Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 26 Apr 1928, p. 14

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A pinch or borax in the washing- up water gives a. good polish to sn- ver and glass. `-2 HOW TAXES HAVE RISEN A ---g vv ------- Ivg guy-...`4-an A. SUNNIDAJUE RATEPAYER lent--but one that has and rechecked by the :onrmed and recon- public and by Dodge ACT. Standard Six provides 'er per pound than any : world. ps from the traflic line up to rocket speed- : ebrt - reminds you of the costliest cars you have driven. And gear shifting is reduced to a new degree of simplicity. A B I G good-looking car. Staunchly built! Typically Dodge Brothers! Materials of such ruggedness that Standard Six performance is doubly b enjo able because you know it is doub y safe! A BUY if there ever was one! Now on display - here and every- where. ` LIVINGSTON BROS. Dunlap Street, BARRIE, ONT. COUPE $1210 4-noon SEDAN $1240 DELUXE szmu 4`- --n CIUUI vs: via Spare Tire Included I The Ball Planing Co'., Ltd. - Barrie, Ont. .. The Sarjeant Co., Ltd. - - - Barrie, Ont. " Otton Hardware Co. - - - - Barrie, Ont. the Permanent Roong ` for Barns, Houses, Sheds LOWininitial costmoomesin big sheets-eas and quick to W s s s s so IO handsome in a pearance. Pre- vents res . . . creases value of property. Made of famous Council Standard galvanized sheets. Give size ofrooffor free nnblcunnbn `lhdn `no Fi gu re_GY__I}ROC Plrll . C _`Firel>:roo 4 Wal board ForYo I'i'tl5` YPROC walls and partition: will make your summer cottage much more attractive, comfort- able and re-safe. Gyproc takes any decoration-a perfect material with which to line your summer: I.._... WW1-ite roe free book-, "Walls That Reect Good I'--.1_...._L so .. `mourn. nhanninn with GVDl`O Write for ffe DOCK", "w_aus Luau. l\Cll|-'5 uvvu Judgment, on home planning with Gyproc, Rocboard and Insulex. -uvv-v-- _ ._-_ _,,, CANADA GYPSUM AND ALABASTINE, LIMITED Pu-in Canndc it-el`3o?'Y7aTi For Sale By V u= `(av EAT one \ AM` rr K\Ll.S You \- \-r s A Tom 3100:.) LESSON No. 20 Question: Why is emul- sied cod- liver oil so very helpful as a vitamin- food for expectant and` nursing mothers ? T Answer: Because it rovides an easily assimi- ated food rich in the essential vitamin that aids `- in building strong bones and good teeth. By WINNER Thursday, April 26, 1923 . _ Van ,,' 7 ,-;:~`>;.-.2t`.%'ssa .,. ` F-;l"`a|:e vputa;-;,-ivvqholesonue, pleasantly avored A ';.'5;a;3 `Ira-7' .`134;50 as low as ~ was your local agent to-dw. or apply J. E. PARKER General Agent. Ocean `Frame C.P.R. Building. Toronto ` ECONOMICAL 'rouns_ ` Alletpczudadu counts!!- ` In England an Continent \ II . Extendod'I`oun.88 3 to 17 17:. 0410.50 up. uuwuug WGB_ aouum, puuce ueuevu. In Alliston police court last week Magistrate Jeffs sentenced Mrs. Jos. Dudakto three -months in the common jail for selling liquor on her premises and on a charge of selling to minors she was also convicted and sentenced to pay a fine of $75 and $25.30 costs. In default of payment of the fine and costs he will spend an addtitional month in jailafter the expiration of the sentence on the rst charge. QQVVI nnnHnII Til A`. I'hu..I-.11. Rn-roof thisYearwith 'D'I'n..Dl'|l I vuv "luau Uuutgvo Sam. Bellamy Jr., of Dundalk. got into the calcium blaze recently by trapping a white muskrat. The albino had only a few broken whiskers and about two inches of its tail were of the darker shade. Apart