OINQRCIB Cl uutuu uu 1.uuuua.,y. _ `Wallace Guest of Barrie spent Sunday with friends in town. Mr: `I-T olamnnf in unending` a [few uunuay wuu Lrwuua HI wvvu. Mrs. H. Clement is spending a few days with her daughter in Orillia. v_- \:..m...I.:-... an Innnlguonnon {s nave moveu to Iuruuu. W. A. Sawtell of Toronto was in town on Thursday las_t. inn: `nan 'numH>`n'n1nvn 9. faw Iowa on '1'nuI'8aa.y ltl_B. Mrs. Dan. Rowatt enjoyed a few days in Toronto last week. Ila-mhall T.mnwn\nn nhlnnn fwn Aoao STATION Died from Typhoid L 1-u-.___- .11-: A....-II n In Memo:-iam ---Son Reginald at Hovio 13. 3 '()wihgr.t;>"s~eIqe of the members' W of the competing teams `being on 1 the sick list. the play-off between- !the Lucky |Stt-ikes and Go-Getters l fnv Uilu `nouns V\VV:ll Ron. Mr. Garrett is giving more joy and delight to the population of this town`than possibly any other man. He is a substantial citizen. paying $1.800 a year taxes. I ad- mit a technical, `breach of the `by-I law but there should not be dis-| crimination. Action, I think. should be postponed until Council has declared` its policy. I 11,, `IN- _,-___ __ I`! ____._1_L __ ' CIDIZBII.` 118 {R10 umue U. SUCCUS hfe and It was dlstasteful to `to have to come to court. ..'.v... u. v---- -- v-.-_- As for discrimination. J. R. Boys. for the `Town. said it had nothing to do with the case in point. .He said the matter, how-, ever. should be brought to the at-' tention of council. He admitted that discrimination should not be shown. ugqv vv au- Magistrate J effs said he was not concerned with the matter of dis- crimination. `The press was pre-! sent and court proceedings would -be brought to the attention of council. The magistrate made a record of the case and reserved` judgment. (Continued from page 1) Mr. Cowan next took up Mr. |Saso s sign, then Deputy-Reeve. Jarvis vegetables on the sidewalk. : The Chief had not told` Mr. Jarvis to take his stuff away, nor Mr.` Robinson s wire. They re `on side streets, said the Chief. tr - ------- --5 -~-- . I don't th'i}}k I` ha\:e.-'1;/1.1:.` Rob-I inson and Mr. Garrett have been' having quite a time. [All 0,, ` __,,, , _9.,, Ivvu-v u--v --`.- --- r---vv. Mr. C`owan gave Mr. Garrett a clean bill of health as a sterling citizen.` `He had made a success of 131$- _...! EL ---.._. ,a:_;.-..;._1.-..1 L- L}... unvo cu uavunvn vnov Vrnnnwrc I `:1v)ox,i t you think you iiave been I specializing on Mr. Garrett? 41-! ,1 ,, n ;L2A,I_ 1` I_____ 11.. 1'\_IL uno COUNCIL ! To Do sommnnci . nmmow nmnmns IN T none: nos. nsuman CAl_s-GRAl-MM nos. uucxs no nus AND Tsznvncn mum: on ALL IAKES or en: Dunlopst. - BARRIE - % Phone 291* I Ilruuvwv run---uw u Doctor: You had better be X- vayed." ~ Patient: There's no need. Get my wlfe-she s always able to see right through me."--Answers. l I311; gag { % .-Q" | (Nlw PR:c'I7I) smRrs- RIGHT GROWS-RAPlDLY MA TURES-EARL Y_ LESS CHICKS LOST ._ - ,: ' LESS FEED COST Wrifofw FREE copy of "Poulhy Gu:'c_!6." Blalc|Iforl s Calf Mal Co. of Canula,_l.!d. " West Toronto, `Out. :3 Q-Q-in Q g; M _Followlng is an extract from` a letter received recently by 8.; , Dunlap St; firm from a city bush ` ; ness man:- e "I believe that your city will come into its own in the near future. as. you really have an ideal location and a beautiful one . from the tourists: standpoint, and you have $119 or the very best conducted hotels to be found anywhere. I enjoyed my stay there last Fall and I expect to be back that way with my family this summer. I told several of my friends about it and I expect that they -too will pass that Way.