REASON FOR HIS HAIROUT - ---..- --....1-I...-- 'I ha` . . in keping Healthy. THE BAREIE EXAMINER I0 meY[ASI will necessary as water` always be as I let the hair grow to cover them. uA...: -nrnv fhnf vnn'vn cafulrht the I let the `hair grow to cuver Luclu. "And now that you've caught the street car," said I, don't you think . . you ought to do something for hum- |anity at 1arge_-with scissors?" Mn " um ..`R1-van slowlv: "the anlty at 1arge_--wltn acnsuurax No," said ,4Bryan slowly: ' romance is still going on." And that is the prettiest line I ever heard hhn 111-far uu.-.u. as uu: ; him utter. RI-Rbi.L /9 House ro0}s_-L_asti1_1.ine){pJt3nsive% BITE VI -VI`wvuv u u London-`"1`me `life of the Port of London pilots is one of reality, not of romance, said a port official |yestez-day. discussing the return which stated that their gross earn- ings were more than 1,000 a. year. 1 A pilot in charge of a. whip is solely LIFE OF LONDON PILOT :13- -1 LL- `fl-.. responsible for its safety, and it is no easy matter to steer a large ves- -sel to its destination without mis- hap in a crowded river. an. 3.. -_4.x._...c...1 41...-`L 51., 1vn`I1\ AR nay nan u. \al\rII\n\.v\4n --.--. It is estimated that the value of the ships and their cargoes enter- ing and going out of the Port of London amounts to millions and millions of pounds every year. Be- sides that, hundreds of thousands of passengers owe their safety to these keen,- competent me-n `who siteer t-hem safely to their destina- ton." -' `It is estimated that there tire no less than 2,000,000 girls in the Unit- ed States named Mary. ETTING along, and keeping happy `at it, depend pretty much on what" folks think of me, and how I strike K them. And I ve learned that that depends` largely on my own outlook on people antl- a'airs' in general. Clear tllinkingg 1-iglxt-' . o ' I ` ` ness of feelmgs, mood, atmutle. am. 09- .cisions--A-the sunny-side habit-mess._ en- ergy,'poise--tlxey mean everything to me: ` -_--._-.\...a' `.'-Us/71" ' U . So Pm one of these HEALTH cLfs1`mf1 people, eating yeast three times a day; with every meal, and that means 366 days this year. More than two years since I started. THE 'l_"H-RI(%3E-A-DAY Health custom: `Made some wrong starts the first few` days, too. Ate V my yeast last, instead of first. Mixed it with other food, or put it on top of the meal". . . instead of the right way, eating it before or between, sending it ahead to prepare the way,~ and get all the forees of appetite and- digestion at theirhest. - ll - 1 p_ mll.` whyisfcmul. dqd cod-liver ot'lao_ ef. dent and so benecial Q food-tonic? C I was missing a lot of the benefit; But I knew what it was doing for other folks. And I kept right on. Found the best way; So much better it amazed me. Stuck to it ever since. No o'-and-on about it. `T0 ever-increasing thousands, their thrice -_ daily "yeast with each meal is a conrmed and matter-of-fact I{EAI.' I1 CUSTOM, bringing. a daily well-heing; physical and mental-a serene joy of living-wl1ich they will never willingly forego. A Health Custom now as essential`- toe their physical self-respect as their twice-daily brushing of teeth. Tell your grocer to add your name to his` list for regular delivery, three cakes daily fol? each member of your family. A very interesting booklet on Re- gaining Health" will be sent to you, gladly. Write to The Fleischmann Co. Dept. 188D 1449 St. Alexander Street, Montreal, Que. By WINNEIE Thursdy, May 3, 1923 IFUV-SIC] B &l\U ' JJIJHINIII $33 Wllull Iuxgiay and leaves the skin smooth IIIU uvsv UDL& an A\nunr was-we ROOF_ your house or cottage with Rib-Roll. Handsome to look at . . . increases value of roporty . . . lasting . . . col- ecta clean rainwater, banishea 1eaks...ideal for houses. barns Iheda. warehouses, schools, churches, public buildznga. Give mo of roof for free eanmate. Wnte _._ - Metal 1'."1"'s`-3sn Co A Lgafimd} ` 11: add . V r..;."::.':. ..... ....;.::.