it;2}$1-0` 77'? 2for.51 l Rexall [ 2for$l.01 2ror$l.0l "27or$'1.o1 2ror.5l 2ror.36 2ror'.26 2for.26 Zrorlll 5 %`:`.`v`&7z'sa'u'h i`2x.36 2fr.25 V $1.01 217? I51 2xor.26 Z'v or.26 A OIIIS, MP. anu .LVu's. U. W uxsruve. Jos. Murphy and Allan McDon- ga1_l__ left by motor for the West where they intend to spend the sum- ents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Wingrove. Tnu `IKII1-nhv and Allan M :-_`I')n KLENZO DENTAL] /3 CREME * 25c tin Pearl 2 Tooth Powder. . 1-9". 250 tube Rexall 2 ToTt`)th`Paste..`. .` for- `I. KILIUII L OIIQUQI 35c Peerless an.d Goodform Tooth Brushes . . . . . . . . 25c K.l e n z 0 Teeth Brushes 50c K 1 e n z 0 Tgot-h Brushes `75c Cara 1:To1e Purse Vials. . . . % 75c Cherisette Purse Vials. . . . 75c Nuit d Amour Purse Via1s.. . . . $2.50 oz. Cheri- 2 sette Extract. f` 32.50 oz. Na.r- 2 cissus Extract f` $2.00 oz. Nuit .`l)A..-.._--._ 1'1`..- _ Sweets for .'5 weetha'rts` _,_ - II. _I_ time was -pleasantly spent. `HI. quuw mg and games after which a dainty iunch was served. 2-?---:--j-j `.~.i1:a.c Z."_".'. F7" Zfor $2.01 15c pk. Boots Lavender Flowers 2f" -16 10c. Goodform Hair Nets Single, Double, Bobbed, nIs`I\un :Inn`I1I`:Ir\lI Q Q Q 59 Brazil Nut Chocolate Bars. 5c Walnut Choco- 1 `late Bars . . . . . . . 2`}`o;",ZI." -2"/7or"`.i'% KJIJISLKJ, JJ\I\L|JI-\J, `-1 colors including ....A-- um WEEK APRIL 2510 28 Monkmag _Dyug Store . PHONE 85 TELEPHONE ORDER if you can't get to our Store. Telephone orders held for two weeks. ' Tl-IE BARIRIE EXAMINER PERFUMES ' 50 PURSE VIALS A -A_._L_.I _.I___ 'V'|BlL ucl. aaauvu. .51: .-u...... Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Horace Gllpln who were married on Baturday. . Mrs: F`. A. Hooev -has returned 259 PURSE vms . _ . _ ;-.I _.I-...- IVE I \JI\IIId Ulric-ll Assorted odors "A'..'..m`.2':"o.i.'.`.-'2" 2 for .26 ia.l1:O.n..% 2f7 o76 ?:i:.`.:`? ZIor.76 ;`fZ{ ..". . 2/*or.76 ;:I1;l.- Zfor j 533-1: for 1 Juit x; 2for$2.01_ L- ._ - '"2"};{ .51 is best for your teeth 35c tubes 2 for .51 2 for .36 2!or$l.0l ' 2for$l.0l '\?Ai{|I-fr?" CHOCOLATES ` Assorted Cream 50c tubes mg her sons. Ernie Lawrenc-e has returned to Oshawa after a visit with his par- ents here. \/Nee Znlmn IM'nm-herson snent a s1Loo box 30 MILK CHOCOLATE IIIIIG Plain rczarr nut 6 on. in ouch As - n 4 }'.;;".'33"1 2` Zrov-.06 T ? Zfor .06 Zror .26 21or.36 "z;or.'11 ~26 loved by mothers and babies alike. 4 Regular 25c ` ZMJG. 35c tin Orange? A Blossom Talcum 350 Gentlemen s fl`! , , , , ,_ Apr. 18---Miss Elsie `-Rhinehart of Barrie spent a few days with her Aunt. Mrs. Dixon, who returned to visit her sister in Barrie. ,4;_,,._ 5.- 15.. .....I `MI -us 7. zrmo *1{i22n%::f; Zror $1.01 59ri'2'im1fT .`1f".i.`. 2fr.51 $135 tin ecrgia. _g;:d:, 39: 2ror$1.26 $1.00 bot. Rex- 2 i all Hair Tonic f` 50c bot. Lorie Liquid Brilliantine 50c tin Lorie Solid 1'\_,!`II!_ _A!__ - `I99 LUIRUI W \Jl I438 less Brilliantinc; Zf"-31 81.00 bot. Lorie 3 Eau de Quinine zf0r$l.0l Hair Tonic. . . . 