- Barrie will grow." t L _ ` ; BARRIE WILL GROW BOWLING NOTES` BR6W"NT&"o. WHEN TH1NGs"I._61E'i'3ii{--CALL ON US BARRIE PHONE 562 TRANSPARENT MAN -ma, Mania zxaumn E UL him l:&&w&m&m&&m&&w -5; smoun g w$w&m&mmammwwww -uw- nu uv -uuvul `The body of Joseph Stewart, who died in Montreal recently. was brought here for burial on Monday. Mr. Stewart had been raised on the farm. No. 5 sideroad, between 9th and 10th concession. Innisfil, where :his parents had lived some years :ago. Rev. B. B. Beynon conducted the services at the grave. Debate Goes Against Auto The monthly meeting of the Temperance Division was held in `the hall on iwednesday evening, g April 18. There was a good attend- ance. The temperance glee was sung by W. D. Henry, N. Jamieson and C. W. Henry. A debate, Resolved, That the Automobile has been a .Benefit to` Mankind" resulted in favor of the negative by three lpoints. Affirmative, Miss C. Mason, `Chas. Henry; Negative, Miss Bar- low, A. Morrison. Springtime Observations On a fine Spring morning take your way along a familiar path for an outing. -Outdoor exercise is a great remedy for indifferent health, nerves, tempers and looks. The Springtime draws eyes upwards to `brightening skies, delightful cloud ' forms, leafing trees, singing birds. A splendid grove of sugar maples has , no match in the country. The April - sunshine is causing by some myster. ious current. the sap to flow. There sis a moist. woody odor in the bush and a whiff of smoke curls up from the fire kindled under the big sap lkettle. The sap buckets are under the trees and someone is emptying Ea pail of sap into the kettle, and he'll stay at this job as long as the sap runs free. The sky is divinely blue, the air crisp and frosty and the thin line of snow against the , fences showed a faint touch of green n at its edges, the Spring flowers were ipressing upward between the dead leaves and grasses. A red squirrel was investigating his winter store houses, a downy woodpecker was sidling up one of the old trees, a rabbit scurried to a hole at the root of a stump, the straight. clean trunks of the maples and their branches showed clear out against the unaided eye and preserved in the memory `is far the most impor- tant part of what we can observe by any means. We can all learn much from bird and leaf and tree 3 and grow younger in spirit, more youthful in face a-nd movement, more happy and helpful and hopeful by dbserving objects around us: Hana rnnlzinuv AIIII nrnilra vnrnnu `the blue sky. What can be seen by I I _ -- -.--v, ...__... ....r. v v_s.v- qua Aqua-aunnai A very attractive prlze list has been prepared by the directors at ]the `Innlsfll Horticultural Society for 19218. The flower how is to be held in Churchill. Mem ers are urg- ,ed to get their prize lists and op- tlon -forms as soon as possible in order to plan their gardens accord- lingly. .|u-undo; =:u~&L.I-.. Ea--1.. __- - VI -., ...v-_, V. vs V: Icnosng The afternoon was pleasantly spent in games and several family group photographs taken. At 6.30,all sat down to a sumptuous banquet served in the reception hall. the t9.