EGGS from high producing .Ba.rred Rocks, pens headed by pedigreed cockerel C1arke _s strain. .dam a re- cord 316 and special cockerels from Burns and Guilds best pens. ,15 for; $1.00. G. A. Cruse, Hawkestone. On- tario. 13-18p sruuu BU-I018: OJ. C: B Allandale RJR. 1. uva s'roc|< ma SALE EGGS "Tron I-IATCHING SEED FOR SALE W!-;ORq SALE` J: J HUI; .3 s... 18:) llllhll i 18b` u 200-AICRE SIJPERCIBOR PASIURE -, R'UN--Lot 11. Con. 10. Innlsrll. west ' g of Stroud: excellent oreek:.salt'tur- -;nla,hed: good fences; charzes.mod- Verate. Apply 5'5 Mary` St., Barrie, Ont. 1 18-199 I c zuu. 1 llul H. Levlt. 1 `.t"16n',' :1: , | Barrie. 3 FOR SALE-4Comorta.'bde 6-roamed, '|trame house `in Allandale; will sac- : vi-ee for quick sale. Phone 1139, _lBarrIe. 1'8t1'b j _ PASTURJE TO RENT. Apply 21 foyntz St. or phone 1084IW. 18-199 `GOOD PASTURE. running water. plenty shaade. two miles tromv Al-_ llandale. Apply J. Hammond. Allan- `dale P.0;, lot 2. Con. 14, In-nlstll. 18p . !IJOST - `Pair of fence stretcherm! 'I'PlnaI'1u innhnwn -n W. V. FPV. Thorn` DUST raxr 00: {once au'uu.:m:u-u. Kindly `return to W. V. Fry. Thorn- `ton. _ 18b . COTTAGE :0 I310. 13.-1o8lM(E1RnlinA SL. 'All:ndI.lO. IX-ROOMJSU UU1"J.'Auu :0: Inc. Apply 26 Caroline St.. TA1_la.ndo.lo. `Ont. 18-18b FOR SA.IJE-`Frame buimlng 24:40 in good shape.` Apply Oliver Wilson, I Minaulnw. '5 17.1sn ! STIORE FOR SALE dn good local.- I-tion. Phone 841 or write Box 889. EnnuIA _ FOWL WANTED, hlghst prices paid. Phone 384 or Box 542, Barrie-. HA Lnvlt. 17-22p In xuuu. an I Mlneslng. `FOR !SALE--Five acres, nicely alt-. uated house. 'town wa.t_er. electric light and oubui.1.d1ngs. Box 574. Barrie, Ont. 18-28;) . I `BUILDING !I40"1` on Bradford St.. for sale. Very reasonalble. Apply to R.\R. Bothwell. grocer. Alrandale. Elana; 1001' I I IVLIV. .DU\.u'w P-hone 100.1. VA:LUABLE PRORERTY in Bar- rie. 2% acres of land in one parcel: one acre. house and garage on other. - Phone 286 or 43 Dalton St. 17-2'2b I l 105 M-ULC~AS"1`ER ST,. all modern conveniences. wired for electric range, large garden, full size cellar. entire house heated from turn- ace. 17-22p BUILDING LOT FOR SALE with |sta.|b1e. on property. opposite shoe factory on Dunlap St. Apply C. `G. Strange, 39 Toronto St., telephone 258.1. . 13-zab Ut1 L` u FOR AI4E-Ice cream and contou- tionery business. full equipment. good location. Phone 475 or 770. A. G. Walker, Box 103. Allandale. On- nwln _ `Io tarto. , WANTED `TO `RENT -- Furnished house for summer months. Aipply Box G". Examiner. _4 . 1{8p 83 HIGH S'1`.--Briolvhouse with all conveniences. new furnace, also wired tor electric stove, good lot and garage. central location. Aptply E H. Braden, 63 High St. 18-18b 8-ROOMED FRAME HOUSE with two lots, stable. garage, small fruits. apples, eto.. for sale, in village, con- venient to Toronto City Dairy Farm. 13`. Hooey, New Lowell, Ont. 1'6-"21p _ . FOUR ACRES for sale on Baytield st.. Barrie, good brick house and outbuildings. orchard, good shade trees, beside golf links. Apply to 1!. Gordon. 172 `Elizabeth St. Phone 119W. 15-21p FOR S-A;LE-`Six-roomed solid brick house. one-piece, `bath-room: good location. facing Queen's Park: dou- ble -lot with garage for two cars. Apply Albert Alexander, 44 Small Ext, .`Rnv-Mn. Phone 980.1 . 18-`23D . STEEL AND CON-QRETE BRIDG- . ES erected to Government standard. _ Plams prepared by competent en- , gineers without extra. expense to .| you. Pile driving. soundling, etc. 1 Vast experience; 1-14 bridges -com-' I pie-ted in Simcoe. No job too large . andinone too small. Let me figure 1 on your requirements in concrete or :; structural steel for any purpose. J. . J. Dumond, general contractor, . `Dngnbnynn IWVII" ' HOUSE FOR SALE in one of best locations In Barrie, eight-roamed brick house, double parlor. kitchen. dining:-oom. tour bed rooms. 