ln X10511-pruuuuug Vuauve If your skin is pimply, sallow or blotchy. take IRONIZED YEAST todayw-and see the marvelous change to a clear, fresh, girlish complexion. If your weight is below normal. start IRONIZED YEAST now--and note how pounds are gained, hollows ll out and smocth, delightful curves result. It does not cause gas or bloating and is safe for every- bodv-containing no harmful drugs. Gel IRONIZIID YEAST today. Nice pleasant- tasting tubletsin ahandy bottle. 7 us. _n-n 15.11-- uII`Ulyc I send $1.! `In! Thur! ~ Gained 10 Pounds; Sallowness Gone IRONIZED YEAST Ins relieved conetlpetiou entirely and has cleared up my allow com ex- ion. I have gained about to pounds. I be eve ` it is a. wonderful tonic.-H. S. S.. Pelpebhc West, Que. A FINE EARLY TOMATO After many years of careful selection a variety of the tomato has been developed that possesses first rate quality and ripens in the- open in from 95 to 100 days. The development'of this tomato began twenty-eight years ago when the variety Earliana was recognized to possess considerable merit. It was seen, `however, to produce plants and fruit showing consider- able variation. W. _'1`-. Macoun, the Dominion `Horticulturist, tak- ..... -.1.......a......... -47 4-lnnan vnvinfinn. the uommion 'n0rc1cuu.uuau, yan- ing advantage of these/variations, started making selections of plants showing e.arly maturity and heavy yield. After several generations had been grown and seed saved from a `early maturing desirable plants, it was found that this me- thod of selection had so altered the type of the plants and fruit from the original Earliana that it was decided to call the segrega- tion Alacrity. To growers particu- larly in northern districts this variety has been a great boon, as it has made it possible for them to grow tomatoes almost as well. as those living "in more favoured 10- N calities. Further improvement is however still looked for in consid- erable blocks of plants grown on trial grounds. A record of` per- ; formance is being kept of each l plant showing the yield of ripe . fruit for the rst two weeks. : month, and -total season. besides noting the amount o.f rough fruit produced. This study of the-per- formance of individual plants re- veals the desirable strain to use for further selection work. In ad- dition to this a strain test is con- ducted to ascertain the segregate `of greatest merit by actually grow- ing plants from the selected strain E `side by side with strains of other` I U unsound-`nu uuw may -a: varieties. CAUGHT. IN SHAFTING MlDL.ANDER S `CLOSE CALL `Caught in a rapidly revolving shaft in` the Midland Laundry. where he is employed, Thomas Clute owes his life to his own pre- sence of mind. It was while at- tempting to oil a bearing that his clothing caught and he was drawn upward, he managed to catch a beam, to which he clung until every vestige of clothing was torn from his body except -a- cu` on a _ shirt sleeve and one small piece on . -his trouser leg. As the power was shut off. he dropped to the floor, ....:...:......A- ..w...n+ fnv elnnlrina am. Wfy Laugh at Your I skim? B(_idy?_| Snut OH. 113 uruppcu 'uu vuv uvvn, `uninjured , except; for shakingwup.| ----- April 12 April . 13 Apr 14 Apr 15 Apr 16 Apr 17 April .18 . Advertise in The Examiner +HE WEATHER V Low High Rain `Snow .....32 55 0.02 ....2s 38 .._- ....2s 36 0.36 ....15 230 ....15 33 ....24037 ...,.25 55 1. 3. 0. -- -_. --. --. ` Buttery. NEGLECT", 15% $UBJECT % % ~ or snnmnc APPEAL Declaring` the Devil had that man well` -tanned `to sleep who said .he runs: Incl an cnn ill fh christian in well` tanned to sleep was emu .116 was Just as good as the christian the church. Rev. J. E. Brown, ex- policeman of York. now con- ducting specie. 1-vices at Central United church. brought a rousing message to 8. congregation of seven hundred persons Sunday night. with 1'-tahrawn 2:3. How 3113,11 we hundred persons uunuay Iugxu. With Hebrews 2:3. I-Iow escape it-wenegiect so great a` sai- vation." Rev. EBrown declared men could dodge many things but not the final reckoning.'with God. To neg- lect H-is invitation was to merit and receive condemnation. unm-. nu. gm: hunt and sustained receive conuemnauon. v"0ur- jails are built and sustained by God's-people to house those who are guilty of the sin 0! neglect," he declared. Asserting that the man who kept God's laws need not worry about the laws of the Dominion`. the ervwngellst affirmed "neglect" led men'1nto conflict with-law. He add- ed that society had no trouble tak- ing care of honest men and honest Womnu - ` runna hn Avnvnvn nf an ind. omen. Citing the example of an indu- ferent father and mother who would not turn aside to see a. boy bandit who lay bleeding to death in the etreet,Vonly to itind a short time lat- er that it was their son. the speak- er said neglect was raising a gener- ation which thrives on -things which `blight and destroy youth. . 'I'*hn nnavlam nf A-ha hihln hi-nn2'hi' `Dugnt anu uestroy yuutn. -The neglect of the bible brought juvenile crime as children were- learning standards or living at other sources not-ably places of mere amusement. He invited parents to interest themselves in the company their children kept. -Parents were unworthy of the name. he pointedly declared. whose hearts did not re- joice when -their offspring took a astand for Jesus Christ. 