,0 `Clown Women's lnstituto Thursday. May 3, 1928 j:: It ism : what you do today that causes the blowout! --it is usually something you have done weeks ago. Under-ination~-careless parking that pinches the tire walls--hitting rough bumps on high. Balloons deaden the jar. But later--a blowout! These things can be avoided. To avoid them means dollars off the cost of running your car. Check up tire pressures every weel-tv---We will do it for you. Keep to the exact gures for the size of load of each tire.` Ease down when driving over deep ruts and sharp ridges. Let us inspect your tires once a week." At least twice a season let us take them off the rims and look for inside injuries. ' A Dominion Tire will stand a lot of abuse, but a little care will add thousands of miles to its life. BARRIE TIRE SERVICE, BARRIE LIVINGSTON BROS., BARRIE ALEX. BEGG, ANGUS S. McQUAY, THORNTON NORMAN M. MARSHALL l 0 0 o SrnOOthne33 0 o 0 power . . . economy . . . speed .- . . carefree motoring . . . these are the advantages brought to the lowvpriced quality.aar eld by the new .W illys-Knight Standard Six -at the lowest price in Willys- Knight history. People of extensive motoring ex- perience are most enthusiastic in their reception of the new Standard Six. They quickly re- spond to the appeal of this car's low, graceful lines and its rich, harmoniously blended colors. They appreciate its sparkling activity--its ease of control, its comfortable riding qualities-4-its marked operating economy and its moderate cost. This new, lower-priced Willyso Knight Six is thoroughl qualied to carry on the alrea y famous Willys-Knight traditions. By all 1.. ..-..... 4.- --- -_..1 ALLANDALEW L8, 'be? sure t1 .ve it atyou convenience. Mrs. I-Iealey and: Mrs. Madden: Lunch lCo~m., Mrs. EBertram.`Mrs. Bennett; Program zCom.. Mrs. Part- ridge. Mrs. J. Beardsall. Mrs. Dick- er: Icomection, Miss Gsarns. Mrs. Bertram wi-11 represent the Insti- tgte at district annual at Waubau- s ene. ' ,_,. ____-Al.`_. ...n1 IL- 1..-.'l.I An auuuc. The next meeting will be held on May 213, at Mrs. J. McLean's. A11 mem bers sending fruit to the shel- ter `in Barrie are. requested to get sea-Iers at `Mrs. McLean's. .Miss Mary Langston of London `owns a Siamese cat. valued 3.; $5,000. or $200 an ounce. ' Mrs. Edith Foster. a. St. Louis nurse. routed two burglars who had entered the home or her patient. 511 :11 >14 M We >11 >11 (014 >11 >14 in ext D11 ' protested he got nothing but ` ' it : sauce. IShe - had always gotten i his breakfast before. When she it 511 Idid get up she gave the dishes a **&K4****bI1%&***_-,Shove." and said he would not` be .` i . , , 9 bothered with her very much Miss 0., Ruddell left this week for longer, because she was going to he1?:`?b:trtJ?3cc-S:`;3hMiss Ednalwasaga `Beach f1` 91 Smm1' left for Toronto this week. ' j'iE`h he? 50 and his Wife-. Miss `Sterwart of "Toronto is the; . I Wish you had told me_ aboqt guest of ms Ethel Drysdale. gthxs `before I put myself In this Marshall L a cat mess. replied Dad, referring to 1`-`ad f "' S`k Monday` `the assignment of half the farm \V. J. I-Ii?! has returned home *af- etc the SOIL ` um u.aiHm-r Frinn: in T-Tami-lfnn. I 13..-.1 . . _ . . ...:,... ,:.,...:..,a ..,,,,.:+;.m1`, am uaulgumu. W. H.'.RiIchie returned home -on Saturday after a couple. of weeks in Toronto. I A nnrrxnn n1 `ihn rnntnhnre nf H13: A on 1'UE`Sll?1.\' IILEIIL. | Mr. and Zvlrs. ~Hru`o1d Bed] and children of Gilford spent the week-' end at Jas. `Hill's. ! mm... M \r.. nhr` xx 11' .1: Dam" HD1113 101` L116 lHJ11Ui'l.\`b'. Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. Kenwall ofl Midland were guests at Marshall I4angman s on S'.unday. I A J` |T2'ahnnmt}nnr:. ?hn.rnn4:I+h'IE lJ'dIlgHli`lllS UH D`.lllllli1`\. ' A. C. |BTshop attended the meeting of Slmcne tPx'ebyte1'_v held in Bar- rle on Tuesday and` Wesdnesday. | nun rx-us.-,au,,__ u 1-\-_.,,1-. \:_-;_:..... m '1'OI`O!H.U. I A number of `the mem'bers of the Masonic L0dI_:e visited Stayner lodge on Tuesday night. My` on \/Ive J-I1vnlr1 1:294" and CDG BI ans. IIHLS. ` Born to Ur. and Mrs. \V. B. Reid] o`f Capreo-1. Ont.. on .VIon'day. April 30, 1928. a duughter. '\fu nn \.`In:: \`I' I`\u-ah`: I've `Pvn- 5U, 13.1-B. 31 U`I|U;`-SXILCF. ' .\I1'.. and Mrs. )1. Train. '.\*I1's. Fra- ser and v\Vi1'1. White mdtored to Tor- ' Onto on Friday last. - `T'IIl r`nr\\v\`-x1111 uvkn `nae Mann 12+- Uluu uu '1'um_v 1cmL. W111. Campbell. who has been at-I ten`d1n,<.r universitv in Toronto. is I home for the holidays. ` nu. nun!` .\.t.m xvw. `rz.:mma11 AP ..- -.. -_--....,_, ..--...-_..,.,. , The -Oddfellows` Dist!`-ict Meeting of Georgian Distrlc~`t` WE-11 be "held in` the hall here on `Mnday afternoon,` .\-Iny 7. - V I Dnvv nv\r1 '\/fun A T.)h-urn! ennnf .\1z1,\' I. Rev. and Mrs. A. -Rintom -spent` a-co1`1~p]eof days in Brxrrle this week.` Mr. \Rint0ul `atmrended the Presby- tery meeting. \fv and \Ive Fvp '. n.HRfm` and CB1`)? ITlt`t`LHl`'.. I Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wvebstev and Misses Nlargaret and Ru`th of Rich- ~ mond Hm enjoyed the week-Mend at the home of A. C. Bishop. 7 \l'n on \T\\c T "\7n=h\1A hf U16 'IlUUH:.` U1 :1. -kn Dlauuy. ' M1`. and Mrs. Edison Noble of_ `Cleveland, Ohio. and Miss Marjorie Beardsall of 'T01`Qn:tn spent a few days with the latter`s parents, `Mr. and Mrs. Martin `Bea'rdsa']]. ~ um... m....m1 nangvznn nw 11o '\17r\_ `The annual meeting of the W0- men's Institute `will be hand at the. home of Mrs. Chas. Gilbert, on; Thursday. .\Iuy 10. at 2.30 pm. -Roll ca`)! will be answered by payment of fees. -rm... 1:\I.......x-1n1r1n.~ `LI.-...Hm.1+.nm1 all &\ll'H. J1'ill'L1l| 'IJt'(ll'llD(l'llu l UL L!`.`U- "Phev Elnmrvnzle Society is nnuc success of the drive. one hur bers to data". . to Join kindly Secre-tary, or M vale. lI.....-I. Q... (Continued from page one) time when he heard loud voices. He entered the house to nd his parents engaged in a real spat. He took his father by the arm and told him that sort of thing had to stop. There was a scuffle between father and son. Mother` stepped in and received two `blows on the head for her trouble. Dad hit her with his close st. his wife and ,, L__L3-.` n euvna Mann Fhnf. `Flvm LHDHUI. Gnu av... -.-..-__,V _ ._ closed fist. son testired. It was then that the son plugged his father, to use his own expression. . It was a case of mother and son , -_-!__..L ...J.1...... The Tnffnr had IIIUUIUGIIJ C\l4|ClIIInv\- an -- -._- , ity, `but after Dad had given his evidence Magistrate Je"s com- mented that Dad. in his opinion. was perfectly sane and rational. Jack Barker was out at the pump when he heard loud talking. He had heard similar arguments before. Dad was in a rage. said the son. I told him this sort of thing had to stop. I took him by the arm and mother went to step in between us. He made for her and struck her twice with his closed fist. It was then that I plugged him. Mother's evidence was much the same. only she wasmore effusive and had to be checked up by the Bench for talking too much. It_de_veloped that recently the I '|D;1__ __ close HEB. lb VV no vuyu vnuvwv It developed that the couple had signed` over half the in- terest in the farm to the son and on their death he is to get it all. " ` `- - -` --- __L....1.u J:nuonv|+ are requ Hall on 6.15 |anc' `St. Join the `char address woo BURNED, N0 PORRIDGE BUN ya-.55.... .