j ' DUAL PURPOSE Shorthorn nbull . M. Bell, RJR. 3. Barrie. phone 1629. ' n 17p 1. for sale. 2 years old. quiet and sure. 1 R | DR`IV'IN'G H`ORS'E ft)!` S3113. Tele- phone 306. 17b ` ALSA"I`IIAN POLFCE PUP for salt. Apply Mrs. Dlgnam. phone 987. 17b FOR SA:LE--:De11ver,v hoixse. cheap; 'Dnnulo_AHnnr1nh:\ `Dnhwr Talanhovne WUH SAME--4ue11\'e1'y uursu. ullvuym Barrie-Allaudale Dairy. Telephone 772. 17p ` [ \\'C'lF\ll|. J ` landale. `PIGS mop. SAJLE--Young sow and? five pigs. 2 `weeks old. Telephone! 60-H21. ~ . ` 17b T FOR S-AIJE--Good horse suitable for Aulnlnnu nu nrnv-CI!-Inc!` Annlv R. R. FOR S~A1Jln`--uooa norse suxuwm wr driving or working. Apply R. R. Bothwell, Box 201. Allandaie. 17p T F`0.`R SA:I4E-0ne good work horse. heavy. one new buggy box. a. num- ber of cedar posts; Apply 1'2-r2, Stroud. . A 17p V . K, neral. fond 9,.OOvu`v.v2el\``r(:I`x!-7` Ml PIGS FOFR `SA`LE-Pure bred York- .sh1re pigs or the best of breeding, different ages: ` some sows to `far- row in fore part of May: also some Leicester sheep. Apply R. F. Cars- cadden. Bradford.-. 15-_17p FOR SIA,LE-`-Matched team of Clyde colts, rising one year; black filly Mains: one year by .AIdino;_` bay horse rising nine yars. weight 1500: General Purpose mare. 6 years old. also _two well bred Shorthorn cows. milking. 5 ye21rs'o1d. Bruce Cowan. Stroud. T 17-18p. uv:T#s1'ocK Foiz SALE KROOMS AND BOARD I1 every mucruwxe 655. Jruuuc Donald Jamleson, Barrie. 17p I-`OR EABY cmcxs I35!" I 16-17:: ~ L503... | 179 t. 17 b C~OO~_I_{, general. Iona 0:: uuuunzu. no washing. $35.00. Mrs. T. R. W. Black, 95 Dunvegan Road, Toronto,` Om. 17!) ll. 17p 15" 171:` 1922 FORD COUPE for sale cheap. Apply 52 Clapperton St. M 171: ` ` 26 F d touring cu` 9.u E9nn tgn-ounhlv over: FOR SAME--`.l.l!'6o tutu tvuuug van. motor and rear and thoroughly over- .ha.uled, top. aide curtains and up- holstery in A1 condition. paint res! good. batteries 0.K.. new llcenle. Apply E. .1. Powell, 28 Eugen-la. St. A may at 3275. _ um ` amuws ALFALFA smmn to:-I `sale. Apply to G. D. Banting, Ivy- ` 1-am: Thornton telephone. `GOOD HEAVY sum) OATS. the` _ Bumper King. at $1 a. "bushel. Cash.` `Apply to Examiner Office. 17pi yvvuvvu 8`l`OV9u (150 W H Barrie. SEED GRAIN 1Ul BAIJH. u..a.u. 72. oats, red cover seed. Cobbler potatoes. Pho 606r'1`2. G. Win-`| xrrnvt-I. 17p - WHITE BLOSSOM sweet clover seed for sale, $2.76 a. bushel. Clar- ence W. Brown, Barrie; R:R._1. Tele- I ..v........ onnau . 17.13:,` `SEED LPOTATOES for sale.` semi- -certlad Dooleys: passed Govern- Iment inspection In field and bins. Price $1.50 per bag. Arthur Walt. ;M1dhurst. Phone 601118. 16-`2`1b, 61106 W. Druwa. phone 904r 14. 7 IRISH coanmnn `PO'1`A 1`OES.` grown from certified seed. 32 has `F.0.B. `C.P.'R. or C.N.R. Thos. Smith :& Sons. Utopia. Ont. 16-17)) ` `FOR 4SALE--White Blossom sweet clover seed, government tested; price $3 per bushel: also good cow due to treshen first of May; pasture farm for rent. Fred Pratt. 12.12. 2, Barrie. Phone 61`2r11. 15-20b ' IBRICK HOUSE for sale. with all jconvenlencea. Apply 84 small. St., l'Dn-units `Dhnnn 1R2R_ `SIX-ROOMED C"U'J."1Auvm __I0r auto. Apply 26 Caroline t., Al1anda.lo,| om. T * 18-18b _ | I . Mm -OTTAGE 3 sale.` Fnrngnn t" Al?arnda.le.i 's25o BUYS A LOT on cxapperton iSt.. 66x2=50 feet. Apply 103 Clapper- I4.-- Go 173 , YOU CAN EARN $10 to $25 a. week! In your spare time at home writing` show cards. No canvassing or sol- iciting. We instruct you a.nd.supply you with work. Write today. The Menhenltt Co. Ltd 45 Dominion Building, Toronto. 1Mtfb EOR SALE-4I4\rame building 24:40 in good shape. Apply Oliver Wllvson, Mlnesing. _ 17-18p `COIIVOIUGIIGBB. n.py-Ly l Barrie. Phone 1328. S'DOR'E FOR SALE in good 1008.- tion. Phone 341 or write Box 889. Barrie. 12tfb j Imam BUILDING LOT for sale, just` .......an.. .1 am-1.ino Pink, Anniv to 88! NTCE BU1UUbNU yum.` 10:: suns, JUSI.` north of Curling Rink. Apply to 88 Clapperton St.. Barrie. Telephone moan 17b bumpy I260. VAJLUABLE PROHERTY in Bar- rie. 2% acres of land in one parcel; one acre, house and garage on other. |Phone 285 or 48 Dalton St. 17-2`2b . |105 M~UDOAS"nER S'T., all modern nnv\IvAI\`AVIA nth-Ad fnr electric 05 M`UUU A3".l.1rJn 51.3, uu muusu-u conveniences, wired for electric range. large garden, full size cellar, entire house heated from .turn- ace. 17-22p - 110112 .SADE-*'1`he `proeperby or thel late W. J. lshannon, including 14 acres of land. residence, ~ba.rns. etc. Apply to Mrs. "Shannon. Toronto er 16-170 FOR `SALE-Ice cream and confec- tionery business, full equipment. good location. Phone 475 or 770. A. G. Walker, Box 103. Allandale, On- tario. 18-18b j : 63 HIGH S'1`.