'I\1'..n-1.3.-.+ In ham; and nhun-nh was 5128.116! I01` -JESUS '\Jlll`L:||n Neglect in home and church was evidenced in a form of godliness which lacked the true spirit of Jesus. TYnurnrn n? n annv-A nf nnrnnng WHICH tuczwu Luv Lruu spun. ua. uvaua. Upward: of a score of persons `made iife decisions in the Sabbath School in the afternoon and at the evening service. Miss Sadie McAl- pine and Mrs. A. E. Baker sang No Disappointment in Heaven. Miss McA1pine also sang Will He Not{Come Back at the evening The Post Office Department at` Ottawa, in -recent -bulletins. states t-hat nearly 2,000,000 undelivered ar- ticles find their Way to the various dead letter offices. throughout the country. `In every instance reason- able care was not taken in address- ing them, while the senders also failed to put their names and ad- dresses on the outside of the letters and parcels. `In efforts to locate the sender every letter is opened at the dead letter office but in most cases "this proves futile. People moving` away and leaving no address are, in some cases, -the would--be recipients of mail that after numerous jour- neys, eventually reaches the dead letter office. Before any letter is sent to the dead letter o'ffice the local staff first exhaust every means at their disposal to locate the person for whom it is intended. (`JUL KIUI service. THI IARRII :IXAilINlK son by (mow HARDWARE co., BARRIE CANADIAN coAL COMMITTEE With PROVED Heating Qualities % in All Types of Furnaces and Coal ' Stoves WHEN YOU BUY ALBERTA COAL YOUR DOLLAR ~ STAYS IN CANADA For years Alberta Coal has heated the homes of Western Canada under the most severe weather conditions, and in all types of furnaces and coal stoves, with complete satisfaction. Its proved heating qualies and marked economy have gained for it a widespread and steadily increasing the COIl_|1l.I..lUl.lB, u Ill. au. Icy [Iva UL nusuuuvu Ina-n\. stoves, economy gained popqlantyf. - A o I _ . , _ . _._ -1__ L-.4n ft` r `r 7- *4 Recent reductions in freight rates now make Alberta Coal-available to Ontario homes. This year, however, shi ments to Ontario have been limited to the period of April 15th to uly 15th. For this reason, orders for Alberta Domestic Coal should be placed with your dealer immediately. You can buy Alberta Domestic Coal with utmost condence. A BOARD OF STANDARDS has been set up by the Governments of Ontario and Alberta jointly. More complete information, and a list of the ap oved Brands of Coal can be obtained by writing to the Fuel Contrdller of Ontario, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, or the Secretary, Canadian Coal Committee, Edmonton, Alta. ' ' ire Buyers are Empire Builders.` This is your opportunity to assist in e development of a great Canadian Industry, and to keep your money in Canada, Value no liner lovv-priced car can approach- Touring - - - - Two-Door Sedan Pour-Door Sedan DeLuxe Coupe - lnnitlnnnndnlnll ueulxe uoupc - I vav (withnmublcuat) Delnxesednn - - 1000 . labor Apv-lcu!o. b.W; ..2uuu& EARL JAMES, `B1-ulford HERB. MURRAY, Benton W. U. Lllmnn. nllluiua. w. A. iGROSE, Di[r__il_)utor `570 _EARL .iAMas, noMI:;s_nc qualltv this smart new Chrvsler 52" is one with all Chrvslers-designed by the same great group of engineers that planned the 62, 72 and 1 12 hp. Imperial 80 . . . Its characteristic Chrysler speed ability and pick-up are with a real smoothness. Fleet- ness anddash withtrue comfort and pleasure . '. . Ease of han- dling is unapproached by any car costing less than $1500 ... Fullrsized. roomv bodies of fin- [N PEm=oRM.A.NcE.`style and Assoma DE.ALE_RS- ---unvu III Inn A If `l!--L- foo--n: -w---.__._._. MURRAY, Benton est construction. Upholstery and ttings far beyond the quality of those in any other cars of comparable price . . . No other low-priced car offers the positive safety of self-equal. izing hydraulic 4-wheel brakes, available at slight extra cost . . . Sparkling performance, roomy comfort, smartness, Chrysler prestige make Chry- sler 52 today more thanever the outstanding value in the low-priced eld. 1166 FW. D. LATIMER. Alliaton A ~ GI 1 12-1 13 Bradford St. Phone 21; Res. 101 1W `rs unday, April 23,1923 VERY O. K. Used Car in stock has to go to make room` for new cars coming in. Business has been so good and new Chevrolet car so attractive, that we have taken in the nest selection of sed Cars `in all our experience. Some of them age in such good shape that they would almost pass `as s --.._ A11 .: Lhnvn luau; knnn nuamined and reconditioned. _Thur-0] onj New Con:bination-of Yeast and Iron Puts on Good Pounds of Weight Quick-or pay nothing _ Think of it! 5 to 15 pounds of good firm esh added in just a few weeks! Your complexion made clear and youthtul--all in a single course treatment of nice, pleasant tablets of IRONIZED YEAST! , . u- _ _. 1.. -...- ......r... 1.. ...m...\:mlgh|:. I.RU1`ll.Z:.l.`4U 1 Jana a a Itonized Yeast is two tonic: in one-.-weight- building Yeast and strengthening Iron. The yeast is the same used in making malt, and which makes malt so benecial. It is spe- cially cultured and concentrated to give the utmost in esh-producing value. -I ,- .14.. 1.. -.1:-unn`n nnnnur hf h`nfl`.hV.