Apr, 23--1\vIr. and '.\vIrs. Robt. Mc- 13;-me and family of v0ri1.11a spent Sunday with the latter's parents. Mr. and .\Irs. M. Woodward- . -rn tanoonuann and fnmilv H1- IVUUL. uuuuey. Miss Lena Riley of \A1llston has been spending a. few holidays with her cousin, Miss Lorene Allison. "Dav `Kr Qnnnnann n-`CID!-enla l'I'HOO ucr uuuauu, wuss uurene AIIISDIL. `Rev. Mr. Sanderson of '-Birch Cliff, Toronto, cgnducted the services here on Sunday. ` I AI Annh `Nnnrfnn n-nnn n l\l\IIIn`a\ u"A`1;1:;;;u:11\ywt0n spent a couple of days with friends at Hornings Mills. returning home with a. fine young driver. ' A A .........I...... n....._r- L--- -u_A4n4- -- mxurfixmber from here attended the play Strictly Business put on by the Stroud young people at Thorn- ton. - GLAD REUNION Crowd of 4,000 at Lawrenceburg fair` brings out great collection of swine.---Nashville. Banner. CROWN HILL `Death of Mrs. Soules BOND HEAD vlllydro on the Way "...l.... ..4... I.-___ _AA__L IIUIICI. 4 , - ` xy friends of .\I1*s.'Chas. - glad to hear she return- ne hospital last week. 11211111-n nf" `F-`rwar in u.'H*1-1 .;a;;;.;i:;'a:...,,. CHURCHILL EGBERT FOR SALE BY RETAIL FUEL DEALERS EVERYWIA-IERE HAMILTQI5; Trade Name Registened Hamilton By-Product Coke dven, Limited ` Hamilton, Ontario MORE I-IEALTHFUL--because it burns without smoke, gas fumes or J---` Hamilton ByP1-oduct Coke is not ordinary coke. It is a steady burning coke made especially for domestic heating. Picks up with amazing speed yet holds its fire with little attention when checked off. Take advantage of this up-to-date fuel. It s particularly convenient in changeable weather. ' _EASIER-because there are so few Auuuatcx - - (With rumble Int) cI-t'V-_ next winter '3 fuel now at summer prices. rialnxsxgclron % we kanciy Pack Perfecl wrap it /Vac/c=` under per/'eclcona'1//ons and Iept %C`[0n/ 595'}! In . 5/PP{P3P9C45 9 5610 Thursday, A April -26, 1928 In any great gr was one men who than und and his f Lawrence cott. He ten of Crown Thomas gave each ulu agc. Of co cient hist eral inte articula urlburt. an histor maintaini tions as `'7 H` 1 Frank known comes 0 stock a The gen dating b form a story in Thomas. across t He was blacksmi to build brook, C related t Lion Gar one time the Princ America necticut II. Read Thomas wounded with the any even large fa l"IIulII-ll\LAI\u- u --_._-_.....-_ Your Own Goods Made and Trim-rule?! Come and see our new Spring Samples. Special Order. Prices Reasonable. an-1-ncvwtiiw l t\IYl\ Ilf\"I""I`f\ The p the harn week in delivery Co., whi lay dow passed work w was ass` horse ha purpose Very gr: to who L. and tha benet LJUH. The land R Barrie in Nov house r to 700 _\ wagon the spa those of still and accused cers a and aga other d mnnted reasona n1ash f< possessi and I n out nuf of the cused," The f viously fences der aga be left onf 'I'\`L, J1. 11 In hi views I the sei. mash i place 1a was the cused';< leading to 1358. I13 {I andthu aside ix by His Second Yest turned leased where. pendin Previou Jail Fa H. H. 7.- LT J L LII ll Dy` Mu ruar_\'. I I\sA\r.. Sank fame. i Afro mon:h.~ SEI s::'ii`v'i'ci;`fi`s' am; Mdd `..'.`.9.q JLIJ5 .Snn1 :I_>'4 Biogl CLEANINC {:- PRESSING g_.1:rg:R11gc : REPAIRING I nl__I_ _.__l 'l"._:_.......l `so B :Ac1oa\f' _; rzur`. F'xruA' '.,`_. . 4 - ,. New High.-Values T th lity feats):-cue ?$i7hqav made the perfected Whippet the most out- standing light at on_ the Vew Low Prices buring - $595 ioach - - 695 fouge - - - 695 4-- Twenty NORMAN M. MARSHALL, ALLANDALE noox rune MARE:-are NEG-TONE punt ~ T ,5, g, 5, k:r.7 r :.:Ifor _ %';'33Z'L'"d 06/c Mr. H.HU J11 as `'1! vv-.au......