Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Mar 1928, p. 6

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U\ VlH`g'. LU uau l'Ud.ll. `The young people will hold their` `meeting in the basement of the church Friday evening. T7:-nncf `D-1)-I-vinmx V-no in fhn hI`I-l L'Hlll'L'll rnuuy b'\/t`H1Il5. E1-nest Pa1rtrid,9;e was in the hos- pital a few days having his tonsils removed. All are glad to hear he is home again. "l"'l-no no n-hhnv-hunn '0: annltn fn HUIHB btgiilll. 7 `The ne g'hb0rh`ood was shocked to hear of the sudden death of Herb. ~Rix. His mother, brothers and sis- ters have the sympathy of the com- . munity. I `.\,Ticn Dnavl Trmu in xyicifina` Fr-inna 1 11? I rie. munlty. Miss Pearl Jory is visiting friends lin Toronto. ' A)-.n Tnuu nu-n-\+ in J-ha ANN? xov-IR IBUSINESS MEN APPRECIATE THE .NATIONAL SERVICE ' TO THE WEST A quick trip to Winnipeg, combin- ed with every comfort and conven- ience that modern railroading pro- vides, makes The National 8. pop- ular train for business men. l0"l".hn `KTn+Inv-gal `lnoirnu Tnrnnfn max` (.ra.u1 Lu!` Uu1llU35 iucu. The National leaves Toronto nightly at 9.00 p.m. arriving in Win- nipeg at 10 `o'clock the second morn- ing. A short stop-over is provided in Winnipeg, time for important busi- ness engagements, begore going fur.- ther west. 1 H-nan you nxanvwrn Finn 1-unffnf (`.2 I` tner west. Library, observation, buffet car (radio), standard and tourist sleep- ers, dlner and coaches; make up the equipment of The National. 'I"inLvAfu mm infm-mminn from equlpment OI "rue xVu.uuueu. Tickets and information from Canadian National Agents. 13x Robert .Sydn_e`y Ffietcher, Gordon G. Mac].-.aren_. CROWN HILL Danae BROTHERS LIVINGSTON BROS. *`r " % DUNLOP s1'., BARRIE OUT-PERFORMS ANY CAR IN ITS PRICE CLASS AND MANY CARS PRICED HIGHER on DISPLAY IN BARRIE on MARCH so PRICES mom $1160 10 $1235 A DASHING COMPANION TO THE B_RILLIANT VICTORY %._.___4__ __-_-_4.. I{1fi)"s'E1'IT)iiV SIXES C/fm/zozmce The`: Victory Six $1390 to $1550 MORE CARS =- Moms TOURISTS MORE ACCIDENTS You can meet this year s conditions with an easy mind by taking a Complete Protection Policy on Your Automobiie LOWEST RATES AND SAFEST COMPANIES `CALL OR PHON E A. F. A. MALCOMSON 4?` The senior Six $2100 . Delivered Spare tire included G. McLean, Dealer, Elizabeth St. Phone 730 Delivered Spare tire included the c/-NI-`cl .' 7}1Ni\iEsTMENT ii3AN%1;13Rs V 7o4Canadian Pacific Building, Toronto. Phone 447W #1 Dunlop St. "' "*' '5-..a.m.;..i;a.' _c.,1g.; s1o.ooo,ooo Reae CQi3R_ES1?ONDENCE- S_OLIClTEDM co;A_c!_1 $695 , at London attacked'l`Locom`ot1ves in England ~ are 1 a razor a. healer named for famous-personages. in- rrgengal trounble. . `stead of being numbered. \ - .J.~ H. NIXON. Fania} Ontario Do you occaeionally wieh to send money out of town? _ Step into any Branch of this Bank and secure a Draft for the amount- ae conveniently and with no more-delay or formality than in buying an article in a store. The Bank of Nova Scotia Draft: are pay- able at put at any banking point in Canada. and the scale of charge: ie very moderate; V A 4`l'nuuu." ooo:do6 Receive s2o,ooo.ooo Rejdixrced ;es2oo.oqo;oooe` f e== j: f XLLANDAu: . AND 120.000 owner: have tested Whip- pet performance in Jnlllionn of miles of driving. . ` It In important to rerhember thin` _....