.'..L `_..`A..-__-_.4 _ A. Here is a ran e designed to bring you more hours ofleiaure . . . more hours of p ay. Occupies only 40" ofoor space. Has large capacity oven :6" wide by 20' deep, with removable inset elements and rack holders, every inch of which is available for |.-|.:.._ -...1 --_-.:..- -n.. ...1.:._ -|.;...... -... L....I.. 4:. uluonunsnl rnvvuwswo 3' \4IlL]iIl.IrL I 1- autuauy LICE3 [UK tests and comparisons--it is eager to be checked not only on one, but on all phases of performance, with its most ambitious emulators. r v v It has not yielded a fraction of an inch of its leadership of four years aigo--but has actually widened the gap and lengthened the distance. 1]] Chrysler` "77,, :1: :nr'ool` Iulata-inns I-unnanunn :i- :n L.........` onlooker. These things could not be said if they were not true-and es ecially if the truth were not quickly provable. 0]] C rysler "72 actually begs for tpgtg and rnrnnsn-uennc__ir in oarnnu on L- .-l..,..l,..I signed of high compression gas, standard equipment on all body models ofthe' 112 h.p. Imperial `'80, also stand-' ard on the roadsters, and avail-' able at slight extra cost for other body typa, of the 62 and "72.- 112-113 Bradford Sf. Phone 21; Res. 10l1W Thursday, May 17, 1928. . tires __v v--an AI-I\I\.I ` The price ofGP" Pure Gum Tubes is nolsigba. but the quality of me` material used in 11-: manufaczurc of tin: tough. .sin'u~_\' 1:.-has ss 0/ 91 wry bat. `J1 Pure Gum Tubes r..n.... Z'iZ S.'3"rZ:'fa.? .`1.' :31? Zh "" 3L".Z1;`,`.'`e heaters and are eas' y removed for. caning. It : 3 simple cult, indeed, to prepare meals on this range. uvciriahlfol-Ikalggy Thought Foundry, B1-antford, for illus- NEW '- T-'-V 1aiby A. E. SMITH EASY TERMS IF DESIRED jkwB-rit_i|h Ervnpiro Proauct Carry `1_'bfvl;-r': Cheque:-luy N'alotlablo. Soc ydur local ahcmahip unit, or Ivru Tho Robot-t Buford Co. Limited Cor. Bay and Wellington =8trootI. '1`oRON'J.`_O (P-hone'Elg1n 8471) .._'.. II.__. __'.n I-.._-.-Ii-..n_ Iii. ____ -_ -_-1u-. 1-44-41 LUl.' EUIHU Lllulth Miss Hope Rogers visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Ros- ers, over the Week-end. 'l\.`TIn.~. T Afhsvna AI TX7Iv\n'v\naI In 1vIu._ Who has beein Vstaylnlg with them for some time. Thflnn T_Tnvun 'I3.`I\ovu\n.u II'a1\.A 1-noun era, UVl' L116 WUEK'Uo Miss J. Carr of Winnipeg 1 via- iting Mrs. Geo. Duff. ' . aldson -D0" LINES seavnca and LU 'DHl'llll5LUII UH Duuuay. The fine weather has been tav- .ora.ble.1.'ozf farmers and some` are 9.1- _ ready through seeding. U.l:U.'ttULl\`Ua - _ ' Mrs. Kramer, who has been vis- 1-tlng here for some time, returned to Burlington on Sunday. .'l`hA fhm: umxifhmn has hann fnv- UH. VV- `kl: 'B|.Ul.'t:y. _ Mr. and .Mrs. S. Pratt were re- cent vlsitors at (the home of their 80% at M-inesingtatlon. "DnA la .atIIna- u `nnni BIN-nlnnn SUI! lit xv;-xxxeszngutatxou. _ R. `Roe 1-s adding anew lultchen to his house which will be quite attractive. `Kn: Tfnonnnw nvkn has Rania unis- VISILUIC5 'WlLll, Ll'1UIlU.H Ill ou1uuuuu:. Mrs. "R. `Storey, Sr..` -of iEImva1e. is spending a. few days with her son. W. G. Storey. / Mu nn Mr: R u`Dv~nl-4* urn-A an- May 14--ICh`a.s. - R0lb'1ns' of Torohto `was visiting his parents last Sun- day. Mr. and `Mrs. Roe were week-end visitors with. friends in Sunnidale. `Inc B |r\IvA1y .Qn ` .nP .137-u\1vnIA nerd Jog. Gregg is a. busy man these days, erecting cottages for summer visitors. All very welcome _to our pretty village where there Ii 1 de- lightful bathing beach." anu-wruucwuug uzu -M.'qUi1.'1'llU!lIlCB. Mr. and Mrs. T. Bateman will soon occupy their summer home here. Tan nanm I- A Iunaur -an... AL--.