I THE *ARRn=.: + EXAMINER Special Sale Spring A TOPCOATS Specially Purchased and Just Unpacked. Remarkably Low Priced at No. 13. $13.00 . $22.50 $25.00 L.W\PAE -See Heintznmn & C0. z1(l`.'~.=1`- t1sement on page 8. 13:: ..u\I|,'u , t:1Ikod-nt I`l10z1:_:`-:1 in ,,(, ...__ ....v--v-- A business zumnnm-<*-Inom of in- te1'c~. in this is~'u<- of The I`I.\':nn- mm` is that of the nmmintmonr of _I I:12' v1d'Hil1 as Hupmnhilu dmller in B.u'1'ie and distrit-t. The lIum)" was one of tho hits of 1:1.-: \\`m-k'.~l \`Ino.\.. u1.,... .... MERMAID ~COMEDY:N6'fiG FLAT" * ALSO FOX NEWS LETTER, &RE GODDENAT THE WURUT 15'-R HAROLD HILL APPOINTED 30 DUNLOP ST. sacnou 2 mass 9 TO 16 . 40c doz. . 30c doz. . . 50c doz. 2 doz. 55 . 4 for 25 4 i lN-'T."'?5-'!VE- :: A"R_"-. 1?. 3 .4 First Post Lenten Season -Social Event Daring Modem Stoiy of Reno-vated 1:i\fe;! THE ARMOURIES, BARRIE . MONDAY EVENING, APRILN9, 1928 TEN Miilibii READERS CAN*T%BE` WRONG WHEN THEY SAY Regimental Dance This Picture direct from Pantages, Toronto. ./WY./igc./71/0} ? `J1 RENQ__1__)IvoRc1i1 wf1111va7ixn;>$izTuirest~I-ledda. 1-Io12ner_~1`\ohe rc-but IIE hi I EIVI I "6 Riiisllill jijn % 'AUSPICES o1= OFFlCERS' A COMPANY SIMCOE FORESTERS VARSITY COLLEGIANS ORCHESTRA RALP H GRAVE? Vw4n~npdiiiii ds. pram: We are ready with our Spring showing` of men's wearables in every department. We can save money for each and every cus- tomer._ Never a better selection, never such values. Bargains in the Basement, Main Floor and Sec- and Floor. Do your Easter shop- ping at this store and save. 13b `HUNTER S, BARBIE. EASTER BARGAINS AT HUNTER S, BARRIE auwcu. Considerable interest attaches to the case in Beeton where all the principals are well known. Broome. is the son of the local liveryman, and the girl comes of a well known family. V V Charged with indecent assault of a girl of eighteen years, Wil- frid Broome. a'Beeton young man, was arrested late Tuesday evening or early Wednesday morning by Provincial `Constable Robinson of Alliston. Brooms was remanded until -April 3 -by Magistrate Jeffs yesterday morning when he ap-. peared. Two other arrests are ex- pected to be made in connection with the case and more serious charges may result. The young girl is under the doctor's care and is said to be in a rather serious condition. I).......... ..n.... 1:-..n.u:uLL ul\v|A D...-., . rlvlng zgy D_u.u`1e at o u.m., J.U.uU\V' ing `complaints made by the girl's, father, who walked in on a party which had been- in progress in a Beeton home and in'which were several men.and the girl. There had been drinking going on, it is stated. _ ` I 1-......1......1.1- :..;-..--L -A.A.--'l..... fl LU. L lI\Ulq At Collvfngwood on the same evening` the same subject was de- bated by teams from each school. only that Barrie students upheld uthe affirmative and Collingwood the negative. Wallace Knapp and Jack McKinnon represented B. C. I. The decision of the judges was nlIn1`v\n"- `-`IAINI " lo I-IIU UUUIEHU. against them. SERIOUS CHARGE MA[g=._ RESULT uuuuluuu. Broome was brought from Bee-: ton early Wednesday morning, ar- riving at Barrie at 3 a.m., follow- Rnn `nnI1r\.v\1d1.nI-3 maa R11 1-`kn uhvvul ICES U.\1JUHbU- ; The judge: were Dr. W. Rich- ardson. Rev. E. J. Whan and Rev. A. E. Baker. Ad. `t`_11!........4._.I -.. LL- ....u-a. CHIC]. loll jJ1'C}J,1`G LJUlh I Thechief argument of the af- firmative was that St. Lawrence development would lace millions of dollars in the poc ets of. 