- ble resplendent with yellow canndles, daffodllls and blue iris. and centred by the beautiful birthday cake with its lighted candles. The toast to the Rev. Jas. Brown was proposed by Robt. Swinton of Orillia, while the toast to R. A. Brown was proposed by J. `Clark of Ayr. After suitable replies had been given to these, the other members of the family fol- lowed with short lmpromtu speech- es.` Another happy feature was the readingtof scrolls in poetry form. composed by Mrs. Robt. Ssvinton of Orlllia. recalling reminiscences of the early childhood days at home. Father and son were the recipients cf manv useful gifts. .-p-n1__ \_-__.-_- .1-" -I,,,_< ,__n.q, uupctux uy Uuaurvulg UUJCCES EPUUYIQ us. thus making our walks mere than "mere purposeless rambles. v.. .. --.v~.~....- vunnur lzloyd Reynolds left this week for Ogdensburg`. intending to spend the isummer months on the boats. THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS, _A_T_ }Y_|$P_M S 1 `The many friends of Reuben Boa!- way are delighted to see him home again, after his recent operation In Toronto, much improved in health. ---..__ _A_;____;:___ ,, iv...--u--v. -u--r.--gnu uu -..-u uuuuou I v...,. ._v -u -u-`nu-J u vu -J n Stroud Parsonage was the scene of a very happy surprise party on April 23, when all the members of the Brown family gathered to cele- sbrate and honour the birthday an- niversaries of their fatheg. Rev. Jas. Brown. and also `his eldest son, R. A. Brown, mayor of Orillia. ' OHL- -nA-.___,-_- W, -- "The happy day closed with French-Canadian readings by Mrs. Fred Brown or Coldwater and quar- tettes and vocal solos by the five sons. 1, ' `The party included th e following: Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Brown. Mr. and 111`-es. F. J. B'*own and Iita daughtav, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Swinton of Orillla. Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Brown of `Coldwater. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. J. Hamilton of Hornings Mills. Mr. and Mrs. John Clark of Ayr. Rev. J13. and Mfrs. Brown and son Dougald of Stroud. . | onto friends this week. Mrs. Mathers is the guest of Tor- . w - u - - o n o vu-I VA avvvyu Launlazvao Miss Mary Marrow and Jack Mar- row spent the week-end in Barrie. The latter left Monday mornlng for Ogdensburg. N.Y.. where he has se- cured a position for the summer on a. boat. the Walter B. Reynolds. Pheasants Seen Hereabquts A beautiful marked pheasant took a walk down the village road last Monday. These blirds. but of more sombre colors. are often seen pick- ing up what they can get on the roads or helping themselves quite fearlessly to grain fed to the chick- 6118. n:-.| :.. u-..;._--n - `1'HORNT,ON &&m&%*&$&mmww$ V -...-..-- ------an cu St. Jude's WE. will meet at Mrs. John Eastern : on Tuesday, May 1st. at 2.30. \l- -...I \I'..... in r eu___ 4-n._s_-_._ L 6.00. Mr. and Mrs; '1`. .1. Shaw, Egbert. visited Mr. and Mrs. Mat. McLean on Sunday. -"l`v-Inhu 7nnAnn'a Anna.-.`i-H.... ...nI uu aunuuy. \ -Trinity Women's Association will meet on Wednesday afternoon. -May 2. at the home or Mrs. J. R. Jamie- Ihfl, ARE wER_I9t!I9B1Y!39_NG?A -, `At BOII. A 1 GU: A large number of people attend- ed the sale of the household effects of the late Mrs. J. R. Grey on Sat- ' ux-day. l James R. Jamleson and Wm. Len- nox left on Wednesday morning for Huntsville: owing to the very ser- ious illness of Robt. Lennox. 