8-piece bath, furnace and fruit cellar; double garage: large lot. Apply Henry & Cowan Bttx COTTAGE FOR SAIJE-4 rooms and ummer kitchen, large cellar. garage or 2-stall stable, shed at- ta'che_d,`p!g pen, cistern, large hen house, quarter acre raspberry canes. The lot is 95 feet front, 295 feet deep. Price $1'200. Apply A. Rob-ins. l"nnrna 17.12}; Y ALDBPE nlexaxluug`. 311131 St -Barrie. -Phone 9'60J. uuup. rru Cundles. FOR SALE--`Solid brick house with furnace, bath and see. also good barn and two cement ga.ragee..Ad- Joining this here is 6% acres land with four good chicken pens, run- ning spring water. This property a very suitable for chicken farm or dairy. Phone 475. A. G. Walker. Box um A1lnntln.1A_ ll-18h CA'I'1`I..I~] `VVA.\"I`ED for excellent Jake shore pasture, zgoiod Ifences. terms reasonwhle. Communicate with Jos. H. Emms, Oro Station, phone Oru 19x`24. 18-19p _.._..__._____.._._._._.__.... ER'IIC-K HOUSE FOR SALE in one of Battle's best locations. hard"- wood floors. double parlors. dining- room, brick kitchen, tour bed-rooms, 8-piece bath, balcony, floored attic. furnace,` gas, electric, garden. gar- age, paved street and drive: cheap for quick sale. Jebb, Watchmaker, or 44_ Toronto St. 17-19p FOR S'AI.4'E-Dou'b1e brick house, 190 Bayfield 'St.; brick bungalow, 3 Dalton St.: douible cottage, corner Malple and Dalton Sts.; brick house. with northwest corner Bayeld and Dalton; 080 `feet level lot, next double residence on Bayt.'ie1d- St.; 1'50 feet on Maple Ave.; 125 feet, corner Theresa and Berczy `Sts. Make an offer. -100 acres, 14th con., Vespra; 1000 feet `Cedarmount, near Big Bay _ Point: 83 acres. 2900 `feet water front near I-Iawkestone, 7-roomed brick house; 6500 feet Four Mile Point. Lake S1=m'coe, near Orillia. `Mrs. Creswlcke, Barrie. -. 18p uzury. rnuuv -: c 108. Allandale. 1=RAJc"r-ICAL -NIURSING DONE. Apply Mrs. H. Grant. Thornton P. Q0. Phone Stnoud 1'5-r41. 16-21b `FURS ALTERED and repaired. nun. 1: :n-Hun-+'n Ehma fnv-A, Mill '1-RwIN"s BLUE TAXI smnvmm. local and long distance, night and day. 25 cent service. Phone 198. 15tfb l."Ul.15 anu. TOUGH!- lover .1=Iurlburt's Shoe store. Miss I M. Mom-thur. tfb me. mmpma Anna TKTMI An nnnnhnu urn:-Ir `I1 Ann- Ll.1.'`L&V'\J'l.LV`L1'. l."lI.'l.LV J.'LLV\J' done. Wm do country work. H. Arn- old. 21 -Collier St., Barrie. Telephone 949 . 17.29731 uxu. . | 349. - CEDAR TREES \VAN"I'ED. Truck load of 6 to 8 `foot cedams. preferably from high ground. State price per tree de~1lvered. \V1'ite VVm. E. Cox. York Mills, Ont., Eglinton R.R. "" 1 18b |C..'RP1EN!TER WORK. alterations. any-thin-3' in (building, first-class ' work. Best of reference. Chas. Alex- ander. Phone 14'20W. 18-28p `NOTICE-aldeai spot to hold your tamily re-union, picnic or outing at Tent `City. which you can have for the asking. Hot or cold water. din- ing pavilion, dishes, cutlery, tables and chairs, etc.; also dancing pavi- lion for your old-time dance any [night than Saturday up to July Ifirst. Apply _L. D. Jacks. 15`-18b J. ..IJuu1uuu, 5:. Brentwood. Ont; PROPERTY FOR SALE LOST AND rouun pasmm: fr%o*u:1' ` , TFcI:u.ANaous VV uauu, 17-181:` lUlI\ No. 1. .19. un- 13-18b Lllulln 181: umi l 1 lllnu 18-zap l nuuuxa. 17-mbl 9!`. DUI 18-18b Lupuuue 17-22p| uuuvur, ' 16 -42p Eal\I.'a\\II\I|\u wrinlili ` ' ` `Or Valuable. Residential Pr 'u-ty'BU'l`UE=R-0n'1`uesrday.1\tIas*V1. 1928. - f B i the to Mr`. and Mrs. David Butler '3nu`f?|.3.Il'a':|Yl.nof KOI`:;::f0_|.d Bay. Mulcaster `St.. Barrie. 9. daughter: Pursuant to instructions received & .:std? g; IiIigg`8` %.::mE::::a';e:m:'::a`:3: 3%.: 530% g} r. c. E -1 L:1`.mxl::`3t1{3'3na%:tha13~?% ` ( -::gxg:er;{leuouoneer. the renewing. Dggton. arrsdaugpiiencumminzs. n:::`,?.:::,. 8;;.. miianztsz mu \2?=.`i. .s`*. :`'.?a``. `imit * of Elizabeth Street. and that part or. RdV 5 D b5n- C- 9- 3- 5nv Lot Number rrhu-ty-tour (84) on K "`` 153? - ` the north aide 0! Elizabeth Street. R33'N"` T3daY- my 3-1923 and partmot Lott 1\Tit&:t1l;:r g:`Oa 4;`.He;.1r}da.t;Icx"!s;. Ray Robson. two ' on e ea: 5 . OBER '_ ` Street. in the said Town of Barrie. R 30' lgggsotfj M9, a;:f1&g" according to Registered Plan Nutu- ,Rdbel_ts;m '1! M -I-Bayefd S.t Bar- ber 996 as ieeczgegblr daezighgget Tie. a daum-6;. -._ :J?dg.1';:.xv::ll. reecordred as 'Nun'1-' WHYTE"At `the R-V- 'H3PW11- . ` _ `Barrie. on Isatturday. April 28, beP!l`n?I2A1I5I 221 :.rIf:l:e.ArnnfA nn mild . to Mr` and M13 W Whyte) 1` 19210 to!