*:.*. :: w.-: I and mm M. #1 . .$.u:?3 mi`3nmon and PRESTEIZ ONT. .-u--v- wun v, w-. Successor to I Qhina1n& Sidil Ailing Men and Women Need This Tonic nited, -tux- Apr. 30--Mr. and Mrs. AI-Ia.r`ry Rah- kin and daughter of Cookstown spent Isunday with Mr. -and Mrs. VW. J. Dempster. . \}I ur-a 1 1.1 Mnmnn and Leda vis- itod Beeton Imenas Last ween. . . Mr. an-d Mrs. Russell `Hood of Arl- lis`on visited `Mr. and `Mrs. David Miller last week. A M \,r.. wnml f`.\/h-u |`|'-'l 4'-xrman 'I'hOm`D!0X1 Miller last week. Mr; and `Mrs. `Herman Thompson and daughter, Lillian, and Mrs. Powers of Thornton tamed on Uto- pia friends, Sunday. N/Ira. rn-wan `Miller spent a -few friends, Sunday. Mrs. 'Irw*1n spent .d1_vs last week with her mother. 'Mrs. `Wlloughlby. Ralph Bell was hom from the i 5 city over the week-end.. ' 'T"nc vnllna` nnnnl Of the c0mmun'| `City me wee'n-!:uu.. l Tneyoung people of the commun- it-y are giving a -m1s`cel1a.nejous show- er at the home o'f `Mrs. Trhos. "1`rua.x tonight in honor of their only daughter, Mabel, a bride of this week. mum. Taon `uiaainann n'f Dr-illia is Poet: sins of Spring, but practica.1- minded people, everywhere, turn at this time to the Doctor and the Druggist for help to build up run-down constitutions. And no better remedy can be taken than Buckley ! TRU-BLOOD. .' Mrs. .J. H. MoC'mn and vis- fniends last week. at- ....a Mime nmaarfll '3-Tnnd of A1- week. i . Miss Jean Higginson of Orillia is visiting her parents here. The W.A. of St. George's `Church met at the -home of the president, Mrs. Fred Mnccann on 'I`ues'day evenling, April '24. `The bible reading was given by Mrs. Ro'bt..E1Ilis after which the `Rev. E`. V. Abbott gave a. very helpful explanation of the por- `fion of scripture which had -'been read. `The next meeting will `be held at the home of Mrs. Jos. Tifn = when the bible reading will be given Ly -Mrs. W. Miller and the mission- ary reading by Mrs. '1,`ruax. (Too late <;r_1ast week) `Apr. -2:5-Mr. and Mrs. Stewart` McQuay, Mrs. Arthur McQuay and Mrs. W. E. Banting. an-d children spent the week-end with Mr. and `Mrs. Elwood McQuay, Elmira. unis; `D5119 Mmmv nf `Rm-Mn wan is not very weu. - ' Miss Thelma Broley .v1-sit-ed `friends at `Thornton last week. `mug ID T1 1Tav1v\1:|fI- urnnf +n arnv. ITIGUOS at '1IlUl'IlLUIl 1115i. ween. Mrs. `R. H. Jennett went to Grav- enhurst to see her brother who is very ill. WXTAGIAV `\/I'nvIHn QYIH. .'l .nn `Ranting 1V1!`S. ruwouu xvluuguuy, nxuura. M!-ss Bella. Miller of Barrie was with fr-iends`here over Sunday. Mn. an.-1 \/YvIu- nunnw `Rafa: vviaifaril Wltn I!`1en(1s`ne1`e over nuuuuy. I Mr. and Mrs-. Oscar Bates 'v1s1ted| Mr. Bates father in Sunnidale, who I is not very well. ' I/Hue 'I`1\n1rn-2 12v-n`IAv vi.s:1f.nd very 111. Wesley Martin and. Lee Banting arqsrporting sedan cars now and Ed. Moore and `Clarence Holt a. Ford coupe each. 1'1 urn: +hnm:r1n+ nnmn fimn am`) coupe eacn. It was thought some time ago we would have an early seeding but these days do not look like it. 'l`1nn on-annni nnanf-inn` nf +111: Tn. KIICSB U'd_)`S UU IIUL IUUK 1118!: H.- The annual meeting of the W0- men's `Institute will be held in the Orange Hal1,.Friday, Mary 4, at 2.30. 