'Cana- dian farmers in savings in freight rates and provide a great amount `of electrical energy of which the country is in great need. Argu- ments advanced against the scheme among others, were that the canal` system of transportation was an- tiquated and falling` into disuse, would only be` available ve months of the year and would seriously impair the revenue and progress of our railways which maintained a year-round service. It was charac- l terized as an extravagant and use- less expense. Thu ':I'fF(\\ YIYQIVQ W `U Dinln- Beeton Father Walks Inw On A'11-Night Drink- _ ing Party. i` nus wan: m maswuy _.w.smuu. Resolved that it is in the inter- ests of the Dominion of Canada to deepen _the St. Lawrence River for Iocean-going traffic, was the sub- ` ect . discussed. `Sam Gow and oy Trott of Collingwood upheld the affirmative and were awarded the decision over Oscar Thomas " and Arthur McLean of B. C. I. \Y..4. ...1.. ....x.. 4.1.`. ....L-l....J. man`-J-Au u l11.'ll1U1' JNIUIJUGH U-In Do U: In I Not only was the subject matter T presented in a convincing manner," but the speakers had a mass of statistics on their `finger tips. which reected a great deal of careful preparation. I 'I"lux n1n'n+' u1u111rv\nV'H' n-P 1-11: 9?. Owing to `ai.stro,n' counter at- traction in the Motor 'Show and the fact that many students had` returned to .their homes for the week-end the attendance at last Friday evening : inter-collegiate debate between Barrie C. I. and Collins-wood C. I. was not lar e. This fact was unfortunate for t e debate was of a high order, the prosand cons of the St. Lawrence waterway project being presented in masterlyefashion. Doan1I1nA iknf *4` `H `VI fhb '+!`u. Gordon}LStihon _c)-13'?`,\'rI`z-1'; it'll?!) Phones 1005 and'10l0` Rog: Block, BARRIE n.c.1.1s rwncx-: 0N_l_._(_)_S_lNG sum De%bating Teams` Lose V % Both at` Home % ` And Away. % LOOKS LIKE A BUY BUY H . `.'i!`*7H""P'9. . v V IIIIU'l Cid e Shore .,.Kt;n:le_t _Teck -Hughes` ' V ---------u -w-:---- `Mining Bronte, To`:-onto Local Representative NE`-Y *?= 5"1'TH THE MINING MARKET INSURANCE_ BARRIE, CANADA, THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1923; LFUIIIUI uaucs GI. LJUUIUUJ -`--Unsolicited testimonials con-' cerning the excellency of our an-it thracite coal have been manyidur- . ing the past winter and we appre-` ciate them very much indeed. You, I too, can secure this satisfaction by requesting usto ll your bins with 2 this saemegood coal. The Sarjeant-" Co. Limited. _ - i ' 13b i Keep Friday for" the Dance ' -Mixed dancing in I.0.0.F.' Temple, Friday. I-Iu`nter s orches- 1 tra. Refreshments. .13p._ &UI\IU Ill IJGKXICQ -Large size "Solvay pea coke (our friends tell us) gives satis- faction in all kinds of stoves and ranges and mixed with nut size Solvay for furnace use it can't be beaten. `Cost of pea Solvay is only $11.00 and nut $18.00. Sold ex- clusively by The Sarjeant Co. Limited. 13b The annual school oratorical con- test at B.C.I. is taking place today. This contest is separate. 1 -rom the grovincial-wide contest which has ` een in progress and the sur- viving contestants of a, series of 2 s 9 I i eliminations involving fty pupils will meet, the winner to be award- ' ed the school medal donated b Senior Literary Society. __-_TTnan1in1'4-at` +na+:nnn!\:n`n noun- y the I lAG5Uo The Barrie Radio & Electric Co. Limited have been successful in securing the services of an expert radio and electrical engineer in the person of Maurice V. Dow. Mr. and Mrs. Dow, respectively, possess good tenor and contralto voices and with their daughter will reside in Barrie. _ Tjllulhlu aulln "~Q..`|...... ..-.. __1-- .160 K \l\_llIGl-' Ill lllllvo -Easteri Fashions. Come to the Allandale Ladies Wear `Store for your new Spring Toggery. We have` the latest and the best `in hats, coats and dresses at moder- ate prices. New shipments arriv- ing every week. . 13b -$9.95 will buy you a 3% barrel ' galvanized steel water trough at Sarjeant s. It's 6 feet long`, 24 in.. wide. and 23 inches high and weighs about 80 pounds. A splen- did trough for watering stock (anywhere), cooling milk or col- lectin-g sap. Made -to stand rough usage. 13b , Th; Dnuwdn `D...l:.. I. 11-..L._- IV- vvnlu-an uuouunovv '0 uonovgyv-_ ` THE coLL5:G15.N"-1DoN'1\1C11""I7r'1EM ALSO FELIX in GERM CQMING--THE CAT AND CANARY BIN.