` `.B8.l`l`l6. There is said we be erected on said land: a. seven-roamed. two-story, brick veneer residence with all con- veniencea. .1:A1:>r!1n1'. 'n1xr.n- "l`hn -want hnif nf I -?: SUMMER' AJC-COMMiO"DA.TION - Anyone having summer cottages. houses or rooms to rent during the tourist season kindly notify H. H. Creswnicke, secretary `Barrie Board ... m..,.,u. 13-24b WAKUIJU ".l.`W`UZ 1118 `weal. uau us that part or broken Lot Number Thirty (80) In the Fourteenth .(14) concession of the Township or In- nlatll. in the County of Simcoe. firstly described in deed thereof from K. A. Cook; et al. to the late Lot Webb recorded an Number 12960 for Inntstll. with right or way thereto and they-efrofn -as described an acid Ann!` o\Ynrn'hn1- 1996! fnr Tn.` UIOPOIZO and i'.ne!`eu`Uzu us ucapaiuuu in said deed .'Number 12960 for In- nistil. Vrhis property is Ibeautirully sit- uated on the south shore of Kem- penteldt Bay about `one mile from Big Bay Point. and adjacent to gel: links. `There is erected on said property a fine six-roamed cottage, with large verandahs. also garage. This property constitutes a beautiful summer residence and is well tim- bered. PARCEL THREE: "Part `of broken Lot Number Thirty (80) in the Four- teenth ('14) lconceseion of said Township of Innistii secondlv de- scribed in said deed from K. A. Cook to said Lot Webb, deceased. mhla nusnngn-My In clan ulfnnfad nn `PHI name IXMJINIR UOOK IO 58.10. 140$ wvuuu, ucuuctuuu. This property is also situated on! -the south shore of Kern-penteldt Bay and being well tlmbered would make an excellen. site for a. summer home. ank nam-ual A? hand mil` ha nf. ` 820611611. sue I01` 8. suuuuur uuulr. Each parcel of land wll`. be of- -`ered for sale subject .to a. reserved bid. , For turther term and partlgulara apply to `STEWART & VSTEWART, Solicitors for the Executors of the late Lot Webb. DATED April `28. 1928. 17-19b lVIl` l 3: -`.3 nun ---j Of Valuable Farm Property in the . Townohip of lnnlofil In the Coun- ty of Simeon. UNDER" and by virtue oi. the Pow- era of Sale contained in a. certain mortgage. which will be produced at the time oi! sale. there will be of- fered for sale by Public Auction, by W. A. Mdconkey. Auctioneer, on Saturday. the 1'2th day of May, 1928, at the Queen Hotel, in the Town of Barrie. at 12.30 pm. the to1io.w- ing lands and premises. namely: |'I",'IA wan half of Lot Number Two mg lanws anu premlseu, muuenys The west half of Lot Number Two (2). In the Ninth (9) concession of the said Town-ship or Innistil, con- taining one hundred acres more or 14:- 'emencea. I PARCEL TWO: The -west half of 1...` name A0 J-u-nbnn T.n1- Nlumhnr ess. `There is solid to bdereoted on said lands a. good. frame, one and one- halt story diweni-ng house, also barn 48 ft. 2 80 ft. on stone stable. -which accommodates twenty-two head of cattle and seven homes, also shed 20 ft. x 60 it. and garage. |'I'|InA land In nlnv Innrn nhnnf nmmn U 1!. X DU Inca uuu sausage. `The land is clay loam about seven acres of bush thereon and is situat- ed about one and one-halt miles from Thornton. mug nu-nnnnhy mm ha nffarn fnr KJITBH W'lUl\t of Trade. Irom Tnornton. The property will be offered for sale subject to a. reserved bid. mmmng can run nanf nf nnrnhnsn sale IUDJGOB to u reaervuu mu. Terms. ten per cent. of purchase` money at time or sale and balance within thirty days thereafter. lm n-M-mu nnv-Hmulmva and ann- IVTOQTZ Q -`:2-cu:--w In the Estate of Annie Grey N~O"1`IlCE is hereby given pursuant to the Trustee Act that all persons having claims against the Estate of Annie Grey, late of the Village of Thornton. in the County of Sim- coe. widow. deceased, who died on or about the 2-3rd day of March. 