UIFUU U,V '$Vl1Bl Om Station. 'iI\7 6'cI<'i-'6'n'{'XE' `ides FOR HATCHING FARMS FOR SALE '13Xs'rums.- TO LET BABY CHICKS 303 SALE TU l La` 18-23vp JV alllllt 15-aopl Iuunuua, 18-19p GIRL OR LADY wanted to stay four nights each week with lady and children. Box 694 or phone 1455. ~ ' 19p - I. I-`la 19p FY13: ' 19b U?!` L) 19!)! ! LOST from 20- Henry Ist. child : ex- , press waggon, with yellow wqod ` box and blue wheels. Finder 1: ndly phone 174:3`. . T_ L 191: HUI` Ell UIUU :GAR:AG E '1`O `RENT. 28 V1ct`or1a_ i St.. phone 689'W. 19p i GARAGE.'.l.'.O RENT at 82 Cumbew [land St.. Aliandhle. __ , 19~b ' : HOUSE TO IRENT. Phone 488, '14 Burton Ave" Allandale. 18-20p ! GARAGE `DO RENT on Clapperton '81:. ApplyTaI:~Kes.rns' Store. ' 14t1'b G-NRIAGE gnnn Inn A : MIDDIJE-~AG4ED \VOMA'N wanted to do light housewo1*'k in good home: reasonable wages. Apply to Mrs. Eugene McBrlde,.Bar1`1e R.R. " _ 19tfb an SIX-R0-OMSED I-1'0-UISIE for rent at 68 Eccles `S1 ... available Jun; let. all nnnunnlnnnna IDHAHA 1243, 19h I-HOUSE `P0 RENT, or. rooms suit- able tor light housekeeping.` with garden and henhouae. Apply 73 T11. - tln St.. Allandale. , 17-22p v M SUMMER CI0"1"1`-AGE T10 IRENT at Big Bay Point: furnished, also wat- er in cottage. A;pply'to A. B. Moysey & Co.. McK1nnon ~Bldg.. Toronto. Ont. `I 18-21!) |U-NNAUE '.I.`U 1'Ul'J&Yl.`. ruuuu -nu us | gnquire of Mrs. Parkhouse. 80 Ovggxg to 06 500198 `am. uvuruuluv dun conveniences. {Phone 1243. C0F1`. nA.G{E, beautifully screened. to let,1 or season at Alcona. Beach. Lake tslmcoe. Furnished. Apply Box 682. 19b I -FURNISHED HOUSE to ten}, tor two or three .months-eight rooms (5 bedrooms). Apply Mrs. Vernon Plummer, 21 Charlotte S-t., Barrie, Ont. V~ 19p SOLID BRICK, seven`-roomed house to let. good summer kitchen. gar- den and garage; all conveniences. 74 William St. Rent 325. Apply phone 500. V 15-20b VV uuau `Q | '1\0 LET--IN1ce six-roamed `house. in good neighiborhood: conveniences and garden, Immediate` possession. Low rent. Apply 1-52 Bay!!e1d.'St. Phone 928.1. . 1~9p _ EXPII*)RIENIC'ED GIIRL wanted to help with housework. All modern conveniences. Good wages. Mrs. Frank H. Hurlburt, 54 Ross 'St., ....I..` n-ymm. mm 1q_y9_nn DESLRAJBLE A`PAtR'1`M.EN71` FOR RENT -CI-PEAP, central location. enchanting outlook. immediate pos- session. Apply H. E. Jory, King Block, Barrie. ; 17-'22b FIRST-\C`LASS OEFIICE for rent at once, central, with front outiook, suitable for business or profession- al man. Apply H. E. Jory, King Block. Barrie. 1 ` 17-=22b 'GRElMIM'S _ ALFALFA `SEED for sale. Apply to G. D. Banting, Ivy- Thornton telephone. 18ttb RED . CLOVER ISEED. government grade No. '1. $17 per 'bus'he'1. N. G. King`, C-hurchill. 18-'19p SEED PIOTATLOES for sale, Irish Cobblers; also 'Dooleys, from cert!-. fied seed. Phone 891. 18t'b RED GLOVIER SEED for sale. Government tested; also some oats. Phone 104`5-W. 111 -Penetang St. 19;: `SEED POTATOES tor aale.'sem1- certified Dooieys; passed Govern- ment inspeotion in field and bins. Price $1.50 `per bag. Arthur Walt. Midhurst. Phone 6011-1-3. 16-'21b RED CLOVER SEED for sale; also seed Dooley -potatoes. Government inspected. `Stanley Dunn, Midhurst. Phone ~60`2r8. 19p PRACTICAL -NIURSING DONE. Apply Mrs. H. Grant, Thornton P. 0. Phone Stroud 1'5r41. 16-21b &iG. \PAiN'1`ING done. Wm do country work. H.,Am- old. 21 Comer St., Barrie. Telephone 849. 17-229 1` HUIK I1. llul Iuu. Barrie.` Phone 598. 3 S1`EEL`A-ND OONCzRE'l?E BRIDG- ES erected to Government standard. Plains prepared by competent en- gineers without extra expense to you. Plle driving, soundllng, etc. Vast experience; 114 bridges com- pleted ~'ln Slmcoe. No Job too large and none too small. Let me figure on your requirements In concrete or structural steel for any purpose. J. J. Dumond, general contractor. Brentwood, ` Ont. ` 18-42p FURS M`J1`ER-ED and repaired. Over Hu1'lbll!'t'I Shoe Store. Mlle `ll MIA A 1563:1110 f-Ch I~R'W'IN S BLUE TAXI SERVDCE. local and long distance, night and day. 25 cent service. Phone 198. 15tb CA.`RBEN!'UER WORK. alterations. any-thin-g in building, first-class work. Best of reference. Chas. Alex- ander. Phone 14I20'W. 18-28p YOU CAN EARN $10 to 8'25 a week in your spare time at home writing Ihow cards. No canvassing or noi- lciting. We instruct you and supply you with work. Write today. The Menhenitt Co. Ltd.. 45 Dominion Building. Toronto. . 