-A ..._..ln.lo-s nloludflnlnnhf. II It van] uunvwu ww V--------.- contlnuoue e dexnomtntlon of value that any motor car medal complete and lasting public on- denee. Get a deznonetndon. Owh`PP0`0 fol: onType|fter no exmnivo and -_a.l...uuu- n nrnnnn!-rnll iaat Monday. March 19, was another .PauIng of` Huoh `:l.,ivory :; The death of Hugh` Lavory shock to this . community. although an; .3 -nu-nv.-inn. as :.Ml`. IJ8.Vel`-Y Lhad ouuv u--. ..... '. although not-a surprise. as Mr. Laver-yihad M been ailing for several weeks and 1 had goh to Toronto tor treatment ` T-only-at sh6`1`t-`time-a8.0. 'but' hlsAail- ; snt didn`t yield to medical treat- '; `em. and he passed aceiully a-`.`. way at~,St... Michael's ospital. Mr; La-very was a life-long resident in VI` our` neighborhood and was sn_ch_ a,`| jovial, goodvna-toured man that `he won the esteem or a great numlber of people. I-Ils `business transactions were always car :-ied.out accurately `and his kindly dis osition was ap- preciated by allw chad the plea-` sure of knowing him. It was `hard to tell what line or politics he real- ly followed `as his favorite remark! regarding politics was to vote ac: cording to one s conscience and not- .1.` man nlfnzmthsr. often when dbrdina` to 0110'! 00113016110!) uuu uuv the man altogether. -Often whenell asked his opinion regarding certain.` lines of politics he would laugh good ` naturedly, "wave his hand and ad- vise you to change your politics. etc. He was never knownrto say a hasty word against anyone and was al.- ways -ready to meet you with. a, pleasant smile. He married Miss! Mary Lottus, daughter ot.D. Lo:-, me. when a ..-young man but` she predeceased him several years. ago. They had one son, Bernard,`, who during late years has `been ilv'-3 ing` in Detroit. Mr. `Lave:-y was en-. gazed in farming on the old home - stead on the 2nd concression of Flos, 4.1:-innit `Hun Yn`1A`n1lt}`lWeSl . U: stead ERG Z110 001106381011 01. `L`1UB,lLer about five. miles` southwest A o; -the. Wh` village and of. late years had `hisibm brother. Daniel. living with him-, , tm; and it was during the `last year that- but Mr. Lavery began to lose his health: bv `and taking advise from those who 51- really knew, he went to the hospital. -, At His many friendsand relatives kept pm a continual enquiry as to. his pro- by grass and were shocked to receive-die word of hispdeathlast -Monday. The sol remains were brought hereon Tues-I gm day and taken to '-the home of-his `gir sister, `Mrs. 'John`Mti1r0y. on _the Sm 5th- con. till Thursday, March 22, vet when the funeral` took` place at. to 9 a.m. `to the c_emetery`h_ere. `Mass K was said by Fatlier Gearin. M1-._ . "Lavery had" twobrothers and four _' sisters": ~J. J.'*Lave_ry ot Saskatch- ewan, and Daniel on the farm; 1!./Irs, _ _.y John Mulroyand 1-Mrs.--Sexton of the f` Bth con.; Mrs. 