Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 26 Apr 1928, p. 8

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the beautiful solo rendered by Mr. MoR0berts last Sunday. and also his sermon from the text Thou art not far from the Kingdom. The young peop1e.a,r busy practising for a. play. Apr. 22-Mr. and Mrs. Eph. Salis- bury have moved into the residence formerly occupied by the late-Henry Lamb. l |r1.....-......-.L..1..4.:n.... ;... \l.. p....A lrfua 1.451111). Congratulations to Mr. amd Mrs. Wm. Reynolds on the arrival of a baby `boy, April 17. \r *r._,_L ;_ ,______1s._-. _ _I__..L L-1..--` ....... -.,--...._. ... ...--..-..-_,. . Mr. and Mrs. Cecil French of Va- sey spent the week-end with friends here. \ln.~ Dr\"\t\`:~q nv..`l l-`.-.q-u11- AF \.l'IA Wifzis. Roberts and faniily of Mid- land spent Sunday at the home of John Draper. 117:1` m:LL_1.1 _._-._L ___--.__*I _1__-_ vu-..y \Jl`V` --`.u.. -- .VI`. Lamb is spending a short time with friends in Bethany. . ,, ,1 11,," _ -1. -3 T7`- uv.... --wos`a\4 . Will. Sibbald spent several days `In Midland wizh his brother, A. J. lsdbbald. who has been very 111. l WAVERLEY Extra miles, no extra cost. Us- ed` tires wanted. If you have tires that are about to give trouble that might be good for a few thousand miles yet but might let you down any minute, we wi-ll buy those few extra miles and equip your car with Super-Wear longer-life Sei- berling All-Treads. These tires cost no more but wear longer and better. Also a complete line-up of .|Seiber1ing Accessories ready at rte. is on the men ust. ` Miss Viola Scott is with her pm- ents for a few weeks. Miss Verna Robins has returned home to Penetang after visiting a. week with her aunt, Mrs. Geo. Ma.- eon. Wm. Mason is somewhat better at the time of writing. an... Mr-xnnn is snending a few Tune in tonight for the Seiber- lin=g' Singers at WEAF. When the leather in your shoes it well `with a little castor oil ant .-' becomes hard you merely need rub the shoes w.i1l be nice and soft. H. N. STOREY S CHURCHILL GARAGE 1'r's EASY NOW ! An Exlra\0rdinary% Sale 1 % of 150 . Fine Spring Coats Owing to the continued cold weather we were able to purchase from our Wholesale Houses a Fine Lot of Ladies and Misses _ Spring Coats at far less than regular prices. THESE WE OFFER IN A Rt)USlNG These are without question` the greatest Coat Values we have ever been able to offer our customers at the height of the season. SIMMONS 8: CO. HATS THREE DAY LII H9! UDIH8 III LI`l'BIlLt'1. The Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs. Brown on Thursday. Apr. 10. and Monday -THE COAT STORE- : FURS : "E'fBER'1`.TEi?- AL_LTREAD jl -1`?!-I Thursday," Abril 26. 1923 COATS nun; 01 LUF uuu JUL- Lot owners are also reminded that with the new Endowment System now available they may euminate. 1! they wish. tu_rther assessments by permanently endowing the Jot to provide for perpetual care at a URPV 11.13`.-ArQt11\Y A.`|lT.1:`. npvnm v 9.4 ouaaaouavovcooaaaoa an unwanted: Earrie Union Comotory Board. 16-32b Thomas Nash, Pres. with Miss ueurgum xuaazun. Several of the young people at-I tended the dance at J. Campbell's last Friday night. l Glvnnhnn '13nvnn1r1a, Nmnman [Soak 138! 