25 Pocket Comb with_'case 2 for .26 50c Bobbed Hair Comb with Iundlo 2 for .51 5E :.` 1?'. . T??.`T`.` Zfor.5l 350 Whisk Brooms 2for,36 UVU Illll JJVA IV Nlvuu Brilliantine . . . . ~ 350 bot. Lorie Liquid Hair Fix 509 Rike'r s Grease- - A 1\_.SII!-_L.'__ _ 5555'` V"-1 V Sold regularly at soc\1b. , Ono Cent Sale 2 for .61 5 pound box for $ .51 25 BOX Nottin ham Montho and Q\\ iean`i.'. .'? f.`T.' Zia-.26 5 1 `:..{.':;.'.1:::`."+`:::.':::::.',2;or.41 mer. `fun U. uuun \ Mrs. Ed._Garrett of Anton Mills M30u8&11'3- visited with Miss Edna. Carson tor. Willie C18,: 9. coupie or days. ` - ` days in Bar; TINY ToT TALCUM Baturaay. Mrs. F. A. Hooey from Oshawa where she was visit- ing her sons. 'I7`.v~nh1 .T.n\vrnn(\-9 has returned Emulsified Cocoanut Oil ' % Shampoo } Regular 35 Z for .36 3 {5_?f:$1-9! :3: 217.36 7?. 2ror.36A ~3f:$1%-9! Hqme Ma_de Assorted Chocolates IN BULK A delicious assortment Zxm-.51 1 Zf0r.5l 2fr.36 '2ior.51 ml: McDousal1'a. ' _ . :01`. Clarke spent Easter ho'i-1! Advertise In The Examiner. 7511' Barrie at Angus McDou-I paper with the circulation. J ONTEEL COLD CREA v53%5aa /GE 2 for .51 LEW uuyc Iv nun .. .V...... ... ---- ._.-.,__,- Harvey .MoGm of I-Iavelock speni Easter week with his wife and son at `Steve Rawn -s. -u,.......m. Arrnufvnna nf lfavner $2.00 box L T gara. %\Io_me P3'3 e??7?7. Zfor $2-01 $%`.O0 bloax l\cT1arcisse w?f p;1a`7.f ? 2for$1-01 75`boX`C!1erisB cte Face Powder ig:,:e .1 f?`.: 2ror.76 ; siompagtruitf 2f "$1-01 5zcff1`e".TT5 .t.*i`. 2for.51 35)ro|(v)ng:;1lci1E.y.e 2 for -36 5ii,? %1i??.`.`.? 2for.51 25`i=u:"??` u1Z%`3% Zfor .26 f'|-_._!I $1.00 bot. T\___- $1.25 bot: Paradis Toilet _Wator 60; b}:t.- ITnw7:1Sr Water . . . . . . . . . 40c bot. Franc h Cologne . . . . . . . . ~25%3s::::.%?..?? Zfr.Z6 urn, r\_-2-I_ A -1_2_ __ -u-- - V sy`ii`.`e.`f`.`.f` 2ror$2-01 100 Nursing Bottle 2 for.], 1 $1.00 L 8. d i e 3 Zia , F ?%.x?1$1e._a(11-A.;:_`:I:1,3.' zxor .51 Run II SWLIQJ wixrbber Apron.. ; 500 Baby Pants i Champagne color ll `I13. \. Z I51`? L yar . . . . . . . . . .. 15 Gauze Bandage < 2 i1`1chx10 yards 4 % 250 pk. Absorbent < f`nJ-Juno; H25:`.";11'aa'a;,.;; ; "l\I_ _.L___._ I-III!` neg 50 BOX `Steve nawxrs. Norman Armstrong of 'Stayner apent the wee=k-end with his mother. um \Vm_ Nlntthews returned 50" "i3" Tb}? T159313 T Cchamgagne oolosr 2f"4-51 100 Black Band Nipples 2 for .11 1 dozn_for 66 so pk. Gauze '1' -......I "$7.66 'I5.3. 1.1_LAc 1_.qnoN Regular an- nnv vs on-I uvbsuv liaradis Lotion A___ I2I?%$1'-'i'*iL. 3}5i* ,$;!I2}?_ *2}: ;s1::~i Rubber Goods j $2.50 4 ROB ROY 5 OT WATER? 5;a(.ll?. 2for.Z6 5 333:5: Zfor.15 f ?:.@n_.. . j."T. . ..` 2for.26 ; ants nere. Miss Zelma Mum-berson spent few days with friends `In the village. vv_,__ --_ an 'I'J'n1vA1nn`) annnf $1.25 iaotqe I__._ J). I -n__-_ `Goo. Cook visited a. few days at A.] 8a11'8~ acDouzal1 a. 1 7 VOID Q . o o o o u n 50c Quick-Actvi-I_1'g` L 1- . _,__ II , F1 150 Adhesive Plasters, 1 inch x1 yard 2 rev .16 7--. .........