_....-..._. --They 11 land here on Thurs- day and stay for three days only. --Charlie Murray and George` Sidney in Flying Romeos.. Cap- |itol Theatre. . 18x; SPECIAL ITYT.ER TOMATOES$2 SP\ECIAL- INVlNCIBLE-In Handy Carton JELLY 6' I A M iii-:AcH ES SPECIAL: soap Selling is now in full swing and this week will see Bigget Bargains thgm "ever. WATCH OUR WINDOWS _SEE_ THE PGl_:'.ANT BANNERS SPECIAL- - HOMEMADE STYLE_ ___#.___-'_.__ :-1L1: iiiisnscfoicn SPECIAL- cAL1FoRN1A__}u_s.L\{Es BUY EMPIRE `GOODS Pm FROM EMPIRE BUILDERS m No. 2 Size k_____ -.__...._._...___ ___.__ wl: 'sT`E`fi96"I".'E" sue. Shower for Miss Roberts SEE oun wmnows ,`PEARL wuma LAUNDRY With Pen-holder, Pencil, Pen, Eraser and Rule RASPBERRY Large 40-02. Jar POWDERS iA_ssorted Pkgs. %% NOTICE TO THE GAS CONSUMERS As the T own of Barrie has no wish to` sell (3:15 Appliances or handle the small supplies neces- sary to the gas cgonsumers, we have purchased the remaining stock of L Gas Water Heaters AND Miscellancgg Supplies from the BARRIE GAS COMPANY Limited. From now on we will be in a position to take care of some of the gas consumers problems. If you are installing a Gas Water Heater, New Range, or changing yoprappliances around-- Telephone 531 . Headquarters for Gas Appliances, Mantles, Glassware, Repairs to Stoves, etc. % ' NESTLES CONDENSED FMILK TIN ]7( 5 Bgms 16 Showrooms: 118 Dunlop Street East. No; 5 snza TINS MOFFATT {With the Purchase of On'e-half Pound Lob- law s. Salada or Red Rose Tea, or One-half Pound of Lobla.w s Coffee. THE PLUMBER CHOICE QUALITY 12-OZ. BOX 30 36:: For once, his wife was mistaken! 19 350 I 3 ' Lobster the North 5 V F.` A inlet 8 nd-Fancy C caches y Qualltyril-lalves Tree Rlnened- mg- no- U " ' " - .DO8000QOCO Beets Ca 7013 sm%b:n3I'z1:;der :?z'z ize"?F:`.T ...... .. Tin 150 No. 2 Size Tin T Diced Carrots SURPESEDVOUR BRIGHTEST EXPECTATIONS AND WE ARE `DETERMINED . TO MAKE THIS V No. 4 Sieve No. 2 size Tin. Apple Sauce c ..`:`:'q'5i. No. 2 size frln... 2 Tins 29 Peas No. 2 Size Tin. Canned Grapefruit P ok . B ` N83`; 13.. Tl" Columbia Raspberries I I D F STORE HOURS 8 A.M.-6 P.M. Wed.--8 a.m.-12.30 p.m. Sat.-8 a.m.-11 p.m. `*9 1 Tree RInened- Iln .9 E'C-I `Flu Thursday, May 3, 1928 - Aylmer Brand Mn 9 S19: Tin "PUT in your Long Distance call, said Mrs. Blake to herhusband, as she put on her" hat. I'll go ahead. You'll have to wait! But to their great surprise, the operaton. said, "Please. hold the line. , It didn't` seem over a minute before Mr. Blake was actually talking to New Haven, 400 miles (I Harvest Brand-- Cholco Qua11ty-EalvII Q A , O uunn_, 1: . rosluvuy tne Imus lobster-Packed on shore of Nova Scotla- .,,, Tin 39 Aylmer Brand Fancy Quality Aylmer Brand Cholco Quallt! new gun... {2"i'"zns 21 V...` q,_.-.. 2 Tins J27c Aylmer 3!. Choice Qutl. 22 Tin 26c ffhere is practically no waiting for Long Distance connections nowadays, it you give the operetor the distant number. She makes the connection usually while you `hold the hue. '- E you don't know the distant number. and the Long Distance operator has to look it up for you, it `naturally ntakes a little c.-...- an... ...m can mm the` number. In Tin 26 Tin 27 ~53. I Hvluv longer. She will tell you_ the` number. IO putty and paint methods of {vying to fix men up. the evangelist om- phatlcally described it a. tallure. "lit is beyond the power otman to make Imnn .nmv~" he: added. 