'r`1'1aay mgm. Stephen Reynolds, Norman Cook and I-Iarvie -Cockburn left on Thurs- day for Golden Valley. `I: A Q1m::m~, who has resided in aay I0!` uomen vuuey. B. A. Slesser. who has resided in the \'i11ap;o for the past year, moved to his farm this week. 1111 nmhm-. emu-.+ fhn -man].--nmI I0 1118 vIBX'lTl U118 '\VeK- Miss Bishop spent the week-end at her home in Grenfel. - `"`I\n 1` nA`Au' AIR vnnf a hn HAIVIA ANN UAL ASSESSMENTS The attention of lot owners In drawn to the annual asesqmentl for care of lots which are payable to J. W. Ness. Sec y.-'1`:-e#as., Bee- crots Bank. Dunlop St., Barrie. nmumaa nf `Inf: awn vvnnnlnnrl that vo nuns ooooo on can v sang UIQU :6 p'x'ov1de Jpe`1:petvu'a1 VERY RE-ASONA-BLE PRICE. 3- II._!-_ Q_,.__L_,.., 1-- Apr. 2-4--1\Ii,ss IRoss Partridge of] R.\'.Hosp1ta1. Barrie, spent Sunday with Miss Georgina Kisslck. Qnun|~n1 no Hm unum: nnrmla at. W In. H cuu. Mc.\Iaster. has Eight ----j-u-- -- `CV2 Sufferers from Rheumatism or Sciatloa. should try Cooke : Rhaumntic Remedy Known from count to con! no I thoroughly nllablo a come for . thou dlotnulna d nu... . Prepared and sold only by :4 Anna: A An Inuul-an C bvywqvu when Iivo voleg U; H. (BOOK! 4 CO. LIMITED ORILLIA. ONTAR-IO- Price: $1. per bottle. Sent postpald on receipt or price GUARANTEED TO GIVE RE- LIEF OR MONEY REFUNDED Barrie Union Cemetery .B!*F:U_MAI!$M 7: `n-IOMA? n p : _ ms--- ' nvaan V:-on u_-- ' ` Apr. 24--.\Irs. W. Cook visited `over Sunday in Barrie. . ` ` Mrs. R. Maw is ill with pneumon- |1a. She is reported to baimprovlng nicely. A . ' J. W. Orchard is under the weath- er and` has gone _toA'1`oronto for I treatment. Qnvunn XXVI" HA hP]d`J St. Peter ! LU UC ucau ucxc uu sun. has 95:1- vs.-g. Although the club will be without J. E. Crawford. who has been sign- ed with the Midhurst team, different arranging and new material will no doubt strengthen the team greatly. Several hard-hitting rookies have already been signed up. From all reports the Midhurst team have commenced training with hopes of wiping up all opposition they may encounter this summer. Would--be" stars are being collected from all! over the country and.`lRed" Delaney has greater pennant aspirations than John NIcGraw. No doubt all the teams in the league will be strengthened with keener opposition resulting throughout. Dalt. Kirkup,. last year with Barrie. has also sign- ed up with the Retorestry aggre- gation. Mr. Wardle will preacn. . ~ Mrs. J. E. Crawford was operated upon in `Toronto last Saturday for goitre and is improving nicely. ` A Road'lmprovernont , An improvement was made last week in the jog in the sideroad between the nlinth corrcession and the corner known as the old school corner." The Vespra council pur- chased the land from Walter Dow-_ hey and the ratepayers did the grav- eling. angling the road from the`. highway to the lower corner otithe log; which cuts out a very sharp curve in the road. Minesing Athletic Club The Minesing Athletic Association held a meeting in -the -Orange Hall on Saturday night of last week in preparation for the coming-softball season. The following officers were elected: Pres.. W. `E. Crawford: Vice-'Pres., H. H. Johnston: Sec'y., L. W. Adams; Treas., D. M. Ronald: Manager, W. E. `Crawford; Ass't.- Manager, A. A. Armstrong, Jr. ` ,,_,.,-1L;'-.. an- Onunnzul O-A am- 1 x l I 1 1 I .' 