- IICFU UVUI` LHU \`VUI'.'R\:'l:,'llu. `Mr. and Mrs. J. Farrier. Jr.. mot- cred to Barrie on tsaturday in spite of the wind. Tn: "`1`n6 nvnn lei `Inn uu8>I14-no-4. nun ROSSING to Europe in as - Cunard or Anchor- ' Donaldson ship by Cabin Class you. might imagine your self to be one of a gay party in a great country house. There is the society of new, inter- esting fellow-passengers deli htful recreation, regular an hea thful exercise, excellent food and perfect service, sound and refreshing sleep. Yet it costs no more to go on these ships! Weekly sailin s from Montreal and Quebec to P ymouth, Cherhourg and London 1) theAurania,Alaunia, Ascania an Ausonia . . . to Belfast. Liverpool and Glasgow b _ the Athenia, etitia, Andama aux ' Antonia. U]. Luv wuxu. . Jos. Tillet was in` the village on Sunday looking after his cottage and--renewing old `-aoqua-I-ntance. `M -r and 'M'vs| '1` Rafamnn nri l5l-Ill Cpl-LC! l|G.Vlll5'1ll LUU'L Urusueu. Reg. Canndng of -Toronto, with two of his city pupils, visited his parents here over the week-end. The young ladies enjoyed the coun- try air -immensely. '13nhHn R"Hnn Irialfn I-rh: novuanlwa Ll GIL uuuuvuacuy. `goblin Milne visited his parents here over the week -end. ml ... nu-mi \/hag 1 Dnnninn `I ... .....L -May A14---Harry lchappel is about again after havingvhis foo-t crushed. Pea (`sann1na- n1 -'l`nv-nnfn uyk uuuuayuig ut. 1115 nume -nere. A very pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ackerm-an on Monday. May 7, when the young people of the community met to c-ongratulate them on their recent marriage. `The evening was spent in games after whlich they were presented with -a miscellan- eous shower and from the charivari boys a mantle clock. Mr. Ackerman "thanked t`hem for their gifts. Re- freshments were then served. nu, vuauuzu ucx` u1'uLue1', uuu. vvxggms. Mr. and `Mrs. Geo. ICoutts and tamily. -'Mid.hurst. pent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. ordon Brown. Norman !Spicher, Hamilton, is holidaying at his home- here. A van nlnauon .-nynuwln... nu... .........:. anus wuu U11`. dull 1V1l`S. A. 1). 151116. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carruthers and Miss lchristena Icarruthers 'of4 Cundles spent Sunday with `Mr. and `Mrs. Will. |Carr{uthers. M-lam `Dame-uIn.~. v1xn......-...... mm.-- auu .`vu`a. VVHI. -uzuuuulers. Mzlss Beavtr-ice `Wiggins, Toron- to, visited her `brother, LEd. Wiggins. Mr. and `Mrq, an I(nnHu anti May `14--'-$Mrs. Mundy, `Toronto, and Miss ICora LBuie, Orillia, are vis- iting` with Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Buie. R/I'v~ and Jhfyua `\'X7n1+.u..r`1.~.......4-1...`...-. A drama entitled Mother Mine was given in the church here by the players` of the United Young Peo- ple's Isociety. `There were twelve characters and the play lasted two hours. It is the general opinion that this drama is one of the 'best`ever offered` in these parts. It makes a very strong appeal to the better side of human emotions. Perhaps the part of Mother can `be singled out for special mention as being unusually effective and. -touching This difficult role was played by Mrs. (Rev.) Bushell, who interpret- ed the part to perfection. Between. the acts two solos, Mother `Ma- chree and K-ipling's .``Mother 0 Mine" were sung `by Rev. A. Bush- ell. under whose management the play was given. Instead of closingi with the `National Anthem, Mr.