` UUWII 3 UUURSI . -The best roofing materials are at 'Sarjeant s in asphalt, slate or smooth surface, galvanized iron and British Columbia cedar shing- les. Let us prove this statement by a demonstration. 13b 7 -Unheard of values in Gerhard Heintzman, Heintzman Co., and Nordheimer pianos, new and used, and terms to suit customer. ,It will pay you to write to John Gil- heeney, `Cookstown. p 13-15b --Infants and children s cush- ion sole boots, oxfords and straps made by Hurlbut, Weston, Hurl- burt, Classic; values in the lot up to $3.50 on sale at $1.95 at Carey- Hur1burt s shoe sale. 13b A play Be An Optimist is `be- ing presented by B. C. I. students ` oda,v and tomorrow under the auspices of the basketball team. It is an all-male cast and rehears- ale have been inprogress for some me. | rm.- n_--_.:- .-n___,o- I`! , UIIIIUO The Barrie `Boys ' `Council is holding a bird-house building com- , etition for `boys 20 and under. ntriesevclose April 16, at 6 p.m. Bird-houses must be built between bMarch `28.and April 16. Fifteen idollars in prizes. jmn+A*l|"mnI:`\:nv\s I`.-xvu-an I... 4.1.... \n'L\J V7 9 --At $11.50 per ton lump Poc- ahontas is good value and you can burn it in stove, furnace or re place. Makes little ash and lasts a long while. The Sarjeant Co. Limited. 13-b Messrs. Chandler, Kiloway and Etherington of the rm of Welch, Campbell & Lawless, chartered ac- countants, Toronto, are in Barrie conducting the annual audit of the town's books. rm... 1.--`. _._-n_-.... ___L,,,- . uay. Wishart Campbell and Harry Shannon are giving their `Barrie friends--and thousands of others within radio range-- much plea- sure through their singing over mrrmr nu: uuuuueu. H1 uus sale. 1.60 -La`rge size marmalade or- anges, 40cts. a doz.; Palmolive soap, 4 for 25; Wes-ton biscuits, 25c 1b.; Fresh caught lobsters. Jarvis ) phone 65, 13p --Our special natty and distinc- tive $3.00 and $5.00 model hats are going exceptionally well. You will want on'e of these for Easter. Miss I. Collins, Allandale. 13b -Carey-Hurlburt Shoe Co. of- fer $1.00-union silk hose in 7 dif- ferent colors for 10c a pair, with every purchase of $5.00 or_over for the `balance of their sale. 13b Thomas Stephenson, of Sheffield, -,Eng'land,_ who visited his cousin, Wm. Rainford, last summer, while on a trip to -Canada and the United States, died in Chicago, on Mon- ay. 1I7i..l.....+ ,1".-.......1...11 .....1 `n-_._._-- DHIC DI -cxcxy. Fllllo LJHQJIDUI uua-ween-euu. 4.05 -Robinson s. Hardware for your spring housecleaning require- ments. See display advertise- ment. 13b -Everybody has a birthday and Keenan has the largest and best assortment of birthday cards in town. 13b Alex. M. Knox, cutter and tailor ` with Alex. Milne & Sons, will open a tailoring `business of his "own on April 9. ` - - 13b -V-Carey-Hurlburt s shoe sale continues for a few days longer. Many lines of new spring footwear are included in this sale. 13b 950 ll`\0 Wreck nnncrk+ lnl-m+1nm -Get your Easter cards at Keenan : `Book Store, lovely lines to choose from. 131: Over 1,800 witnessed the pic- ture "Roses of Picardy" at the Capitol three days last week. ` J`I"` K"$$ clila I9l\IIKQ \JGl-IIIIUI UIIIUU UCJB I359 WUCILO -You'll never forgive yourself if you miss (`The Shepherd of the Hills. Capitol this -week-end. 13x nan : unwA\Ivnua `nun LOCAL NEWS 3` 'I4FFFI0I1IB>I4l I4I4>I I'>X< I 5 Saturday Matix;ee, 2.30-Children 5c, Adults 15. jjnu -3-- - nlli 11 A &11: Q --pg" 2-: p&&&&ii&&&&&w&g ..-..-......-.,.. V- ...._-,\.. uuuxu. I V\ hile there are not the required three-to-the-mile farms, or custom-I ers, between Barrie and Midhurst. it, has been estimated that the extms juice required at _.