--Brick house with all conveniences, new -furnace, also wired for electric stove. good lot and garage. central location. Apply m 1.1- `Rmann. an `I1-I-i2'h'St. 16-18b 8-`R`O'0'M|ED FRAME HOUSE with two lots, stable, garage, small fruits. apples, etc., for sale. in village, con- venient to Toronto City Dairy Farm. 1:! `L :-nan`! KY4:-.T.nnrnH n? TR-`21!'| FOUR ACRES for sale on Bayeld as um-nan Is-nntl hrinlr `human and FOUR ADA111125 tor sale on nayuexu St., Barrie, good brick house and outbuildings. orchard. good shade trees, beside 301! links. Apply to H. Gordon, 172 Elizabeth St. Phone 110w 15-2111* BRICK HOUSE. hardwood floors downstairs, six rooms and bath, also `back kitchen. laundry room in base- ment. house wired for all electrical appl-l'a.nces, turnace. large garden, built-in kitchen cabinet. 77 Worsley St. ' 16-17p : LTUFUUIJ 119W. HOUSE FOR SALE in one or best locations in Barrie, eight-roomed brick house. double parlor. kitchen. dining:-oom. tour bed rooms. 8-piece bath. turnace and fruit collar; double .ga.ra.ge; large lot. Apply Henry & Cowan V Ittx o pitlu. 1 uua H. Levit. C:oT"1`AGE FOR SAUE-4 rooms and summer kitchen, large cellar, garage or 2-stall stable. shed at- ta'ched. pig pen, cistern. large hen house. quarter acre raspberry canes. The lot is _95 feet front, 286 feet deep. Price $r1'200. Apply A. Robins". (`nn1na, 17-]_8`b CC!) 171'] u ' 9 Cundles. FOR SALE-Solid brick house with`; furnace, bath and gas. also goo barn and two cement garages. Ad`- joining this here is 6% acres land with four good cthicken pens. run- ning spring water. This property is very suitable for chicken farm or dairy. Phone 475. A. G. vWa.lker, Box 108. Ailandhie. 13-18b` : BIR`I~CAK_ H'0U=SE FOR SALE in one of Barrie s best locations, hard- wood floors, double parlors. dining- room. brick kitchen, four bed-rooms, 3-piece bath.` balcony, floored attic, furnace. gas, electric, garden, gar- age. paved street and drive: cheap ~or quick sale. Jebb, Watchmaker, In. 44 'l`nrnn1'n m. 17.19,): `EDP QUICK stun. a: or 44 Toronto St. lHA'1`CI-IING EGGS - Bred-to-lay 1 Barred Rocks. 15 for $1.00. 109 Essa. ` St., Allandale. 15-20p l j ,BDAiCK 'ORP`IN`G`T`ON eggs for hatching. good layers. when matur- ed. weighing from 8 lbs. to 12 1135., $1 for 13. `Thomas Mllbee, 1-55 Owen St.. Barrie. 17-18p : FOR SALE-I-Iatching eggs, from Clarke : strain Barred Rocks, per-' sistent all year round money mak- ers. Pensvheaded by males of pedl.- greed stock, 31 a. setting. J. L. Jack, Allandale RJR. 1. 13-189 . EGGS from high producing Barred Rocks. pens headed by pedigreed cockerel Clarke's strain, dam : re- cord 816 and special cockerels from Burns and Guilds best pens. 15 for $1.00. G. A. Cruse, I-Iawkestone, On- Oaudn . quuvvu t8.!`XO. : 'W-AI\"I`ED 'I`O RENT - Grocery! store with stock. in or near Barrie.` Apply to Box B, Examiner. 16-17p . S'U~PtEB)IO`R QUALTTY Barred Ply- mouth Rock -and White Leghorn chick and 'Wh1te_P1ymouth Rock eggs. All hatching eggs reduced in price after May '5th. Get your chicks now and have them` making money for you in` the early Fall. Harry Morrem: 8 North St., Barrie, phone . 387.1 . . ' 16-17b PROPERTY FOR SALE ament to ".|.`O!'0I1tD Iuuzy uaury 1.` nun. . I-Iooey, New -Lowell, Ont. 1'6-219` Id garage. Central wuuuuu. npnpzy H. Braden. 63 High `St. 16-18b - Eggs FOR HATCHING SEED FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES In In U16` ` 17-13D - Ill. In 16-17b| IUFUJI LU 16-17pl --, C0 I`TAGE or small house wanted. an _.,. e.+...m+ nnrf nnmhm` and rent FHUIIU 15-211)` nuuxua. 17-18.13] V III` l uuuce 17-19p uv, un- 13-18p CIUIIU lull`!-I99 I \JnI-r -up Cr Valuable Rouidential rodporty in the Town of Barrio an the ' `South Shore of Kompenfeldt Bay.`i I Pursuant to instructions received by the Executors of the late Lot Webb there will be ontered tor ualelc by Public Auction, at the Queen's.j Hotel. in the Town of Barrie. on Saturday, the 1I2th gay or May. 1928.. .`. at 12 o'clock noon, by W. A. Me-5 Conkey Auctioneer. the following properties: | ' PARICETL |ON'E: Lot Number. ' Thirty-three (33) on the north side . - no !`|1'!Mnn hnfh trant. and that out of: I rxunu 0! E11: 7 _A6 1" her T9215 tor usarrle. There 1: said .to be erected on said land: a, seven-roomed, two-story, brick veneer residence with all con-| Neniencea. . ` _ 1 lDA'DI'*.`I . vmxzno vrha want mm of: C0'I`TAG*l`J smuu uuum: wauu.cu.. State street am? number and rent? expected per month or by year. An-f ply to Examllner Office, 171) -.