Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Mar 1928, p. 9

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L.O.L. commrmaz EXPRESSES us THANKS; SELLING OUT A VAST OUTLAY COATS ii; B.I.Jo;.-:. . . . . . . . .. 45c . . . . 3 for 25 . Regular Prices cash and carry. .. 2 ns for 25`c No. 12; no m Gordon Stevenson EASTERWMNCE 0-1:` E\71_ i(_lbTD Phones 1005 and 1010 Ross Block, BARRIE LOOKS LIKE A BUY BUY Wright-Hargreaves Lake Shore Amulqt Teck-Hughes Auuu J. uuu .L'.I.\J;V .l1Lk,\.J.l\, just overhauled. New bat- tery. 1918 FORD 'I`RU(K. canopy top, g::)od tires, 1928 license. Just the thing for light de- livery. Your present car as part payment. Terms a1-ramrod to suit pu1'c'naser. Ava-AU SJ-l \Jl- l.'J4LIA-1l.X1Jl\r kj}7\:L'I" 21! Six, tourin_9:, pepaintod, in good condition throughout. A snap. -unnn vwnnvx "\1\ .-\.~....-v. 43 Elizabeth St.---Phone 278 1925 STAR SEDAN, balloon tires, good general condition. 1923 STAR SEDAN, 4 brand new tires, new battery, looks and runs good. ;1;;vu ti; e`s::op;1 1`1d paint: snappy little car at right price. up w .--A--- --- ..--_.__- J.u.:u Av1\;unu\1l1u1.V-DU1\4I\ Master Six Touring. with winter top, balloon tires and 4-whee1 brakes, just repaint- ed and reconditioned. A real car at the right price. 1.:/.'.au 1'\.I1LLI LLKJIIIJOLI balloon tires, Duco nish. 1919 MCLAUGHLIN Six Touring, good tires and a new batte1'_v. Price $100. 9 9.111. HEATED BUILDING REF`-RESHMENTS srmvnn MUSIC BY Varsity Collegian: ' Animal-n.\.. Q0 an nan naming`; 1926 FORD ROADSTER or 1 :...La. h-1:..--.-- I_.J1_ _., Auav L\..lA\rlJ 1\\J:1l'-)1L`Jl\ U1 Light Delivery, balloon tires. 1925 FORD 1-TON TRUCK, 1..-; 41105 nuvnv-1nnn1.\.] \`r\III Offers the following: 1927 STAR COUPE, in ex- cellent condition throughout, fully guaranteed. `1925McLAUGHLIN-BUI(_3K (L],f..,.L.... (`2-.`! 'I'| _ ._,.:__ 1926 STUDEBAKER Speci~ ct] Q{v +r\I1vI:nn| 1v(\r\r\;v-\4~nr1 :`n 192`<'T'F0RD ROADSTER, }\aI]nnn 4-:1-no TX...-..-. .-.:.~L 1925 STAR ROADSTER, hour *:\0no {run nn.J .......-.L USED CARS Minizrg--ro;(`er;: 'i'7>1::(n to MOND"j{,_ APR. 9 _K -1-Y 9` SW97 HAROLD HILL HAROLD HILL Local Representative THE MINING MARKET FOX FURS` `N5_`_1R6_1_.`?_*_3_ 1 SECTION 2- IPAGES 9 TO 16 vii it I I C I -- Adnjaizion $2.50 pe'r coaple Saturday Matirlee, 2.30--Children 5c, Adults 15. WILLIAM FOX prewar: -nan`:-L-nn `1.L1njA Tho Oiodnl of `A Company .6. You remember the Cohens and Ke1|%yysA WHAT A LAUGH THEY. ARE _-.._-' ON"l'Hl:`. sma mu. spscm ADDED ATTRACTION EXCLUSIVE omcm MOTION `PICTURES? n--.-.--on--nuunuu uuaclnnoan Ananho-us-nni-n Capil0lPf'1%'E Theatre _T"_'_'_'T- F.'!!!_Y.:` 9979394? MON.-TUES.-WED. - MAR. 26, 27, 23 1 REGULAR mess % . THE +ARRIE`. + EXAMINER ua. wuu ; V` Simcoe Fidsten 1 Reginient on holding their `Annual REG. connm AT THE wumrzan ffIVf T I QTDI-Z IV "'3-mAwwm'c.HT 3o:i1Tv?:i'.b'1~i'1'*s*1"" JACK DH-ANFY 'F"," TOM: HFENEY ;..;.:u.a;. 1-.4... A-c...'.. ..s. c......;~> 1}? tiaA}m3&i}i.' BA531I: BARBER ON DBIDOIV Dvvnun vvv----- held 3: Thursday, March 1'5, -`at the home of Andrew Cumming. St.` Vincent street. Mr. Cumming is vice-president of the Milk Pro- ducers Association and he and Mrs. ' Cumming invited themembers and their friends in for a social even- ing. There were about seventy present all told. The pro ram was `entirely impromptu. J. . Nelles acted as: chairman and gave a short address. Miss Elliott and Mrs. Cumming san a dust, and 9R.