1928. -are requested to send partl- culars or their claims to the under- signed. on or before the 14th day of May, 1928, after which date the Administrator will distribute the assets of the Estate among those entitled thereto. having regard only to the claims 0! which he shall then have notice. and that he will not be responsible to any person for the assets 0! the said Estate whose claims shall not then have been received. Dated at Barrie this 25th day or April, 1928. JOHN A. CORJBE-TT, Administrator. Thornton, Out. by GORIDON LONGMAN, Admlinistrator s- Solicitor. 17-19b Barrie, Ont. Wlll uurcy Buy! uu:1`ca.u.cL'. For furtah-er particular: and con- ditions of sale apply} to STEWART & STEWART, M`m'tgagee s S'o'licit0rts. -nAv|-nan A.u.n 0:-I-h 1099 1'7_l1QII J.VI.`Ul' L5 H-5CD` DATED April 25th. 1928. E_>' T9 c.R.I:=9I'9RsI C~Oi'ITA.GE FOR SALE OR RENT. Good location. Box 347, phone 295, Barrie. - _ 18p 3-A-CRE LOT for rent or sale on Baldtwin St., Allandalez good ground for gardening. Phone 404. ' 17-18p GOOD SECOND-HAND CAR for sale. Apply 117 Owen St. 18p 1922 FORD GOUPE for sale cheap. Apply 32 Clapperton St. 18b YOUNG MAJRRIED ICOUPIJE with- out xfamlly, settling in Barrie, de- sire small, modern house, garden, garage if possllble. Possession in one month. PreIfem'bly near Colle- giate. Apply -to Box A". `Examiner f\Nnn I 131) F`-OR `SAL `G125. Essex 1928 coach, first-class condition. Apply 68 Bur- ton Ave. Phone 1416. 18b I-`og_ALE on T0 uar .1..- , _ 84 Penqtnng St. Tel. 1045.! .MBTA !-`,3_ I39 Ivuuwuu We are fast being booked ahead,at abov? price. V McKiz;c;x's 'Exhibit;1, direct ........ 35 each Farn Pekins, Pure A bred 30:: cm: A limited number only x-x.`Ie1L'Q'l.}L2ui'y"?;;;; MQJ17 Ban -_d Rock Chicks ` 3..-... A..- O0nA Pie 'l'.wo5|_v_oV g&&i&&w&&&w&aw: '1` ADLET COLUMN g <>X0X0I<>X0X<.>I<>X0I0X0I0X<>X0I0X* -..|. ..-~4.1. In-An- KELVINSIDE _AT9?*'?,`Y.A Mammoth Pekin _. DU.C'S1:`.`...9$ AUTOMOBILES I I Y? C `&u- :---< from April 22nd CH4 ___|_ IIII 1 IUI LUU5. 17-'19!) ------q-_ tspru an, J.:7..'a, cu J11`. and Mr!- Redvers Dobson. - (`Kenneth LeRoy). 3, 1928, ` to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Crown Hill. a son. `ROBERT-SON-On Monday, April 1928, to Mr..and Mrs. Elmer `Robertson. |1!22 Baytleld 'St., daughter. - | 1928, J. Whyte, | Toronto, 9. son. `HUN"DER-(MT0SS--At the Parson- age. A11a'nda1e_`by Rev. Geo. E. 'Coulter. on Thursday. April 12. 1928. Annie S. .VIoss. to J. Tor- rance Hunter. I-Iolly. FO\RSY`TH--At the residence at her daughter. Mrs. D. H. MacLaren. Barrle..Ont.. Vvednesday, May 2. - 1928, Mary Forsytih, widow of the late John Forsyth. in her` 94th year. Interment in Necropol-ls, Toronto. on Saturday morning, May 5. Kindly omit flowers. HARV?1!E--On Saturday, April 28. 1928, at her late residence. 63 Cleveland St.. Toronto, Goldie .I-Iulhbard. dearly beloved wife of Alexander Harvle. MO'R'R.'EN--rIn~Barr1e. on fruesday, May 1, 1928, Dr. Alfred Morren. U-R`RY--In Barrie, on Monday, Apr. 30. 1928., Geonge Joseph Urry, in his `list year. n I_-'.lit|.U. 4 Ofice. "BAXT2ER--In loving memory of my dear husband, Alfred Baxter, who passed` away, May 7, 1927. Not a. murmur, not a sigh Passed his lips as death drew nigh. As he lived, so he died, Peaceful. loving. satisfied. Until the day `breaks And the shadows flee away. 10.` `P12- 1'1-via- -_,.1 vn_... 11-- CALDW`ELL--`In loving memory of Geo. W. Caldwell, who died at `Shanty Bay, May 6. 1927. 18p'b -`Wl1'e and Family. MAW--In loving memory of our dear son and brother, John Gar- net. who departed this life May 4, 1919. Sweet is the word "remem'brance, As these few lines will show, You will always be remembered In the years that come and go. 18lb --'sadly missed by Mother, Brothers and Isisters. R1`C'sI-IAJRDlS`0N--4In loving memory of John Rldhardson. 40 Rosalyn Ave., south, Hamilton (formerly of Fergusnnvale, Ont.) who died May` 4..1927. In memory, a daily thought. In heart, _a. silent sorrow. 18b --Sadly missed by $.