1 l 1 4 l l 4 s 1 1 e l l 4 I .uu.uug,vo, an `o. .-...._.. ---g, --. A committee was__ formed to at`- range for a field day which is likely to be held here on the first pt July. L 41.- _I..\. ...HI I... uvI#1nnnI- IGPHIQYIE IFDITI J\'eVVII1l U`KI.o Mrs. John Monckton is visiting in Beeton for a few -days. .lnter-league Debate A very enjoyable and profitable Y.P. meeting was held here last Wednesdayfevening when Cooks- town Y.P.'S. and Newton Robinson Y.P.S. debated in the Inter-league de- bate series`. l'1`he subJectiiwa~s."Res_o1v- ed That the Church Rather Than the State Should be Responsible for the Moral and Spiritual Welfare of the Im:nl;:rar.t". icookstown, who upheld the aflrmatlve. were the. winners. The judges were Mr. Flynn of Cunksiown. Rev. E. M. Burgess and H. Bannerman of Bond Head. Dur- in-.: the meeting solos ung by Mrs. mu-gees. Miss Dorothy Pugsley and Miss Helen -Glass were much enjoy- rnuuy. - Mr. and Mrs. Mark Eagle and family and Mrs. Anderson and son of. Lisle visited Mrs. Neil McPher- son on Sunday. Mrs. Harriet Hargreaves. an old resident of Dundalk, who came over to visit her sister, Mrs. Andrew Stewart. at the ho e of Walter Mc- Mackon. took sudd nly ill and pass- ed away on Thursday. April 19. Rev. J. Ross conducted the funeral ser- vice at .the house on -Friday at .10 am. after which a motor funeral was held to Maxwell, Ont., where in- terment was made. Her husband predeceased her some years ago. Mrs. Stewart is the only qne or the family left. . . Service will be held-dn st. Church. Sunday. April 29, at 11 am.` Mr . Wardle will preach. \/fun T 1:`. (`mawfnrd was onerated I0 011 atuuruuy. , Wm. McKeever and Thou. Mo- Brlde of Barrie attended the tuner- al of the late Mrs. Hargreaves on Friday.- Mw and Mn: `Mm;-1: `mania and U? I I'lUl'lR 7 0' ECLECTRIC 0 0 on. 0 Q _ -____ --__ .-._ -._-_... Q 01177 I 51 l\&:nI 1::-v Apr. 24--A num\be-r from here at- tended a house warming at Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Jackson's, Friday even- unn- woo ya. .-..u... u-vv....._.- .., _ _-....v xng Rev. M1`. King of the Educational Department of United church. prachd in the church here last Sunday. mruu I-Tnmmnn T.nv-mnsr 19: tm the 11311. | The funeral of the late Miss Eliza. Eade, took place Friday. April 20, the body being brought here .!or in- terment from Newmarket. u... 1*.-u-m \:I'nnnlH-an In ul-H-Inc In A-pr. 24--Mr. and Mrs. Howard Willoughby and family visited the tormews mother. Mrs. John W11- Ioughby-ot Alllston, on Sunday. Mrs. Zimmerman went to Toron- to on Saturday. nrm Mnffnntrnn and Thnl 'M'n.. aunuuy. . Mrs. Herman Lennox is sick list. rm... 9....m.n1 na Han Inn: MI: 111:1 vujj A).-r. 24-Geo. Beeton has purclm's- ed 4 new Pontiac car. \IIz IV.-nun Yunnb has iabsvu 5 CH 4 UV! -ITUIILIHU URL} Miss Cora` Franck has taken a pr.en.o:i in Barrie. Aiav lnulhnm In in nhh: trvhn plI.'Ul.uJl` H4 Dt1.1`1'lU. \ Alex. lculham. Jr.. is able to`be out aga!n,a!ter being conned 10 the house through. having the mumps. Qnllfng mnm-1 and fishing mm HIE.` UFUUF UL .6116 uay. V The many friends of Mrs`. Rom. Maw of Minesing are very sorry to 1earn.o her illness.` | ` `unk nvvnannmhco Inning O1:-g Anna- uuuup.