-.v R e x a I I SHAVING CREAM 35c tube __Z{rfr,36 25% Re:l:{9.1l- `She.-vvinvg t . Res. Zfvr-Z6 $1.25 Shaving Brushes A` an "'2' 55 `7$71'."2"i" 5%? 2;or$1.o1 Haribyniain. luv GUARANTEED z__}..; $231 2ror.6l 2for.4l apent bne wee:K-ena w1Lu um xuuumn. Mrs. VVm. Matthews from `Coningwood to spend some time with her daughter, Mrs. David Duff. TL- I aim Rgmnnl sneer: The death occurred on Apr. 8 of 8. yespectecl resident of Vespra Town- ship when Wm. Cook passed av.-:i.y .au-ddenly after a lingering illness of `several months. The late Mr. Crmic ._was in his 58th year and was turn in Arthur, Ont. He leaves to mourn this loss his wife. three brothers. Wilrnot f Mlxlesing, Robert of Ap- -5:0 and lbert of Vancouver, B.C., _and two sisters. Mrs. G. -Richardson ,-of Minesing and :M1`s. J. D. Kn-aprp of /Bundles". The sympathy of this com-u munity is extended to his wife and gsorrowing frlends. `Interment took place at |Craighurst. The pallbear- (`era were Wm. Hamilton, Walt. Rich- ardson, Fred Richardson. C. J. Mc- Laughlin. J. A. McLaughlin and A. 1.1 `K7Hr\n | STATIONERY 250 Salisbury Size 150 Note Size. . . . 150 pk. Le Clair Envelopes, Linen Finish . . . . . . . . .. 100 pk. Blue Lined ` Envelopes . . . . .. Lined >Finiuh 60 Sheets 35c Letter Size 35c box Paper and Envelopes, Tf.'.J `l3L'...-.1. 50c box Vellum Paper and En- velopes . . . . . . .. 1 50c pound Park- 4 wood Writing Paper I 500 pk. 100 Park- I .....,..J 1:~...-...1,....... A IJUU P3`! LUV L051-IL` ' wood Envelopes I 50c Portfolio, Paper and Enve1opes.. < 75 pkg Old Colony i Playing Cards . g xuuuuawu L Cl-I LLAIX -"' 15c bot. Mucilage 2 for-Zi 350 Handy Package Writing % Paper with Inner- zfor lined Envelopes. 13 bgg. gld colgzlg JJULCIULV 6)\Il\Lo n o `* 250 bot. 100 A.B.S. 2 & C.Tab1ets. . .. f 50c bot. Friars Balsam * Tincture Benzoin 2 \ Compound . . . . .. fa i 25c bot. A. S. A. 7,. rn 1 I . n 1-, _ 0 150 pk. Puretest A_Bo`ra`cic Acid. 8 I I -Durr. The Late Samuel Spears On `Thursday. -April 12, Samuel Speers passed away at his home in Sunnidale where he had resided for the last fifty-two years. He was much esteemed and many of his friends gathered on Saturday at the `funeral services to pay their last respects to the departed. He is sur- vlved -by three sons and three Aau hters: -Ivan of Flint, M1ch.. Ray of etroit. and Dalton at home, Mrs. Chas. Armstrong of Wasaga Beach. and Mrs. Roy `Shaver and Mima of Vnnnnfn 0 Ito M. `L: w"i`ag1:2`:os, 2 doz.. n0g`1`)oi:. A. S. A. 1,1 `-L._ i;1e`,"'75`Z;EiE Zf"-31 75c bot. A. S. A. Tablets, 100 in bottle, formerly called Aspiri_n.. . . 2.7"-76 25c A.P.C. Tablets 2 for .26 15c pk. Puretest Epsom Salts 50"i"t..i5bE3}{s' " - V % La(;:a.(t)ive Tabs, gag : zfwos 1 35. hot. 2 oz. Tincture of Iodine, 5% 50c boil. Disinfec- 50c bot.Twin:'Ta;bs, Laxative . . . . . . . 15 b t.01dCo1ouy Fimgtaia e1!