`- n_.J T\_....!.L-.__ May 1-Born .to Mr. and Mrs. Har- vey Johnston. 2n-d line. Flos, Friday, April 27, a. daughter. T.nnla Wnann la nn 4: hnainnaa fv-In n.pL'u. an all uzI.u5uLc1'. Louis Fagan is on a business trip to Detroit. `llaa unihnn `I'_'I'ru-nu In u-laid-{nap VIVA`: U .lJCL1'Ul L. Miss Esther Howe is visiting Tor- |on to friends for a couple of weeks. (Inn l|-nnvnunann ho: unaivnv-nap! hnrnn UHLU Ll`lC`llU5 LUl' 331 UUUPLC UL WEEKS. Geo. Thompson has returned home after a. week with his son, Earl, in Buffalo. Tan 1'1-no nan:-L GQ...Aa.. rvv``-u OnCnv-\n-in FAIRM-FO'RlSA1L'E. 1'50 acres in pas- ture. Wlll. sell 100 or 50 to suit pur- chaser. Two never-failing creeks, well wfenced. Applyvto E. Wharram, A.1landa~1e, Ont. _ 18-23p nuuaxu. ~ . Joe Lea spent Sunday with friends at Waverley. `Alma (lllkann Tnunnfn in `rlarlna UI Dffle. _ Sandy Hill. an old resident of the 2nd line. Medonte. passed; 'away suddenly at his home, Thursday. April 19. His wife predeceased him about three months ago and he seemed to be failing inhealth since that time. He was eighty-six years of `age and leaves. three sons and four daughters to mourn his loss. The funeral took place Sunday after- noon. with service in the Hilisdale Presbyterian church, interment in Presbyterian cemetery. Rev. John Gibson had charge of the service. HUI.` SUU. FLCV. uuuu LTLUSUH. John Fax-agher left last week for Clarksburg where he has secured a position. \ T.nrnn Wnrnahnr nf Nfidlnhrl nnnnf auuuay VVJLII LIILCIILIS 111 L1? Vl'llG5Cu Misses `Edith -and Grace Howe spent a couple of days in Elmvale last week. \I'.. A-`A `llfouu T E` \l nT\nnn1;I kncvg -Hickok belt sets. for his birthday, at R. A. Stephens . 18b_ at w aveney. Mrs. Gbson, Toronto. is `visiting her son. Rev. John Gibson. Tnkn t`au-any`-ucxn `AP? lost urnnb 'nvI [JUII LlUIlo Lorne Faragher of Midland spent Sunday with friends in the vlage. Lflauaa `I214-Ilrh and (Ir-ann 1'-Tnurn 15.3 L ween. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McDonald have returned from Toronto where they spent the winter. Mr and Mr: Qndnn "|"n1-nnfn, SLICHL LIIU W 1 L61`. Mr. and Mrs. Soden. Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. S. Fettlck. `In An; if-an `I5 13 Gar-stud nn I01` [[18 summer IIIUIILIIS. `Those who spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Howe were: Miss Mary Brown of Elmvale, Clar- ence Nelson and Ivan Walker of Unfonvllle, Mr. and Mrs. L. Henson of Barrie. ......|.. 13:. ..... ..1..I ....L_m.\..a. .0 Han FARM FOR SALE, 200 acres, front- ing on highway. Innisfll: stone house with furnace; 40 by 80 barn, up-to-date stabllng; 10 acres hard- wood bush; 40 acres of fall wheat. 20 acres ready for spring wheat: running stream and good wat.e'.'. Apply D. Barclay, Stroud. 17-22 g-:--- LVLF5. Eu `ULL1Ul\. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Scott George spent Sunday at M. drews , Elmvale. _ Mfr and Mr: T? Inhnafnn QI'8W3', .l.`JlII1'Vtt.l.E. Mr. and Mrs. R. Johnston and Mary of Barrie visited with Mr. and Mrs. E. Calhoun, Sr.. on Sunday. `Mfrs our! `MTV-a (`hag `I13-ml-xnnnlz urn &V.l.l`So Eu bauxuuu, BL}, Ull ouu'ua.,y. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. B`aAbcock are In the village and intend to remain for the summer months. umu--- .1... ........o- H...` an-m1.AanA Notice- IN Daylight Saving Time commenced in Toronto, Saturday midni ht, A '1 8th, result, sessions of the Standard Stock and Mining Exchange noxg correggorfd, in n: locality, to the hours shown below, until further notice. MORNING Sl:'SSlON-9 A.M. to 11.30 A.M. AFTERNOON SBSION-1 P.M. to 2 P.M. During these hours continuous quotations will be furnished and business transacted as usual in all our branch offices. , r. G. on: 3. COMPANY HILLSDALE MEMBERS STANDARD srocx AND MINING axcmucg H. A. Henry, Resident Manager, 12 Owen St., Barrie--Phone 1440 T BRANCH OFFICES , Toronto; Windsor, St. Thomas, London, Kitchener, Orillia, Peterboro, Lindsay, W:-'I%I'1's Wit; 333' Family. H-:-':1. Son and Daughters 1"I\'l`.V1 FUN. D1-J.4I`4-'.LUU .a.u1.