'W'halen= of`Vanc'ouv`- `gl er: and Mrs. `F. Mclcarthy of Ft. William. `There were a large 'nun'iber;;,_:jM; of close relatives near and from .,a._"` '1 distance at the funeral, all of whom-, th` including family relations. have `the -1 G sympathy ofall in this comm1znity'.|'._"`: Mr. Lavery.was areal friend `to. M: many and an `obliging neighbor-to -- ; all. and will certainly be missed` by` M; a host of friends. ' - . , Death of John Marley ' 'sp` Notwithstanding. the fact that re, -your correspondent has `written! many death accounts of a num'ber to of our citizens and . neighbors in` W, the past, none has `caused en such a deep feeling of regret aswt-he|` , passing of one of the best and 'high- .--T] ly respected citizens in the person _M of John Marley last Friday morning.` 3 0n"1`hursda`y Mr. Marley was in fa ' the vil'lage and visited Elmvale go- I `W; ing there on the midday train and of returning on the 4 pm. train and it 10 was the pleasure of your co_rrespon- cc dent to-accompany `him and con- m verse of present and bygone hap- 4 penings, he apparently being in gen- 6. eral good `health, and his usual goodi humor. It appears, that the same 3 night coming on towards morning. he took a severe painin his head, 18 and chest and the doctor was sum- 18 moned but no `immediate danger was expected or thought of and as the R doctor was intending to m_ake an- 6. other call during the forenoon he p called the family bye-phone--to en-lg er quire how Mr. Marley was. When 1, Mr. -Marley heard the talk he ad- or vised `them to tell the doctor he was feeling some :better, `but the words 1; were hardly spoken when he fell 5 backward in the lbed and died im- mediately. The doctor and Father Egan, although advised at once, did not arrive in time. This was a sud- , den blow to the majority of us, and t one could hardly realize that death ( was so sudden. Mr. lMarley was b.orn| on the 5th line of `Flos 66 years "ago 3 and has ii-ved within a few miles of the village al'l hi life. When a young C man he married Miss -Ellen Keaney and startedfarmiing about four,.rnil- 1 es west -of the village where a fam- ily of five boys and four girls were,` raised. Mr. Marley -was a man in 3 ' every sense of the word, honest and upright, his word was as good as ` gold, and his` neighbors far and near held him in the very highest esteem. During his many years amongst us 4 he "took great interest in olitics and : municipal affairs and h a-.sple'nd~id' ideas were or benefit in many in- stances. Although he will `be greatly missed `by his family, there` is a 1 -certainty-that the neighbors," 'vil-' lagers. and -all who knew him"per- . sonally will regret to learn of his 1 death as there is no doubt in the least that he `was one of the, well- thoughtof men in this district un- der any and all circumstances. `The five 9boys"of ~the"'family are Joseph, Frank, Thomas` and Ambrose. who have lately. been engaged in Evan- ston, Ill., and David at home. The girls are Mrs. Bry. Kelly of Bar- rie; Mrs. (Robertson of,'1`oront'o: Miss Edna V of Barrie and Miss Ursula at home. Mr. Marley had four `remaining sisters, `Mrs. Jas. Ryther of the \6th con.; -Mrs. John Loftus of New~Toronto: `Mrs. Ben- nett of "Toronto, and Mrs. I-Iealey of the icanadian west, all of whom. were present at the funeral and all of who-m with Mrs. Marley are ex-' tended our sincere heartfelt sym-` pathy. Notwithstanding the condi- tions of the road, a large turn- out to the funeral was observed, in-' dicating the large circle of friends who desired to show their last re- epects to one `who was always con- sidered a -good _citi'z_en and an A1 neishbor. No,edles,s, to. say `the `Rev. M. J. Gearin-added-.