____. I fvemencea. ' It | PARCEL TWO: `The west half ofl that part or broken Lot Number 1 Thirty (30) in the [Fourteenth 14) a Concession of the Township of n- nistil, in the County or Simcoe. firstly described in deed there-at C trom K. A. Cook, et al, -to the late t Lot Webb recorded as Number I] 12960 for Innisfil, with right of way` thereto and therefrom Ia-.3 described C ,in said deed `Number 12960 tor In--1 In-isl. ~ ' |E vm..c. mun-um-.+u .1: l`hnm1.Hfnl`lv alt-: '19;-r11,'fs`p,pe,_ty 45 cbeau,ugu11y sgbgschool on Tuesday fell and. broke uated on the south shore of Kem- a nger. _ _ _ _ penfeldt Bay `about !one mile from' An,ep1dem1c of petty thxevmg 313` Bay P03, and adjacent to golf from the neig-hborhogd of Edgar 1"` 9- `has `been reported to the Provinci- a q.`R: L,x_r,f`:,c,t,?r!`1e(,""c`:,tit`;g :, :p:,';3'1 'al Police and is at present under large verandahs, -also garage. This inV3ti8atin' property constitutes a beautiful. '-We Win anW YOU P t0 $100 `summer residence and is well tlm-ion your old radio on the purchase Ibex-ed. `of a Federal Ortho-sonic radio. n.sn.n1:s-r.vr1:r1:`ra1:aenPa.r+'.-sf broken `I3on1u-mhm no-an!-A Rnrrin Radio & I PARCEL `THREE: Part `of. broken ;Lot Number 'Th1irtyT(.30) in the Four- `, teenth ('14) lconceseion of said Township -0! Innisfil secondlv de-I scribed in said deed from K. A.- Cook to said Lot rvvebb. deceased. I This property is also situated on the south shore of Kem-penfeldt Bay and being well timbered would make` an exceilen. site for a. summer home. no.1. mnmnl n! hand wil` be of. exceuen. sue IO!` a. sumrnur uuuu-.' Each parcel of land wil`. be of- -`ered for sale subject .to a. reserved bid. I For rfurther terms and particutara apply to | ..qmawAR"r & STEWART. A lVl\Il\ I \lrn\an- an Of Valuable Farm Property in the Township of Innlefil in the coun- ty of Simeon. ; UNDER and by virtue of the Pow- ' era of Sale contained in a. certain mortgage. which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be or-! tered for sale by Public Auction, by W. A. Mdconkey, Auctioneer, on Saturday, the 1'2th day of May, 1928, at the Queen : Hotel, in the Town of Barrie. at 12.80 p.m. the follow- ling lands and premises, namely: I ma. wan half of Lot Number Two 1118 18.1108 anu pfemhses, nuuxcxy; The west half of Lot (2), in the Ninth (9) Concession of: the said Townshi-p of Innisfll, con- taining oxie hundred acres more or Inn: less. - `There is eaiid to `be erected on said lands a go'od, frame, one and one-, half story dmrenlng house, also barn 48 ft. x 60 ft. on stone stable, which accommodates twenty-`two head of cattle and seven horses, also shed I20 ft. x 60 t. and garage. um... 1.-.mA In nlnv lnn.m nhnnf seven ZU II. X DU BL. a,uu gawasu. I `The land is clay loam about seven acres or bush thereon and is situat- ed about one and one-ha-If miles` I from Thornton. Iflng nnnnnv-iv will he nffnrn ft)!` mom '1.`.nO!`n`(.On. ; `The property will be offered for sale subject to a reserved bid. manna: Gan nnr nan? nf nurnhase sale SUDJBCE to a reaervuu mu. l Terms. ten per cent. of purchase, money a.t`t1me of-sale and balance within thirty days thereafter. `man. am.mam nnrfinrilnru and non. _ I-IA"1`CI-I|ING EGGS VVANTED: : Duck. Pekin, Rouen. Aylesbury, Muskovy. Pure bred. Give full pm`- ticulars, price, to Box R", Exam-g iner Office. 171)` .____._._____.__..__.....l %%%%%%&%%%$%$ K g ADLET COLUMN % $%%%$%%%%$&%%% ....1. .....I. Innnu-- Wltl El1ll`Ly uayu |.1n:1.ca.u.w;u.. For further particulars and con- ditions of sale apply to S"I`EWA'RT & STEWART, 1\/I`.nr1- an a-'nn'_q Run`! lnifnvnm DATED April 2'5'th, 1928. 17-'19b 5"J.`1`J W And.` a D J_.fn4'vv run .1. , Mortgagee's Solicitors.` T. T Owners of dogs are reminded that it is necessary to procure tags for all dogs not later than `May first. A. STEWIART. an In. (`W-uhaf nf DAHIIA. 18-17b PRAlC`TTC.A`L -NFURSING DONE. A-pply Mrs. H. Grant. Thornton P. 0., Ont. 16-18b _ FURS ALTERED and repaired. Over Hu'rlburt a Shoe Store. Miss M. 'McA1-thur. sstfb - __________________________ ExECUTORs sALE II4III_IitIIIItiI0ItIIIvItIIIvIIvIt\vIIII<: Ruidontial Pr-opo_r_ty E ' An" Manic I` I~R`W|IN"S BLUE TAX=I SERVICE. local and long distance, night and day. 25 cent service. Phone 198. 1`5tfb PAJPER I-rANuGI`NxG. `PAINTING done. Wi`11 do country work. H. Arn- old, 21 -Collier St., Barrie. Telephone i 349. 17-22p -nu: NO"1`I`C`E--Id'eal spot to hold your family re-union, p'icnlo or outing at Tent `City. which you can have for the asking. Hot or cold water, din- `ing pavilion, dishes, cutlery, tables and chairs, etc.; also dancing pavi- lion for your o~1d-time dance any night than Saturday up to July first. Apply L. D. Jacks. 