-.1. Splitting wood and fishing are the order of the day. "Fhn rnnrnr Pnlnvu-1: nf Urn" Pnhf UULLa .Luo auunuau. Dear Mr. and Mrs. Travers: It was with the deepest regret that we, the people of Grenfel. learned of your departure. However, we are very glad to have you with us again this evening and we hope that we shall be able to spend.many more p1ea~- sant evenings in your company. While you have moved from our community we feel that since you have only gone to Barrie we shall probably see a little more of you than if you were going to some more distant place. You have spent most of your life -among us and~in all these years we have .found you both always ready to le-nd a helping hand whenever it was required. In var- ious ways you have been associated with the activities in these parts" and we regret the severance of ties which have existed so long. We feel that in losing you we are losing friends whose places will be hard to fill. As neighlbors you have been the bestpossible. -We feel that you have certainly shown us that old saying. A friend in need is a friend indeed." is undoubtedly true. We trust that true success and happiness may be yours in your new sphere. We hope that you may be long spared to en- joy your well-earned rest. We ask you, Mr. and Mrs. Travers, to ac- cept. as a slight token of our friendship, this tray of silver, which we trust will not only prove useful to you in your new home but also be a constant reminder of your friends in Grenfel. Signed on behalf of the community.--JEllson Bishop, Wm. Walton, Norman Scott. Garnet ll:-\'\Yncfnw 1Utu.`!1.Ul. 116!` 11111635: _ Much sympathy from this com- munlty is extended to -Mrs. Joseph Franck and other bereaved ones in the loss of her brother. Richard Baily of Uxbridge, who dropped dead on Friday -morning, April 20. Heart failure was the cause. Mr. and -Mrs. Franck and Mervyn mot-V ered to Uxbrldge to [attend the funeral. f . 17;a'1,'"".sdi;i'-1iti;"i`;'19.:1;r A; he turned the pages of his history book. can I agk you 9. question?! IITYVI.-J. .l_ 14. ...__ __..II -_.I_-j LL` '3i5vIm?'i.`{tT r:1s"s:>-r;.'I"'"t'3.sked` the tather. without looking up from his sporting page. ' " L1-..... .11.: 11... .131: .1...-n-..- 1.--- - -- w---5 How d15?t'}'1e cm! dwellers keep warm in the winter time?. '_ ' - --- - .v. .-..-v v H `w`Wh3;'-I g';J;ss1;}`1-ey used thd moun- tain ranges, Now don't ask any more foolish quest1ons."' , CO1`. _ ' One woman saves on ironing by folding sheets and all at` pieces when she takes them tram the line and running them through the wrin- .. -. ..-.-.. - A *Z`?V; .N -_393`"5" .- 1..-... I. -..n HOW THEY MANAGED IT EPEEYME -.. I.-. `MINI-'.S_l_N time or wrmng. Mrs. Mc`.\I1nn is spending tewl weeks with her daughter. Mrs. Scho- eld. at .V1acTier. `Dav _Tnhn Ross is able to take ."9`.35.. the 1 tenuance. , I. Henry Leadlay. St-.. who spent the winter with his daughter, Mrs. Stap- pel, In Melville. nSask., has `returned. .to spend the_summer months here._ 1' 11! 1' 17-11 -......a...-..a an A\n`\.`1\a|nnov\ IEW Gays Hus \Vl:!:K- | l The A.Y.P.A. held a dance in the town hall on Friday evening, April` '4 20. Beatty s orchestra was'tn at- ! tendance.{ `I'.'I'An`1n1y T.nn1n17 Q1! mhn annnf H-an :&imw&$&&&&&&&$ g 1 cooKs'rowN 3;` -14 -!r %%$%&%%m$&&& MP5. W. J. uurueu. uas Kvuurucul home after visiting friends in Bar- rie. . ' ` Miss Evelyn Leadlay of Toronto visited her parents here over the week-end. 1:.