18 `Dayan-u uw puwur u: men over. he added. mm... wanna-\nnh:h1A H1! ne aaueu. _ `Tnhe respectable sinner was the first problem of the church today: not harlots and Abootleggers but men and women who shared the best church and society life but whose ldves at heart were only puttied and painted ruins. Mr. Bmwn affirmed that only as pumea ana pa_1nteu ruma. Mr. Brown affirmed that only men became new creatures In and through Jesus `Christ could the Joys and heroisms of real 'l1v1ng.be found. * I- '5'. |'I`*'I0I0I0IFI0IQI0I1|I`iK0I"I_` monmon a if I -Miss oane is Spndins some tigrie lln London. V` _ .- .u.. ma. Gmnah - has returned- in - Mrs. Ed. G1lhnso n' has returned- `home from Toronto. ` T V Mrs. W. J. C. Bo-a'ke spent last week with her father in Stroud. A number trom here attended the- tunerale or Mrs. 2. Evans in Brad- ford on Monday. . T \fva .1 `UV. T-Ienrv returned home Monday. - . Mus. J. `W. Henry returned th1~s`wee'k atter spending the win- ter in Port Hope. - Mrs. Robt,_ West returned home on Saturday after being in Toronto tor some` time. . m... nvrn Ishearer of Toronto time. Miss Mae Ishearer spent the rweek-end with Mrs. E1- ` wood`Bone of `Thornton. 1-... `I -Ynnfnn .1. D. -Stewart and ` v6ood`Bone of Thornton. Dr. Horton, J. D. `Stewart and` Armur Halbgrty made a. business trip to Toronto on -Saturday. _ | "l`v-Inlfv W_M.`S. will meet at the, Saturday. ' _ `Trinity W.M.`S. will meet the` home of Mrs. John Ingham on Wed.- neaday afternoon; May 9.` ~ W 1-1 Marrow and Mr. and Mn. afternoon; may a.` | W. H. Marrow and Mr. Mervyn Lawrence 0! Toronto spent" the week-end at J. L. Ma-rrow's. i Mrs. Male] and Mrs. Lunau at- tended the meeting of! the district` directors in Bradford on 'Sa.turdo.y. xx... Almr Qtawnrt. Mr. and MPG.` In uraaxoru on Bumurunyu Mrs. Alex." Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Stewart and children spent Sunday in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Stewart. _ ~ M. mm "\/I've, Maurice Martin and Jae. Stewart. Mr. and `Mrs. Maurice Martin children and Edwin Welbster or Tor- onto spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs; Fred. Webster. _A -M .. wunnncr nf the sundiav School At a. meeting of the Sunday School executive on Monday evening, it was decided to hold Sunday Schoo-1_a.n- niversary services in Trinity church. `the first Sunday in June. am... A T-Tnlhm-t. Mrs. J. A. Jam- T.h8 111%! 5111108.) In June. Mrs. A. I-Iaslberrt. Mrs. J. A. ieson. Mrs. Roy Al!en and Miss G. Jamieson attended `the annual meet- ing of the Rest Room Committee held in Barrie on S~atur.day. Tnkn A .T.nm`lnnnn and Jack Law- giiiaiiqliiinlg` . -3: u4\I`lIIIl\`! . n held in Barrie on :s~a:ur.uay. John A. Jamieson and Jack rence returned on Monday night. from spending the winter in Florida. Mrs. Lawrence and Buddy are ex- pected to arrive on Saturd-ay. .1. `R. Jamleson and Wm. Lennox pectea to arrwe On a`.:au.ur~u`a.y. ` J. R. Jamieaon were called to Huntsville last week owing to the serious illness of Robt. Lennox. Mr. Ldnnox returned home An Ghnnnv M1` ;TYT|1QOn Mr. Ldnnox returned nome on Sturday, Mr. Jamieson `remain- ing over for a. -few diays. Trinity W.M.S. Anniversary "I`}_'inity W`._M.`S. enjoyed a. treat A -- ._ urn... (`H-nan I\' "l`nvI..I Tfllty W-Wl-n nnmvuruury "I`r!nv!ty W.M.`S. treat` on Sunday when `Miss Ohaee or Tor-| onto, formerly of- Wahstao, A1ta.,_ spoke on beh*a.l. of the W.M.'S. In; the morning Miss `Chase dealt more particularly with her work at `Wan- stao. In the evening she spoke more otthe great need or chrlstlunizing the foreigners who are coming to the West: In the morning the choir was composed of boys and girls .4! nm \/nuinn Rand. In the evening Page llxtun : composed or ouy- uuu 5... 