` D. Coutts rove a capable enter- tainer. illiam Kennedy gave a violin solo, accompanied by Ross Kennedy. Other musical numbers were Miss Betty Nelles, piano solo; Mr. and `Mrs. Harry Ottaway. duet; and Lloyd Cumming, solo. Short speeches were delivered by W. G. Kennedy, W. G. How and Geo. Leslie, who started out on Regulation 17 and finished up with beef cattle. S. L. Page talked on the Possibilitiesof. Dairying and Quality Products. Mrs. Page led in community singing, and Frank Nelles gave an up-to-date version of Old Black Joe." The -balance of the evening was spent at cards and lunch was served at midnight. The evening was a thoroughly en- joyable one. %coH:Nsmg(:LLs IN mus `----Wire Fence prices reduced at Sarjeant s. 12b V-IILDRETH F. LENNOX,A.T.C.M. Pianisto. Vocalist and Elocutioniut. nnmu mnu mun A nmhnawuma socw. EVENING AT % Mn; ct_1MM1Nc's HOME MEVlko'cutioniot.Z OPEN FOR ENGAGEMENTQ D \Y....J.L EL: 13-_...8.x pleasant social evening was" on Thursday, 15,- at ........ A Au-.Au-am (`.ummim.r_ St. M` I. KJJV I.`J$V\JlX\.1L'JuLVLJ.'l 2 North Sti, Barrie. Telephone 887W _-my -vv-up av: 0 nu T"?s'imNH ' HERE AND sX'v'i:. W0 co C. Boys . Men's--Silk Ties for 1c (one cent) . --One.tie.9_9c, 2 for $1.00. Slllc~~'Necis Mufflers for 1c (one -cent)--One muffler $1.29, 2 for $1.80.. ' Boys Fleece Combinations for 1c (one cent)---1 Suit $1.49, 2 ' Suits for $1.50. Bo s Fleece Shirts and Drawers or 1c (one cent)--1 piece 79, 2 pieces for 80. - Sweaters or Sweater Coats for 1c (one cent)--1 for-$1.49, 2 for $1.50. Boys , `Suits for $1.00 (one dollar) Boys Bloomer Suits, sizes 32 to 86, 1 Suit $5.98, 2iSuits $6.98 Men's Suits Made to Measure and not called for, Worth up to $45 -While they last your choice for $15.00. - . . Men's `Suits.Made .to Measure and not called for, `Selling atjust One-Half the Label Price. $80 jsuits for~815. $40 Suits (for ...'i.;.,.820. $50 Suits for 25. Great `Bar ins` in oys . New Spring uits. See our East Men's IS ring - Overcoats `Worth up to 25.00 for 315.96, 315.90 and 818.00. . = V pair 98, 2 pairs for 99. _ Come to this store for `bargains. .l.'I3\1!l\ mlnll A.\!!\ .5 A com Ladies Stockings for 1e (one a csnt)-on -Second Floor-vone an I-50 uyo >1 ' - "fhe alcomson quartette were: N. Johnston, J. F. Newton, Del. Emma and A. 1}`. A. Malcomson, while the runners-up were: -J. Sa- so, J. `Beleskie, Harry Armstrong land H. M. Lay. _ The local curling season closed on Monday ni ht, when the nals "in the Thistle ' ll.`1nb S `schedule were ..........1..a....l A 11.1 _____ _-_ IRWIN B BLUE TAXI SERVICE. local and long distance, night and day. 25 cent service. Phone 198. Gtfb lll Itll LIIIBUIU WJLUIJ B BUIIUUUIU WU]-`U completed. A. F. A. Malcomson beat Rev. J. S. Shortt, 10-8 and H. M. Lay defeated R. H. Malcomson 10-5. In the nal, A Malcomson beat Lay 14-8, thus winning `the. L.1. ".rr19hy `nnlnnannn mutual-ALL- >-gin;-4.4.. A. 1-`. A. MALCOMSON wrN_s H. M. LAY cununc cup FUEL UL VVUIUHUIH `The floral offerings included tri- wbutes from Barrie Curling Club, Commercial Travellers Association, Motors. Brown Bros., oz-nua. and Clorinthlan Lodge A,F`. ac A.M., Bar- I O. ' LEI` GB JJJHIUIH: B \JUl'Uo `The pallbearers were George B. McLean, C. L. Ichlttlck, IC. I-I. Beelby, two nephews. Thos. Paterson of Toronto and Will. Paterson of Ham- ilton, and his son-in-law, Capt. For- rest of Windsor. `Ml! O1nnnI nI0nnivu-n 'v\:\`1I;`A;: Au] ed as p_rece.n_tor for a _numb_er or years-. Rev. -E.""1`hon`1as ofelmmvale