`ca un Simcoe County; -Cranighurst shipping point. 2 miles; 45 acres maple, 23 years of second growth and consid- erable old growth; 25 acres choice garden soil, `balance pasture -with good spring running water; woodlands and pasture hilly. make wonderful sheep ranch: log house in fair condition; small orchard and considerable wire fence. Wonderful bargain. Look it over and make offer. See owner, G. J. Eilsrnere, Crwlghurst, Ont. 17-'18p %toOur Local Clients and An , Examiner udlots airs great CIHTELQLIET vndnmw . T. R. COULTER Otton Hardware Co. `t-IOUSEWIVES are my offered a new conven. xence-n motor-driven Floor Polisher designed for use with The Hoover. It is a nely-constructed, brush-equipped cylinder, which can be inserted in The Hoover in place of the Aiitator. The swiftly revolving brushes produce a rilliant polish in a 3:11? short time and with little or no ebrt. We ladly send one of these new Hooyer Floor .- Polis ers to your home for your inspectlon. Just telephone. o,,1y $850 _ _ _ L _ A - - L - ` A $ - `PIC! :__ FA-RM FOR SALE--100 acres in Qiunnnn .f`nnnfv' 'l`I`nI`{`l`hllY`1; hhinnine` `F I [Lanai av. _.-_. substantial construction . . . last score of important contribution: to ; Compare the "Bigger and Bet- ter Chevrolet Chassis with an other car in the low-price el Look at its rugged, 4;/4" dee steel frame, its sturdy cross members, its long se -elliptic, shock-absorber springs, its safety gasoline tank in rear, its one-piece. banjo-type rear axle of enormous strength and ready accessibility. Check the four-wheel braking system and the" independent set of emergency brakes. ` Look beneath the stylish hood of the Bigger and Better Chevrolet. See that sturdy. valve-in-heed engine (the most powerful type of ento- mobile engine yet designed) fully enclosed and pro- tected. Note the AC on Filter. the AC Air cletnet. Crankcue Breather System, Oil Pump. Notice the new alloy lnvar-strut piston: . . . the new hydro- lamlnated_carnshaft gears . . . the high grade elec- trical equxprnent.|c The G.M'.A.C. . . . General Motors own deferred payment plan aords the most convenient and economi- cal way of buying your Chevrolet on time. Com] hassis terw other - -11:-In-A A3/." Al mu M-'-_i;s;nrr.9=r_zvn;: _- j IOUSEWIVES gay - __ ---_ .1..:- .. `OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA. LIMITED pvt vv xv-1 17 vv vs 3 --Cw: . . $623.00 cabeiolg: . - . - - - - 625.00 I 3048!! - - - . . 740.00 Counnordnl Chad: - - 0 .- 740.00 Roadster Delivery - o . - 835.00 Ton Truck Chuuiu - - Roadster _Bxprcu - - - $650.00 All a: at Futon, O:laawo-- Gavmmen! cam. Bumper: and Spam Tin Bun. ;;_.g.a i;;w'.. F-ac}? (`LL-Rglga _ 4 , _________________: FOR SALE--4Bax-red Rock chicks. bred from high producing pure bred stock: $18.00 per -hundred. Harry Ottaxwvy. Phone .7'39J. 16-21b :- BARRIE and ZALLISTON _ salesmen. and they work for little pay. ' The emblem Body by Fisher stand: fa: modern styling, safe, ctlon lasting beauty, and 1 your comfort. THE DEALER I-`OR CHEVROLET AND OAKLAND PHONE 138 - ELIZABETH ST. Thunday, May 3, `I920 5833.00 090.00 470.00 623.00 6 L O.A.'C. BAR-R'ED ROC-KS and Bar- ron's SJC. White Leghorns. Order your chicks now, for immediate oi fu-ture delivery. from our trap- `nested high producing breeding stock. All the culls are removed. Many of our breeders are qualified R.O.'P. hens with high official re- cords. mated with males from our `highest producers. Our prices are very moderate. April delivery $18 per 100. May and June delivery $15 per 100. We are booking many or- ders in advance. Order yours now- and avoid disappointment. Write for our illustrated catalogue, which also con-tains our method._of rearing chicks. Sunrise Poultry Farm, Cold- water, Ont. 15-20b ORO vCH'IICK 1HA'T`CI'IERY.- May prices. laying strain Barred Bock, SL8 per 100. SJC. White Leghorns. $16 per 100. R. H. Brandon, Oro .Sta- finn R P 18-231) FOR |R`EN'T--A garage. Apply 46 Vvorslejy St. ` 18p GARAGE T10 `R`EN"l` on Clapperton St. Apply at Kea1'ns' Store. 