~. -. Rev. VV. Patterson and family in- iend moving to Preston this week. Mrs. P. Giffen is `visiting her daughter. `Mrs. Beanie. at Sutton. ......: \/Tvu: '\'r\v-nnah \TnffhP,\Vs Wiippgz. 576. Rooms over Bank of Toronto fSTAYNl:'.R Tl-_ipUSANDS VISIT "HUGE PLANT o1= GENERA}/7MOTORS AT OSHAWA TAILOR .2! specialpmdz1d~ for every pu rpose- for every surface yess Z95 - j5r.S'aleby g Robinson Hardware ELIZABETH s1'.,' PHONE 1040 Paco and family of Collingwood spent al couple of days last week with the formers parems. `. /~.,.,,,,, u-_, .-_..._.-__-.1 1.-..-- -u. .u\.. .4 1.... .. .. ...,. Mrs. Coleman has returned home Elft`l`_ two months with her daughter at Pembroke. _- -- .5 -- nu ,,_- -5 `... - . M1`. :1nd`.\I:`s. R. E. Simpson of Midland spent Sunday with friends | in town. ` 17,1 `,\'1\nn1nn `ru has hnncrhf 2 In T.U\\'H. Ed. \v\'he:->192`, Jr., has bought 8. new `Ford 0:11`. Every province in Canada, al- most every state in the Union, and places as widely separated as Eng- land and Australia, Calcutta, In- dia, and Bermuda, are represent- ed by those who came to see how motor cars were manufactured in Canada. Visitors to the factories say they wouldn't have missed To the many quality features which have standing car on the market today, have been added new items of equipment. Full- crown fenders, cadet visor, window reveals and other re- nements give it the style-appeal of the most modern necarl. Get a demonstration today. " Sole Agent for Barrie. It Pays to use -wvu -__ Apr. 24--_.\Ir. and Mrs. Ivan Gross! of Lefroy were Sunday visitors at the home of the 1atter s,s,1st.er, Mrs.. `D. J. Miller. n..-s.m `l7nhin1z nf urfamn Borden. `D. J. Miner. ' Russel] Efphick of Camp Borden. and Mr. andMrs. John McKnight of Baxter were with the farmer's par-l |ents on Sunday. . , Vfu ant` um XV` ~M 6.F`adden 'ofI More than ve thousand per- sons, including many from foreign countries, visited the huge factor- ies of General Motors of Canada at Oshawa, Ontario, during a per- 10:! of twelve months. A check of the register shows that an average of more than 20 visitors inspected the plant each working day. ents sunaay. ` > . Mr. and Mrs. XV. ~McAFa.dden of Oshawa and Miss Beatrice McMas- ter of Barrie visited the latter s brother. Wilfred. on Sunday. __-._-....-.1 1.-...- ULULHC1. VV auuuu. vu wu-gy--,. Mrs. Beckerton has returned home to `Ivy after visiting her sister-1n- law. Mrs. Mary Beckerton. -o .1 1:_mq-._.. 1... -._a.-..LnlnIn-v 1\V. .uAr.v. .ucu_v an. ....... .. Mrs. Fred .\Ic'Cann is entertaining the W: A. this (Tuesday) evening. Gilbert McMaster is home from Islington. xv `\7in1n xrnungmr of Barrie Isllngton. .\Iiss Viola McMaster of Barrie spent the week-end at the home of her parents. The Fuhln |(`.1.qg.c: nf St. George's new parents. The Bible Class of St. George's. Church was, organized on Sunday and the officers are: Hon. Pres., Rev. F. V. Abbott; P-res.. Mrs. D. J. Miller; Vice-`Pres., Frank Higgin- son: Sec _v., Mrs. W. J. Miller: Treas., Miss Ethel McMa.ster; Conn-| ci1Ior`s. M'iss Verna McCann and. "Miss Viola McMaster: Teacher, Mrs. J. H. Mc-Cann; Organist, Miss Verna Mccann: Assistant Organist, `Miss Ethel Me.-Master. Apr. 2:3---`Mrs. R.A somervme. of: Alma. spent a few da'ys last week` with her mother, `Mrs. A. eCrawford.g Miss Alice Sturgess has ben` confined to`her_~bed suffering from severe bruises on her arms and legs. 4 .4-4:` -;L-...:-,: H... ECVCLU U1 utiluo uaa an. u.. c... ...