1Mttb TEN DERS WANTED TENDERS will be received to re-x. pair ihe roof on east side of -Central `United church, -Barrie. to close on . May '19, 192-8. 1W. J. Craven. chair- 'man. 131 Bradford 'St., Barrie. 19p U!` -l1Ill'lUul'l uv M. MoArthur. Of Valuable!`-`arm Property In the Township of lnninfil In the Coun- ty of Simeon. - UNDER` and by virtue of the Pow- ers of Sale contained in a. certain mortgage. which will be produced at the time of sale, there will- be of- fered for sale by Public Auction. by W. A. Mdconkey. Auctioneer, on Saturday. the 1I2th day o.May. 1928.. at the Queen's Hotel. in the Town not Barrie. at 12.30 pm. the follow- ing lands and premises. namely: vmm mast half nf 'l'.nie Nunmhar Tun- mg Luau-3 uuu prtsuuaua. uauu.-xy; The west ha]! of Lot Number Tye" (2), in the Ninth (9) Concession ot the said Township of I-nnisl, con- taining one hundred acres` more or Inn: 1688. `There is said to be erected on said lands a. good. frame. one and one- half story dwelling house, also barn 48 it. x 60 ft. on stone stable, which accommodates twenty-"two head of cattle and seven horses. also shed 20 ft. x 60 tit. and garage. |'I"hA Inn In nlnlu lnnvn nhnnif nnfrnn SAI4ESM.A.N fWAuN"l`ED `for men's clothing store; one with experience preferred; also sale-s~1ady for ladies ready-tovweur department, who can do alterations. lslteady jobs with good chance for advancement for the right parties. Apply Box "A", Examiner. . 19p U LE. X DU lat. uuu 5uja.5v., The land is clay loam about seiren acres 0! bush thereon and is situat- ed. about one and one-halt miles from Thornton. - Vkg nnnnnnbn VH1 K; Alfnnn 'I\I LPUHI .l.'UI'EUllo The property wdl be etfered for `sale subject to a reserved bid. Terms. ten per cent. of purchase money at time of sale and balance lthln thirty days thereafter. - For further particulars and con- dttdona 0! sale apply to nmmwn-uh J.'rmwA:nv I":i LVUUI` |r5G5UU G [DATED `April 25th, 1928. . owns UL Icuu uypty w _ STEWART -V16:- JSr13:wAr:z'r:~ ` Mm*tg'agee's Solicitors. A7lV1L`Y\ Ann GEO!` 109-Q 17-`1Qh anomrrv 1'0 urr Lost AND rouun MOBTQAGP SEED FOR SALE ~ MISCELLANEOUS l`. Phone 467 or rhnnan an urnn : MAIED WANTED: references re- n...'nn.-I A nnl xv \'v: `X. A Rnvs. lU:U'Io 17-192;] EIII um: | ,3%l 'rh:,sAama. axauman --TT _ :.j #2 (fr oluablo -Residential. Pro arty In the Town of Barrie an the South Shore of Kempenfoldt Boy. Pureuant to instructions received by the Executors oi: the` late Lot Webb there will be entered for sale by Public Auction. at the Queen : i Hotel, in the Town or Barrie, on .8a.turda.y, the math day of May. 1928. `i at 12 o'clock noon. by W. -11. Mon Conkey Auctioneer, `the following properties: ~ PARCEL ONE: Lot Number, Thinty-three (33) on the north aide 0! Elizabeth Street. and that part of Lot `Number 1'1`-hirty-tour (84) on the north side of Elizabeth Street. and that part of Lot Number titty- two (E2) on the east side out Eccley Street, in the said Town or Barrie according to Registered Plan Num- ber 3'96 as` described in deed there'ot to the late Lot -Webb and one, How old G. Maxwell, recorded as Num- ber 19215 for -Barrie. | HVI-Ann In .-all 6.. L- 4\onAA|`A` An -All UV!` {U610 `LUV 'll'l'lG- There is said .to be e ted on said land: a. seven-room . two-story. brick veneer residence yvith all con- veniences. -\ mAnnu-Ir. mu-rn. nu... .......... 1...no -0 VI'llVIlU05o I PARCEL TWO: The west had! or tha.t',pa.rt or broken Lot Number Thirty (30) in the Fourteenth (14) concession of the Township of In- nisl. in .the County or Simcoe. firstly descrlbed in deed thereof from K. A. Cook, et al, to the late Lot [Webb recorded as Number 12960 for Innistll, with right of way thereto and therefrom as described 1!; glsild deed Number 12960 for In- n a . '`n|n cnnnnnnbun In-r -`An-u6lluI`Iu. -It M11555 V `There is erected~on said prpperty a. fine six-roomed cottage. with large verandahs. also garage. This property constitutes a. beautiful aumrgxer residence and is well tlm-i bored. * ./?ARCEL THREE: Part `oi. broken Lot`N_um'ber Thirty (30) in the Four- teenth ('14) |Co-ncession of said Township of Innisfil secondly de- scribed in said deed from K. A. Cook to said Lot Webb, deceased. Thlu nvnnnrl-tr .lu nlan aInnOA An IKIULOM This property as tbeautlfully alt- uated on the south shore of Kam- penfeldt Bay about `one mile from 31% Bay Point, and adjacent to golf" :1 . Thomas In Armand-nnI.A-u 4-nil nnnn Autu- FOWL WANTED. highest prices paid. Phone 384 01' Box 542, Barrie-. H. Levit. V ` 17-22p UUUIS LU azuu JJUL VVUUU, uuueauau. This property -is also situated on the south shore of Kern-penreldt Bay and being wen timbered would make an excellent site for a. summnr home. Tank manna` AC Innnl wall` Ln A`, Ell VSKUVMIUIIQ. EHLU LU!` U: auuuuur IIUXXIIH Each `parcel of. land wll`. be of-` gelzed for sale subject -to a. reserved` `Fan Iuunhnn `Au-nun nn v\nunGIo\u|`nuu-u "'"s"i*mWA11-'r & STEWART, I Solicitors for the Executors of the 1ate.zLot -'Webb. DATED April 23. 1928. 17-191)` NOTICE TO cnznrrons} m5or d.'urther_ terms and partlcuiara apply to ASVHJTTTL TEIVII D. STEVE??? A Ti"! NO`T`1`C'E is `hereby given pursuant` to the `Trustee Act that all persons having claims against the `Estate of Harriet Hargrave. late of the Town- ship of Essa. in the county of .Sim- ooe, widow, deceased, who died on or about the 19th day or April, 1928, are requested to send particulars of their claims to the undersigned executors on or before the 31st day` of May, 1928. after -which date the` executor will distribute the assets of the estate among those entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of -which he shall then have ` notice, and that he will not `be re- sponslble to any person for -the as- sets ot said estate whose claims shall not then have been received. Matthew White Ridley. `Executor. Dundalk, Ont. o A 1- N91) A .\v-I-\v-an-u ntvrxv-Iv A mv DAVVlS`O1N--4In Thornton. on Wed- nesday, May 9. 1928, William John Dawson, nbeloved husband of Mary Ann peers. in his 78rd year. The funeral on Friday, May 11, at 2.30 pan. to-Thornton cemetery. Russell Eockhart wishes to thank his many `friends. and neighbors for their kfndness and remembrance during `his stay in the hospital. 191) Mr: .1 ID ~`RInhnn and hv-nfhnv and QUFIHS H13 '3L.y III (.118 'IlU3plCU.h IOU Mrs. J. R "Bishop and brother and sisters wish to thank their friends and neighbors for their kindness ' `and sympathy shown in their recent bereavement; also those who kind- ly loaned their cars. 19b Mrs. Geo. Urry and family wish to express their appreciation of the kind sympathy shown `by the_ma.ny friends during their .recent bereave- ment. 19p -per um}mNnivh'66vXE~:, 19-21b -Solicitor, IBarr1e', Ont. ` PIAN-O VVA-N'TIED-G0od used up- right piano, reasonable. Apply F. H. Hurlburt, *See'y `Collier St. Sun- Auu Qnhnnl A`DLEN--On Friday, `May 4, 1928, to Mr. and Mrs. `W. [Roy Allen, %`h1c)maton, a. daughter (Mary Iso- e O . CA1RJRl0IJL--At the `RV. Hospital,` Barrie, Sunday, -May 6, 19-28, to Mr. and `Mrs. I-Iarry Carroll, Cnalgvale, a. son. ` CUMMIING-At the `RSV. Hospital, Barrie, Thursday, May 8, 1928. to Mr. and Mrs. J. `Cumming, Phelpston, a. daughter. I-I'l1CK`I.4I~NvG--At Edgar, May 4. 1928, to Mr. -and Mrs. G. V. '_H1ck1 1ng. v a son (George Ross). - KEARJN-S- On Saturday. May 5. 1928, to Dr. and Mrs. J. Kearns, Phelpston, a son. MATSON--'At Palgrave, April 20, 1928, to Mr. and Mrs. I. 0. Mat- son, a. daughter. CHAS. H. BEELBY Wishes to announce that he has taken over the jvuw :7: v uvv tuvuuuwuu on. Bradford Street, opposite the Collegiate, formerly con- `ducted by A. B. Thomas, and will be pleased to serve all previpus customers of this station and many new ones. . ' Prompt and Courteous Ser- vice at all times. i No distance: too long for our his-h-powered motor A-trucks: : A. c. REID _ CA RTAGEN Phone 547 : 48 Ellen St. 'ehr\;i-ct; `Station ____ ,_A._ cARDso1-"rTAN1 1'1 rxuuuul I. day School. ' FURNITURE " MOVING A SPECIALTY A Local and Long . Distance I Everybody come to Barrie s' `Bic Shopping Week. ` - ` _'nn nunvdunrnnnf Alanuvhnrn any ouupyutg ween. ` . --`See advertisement elsewhere ,in this issue of Crossland s 2-for- t1 sale. 19b ` -'Watch for The Patent Lea-1 ther Kid coming to the Capitol " Theatre. ` 19b ` ---Get-`your reworks` for 24th at W. R. Keenan's. Best assort- ment in town. 19b The weather has been warming :up this week, the mercury touch-_ ling 71 yesterday. 