14tfb v.` v.` V.` V` .-. ._. One cent a. wbrd, cash, each inser- tion. (minimum charge. 250); six Insertions tor the pz'ice'o! tour. we extra when charged; also 100 extra when replies are directed to The Examiner Ottice. _ . HOU-SE `TO -RENT. .1-'hone 486, 14 Burton Ave., Allamd.-xle. _ 1'8-20p .__..._.._..:._-___..___._._-_ GAIRDIEN FOR RENT in exchange for care of lawn. Miss Loth, 157 Bayfield St. 18p GAJRDEN `TO RENT of one acre or half acre. Apply .VIz`s. `Martin, 44 Penetang aSt. ~ 181) FIVE-`ROOMED HOUSE to rent at Cundles. with garage. Apply 94 Clapperton St.. or phone 778. 13-18;) I M MEDIA"I`E `P08 SIES`SrI|O|N--'-Nice six-roomed house with bath, in C-un- dle Terrace: low rent; good gar- den. Apply 1'52 Bayfleld `St. Phone 0" 181) I-IIOUSE TO R'E.\"T. or rooms suit- ab1e for light housekeeping, with gsarden and henhouse. Apply 73 T11 - fln St.. Allandale. 17-221) , DESHERAJBLE APARTMENT FOR RENT -CHFEAP. central location, enchanting outlook, immediate pos- session. Apply H. E. Jory, King Block. Barrie. - 17-`22b F`IR'S'T;-CLASS OFFFCE for rent at once, central, with front outtook, suitable for business or profession- al man. Apply H. E. Jory, Kine Block, Barrie. . 117--22b ? SUM MIER CI0`T'TAGE FPO ERENT at Big Bay Point; furnished, `also wat- er in cottage. Apply to A. `B. `Moysey & Co., `McK1nnon Bldg., Toronto, Ont. ~ 18-21b MAID W`A'N\'I'uI:JD at once. mo wasn- ing or ironing. Apply to Mrs. Harold Dyment. High St.. Barrie. 18'b den anu garage; an uuu vuxuvuuua. 74 William St. Rent $2 5. Apply phone 500. 15-20!) \. UH. U 9:38J. SOLID BRJICK. seven-roomed house to let. good summer kitchen, gar- den and garage; all conveniences. -1,4 Txflnlnrn St. Rent S25. Atmlv FARMS FOR SALE Paopanryjo LET BABY cuncxs "WANTED tAL MAID wanted; convenience. Apply 88 Mary St. 18:) u maid: must have .,\ nw nnnlzlnr!" wafer- 1" "` ` V W`A'N1'I`fED at No wash- nm (in H-r`n3\"n1'2`, Annlv to Mrs. NT .. A;nn]V Dal I574 : J3Utl.l'u 13-24b l'U 1D LG` 18-2&pl IF-I\- JHU I 181) LLUXIU 18p : 2000 FT. FLNE LUMBER ttor sale Phone, 608i`6. 18-19p BABY CARIR.'IAG`E -for sa-1e. in good? condition. Phone '58. 189 l GOOD (BENERAL .\...,.... mnamm convenience FOR SA1IJE---Seed-d-rlu. 13 also. A_P'.` 4 p`y to David Cairns. Barrie RR. 8.!- or phone 605r2. ' 18p BOY'S mmcmcnu -tor sa.-le-out-3 grown: good condition; halt-price. 113 Wors1ey\St. ` 18b? . FOR SALE--7 I-LP. gasoline engine in first-class shape. Apply Oliver Wilson. Mineslng. 1'7-18p | A GRJEY SULKY and tux` robe for now... no! lnaf fall Annnlv Mrs. R. A GINISX Sunni and Luv ruuu uu sale: new last fall. Apply Mrs. R. Anchex`, 133 Icolller St. 181:` ONE SET HEAVY TEAM HAR- NESS. new. will sell less than cost. Apply 196 Elizabeth St. 181) V FOR SALE-Baby carriage in good condtltion: ta-pestry rug 3% x 4 yds.; I electric heater. Apiply 142 Mary St..' DA.-I-IIJIA TUBEPUS. for sale. modern` u-nnlntlnu nn and ffi` MRV 14. ADI 1)A.'1'1UlA '1`U'ti1`JtV. 1101` Sale, xuuuua u varieties, on and after May 14. Ap-I ply Mrs. T. Lowgheed, 60 William St. Alland-ale. 18'b " L`i`U`lJ1J Lxuun way every modern Mrs. McKenzie, FOR 'ISA*IJE--Dooley potatoes; also Melotte cream separator. good as 3 new. Apply to Fred I-Iaverson, Bar- [1 rle. phone 605;*4'1. . 18p 1 . BARN 110311 SALE. size 85x80, alt- uated on lot 22. con. 4, Vespra, 1% miles from -Barr1e.'For particulars apply W. G. How. Barrie. Phone 798. V 17-20:: I DAHIJIA 'B`UI}BS for sale. a. good! assortment.` na-med variety.` also glad-loll 'bu1|bs, peony roots. etc..| prices very reasonable. Mrs. Jas. S. Brown. Allandale, pho-ne 88:8. 18tfb| % SAFE. medium size, good as new two showcases. Auto Knitter, motor] sewing machine. Ala.d'd1n~ lamp, set. computing scaes, must be sold this week at Tuck's Barrie Fair. 17-19p j FOR SALE-Darl< grey wicker in- valld's chair. steel frame and spring seat. rubber-tired wheels, nearly new; cost $55, will sell for $16. One single white enamel bed and new mattress, cost $26. will sell for $10. Apply 109 Essa. :St., Allandale. 