-nnala Tinnninnr nf {ha Elam : his recent V Miss Gen On:-A unsung 4360-43. Miss Lou. Dlnwoody and `her com- mittee took charge of the latter part of the evening. when the great Eas- ter message was presented in song and story. Little Loreen Jebb s re- citation "Tvhe Lily's Ser`m?on. was greatly appreciated. The two Easter stories to-ld by Mrs. Broley with vsinging by three little girls, Yvonne |Mc.Vll2`llan, Louise Glass and Faye Dunning. proved very. interesting. Not only were Mrs. Broley's stories well chosen but her ability to com- pel her hearers to live .the experienc- es as related to them. caused them to be doubly appreciated. The youth- |tul trlo added greater charm in fo: week-enu. - . Ronald Dunning of the Royal Bank. '1`ottenham,Vwas home over `the week-end. _ Mug r: 1:`. nlzanhnm hnrrnhn-nad Cl'UlLa Dunn. uuxuuy at... Daruu. Owners of `lots are reminded that unvpaid assesgmenta from 1913, on- ward become a charge against the at and should not be allowed to ac- cumulate as under the Act THEY MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE LOTS CAN BE USED. Tfnnnhi nnamanrnnnfa frnm 1919 On `\'.U'S. J."l'! lK AVb1IlEh Mrs. H. '1`. Rankin" and `daughteni Myrtle. visited in Toronto for a `few days this week. 'I"hn A V'D,A, ham A dance in the. luv uyvuu noon. nu.--...-o --.v..---- W, -L. Kell received a cablegraml from his sister-in-law. Mrs. (Rev.) J. A. C. Kell. Portsmouth, Engl-and, Sailing. `Ansonia. May 4th." Rev. Jack Kell has left his mission at; .Ox2ord House. Manitoba. to meet `his wife in Montreal. 0n'the1r way uwest they will visit friends . at Cookstawn. III ,,.I, I_._1!1,,L- uyvuu w vvo . o - u V - ~ ~ - . "3 v .--.-.-a. -The secretary's;-eport showed an active and interesting year's work. accomplished while the report pre- sented by the treasurer informed the branch out a goodly bank balance on ' hand. A sum of this money was lat- er voted to the Community Memor- ial Fund. Vlnn Anna!-a nn hnulnnaa nn hunt` me Wee}:-enu. Mrs. G. E. Pakenham has "returned to Toronto after 9. few days with I Mrs. Frank Evans. \A ..a 1.1 '1` Dnnlrh-1' nnR~r1nna-1-stay-I vu-u-we-- y----v-we-- `The annual meeting of the Wo- men's Institute was held at t-he home of Mrs. Geo. Duff on Tues- day, Apr. 17. when thirty-lve ladies `spent a very interesting evening. I nu... ..........L-....I.. ...u..-.6 ..hmuvnA an 1&1 1.` u-nu. The reports and business on handl completed. the meeting con.t\1-nued w!lth election of the officers for 1928-29. `Allan. `I an Tilnvunnu ant` Man nnvv-|_ H An Women : Institute -v unuuwg . I Robinson of town this week. ett has returned in Bar-| t Arnold. G. Sunday. . run this 1-nag `again Idilul MAJ` DIM Ulllllo Unpaid assessments from 1913 to 1927 inclusive are overdue and those tor 1928 are payable, on or before July 1. 1928. Amznmamnnf RAfm:.._S2 nan an. THE BARBIE EXAMINER `their ~n:-ttural expression in song of` the message-_ conveyed _in the second lstoz-y. V . 'l`hn Nam ('\PHnAnc ' President. Mrs. D. Hopper: lstli Vice-`President, Mrs. T. McMi1lan;, 2nd Vice-President, Mrs. L. Monk-1 man; `Rec-. S:c y.. Mrs. C. Smith;`i Press Sec y.. Mrs. VV. Scott; Treas.,. .M'iss Lottie `Dinwoody; directors: ! Miss Lois Dinwoody, Miss H. Suth-3 erland. Mr-s. H. Dunning; District director, Mrs; J. M. Bugsley; Spe-`M cial committee, Mrs. Long. Mrs.