` Bushell led the audience in singing the chorus of `*0 Where is My Boy Tonight? It -was a strong play. splendidly interpreted. - As Gay as a Country House Party! nuns aura. .vLU1.xuug11L In barrxe. `Sunday visitors in IE~gbert wergz Miss Edna Haugh and -Howard Gauley of Baxter, Mr. and Mrs. Norman `Thompson of Thornton, with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred `Thomp- son; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Banting of Ivy, with Mr. and Mrs. '1`. Felt-is; Mr. and `Mrs. John Ingham, with Mr. and Mrs. Downer; Mr. and Mrs.- Arthurvl-Ialbert, Misses Laura and Clara and Master Edwin, I. McMas- ter of Grnfel and M-r. Jennett of Utopia, at Eimcroft Farm. ly UL `DU-KLt"l'c ' Mrs..'T. Feltis is confined `to her bed .with rheumatism. Ila nu-A '1|.f..._ rm..........;. 1-._1___ -1: UUU -WJLH l'll!'.'l.lIl1ElLlb'IIlu Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Earley of Detroit -spent the week-end with the latter s' parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Earley accompanied Mr. and Mrs. "Earl McKnight who we-re -vi-s- lting Mrs. McKn|ight in Barrie. Lnnsnr viuifnma -In :`mnkc...+ .um..... HIV wucn-emu 1'11 .l.Ul'UHLU. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Edgar spent Sunda.y.w1th Mr. and Mrs. J. Gau- ley of Baxter. _ Mr: "F Wnlfic In nnnfh-no.-1 In-u `I.-nun uuuupmu. I Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Caldwell of Crown H111-and Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Wlce and Mns. R1): of 'S`trou-d were Sunday visitors at Roy Par_tridge s. "so __A `E... E1.__.__. __. ]JVHUC E 'Ul'ULlIUl'o -Mr. and `Mrs. VamNorman and family of Stroud called on Mrs. VantNorman -s father, Alfred Palk. Sunday. -- -av-.-.... ...- ~...........`, -a...q.\.na-vv.;u The seeding is almbst completed around here, Alfred Thompson be- ing the first to finish. "IE1! an:-'I Mn... ur nu -r.....:`>~ ........ L115 LIIU LUCSL LU 1.1111811. \\ "Mr. and Mrs. W. `T. Irwin -spent the wee}:-end 1-n Toronto. `Ila and Iran .A...-....... 1:1.:......_ ..........a. J lldllullu -The tourist trade is to boom this year. it is reported. `The cottages are nearly all spoken for. But there are empty houses above and on the Ridge Road we would like to see occupied. T ` Mn Jan!` Mv-u !'l4`r-AA J"-;1r1uvn1l A47 u-run-ow.--J .--..--.v-.. an. `iv. .n. u. ysauaw 9- Mr. and Mrs. Spence moiored to Midhurst on Isunday to see Mr. Spence's brother. .Mr nh "!\/I've T7nn1T\Tnv-n-non on May 14-Miss F. `svvitgr spent the week-end at her home. -up up , . - May 14--It was good to see so many of the Sunday visitors out to `service on Isunday `a-fternobn. n-IL- ___.1f._;. 1., _u,,,_ . - ----.- v .. -_.-.-- uv . . . u - - . .wu. -av-.-\.\.o Jas. '1-?La.1V1d`s is not enjoying his us- ual health. ' ` . The On`-n1Ca Iunnn {cu n .1np..-um. $1.3.- ll} LU LUFUIKLU 'UI.l $VJ.U!1Uoy RISI- Mrs. Alfred Palk had a visit -from her niece. Mrs. Brown, and,fam- y, of Owen Ssound, -and returned home with them. `Ila and Ina Alana- DA ...5_.. IIUIIIU Wllvll $119111. Mr. and .Mrs. Abner Ba11 enter- tained Mr. and Mrs. Donaldson on Sunday. L Pm 'nH'nn mhn `Hun 1-man nnv|_I aunuuy. . 1 Wm. Sutton, who has been con- ned to his bed lately. is at -the time of writing somewhat better. 7-- N\-+J... 1- ...-4 _.__n__,,,, May -144-Boss and Robert- son afd Hovey Adams, all of Tor- onto, were in the village over the week -end. QR`: 'u'Anuuv Q.`-Inhnlut 1nC6 nun as spin WCUA `EMU: Mrs. `Henry Gilchrist left on a. vis- it to Toronto on Monday last. Mrs. ATYPBH `Dali: -had 1: vial? -frnm SUNNQDALE CORNERS ,3`?-"3 EWART I-09%! .. nu... vnn u nova OovoolVI Mr. and Mrs. England motored from Toronto on `Saturday, bringing the latter s mother. `Mrs; Sammons, 9"."'?'e'f35 swwnr BAY- WYEVALE EGBERT .:.