5 Zurnak I-unnf 1'na+ 1:1-I-kin!` A Filth , --`Try one of our great 25 Conn- pany's ma-d*e-to-meaure suit- mgs and get real value for your 5 money. -Satisfaction guaranteed Ior money refunded. B. D. O'Neill. Tailor. 19b ' Oro Agricultural Society are L anxious to get as many as possible tlin the standing field crop competi- ! tion. Any of the officers will be I glad to receive an entry. The . crop is oats. -Now that the season of heavy 1 traffic is at hand the police are E checking up closely on the thirty- ! minute parking restrictions on ,.Dunlop and .Elizabeth Streets. 3.which is agrantly violated by a'merchan-ts and others. 1 -The clergyman is about to 9 _pronounce the words--when- 3 like a ghost-the `ying man they : thought long" dead--stands before 3 them-he has own across the 1, ocean to Capitol. See Monte Blue in Across the Atlantic. 191: ;. Andrew Blair. of, `Toronto, bro- ther of Aldermen Blair, chief :. clerk of the C.N.vR. at `Allandale. s has taken out a transient traders license at a cost of $250 and has : opened an open-air used car mark- I lett on a vacant Elizabeth Street _' o. I A `A-.J3-` IuuvLn`-`An 31- nuonuuo` III` II. yu5Iel.`uay._ -Fresh trout J sure and get your order in early_ {at Jarvis -phone 65. . I "I`hn Tnmn ("J-snnnii an Mnnnv ust arrived. Be ' Eli Il8l'Vl3 --pnoue U0. I The Town Council. on Monday night, decided to take no action re pasteurization bylaw. 'M'1rn1 9._~Pn1--1 enln 'I"1-1111-anv` U16 yuauu l.ll.'l'u uuu lay In W . -Nyal 2-for-1 sale, Thursday. Friday and Saturday, next week. Crossland s Drug Store. 1970 -M. D. Cubit-Nichols is applying for permission to instal two gas pumps at the Clarkson House. | (3 '1` 'IJ'n'I`In\vnv kn: mnvn {nfn 'yUlp3 HI: IILIU uxaxnauu l.l.UHBUo G. T. Holloway has moved into his house, recently purchased, on Rose Street. next John `Barr's. IV..- `uduunklnn and `unnl-{um CATTLE W~AN`TED for excellent Jake shore pasture. good `fences, terms reasolmwble. `Communicate with Jos. H. Emma. Oro Station. nknnn Dun 10v~`)A 1Q.1Qn ADLET COLUMN -\. _..-.. HUB! Duseeu. uueu, auuu uarl. 3. -For `plumbing and heating, ring 214. J. J. Neelands, 48 Blake Street. Prompt attention to re- pairs. 18tfb `Nine `barbers have petitioned `the Town Council for a bylaw to make the Wednesday half-holiday compulsory.` Dov F'nHnBv- moan n? `DY-nn1nu+nn UUHIE IILEUIJ n` Rev. Fathr Egan of `Phelpston preached! in St. Mary's Church on `Sunday evening at the unveiling lot a statue to The Little Flower. ..._--1 ........l- J-.. -`I'..J.L....).. 1'1...- UL ll auuuuu LU 11117 Luuul:-.I.'LUwULo Special music for `Mother's Day will be given by, St. Andrew's Choir at the morning service next Sunday and in the evening a solo will `be given by Harry Shannon. Ad. In u\AAA+-:0\.fI AF nuvnn Dv\n`n}\\r_ wux DU given uy u.a.u.y uuauuuu. At a meeting of Barrie Ppe`sby- tery, held in Elmvale on Tuesday, a committee on Evangelism was appointed with a view to arrang- ing an evangelistic campaign this `Fall. ML.-- -..- -1 -.... ._.-_a. n: I`... YOUNG IF: 1 -Warwick blueiseal serge, sold from coast to coast at $36.50 a suit. To introduce will give extra pair of pants at regular nrice, $36250, till further notice. .Guar- anteed: against sun. wind and sea air. A specialty for railroad em- ployees. B. D. `O'Neill, Tailor, 125 Dunlap Street. 19b IOU. . A cordial invitation is extend- ed to the citizens of Barrie to the B. "C. I. auditorium. Tuesday even- ing, May 15, when the prize es- says will be read. the selections in elocution given and the posters displayed in connection with con- tests sponsored by W. C. T. U. `Dunn numbing I-mi: nnvu nn nnninvl C8303 spunsureu uy W. U. 1.. . For parkmg his car on Collier Street sidewalk for two hours dur- ing davtime. Alec `Mamid, a Tor- onto 'I-Iebrew. was ned $1 and costs. He left his car stradldle the sidewalk at the entrance to a drive in and people were forced to take to the `boulevard to go round it. ,_--..3;.`- L`:-pi-An` anvuun cu;-"1' McMASTER-1In loving memory of my dear husband. Jos. A. Mc- Ilgggter, who passed away May 14. Depmthmtook a loved one from our home. . .IJUF.