conducted the service at the grave and the Masonic Brethren of Elm- vale. with W. Bro. W. J. IMcGuire in charge. performed the last rites of the Order, About a score of ma- sons and other friends or the de- ceased accompanied the remains to Elmvale. There was a particularly large turnout of Masonic brethren at `Barrie on Saturday morning. ac- companying the funeral cortege as far as Dyment's Gore. "F-ha r\n.1'lhnnv~A1~u urmnn flan:-an `D vtauay DVCULIIEI \VLlB UUllU`UULUU uy Rev. J. S. Shortt. A Masonic ser- vice was held Saturday morn-ins` at residence before the remains were taken to Elmvale for interment in the Presby.terian cemetery. Just a.- cross the-road tram their-. farm on which he spent his early Fdays. His sremadns were laid to rest on the 5`8rd anniversary of -his marriage, Just a few yards from the site of the old Presbyterian Kirk where he act- for, number vino-n-._ hv -Ti3""l`hnvi`inu 'n1'- 'm1.'mm=1. mm. Deceased was oneyof the leading builders and contractors in North Simcoe a half century ago and many of the houses and barns in Elrnvale and Flos were built under his dir- ection. He took up auctioneerlng later at which he was very success- ful. and also entered the implement and machinery ibusiness, coming to Barrie about -30. years. ago to be travelling agent for -the Sawyer- Massey Co. He started as auto salesman with T. R. Huxtable about 12 or 15 years ago. and later had the -Paige-Jewett Agency, as well as acting as a Ford salesman for Brown Brothers and latterly for the C. & W. Motors. It is said that he `had sold. more cars in this district than any other man in Barrie. He was a good--hearted man and -per- formed many charitable acts in an unosten-tatiou-s way. `He was a vet- eran curler and life-long Mason. 1111.. 1___--___I _,.__,_x-_ ,1 The funral service at the house Friday evening, was conducted by Rev. .1 . Q. Shnrff, A vMn:nnin sum-- USE. `The late Mr. Paterson was mar- ried 53 years ago at the American Hotel, Barrie, to Julia Gilbert, who with one daughter, Mrs. (~Capt.) Forrest of Windsor, survives him. Three daughters predeceased him, Mrs. Fred Dale, who died at Wav- erley about 25 years ago. and Miss V Daisy, who died at `Barrie 8 years ago and Jean. who died at the age or five. He is also survived `by his sister, Mrs. 1C. S. Burton, of Elm- Ksiale, Four brothers also predeceased m0 `lannoun van Ann AP flan 1not1'hD' n . It is almostunnecessary to state that "Jimmy" Paterson. `as he was so well and tamiliarly known to scores or close acquaintances. was of Scotch descent. `His parents set- tled in scarboro township where de- ceased was born 77 years ago. t'.l`hey moved to Elmvale when he was but 12 years o!_ age, settling on the Ar- cher farm.:,which now comprises the southeast corner of Elmvale. frhe original house, built on this farm over 70 years ago, is still in UB9. -Mk; 1n6n \/In Dntnhnnn urn mar. E `inc uimou JAMES makson I-'AMlLlAR4 FIGURE Many in `Barriejjand. in Eln_1.vale Moum His % `Death. . James Paterson. for years an out- standing figure in Centre and North Simcoe. who died on Thursday. Mar. 15, was buried last Saturday morn- ing at Elmvale, where he -had spent the early part or his life. The run- ersl was very large, services at his late home, in Barrie. where he died, and at Elmvale. `being largely at- tended. to in nlsnm:+.nnnnm:nnnrv fn `stats At Huntoir s This Wek A_ 3Amus, CANADA, THURSDAY, MARcH2z,192s. was. 10! . us. can. u, vespra.