_1nk .z. . } Z for .76 2 for .36 PURETEST DRUGS $1.00 hot. 16 ozs. W Puret_est - Dana}: n LID nuu AVLL 50 Toronto. Writing Pas A Pure and almost tuteleu E 2.701-.36 Regular or Bridge Slzo ?i3,E ?%i<:o`?``? T`.?? 2,0. .51 `AA/-M 2 for .16 Another Example Buy a 35c tube of and we will give you another 35c tube for 1c -or the 2 for .36 ADP. ll--NU`. 3.111.] wura. rcrsuauu of Toronto were recent visitors with their daughter, Mrs. Wallace Brown,- and family at Cundies. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Knam) and Mr. 50: plvc. Sug;.r`o'f ivfilk 2 for .51 25 bot. Triodine Tr.Iodine,A2% Klenzo Tooth Paste l K. %&TC MINERAL on. Iwuu want `I FE`)l\E\ IVCIIIHIII UK TIZ (RUSSIAN TYPE) W2 3': $1291.. 75: box Prima Donna CORRESPONDENCE ` CARDS 2 for .36 cr--` W1-alto and-Blue Docklo Silver Bordon` 2_{o~ .26 "'};ZI"i6" and tamuy at Uunme. Mr. and Mrs. J. Knapp and Mrs. S. Pratt attended [the fun- eral at Anten Mills on Sunday of the Iate Mrs. Jas. Muir, who passed away In her 84th year. Interment at Mlnesing cemetery. Mica W`.1HnH- hnvlna I-Afnrnn after Glbctolonq `T 2f0r.5l ;,2ror.51 E; 2ror.51 f _ 2ror.51 2for.26 Zforo 2for.l6 2Ior.l1 ? 2LIor.5l Zfa-".16 Z1or.Z6 [ 2for.26 v2for.5l 2f0r.Z6 ; z_f7"5.1. `Paco Flvl Mmesmg cemetery. Miss Elliott. having returned after the Easter vacation. opemed the school on Monday with a. good at-` tendance. TXYI-an l`nIv\-nu nn nvn"I7 uyhn hf (enuunce. ' Wm. Cripps and family, who spent the winter at Cundles, have moved to town. 1 K/fm: Q Many in -lvvnrntrlna HA1 nrn. (U LUWII. | Mrs. S. Maw is improving be!` pro- perty with a new roof on her house. Wnfar has: found its wav intdl QBFE) Will] it HEW T901. 011 I16!` uuunu. Water has found its way intd several cellars `which is not very pleasant. Stanlev Malkin. who has been at pleasant. Stanley Malkin, who has been the 0.A`.IC.. Gue1ph,`isVcom1ng-hom_e _ fnv an `anrnrnnr - Cue u.n.\u.. uuwsg for the `summer. Mrs. Jas. Muir, Sr., passed away ,on April 13. after an illness of two .weeks at the age of 84 years. She had lived in this community for forty-five years. `Born in Loures- .t,on. Scotland, she came to this i .country in i1'87l3 with her husband. he was an exemplary member of tho -`United church in her tender piety, her loyalty to hosts ofyfriends anil -her zealous co-operation in behalfg .of any good work for the church or! -her neighbors. `The deceased was an inspiration for good to all who came -within her influence. Those who re- main to cherish .her revered memory are her husband; five daughters, K -`Mrs. E. Williston, Mrs. llrwin Knapp, and .VIrs. Ed. Wilson of Anten Mills. 1 Mrs. D. F. Stre-b of Saskatoon, Sask., and `Mrs. R. -V. `Dickey of Toronto: !? {three sons, Thos. and James of this _1 .place and George of 'Fergusonvale. 1` ;Her son, John, was killed overseas : in 1917. On Sunday afternoon the`; funeral took -place from her homey `here to the United church where E ,aervice was conducted by Rev. Mr. f Pope. Burial took place at Mines- ing cemetery. lPallbearers were her six nephews. 