|.u `|.UUl\ on Auvcu uuc 4.:.vu.n vu- But never from our hearts. 19p -VVife and Family VV ucu uaya alt": ucun auu LL Acuua cum: few. Dear Mother. 'how we long for you. Friends are friends when they are muvn WUJI IJUH. I1. uu phone Oro .191`24. STE'WAR'1`--In loving memory of our dear mother, Mrs. VVm. |Stew- arg. who -passed away May 13, 19 7. When days are dark and friends are PA to I.` rlcuua GLU LL Lcuua VV ucu LIJGJ unv true But we lost our best friend when we `Ant vvnuu DUL WU luau, Uut vucat. LL uruu vvucu nv` lost you. 19p -Elsle, Hazel `and Doris. TR-AJSK-- In loving memory` of our dear fsylvla. who passed away May 9, 1917. Tonight the stars are gleaming On a lonely, silent grave, . Where sleeps in dreamless slumber, One we love. but could not save. No one -knows the silent heartache. Only those who have lost can tell ` The grief that is borne -in silence For the one we love so well. 19p -.-Ever remembered by Dad and lMother and Family. l.J'l\JI\"&ll IUVLII5 IIICIIIUIJ UL UUGI mother. who passed away May 11, 1922. - She did not fall to do her best. Her heart was true and tender, `She worked hard for those she.` Invyn ' VV\JJ.'UL`JJl1l.l."'l.H IUVIHE _un:u|u1'y U1. Henr.v4 Wortley, who died May '2. 192 . A` life made beautiful by kindly - deeds. W-`lth a helping hand `for others needs To thig sweet\llfe came _a sudden 611 3 . 3 He died /as he lived. everyone`: friend. - In Gan!" ....h-.._...: 1..-- 1n.._.2`1-- TU~RJK-`In loving memory Of dear vnnfhnn nvhn nqaun onrnv Mfnv WORIDLEY--"In loving memory of T-Tanrv TK7nv-Hnv xvhn int! ":\/fnu D118 WU1'K!`.'U. uu.1`u LUIS |.HU3 loved That is something to remember. mn ` '__.nmm-m>m. T.n SUMMER AsC~COMM'0DA*'1`IION - Anyone having summer cottages. houses or rooms to rent during the tourist season kindly notify H. H. Oresvwlcke, secretary Barrie Board of Trade. 13-`24b fap ia&i&gaiaiim$i: LOCAL NEWS : iiiiiiiiliiii 7 IN MEMORIAM Ll 3--Sadly missed by Family` ?--Daui{ter Lime Now. T9 c.Rm'9RsI nidj at -v:u--:-: In the Estate of Annie Grey NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the Trustee Act that all persons having claims against the Estate of Annie Grey. late of the Village of Thornton. in the County or sim- coe, widow. deceased, who died on or about the 23rd day or March, 1928; are requested to- send parti- culars of their claims to the under- signed. on or before the 14th day of May. 1928. after which date the Administrator will distribute the assets of the Estate among those entitled thereto. having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice, and that he will not be responsible to any person for the assets of the said Estate whose claims shall not then have been received. Dated at Barrie this 25th day of April, 1928. .-' JOHN A. CORBETT, Administrator. Thornton, Out. by GORDON LONGMAN, Administrator's Solicitor. 17-19b Barrie, Ont. m Shopping Week Specials - TRYOUR TEAS L Puritan orie Pekoe Tea ..... ..L.... 35 lb. May Bell Tea..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 70c.lb. Special Blend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 58 lb. LUXf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 pkgs. for 25 SOMME NAPT HA SOAP . . . . . . . . . . 10 bus 43: 4-lb. Tin Apple and Strawberry Jam . . . . . . . . 48 4}-lb. 'l`in Apple and Raspberry Jam . . . . . . . . 48 M90}-lions}? `.Gr ' BFUDCK |HIOUS7I7ET}Wf671; sale, 7 rooms, central location, good garden. gar- age, heavily wired for electric stove. Apply 79 Owen ISL Phone 2-12M. 19b SPECIALS FOR BARRlE S SHOPPING WEEK ` May 14th to 19th AunpsusI--\ I\If\lVI/\ I `Q. `L CV66 51000 91-! av-In SMOKED PICNIC HAMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 lb. BREAKFAST BACON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 lb. P. M. BACON, IN PIECE . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 lb. Our spacious refrigerator vaults keep our meats in tip-toprcondition even in the hottest weather. G. WISEMAN We have taken into Stock a shipment of: 2 q nu: Lu un -1: &luUuJ cw - `many others Come in age] _examine Also the following var- ieties of GLADIOLUS BROWN & C0. We have several sizes and makes of lighting plants which have been in use where Hydro has now been installed. These plants we will fully guarantee for one vear. We will also be pleased to quote a special price on the complete installation. Five years experience in lighting plant work and` wir- ing of. farm buildings. USED AND REBUILT LIGHTING PLANTS WITH NEVV BATTERIES `Prices exceptionably reasonable Now is the time to in- stall Water Systems 105 MULCASTER S'l`.. `all modern convenience, wired for electric range. large garden, full size cellar, entire house heated from turn-` ace. 17-22 Get our quotation on any type of water system you may desire, either hand. en- gine driven, or electric. We would be pleased to ad- vise anyone contemplating a Vwater system on any points they may require informa- tion. 9 MAKE 'nHE WATER DO Ill TYNE` `I'D Y Y\Y\7f!\T`l`| JUST ARRIVED ROSE BUSHES SPIRAEA Virginia Creeper II IIIIIVEI I A E. Shayla:-' V' 2 DEUTZIAS, ETC. W. H. Phipps Mrs. Leon Douglas Los Angeles Purple Glory Mrs. Dr. Norton ! :in=_9*. Wale` C -`CDT? - Mm: 12%k*'.=7" : R`00M A'N|D 5B'OAH!D at `73 Mary St. 19-'2-Op CV. u aw.-uvu V- {mob Von Beyeren VV ELLLLILI m'i`I-7uUNNING. cot. Elizabeth and Mary Streets, Barrie Phones 473-474 The Proper Meating Place 'l'huI-obday. May 10, 1028. f To EUROPE Fnong l\_d_ONTBEAL I C 1' VTU I May17 . . . . . . . .. Minnodoss May 26 I June 22 . . . . .. Montclare `June 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Melita June 15 I July 13 Duchess of Be-dtord June RI-2-.TnIv A \I n-4-nn'-- --um: 1.0 | July 15 June 811-July 6 Il-`flu n June 28 u o ueuau-ulasgow May 31 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Melita June 14 I July 12 . . . . . . .. Mlnnedon To Antwerp (Via Groonock) June 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Metazams 1n:_.. -_.____- j COM*F0RTAlBI4E front room, with board. all conveniences, two busi- ness girls. Phone 49*9`W. 19-2013 - -`yawn vlJlIId EMPRESS EXPRESS SERVICE To Chorbourg-Southampton May 23 June13 Empress of Australia May 30 June 20 Empress on.` France June 6lJune 27 Empress of Scotland `Goes to Hamburg. Cabin glass to Liverpool To Chou-bourg-Southampton `May 26|1~J une 23 . . . . .. Montroyal tJune 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Montnalrn 2Goes `to Hamburg. tcalls at Antwerp and Cobh. 1'Goes to Cobb and Hamburg. Apply Local Agents or J. E. PARKER, General Agent, Phone Abolaido 2105 C.P.R. Bldg., Toronto SHOWING A HIGH GRADE RANGE OF SUITINGS ONE FLAT UP AT 1 DUNLOP ST. 5 POINTS USED CARS Oen the following: 1927 'STAR FOUR COUPE, looks and runs like new, fully guaranteed. 1927 CHEVROLET HALF- TON TRUCK, bought late in OM-nhnr 110:! A111`! An-an --...1I ;u.LV Lnuun, oougnn late 11'! October, has only done small mileage and is just like new. 1926 HUDSON SUPER-SIX COACH, this car is in splen- did condition, small mileage. 1926 STAR SIX COUPE; this is a snappy little car and good condition throughout. 1926 FORD ROADSTER, light delivery, in good condi- tion. 1925 STAR COACH. in ex- centinnnllu IFAAA -..A_- a.vau 01:11`; UUAU'u. 1: ceptionally good orde 10E l'\T!`lHvv A `o. ---- ~v,v-v---ug 5vvu uxucr. 1925 OVERLAND SIX 4- door Sedan, in good condi- tion throughout, 5 disc wheels and balloon tires. 1925 FORD 1-TON TRUCK, just overhauled. New bat- tery. 1924 STAR SEDAN, new tires, good appearance and runs splendidly. 1924 FORD TOURING, in good condition. ' 1923 "STAR TOURING. in good condition throughout, with new tires . 1923 FORD SEDAN, runs good, re-painted. TOURING BODY for Chev- rolet Superior, complete, top curtains and windshield. Your present car as part payment. Terms arranged to suit purchaser. """+'{r1 hbbk `Via Belfast and Greenock. To Chorbourg-Southampton- Antwerp D8 ,, R/fnnnr JLUIIIZCH. 43 Elizabeth St.-Phono 278 BOAJRJDERS O'R_'ROOM`ERlS want- ed at 207 Bradford St. or phone 785M; a`l-so work wanted by man. - ' 19b A. KNOX & CO. *!..ARQU.3..Hl|-L .I1jAR9I_-D HILL- FROM QUEBEE DDIERQ Evan E Q Q Q 2 a ll CUSTOM TAILORING ['1-Q." ?n'.'{r.'.{. 'cs'u'a'.'.'o& VJ-` lv- uvun 1 c .1 To Liverpool u 1 DI.-.-uxurll Montcalm Mont:-oso STORE FOR SALE win good loco.