- urm stock and implements. Sale I at 1 pan. W. A. Mdcgnkey. auc ` tlonoa-. T 111:? Friday. April 0--W. Bush. at _ l9t_ .82. con. 8. Oro--farm stock and ixnpromentl. Sale at 1 pm. W. A.` Mcconkoy. auctioneer. 12-14: W. A. MOUOHKGY, Auct. LIX Thursday, March 29-W. J. Lennon, lot 20. Con. 9. Essa.--rarm stock and: lmplemexyta Sale at 1 pm. sharp. H. A. Groae. auct. 1-1-12: Wednesday. April 4-Ben Parr. at W8. lot 16. con. 11. Veep:-a.- [Arm stock And imnhmnnd-n. Quin nut-`tn-70 \lI IQal-3 Friday, Mar. 28-Russel Brooks, lot 25. con. 10. Esaa-!a1-an stock and Implements. Gala at 1 pm. aharp. W. A. Mcconkoy. Auot. 10-11: Sa.turda.y,`Ma.rch 24--Mrs. Jae. Pat- 4 ._eraon. 120 Baytiela -st.. Barrie.-- household furniture. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms cash. W. A. Macon-key. Auct. 12: Tuuday. March 27-JW. D. Bcythes. at welt hart lot 1, con 5, Veapra` --u.lo of 28 high class dairy cows. horses and 13:. Sale at 1 ` `W. A. M onkey. auct. 1 -121: Wednesday, March 28-Geo. Keast, lot 8. con. 6. Inn1sl-t`a.rm stock and Imnlgmnn-` at- go 1 nun uuanun u-un vveuueuuuy, murun (21, 1928. to Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Gibbons, Allandale, a. daughter. I-IAMIfIJ'I'ON-On Thursday. March 15, 1928. to Mr. and Mr. '1`. Ham- ilton, 98 -Essa `Road. Allandale, a son. DOUKS--On Thursday. March 15, 1928, to Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Louks (nee Miss Manual A. Wright), 280 May Ave.. Windsor. a. daughter. Mc`FA-DDEN---On Monday, March 19, 1928, to Mr. and `Mrs. Albert McFadden, 'Co1well Junction, 9. son. ' . SCOTT - In -Barrie. Wednesday, March '21. 1928, to Mr. and Mrs. `red. Scott, 4 Jane St., a daugh- -ter (Phyllis Marie). LANE-E(3MEDY,-`TlE1~WLLvO,SAILORW . ALSO FOX NEWS LETTER. `I'fHVll|" UIIU J-Illllly IIUBUIUK-|I:Uo _ LUV county : share of Mothers Allow- ances this month is $2,420.50. A meeting of Simcoe County Mothers Allowance Board was held atthe Court House this morn- ing when twelve new applications for assistance were considered. All were recommended. They were nine widows and three with inva- lid husbands. One widow has six children all under 11 years of age and no means of support. Her hus-` band died suddenly of ianeumonia leavinythe family dest tute. .The ruvu-uni-.11 : aka:-n AC 'IlnI-I-in-nu Al'lnuy_ TTDCOI GLIBBONS-On Wednesday. March .91 IQQR in Mr and Mk`: I W` On page 7 will be found a photo- gravure of Elmvale curlers, this ' year's winners `of the Thompson ` Cup, a trophy which was presented ; some 15 .years ago by A. B. Thomp- y son of Penetangp for annual com- petition between the curling clubs . of Midland, Penetang and Elmvale. ~ Each club is permitted to enter ' four rinks but the individual rink , winning the greatest number of games (bonspiel style) is declar- ` ed winner. The prelimi 3319 games were` layed on Feb. 10 when C. E. utcher s rink defeated those skipyd by `Messrs. Kellar and An- gus -cNa'b"b of Midland and Capt. Lynn of Penetang. The only other undefeated rink remaining that day was Dr. Tyrer s of Elmvale, who was last year's holder of the cup. As both finalists were local rin-ks it was then decided to hold the play-oil for a later date. This event took place on `March 8 be- fore an enthusiastic gallery. The following score by ends will show how keenly the nal game was contested: Tyrer.. 