from that it was pure white and was alive in the trap when caught. It appeared more vicious than the ordinary muskrats. Had the animal `been taken alive it would have been a valuable ac- quisition to a museum or zoo. A` Iml\`llh8A Ava 1 A `tn Jussua DU one 'UUuya For the third time this winter Vanda-ls have ransacked the home of `Mrs. F. W. Jeffery, Midland, who has not yet returned from the southern states. Two doors were smashed and every trunk, drawer and dresser turned inside out, and the contents scattered about the oor. Not a room `between the cel- lar and attic was missed. Yet nothing was stolen, police believe. '1'! AI'I:i`-A11 .1\n1I.l|A nAuInI- 14:36 yllli UL 'llU5 WHH qwmo. ' -The first regular passenger train over the -C.P.R. to Midland, via Mac'Tier. is scheduled for April 80, according to an announcement just made. It will connect with the Sudbury day train going north and south at 'Medonte. Midland is pre- paring to observe the event. Harry Leach of Meaford was aintfully and seriously injured in is blacksmith shop on April 16. He was shoeing a horse which be- came frightened. In jumping it knocked "Mr. Leach down. He was stunned and -the horse trampled him before the return of the owner who rescued Mr. Le-ach who suffer- ed a broken nose and other in- juries to the body. `WAR `-I':MA4\ dd. IuI:un`-nu qulasuuu. DU 5 IIIUEUUIII Ur Z000 At_tFoxmead, on April .16, the general store of E. R. `Orton was broken into and a quantity `of goods taken including men's wear- ing apparel. work boots and ne shoes, a flashlight, and a, generous supply of tobacco, besides other articles. `Some of them were evi- dently put to immediate use, for a pair of discarded shoes was found in the store next morning and later Inspector Kelly iound the ashlight and some of the cans. emptied of their contents at the side of the road where the thieves had evidently paused for rest and vnfvnmh In an 4' `IIIGU V V IUUIIIIIJ refreshment. HUQIKIL Villa! Five carloads of stock were ship- ped from Alliston one day last week. In one consignment of mix- ed stock were two spring lambs weighing' 65 pounds each. The price of hogs was $9.25.` ' .AuuI- `maul-|1n-u vununntnnunuo `nodu- IIIVHI Rev. -E. Gillman, Anglican rec- tor at 'Creemore, has resigned and left for 'Eng'iand this week. He and his wife received a purse of gold from their parishioners ere departing. whns nntnnpln AC ed-An`: ennui: n1.u!u A -brass memorial tablet to the ,late Dr. Richard Raikes was un- Vveiled in St. `Mark's Church, Mid- land. last Sunday. " A milk wagon, driven by Dewitt Apflegate, was struck by a -C.P.R. tn: 1: at Alliston and wrecked but the driver escaped unhurt. AA. 1.1.- -_--__,_-L!,-. v--v --wv vw vuvwrvu vnoaooliov At the convention in Toronto recently R. Wilson of 'Bond Head was elected as vice-president of the Rural Trustees Section of the Ontario Educational Associa- tion. 13.... .13 .1-I.-11...-.. A.._1_' . . . n -_ 'w"1`. W. Brown, of Victoria`Har- bor, passed away, April 18. He -was clerk-treasurer of Tay 22 years. HIM.-nun vvunvMAu3n1 J-A1-J-L 1.- LL- UIIUIGI wuuwuy. Orillia `Board of Trade is ask- in: the Government for street de- livery of mail. s . - An gnhlnnn4ln Al avanuununua Ind-_ UVUI) U1 llllh `a An epidemic of anonymous let- ters in Newmarket is reported by theA'Express-Herald. T nnnnvnuvn-II aka). `AH 4-`an an- DUO I-`-l&pl'UU'Ill'IIluo A community shed for the ac- commodation of horses is bein discussed in Creamore. ' ` .II..I.I.._.I ...AH. _..