1- 1:49-- 1--.. _.--____1 L- '" "-""' 0 , P aqaxmu mtrutmen: prom 3 cu- ncu u`:ovl:|g:!l:'xl:. and loans 1! duo. - 1 with can uuaamwammvr M N vauaoax. ..-.~.., -- .-\...-_,, -.-.,.`, _, wvv ...--. Mrs. VV. J. McLean has moved to the village after spending the winter with her sister. ""`Onl\ nan n 4-Ian nnvnnnaqwdtu 1na1.1n \VlI'.I1 I181` $151.81`. , `The men of the community have formed a horseshoe club and have got several pzvirs of the regulation shoes. ` '`r|t\ Ch-.a.l.nm `Ann Mann -in-nun g1Anv Spelll. DUH'Ukty dl. 'Ll'Ul.'. ']\Cl1BL 5.- .: -Mrs. `T. J. Mayes is 111 at time of writing. ` \ {ua |'I`nno I'TK7'nv1n1n '.m+m~+a.Im:A o w!i ILil;ls%"Tena 'W onch `entertained a number of friends at her home on Wednesday, the 25th. lau Pnnfwinn Wanna}? n? fI-Anf- fishing has been Very slow this year owing to the cold weather. Apr. 30--S*pring is stall on the way. Mr. and Mrs.\Carter- of Cookstown spent Sunday at Geo. -Keast s.- . .1\/fr-a "P _T Mnxrna in {H A`? fl-ma n! Vveuuesuuy, L116 4DLUo Mdss Beatrice Farrell of S.treet_s- ville, with `her brother, Barry, of Columbiaville, `Mlch., were week- end vsitors at W. Shaw-pe s. Mr: "Fhne Txnnnq nP "l`hnvv1nm in LUIS VlU1ll1L,Vo Apparently the Canadian Band` has reorganize-d. Practice every evening. Reservved seats free. I/flag lr\1i\1A Klvmnmn nu:-1 \/flan T234-M- CVCIILIIS. 1\E`C1`VCu `ECG!-D Ll'CCo Miss lolive Mu-nro and Miss Kath- leen Isharpe are `holidaying in Tor-I onto and Streetsville. Envy-.1. `Inn.-.1 `nlsvnn ..-And. Au U11 VQBLLUJCS Ill VV- DIIUJPIJU So Mrs. Thos. Lucas of `Thornton is spending a few days with friends in this vicinity. Av\vunuz-xnd-Ivy `H-kn vnnnina Can-A TRU-BLOOD, as its name implies, is 3 tan blood tonic and a safe. sure, power- hll corrective for all blood disorders, and lllllltic conditions as well. UULU EUIU Dtl'CCLSV!UCu Some local boys went fishing on Friday night but returned in the morning with one poov, lone sucker. |(`.r-nip-hfnn fine and Tmnlr Aware? IIIUPHJII5 WILII UHU PUUF, JUUU 3UUISULo `Creighton Wice and Jack Ayerst are attending school at Knock. Apr. `30-$u(rida7yi\:iis~!tors at the- home of Walter `Carruthe-rs were Mr. and `Mrs. Frank I-I111 o'f Allan- dale, `Mr. and `Mrs. Geo. `Moore of Thornton; `Mrs. Robt. an'dIM1ss Mar- garet, Fred |McMurray and P. Mc- Cullough of fstayner. 7 Mia: |f"hvi:Hnn Inmwulfhnua yin \.uUllUU.ll UL `L1yllUl'a M1ss_ |Christine Carrufhers is spending a few days with her sis- ter, Mrs. Geo. `D. Icoutts, Midhurst. 11.... v-|_n_x__ _, n.._ ma... _ -_A_n..:__ 4. "'1(a.3.'X. '1=I.ins' uI;"~;'e"2F11}i{{g' her daughter, Mrs. Kramer, Burling- ton. IDA`: ha and lms `l"\nAA|a onn kn- L/Jllilv. Dr. and Mrs. Doddhs, who have spent several months at Rochester`. N.Y., retur~ned to tCun~dles on Friday. `Nl 1vn,l(`., Rnlznr annnf A Hnv In |'I"m~- vUIlLU R151. WEEK &LLUIlulll it weuuuls`. Ray Mal-k'ln of Toronto spent tha Evleek-end with his parents at Cun- es. ; T KIT `Danni: nvani 6n l"Ho\nAu6n `and H168: J. `W. Ferri s went to `Toronto last week on business havlntg sihipped some fine stock at the ame time. J.Vn.l pp rcuuruuu LU |bull`u1U5 UH ruuwyc `Mrs. C. Baker spent a day in `Tor- .onto last week attending a wedding. `Rnv 'MA1k~In nf "Pnrnnfn mutant 9%.: uay Ill $VUWllll'l'l\U L 'll5L Wu Mrs. Geo. Prince and `baby hive returned home after visiting `her parents at Letroy. ' Mr. and `MIMI. IIc`rnd'Tuaf,|hv nf `Pann- But TRU-BLOOD is more than 9. blood puI'll!e:~--its use eradicate: the out- Illd evidences of impoverished blood. 