11-. 1 _, _ in irunnuu-nn .2. George Mbonald spent the week- end.Jn Hamilton. (IL 7._.I_n_ cw: . , no . . -- "Surprise Birthday Party mama `D.-................. ..--.._ LL- __ Died in Montreal THE BEST FOR FUEL, ICE OR CARTAGE II. E. M13CUl.LOUGH Shirriff s Marmalade-, 40-02. 1... Ag- 97 Dunlop St. LOWE "anos. muwrs AND VARNISHI-:s Are more than Just Paint. The custotner who buys our Paint receives a product that covers more, `lasts longer and costsless. Save that surface and you save all. It pays. ' A [beautiful display of furniture for your selection LET US FURNISH YOUR HOME Wm `ALLOW EXCHANGE ON YOUR USED FURNITURE i 'i`..E2"`s.*2'"' 2 STORES 1` `*9 3321.1" 533 Dllu.'l.`ul. 3 Aucu xuuauuv, -xv-vu. jar............_ . . . . ..49 Cascade tsalmon, 1's . . 20 tin Caravan Pitted Dates, 19 pkg. J. W. SCOTT 18 Dunlop St. Elisabeth S}; ` A. E. SMITH VICTOR RECORDS ,VlCTROLAS 62 Dunlop St. Installed for demonstration without obligation. BARBIE. M_EA1`_~!ARKJ:=T BARl_I_lE wagon lklll IIIBBA B ' l\I! Smoked Picnic Hams Pickled Picnic Hams Breakfast Bacon . . . 3-lb. pail Lard . . . . . 131 Dulop sc. rho... 10:7 1-1'1.dwumm--er Suits and Topcoats ALL ONE PRICE Ccil R. Livingston DEALER FOR DeForest Crosley PH9N!-'-. 215:R.9I4':939ERx_wAi`i" ' "V}'ie?y"m Cakes, etc. T133 Home _of Better I-llLL S BAKERY TIP TOP TAILORS _ N!:'.W SA_lV_l_PLES tr. HARLEY Phone 23, Barrie PHONI `I18 11 Dunlop St.,-';'el;:;)-|-tone 51 n . n,__Is.__ 11`- BATTERYLESS _.l-`ran $250 to $450 vxcroiz NORTHERN lauzcrngc FADA and WESTINGHOUSE L %.<>.NTARI0.uMm:D _BATTERY- Priced $130 to $170 29 Elizabeth St. M. J. BRENNAN I IJIIRIOP 9K0, ICICPII II Best Quality Mgatcs ~ DELIVERY TO ALL PAR`rs or r6W1" -L-.w:-IN--wrv Vv- -w--- - EENERAL REPAIRS `BF ALL MAKES or CARS Genuine Ford Parts WHl'l'BY S 0ntario1Bakeries {jmiled `T BREAD OF QUALITY -'- Getting better day by `(hay in every way Under the direction of our Master Baker D ARCY HINES Try a loaf today and be convinced. Our Motto: Quality and Service RADIOS P A. H. FELT r WATCI-[MAKER AND JEWELER EVERYTHING IN MUSIC SCOTT S J. G. KEENAN (BRowN'si3(Ax1-:15)" J. G. SCOTT BUCH_ANAN & sqgg 11!: l\____ __ 5; ISI___. `W. H. Johnson & Son `Tel. 997W 02 Ron St. BARRIE 18 16: 25: 48c Mexico is taking steps to abolish facutory work for young children and tolcurtall long hours in other pur- au ts. yuuuauy ouur LVLIXCQ I 10-02. bottle, . . . . . . . . _. . 10-lb. tin Syrup, . . . . . . 1 Singapore Pineipple, 2 tin`: .` Griiii 'sE'1v:{x'eIf 1 (Low knfl-I A BARRIE STEAM vuLcAN1;_1_1_~1c PLANT as zfubeth 'c.. Phone 405 u-yo: 1 IV `III sPE'5iZi'IsT 1'13 coonvzn wan AND mono PRESFS svsuus 0 (II Il'\l|I l\InIu I Iu\onI4 pr Iv?--SID`? Spring and Summer patterns Specially priced at ._v t-i uijb 3 Dunlap SI. Phone 1047 IXvi=iELb s1'.. muuun. Ep'x:'zz"r'7J1c:'Ax~I1z_xriE:' -V-V`; -(:uarar'1te;:)1_1r Work SH(_)_E_ :_z`i3A11_2_mc Xi1'F5mXEEi:s's3RI1.- FILLING STATION. ROBERTSON S DRUG STORE` THE fsuoa MAN 11711511? A Y TPIIII OQC wAn;RgLAss -- --.1: vow Covers 24 dozen eggs. Covers 12 dozen eggs. 0 IL- on-,I_ MEN S SNAPPY PULLOVER L,WATERS. pu--uv--v Iv?-v Dunlap St. l:h`ono 147 DO YOU PACK EGGS? $3.95 _F, c:1Loy_vER# .9 .9: `Y19.RE RADIOS 111 Dunlap St. VAN 513 $9 UUIACLI 2 !l;s._ 35cc FURNITURE and STOVE? as Elizabeth 3:. 'rhuro`a}y. April 20. 1929'? HEINTZMAN & C0. PIANOS C. R. SCOTT Phone 243 Phone 88 Phone 360 721.... no muuul ` Paco WW ` Piclgles. 