15-18b :j:j1 Page Twelvo j:juj STEEL. AND. CO`NiCuRETE BRIDG- ES erected to Government standard. Plwns prepared by competent en- gineers without extra expense to you. Pile driving. soundling, etc. .Vast experience; 1-14 bridges com- pleted in Simcoe. No job too large and none too small. Let me figure on your requirements in concrete or structural steel for any purpose. .1 . J. Dumond, general contractor, Brentwood. Ont. 16-42p tn-II name IXAIIINIR MR. ALEX. VVIILSON. A ml-nu III: I IV. Jixlllhlto VV'l..IJD\J`J.V , Anten Mills, Ont. Dear Sir: At the nomination meeting held at 2Midhurst on the 26th of December, I accused you of stealing whiskey from members of the County Council and of being drunk and incapable in the city of Toronto, for which reason you were unable to visit your brother's. Tiknun at-nfnv-nan!-u warn maa `hv uname to visa your uI`U|.ue1`a. These statements were made by me in the heat of debate and shouldl not have been made. They are un- true and I hereby retract the same.` (Signed) G-R'A1N"I` KNUPP `Barrie. April 1-4. 1928. 1713 -: NOTICE MR. G+RA'N"1` KNUPP. Anten Mills, Ont. Dear S1r:-At the nomination; meeting `held at Midhurst in De-I cember last I-stated` you had never drawn a sober breath while attend- ing one session of the County Coun- cil. This statement was not correct and I hereby retract the same. _Yours truly, 19- A-Tit`? TJ 1'K711 T.`l\N 1 _.l.Uu1=I st u:,v, 17p AIJEX. H. Barrie, 0'nt., Fe'b. 1'1, 1_928. NOTICE TO OWNERS OF DOGS ,,,_ _n 3-..- -..- ..-...l....Ia..l L lilsfggnlaous JJI.vL est 1 n..Anu OUTS II`Ul.Vo I WIIJSON .'\n'k 1'1 1009 `VVll'\.'1'I.`1., l Chief of Police` , mvesugauon. 1, up - i on * Exclusive agents. Barrie Radio & 5 Electric Co. Ltd. 17b --Fill your -bins with Solvay _,-Coke; large pea size, $10.25; nut. [stove and egg. $12.25. These 1 rices good until June 1. The Sar- V eant Co. Ltd. 171) `B81219 58010 E .l:ueuu.'u: `nu. uuu_. u | -Clea1-ing sale of Ladies` and Misses . Spring coat_s.--Simmons Co., The `Coat Store. 17.b The Provincial Police offices in the Ross Block are being renovat- ed by the paperhangers and: pain- `Lana vu no; 1 ers. I I --Chi1dren s Navy and Fawn Tams, $1.00 and $1.25. Simmons & Co., The Coat Store. V 17-!) --Drumheller (Alberta) lump coal will soon be arriving, $13.75 ton. -Order now. The Sarjeant Co. ,Limited. 17b | Little Thelma Herrell, daughter .of Mr. and Mrs. H. Herrell. Brad- 'ford Street, whiie playing at ischool Tuesday I Am nah-invvn A? hffv f.}QViY`lQ' UL mun nunu Ipvvo --up-V..- -_---- __., me. :; Reeve Isaac Scott of Creemore. . chairman of the Good Roads 'Com- r mittee in the County Council. has `been under the doctor's care for 1 some weeks and for that reason ;his committee did not meet as ex- 5 pected this week in Barrie. He is f expected to be around shortly. `G. Parr, of Toronto, has the i distinction of paying the first - -..--_1-..).. A..- `an 4--maA'n nnnvf. in f QXPCCUCW LU Dc cuvuuu ullvnvn 1 |distinction 1 speeder s ne in traffic court in ' Barrie this year, but several local offenders were not long in follow- .. inn. Quite a number have alo xmaly nouxy at uucc u4.v n. u A shipment of brollers was `made last Wednesday by W. S. Robb, to Toronto; average weight, 1 pound, 14 ounces. This is be- lieved to be the earliest shipment `of this kind ever made from Bar- ,1 ' w I !|I0I0I0!|I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0IIl1 :------ SUMMER AlCCOMMOTDA=T"I'O'N - 5 Anyone having summer gottages,` houses or rooms to rent during the tourist season kindly notify H. H. Creswdcke. secretary Barrie Board no m..c.a.. 13.24}, |otfenaers_ were not mug m LUuuw- ing. Quxte number `paid fines for using 1927 mark- ,ers. The time for warning has long [since passed in this respect. WIVLA 311911 A`? n -}\nnf.-1tG|, nlan `since passed --The fury of a `beast-like man scorned! 'I-Iades holds no demons worse than the human otsam and jetsam of the North! Thrill to the eternal struggle of trader. trap- lper, sailorman and gold seeker in __._______________... ~ I9 ERE'?`I5| l`\IlI&I-I Iv `p--:_-__ .____ In the Estate of Annie Grey N:0"DliCE is hereibygiven pursuant ` to the Trustee Act that all persons having claims against the Estate of Annie Grey, late of the Village of Thornton. in the County or Sim- coe, widow. deceased, who died on or about the 23rd day or March. 1928, -are requested to send parti- culars of their claims to the under- signed. on or before the 14th day of May, 1928, after which date the Administrator will distribute the assets of the Estate among those entitled thereto. having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice, and that he will not be responsible to any person for the assets of the said Es-tate whose claims shall not then have been received. Dated at Barrie this 25th day of April. 