-.... --g,_. A number ~frdrn here attended the sale of furniture of the late Mrs. J.l R. Grey in `Thornton on Saturday. nu: o ,,2-.I_u_-..1.,...,a .--an non un_ L. \..uv_y un .n.uv.u-.u.. .... ....-..-....,,. This neighborhood was well re-| presented at the dance at I-Iowazvd Robinson`s on `Tuesday night. ..-- .5 r~--1__4......... In I 0Io$o3o2o$n< 1\Uu,u1cuu .3 Lin A my-as.-u.J .--5-.-. Mrs. `W. Keast of.ICookstown is visiting Mrs. W. Sturgess. ,.-- ,_s__\_;. .-.l-._.1_ ....A V"""' "' "` """"' 1 Utl`SUX1, uu atuumy. On `Wednesday night friends and` Mr. and `Mrs. \V. D. Scythes mo- neighbors gathered at the home of tored to Midland `on Sunday. Mr; and .VII`S. G80. MOON and D1`e- F. Carson and two sons, of Vespra, sented them with a cut-glass fruit visited with friends on the town line. set. M1`. and Mrs. Moore have sold' A number of farmers have begun. their farm and are going to retire._ Wonk on the land around here. .5 ` their experience for anything. In addition to the interest of a tour through a modern automobile plant a tremendous amount of in- formation is gathered, as guides thoroughly conversant with all manufacturing processes are sup- plied to escort visitors through thefactories. A trip through the KILLYLEAQH - uworyx I uvu ` Apr. f2'3-- l\Ir. "and Mrs. Donald` Buie spent Sunday with Mr. and `Mrs. Geo. He_pd1'y, `Crow s Corners. __ ; n... G..:..1n4-no - Lu.1's. CCU: J.4v_uuA `V; '\ovvv .. v-----, Misses Gladys and Tena Spicher, -W'a1ter Spic-her and Harold Buie. visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Moore on VVednesday, nearThorn-` ton. _ , I Dating Anav-enn and Tvin Milne. Iton. , Bryce Anderson and Ivie Milne visited with friends at Everett. llhaa Ya-an Flln ia Q1119 1'0 hf! Olltl D ' I `L , PURE PAINTAND VARNISHE Lvlsltea Wltn Irlenus at l'.`1Vex'cu.. ` Miss Jean Buie is able to be outl again after suffering from poison from her tonsils. I/Hag Tans-Ha 'l"hnn1ncnn and hY`O- trom nel` tonsus. Miss Jennie Thompson and bro- ther. Jaok, spent a few days 1n_Bar- rie recently. mt on wt: Inhn `Ri_~=n'm~nuc_rh and. rxe recenuy. ` Mr. and Mrs. John Risebrough and, daughter. .\Iar.y, of Stayner, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Rise- brough. ' 'Apr. _`2'3-Quite a number from` here attended the reception ten-. dered Mr. and .VIrs. Horace Gilpin. at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Gilpin. Mr. and Mrs. Gilpin (who was before her mar- |riage Miss Elsie Laws) were pre-I I sented with a library table and jar- dinere stand. Dancing and lunch_ {were then enjoyed.by a1-1. ` an u-_,,,1,-|1 __-I__ _..-_-4. 4.1.- ".2... vvvnv vccwcc .V.._,\..`,.........., .y-.. ` Mr. Marshall, w.ho spent the win- ter 1n_ICa1ifornia with his wife, has returned to the station. A Ivnniv nninunkln Ron:-no -rune 1nn1r'l Peturneu [U LHB SLHLIUH. ` A very enjoyable dance -was held ;in the town hall on Tuesday, April } 17, by the local L.=O.L. . I \/Tic: Tenn \'TnT.aich enonf Qnnnv i ll, Uy L111`! lUC1Ll 1J.'\J..LJ. _ Miss Jean .VIoLeish spent` Sunday` with friends here. Apr. 23-F. lMoran were | on business. `la n in :1 '\' auuuay `ctL U. uuluuuugz 3. ' Mrs. W . -Knapp of Minesing Sta- tlnn Visited her daughter, Mrs. I. Carson, on Sunday`. \lI'v- O71!` -Vlvc `V TW Q/'I\'f`hnc \~nn_ UII uusuwaa. l Mr. and `Mrs. A. Cumming and children of I<`e1`g'usonva1e spent Sunday at J. 