- tlon. Phone 841 or write Box 889. nu-an mm. j VAJLUABLE PROPERTY In BM`- rle. 2% acres of land in one parcel; one acre. house and garage on other. Phone 286 or 43 Dalton St. 17-2'21) GAKRIAGE FOR lS*A'LE. Can be 868:1` at 11 Granville St.. Allandale. For further pz11`ticu1m`s apply to Chas. Miles. Muskoka Rd., Gravenhurat. Ont. ` 19p One cent at word. cash. each Inner- tton. (minimum charge, 250); I1: Insertions for the price 0! tour. 103 extra when charged; also 100 extra when replies are directed to The Examiner Office. TWO ROOMS for rent over the Standavd `Bank. Modern conven- iences. _ 19tfb - llUl|u `J. 4 Barrie. FOR SALE-IComforta`b1e 6-roomed, frame house `in Allandale; will sac- rirflce for quick sale. Phone 1139. Barrie. 1-8ta1'b : FOR 1SALE--Five acres, nicely sit- A uated house, town water, electric light and oubuudings. Box 574. Barrie, Ont. 18-239 j- BUILDING LOT FOR SALE stable on property. opposite shoe factory on Dunlap St. Apply C. G. Sm-nnge, 39 Toronto St., telephone 258.1. 18-23b 'eTriI6ifsTTj;;Bmk n;.i{ge +1.1. all conveniences, new furnace. also wired for electric stove, good [101 and garage, central location. Apply E. H. Braden, 63 High St. 19tfb 8-ROOMED FRAME HOUSE with two lots. stable, garage, axnallfruits, apples, etc., for sale. in village. con- venient to Toronto City Dairy Farm. F. Hooey, New Lowell, Ont. 16-'21p FOUR ACRES for sale on Baytleld St., Barrie, good brick house and outbuildings, orchard, good Ihade trees. beside 3011 links. Apply to ll. Gordon, 172 Elizabeth St. Phone 110W 15.211: UV'Ul'|.lUl 119W. FOR S-ALE--`Six-roamed solid brick house, one-piece bathroom; good location, facing Queen's Park; dou- ble lot with garage for two cars. Apply Albert Alexander, 44 Small St.. Barrie. Phone 9'60J. 18-23p GIRL WANTED. Apply House. ~ Fag: Twenty HOUSE FOR SALE In one of best locations in Barrie. eight-roamed brick house, double parlor. kitchen, dinlngroom. four bed rooms. 8-piece bath, turhace and {wit cellar; double garage; large lot. Apply` Henry & Cowan Mt: za~diz?aE.i3":x one of Barrlo's best locations, pard- wood floors, `double parlors, dining- room. brick kitchen. tour bed-rooms, _3-piece bath. balcony. oored attic. furnace, gas. electric. garden, za.r- V age. pa.v4:d`atreeti:"`and drive: cheap for quick sale. Jebb, Watchmaker, or 44 Toronto St. . 17-19p PROPERTY FOR SALE 1_z99Ms AND BOARD ggwkwmmn WANTED Clarkson 19p wan wu. 123 T0!`- 191) EXPERIENOED M-`MID Apply Mrs. A. E. `Bryson. onto St. wanted. `I 00 "`l'|0`_ at! :u., 19w20p D Lil-FLU: '18-191) WOW! . Croll, 19b IFIIUIIU 15-21p with I |I`n(\" 1'2tfb 3|-Ill.` 1-9b 2000 M`. PINE LUMBER tor sale.-! Phone 608r6. 18 -199 ` I GOOD duo'nHEs REEL ` for no.1 zAv\n]l7 On 1A0` |'RR\7f'l'-)1!` lf, HI` hnn GIRL WAN='1`ED to help housewark and plain cooking. Camp Borden. Li'UUU lJuU1`t1'l`J3 nnuuu Luz,` Batu.- iksxply to 149` Baytleld cSt., or phgzaxg HAY FOR SNIaE--Several loads of` good clover hay, Harry Ottawayyl phone 739-J. ~ 19b- _ FOR SAJIJE---Seed-d-rill. 13 disc. Ap- ply to David` Cairns. Barrie 11.8. 8.. or phone 605r2. V 19)) l BARN EOIR SAIIJE. size 35x60.`s1t- uated on lot 22, con. 4, Vespra. 1% miles from Barrie. For particulars apply W. G. How. Barrie. Phone 798. 17-20;) c \VAGON non s.u.E-Gqpd an-one mum wngnn, Rd. MnLau2'h11n. `West: VVAUUN FUR 'aa;un4'--uuvu u'u_u5 team wagon. Ed. McLaughlin. `West: End. . . 19--209 FOR SAJDE--Sweet clover hay. out with `binder, $5 -per `load. J. Oatway. Dalston, phone 904z*6. V 19:) ` 1900 CA"1"AlRA`C'l` electric washing` machine. nearly ne`w,tor salecheap: also two-cylinder air oompresser. At Tuck's. _ ` 191) _ D.A.'H-IJIA BUIJBS for sale-. a. good" assortment, vnaamed variety. also glad-loli bu1'bs. peony roots, ebc.. prices very reasonable. Mrs. Jas. S. Brown. Allandale, phone `883. 18tfbl -2? - SAFE, medium size, good as new; two showcases, Auto Knitter. motor sewing machine. Aladdin lamp. 361: computing scalles. must be sold this week at Tuck's Barrie -Favlr. 17-19p BOOKKEEPER VVv:tN"I'E'D. with experience preferred. Apply Bryaon & Morley, Barrie. 19h FOR S'A?IJE--A car of Western feed outs at 'C-raJgvale. May 12: also, a car of Frost fence wire. Farmers or others needing either will find my prices reasonable, quality consid- ered. Ben). Web|b. Craigvale. 