0! the Mission Band. In the the music was provided by the Mission Circle. Both choirs deserve praise for the splendid music which they rendered. Junior Institute they renaereq. ' Junior Institute ' The Junior Institute ,with an at- tendance of 14, met at -the home 01! the president on Wednesday even- ing. April 25. to receive reports or secretary and treaurer for the past yea.r.a.nd to elect officers. These are as follows: Pres.-. Genevieve Jam- ieson; 1st Vice--Pres., Juanita. Jam- ieson: "2In-d ~'Vice-1Pres., (Nessie - Spears; Sec y.. Annie P-a`tton; "1`rea.s.. Irene Lowrie: District Rep., Mabel Nixon; Directors. Mrs. Lynn, Mary` Marrow, W. `Thompson: Auditors, Misses Mcliinnon and Gilchrist. Five doliarswas voted to the up- keep of the `Rest Room in Barrie. The monthly meeting tor May will 1..- 1mm nnvf Qnfnrdav anternoon The monthly meeting tor may wua be held next Saturday atternoon when a special program will be car- ried out at the home or Miss Me- Cartney. the oldest resident of the village. This date. May 5, will mark Miss Mc`Cartney s 93rd birthday. The President and 1st Vice-President of the Junior Institute are grand-niec- es of this old lady. Invitations have been extended to five others who are links between us and the pioneer days. All members are requested to be present at 2.30 o'clock. Barrie A.Y.P.A. Visit St. Jude's church, Barrie. in the Orange Hall on Monday evening. There were fit- ty, people present. The community singing was -begun by the rendering of the Maple Leaf, followed by sev-- eral -numbers from the A.Y.P.A. song sheets. An autograph contest. con- ducted b Juanita Jamieson. was wonby iss Mc'1`ier, a hand-paint- edbon bo-n dish; a marching game supervised by Rev. F. V. Abbott was tollowed `by. a reading by Genevieve Jamieson; Mary Marrow introduced a grocery contest which was won by Miss D. Craig and '1`ed'Dyment. . a tancy handkerchief and box at home-made candy: a duet was sung by Regina Milligian and Neville Jamieson; a. treasure hunt resulted in a prize tor Jack Dempsey (Ted Dyment) a bone: chocolates. Part- ners were chosen for lunch while Mac Mocorkindiale played a. lively selection on. the piano. Rev. A. R. Beverley. in a short address, moved a vote of thanks.` speaking in terms of highest praisevotdthe evening's .entert'ain:nent.- Mr. Nblbott replied. The singing or Auld Lang .yne and z the National Anthem brought an enioyabie evening to a close Just hnfnrn midnist. v . The A.Y.P.A. of t. Jude s~ChIurch ` entertained the A.Y.~P.A. of Trinity ` GIIJOYWDJE Uvwuw botore midnight. SOLDIERS THANKFUL Dear `sir: 'i'.`he~ Barrie Soldiers Club wish to express through your paper to the citizens or Barrie and vicinity their sincere appreciation and thanks for the patronage at their recent benefit picture The Somme" and also to the Manage- ment ;o New Dreamland Theatre whose generous otter made pos- sible this Benefit Performance which yielded to the Club substan- . tial financial assistance. GORDON LONGMAN. Seo y., ororve Bank. uumop UL. nurrxu. Owners of `lots are reminded that unpaid ueeeemente from 1918 on- ward `become a. charge against the lot and should not be allowed to eo- oumulate at under the Act '1`!-IE! Mum BE PAID BEFORE THE LOTS CAN BE USED. ' T1'nnnh` nuannmnntn from 1913 C0 ANNUAL ASSESSMENTS `The attention o!`1ot owners is drawn to the annual assessments for one 0! lots which are payabo to J. W. Non. Sec y.-'1`reu.. Boo- oz-o!t'a Bank Dunlap St.. Barrio. nvnnnwn nQ.|1nfI gnu Inlilld till.` LOTS CAN um u-emu. Unpaid assessments from 1918 to 1987 lneluulve no ovorduo sad than 202- 1988 are payable on qr betore N19 1. an. - ? 1 Auoument_ Ra.