1928. JOHN A. C-ORBE-TT, Administrator. Thornton. Ont. by GORDON LONGMAN,_ _ Admilnistra.tor s Solicitor. 17-19b Barrie, Ont. 17-19b` NoT1c 1_'o _CREDITORS I17 --:.- _ __ NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the Trustee Act that all persons having claims against the `Estate of David Herbert Rix. late of the 1`ownshi'p of Innisfil, in the County of Simcoe, farmer, deceased, who d'ied on or about the 20th day 0: March, 1928, are requested to send particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 30th day of April, 1928. after which date the administratz-ix_ will distribute the assets of the estate among those entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have no'tice. and that she will not be responsible to any person for the assets of said estate whose claims shall not then have been re- ceived. . ALEXANDER COWAIN, Admin'istratrix' Solicitor. 1-5-17b Barrie. Ontario. . ]No'r1cE 1'6 CREDlTORS% to the Trustee Act that all persons. lhaving claims against the estate of! Joseph Mathias I-Iickling, late or` the Township of Vespra, in the` County of Simcoe, Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the tenth day or November. A.D., 1927, -are re- quested to send particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or be- fore the 12th, day of May, 1928, `after which date the executors will `distribute the assets of the Estate, having regard only to the claims} of which they shall then have no-l tics; and will not be responsible to I any others. ' Q\An\\'l\ -4. `Dangle iv}-u Afh A-lav nf INOTUJCE is hereby given pursuant ' ' any Utucru. DATED at Barrie this 4th day otil April AD 1928. DUINCAN F. McCUtAIG. -1-5-17b lsolicltor for Executorsu WANT`ED T10 RENT - By two adults, June 16th to 30th. furnished summer cottage, vicinity Barrie, on lake. accessible by motor. Full par-' , ticulars. Apply to Box H", Exam- '- iner Office. 1'7b | DUI! KEN'1`-On Thursday, April 26, 1928, to Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Kent, So- phia t.. a. son. MAR'I`IN--On Tuesday, ' April 17. 1928. to Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Mar- tin, 110 Forman Ave., Toronto, :3. son (Kenneth Weatcott). PEMBERTO --At the RV. Hospit- ai, Barrie, on Thursday, April 19, 19128. to Mr .a.nd Mrs. Jas. Pem- berton, Shanty Bay. a. daughter. _.:2:--_-----. Ulnlunu COUS`E-0 N'EI-L - At Cinclnnatti. Ohio. April 24, 1928, by Rev. Dr. Christie. Norine, daughter of Mrs. P. O'Neil. to H. A1-pine C. Couse. `Toronto. son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cause, Cookstown. ~---------------- I BOAKE-41-n loving memory or a dear husband and father. James -Boake, who died April 27, 1923. .1-nan- and (`hHr1rnn_ 179 '1`AYLOR-In loving memory or our dear wife. mother and grand- mother..Lavina. Taylor, who died March 21, 1926. Two years have passed, `our hearts still sore. As time goes on we miss her more. Her welcome smile, her loving face. No one on earth can rm her place. The dearest mother, the sweetest Cal an I` `I119 ueawcu. Auuu.uwa., hunv srvv \...--..-| rrlend, One of the best whom God could lend. She was loving, thoughtful, gentle and Gang ' SUV W0-B LU\Au5, Luvua ---- --u, 5 ---- -_l and true. Always willing a kind act to` do. 17b -,-Sadly missed by Husband, `hnnahfnra and Grandchildren I'II\II$ l In-I-nu-j Ias. Muir and family wish to thank their friends-and neighbors for kindness and sympathy shown in their recent sad bereavement; also for the beautiful floral tribut- es. 171) Mrs. VVm. Robinson and relatives wish to thank their many friends both in Barrie` and Edgar for their kind expressions of sympathy in the loss other dear husband. also for oral tributes and use of cars. 17;) The last meeting of the Vespra U.F.'O. met at the home of John Pratt, with a. good attendance. Euchre was enjoyed. `The next meet- lng will be held at Elmer 'Ca1dwel1's on Wednesday, May 2. rrllliwvvnvus raw-v---u - ...v.. `The annual meeting of. Painsw;ck Women's `Institute will be held at the Grange Hall on May 1. A paper by Miss Mabel -Carr will be given and Mrs. Robert Boyes, District Secretary, will give an address. The officers for the year will be elected and roll call will be answered by paying tees. b run Vv'1Ux\I: of Trade. one of James Oliver Curwood s best--Back to God's Country. With the love triangle of a French girl, a sea- captain and an Ameri- can engineer! Capitol now. 17): PAINSWICK WOMEN'S INST. .