111$ II pllnplu, boils, eczema. blotches and Ill othex Ikin eectiona. Buckley : OINTMENT, d in - inaction with Buckley : TlgIsJe- BDOGSB, L and `Anna: H-an nbln nvnnnu A`pzvil 80--Mrs. ]1Z.r71(.7%tott spent` st day in Newmarket ias-t week. . Mn: an Drlnnn and `I-mfnv `hnvn puruu 1.5 U. L LLlU.|.l`U,Yu Mr. and Mrs. &`redLet'by of Pem- bnoke visited- the Aformez- a rather. F. .Let'by, for a few days last week. n/nu (`$111 hm: .v~Ahn~nn fn I`m~nnfn L`. .ucLuy, LUZ` C1 LEW uuya {ESL WEBB. Miss G111 has returned to Toronto after a month's visitwith Mrs. Fred Stoltt. `I'M: `I IS. ~.Tl7I1.R1-nan nf "I`nunr\n In t1?Z;2~t.' J. G. swildman 6! Toronto is `visiting `here. Mrs. Nightingale and Mr.-.1.J. Mac- TUBBY KILLYLEAGH `F" %""-59 WY ?-Y-3 ' wot L on, spma. LOOK we-\A'r I GOT - \wAS \-IELOW MOM \\Tl-\ `THE DISINESAN` SHE GAVE ME -nus GQEAV BIG PEACH PIE - I Am` Gonna EAT vr war on Accoum \1's'raoL I-\o'r [Twnwm on % _ vrsnm SYSTEM. T.; Thompson and Charles Harris Named Phone . ocommissioners, V \ m15S10ner.- . - `The tollowi-ng accounts were pass- ed: Stanley `Franck, snow plowing, $7.60; Alfred Tuck,` gravel for back street, 80c-: Barrie Examiner, `bal- ance printing account. $110.40; Wal- ter Cook. filling washout opposite lot 8, con. 8. $17.50; Chas. Harris, re- pairing snow. plow and -plowing, $37.70; 'Jas._ Lang.. snow plowing, $6.60; W. D. Scythes, snow plowing, F105 and Vespra town 1.'ine, $5.50: John Young,,rep'ai1-ing snow plow, $4.-50; Albert -Dixon, snow plowing, $17.85; 'Wm. Grant. snow plowing, $8.80; A. A. Armstrong, road across s.w. 1/. lot '5, con.'11, $10: Jas. Frank- com, cutting wood for-`hall, $16;rF. J. Frankcom, `hauling wood for hall, $8; A. 'A. Smith,_su-pplles for indi- gents, $28.64. A 1w-1aw` authorizing the Reeve 18, 'Wit-h- an Its 'Ineuwcra pncamu. `Communications were read from J. 1`. Simpson, advising of admeissidn of Indigent patients to hospitals; A. E. Wilson & `Co. re renewing Liabil- .ity Policy; `Ben. L. Parr, tendering his`:-esignahlvon as {telephone com- missioner.- wm... ln1lnu1.n9 nnnnunts were bass- Vespra Council met on April 18, `with all its members present. ~(`nmm1InicatlonS gents, $225.64. A by-law` authorizing and Clerk to execute a lease of side-. roads 20 and 21, con. 14, to one Thos. Smith for ten years at a yearly rental of $1.00 was passed. `(Mr. Smdthjhaving purchased the timber on same). New `Phone `Commissioners p For'd-Mc`Lean--That the resigna- tion of Ben. -L. Parr as `Telephone Commissioner be accepted and that `Chas-. Harris `be appointed in his piace and stead, and that Truman Tlhompson nlbe appo-in-ted `Telephone Commissioner in the place and stead of Walter Tee-sdale, deceased, sub- Ject to approval of the Ontario Rail- way and Municipal Board. 'I`1rml(`.1nrl( was instructed to nr<=~ ano. Luumunpau pumu. The Clerk was instructed to pro- , pare a `by-law fixing the number of days statute labor at: up to $400, as- sessment, `1 day; up to $1,000, 2 days; up to $1750, 3 days:\ and for every additional $1250, add another day. Fhm g the mount of commuta- tion at $2.00 per day, and that a man and team` `be .allowed 2 days only for 8 hours when doing statute labor. _ `VFI/an Nu-sf uH>H-ho` nf fhn .("_nnrf nf HEART DISEASI-`.9 ARE CAUSEOF MANY DEATHS nor. The first sitting of the Court of Revision will be held on Monday, May 21, at 10 a.m. General council business will be proceeded with im- mediately after the adjournment of the said Court. A. B. COUTTS, Clerk. wsome diseasesmore than others, are responsible for the larger pay- ments .in death claims -by life insur- ance companies. `Thus, during 1927, organic heart diseases were respon- sible for the payment of more death claims in Canada and in the United States`by a large life insurance company, than any other diseases. 