19-'20b BA|R`RJED RJOCKSS week old, 2'2c. rsetting eggs, |Barred Rocks and White Leghorns, I50c per doz. J. Hammond,__A11anda.le, lot '2, con. '14. Ynniufll .1 T193, FOIR SAIJE. Ontario shingles, cedar fence posts: also one tent. 14x20. four-toot wall. D. McLean, Barrie. RJR. 1. phone 903r21. _ 19-24b. l FOR S-ADE--4Ba.rred Rock chicks, bred from high producing pure bred stock; $15.00 per hundred. Harry Ottawwy. Phone 7139.1. 16-21b` IIMIIIIIIUIIU Innisfll. A O'RO CHIICK `.H-A'T'OI-IERY. Ma) prices, laying strain Barred Rock. $18 per -100. S30. White Leghorns. $16 per 100. R. `H. Brandon, Oro .Sta.- Hnn `R P 18-23in O.A.'C. BA'R'R`ED RIOCIKS and Bar- ron's SJC. White Leghorns. Order your chicks now. for immediate or , future delivery. from our trap- nested high producing breeding stock. All the culls are removed. Many of our breeders are qualified R.OJP. hens with high official re- cords. mated with males from our highest producers. Our prices are very moderate. April delivery 818 per 100. May and June delivery $15 per 100. We are booking many or- ders in advance. Order yours now and avoid disappointment. Write for our illustrated catalogue. which also conIta'ins our method of rearing chicks. Sunrise Poultry Farm, Cold- water, Ont. 15-20b QLU `JCS! LU } tlon R.R. rruu I\UUlS5a 135. St.. Allandale. HA'I`!CI-IIIING EGGS for sale, from hen v,v laying White Leghorns and White Plymouth Rocks; large birds laying large eggs and many of them. L-eghorns. 75c for setting; Plymouth Rocks. $1.15 for setting of 15 eggs." Sheard's, Utopia. Ivy phone. 19-24p GOOD GENERAL MAHD wanted: every modern convenience. Apply Mrs. McKenzie, 68 Mary St. 19b HATCHING EGGS - B-red-to-lay Barred Rocks. 15 tot $1.00. 109 Essa. Giv Aiinnnin F`-OlR SNLE--VV'hlte Pekin duck eggs, from `good laying strain. 75 per setting. `Mrs. H. L. Wright, Thornton. Ont. V 18-19p FAIRJNI FOR ISAJIJE. 1'50 wares in pas- ture. Will sell 100 or 50 to suit pur- chaser. Two never-failing` creeks, `well -enced. Apply to E. Wharram. A.11anda'le, Ont. '18-23p FARM FOR SALE. 200 acres, from- mg on highway, Innlsfll; stone house with furnace; 40 by` 80 barn. ~ up-to-date stabling; 10 acres hard- wood bush; 40 acres of fall -wheat,` 20 acres ready for spring wheat; running `stream and good Water; Apply D. Barclay. Stroud. 17-22. | GOv0D PAS~'.l"U`R'E'to let. near Min- eslng. Apply `H. E. Maw, 194 Dun- lpp St.. Barrie. 19p : PAISITIURE -FARM for sale; 45 acres. southwest part of lot 22. con. '1, Oro; never-'fall1ng c1*eek and sever- al acves of bush. Apply to Mary A, Kent. ~R.`R. '1, Barrie, `Box 41, phone 908r3. 19p |PASTUR'E *T:0 RENT. Apply 21 \'Poyntz St. or phone 10844W. 18-19p I GOOD PASTURE. runnlng`wa.ter. plenty shade, two miles .from Al-. Vlandale. Apply J. Hammond. Allan-` r1-.1111 DD Inf 9 nnn 14 TnnlHf H_ 19!) 200-ACRE -SUIPERJIOFR PASYTURE R'UN~--Lot 11. Con. 10, Innisfll. west of Stroud; excellen-t creek; salt tur- nished; good fences: charges mode erate. Apply 55 Mary St., Barrie. Ont. . ` V 18-19p =; IRUQHIC3. apply J. .l'1Ll-Ul|UlUIlU. butan- ! dale P.()., lot 2, con. 14, Innlsfll. 19!)` VV'."LV'LI`41J; ruturuuuwa Lu- quired. Apply Wis. V". A. Boys. Phone 11104 for appointment. 1% N-I-NE Y-OUING P'I|G S.' seven weeks old. for sale. Isamuel Campbell, Edgar. 19-2013` DUIR-HAM cow for sale with` ca1:' at foot, A. Bishop. R.lR.~' .2, Barrie. Dlunnn RQv9 . 19b; GREY HORISE for sale. 7 yrs. old; about 1200. Geo. Finlay, Mldhurst, n`nnno R9IV91 - HI. LUUM (3. D I Phone 60812. Cl UUUL UUo phone 6021'31. FOR SAFIJE--Clyde" mare, four years old. "Aubert Frhomas, Edlgar P..0. Guthrie I_{.|R,'1. . , 18-zap YO`RK-SHTRIE PIGS for sale. 6 weeks old, $8.'50 -`pair. Wm. M. Campbell. `Shanty Bay; phone 910, _01'o. 19p REG{I'S'1`ERJED Yorkshire white 0. AJC. strain. tbacon W130. `brood sows; dnue -May and June. Pure =bred York- sh11'e- Ibacon type. year` old `boars. Young bacon rtype Yorkshire white pigs, eliglble Ito)` registration. $7.00 "a`ndT up eaoh~.;'1`.-4W.~I-Iu`ston-, Dow:"1s- * view Post Office. Manager Boake Farms. _ 18.-20b PURE BRED ROAN 'S`H0'Rf1`I-I'OR'N I-nu PA Vcnaln nlnirnn fnnhfh A1!` l"U'1Vl!4' '-5l1ul1JJJ IIVUIXLV "l lUl1JJ~1'l`U1\&V Vbull for sale, eleven months old. sired `by Master Radio. `Ernie |Coa.tea. nm E11-nnn `IR-19!) GIRL 'WAN'T`ED who likes sewing. to assist at bushe~111ug.*Enqulre over Simmons Store. A. V. Donald- son. 1913 .