2]: , . 65:: than 28 GOLDIE HARPER DECORATING co. mgnnrn A n'l'\B E VI-IUBBARD'S HARDWARE EMERY GRINDERS Now a. the smd egiuaanwoon uoonmc We are well stpckgd in the various grades. E PHONE FOR ESTIMATE. . THE BALL PLANING MILL CO. V ORILLIA S'l'EAM__].AUNDR_Y co. LTD. ..:1-- --- -A-:1-n WTTIII I - - - V: :7. CONTRACTORS Estimates *Cheerfully- Given L34 Toronto Sh. Phono 1122W LAUNDRY CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED PROIPTLY ORILLIA PHONE! 770 - 71'! HOVIS SPECIALS AT BRYSON"S BAKERY Munmszsros BRAKE LINING Q E B I I I IVE Delightfur Products of the Up-to-date Bakery _W0nderful Health Properties in Hovis. BARRIE-ALLA_1DALE DAIRY co. LIVINGSTON BROS. 117 for Reliable Delivery Service A Hotel with all the comforts of home - SATURDAY -SPECIAL DINNER: - 50: I00 Single and `Double, iristock and _ -made to order. i-znvlcz ks, ALLANDALE "--}- p-u-3 :- SERVICE _:._._-_.._ __. V- SCIENTII-`f W r"PAs'r1-zuluzl-:0" HOTEL SIMCOE BREAD SCONES BISCUITS JUMBLES _'_I11`E BARRIE WEEKLY } COAL MILK -4 cmm 7'1Ei3nr71roUn iroum" BNRRII fhone 128 HOVIS __j_` . JE.SSlE"7R.i`R(YSON Teacher of Piano, Organ; Tlgeory, Sight Singing. unlh. inmnmnunnl J-.. an [(1. R. 8: E. BURNS, sp.c. Licensed Chiroprcfbrs Drugless Therapists so Elizabeth "st. cupmi.-a) 1 Phone 405.] ` - uuwvu ' , u-- --- ----.--T *Pupils.prepared for all ' examination \ 27 Bndford St.. ' Phone 84 ,_;4 %-'13'5f1'..15'15tQANrsj now out: own cuss HOUSE" SEEDS_ Our busirssss is neiwsand our seeds fresh. Clover; Com, Flower and Vegetable Seeds. ..-4::--: 1- A `:1; 11:3 Barri9B93v'inA.9a'!2'v --n vrnu IV r|uvu-n- n uuy Phone 426 J ACK BEATTY, Proprietor Commencing Tuesday, April 24. with veah cash.putjchase to the amount of 25 cents or more. we -will give prot-sharing coupons for the well-known Wm. Rogers & `Son (Silver Table-ware in the very attractive Lacount pattern. Call and see our display.` BOWLING j 3 wu _-__:__ j Accommodotion for Indies -OPEN -V1.6" ....12 P.M_.' BL-._- A Eat Hovis for Health. For Good, Healthy Indoor Recreation JEN `mu. 1: ` 17.31. J ABY _1,5_.' 'smans' DATE CAKES GINGER `DROPS GINGER CAKE FRUIT CAKE unto TUBES rzsun AND nzacuvaran. IATTERIES CHARGED `Ila. Overnight chum I09. ATWATER KENT Battery and Baturyhu. C.G.E. Rqdlolu and -Marconi. Phone for a demonstration or oall and see them. V. S. HAMBLY `Proprietor Cleaned _SEEDS PI-IONI 778 IUIUUHUHH wuwu \v<.`:'1.* vu,;u,\v:u. may all. `Spme time was spent at pro- aressive euohre and dancing. The euehre prizes were -won by Mrs. (`Spray Little) Lyons and Mrs. J. G. Liiiiorap and Mr. -Lyons and Mr. Mo"1`aviah. A. M-Frost provided two wonderful baskets of roses and the Acme Dairy donated a quantity of ice cream. A few old fashioned square dances were enjoyed. The most ;en;loyable part wxs meeting with old friends and renewing a.cquai'ntaneeships. u`.Ul`nnh mmdit in due: tn H14: vnrinnn. 513191-Nu HUI}! NI tll.'l'tlll_;lll plans. 'Eve!'yon`e.declded it was one of the most enjoyable evenings ever spent and it was unanimously de- cided to hold another next year. In loving meigry of my dear mother. Bessie Drysdale. who departed this life April 25, 1928. `_ A How on there comes fbefore me Her dear face. fond and true. For death can never take away Sweet` memories; dear mother. of YOU. 1_7b . Reginald-V Allbert Boyce died. April 20. 