-his` testimony or flu: fninnv-nl v-Anna:-tlilno the crnn .V.l.u J. \l'V.l`lIl' uuuqu-x-um wuumuny at the funeral regarding the good life of Mr. Marley and. spoke very highly of the esteem in whieh he was held by everyone. Mass was con- ducted by Rev. Fr. Bennett. nephew of the deceased. assisted by Father Gearin, after which hegwas laid to rest. The pallbearers were his live -Ann `hnufrl -_'|'nlAn`h -`lfsvnnlr "'I"hnrnnn` FEES. '.l.'U _pu.uDuu.rcra WUFU H18 IIVB` sons.TDav1d. -Joseph. -Frank. Thomas and Ambrose! and his son-in-law.` lm lnhnntann ` and Junuruay I: Mr. Robertsqn. H9!` UEUKIII-B!` lIl'\J!'1lIlln - M1u~Elsle Han-is or-Grentel spe'n`t-' the week-end with her cousin. `Miss Ethel MMa.Iter.' ` `Illa: `nhuioknlihnn nf Anon: win- Mar. -27--gal-pi-B:.e;1 was home`! from Dondon or the week-end. `Inn `Khan Akin-An has nnfnl-and IPOHI IJIIILIUII U!` (.116 ween-enu. | Mrs. Wm. oblnson has returned `home after spending the winter wit her `daughter mo:-nun. 1 . `lllnmlnln .`II nv-nln nlliv-nn!A1 nndnt JOIIII 31-: WWUUU UL and slashed with treans him for 1 Ilia!` $VlUJVIHI.FUI'o _ 4 ` | 3" 1 Miss Ruby 'Btbphpps_ot Angus v1s- , W90 1 k f lted Utopia frfendrover 'Sund_a.y.. I Out 1' 3 I? ` Mrs. Theodore Demputgr 1| vlslt- !`9'5- Y` of peaceful. *==_g..*:: ..1`,:=.:..#;2-........ ....;....... ...` ma.l..hea1ths ~`.W.l.`.`.?`9 ' < Barrio when` 0% man. u on 11111195: new ' Mauw ; `I! you are "troubled with a burn- ::`er3tg' 1?.g`:w' sensation; bladder _ weakness, fre- `he wag 5 quent daily annoyance, getting--um ,6 v nights. dull pains in back, lower Frank VThoma l abdomen and down through grains- ms `oh 1 I 9 you should try the amazing value of '` W Syrol Taiblets" at once and see ` ' what a wonderful difference they "- , T make! If this grand new formula. [A V _ of a `well known Chemist brings you Bell was home the switt and sa.t`lsfying comfort it ' has brought to dozens of others, you in surely will be thankful and very thQ`w1nte1-,w1th well pleased. If it does not satisfy, Illa. p `the druggist that supplied you with at-Grange] gpent .Syrol- Tablets is authorized to re- 191- turn your money on the first box . L purchased. This gives you a full two 13 of weeke"test of Syrol Ta.-blets" with- wer lsunday, ' out risk of cost unless pleased with mpjtgg-'1. 'vlg1t. results. It you would know the Joys . ` _ ` _` | restful sleep and 3. `nor- 3:9; J1`... on to emalyhealthy Bladder. start. this test s secure ar5'o.".` today.