\..1\. 'AVU. 0, ou'auu`uy, `U111. We have a vast amount of similar letters on file in our office. For par- ticulars concerning this Remedy with a record of over 25 years suc- cessful treatment of Goitre on old and young. write (S. `W. Hughson, Dept. BE 88 Isoundan Ave., `Toronto, Ont. 20b Vvhy Dr. W. J. Hughson's Famous Goitre `Remover is still becoming more famous the following letter explains: ' hno.n nah... \/r.. ...:c- .-_.:I -7 - -~ - cayxauna . ' Dea-r Isir: My wife used one and one-half bottles of your Goitre IRe- mover and her neck is completely well. `She is very thankful to you. having gained from '103 pounds to 132 pounds and `now feels fine. VVit-h best wishes, Hamilton `Fisher, R.R. N0. 3, 'Strathroy, 'Ont. `K713 hnvn 9 xrncf arnnvlnf AP .:.-..:1..... 1501132! 5! \"v:` A very pleasant social gathering was held in Painswick on `Tuesday last, May 8, when `Mrs. `Rolberts, one of the oldest and `most respected in- halbitants of the village, celebrated the 81st anniversary of her birth. A number of her neighbors called` to congratulate her and a very pleasant `time was spent from four to six o clock. Mrs. Geo. Arnold and Mrs. John 10001: poured tea. `The rector and -Mrs. lcousins were among those present. Everybody expressed the best wishes of the community for the aged hostess. ' I ..u.;. quu 4u.1'.s. J.1.'J`UI;. umurlage. Chas. Parker was called to Buf- falo -on `T'hursday' to see his sister, Mm. Webster, who is not expect- ed to recover. The late Mrs. Colwell ` of Lefroy was `a daughter. $11.13: Be \1l.lldU5IlCl'u The Rev. J. E. Brown. who is holding evangelistic services -in C ookstos_vn. conducted the service on Mother's -Day in Bethesda Unit- ed church. Miss McA1pine, soloist, sang. Both service and solo were- mnch enjoyed by all. Mr. and Mr: T-Tanrncs on `rm-1.4:- .. wuu bolas. 11111016. K Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Davidson and children and Miss Lorene Davidson of "J`c~sorto visited on Isunday with .I:'. and Mrs. Ro`bt. `Eldridge. Chas. Parker uvne na1'loR +n D-P- May 14--Mr. and Mrs. Cowan and Mr. and `Mrs. Matthews of Mans- field spent `Sunday with `Mr. and Mrs. R. Gallaugher. Thu Dan `I I3 `B...nu..-. ...L... I... . unuuu 1-:uJu_y1eu uy 8.11. Mr. and Mrs. Hawes and Eddie of Toronto visited over the week-end | with Chas. Hindle. Klan `on.-3 `Alan 'r-..__ 1-s..--2`.1_-.. AAA vrvith sinews of Pure Rubber `run nuns: axamnan` Also Gas, Coal and Wood l_l_a:_xes ondbwarm Air Fm-noon By Advertised Things jww ct Robinson Hardware. ELIZABETH ST., PHONE 1040 FATNSWICK A New Tire _BETHESDA '2! special pr0a z.Ic[~ for every purpose~ for even; surface 500% PURE PAm1ANovA?RNas"He NEW performance values cameinto existence when the first Chrysler was created four years ago. v v v The industry since has one over en masse to the ebrt to_ attern after em. But I the remarkable thing is at Chrysler "72 is just as much alone today as when it was the one and onl exponent of its type. I] Alone in a theoret- im brllblui-1'17 l3.....I.....:....n-. ..- AI--- -- -e vasrvuvut Us 156 lyllco `J IIIUIIC III 3 {nearer- sense only? Effhatically no. Alone in an actual sense-the pe Illustrious New Chrysler '72 Prl'ces-Two-passenger Coupe (with rumble seat), $1995; Sport Roadster (with rumble seat), $2060; Royal Sedan, $2060; Four- pauenget Coupe, $2060; Town _ 1 d ormance sense which 5 es it out an sets it apart in com etition 01:3: street and road and hill as mugh brilliant beauty sets it apart in the eyeof A 1 sea Ontari eq extra) sler "Red-Hen Buyyour Gutta Pefg: Tires. and Tubes from Sold in Barrie by