'Geo., Jas.,.Bruce, Si`., Bruce. Jr., William and John Binnie. -The beautiful floral tributes were` evidence of the esteem in which she`: I was held in this community. `Solos were rendered by A. Orchard 0)! Minesing and .VIrs. Irving Carson of {this place. Quite a number of friends from Toronto and Barrie attended the funeral. Much sympathy is ex- V tended to the `bereaved ones. Thursday. April 19. - Apr. 17-Mr. and -Mrs. Ferguson .9 Tnnnnfn nun-A rnnnnf 'V1SltO!`S Deat}; of Mrs. J. [blot-DI u. The Late Wm. Cook ANTEN mus NEW L_owEu. . 1929 Muir, Sr. SIXTH LINE VESPRA Mr. cud-fMFI.`.Roy Hlokllng motor- Apr. 16--Miss Edna Carson reo ed to Toronto for a couple or days. turned to Mourit Albert otter opend- -Mn. G. shield: returned. to Win- `lns Easter at her home. , nine; o.ttor.$-lilting with her par- .I.4`d.u5u1u1. u ;H. VVilson. nabln 50c bot. Guaiasote . for gastric trouble and heartburn . . . siob iibtiiiilii ' ' 1_31o9d P1_1_rier _2_f" 56; ` 53x iila 11 A Asthma. Powder '50c tube Rexall Catarrh Jelly. . . 50c bot. 'Klenzo- Liquid Antiseptic $1'9....l?.`3-}u & '"'3'i'ex7z`ii" Beef, Iron and ? Wine Tonic 2ms1.o1| 500 bo Rex- all Kiidney P`S2ror.5l 25c bot. Peroxide 4 of Hydrogen... I .350 bot. Peroxide of Hydrogen. . . 50c bot. Peroxide of Hydrogen. . . ` 25c tin-Rex9.ll Healing Salve. . 50c far Bronchial S9. ve . . . . . . 250 box `Laxative Bromide of Qui- nine Tablets. . . 35% jar Mustard :v-:4-rnnnf ""6iziZ&ne'.".".".'TT I 25c box One Minute 4 Headache Powders I 500 -bot. Riker s c T- Milk of Magnesia I all Orderlies 500 box Rexall Orderlies, t h e natural laxative - 50c box Rexa ll Dyspepsia Tablets 50g_box Eczema UVU LI\ll\J-I uvgoqvu V Ointmen; . . . . . . 250 box Rexall i TCa._rb9Iic_Salve. . Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Kenny of `Tor- pnto spent the we..'k-end at J. L. -McLaughlin's. ` TL; Iain \Inn nll 25' b t. R ""11 Eon`: so1vxf.. Zfor-26 `$1.00 bot. Rexall EMULSION 2 for $~1.0l _ COD LIVER OIL 50 t R 11' V aeallxzh Satfltfsi... Zf'%.5 , -1 'l'.1A__I._ __`LL - _._ 50c bot. Eyelo wiith I`..- `I3-.- 25 $1.00 bot. Sar- 2 saparilla Tonic I Chemists and We will give you another 25 box for lcor the Buy a 25 box Meloids The Plan; MEDICINES MADE BY Boots Cash Apr. 17-Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Coch~' rane gave a party last Wednesday evening in honor of Howard and his ~_br1de. All report a good time. I Earl Reid. Wm. Hunter and Arth- ur McQu-ay of `Thornton made a. fbUS'1n98S trip to Oshawa last week.` W. J. Lennox and -family moved {to their new home in Thornton last -Thursday. All wish them success. `Addresses presented to Mr. Lennox .will -be found on page 11 of this issue. . \/Iva _mmp.: nclearv of Angus is `v "2 V NEXT WEEK AT Tulsy DRUG STORE 2~r.36 Wednesday, Thursday,Friday and Saturday, April 25th? to 28th 75 Monogram Pip`! 