-tea-$8 not an- num for one lot and $1 for each ad- ditional 10: owned by the aamev por- aon: I1 tor. halt lot. V 1'.n+ nwnm-I um also reminded $118.1. :1 tot: nan: lot. Lot owners are also reminded with the new Endowment System |'!OW~~l.Vl.i`l`8.blO they may eiiminute. If they with. further assessment: by permanentty endowlns the dot on m-ovida for nernetual 6810 It I upu-rrv, PAINT navu." T;u3J.1=_1}' A'T CENTRAL - ......Lu-Ina fmn mnn by permanenuy enuuwmx Inc In to rovide tor xrgetual Y REA! ~ LE PRICE. - Ian-lo Union Como! loud, to-82b , Thoma. uh. Prol. iire Union Cemetery hoop SUMMER \ FOR TRAINMEN Little There is scarcely any unemp1oy- TWO ment among C.N.R. employees on MM": the Allandale division. officials re- ow`m port today. This is due to the op- M,-. ening of navigation and the get- baby ting under way of the season's and maintenance work, ~ requiring Way many extra crews. "1}f3`r'1} On Sunday last the rst boat, son, ` the Arthur Orr, arrived at Co1- R. T` ; lingwood. It was two days getting and ` through the ice in the harbor` `oe- 190"` , fore docking, a most unusual con-| \ -'dition for this time of year. The` AN lboat had 150,118 bushels of corn ! and -_in her hold, requiring the routing - ".o.f ve trains over the Allandale I by 3 _|division for `transfer to the -Cev:- scho. g trai Vermont. The com is for dis- S'cho gltribution in New England. 311,6: -.. ._ J... - Bl-luulnvnu can a u.w.--. ` Collingwood harbor is in for a busier season than for years, ac- cording to` advices reaching rail- way officials here. The E. R. Ba-- con Co., which has a lease on the elevator, has stated that many more boats have signied their in- tention of making Collinsgwoodv their terminal than was the case last year, when only three freigh- ters used the elevator. The Bacon Co.` is looking forward to la busy year and this will reflect itself on than unnuvnua The AV'+}\1`l1`\r}'l"`|`, `year unu Hus vvzu n:ucuu u.a\\.u; uu the railways. The Arthur Orr, which docked Sunday, came from Chicago. A `lu:11ua+ anncr nnmnncnrl A1` 54 Umcagu. A ballast gang composed of 54 men has practically completed its work near Huntsville where the recent washout occurred. while another gang of about fty men are at present employed on the steam shovel at -Colwell pit. - L3- ......... --.5`1 Q50]-Iva-v an n... V..- At the 4 o'clock meeting for men in the Central church last unday. Rev. J. E. Brown, evangelist, spoke train the` striking`, tepic, 'iPvutty. Paint and the Devil. Quoting the rhyme, Putty and paint. make the devil 9. saint." Mr. Brown refuted - its import adding that it only makes V the devil look like a saint. It leaves him at heart the same old thieving. lyins rascal. Declaring religious edudastrion (so- called) to be one o!` the modern Dlttllu Suvvws av Wuvavv vs. raw` Next Tuesday a tie gang will start work `between Allandale and Toronto "and on Wednesday an- other tie gang will commence its `season's operations between A1- glandale and North Bay. Labor so `far has been fairly plentiful. ____1 cI.-......:...J..uJ. &l. IIGU Uvvcn can-cg I.w - . - W -. The new General `Superinten- dent, W. T. Moody, late of Port Arthur, succeeding W. (R. Deven-' ih, transferred to Edmonton, is expected to pay local divisional offices a visit within a few days. ttle ' Unemployment on the Allatidale Division '__l`oday. Advertise in The Examiner ` Serve Tomatoes often, for the reason that they are economical, easily prepared, always en- ` ioyed, and are a health food of compelling importance. _All Loblaw Stores are featuring Ontario-Grown Tomatoes this week at especially reduced prices. . -~ 14-16 i)UNLOi:$T. 3 ~ % EatToma;toAes_. Abun_dntly--F9r'H $ake 1-i-mnnml IxAnInin ! Maple Syrup ` Tomatoes ,{, i`';`3.,?i, gag 313.113,, 2 Tim 27 V Al 3:. T9mat93 Choyicznglumty ma. am 2 T1718 11 Radio Peas """,},'3 ,$,:g: . No. 3 one run ...... .. Ti?! 150 Tomatoes p..fc``3 x`.