` Stoddart. Mrs. H. J"e`bb,'Miss M.? Ken; Flower Committee, Mrs. G31- lop. Mrs. Reid. Mrs. Harper; Sick: Visiting Committee. Mrs. Bro1cv,i |Mrs. `Cooper, Mrs. Cfements; Not-3 |1fying commitatee. Mrs. R. Glassg .Mrs. R. J. McAfee; Audlltors, Mrs'.~ H. Cooper. Mrs. Faris. ' Death of Mrs. w. H. Eby 1 On VVednesd April 18. 1928, at; 1Grace Hospital. Kathleen McFarren,! belovedwite of Dr. Wilbert H. Eby,| passed away in "her 37th year. The: funeral was held from her late resi-! |dence.` 520_xSt. `Clair Ave., West, on |Fr1ig`ay, April 20. `I'4`.h\.- in Mali Iznnuvn ounnrni HUICU LULI tt UUl.l]J1l:' U1. VVCEKS. T Mrs. Thos. Reynolds of Torontol spent a, `few days with Mrs. Bruce" Binnie last week. I `KIun t -v'a61n`n.-xv: nu-/3 Tjnnnlj .\K.. rtauay, llpl u cu. Dr. Eby is well known around! this vicinity. his father, W. J. Eby. being a tailor here some years ag0.i .Much sympathy of the community is xtended _to Dr. Eby in the loss? of his wife. V I I -Apr. \24--Miss Mary Braithwaite iof `Toronto is visiting at her home. I here for. a couple of weeks. \/fr: 'I`hn Dnxrnnic n? "l`nm~.n+n `)1lIIlIV IHEL \VCC'l\u Miss Kathleen and Harold Me-I Laughlin spent the week-encin Toronto and Hamilton. 1\'m: L'l`1-`nu Dlnnzn 1...... ....4-.........Au LUKUHLU ttllll I1luHlLUllo I Mrs. 'Thos. Binnie has returned from Toronto for the summer l months. KC. '2` CC `C `.3. -2 Apr. 23- Miss Mary Spring of Toronto visited over the week-end at her home. A \:fun A`-\nvI `I'D nnnnn "nu. A0 V'I'1.~..n...LA- Uly J., 4.360. Assessment Rates-$2 par un- num for one lot and $1 for each ad- ditional lot owned by the same per- son: 81 for half lot. Tm) nnynnvvn urn nhan vwnrninnn-I fhnf an HUI` UUHIC. Mrs. Abby Ferguson of Toronto" is spending a short time at the home of her son, J. S. Ferguson. \:fu-an I`nrnn T(\I'Il\n `Iran nn11n.-I 6;` UUIHU U1 HUI` SUN, :1. D. rergusuu. Mrs. Emma Jones was called to Toronto last week by the serious ill- ness of her father, E. -Bdwles. \:fnn I:-x1vvln Dnivr` nu.) `Dnnalnn uuau UL IIUI Ls'I.l.JlCl', 114- 'l3'~lVV'lt's Mrs. Calvin Boyd and Bernice spent a couple of dayslin Toronto [this week. _ ' Apr. ~24-Miss Jean Gilchrist of Thornton and `Miss Mae Emms of Martin Farm spent the week-end at their homes here . * A. Ilnlni 9v\an{v\nn n9 G-kn T7 13` IN `IT '5` LIIUUC IIUIIIUB IIUFU A- joint meeting of the U.F.O., U.F. W.`O. and VVOmen's 'Institu:.e \v`1] be held Monday evening; April 30, a: the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry .\Ic'Cua1g. Mr. Girdwood and Mr. Page `of Barrie are expected to be present and address` the meetings. IIIL- _..__.__._..A:..__ _n r\._.L._.1, vv._ ;.-.v-.uu..- nun vsuvnnuvnz -.4-s. nay.-`nag-n The congregation of Guthrie Un ited church very much appreciate: ElGHT_l-1- um-:. INNISFIL Ann 09 \,I in.-.. \yl'n..-. CI ..l....~. The New Officem .5!TFN..W'-E5 the sick list. \ll\I'uIVI`I-`nu ` . Apr. 24--.\Ir. and Mrs. Chas. Har- ris and son Clifford motored to Aurora on Sunday to spend the day with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stunden. Mrs. Donne11y's father. Mr. Har-I Minn vmm Scott

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