0000110300 1 0 1 1 0 bDutcher12280o 1 09 214 2 0 AID GRANTED TO WlDOW.. ' SIX CHILDREN UNDER 11 THIS Ylzzms wmmaas or-' THOMPSQN TROPHY P5335 CD I. UUBUBJ 1113119 5 lllhlllsi Any `Church, Society, or per- son who pays the amount requir- ed to furnish a room or rooms in the new Nurses Home in accord- ance with the following schedule will be recognized by the Board by run annwnnwial-n 1'nanun+1'nn in {Jun clung- While the Board is arranging to furnish the building, owing to the advantage of lower prices being obtained by purchasing in quanti- ties and also in order to secure uniformity, an appeal is being made to the public to assist in de- fraying-the cost of tting out the residence. In this connection, the following bylaw and schedule was passed at Tuesday night's meeting: Arnr 'F.M11rnh Qnninfv nan nnr- - At a mecia] meeting of the Roy- ..al`Victoriai Hospital Board held on Tuesday night, arrangements were made for the furniture and furn- ishings of the new nurses resi- dence. The committee which had this matter in hand made its re- port, showing` in detail the furni- ture and furnishings pro osed for each room. Tenders had een ask- ed for and the committee recom- mended the adoption of the lowest. The furnishing of the bedrooms is the same throughout. Recommend- ations of the=committee were ap- proved . and authority given to place the orders. Arrangements will be made. later for the formal opening. Wkiln Hus 'Rnnv-A in nu-rnnovino 1-n 10!; O. 0011- O. |.Xll"llSIl1-'I`8.I'H1 SIOCK and Implements. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Moconkey, Auct. 12x `hnrnnv, Mnrnh 9Q.._'7 T 1 .Anvu\o MCHOMING-SHEPHERD or THE I-lll..l.S ORDER OUTFIT FOR . NURSES RESIDENCE -*CT!9 !__E!3.- .3.'S"_ _.1! 3.. --Remember The Cohens and Kellys? Who can forget them? Those laugh-makers will be here next week in The Cohens and Kellys in Paris. Capitol Theatre, as u. urewery warehouse. 1 w some time ago interests associat-| ed with the Sleeman Co. of Guelphl acquired an option on the Wold brewery. Inasmuch as the building is owned by a Toronto man and all business is being transacted in that city, it is not known locally if the option has been exercised. Repre- sentatives were in Barrie last week and called on the .\Iayor and Pres- ident of the Board of Trade. among others. They stated that the ma-I chinery for the brewery had been: ordered from the U.S. and that| steps toward manufacturing an! old stock ale" would be gone ahead with at once. Frank Ham- mond, the company's Barrie soflici- tor, confirms this information. Much of the stock in the new company_ will be held by the Isleeman inter- ests, it is stated, and the president- of that company will be a director] of the subsidiary. `They are not? asking for any local capital. uutu. ` The purpose of the c'>mp"m_v is] set out: To pu.rc'hase, take over or` otherwise acquire the building: 1'31`- merly occupied and run as a b:`e\\'- ery by The Barrie Brewing and` Maltlng Co.. Ltd.," now occupied as 9. brewery warehouse. Qnmn Hrnn no-n infonocfcn .......:..a. I smn BREWERY % % T0 OPELATE HERE Official notice is published in a! recent issue of th Canada Gazettes of letters patent being granted to the Barrie Ale Brewing |Co., Limited. Names associated with the new company are Robert Forsyth. Jos. Sedgwick and Clarence Harold; Hewgml, barristers, Hedley Erank Brangwin. sales manager and Wm.` Jas. Bullock, engineer, all of Tor-U onto. PHI... ..u.._......... -4 AL- ____..,,,, New Company is Formed -MachineryIs On ' Order. - nuiik 16H 1;! moon \Vlll TELL 11-e PEOPLE S CO-0PERATlY_l T(_)Rl_-I BL`..