-__ -5 1-n...............' WTWNTJHE ` * OF 21 COWS AT MARRlN S YARDS, BARRIE SATURDAY, APRIL 28 I Pure Bred Ayrshire ICow, 7 yrs. old, with calf at foot. Pure Bred Ayrshire Cow, 6 yrs. ` old), due May 15. ;Pure Bred Ayrshire Heifer, rising O nu- A111 Ann NT-nu 9K `rure Dreu n._yLa1uLc u.cu.cL, 1.191115 3 3 yrs. old, due May 25. `Ayrshire 'Cow, 4 yrs., calf at foot. Ayrshire -Cow, 7 yrs.$ due May 10. Ayrshire Cow, 8 yrs., calf at foot. Ayrshire `Cow, 4 yrs., calf at foot. Ayrshire Cow, 4 yrs., due by sale. Jersey -Cow, 5 yrs., calf at foot. Jersey -Cow, 6 yrs., due May 4. Durham `Cow, 4 yrs., due by sale. [Durham Cow, 6 yrs., calf at foot. `Durham Cow. 7 yrs., due May 6. IPure Bred Holstein Cow, 4 yrs.` .13 ...2LL ....1 -4. 5-54- `run: DICU CLUIBUUIH Uvvv, '2 J10. wscvuv 1111: we 5:191: vv ynsuun: old, with calf at foot. furnishing approved joint notes. Holstein `Cow, 6 yrs., calf at foot. 6% per annum off for cash. , 5-ALE AT 1 PM WARP W. A. McCONKEY, Auctioneer LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! The Quality Meat Shop Special for Saturday Roast Pork . . . 17c lb. Pork Chops . . . 20 lb. Cut from Choice Farm Hogs Sausage Sqecial 15 84 Penetang St. Tel. 10451 `I16 Vvnwun We are fast being booked ahead at above price. - ROLIJER cURI'1`A~I1N for automo-` bile lost. Finder please leave at. Brennan's Meat Market. 17b : I cA_u_I9s_or .__1 n......:1-. oh-I McKinnon's Exhi`b`itE):1. direct . . . . . . . . 35 each Farn Pekins, Pure bred . . . . . . . . . 30 each A limited number only Hatches weekly from May 17 '1'._;2._ LQWE -_-samy mzsseu uy rxuauauu, Daughters and Grandchildren . -cu-vuvvvgv ..._ - -_-__ These prices aria" CASH AND CARRY Banned Chicks 9` (\'\__.` 3'EYiz'be-u. 'ste`etT IN MEMORIAM KELVINSIDE HATCHERY Mammoth Pekin DUL`3'S1:'.`...9S j- LOS"I` in Barrie or between Barrie`. and Belle Ewart, spare rim and tire for Ford car. Suitable reward. Box! 30, Lefroy. 17b : The undersigned will sell by Public Auction VESPRA U.F.O. from Alnti-1 22'nd IF, ,__I_ uu=u rsynag --, --_-. ` --Wife and Children. -- Jul Any: u. an: 15 989" THE FOLLOWING: We have been instructed by I large corporation to sell on sun: u-an-an nu! IJAII C d 1515:: saw yvsu-nun Irv ....... -.. TUESDAY, MAY 1, 1928 85 Horses, Harness, Saddles, Wagons and Equipment. Horses run from 1250 to 1600 lbs. These horses will suit team- sters and farmers. There are also 9. few well broken to saddle and have been used for high-jumning `sh-ow horses; also 15 `Ponies ii? the ....nno-nn;.n IBINUVV UVLDUB I ` consignment. 'I"I-unao H Area LARGE GOLD BROOCH LOST, with fancy hair cent,-re, valued as 8. keepsake. Lost in December or eerily; January. Reward. Phone 719. 12-17b` conslgnment. These horses and equipment will all be sold without the slightest reserve on TUESDAY, MAY 151:. .A_-- u-.--: -5-`gs USED CARS LCBCLVG VII Ava;-.1-4.--, _._-__ COULTER BROS, THE REPOSITORY. 10 Nelson St., Toronto, Ontario. The undersigned has received in- structions to sell by public auction THE FOLLOWING: Sorrel Horse, 6 yrs. old, General -u\II'Iv\I\Gt\ Ill ll`?-2 --___._ Oen the following: 1927 McLAUGHLIN-BUICK SEDAN, has been carefully handled and in new condi- tion throughout. 1927 STAR FOUR COUPE. looks and runs like new. fully guaranteed. 1927 CHEVROLET HALF- TON TRUCK, bought late in . October, has only done small mileage and is just like new. 192-6 FORD ROADSTER, light delivery, in good condi- tion. 1_925 STAR SEDAN, balloon A tun-enun` nnnlf-'lnh_ purpose. Sorrel Mare, 7 yrs. old, General ..uucnv\I\(1l\ 'f{u'po"."' ' Bay Horse, 9 yrs. old, driver. Black `Horse, 7 yrs. old, General _--.......-p. purpose. Brown Mare, 8 yrs. old\, heavy. Bay Mare, '7 yrs. old, heavy. The above are all good work horses and all will be sold without 111--...- -3 Gab J7 vnnnl-Bu 01'3- 13Z0 BLAH DEHJALV, uuuvuu tlres, good general condition. ...-.-- nvrvsnr A`\Y1'\ 01? A. 3-ACRE Loo` for -rent or sale on`: Baldlwln St., Allandalez good ground g _ for gardening. Phone 404. 17-18b ` ` ` reserve. Terms of Sale :-7 months cre- dit will be given to parties furn- ishing approved joint notes. 6% per annum off for cash. Sale at 1 p.m. any . nu nnnrvcv A..-;:-..--- D1165, svvu an ................ -. 1925 OVERLAND SIX 4. door `Sedan, in good condi- tion throughout, 5 disc wheels and balloon tires. 1925 STAR ROADSTER, new tires, top and paint, snappy little car at right price. 1925 FORD 1-TON TRU-CK. just overhauled. New bat- tery. 1924 STAR SEDAN, new tires, good _appearance and runs splend1dly. ' 1923 STAR SEDAN, 4 brand new tires, new battery, looks and runs good. 1923 McLAUGHLIN-BUICK TOURING, this car is in ex- ceptionally good shape; small mileage. 1923 FORD COUPE 2 FORD 1923 TWO-DOOR SEDANS. 