-.I.......- 1.---- UIBUUDPUQ Ill \Jl.'UUlUFUO `Midland milk producers have xed the summer rice at 5 cents a quart at point 0 collection. ' '.'I III`. -.---_ _--OD- , A . Orillia Horticultural {Society is aiming for 600 members. A wmmnrinl hnnnih is lhnino` aunmg I01` UUV mum-nuns. _A memorial hospital is being talked pf for _Braebridge; - __--!,I__;_ .1 `.43 OCIV\O var ova ovvvvw-uwgwu V... Miss `Baker is president of Mid- land Women's `Canadian Club. on-noun v o--v---up w--- ----- vuwwu -Vigcgrzms steps wiill `be taken to enforce the curfew bylaw in Mid- land. :6 A II-.....'.-.. It A -.....-..I.. m"S.' A. Morrison, ~M.A.,wo'1-melrly of Barrie, `is president of Meaford Choral Isociety. f\uu'a innndd A3 MQAA is ugly. --v `cw r v - - - v v - ww--vvvuvu-u Mrs. H. F. Thomas. wife of a former Newmarket Presbyterian gnqinister, died in `Toronto, April` 7here': Romance an the Road to Europe lllll I` ms11uc'r NEWS 3. mw&&&$&w%&%&&&E gwa&$w&&&w&i$& TUBBY room 'ro'uc+_\ tram: . . `rueey, rrs Pouson l..A .L_|.. A. Llgnn' IVEUY` | I0 ruwvcv A rm. Km. V0.0! Can only come by removing the cause-bad circulation in the lower bowel. Nothing but an in- ternal remedy can bring quick and sure relief. That's why ointments and cutting fail. Dr. Leonhardt s internal treatment HEM-ROID banishes -piles by removing the cause. Money refunded by Doug- las Drug Store and all good drug- gists if not satised. '1 Acms IN STOMACH CAUSE INDIGFSTION A Ca adi P ' 1:; ' - )l':.Vql'T.P:'l.!l ta:-."5:r..=qJ'u. I`:/c:aaliabfapcrtf:r.ywbI:'r':. u`.`Yo don't say so!" Yes; she's always with me to age tor herself!" IQ}Iick Pile Re_|ie_f] Apr. 17-~Qu1te a. number attend- ed the ale in the hotel yard, `Sat- urday. MI, and `Mn: T-T Qnon \nnn!A.n`ln `v1`\ld:`.T'and Mrs. H. Gage, sunnldale. spent the week-end at M. How- a.rth a. ' uu"r..1... ran...-.... ..a..u-.a -4. 1.1.. F lull Ho Rev.'John Gibson visited at his home in Toronto last week. Mun T. Ttvunu Einn-`vain In 1-Ivan`-`A Medical authorities state that nearly nine-tenths or the cases of stomach trouble, indigestion, sour- nell. burning, gas. bloating, nausea. ete..V are due to an excess of `hydro- ohiorio acid in the stomach. The de- licate stomach lining is irritated. digestion in delayed and food sours. causing the disagreeable symptoms whiehlevery stomach sufferer knows lo we . ' AM-Minis! tlinmnfanfn Av-A uni nnnrl. HHVB EU WU lllUlUl'lZUUu Among those who spent the holi- days at `their Homes here were; Gladys Schell, Georgetown: Ethel Schell. Elmvale: Roy Milne. Ever- ett: Ottelyn lsplcher, Hamilton; Russell Bule. `Toronto and Margaret Wiggins, Beton. CHINA 1: nnvnl-unu Pun-n nnnnuul 1.....- VV $551115; DUULUII. Quite a. number from around betel attended the funeral of the `ate Sam. Spears on Saturday last to the Union cemetery near New Lowell. HUIHU HI LUIXUIILU R1-5|. WUUKu Mrs. L. Tyrer, Elmvale, is spend- ing a few days with Mrs. R. Tyrer. IHUIHU uh wonws cnsamsr mm svsrn , n_.,-A. I.__.._-- 11..., I0 WIN. ' Artiiiicial digestents are not need- ed. in such cases and may do real harm. Try -laying aside all diges- tive aids and instead get from any druuist some Bisurated Magnesia and take a teaspoontul of powder or tour tablets in water right after eating. Th-is sweetens the stomach, prevents the tormation or excess acid and there is no `sou:-ness..gas or pain. Bieurated Magnesia (in powder or tablet to:-m-never liquid or milk\ is harmless to the stomach. inex ensive to take and is the most ct!