-.- against father. The latter had been unbearable for two months. both testied. On the witness stand the son asked that his Dad be medically examined as to his san- L1- _ LIIC UlI\'llJIfllll, '-l\vC`\u o'$o LLNIIILULIL, Will them. Presbyterian W.M.S. The Pres-byterian Missionary So- ciety met at the home of Mrs. H. Carma-han on `Timrsday afternoon. April '26, with eleven mem'bers pre- sent and .VIrs. Mt-Auley, president. in the chair. After the regular busi- ness a -duet was -rendered by Mrs. John Kerr and Mrs. Jose. McDermott. Mrs. John `.VIcAuley gave a p'a.per on the second chapter of the study book. The Royal -Road." `The mem- bers of the Society are providing dinner for the Pres`b_vter,v `which meets in the `Elmvale Preslbyterian church on `Tuesday, May 8. The meeting is to open at 10_ am. with Rev. VV. M`cMi11-an, Moderator, in charge. _ P. (2 I,'l' Maniinn An iwteresting `meeting of the `Canadian Girls in `Twining of `St. John's Church was held on April 30 with Miss -Florence Manning in charge. `The p1*og;mm included chor- uses Ihy the group; readings `by Miss Minnie -Bell and `Miss Verona Rowat. piano duet by Mrs. W. White and Veimia 'Bezu`d`sa1']. a round by eight girls. instrumental solos Ib_V Raymond Player and Miss Minnie Bell. .vocwi duet `by Misses Gladys Beardsall and Leoia Dean, and a short -talk on the aims and olbjects of the iC."G.I.'T. by Miss `Manning. ,.-_.......- ._---......1 ............- 011 1411611` ueauu Inc no new by-a - ..--. Dad had an entirely different story. of course. He told about do- ing the chores. about returning to nd his wife still in bed and no --'----I an 1nunnbPnn4- ant` uyhgn g lnna ms Wue sun 11: ueu uuu nu] wood, no breakfast and when he Va. uuw vv-nu---. ...`, -.-...-.. ....._.......,a After the program several ga1:nes were enjoyed `by an and a dainty lunch -was served by he girls. `Ina nan .`he memlbers of the |Cvur'1in-g 4 t requested to meet at the Pa 11 Sunday evening, .\Ia'y t 5 Iandi` p-nnceed `from there John's `United `Church v - `chaplain, Rev. A. Rintoul, hvncu Hanna 8. Church C.G.l.T. Mee'tin nvv:w:le-Flos Horticultural umuch p`oased with the 'Sp1~in_2.' membership a hundred p.1id-up mem- tn". Anyone sti1`1 Wishing ndl_v phnne J. B. Smart, nv \`H~c: 12 u `Rhank mm. Service u_\ pu ' Mrs. 3-F109 3h 1:1-n n \lR_un rhnrn- :9 for the IC `Ant and The `Women's Institute met at the home or Mrs. J. Emm on April 25, with a good attendance. Annual re- ports showed the year to have been both profitable and enjoyable. The toqlowing officers were elected: Pres., Mrs. A. McKay: 1st Woe- Pres.. Mrs. -Beardsail: -2nd Vice- Pres.. Mrs. `Beath: Sec'y., Mrs. R. ,8lesser; F.l`reas.. Mrs. .Bea:th; Or- ganist. Mrs. J. `Emmet Directors. Mrs. Partridge and Mrs. J. Beard- aaii; Flower Com.. Mrs. McLean,_ Curlers H. U `LU when 11, will alucu L, . Elm- THE BARBIE EXAMINER ; melee. out accluentauy. | Under cross-examination Bar- 1 ker senior said that as a young 5 man. before his marriage. he had ;been quite a scrapper. He may { have hit a dozen or more in his `day, just taking his own part. He _. denied putting` a man named Hef- _. fernan out of business . *`for four [or five days. Heffernan was only iout for ve minutes.` On my ' `marriage I turned over a new leaf -`and I have tried to lead a Chris- }`tian life for 38 years, he said. au..4_- .._-..1.. 4.1.