\Iidhurst would, more than make up for any defio-V iency en route. It is stated that the, Deputy Minister of Lands and Fo1`- ests has placed his stamp of ap-: proval on the plan to bring electri-3 cal energy to Midhurst, as has the: C.P.R. ' 1 an... 4.2.... -_,_ V-\ -\ -- A u.r.n. Some time ago Reeve Doran, De-3 puny Reeve Ford and Clerk Coutts; were in Toronto interviewing the! Hydro and the Government on the: matter" and were given every en- couragement. Ullll 1J1'UUCCu- ! `Some time -ago the Forestry Sta-i tion and iC.P.-R. at Midhurst intimate-; ed that they would sign up for? Hydro. Power for the purpose of: pumping both at the forestry sta-1 tion and at the railway is the big need. VVith increased acreage at! the station, now being planned: greatly increased pumping facilities will be required following the in-f stallation of 1ar:. ,`er tanks. } TIV1.2I.. LLA..- _.__ .._L I cow vv v.. _-v. .----... -.-..-..\. At a meeting of Vespra Township Councilheld March 19,- a petition from twelve residents of Cundlos was presented. `They had all si<:ed the necessary application forms guaranteeing service charge KW"? tvventy years.It has been suggested that this guarantee shouvl be ex- tended to forty years and the matter has been turned over to the towwn ship solicitor to take up with the Hydro Electric Commission. It is; necessary for the township to" give its guarantee before the VVOFR` can proceed. .nrnn Hrna -an-n fhn Wnvoefvxr Qt-::_. ~ ll I The hamlet of Cundles,. the For-7 entry Station at Midhurst, also the C.'P.R. station there and all inter- venlng farms between Barrie and .Mld-hurst may all be supplied with; electric light and power before an- other winter rolls roun'd it plans now on foot materialize. HYDRO T0 cunnuas! ALSO MlDHURS'l`? Vespra Council Is Now I Considering the ` Qugstion. - , 51_.wAir's A coon snow AND 'c;oop MUSIC FIVE POINTS, BARRIE A most remarkable event at the very start of the season. These suits were bought from `a famous eastern manu- facturer and rushed to us by express. Every suit a new Spring style in ne woolen and worsted fabrics, and expert- ly tailored in the new Spring styles. Sizes and models for every man. THE SEASON S BEST VALUES IN SPRING SUITS $20.00 . $25.00 ` ` $27.50 STYLE LEADERSHIP VALUE LEADERSHIP R.A. STEPHENS Dress up for Easter IIMPORTANT AGENCY j E PLACED IN BARRIE On page 8 of thi_s issue I{-intz-' Inrni &AL".o. mlnounce the :1m)oint- mom of James G. Keenan us their` rep1`osent:1Li\'e for Bru-1-iv. ::n.l \'i inity. Y+:\- Oido Iirm(.-" has made pianos for over seventy _\`e~:11's and its mmw has nlw:-xys .~`t(m(1 for high quality in xvorlmnnnship and husi-_ ness methods. The I`Ivintz1nnn I`:-:m- c-hiss is ve1`_\' hi:.:`h1_\' \'.x`;m-cl :mmn::T d9u.1m's zmd M1`. I\ oonun is In he cnnj4'r;_1tu1uted upon s<.=m.2:'in:.:" this` a_`:'em~y. Tlw cmnp:m_\' also is to be: nr\I1n~vI-\fI\1n?nr1 nrunn on/wnv~nu~ -1 no. (l_{UH\'_\. 1.ll\t' \,`\'lll[):|ll_\ ll-`(J I-3 lU UEJ con_:;mtu1ated upon scouring` :1 re- Tpa'e.~.entative of such l:11`{.:_\ expor- Canilol "The=m'e BANANAS, Reg. Soc, the best BANANAS, Reg. 40c- pecial ORANGES, Reg. 75c- pecial. ORANGES--Extra Special CDADII EDI HT c....,.:..1 Next door to `vVoolworth s v....n\;L..J:;_.Aua upuuax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Z (102. DOC GRAPE FRUlT-Special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 We are striving to serve the public to the best of our abil- ity and hope we are accomplishing same. Any complaints will be received by us gratefully. Phone 14 and your order will be delivered promptly. The banana. season is now in and we are ' able to offer you bet- ter prices on bananas as we buy by the car-- load just now. Are Your 5 Best Fruit A T MORE! . BANANAS T. CARUEO AGENT FOR CAR]-IARTT OVERALLS Raglans and regular shoulder models in a wonderful assortment. of fancy de- signs and weaves. Sizes to t every man. The selection is great. We urge every man to come early. . EVERY NEW sma, F COLOR AND FABRIC Iowt. m!w.:smnnAr