-ic enttorm or magnesia tor sto- mach purposes. Ht is used by thous- ands ot people who enjoy their meals with no more fear at indiges- tion. A C2 LVUEI-dvwdu - The play. '1`he Deacon's Tribu1a~ tione given by .the dramatic club of Nottawa in the community heal: last night was much enjoyed by tho: audience. `Those taking part are to be congratulated on having their lines so well memorized. Av-nnna Hanan. nvkn nun;-.us H... l....u u1l'\"r:s:'C'hau. Martin has rturned to Penetang after a visitwith her par- ents here. - "f"n- ling Vf`I1un1{nn- -has uzuunuvanpl GNU. J.VJ.l`Hc an. AV!" `DY-`Ho Miss Rena Berthelotte has return-I ed to Oriliia. after a. visit with hezj parents. Mr. and Mrs. Berthelotte. `Mr. and Mr: .'R.nv .1\/l nI(nnn n0 A5; 17434513 T 31.1; ;aEI5:.~ea Mttchener spent a. few days last I week in 'I`or.on'to. Xi'an kufn annvu `ha l\\`A-4 hall mitts. J`-as. Brown is visiting with her daughter. Mrs. Gordon Moiv, Nottawa. A H-up. ulna. 'l\1qA `IN-nun...-.9.. rn..n_..v.. IJGFUIIEB; &VJnl`o- GNU uLVLl.'Bu .DUl'LIlClU[CUn Mr. and Mrs. .;R-oy -Mdcann of Dearborn, M1ch., were Easter visit- ors with the !or_mer's parents here. WUUII In L UL -UH LU. Miss Shute spent the Easter ho1i- gays at her home in Holland `Cen- re. `KIA: fan: Quantum In QI'!n`>"nAnn -...lAL New uqweu uu Iuuuuuy. Miss `Sarah AWade has returned to Gait after. three weeks at the home or Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Jones. \A'n and `Inn: A TNAV-inhu Maui IA- U5 HUI` IIIUUU; &V.ll Bu l.'l.U21Lu Mr. and Mrs. John McKn_!g'ht at Baxter . and Russell Elphick ot Camp. Borden were week-end visit- ors at the home of the 'latter`s par- 02!. `KI-- n Aura hnnnvv has n unlru-an , VVYITIF U Chic--u-wu -----v-- _____, Canadi P ' E Com- bra Chgjqa;?aa._ I`:/ce')alI'abf`::cv'r.yInhcn. [I530 , Miss Gladys Denney has return- ed trom `Grand Valley after two months with her `sister, Mrs. Roy Clarke. ' ' ' - Illa: uke: `Kn:-I-In has uni-nuvsa I-A cues uurv. Miss Edna `Tupling has returned home to I-Ioneywood after two weeks with -her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Bell. `flan Damn gnGInn1n&6A Linn AL-can . (Too xatievtr lwast veek) ' -Apr. 1.7-Mr.L and Mrs. Arthur Dobao_,n and baby visited with the latter B. mother,* Mrs. Murray, at New Lowell. on Isunday. Vii: Env-ah `X795: `ha: rahn-nod fn 011.101`. anu MP3. W. J. 091163. I Mr. and Mrs. A. Denney -have re- turned home from visiting friends at-AI-Iam!1t'on.. - Mrs. Fred. `Reader and three children have returned -to Graven- hurst after a. couple weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elphlck. Minn -`nnllnu `hit: rnhn-nn tn hnr KIDHIO Ul Jul`. Ill; JLFB. l`4lplU5o Miss Bradley has returned to her school after the holiday with.-her parents at Orvillla. Mv-I, Rnnlun-fnn lvmn rnhn-nn frhml PIFEIIIU EB \JL"ll1&dn , Mrs. Beckerton has returned tram. Toronto after visiting at the home of her niece, Mrs. Heath. _ ' Mn and `MRI: _'I nhn `hnffnh.-rh nf NO QUE-STIONS ASKED "My wife Wver asks me where I an ASUNNIDALE _coaNaRs I-g1u.snAu: has Penman ('\VV( I gnguwv Po\s6'.YaEv' ' 1I:;h?'68'6tb:j - Mvsunooms 'ANl'HEV'RE Potson (4wo:aje_e9] ,_ m. BETCI-\A ' - L__.._.- -..__.