2*: .76 50 bottle Rexall Bronchial Syrup for Coughs and V Colds - ` $1.00 bot. Rexalll Cod Liver Com- i -pound with { Creosote ` A4 A4 2 Ffilb1 2 for .51 '39.` Zror.51 '2ror$l.0l 2ior.26 '2n36 ' 2ror.5l ` 2ror.26 Mrs. James IC1eary yisiting her son, `Wm. -Cleary. Mrs. K). W. `Banting and daughtem "Elma. were In Thornton last week` and stayed with Mr. Bant1n:._;`s mother for a few days. I -1:... 11-.....-...n+ Tufrnd--in viaihn 2}or.26 2for.51 ror$l./J1 2. :~".51 1 2ror.5l Zfor.5l 2m.26 2xor.36 ` . 2ror.26 2ror.5l 2m.51 25 BOX BOOTS MELOIDS for Throat and Voice 2ror.26 2m.51 Zror .51 Zror .51 Zxor 26A 4 OUR MOST POPULAR TOILET ARTICLES JONTEEL COMBINATION} * CREAM { 50c bot. Almond Bloom Cream.. ~ ` 35c bot. Lorie Lemon Cocoa. Butter 2 Lotion . . . . . . . .. J %5.m`?`A??%- J`"8 9. Regular 50 jars 2 for .51 5Eo51i`1c{$ a 3J.`?f .' Zn-.51 motner LU ? ht LCVV ucL_ya. Miss Marga:-et Martin visited wit-ht her aunt at Bethesda for a few days last week. . Miss "Thelma and Billie Graham spent the holidays with their grand- mother at Oro Station. Miss F10. and Earl Banting spent .a few days last week with their aunt at Utopia. Thnun whn Viited friends `in T02`- 50c bdt. Riker s 2 French Balm. .. -79"- $1.00 pound tin T he a. t r i c a. 1 2 1 Cold Cregm-.u f'$ - 250 cake Jonteel ` 25o cake Paradis Toilet Soap. . . . .10g'cTake Home and ___!L_` 01--.. * Toilet Soap. . .. Hospital Soup. . 81.00 box ' 4 cakes Four 2 5 Seasons Soap. f` `25c cake Klenzo Tar Shampoo Soap 159 cake Narcissus -31-; 6--.. _ ,_ . . hlutuwu T t.`.`." ` ` I, _' - . , (La: T LUV vcunv O-VCIA`UlUD\AEl v Toilet Soap. . . . 1 $1.00 box Treasure Chest 4 oal:es..... 2-fo` 75: BOTTLE . OLD ENGLISH , :* LAVENDER -- I ._ BATH SALTS A 2 for .76 150 Wash Cloths. . 2for . I 6 25 Wash Cloths. . 2 for .26 A ` 100 card Safety Zfonll Pins . . . . . . . . . . . Medicines $1.00 bottle Rexall . , I _,Tuteloss Extract of {g;; Cod Liver " " C 0 rm) 0 und 21: $1.01 % A $1.00`bot. Iron and. Cascara with Zrm Celry Tonic -350 Larkspur Lotion c for vermin . . . . .. I ` 250 box Laxative c i Cold Tablets. . . 1 500 hot.` Syrqpvof E3 .9-Dd Sqnna. 250 box. Stomach l and-Liver Arum, at utopm. Those who visited friends nnto last week were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Arnold, Mrs. -Harry Banting, Mrs. R. |C0xworth. Mrs. Dollph Mc- Lean. Miss Elsie 'Speers and Her- man Jennett. Bert McLean is sporting a new sedan. Born to Mr. and Mrs; R. C. Mc- Quay of Winnipeg. a daughter. --u__ .... nu.-I rnnvnlknva nf fhn EGYPTIAN % . V. PQLM spgp 250 pk. Red Cedar? Flakea for Mpths L xTu'roMo3n.I: anal!!! I! _ .. J m;2 FOR 89: 10 CARE V` EGYPTIAN ID-. K3`- I \IlVl\0IJIlaI-I 'T>oNcE an cngmoxg ` UV \I$OK F110` Pins........ '27}; :11 $1.00 bgt. Rexall Syrup of Hypophosphites A nerve and stomach tonic {quay us vv auugryg, .. .._..p..--,. The officers and members of the Mission Band met in the basement `pt the church, Friday afternoon. The time -pleasantly spent in quilt- A...-. our! camp: 9911:!` which a dalntv