17-`18p', A CHANCE TO SAVE money. `Why pay two prlces for fruit trees? Ap- ples 75c except `McIntosh Reds, $1: pears $1.: cherries $1; plupns. 75; currants, 2 for 25; grapes, 2'56. Or- ders taken now for vegetable plants and flowers. E-. V. Babcock. `Cook and Icodrlngton Sts. Telephone 365.) . 13-181: 'I`\I-PORJOUGHBIRIED P'ER'S'I`AN KIT- 'I`EN for sale. Apply 10 Small St..\ 1R\_] EOIR SAJIJE.-Clyde mare, ifour years o1.d. `Allbert |'1`hom'as, Edigar P.'.0. Guthrie RJR. '1. 18-28;) Barrio PURE BRED `ROAN 9S\I-fOR5TH'OR`N bull for sale. eleven months old. sired by `Master Radio. `Ernie ICO-ates, Oro Station. '18-19p ..___._______.______ W A.\* I`ED---A have some knowledge. of cooking; refer- ences requhred. Phone 1104 for ap- nnlntrnanf ' FOR S=ALE-Matched team of Clyde colts, rising one `year; black filly rising one year by Aldino; bay horse rising nine years, weight 1500: General Purpose mare, .6 years old. also two well bred Shorthorn cows, milking, 5 years old. Bruce Cowan, Stroud. " 17-18p RJEG\IS"1ERJED Yorksrhir-e_ white 0. A.'C. -strain. bacon type, Ibrood sows; due -May and June. Pure `bred York- shire `bacon type. year old `boars. Young bacon type Y~oz*ksh1i`e white pigs, -ell-gi:b-le Ifor re;;:1s*tra[t*1on. $7.00 and up each. T. IW. `Huston, Downs- vlew Post Office, Manager Boake Farms. 18-20b - SEED BARILEY. -also -oats. for sale. Jack Campbell, 'Vespra ERJR. 2. `Tele- phone 612r3'2. 18p RED OIJOVIER SEED, govern-ment grade No. 1. $17 per 'bus he'l. N. G. King, Churchill. 18-19p GRIMJM'S A*LFA*LFA `SEED for sale. Apply to G. D. Banun-g, Ivy- Thornton telephone. T 18tfb IRISH COBBLER POTATOES, grown from certified seed, $2 bag` 'F.O.B. 'C.P:R. or C.N.R. Thos. Smith -0. mm... 1'n.~..\\n n.u- 19h. SEED PIOTA"1`-OIES for sale, Irish Cobblers: also 'Dooleys, from certi- fied seed. Phone `891. 18h!-b F`OR SALE-S`weet clover seed, out -with `bind-ex`, $5 per `load. '.I. Oatway. Dals-ton. phone 904r6. 18-b 'I`IMO'THY HAY, red clover seed and 'I11ls`h Colbbler potatoes for sale. Garfleldzwingrove, phone 6061'-12. 18b q .l3- \Jul"uI\u Ul' \nLVuJ I`.\J '& Sons, Utopia. Ont. Uuuca I Cqu` polntment. SEED IPOTATOES `for sale, semi- certified Dooleys; passed Govern- ment lnspection in field and bins. Price $1.50 per bag. Arthur Walt. IM1dhurst. Phone 60'1r1*3. 16-`21b WHITE BLOSSOM sweet clover seed for sale. No. 2 grade. govern- ment lns4pec.ted. $2.75 a bushel, Clar- ence W. Brown, Barrie, RR. 1. Tele- phone 904r14. , 17-181)` QUAN'1`I"I`Y ~A.=LFAFI4FA `S-EED. for A sale, Government graded: also al- sike -and timothy mixed, suitable for `hay or mature. Apply `R. W.. Jennett. Barrie RR. 1. 18p` won SALE--White Blossom sweet; clover seed, government tested: price $3 per bushel: also good cow due to freshen first of May; pasture farm for rent. Fred Pratt, R.R. 2.| Barrie. Phone 612111. 15-20!) EGGS -from Single -Com'b Black Min- orcas. 50c for setting of'13. Haw- thorne, Holuly, 3:13. A 18p ' HATCI-IING EGGS -- Bred-to-lay Barred Rocks. 15 for $1.00. 109 Essa. St., Allandale. 15-20p I F-OlRA S*A`LE--.W'hite Pekin . duck eggs, from `good laying strain, 75 per se`tt1n-g. `Mrs. H. L. Wright... '1'ho1'nton, Ont. _ 18-19p AJU1\- \.lIV.l."1.J.V1.1`L'LlA.V 1553 gut hatching. good layers. when matur- ed, weighing from 8 lbs. to 12 1115., $1 for 13. Thomas Milbee, 165 Owen St.. Barrie. . 17-18p ..____..___.._._...__....l :: BIJAJCK- ORPIN`-G"I`ON eggs (or 1..-um-.1-H.-rm n-AAA Ioirnnu nil-inn vnn!nI-- FOR SALE-Ha.tching eggs, from Clarke's strain Bat-zed Rocks, per- sistent all year, round monby mak- ers. Pens headed by males .01 pedi- greed stock. 31 a setting. .1 . L. Jack. Annnln Dan `I 13-1R!` . YOU CAN EARN $10 to $25 8. week In your spare time at home writing show cards. No canvassing or sol- lciting. We instruct you and supply you with work. Write today. The Menhenltt Co. Ltd.. 45 Dominion Building. Toronto. 1Mtt~b