01 a total ot `one hundred millions of dollars paid by the company during 1927, no less than fourteen millions of dollars were paid for deaths caused by organic diseases of the heart. . _ Next in importance comes deaths due to external causes, accidents, suicides and homicides. In death claims attrilbuted to accident, the company paid out in 19:27 no less than ten million dollars; in the case of suicides, two millions dollars; in the case -of homicies; over one million dollars. . mm-munninaia r-n'rnns: next in im- AT OUR risk. use Mrs. Sybille. Spahr s Tonsllltis, for Cough, Bron- chitis, `Croup. Catarrh, Whooping- cough. Quinsy. sore throats and Tonsil troubles. Results good or money back. ~Crossland s Drug Store. 17-18b o dollars. mnuon aouars. Tuberculosis comes next in im- portance with "payments in death claims amounting to approximately .ten million dollars. lcancezr ttook fourth place with -nearly ten milllion p'ln11nra, uuubuu `v AB last -week. \.1"nn A I Shh Gained; Weight With McCOY S con LIVER V EXTRACT TABLETS --- donald visited in 'E1mva1e one day 1 a a r aunnlr 18.8! `WEEK. Mrs. A. -Cameron is visiting relat- ves in -Barrie. slip I3 Ill DU W III It s nothing to get excited about --all she did was to take on weight--lled out the hollows in face, neck and chest-`-any skinny, weak, run-down woman can_ do the same and gain a clean, clear complexion at the `same time. -Ilnnco Oahu: 31` `HA IIa`.r___DAnA You remember of course--not so long ago she was a regular scare-cro1*v-skinny is a mild word for the way she looked. Y.-_L '1--I- -L L-.. unnocv 33 turn` VVULH UL UIIU "(lg claw avvnuuo Just `look at her now-if ever a. woman had: a perfect gure she has it-- she is-the envy of half the girls in town. ' `I69. nAI-`Linn in 1913+ ova-at` nnllf culupwauuu GU uuu anulv hunc- 'McCoy takes all the risk-Read this ironclad. guarantee. If after taking 4 sixty cent boxes o Mc- Coy : Cod Liver Extract Tablets or 2 _one dollar boxes any thin, underweight man- or` woman d-oesn t gain at least 5 pounds and feel completely satised with the marked improvement in health- your druggist is authorized to re- turn the purchase price. ' A-15 H--.-1..P nuns Glnun an an Fugue Pout-toen\;`So;i;:"l3:~uyg`.:<;re or_ any good` druggist. 2 GEE MlNr~)\E Cl2\CKi`:`($! AN` PEACH one (S wan.-r \ L\KE %Es`\' as ALL -` % mm. om` - saw, LET ME canny IT Yweowxz-{ma V For: Aw:-\\LE. A: M. GNE To sunca A `(OD MY NEW `TOP BN5 OUTTA ` . n` WEEK) \ , ` ANT LOOKN But Who's Going to Watch Spider? HEHGVIV rvn `uuv urunww . While we were working I had 9. good deal of run with Iwilllam Jen- nings Bryan, -says J. C. Chase. In his. long adventurous career -he had- zrown. wen accustomed to banter. which in private at least, he never`! resented. IVA: lnafnnnn 1' I918. Mr_ B1`van_ resentea. J` For Instance, I said, Mr. Bryan. why do you wear your hadr in that many -way over the ears? um: " ha -mnluied. there's a. ro- runny -way over U18 ears: We1l," he repltied. there's mance connected -with that. -1- run-"nu nmnla Shnxm rznnsasuad it.. connecteu -wxtn (mu. 1 "I never would -have guessed it. What is the romance?" I asked. | _,-- u _-x.1 1.- u....\..n- `I outn- VV nan. l I-IIU auauuusyvo - ......---... ' 'You see. said he, "w-hile I was courting Mrs. Bryan she objected to the way my ears stood out and sol S 3@5T(1Iu17;ozzr1mzz/z HERE's A`cH_.AN9.%