'Cumming s. \1 v~n TR,` -Tfnnnn nf `\/Hnocincr Qfn- augnwr. `.u.L.3. .n.n.u....., .... .._. _ , , , ,, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Matthews General Motors factories at Osh- awa is a revelation to those who formerly thought that the cars were only assembled in Canada. Visitors are always welcome, when in Oshawa, to take these trips. T...-At ha nknuvn uknuna ehnn';I`I `I-'c`.n. zn Usnawa, W Lune uluse unpa. In-set In above shows shop'1n En- uiskillen where big industry orig- .nated over 60 years ago. -rm`: aAm'u'a EXAMINER SUNNIDALI-: CORNERS NEW Lowaui . `Richardson and A. L.' in Toronto last week A IIUULI. \. I Service will `be held in St. James" `Church at 7.30 p.m. .\Ir. Wardle will be the" preacher. The many .\I1*s.'Chas} Robson are ed from the g Mrs. Cockburn of Edgar is with- her dnughter, Mrs. Robson. Mrs. Thos. Rdbson has been quite`. ill. .\Irs.`Campbe11 of Holly isnurs-.' ing her mother. T1141 `Rev \rTr- {"1-n'L-In nf Trinifxv. l uc Luv 1.: m a C L;\.. r:.\i`:u- I115 LLCL ll1U LIICI - The Rev. Mr. Childs of Trinity! College, Toronto, was the clergyman in charge in St. James` Church on Sunday evening. .. Little Boy Killed by Car On Saturday `afternoon the fun- eral of little Ross Peacock was held` "from his grandmother s residence to the Union cemetery here. Little `Ross, the three-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Peacock of De- troit. had been killed by a motor and the little body was brought here lfor interment. The Rev. R. G. Hal- bert was in charge of the service. The bereaved parents have the deepest sympathy of the commun- ity in their sad bereavement. \/rv ant` Riva Dnonnnlx nu;-I z~.`lnHA Phone; .n._y in tutu` sau Uu1`euve'.l_ueIlL. L Mr. and Mrs. Peacock and child-`-- `ren, Miss Dorothy Peacock and Mr. Cross were here for the funeral, re- turning to Detroit on Monday. Annual Meeting of W.I. The annual meeting and election` of officers of the VVomen`s Institute 1 was held at the home of Mrs. Drury -`on Tuesday afternoon. After the , opening exercises .VIrs. Partridge of l the Edgar Branch took the chair and . the election of officers resulted as - follows:- President, Mrs. A. Jory; -llst Vice-Pres. 'Mrs. XV. T. Part- - ridge; 2nd Vice-Pres., Mrs. A. E. 1_Partridge: Sec`y.-?Treas., Miss E. A. Rix; Assistant, Miss Enid Part- _ l`i(lf.`. 9; Directors, Mrs. \V. T. Part- ; ridge, Mrs. \Fred Partridge, Mrs. Jas. Switzer; District Director, 1 Mrs. Gough; Alternative, Mrs. Jas. 1 Switzer; Program Committee, Mrs. `F.-\V'. Partridrge, .\Iiss Enid Part- , ridgze, Mrs. Ch-appell. Mrs. `Duns- more; Flower and Sick Committee. Mrs. W . T. Partridge, Mabel Robert- son, Mrs. Carpenter, Mrs. A. E. P:1rtrirl2'e. Mrs. rchappell; Auditors, Mrs. W . T. Partridge, Mrs. Drury: ` Rest "Room representatives, Mrs. `Jory and Mrs. F`. \V. Partridge. 'dU1_\ auu AVJ-.1 D. 1`. VV. 1'iL1'Ll'1U::',t.'. The branch was delighted to have Mrs. Pau't1'idg`e of Ec1_::m'. the guest of .\Irs. Drury. at their meeting and her suggestions were helpful and timely. I | Apr. 23--.\Irs. J. W Stone attend- ed the Navy 'Lea_:rue banquet in-the (King Edward Hotel on `Thursday evening. K/I'1'ac D A'|*\ovho0hv nF Qfv-null anov-1+ Mr. and Mrs. Stewart and family re settled on their farm purchased tom Mr. .\Ietca1fe. All welcome Mr. nd Stewart to this neighbor- unn cvllilslg/ii. Abernethy of Stroud spent the week-end at the home of J. A. Cerswell. ' 'T`L.,. A!-..\.`.. At-` 51-.. 1"....'4....: fNL......1.