` Any good druzsst can sup- 2 ply you-. o . .9 Cup and ' E116)! uesez've UUll5l'a.Lulu.' tions. After a large crowd had par- thken of the sumptuous repast pre- pared by the ladies, a toast was litics. etc. y 1 with; -ied 9'09 I _ man, p Lgti evening was proposed by Thos. Al- ,m1 yearslen and responded to by Jack Ed`- Bema,d lwards_.and answered for the team nv-_i y `Coach TH. E. Parker and Capt. ,was en_'IBl11 lclarke. Other speakers were 315 hem-e_ ` Rev. Spencer of Shanty Bay, '.Rev.- ,n F105 Cruse oft Hawkestone, fRobt. Reid, M the Lenq`-W. Leigh and `Thos. Crawford, 3 msgwho all spoke very highly of the with h1m, |boys - clean, sportsrnanlike playing yea, thatgthroughout all the games. `The last mtheamhbut notleast was a toast proposed moss whol by Mr. Allen. to the `ladies and re- 8 hsp1ta1_.sponded to by Mrs. Thos. A. Stone. [ves kept? intervals during the speeches the ). receive- vnday. son Tues- me ofehis y. the March '22, by Misses Parsons, "Perry and Prid- -die: violin solo by Gladys `Wilson; ;solo .by Lorne Johnson and several songs and rootez-s" yells by the girls of the-' -vill-1_s.*e,l bes cle sing. - songs 'by everyone present. `This place at very pleasant evening was brought `era Mass` to-avclose by singing God Save the aarin. ;Mr,`l_ `Ki3`_g' ` program was varied .by7recitations - 3.1 f: osed to the -King by the chair- tc Mr. Allen. `The toast of the V` C c 1 I`! 1 I . March -2e-IM1ss"Do:41s Kendall "pg-`T [turned to Toronto last Saturday. 1:... 11.. .`I".nh:rh nn Mia: Verna -`turned to, '1`0roI_u0 xast ~DuI.u1`uzI.,y. Mrs. Geo. ~Le!gh_and Miss Verna Leigh-spent the-week-end with Mr. `and Mrs. Jas.R`eev1e, Shanty -Bay. xn... u-311.. nntnhignn `nf Toronto `and Mrs. Ja$.~'.n.eevxe, auuxuy Day. - Miss Ella Hutchisorrof Toronto 18- visiting her grandparents. Mr. ` and Mrs. Archie ICam`pb-3'11. , I 1-...+ mnn frnrn I`_\/Ir. `Hall. who is and Mrs. Arcme L;ampoe'u. Last word from Mr. Hall, who is in'0ri1lia Hospital, `is very favor-` ab1e.~ . a Mrs. . J. McAr'thur of Guthrie is visiti 3 her sister, Mrs. Graham. for a fewqdays. _ I Hockey Boys` B.an'queted I 1 In the Orange Hall on Tuesday]: evening . March 20,- a banquet-was, tendered the I-Iawkestone hockey` . team which won- the silver cut) so e generously donated by '1`. Crawford, , Oro Station. This. is the fourth con- . isecutive year our boys have won this cup. They also hold the Drury Cup and ~ they`-deserve congratula- ` Hang, Am a. large crowd nar- .1 T -_ ? u y -..______ INSURANCE COMPANY Mrs. U. pen last. ween. . I . Mrs. `Fred Hill and Miss Olive t spent a. couple of days in Toronto `recently. . ' o . ' `I Mr. and Mrs. R. Playter returned "gto Colllngwood after a couple of 1 weeks visit wixh the 'latter s par- i ......e... Ulute last weex. _ .. 1}gj.sMQ_i11 of `Toronto is visiting 'Mrs'. `Fred -Stott. ` ' ' . V, .mn.u , xv whi+n nf '1?`.1mvn1e `was 2-6l-'-~MrTs. :i1VIorris0n Doan -of.A11enwood called on Mrs. VV. I-I. Clute last week. `King run nv "l`nvnn1-n iu vi-:i1*sin2= `-`IVIPS. `l"l`9(1 QEUEL. ~ I `Mrs, W. White of `Elmvale `was _theguest of Mrs. _A. Fallowfield last week. . . _. ' |- n/rm. 1/rnlon no !`\II nnnu+n~nn in via- wast VVGEK. " Miss Miller of Moonstone is vis- iting-'..Mr_s. -Geo.