192s,' after being ill three weeks with ty-` phold. `Deceased was born on Feb. 4. 1872. For 25 years he had -been employed by Mr. Icopeland. His widow and one daughter. Edna. sur- vive. He was a member of't.h Ur.- ltecl church and Rev. A. Rintoul had charge of the services on April 23 when the body was laid to rest in Elmvale cemetery. The pallbearers were Thos, Ritchie. Robt. Ritchie. C`. Volllck. H. Baker. Geo. -Dwinnell and Wm. '(`.`otton. Among the flowers were those from employees of the Copeland Milling Ice. and from La- dies Aid. Sunday School and 'C.G. I.'l`. group of St. John's Church. Old Boys and Girls Reunion An event of unusual interest took place in `Toronto on Thursday, Apr. 19. when over three hundred former Elmvale people met in the I-Iygeia Hall for a reunion. On entering` the hall all were received by a com- mittee and tagged. the ladies with their maiden and married name. A short program was enjoyed. This was opened by an Elmvale yell led by ulrthur Field -and community singing`. Dr. Albert Scott gave the address of welcome. The Carruthers` Dairy orchestra rendered several selections which were enjoyed by all `Ea-n-nn Irlrnn urn: unnnt nf non- Chance WEEK: Jack Cameron shipped two cars of stock. Sa'turda,v. Victor Ross shipped two cars on Monday. Wu $Vll'Eu ddu *l\UUJ\. ` `Thoa. Ritchie and family of Mid- land have moved to the community. Mr. `Ritchie having purchased a farm trom his brother. J. H. Ritchie. I `In an!` `In: HIV Ir` "X7n1`: A Dan. CquaI'I'lVllllL`C`%'lIll|Jn . `Much credit is due to the various committees for the success. Leslie Brown was chairman and Mrs. (Florence Downe3') `Hahn. Seo`y:: Mrs. -Arthuv F`vo'st. .l.`reas.: Mrs. (Bessie Thurlow) Ke`.ly. convener otA-refreshment committee: Mrs. S. Coo. convener of program commit- tee: Mrs. W. S-c~.ott..Ms. J. G. L111!- cvap and Burns Middleton gave splendid help "in arranging plans. Wvnrvnrin dnnldnd if Wm: nnn nf > Apr. Mfs; Carl Camp- bell of Toronto visited her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Icmwtord. `D4-`kt ns: nf "l`nhnnfn nnnnf fhn SVLT1 unu $V1l'-H- \Tt`U- 'Ll'N.VVLUl'Us Robt. Day of `Toronto spent the week-end wlthhis sister. Mrs. A. A. Bell. . T `Alma llnnl.-rnrn-an hnu rnfunnn I` Blakmoe has returnii home after spending the winter with her son in Toronto. _ Talia \ nA~wIthn A? `Khan? Oran `Naif- net` 8011 I" J-UFUIILUQ John McA`x'thur of West Om" visit- ed his sister. Mrs. Mccualg. Miss Ellen Elson is visiting in Toronto. ` \Yn-can 1\au AP Tlnnnha uhalbn a- `cl. `UPUH CU: Nurse Day of Barrie visited her home here.` `I IYnn `unn AC Thnnnfnn nnlin HQ!` RUIN!` l IVl`l'.'u `Wm. Elson of Thornton called to see his father. John `-Elson. this week. Tank anqnnnn uhinnn huvn Anna n:an;:::'a I;:i~i:...;.as purchased t 8' Owing to some members! _sh.wa,.t, property on yonge L the where he will carry on -his fruit and veetabledbtgl-nesls3.l 1 R M difhe Igcky Isltrikes Go-Getters. Vr. an rs. an` e ean or ' *1 g h children of Dundaluk spent the week- been i:&egf`iSt;e1yea1)g`:s(:p:gZfs T1,`: :2?! Jig`: ,}',E)"x :'s parent?