- Dear `Sir: I read in the columns of your valuable paper an article making an attack upon a section of a previous letter appearing in these columns by one Sunni-dale Ratepayer. The writer draws at-, tention to -the readers of an incor-V re`ct~\reference to the qualifications or disqualifications of our township c-ouncil and assumed to be for the `benefit of those who have read Ratepayer s letters. frhe writer then goes on to state the facts of the council's qualifications. I wish to say I do not see eye to eye with T. F. B. in the matter of incorrect references and if the writer will look into the matter closely I believe that the word.incorrect should be used in the form of making references to `incorrect rumons. The` part of my letter referred to reads something `to this effect. That if as aired throughout the township that the council were not legally qualified at their first meeting and T.F.B. in a personal letter to me says I do not know how this yarn got out and I know you `would notmake a state- ment which was not correct. And I did not and do not think as it sounds to me in his remark that he would accuse me of incorrect statements as we have for many years been bosom friends. Again. for the bene- tilt of those who read my letters I wish to say. the people of Sunnldale almost as a -whole have heard those 3 'l'Hl:'.LETTER BOX E %%wi&&&m&&$&&%&& FROM SUNNIDALE RATEPAYER-I To `the [Editor of` The Examiner. .1-an Iunmn exmnmzn ALSO THE VICTORY SIX AND THE SENIOR SIX OIN the hr f d J t.eaohera`:a`.tigt`ihtcalic`i):uIg:'::za'l`r:`srsev!:h'; are going toEuropet summervia Canadian Pacic Tourist. Third Cabin. There will be under ads and no-eds there from Cane an and erican universities. The Tourist bird Cabin rooms are bright and IX. There is plenty of lounge space an decks ace. Themealsaregood. And there s always somethingtodo. ..._-..-_ ._._.._ A._ g . :3 A broad statement--but been checked and stop vfvatch-conrmed rmed by the Brothers. In short - a FACT. For the Dodge more horsepower other car in the The way it leaps and glides on utterly without eEort- FASTEST ;\ND FINEST CAI? IN ITS DDICE CLASS Tune In for Dodge Brothers Radio Hrogram every Thursday night at 8 (East- ern` Standard Time) thin WEAF--N ac Noewdm. --- -- --V----v --,',- ' - "`-`-"` . .Here is some proof of the con- ' tention that taxes are rising, said Reeve `Kiernan to the Alliston Her- aid as he took from his pocket a copy of Tossorontio nancial state- _ ment for 1915 and one for 1927. There certainly has been an 'in-; crease in twelve years. The coun-; ' ty rate for that township in 1915 [ amounted to $17,602 while in` 1927 the same municipality-paid! $41,224. For roads and bridges `Tossorontio spent in 1915 $767 and in 1927 $7,083. Education cost the township $5,729 in 1915 and $13.212 in 1927. Dogs are destroying more `sheep in recent . years than formerly. In 1915 this township paid $32.15 in sheep in- 1 demnities and `$566 in 1927. l yarns long before my letters appeared in the press.` Why not say for the benefit of the council, for all of whom `I `have due respect and I am pleased that my references brought an answer to vlndicateour council.` And more particularly am I pleased that it came from such a source of auth-ority and '1 can assure the read- ers that T. F`. "B. is one of the -best possible authorities from which such may come. I hope our council shall appreeiate my criticism since it has been the. cause_ of clearing up a wrong to them by gossips. i.TT\T\7"R A .T HE '\ A .llII'\I\ A QI1 lS0T_T7.$iM"l3|9?i

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