-.. band neavuy nneu. .In recording a conviction Mag- Kistrate Jetfs said there was no ' doubt but` that an assault had tak- ' en place. Barker was bound over 1 in the sum of $200, his own recog- . .nizance, `to keep the peace for a t year. The principals gave one an- E-other wide berths following the hclose of court proceedings. to me son. Barker senior denied ositively| striking his wife. God? be my judge I never struck her, he said 'w_lth emphasis. There is too much man in me for this. He (explained that his wife had always been very easily marked and that what bruises were showing might `have been received in the general melee. but accidentally. I 'r*.....x.... .....-mg_..-.vamu`nn+inn Rat-.. Llll IILC LUL UU Juana, a n v u w . -. | As for witness meals. they 'were always on the spot. I never had to wait a moment. he said. `However. on the morning of the alleged assault he was vexed be- {cause his breakfast was not ready. _ 3 -1- _ . . . . u -J\` `Am IUD Ulcanauov u an -' cuuac ! `H. H. C1-eswicke, counsel for accused, argued that it was just an `ordinary family quarrel and J. R. private prosecutor, agreed nrnir` work h3.I`dShi'D on Alvv - vi-`-v . Boys, V13 - n private prosecutor, agreeu `a ne would work hardship the wife 9.; well as the husband. Mrs. Barker did not want her hus- `band heavily ned. L. .... ...::..m .3 nnmrinnn Mag-- Willys-Knight means, be to see and drive atyour earliest Standard Six prices om $1395 to $1525: pec- ial Six from $1575 to L 31845; Great Six from $2365 to $3595.; fo0~bo iaaory. taxes extra. DEI-I-I- I-III`IIuI vvuuu The annual `meeting of Belle Ewart VVomen's Institute, which was held one week in advan'ce at the n {home of Mrs. J.. .\Iarsha1l,_ was well It makes no difference whether you want a business suit, a sport suit, a dressy blue serge, a tuxedo or evening dress suit--you can get any one of them at Tip Top Tailors ---made to your own measure --for only $24! Small wcnder that because of this extraordinary value, Tip Top Tailors have become the largest one-price tailors in the world! % Here you can get FOUR suits, THE four suits a well- dressed man needs, at little more than the price of TWO! HE man who buys his clothes at Tip Top Tailors just about cuts his clothing bill in half! BELLE EWART W.|. _,L1.___ A. E. WHITBY EUFHUU HUXHU LFUILI '.I.Ul`UHLU- ' Mrs. McEachern of Orillla. is ipending a. few days with friends ere. ' lauunn \AI4unnnn'n Innbiiun attended. One visitor becoming a member made a roll call of fourteen. VI"!-ux v.n`H ,..~.1.1 1Ivnc on:-nrnv-Ant` Bx` The roll can was answered by membership fees. It was decided to accept the offer of Stroud Ladies Aid to put on their concent here. Tnnfinn n1 nffincmc rncnlfn QQ 1\':1uUUl' uxaut: `a. run ca.-u UL LUUL Lccnu. .-uu LU pul. \_Jll I.uI:'u. \;uu\.'(`1|I. LAVLC. Election of officers resulted as fomows: Pres., Hrs. J. Marshall; 1st Vice-Pres" Mrs. H. Jack; 2nd WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT - McLAUGI-{LIN-BUICK WILL BUIID THEM O a.dS% t0O ./VOHills! too MCLAUGHLIN The G. M. A. C. Deferred Payment Plan offers many advantages to buyers of McLaughlin-Buick cars. F. J. GRACEYF Associate Dealer, W. HUNTER, Alliston Vice-Pres Mrs. H. Moore; Sec-`ye T1`ez1s., Mrs. I. A. Moore: Dil`c('t(n'S, Mrs. R. Cunning. Mrs. J. Ferrier. Mrs. '1`. B.-ltemant District Director. Mrs. R. T115`-101'; Flower and Visitingi Community un~chan_-.:'ed. 'I`)w next. meeting win be held at the home of: Mrs. H. .VIoqre. first Thllrsdny in] June. with {X \velcnn1e to v1si10z`.=.; I ' May 1-I\/I1;;I has re- turned home from `Toronto. `Ina Inmnnhnnn nf uf\wI1Hn II I '74 Elizabeth St. `Phone 919, BARRIE 29 Elizabeth Street Phone 441. BARRIE At the mt-otin'.:'.< (-1050 the hos- tess served :1 vs-x~_v d.1int_v afternoon tea. A vote of thanks and apprecia- tion was tom]:-rod to tho I`:-tiring president and s--(~x~em1`y for their ,unti1-in5.: efforts for the welfare of ithe branch. Adverrtise in Th}: Examiner Page DOMENION TIRE` DEPOT