- `Prince. .. `e\/h-9:, R911 nf `Elmvale called on ' lat/GS at 1`8.lTI'S(0Il. 5' A three-act play entitled The _ Romance Hunters, which abound- ` ed in absurd situations and `was 5N punctuated by !bits of wit, was giv- '|en in the church` last Thursday `night by members of t`he United ' choir of Elmvale. I ml ..- .'\T .f41nnnr and Anna-Jwfnn nf _mng- ..1V1I`_S. -\.r`t'-u.- `r1`uu.:t:. ' u. M_-rs. Bell of `Elmvale 1 `Mrs. 0. Bell last week. KIT: lwvnl` T1111 and \1` VV CCI\I ents. \ 7 h. ents. V `ne Ladies Aid will meet next ;"'Thursday afternoon at the home of |.Mrs. John Macdona'fd.. air- ;.....a `M'~m: Tnrnnu Annnn nn .M1`s. Jonn Macuuna.1u.. ;Mr._ and Mrs. James Annand and [,fam1lyyhave moved to. Wyebridge where they will occupy the farm - of T. Rankin. All are very sorry to lose Mr. and "Mrs. Annand from our community, as they will .be `greatly missed. -- . 13.... mt. .`l.`I'm='IIv-. n `Dnnn+nna- r-911. Your Income is your most valuableipo`ssession.% Insure it fully--as you do less valuable Eelongings. mlssea. Rev. Mr. 'Hes1ip of Penetang call- ed on friends here last week. I `Dana .`f.{nl>nn n? Ain-nra `Ia viaing ' ed on II`1eIl(1S nere RLSL ween. i Ross Linton of Aurora is visiting M at his home. . . i .\Tnuv-non 1.1'nAa-hr-an rnfnvnn hnmn at ms nome. * Norman Hodgins returned home .last week after a. month with re- |1atives at Palmerston. A 1-In.-;n_nnO vdou nv\fH>1nR 'FhA CD011` OI JEJHIIVHIE. Mrs. N. Chew and daughter of Midland visited with Mrs. James Dunn`! Iou 11113131} lV1U.ll1llll V161 LCU . Brock last week. I IMrch 26-Bob Murray of !Cooks- town spent Sunday with his friend, George Laird. i mrm: `I -Tnwnl -Pncenn is gnnndine a ueorge .uu.u`u. | Mrs. Harold -Russell is spending a few holidays in Ischomberg. I -an... Ivvnlivn (`orfnh I-ma hnnn nff rew nouaa-ys In Iacnuxnuerg. -Miss Evelyn Carter has been off duty due to an attack of the mumps. 1us-1._ r....._x_...1........ ...\L.n..nnA Innhnn uuug uuu nu an \.......v.. .. ....v ......__r,,. Dick. Cunningham returned home from Toronto on Wednesday with a-'-span of fine horses. "Rrn-n fn Mr. and Mrs. Herman ' a--span UL Lille llUl`t.`.:5. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Herman Braden, on Friday, March 23, 1928, `a. daughter. . 1 II__.-I_ B-..-..L Jeh H. 'Reed of Lex`1don> atta.cked'l ..,u ..a...:..a with a razor healer! | m. w_F1'm:;;;;"1;.;;;;,;, 7.39;` G3l3dyS Irwin, I316; Edna Purchase, 1 . - \ . - -III--{Bob *Dutton, 867; G-ladys Ingham, 604. `ITD .1\'lTl'_.'\7inrIAnf T-Tn'If 7022 GIQHVH mgnam. uuq. J'R..I\I2I-Vincent Holt, `708; Gladys `Banks. -671: Frank Thompson, 702. I TT_IT\nv-nH-nr (1!-iffnn, R'2`R! Jimmie banks. -041; .E`~ra.I1_x zxuuxupauu, Iva. ' II-lDorothy Griffen, 8'28; Jimm Griffen, '85`1; Alice Banks, 619; Kenneth Griffen. 521. 1-IAngus Purchase, 876. PR.-`Mary Purchase, 972. - 1'? A ("1' 'Y'I'I'I5'\ J-nnn`\nvQ Mar. 27-V-Mr. Young, a student from` Toronto, took the service in. St. Andrew's_ Church on Sunday. `Elna (Enchant: and Rana-hfcm hllf tt. J1I1(lI`ews_-L;uu1`<:u uu Duuua._y. Mrs. Graham and daughter spent a day withcher son, -Bert.` Graham. J. C. Arnold is spending a few days in Toronto. ' Miss Edith` Day of Barrie is vis- iting at her home. ` | `Mrs. Robt. "Crawford spent a week with `friends in Oriliia. ' `Danni I'1nanvPnn1` `III-Ilnan 92 DD!