`:...'?"i`:`3,n.a I `. . C9"! 33333: q9'u:1Tt3 ll-cl. Ila '3 11 - """' *' .-ouvg------- -- o. In an. 1-1., 2 Tina Asparagus Tips 5. .`:':.:. 53. ? 3o'"-in ...... .. Tin 39 NO. Gold w -5 un 83" nund'cho'x":e q nauc': no. aguu `Ila MERCHANDISE FAIR OF $50,000 ` A MOST OUTSTANDING EVENT IN om: BUSINESS HISTORY % ,FREE! PENCIL BOXES `SPECIALS ARE ON SALE AT THESE VERY LOW PRICES MAY 4 TO MAY 10 ` 1- P ........ .. Bil. 33 Inun Green` mulcot Vern) nj 1! 'r`.=.".'2z. 2 15:. 19c 'i}'n"?1'E.- ` //gm_; V} -. A. ' `A _ ` T i - . :.".\ _; g ;____j___.__ - _ 9 ~ .$`..`:.".:.i- H THE woNm:iu=uL succass AT ms OPENING or our: gwiiiimimiiwmwg V -- r . ` {0I"I1$'F'I0X0I`*FI0I`*% I`! L. L--wrence, of ~Oshawa., was` home over Sunday, T" T Dorrnu-cnn A? pDY`fh Eben? home unua,\'._ [WV J. Patterson of Perth spent Sunday at the home of M. Brown. nna o nnvnIhm nf `.4-.r-a1 fans 7.00`! `Sunday at me nome 0: .u. m-um! 1 Quite,a number of 1c.r-al fans tool: in the opening baseball game 11 'I`c.ronto ye.-stwday. . line `I! ("n.mt$rnn- `IS in Port Hur-1 1`c.ronto ye.-ste-may. Mrs. K. Cameron is in Port Hur-3 on. to which city she was called. owing to the death of a brother. I Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Holman and spent over Sunday with Mn; Mrs. -Chas. Poucher on their; to Orangeville, where they are: taking up res dence. , . `Ic`.nIa-nnnr-a `V (`,hIfI, Genmze Wat` taking retsoence. Engineers W. Clute, George Wat-I A. Cheesman, E. Kelland and` Thompson have left for Capreol and will run out of that C.'N.R. div- isional point for some time. Little Boy Hit by Car A1'bert, three-year-old soniof Mr. land Mrs. G. Kelly, 32 Burton Ave.. } had` a miraculous escape from death Tuesday afternoon last when struck an auto driven by Miss. Wlce. school teacher at King Edward School. The child was struck down. the car passing over_him, but luck- ily the wheels did not touch his body. It was a hairlbreadth escape. Au 1+ wqma Hm H1-n hm: sus`ta`ined a body. H was nalrloreautu eauapc. 4s it was, the little boy susotained concussion which rendered him un- -conscious for fourteen hours. To- day he is reported to be progressing nicely and out of danger. The ac-| cident happened in front` of Burton! Aven-ue United church and there is some doubt as to whether the child was standing in the road or in the act of crossirig to his home, just nnnnnH-A Gaul U1. U1 opposite. Ska DIIUVVVI IUI "now u uuuuu -- A very pleasant evening was spent! at the home of Mrs. Alker. Tiffin Street, on Tuesday, April 24, when friends of Miss Jennie Roberts met to give a shower before her mar`- riage to Mr` C. Miles of Grarvenhurst on the tfollowing Thursday. A very `pleasant time was spent in music] and card playing after which a. de- ligihitful lunch was provided by Mrs! Alker. After lunch a large basket of presents was given to the `bride- to-be after which Sister N. Hurst and Sister V. Stunden oi! the L.O.B., A. to w'hich Miss Roberts `belongs! and many mem bers of which were! present, ~p_resented her with a. beau-I tiful silver tray and an address. showing the esteem in which Miss`; Roiberts is held by her many friends| in A1-landale. The evening was clos-1 ed by singing She s a Jolly Good; Fellow" and wishing the -bride and Igroom a long and prosperous life.