2 McLAUGHLIN LIGHT SIX TOURINGS. Your present car as part payment. Terms arranged to suit purchaser. AUCTION SALE OF HORSES Pure Bred. Holstein `Cow, 5 yrs. old, with calf at foot. Pure Bred Holstein Cow, 6 yrs. A141 nv:&L nn'I n4- pan`- I UL : JJLVCIL LLUIDUCILI \JUVV, U :59: old, with calf at foot. Holstein Cow, 5 yrs., due by sale. Holstein `Cow, 6 yrs., due May 1. Holstein `Cow, 6 yrs., due May 6. Holstein 'Cow-, 7 yrs., due by sale. The above are all first-class cows. all young, in good `condition and good milkers. Anyone wanting cows will do well to attend this sale. A11 .___`lI L- _-1_1 _!LL_--L _-_-_--- C73: -- 43 Elgzhbeth St.--Phono 278 Ca1:tage Foreman Apply to SCOTT BROS. 97 Dunlop St., Barrie, Ont. TERMS OF SAI1E:--Six months credit will be given to parties notes. for 1!ARQ1-P..*l!_1_`_- AUC"'l!'lO'NSAI.I-'. FOIR SALE OR TO LET-4Centra.lly' situated in Allandale, a comfortable brick house, 5 rooms, fully modern. Apply 46 Louisa St.. Barrie. 16-17p wwTw@ww`-_5____ One cent a. word. cash. each inner-E tion. (minimum charge, 26c); six, insertions for the price of tour- 10c extra when charged; also 106 extra when replies are directed to 'I`hn- Examiner office. ` QC (EV L PIAIII W. A. McCONKEY, Auctioner." HAROLD B"-1:. LIC- All will be sold without reset-\"e. Thursday, April 26, 192! - WAN_ _l`ED spaclgu, T 100 ACRES. lot 22. con. 6, Ora; principally clay loam: bank barn; brick house; spring creek; 5 acres~ maple sugar bush. D. Beasley, Oro Qtotlnn 12.171) I?`AP..\I FOR SALE-100 acres in zslmooe County: Cranlghurst shipping point. 2 miles; 45 acres maple, 23 years of second growth and consid- erable old growth; 25 acres choice garden soil. 'b:1'1ance pasture with good spring running water; woodlands and pasture hilly. make wonderful sheep ranch: 10:; house In fair condition; small orchard and considerable wire fence. \Vonderfu 1 bargain. Look it over and make offer. See owner, G. J. Ellsmere. C1'a_u1g`hu1'st. Ont. 17-181) g Iunpu: a Station. - FARM FOR SALE, 200 acres, from- ing on highway, -Innisfll; stone `house with furnace; 40 by 80 barn. up-to-date stablingi 10 acres hard-p -wood bush; 40 acres of fall wheat. 20 acres ready for spring wheat;. running stream and good watem Apply D. Barclay, Stroud. 17-22b GARAGE Ave. GARAGE ' St. Apply j:- FIVE-`ROOMED HOUSE to rent at Cundles. with garage. Apply 94 Clappertpn St., or phone 778. 18-18;) .._._._.___.._.-..:.__....___._..1.-. _ I-HOUSE TO RENT. or rooms suit- able for light housekeeping." with grurden and henhouse. Apply 73 Tif- fln St., Allandale. 17-22p . FOR R;ENT--Nice cosy house in 1' Cundile 'I`errace, conveniences and 1 garden. Possession .VIu'y 1st. Apply|. 1'52 Bayfield St. Phone 928.1. 17p 1 . V S0-LID BR)I'CK. seven-roomed h.9use' to let. good summer kitchen, gar-I den and garage: all conveniences.- 74 Vvilllam St. Rent $25. Apply _m.,...,. unn 15.2fm I`! Vvuunu phone 500. Z PAS"I`U`R'E 'I`O RENT. plenty of shade trees and spring creek: about seven miles north of Barrie. Apply to Mvs. Gordon. 298 Bayfield St. Dunno RQQKX/' 17 [U .\ll'a. uux` Phone 638W . DENRABLE APARTMENE FOR RENT CHEAP, central location. enchanting outlook. immediate 1303-`, session. Apply H. Block. Barrie. 1 1 E. Jory,- King 1 17-`22b 1 FIR'S"I`-CLASS OEFIICE for rent at once. central, with front outlook,` suitable for business or profession- al man. Apply H. E. Jory. King-' Block. Barrie. 1'7 -$2213 - T-Z HOUSE with all conveniences, six rooms. gas. electric, laundry tubs, very central. paved street. posses- sion now. lnow rental to good ten- axit. Three garages. 55 Mary St. 17'b j T0 LE'l`--A seven-roamed brick house with all conveniences on Bradford St.. rent 1*easAon-able. re-' cently redecorated inside and` out. Apply Box 59 or "phone 1408. 17p "V1-`on SALE OR_TO LET Losjr AND mum) ?"*'--mmoasA..a QXUP8. WIIGII replies In`: The Examiner Office. - -uE?wm1'an% PROPERTY TO LET : WANTED. highest prices Lunvun 09.1 nv ROY Bar1`1~.' M WANTED for rent. Apply 103 Maple Up LN'1`J:)U, nlgnevst. p1`u:t:a 384 or Box 542, Bar1'1c.V.' 17-221) 'IVO R'EN"I` on Clapperton' at Keax`ns' `Store. 14tfbl 3K'gBl|Ul" Moberly. '17 p children. 7!` `D `(X7 WAN"I`IED--Girl to mind store. Ap- ' ply to Box L7,'. Examiner Office. 17b DUHICU ` uy, uru 12-17 Tl JUFU, 17b `*PP1.V 15-200 ` : I"-OR SALE--'l H.-P. gasoline engine `in first-_c1ass shape. Apply Ouver Vvllson. M-lnesing.` 17-18;). I A EL: 17p ' 8. very SnOl`L uuw. D15 1 ~ gquick sale. Phone 987-. I : OOK STOVE. $4.90 1! 8.10 |g.9C).Bn?n Mm; 2. Phone 285 or 43 'GO:OD COOK STOVE, $4.90 1: nus- en before May 2. Phone : Dalton St. 171: I ! , BARN FOR SALE, size 35360, sit- uated on lot 22, con. 4, Vespra, 1%, miles from -Barrie. For particulars apply W. C.