` hf me nere. Jack Cameron shipped a. car of stock, Saturday. Victor `Ross went to Toronto with `two cars_.of stock, `Monday. with rrlenas In Uruua. ~ . Bert. Crawford unloaded. a car of I tile here. `r....I. mama-qnn ml-nned 4: mar nf BLADDER wmmsss GETTING-UP.-NIGHTS QUICKLY RELIEVED ,HAWKETONE. TH; Nova Sotia Drafts ` Promptly issued---payable anywhere charges moderate. j % . Ibnnnua. n S.S. 14, March Report v-Iv -I-.i1-_--._-_ `I'.....l_..... oao s'rImoN WYIA-:viA;LE EGBERT , - ...... ...., ...... H. A. CLU`TE, teacher 3 opens. _. . Owing to the illnews of Rev. J. Brown, the service on Sunday morn- ing was taken `by Rev. (R. B. Bey- |1;1on of Th_orx_1t_on. _ i" The.roads are very nerly. im- passable`, deep snow drift: in plac- es making it bad for wheel vehicles. ` A. Grace}; spent Sunday with ` Mr. and Mrs. J. Wal'lace -before lea-v- ing for `Detroit. Q1-um-n-mu Todd \v'hn ha: hnnn mg 101` ueuvu. Sherman Todd, who has been very sick with pneumonia", has taken -a change for the better. Vhn hnrn nf Han anivincr wsnnhivi-A tne szue U1 :a1'uv::rLu. uucu. The sailors will soon be leaving for their -boats as they have to put them in shape _before- navigation opens. nwlng tn Hm: illnmu: nf Rev. .1 . '3. CHHHEE LUF LNG UCLLUL} . The hum of the sawing machin is being heard again. It may lessen the sale of Alberta` coal. Vhn aonnu 119! annn ha Innvinc ?hBANKe or N.Y. SCOIIA IITAIII LIE II. ' Mrs. Mklemira wsr called home tp Perklnsfield, while visiting her parents here. She received word that her nephew -had died. It.` And lms 1'}:-.nnn1\ `I'n1 IIv-Inna IIUUIU UH L118 neuuuu JJHIU. -Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Dumond -and family went .to Peterboro last week to the reception at Mount St. Joseph. Where the Misses Dorothy and Gertrude were received into the convent. IKE-u \Il' Cnusvnnv-Iu an? 1-1:`: 1H1- [Hill KICK` HEIJIIUW "link! uleu. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McK1nnon and family have moved into their home on the `Second Line. `In ... nu! \l u-a Tnn 1\nvv\nv-:3 -uni In l'Ul'Ul'.U. ' Abe Jory went to the city nd ` purchased a carload of horses which ii he will sell by public auction in Bar- . V-in convent. Mr. Mitchell, formerly of this vil- lage, paid a short visit here, stay- ing wi'th Mr. and Mrs. Geo. `Clarke. Dhilin TXYHHA urge nrnnn 199:1 lug WITH LVIF. auu LVLYS. \J`UU. 'u1u.1`nu. Philip Vvhite Vvas around last week visiting old friends. \/flea .Qnea Rh-rnuahnncuxr and Shav- WEBIC VISILIHE unu LFIEIIUS. - Miss -Susie Shaughnessy and her sister, Monica, who was home for a v1sit,_went to Toronto last week to see their sister; ' TXTA:-x nun?-Qrivunr ha 61-un rnnou AP -$1-an 5L`C Lll!'.!1l' 1SLt3l'- Wood cutting is the order of the day. ' `Dnf nn 4: fnur nv~iFirIi`n1 Plnurnv-H uzty. ` Put up a few artificial flowers outside and the passers-by will be `inclined to imagine we have been having summer all the while. Mar. 26--"i`here was no service In the United church Sunday morning: owing to bad roads. ; l'T`ho vnnnrr r\onh1n THU] HA1!` fhairl MACL;/s;r.aN,_% `FLEQTCHTER 8: Co-

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