` Mr` play-off night will be announced; at 3 later date | NO suim: -- NO aocx. ' STELCO COKE-AHQZANADIAN PRODUCT c. J. SMITH PHONE 1324 IP01 HIS Ul'ULUUl'. sh Flo BILUIIIU. Mr. and Mrs. W. IO. Walls of Bar- Ne and Mr. and 'M1`s..Ha-rvey Rit- chie -of Midland were the guests of M2`. and Mrs. `Haury `Baker on `Sun- day. Died from Tvnhoid VVVVl\"VHu Kill: 'l$u 'Lau 'IJl.SUU}.) H. I Mrs. `E. `Thomas and baby return- ed home on Thursdayhafter spendihg the winter with her parents in Med-I tovd. Oklahoma. I You Bnfnnann Kn n :\/Ina Tnn;-II Luru. ununuuum. V - Jae. Patterson. MI`. and Mrs. Fred Ritchie and Muriel motored to Bay- eld to spend a few days with Mrs. Ritchie : parents. (`hag TJIHA `ha: nnvnhnem fhn enu. , v" "" vv Mm Luy wnto" f 'M1d]a"d spent `The `result of last week's games the Week-end with Mrs. Wm. xn- _ _ drew. , ' e - ' has put four teams in the running Mrs. `Train of Belleville is apend~ for the honors in the men's league. in: a. tow weeks with Mrs. Leonard This is the nal week of'the league A!`8ll0~ and the top four teams are so Misses `Charlotte and Leola Doan closely `bunched that their posi_ (1 th k- d ith`A1l - . _ . _ $J`J3 me,,,, .1"g_ W . t1ons won t be decided on this Jas.'I-I. Simpson has been appoint- Week 5 games are rolled off. ed- telephone commissioner by the Singers started last week of? b Flos Icouncll. taking all four points from this M!`~ and MN Nth? `CD1~ 'd Bankers. Lawrence `Singer with .l;Yf,`:,';t11;{`,('-ls? SP8! Smidvay at C 3314 V88 111{ig`h&rngn for the winners. Mr. and `Mrs. S. A. `Tipping and 9 M 9 larke team Show- K'athleen spent `Sunday with |Cold- ed their 0153155 by taking three out water -rrlenda. . of four points from the `Old Tim- Mrs. T. M. Robins of Wyebrldge ers. in three very close games Was the guest 09 M'1.`9- 'W- A- Mal` There was only fteen pins differ-' o.1Ig.1cllta.Sh;.,`3x}'{`of Meafond atteodnence between` the tw teams nE ed the funeral of the late Albert'th i3'ht S,PlaY~ Art `Banks With lgoyce on Monday. [566 was hxgh scorer for the lea- _Mr. and `Mrs. Arthur Langman the!` men and Kid `Carpenter with and tatmll/lly o1i"A1ll 1w0od spent Sun- 618 led the Old `Boys. Lucky ay 8. ars a angman's.. st `k = Mr. or par-l,,.`;:,.:::.*:.*:.`.* sszezozr: 3.:2.::t~ -h dJ.lC.H t d` d . 50:1?-possessionagns'Morlia'?0m an lily` Alf` Bwmley with 635 was Mr, and Mrs, s, a,_ Napier and leading scorer for the `Colts and Miss Jean oi Tottenham enjoyed the Tony `Saso with 717 was high for W991!-end at'A- `C- `B1Sh0D'S~ the winners. The Pirates took` ""`'-three easy games for four oints Thursday after spending] from LivingstonS and went? into ! til i ll lth h ` C l M d- . . t:dYVgkhV:ma_ 9` pure" 5 n e grst place in the league standing. F1`ed':Phe way the pirates are now go- Muriel mg they look like the team to beat field for the pl-izee_ I {Ritchie's parents. .-.___,___, ._ .. .. . '4u,va nun nu. vovvu-gouty ... v.....-.. Jas. McFadden of Icookstown is visiting his niece, Mrs. Jae. Green- law. `Walter Jamleaon of Barrie re- newed acquaintance over the week`- end. _ `Elna T1117 11'-Ylninn n`? .\1 {rI1nnr1 annnf wwwumwwiwwxiwgl _` kl-ZLMVALE NEWS 3 mwwxww%wm%w$$%w` X0! NIB Ween-Gnu. ' ' Roy I-Iqughton spent Sunday at me home in `Barrie. - Mr. and Mrs. J. I0. -Hart and baby have m'oved`to oorlllia. 117 A Qumran n! -"l`m~nn1>n was in Mrs. Dan. Thomson left 162- But- talo on Tuesday. V . 11'! an aunt nf '|"nv-nnfn `wan hnme (MD (in '.L`ueuuv.y. ` E. B. Burt 0! Toronto was home ' O for the week -end. Ban Ifnnahfrsn nnnnf QIIHHBV hf Q83`! In &`U1'u1u.u- luau. wows. Marshall Lamgman shipped two carloads of cattle "on Monday. `nralinnn (lunar nf Ram-!A snnnf HOVIS