- How, Barrie. Phone} 798. V \ 17-'20:). - I MAID WANTED for family or two; ` duties light. Apply 128 Mary St. 17b )' FOR SALE-Auto-knltter machine y'_.(S1mplex) slightly used. cost $58 M- when new; will sell for $215. For par- ) ticulas write Mrs. Reg. Mason, '1, RR. 1. Midhurst. Ont. 16-179` n . I; SAFE. medium size, good as new; - . two showcases, Auto Knitter, motor I sewing machine, Aladdin lamp. set " computing scaes. must be sold this `.week at Tuck's Barrie Fair. 17-19p I , ' -: - FOR. S-ALE--Whee1barrow, crow- - i bar, pitchfork, 2 scythes and snaths. J` 3 apple barrels, some carpenter " tools, some furniture and other arm` ' tilcles. Apply 17 Innlsfll St., Bar- 3.vin nf 16"17Da 1900 CATARACT electric washing machine. nearly new. for sale cheap; also two-cylinder air compresser. , At Tuck -s. . 17-}: i - ONE SET HEAVY TEAM HAR- NESS, new. will sell less than cost. ;.....1.. ma mizaheth St. 17;) INESS, win seu Les Apply 196 Elizabeth St. ' L`lL'1\'5- I` | rie. Ont. ,' J BROODER SVDOVES. both 500- ';ch1ck and 1000-chick sizes. coal and ' on burning. The only satisfactory M . way to rear chicks. Have one 400- ,3 size incubator left; get it now and -- take off two ~ha.*tches. `Harry Morten. : 3 North St., phone 337.1. 16--17b : `V V . `ONE HUINDR'EDT FEET galvanized inch `pipe for sale. new: also set. or heavy breechi-ng harness. Chas. Robertson, Cralgvale. 17p l ~RADI1O FOR SAJE-0ne 5-tube . l:\nnna+_ll"nnu1nv nmhinnt Pdio. In 11 WAN'TIED-.--AP. maid as cook-gener-V -. llnu 1<:t, Amnlv to Mrs. * BVUK SAllJ1!J**lJH6 D'LuUc U1: Forest-lcrosley calbinet radio. In use short time. Big reduction for . nnlnlz , qnln. Phone . 17b_ I FOR SAIJE---One set brass-mounted. team harness with breaching: also ' one setiwithout breaching, both -new. Apply `Thomas Blain, telephone 102713`, 1-7;): ' EOR SA'IJE--4Pa1`ls poreclaln-lined` |...,....-Inga nafrianrnfnr. nearlv new.I I umu: 1037F. 1U'H. SA'ulu--uru1'1s pun:uuuu-uuwu- seamless refrigerator, nearly new. Owner installing an electric refrig- erator. Apply 168 Dunlop St ... or `phone 399. 17-19b 3-: : FOR SALE--Dark grey wicker in- va1id's chair, steel frame and spring seat. rubber-tired wheels, nearly new; cost $55, will sell for $16. One `single white enamel bed nd new mattress. cost $26, will sell for $10. `Apply 109 Essa :St.. Allandale. 17-'18p A CHANCE TO SAVE money. Why pay two prices for fruit trees? Ap- ples 75c except `McIntosh Reds, $1; pears $1; -cherries $1; plums. 750: < curvants, 2 for 260; grapes. 250. Or- ders taken now for vegetable plants `and flowers. E. V. Babcock, `Cook `and Icodrlngton Sts. Telephone 365J. 13-18p ' ,B0'A-RDERJS W'AN'1`ED--Room and qboard or board alone. Central loca- ltion. Apply Box E. Examiner. 17p V\ ~AN`T1ED by May 1st, -boarders or 1'-comers at 207 `Bradford St. or phone 78~5M, also work wanted by ` man. 17p ` T VVA3`I'I"l`J.l`)-.--A". mum uu uuu al, May 1st. Amply to phone 44. | OU'T-IOF-'T~OWN school or business girl can have room and board for company and light duties. Box 694, . Rnmvin, 17.1) FO`R S-AI4'E-JBu`.red Rock chicks. Luna mmm Imlcrh nr-nrhmin g hum: bred ' BABY 'CH`IlC`.KJS--JO.A.C. strain; cus- tom hatching: let me hatch your eggs for you in electric incubators: nn nu fnrnAn' this: means healthv ` Uuluyau i Barrie. 1O`H, s-Au1u---mturrea nuulc uluun-`I. bred from high producing pure bred stock: $18.00 per hundred. Harry Ottawevy. Phone 7'39J. 16-21b to!` In eleccrw 1IlUuUt1I.ura. no oil fumes; this means healthy chicks. Chas. Kelly, 18 McDonald St. Phone 1184. 171) I : BABY `CI-IIlC`KS--"1`he best way to { get good chicks at a low price is to have them hatohed for you. Custom hatching`. $5 per .hundred eggs. I will `hatch every hatcha-ble egg. Phone cm: nmmm _tnm1n.emn_ `Barrie. 17!) J HORSE FOR SALE - 6-year-old, '; weight 15-25 lbs. 34 Baldwin St. A1- 3. Icrndnln, _ UH LL 2`5`5. ` O.A.'C. BA'RR'ED RJOCIKS and Bar- ron's SJC. White Leghorns. Order your chicks now, for immediate or ` funture delivery. from our trap- nested high producing breeding stock. All the culls are removed. Many of our breeders are qualified 'R.O.'P. hens with high official re- cords, mated with males from our highest producers. Our prices are very moderate. April delivery $18 per 100. May and June delivery $15 per 100. We are booking many or- ders in advance. Order yours now and avoid disappointment. Write for our illustrated catalogue, which also conntalns our method of rearing chicks. Sunrise Poultry Farm, Cold- water. Ont. 15-20b I . _ , SALESG4I'R'~L WAN'I`ED--Dry goods ; experience desirable, but a capable grocery clerk over twenty years of age will be considered. S. W. Moore, Rnrrin_