~ Lzfl C` \\ C11- The choir of the United Church rendered a special program of solos, gduets, quartettes and anthems on ` Sunday evening`. l\rTv and \ l'u-a IT? T3nf+z-n1 Hun awn- Dullkldj t'\ t`llJll'r'.. `Mr. and Mrs. `R. Potter, who re- cently disposed of their business in Cookstown, are having` a few holi-v` days with relatives here while re- covering from a severe attack of mumps. "They expect to soon leave for their new home in Arthur. Damaged by Heavy Gale The heavy gale that prevailed on Thul`Sd:L_v blew down Jas. Bradley's windmill and did considerable dam- age to roofs and fences. Setback for Fall Wheat The |Fzl1l wheat, which came .throu;'.h the winter in such good shape, has received :1 serious set- back from recent high winds and .!severe night `frosts. Alsike has also .suffered greatly from the same causes. l\--LI- -1 IA..- D-..I-_ 1 I M1-s~. hn old and re- spected resident of the township of" 'l`e<-umseth. died at her home near here on Sunday morning. She was in her seventy-sixth year and had been ailing: -for some time so that her death was not unexpected. She leaves to mourn her loss one daugh- ter, Mabel, her husband and her son, Maurice. having died some years ago. The funera.I is taking place on Vvednesday interment being made in Bond Head cemetery. ua._y. Miss Abernethy of `stroud took the topic in the church on Sunday ev- ening and gave a splendid address. It was regretted there were not more out `to hear her. `In nus, `K...-w A |I`.~ouuA..- AI 15.......2_ Mr. and Mrs. Bonney and son and` Mr. IBonney's mother motored to visit friends above Barrie on Sun- day. Vficc AT'u3v-no*h~n nP'Qfr-nn bnnlv OW-Ln New Touring $595 Coach 61 Coupe Roadster - - . - llhln nun-`lulu nan!) UUL LU HUG! [ICI- Mr. and Mrs-. A. `Cowan of Barrie were guests of W. B. Sloan on Sun- day. `Kn on \'v\a TI `flwnhnnn and `la "z`{'4'r. and Mrs. H. `Graham and Mr. and Mrs. John `Harrison spent Sun- day in `Toronto with fkiends. WAR ant: I/f~3un A11nn Anbnnnlun A l.l`l.V auu -1` rxuuy UVCIIIHES. Mrs. J. -E. Hodgson is visiting in Hzirglilton. `I'\ .n.n...n -9 cu...-....... ......- _ ucty All l.Ul'UllLU WILH 111311515: ' Fred and Miss Allan entertained 8. number of their friends on Tues- day and Friday evenings. n , MP6 I .17 T-Tnorann la viaifna In Illl l.ll.Ullo M;`s. D. G.`-Bell of -Stayner was a visitor with her brother here on I Saturday. I LI _.-I.._ -._ AI_- Ill-.. .4`... V" -nu uv van, The Hydro men have started put- ting in their poles` for theiights for Lefroy. Churchill, `Belle Ewart and vicinity. Play by Sharon Young Folk .'The play entitled The Village Lawyer" given by the Sharon young people under the auspices of the iC.G.I.'l`. was a decided success fin- ancially as well as providing an en- joyable evening's entertainment. Miss Dorothy :Sloan as `Mrs. Dell (not afraid to speak her mind) was inimitable. Afterwards the visitors were entertained at the home of E. T: Qlnnn nrhnn 6-Inn uluh-. Ad eh.` ..`I.._.- ware uuu-:1'Lu.uu-.'u at U16 IIUIIIG OI 12. H. Sloan when the girls of the class served refreshments. lltgn 11...... .-.49 r\........... \v1- ...._1 BC!` V cu FULFCSIIIIIEII (.3. Miss Dunn of Orange, N..]`.. and Miss Dunsmore spent the 'Easter.va`- cation with Mr. and Mrs.` Bonney. Apr. 2 -3-Lambert `Lennon: and Clarence S!-Iolt of Ivy visited friends here on Sunday. Mr, nnrl \/Ire T\T (`nvnrnu-H-\ and ucru uu auuuay. Mr. and Mrs. N. Coxworth and family spent `Sunday with Mrs. Robt. `Mooney. 1/Hue T.av-so `Dllcnv n9 .A1Hn6n- 1...... ilifciu . - - - b All prlcu !.o.b. Faaory. Taxes extra