- 1 O! In 1 I-nu-nu-u Phone` . 10 IBS. GRANULATED SUGAR, cP:as;}P1wand carry or de- livered with an order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 10 cakes P. and G. SOAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . QUAKER CORN FLAKES . . . . . . . . . . MAPLE SYRUP, in bulk or bottles . . . . MAGIC BAKING POWDER, 16-oz. 34c and MAPLE l EAF PEAS and CORN . . . T. . . . . 25 TOY FAILS PEANUT BUTTER . . . . . . . . . . 19 each TAPIOCA (Java Brand) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 lbs. for 25 NORWEGIAN SARDINES (in pure olive oil) 2 for 25 VI-TONE, 16-oz. size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 53 per tin SNAP HAND CLEANER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 15 per ting TDV I'\l IT) (`DFINI A I r\/\v~r~r--- -- -- - .--\J `nun R/Bil`! \JllV\v \.III 1 I'll 16.o2f's`iEe" . . . '3c per-E5 tin TRY OUR SPECIAL COFFEE . . 60 lb. Freshly ground IODIZED SALT, free running . . . . . . . . . . 2 pkgs. 25c People's Co-0perative:St9re THIS WEEK WE ARE FEATURING SOME ENTIRELY NEW MODELS IN Our stock is so large and varied, we are sure you will find here just what you want in a Spring Coat. New Coats New Coats -- QUALITY ---- SERVICE --- WEEK-END SPECIALS SIMMNS 8: CO. Wishes to announce to his patrons and public that he is Open for Business In his 016 Stand 35 Elizabeth St. V We will be able to show you a range of from 200 to 300 coats to select from. Come any time, but a special invitation for Monday, March 26. WE INVITE YOU to inspect ahvery exclusive range of Ladies and Misses Spring Coats, to be shown in our store, Monday, March 26. if you are intending buying a Spring Coat, this is an opportunity you should not overlook. New SCARF COATS t i New CAPE cons New JABOT cons NEW KASHA and TWEED COATS Spring Coats SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT SELECT YOUR com AT THE can swim "rm: COAT STORE` l Alex. Mil-ne & Sons having de-` [cided to close the Tailoring De-l ipartment of their business, are .now offering for sale, by the yard lor made to your measure, their` `entire stock of imported woollens. g Coming` at this time of the year,1 this closing-out sale of tailored-to- { measure clothes affords a splendid opportunity to supply your pre- sent and future` requirements at prices marked down to the cost of making. 12b ; " I I The Bell Telephone Company of -Canada, in one item of its annual report, puts at $18,206,339 the I1927 expenditure for gross addi- tions to its property in Ontario land Quebec-land, buildings, cen- |tra1 office equipment, outside |plant and subscribers apparatus. Plans for 1928 will involve an out- lay of` more than 22 millions. This is said to be the largest continu- .ous expenditure for extension of facilities made by any Canadianl enterprise. V 11b I I ---Wire Fence prices reduced at` lSarjeant s. 12b j--- I ' On behalf of local committee of` L.O.L. we wish to express our thanks and appreciation for the splendid co-operation of the mer-I chants, Council, Board of Trade,` band and citizens in general which helped to make the convention of Grand Lodge of" Ontario -VVest, a success. Grand Master Bro. J. J. .Hunter said he knew Barrie was` with the local committee when he! saw the distplay of flags and cards. of welcome to Barrie. Again thank-i ing you all. (Signed)--'H. G. Rob- lertson, chairman; S. N. Hurst,` 1 Secretary. 12x! A. J. KERR

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